diff options
9 files changed, 89 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index f56e7a869..cacea62d0 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -122,26 +122,36 @@ let output_tag_access oc = function
| Sum (a,i) ->
fprintf oc "(%a + %d)" output_base_mem a i
-let output_env oc env =
+let output_env sourcefile ic oc tr env =
let pref = ref "let" in
match env with
| [] -> ()
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
+ (* Probably, we are better with variables sorted
+ in apparition order *)
+ let env =
+ List.sort
+ (fun ((_,p1),_) ((_,p2),_) ->
+ p1.start_pos p2.start_pos)
+ env in
- (fun (x,v) ->
+ (fun ((x,pos),v) ->
+ fprintf oc "%s\n" !pref ;
+ copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc tr pos false ;
begin match v with
| Ident_string (o,nstart,nend) ->
fprintf oc
- "\n %s %s = Lexing.sub_lexeme%s lexbuf %a %a"
- !pref x (if o then "_opt" else "")
+ "= Lexing.sub_lexeme%s lexbuf %a %a"
+ (if o then "_opt" else "")
output_tag_access nstart output_tag_access nend
| Ident_char (o,nstart) ->
fprintf oc
- "\n %s %s = Lexing.sub_lexeme_char%s lexbuf %a"
- !pref x (if o then "_opt" else "")
+ "= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char%s lexbuf %a"
+ (if o then "_opt" else "")
output_tag_access nstart
end ;
- pref := "and")
+ pref := "\nand")
env ;
fprintf oc " in\n"
diff --git a/lex/common.mli b/lex/common.mli
index 4210d21d8..e5742b45b 100644
--- a/lex/common.mli
+++ b/lex/common.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ val copy_chunk :
val output_mem_access : out_channel -> int -> unit
val output_memory_actions :
string -> out_channel -> Lexgen.memory_action list -> unit
-val output_env : out_channel -> (string * Lexgen.ident_info) list -> unit
+val output_env :
+ string -> in_channel -> out_channel -> line_tracker ->
+ (Lexgen.ident * Lexgen.ident_info) list -> unit
val output_args : out_channel -> string list -> unit
val quiet_mode : bool ref;;
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index 8d665e77e..ce4d649d2 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ exception Memory_overflow
(* Deep abstract syntax for regular expressions *)
-type tag_info = {id : string ; start : bool ; action : int}
+type ident = string * Syntax.location
+type tag_info = {id : ident ; start : bool ; action : int}
type regexp =
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ type tag_addr = Sum of (tag_base * int)
type ident_info =
| Ident_string of bool * tag_addr * tag_addr
| Ident_char of bool * tag_addr
-type t_env = (string * ident_info) list
+type t_env = (ident * ident_info) list
type ('args,'action) lexer_entry =
{ lex_name: string;
@@ -85,10 +87,13 @@ module Tags = Set.Make(struct type t = tag_info let compare = compare end)
module TagMap =
Map.Make (struct type t = tag_info let compare = compare end)
-module StringSet =
- Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = end)
-module StringMap =
- Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = end)
+let id_compare (id1,_) (id2,_) = id1 id2
+module IdSet =
+ Set.Make (struct type t = ident let compare = id_compare end)
+module IdMap =
+ Map.Make (struct type t = ident let compare = id_compare end)
(* Variable cleaning *)
@@ -98,10 +103,10 @@ module StringMap =
let rec do_remove_nested to_remove = function
| Bind (e,x) ->
- if StringSet.mem x to_remove then
+ if IdSet.mem x to_remove then
do_remove_nested to_remove e
- Bind (do_remove_nested (StringSet.add x to_remove) e, x)
+ Bind (do_remove_nested (IdSet.add x to_remove) e, x)
| Epsilon|Eof|Characters _ as e -> e
| Sequence (e1, e2) ->
@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ let rec do_remove_nested to_remove = function
| Repetition e ->
Repetition (do_remove_nested to_remove e)
-let remove_nested_as e = do_remove_nested StringSet.empty e
+let remove_nested_as e = do_remove_nested IdSet.empty e
(* Variable analysis *)
@@ -128,36 +133,36 @@ let remove_nested_as e = do_remove_nested StringSet.empty e
let stringset_delta s1 s2 =
- StringSet.union
- (StringSet.diff s1 s2)
- (StringSet.diff s2 s1)
+ IdSet.union
+ (IdSet.diff s1 s2)
+ (IdSet.diff s2 s1)
let rec find_all_vars = function
| Characters _|Epsilon|Eof ->
- StringSet.empty
+ IdSet.empty
| Bind (e,x) ->
- StringSet.add x (find_all_vars e)
+ IdSet.add x (find_all_vars e)
| Sequence (e1,e2)|Alternative (e1,e2) ->
- StringSet.union (find_all_vars e1) (find_all_vars e2)
+ IdSet.union (find_all_vars e1) (find_all_vars e2)
| Repetition e -> find_all_vars e
let rec do_find_opt = function
- | Characters _|Epsilon|Eof -> StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty
+ | Characters _|Epsilon|Eof -> IdSet.empty, IdSet.empty
| Bind (e,x) ->
let opt,all = do_find_opt e in
- opt, StringSet.add x all
+ opt, IdSet.add x all
| Sequence (e1,e2) ->
let opt1,all1 = do_find_opt e1
and opt2,all2 = do_find_opt e2 in
- StringSet.union opt1 opt2, StringSet.union all1 all2
+ IdSet.union opt1 opt2, IdSet.union all1 all2
| Alternative (e1,e2) ->
let opt1,all1 = do_find_opt e1
and opt2,all2 = do_find_opt e2 in
- StringSet.union
- (StringSet.union opt1 opt2)
+ IdSet.union
+ (IdSet.union opt1 opt2)
(stringset_delta all1 all2),
- StringSet.union all1 all2
+ IdSet.union all1 all2
| Repetition e ->
let r = find_all_vars e in
@@ -175,26 +180,26 @@ let find_optional e =
let rec do_find_double = function
- | Characters _|Epsilon|Eof -> StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty
+ | Characters _|Epsilon|Eof -> IdSet.empty, IdSet.empty
| Bind (e,x) ->
let dbl,all = do_find_double e in
- (if StringSet.mem x all then
- StringSet.add x dbl
+ (if IdSet.mem x all then
+ IdSet.add x dbl
- StringSet.add x all
+ IdSet.add x all
| Sequence (e1,e2) ->
let dbl1, all1 = do_find_double e1
and dbl2, all2 = do_find_double e2 in
- StringSet.union
- (StringSet.inter all1 all2)
- (StringSet.union dbl1 dbl2),
- StringSet.union all1 all2
+ IdSet.union
+ (IdSet.inter all1 all2)
+ (IdSet.union dbl1 dbl2),
+ IdSet.union all1 all2
| Alternative (e1,e2) ->
let dbl1, all1 = do_find_double e1
and dbl2, all2 = do_find_double e2 in
- StringSet.union dbl1 dbl2,
- StringSet.union all1 all2
+ IdSet.union dbl1 dbl2,
+ IdSet.union all1 all2
| Repetition e ->
let r = find_all_vars e in
@@ -218,27 +223,27 @@ let add_some_some x y = match x,y with
| _,_ -> None
let rec do_find_chars sz = function
- | Epsilon|Eof -> StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty, sz
- | Characters _ -> StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty, add_some 1 sz
+ | Epsilon|Eof -> IdSet.empty, IdSet.empty, sz
+ | Characters _ -> IdSet.empty, IdSet.empty, add_some 1 sz
| Bind (e,x) ->
let c,s,e_sz = do_find_chars (Some 0) e in
begin match e_sz with
| Some 1 ->
- StringSet.add x c,s,add_some 1 sz
+ IdSet.add x c,s,add_some 1 sz
| _ ->
- c, StringSet.add x s, add_some_some sz e_sz
+ c, IdSet.add x s, add_some_some sz e_sz
| Sequence (e1,e2) ->
let c1,s1,sz1 = do_find_chars sz e1 in
let c2,s2,sz2 = do_find_chars sz1 e2 in
- StringSet.union c1 c2,
- StringSet.union s1 s2,
+ IdSet.union c1 c2,
+ IdSet.union s1 s2,
| Alternative (e1,e2) ->
let c1,s1,sz1 = do_find_chars sz e1
and c2,s2,sz2 = do_find_chars sz e2 in
- StringSet.union c1 c2,
- StringSet.union s1 s2,
+ IdSet.union c1 c2,
+ IdSet.union s1 s2,
(if sz1 = sz2 then sz1 else None)
| Repetition e -> do_find_chars None e
@@ -246,7 +251,7 @@ let rec do_find_chars sz = function
let find_chars e =
let c,s,_ = do_find_chars (Some 0) e in
- StringSet.diff c s
+ IdSet.diff c s
(* From shallow to deep syntax *)
@@ -281,7 +286,7 @@ let rec encode_regexp char_vars act = function
Star r
| Bind (r,x) ->
let r = encode_regexp char_vars act r in
- if StringSet.mem x char_vars then
+ if IdSet.mem x char_vars then
Seq (Tag {id=x ; start=true ; action=act},r)
Seq (Tag {id=x ; start=true ; action=act},
@@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ let opt_regexp all_vars char_vars optional_vars double_vars r =
let rec simple_forward pos r = match r with
| Tag n ->
- if StringSet.mem double_vars then
+ if IdSet.mem double_vars then
r,Some pos
else begin
Hashtbl.add env (,n.start) (Sum (Start, pos)) ;
@@ -383,7 +388,7 @@ let opt_regexp all_vars char_vars optional_vars double_vars r =
let rec simple_backward pos r = match r with
| Tag n ->
- if StringSet.mem double_vars then
+ if IdSet.mem double_vars then
r,Some pos
else begin
Hashtbl.add env (,n.start) (Sum (End, pos)) ;
@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ let opt_regexp all_vars char_vars optional_vars double_vars r =
let rec alloc_exp pos r = match r with
| Tag n ->
- if StringSet.mem double_vars then
+ if IdSet.mem double_vars then
else begin match pos with
| Some a ->
@@ -456,15 +461,15 @@ let opt_regexp all_vars char_vars optional_vars double_vars r =
let r,_ = alloc_exp None r in
let m =
- StringSet.fold
+ IdSet.fold
(fun x r ->
let v =
- if StringSet.mem x char_vars then
+ if IdSet.mem x char_vars then
- (StringSet.mem x optional_vars, get_tag_addr (x,true))
+ (IdSet.mem x optional_vars, get_tag_addr (x,true))
- (StringSet.mem x optional_vars,
+ (IdSet.mem x optional_vars,
get_tag_addr (x,true),
get_tag_addr (x,false)) in
diff --git a/lex/lexgen.mli b/lex/lexgen.mli
index cd7f6474a..5c9c1bc75 100644
--- a/lex/lexgen.mli
+++ b/lex/lexgen.mli
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ and memory_action =
and tag_action = SetTag of int * int | EraseTag of int
+type ident = string * Syntax.location
(* Representation of entry points *)
type tag_base = Start | End | Mem of int
@@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ type tag_addr = Sum of (tag_base * int)
type ident_info =
| Ident_string of bool * tag_addr * tag_addr
| Ident_char of bool * tag_addr
-type t_env = (string * ident_info) list
+type t_env = (ident * ident_info) list
type ('args,'action) automata_entry =
{ auto_name: string;
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index c911c95c4..4f15d0c1e 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let output_entry sourcefile ic oc oci e =
(fun (num, env, loc) ->
fprintf oc " | ";
fprintf oc "%d ->\n" num;
- output_env oc env;
+ output_env sourcefile ic oc oci env;
copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc oci loc true;
fprintf oc "\n")
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index be1c6af5d..336896a4a 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ let output_entry sourcefile ic oc tr e =
(fun (num, env, loc) ->
fprintf oc " | ";
fprintf oc "%d ->\n" num;
- output_env oc env ;
+ output_env sourcefile ic oc tr env ;
copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc tr loc true;
fprintf oc "\n")
diff --git a/lex/parser.mly b/lex/parser.mly
index 19541d19d..dd818e784 100644
--- a/lex/parser.mly
+++ b/lex/parser.mly
@@ -160,7 +160,14 @@ regexp:
exit 2 }
| regexp Tas ident
- {Bind ($1, $3)}
+ {let p1 = Parsing.rhs_start_pos 3
+ and p2 = Parsing.rhs_end_pos 3 in
+ let p = {
+ start_pos = p1.Lexing.pos_cnum ;
+ end_pos = p2.Lexing.pos_cnum ;
+ start_line = p1.Lexing.pos_lnum ;
+ start_col = p1.Lexing.pos_cnum - p1.Lexing.pos_bol ; } in
+ Bind ($1, ($3, p))}
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index e5b3f219b..d1daa02db 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type regular_expression =
| Sequence of regular_expression * regular_expression
| Alternative of regular_expression * regular_expression
| Repetition of regular_expression
- | Bind of regular_expression * string
+ | Bind of regular_expression * (string * location)
type ('arg,'action) entry =
{name:string ;
diff --git a/lex/syntax.mli b/lex/syntax.mli
index 368a5d0ba..4864b50ee 100644
--- a/lex/syntax.mli
+++ b/lex/syntax.mli
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type regular_expression =
| Sequence of regular_expression * regular_expression
| Alternative of regular_expression * regular_expression
| Repetition of regular_expression
- | Bind of regular_expression * string
+ | Bind of regular_expression * (string * location)
type ('arg,'action) entry =
{name:string ;