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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 1bc14de74..ec35cca71 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -19,36 +19,64 @@ open Misc
open Reg
open Mach
+module BitMatrix =
+ struct
+ type bucket = Nil | Cons of int * int * bucket
+ type t = {
+ mutable tbl: bucket array;
+ mutable capacity: int;
+ mutable numelts: int
+ }
+ let create log2_sz =
+ let sz = 1 lsl log2_sz in
+ { tbl = Array.create sz Nil; capacity = 4 * sz; numelts = 0 }
+ let resize mat =
+ let len = Array.length mat.tbl in
+ let newtbl = Array.make (len * 2) mat.tbl.(0) in
+ Array.blit mat.tbl 0 newtbl 0 len;
+ Array.blit mat.tbl 0 newtbl len len;
+ mat.tbl <- newtbl;
+ mat.capacity <- mat.capacity * 4
+ let rec find_in_bucket i j = function
+ Nil -> false
+ | Cons(x, y, rem) -> (x = i && y = j) || find_in_bucket i j rem
+ let rec testandset mat i j =
+ if j > i then testandset mat j i else begin
+ let hash = (i lxor j) land (Array.length mat.tbl - 1) in
+ let bucket = mat.tbl.(hash) in
+ find_in_bucket i j bucket ||
+ begin
+ mat.tbl.(hash) <- Cons(i, j, bucket);
+ mat.numelts <- mat.numelts + 1;
+ if mat.numelts >= mat.capacity then resize mat;
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ let rec isset mat i j =
+ if j > i then
+ isset mat j i
+ else
+ find_in_bucket i j mat.tbl.((i lxor j) land (Array.length mat.tbl - 1))
+ end
let build_graph fundecl =
(* The interference graph is represented in two ways:
- by adjacency lists for each register
- - by a triangular bit matrix *)
+ - by a (triangular) bit matrix *)
- let num_regs = Reg.num_registers() in
- let mat_len = (((num_regs * (num_regs + 1)) lsr 1 + 7) lsr 3) in
- if mat_len > Sys.max_string_length then
- fatal_error("Interf.build_graph: too many pseudo-registers in function " ^
- fundecl.fun_name);
- let mat = String.make mat_len '\000' in
+ let mat = BitMatrix.create 6 in
(* Record an interference between two registers *)
let add_interf ri rj =
let i = ri.stamp and j = rj.stamp in
- if i = j then () else begin
- let n = if i < j then ((j * (j + 1)) lsr 1) + i
- else ((i * (i + 1)) lsr 1) + j in
- let b = Char.code(mat.[n lsr 3]) in
- let msk = 1 lsl (n land 7) in
- if b land msk = 0 then begin
- mat.[n lsr 3] <- Char.unsafe_chr(b lor msk);
- begin match ri.loc with
- Unknown -> ri.interf <- rj :: ri.interf | _ -> ()
- end;
- begin match rj.loc with
- Unknown -> rj.interf <- ri :: rj.interf | _ -> ()
- end
- end
+ if i = j || BitMatrix.testandset mat i j then () else begin
+ if ri.loc = Unknown then ri.interf <- rj :: ri.interf;
+ if rj.loc = Unknown then rj.interf <- ri :: rj.interf
end in
(* Record interferences between a register array and a set of registers *)
@@ -118,16 +146,10 @@ let build_graph fundecl =
let add_pref weight r1 r2 =
if weight > 0 then begin
let i = r1.stamp and j = r2.stamp in
- if i = j then () else begin
- match r1.loc with
- Unknown ->
- let n = if i < j then ((j * (j + 1)) lsr 1) + i
- else ((i * (i + 1)) lsr 1) + j in
- let b = Char.code(mat.[n lsr 3]) in
- let msk = 1 lsl (n land 7) in
- if b land msk = 0 then r1.prefer <- (r2, weight) :: r1.prefer
- | _ -> ()
- end
+ if i <> j
+ && r1.loc = Unknown
+ && not (BitMatrix.isset mat i j)
+ then r1.prefer <- (r2, weight) :: r1.prefer
end in
(* Add a mutual preference between two regs *)
@@ -185,4 +207,3 @@ let build_graph fundecl =
interf fundecl.fun_body; prefer 8 fundecl.fun_body