diff options
4 files changed, 1304 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/.cvsignore b/camlp4/.cvsignore
index 87e91ff06..493096e25 100644
--- a/camlp4/.cvsignore
+++ b/camlp4/.cvsignore
@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/.cvsignore b/camlp4/Camlp4/.cvsignore
index f0e1ae707..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/.cvsignore
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/.cvsignore
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dd41d87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -0,0 +1,1304 @@
+(* camlp4r *)
+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+(* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+(* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+(* Caml source tree. *)
+(* *)
+(* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+module type Type = sig
+ type t = 'abstract;
+(** Signature for errors modules, an Error modules can be registred with
+ the {!ErrorHandler.Register} functor in order to be well printed. *)
+module type Error = sig
+ type t = 'abstract;
+ exception E of t;
+ value to_string : t -> string;
+ value print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+(** A signature for extensions identifiers. *)
+module type Id = sig
+ (** The name of the extension, typically the module name. *)
+ value name : string;
+ (** The version of the extension, typically $Id$ with a versionning system. *)
+ value version : string;
+module type Loc = sig
+ type t = 'a;
+ (** Return a start location for the given file name.
+ This location starts at the begining of the file. *)
+ value mk : string -> t;
+ (** The [ghost] location can be used when no location
+ information is available. *)
+ value ghost : t;
+ (** {6 Conversion functions} *)
+ (** Return a location where both positions are set the given position. *)
+ value of_lexing_position : Lexing.position -> t;
+ (** Return an OCaml location. *)
+ value to_ocaml_location : t -> Location.t;
+ (** Return a location from an OCaml location. *)
+ value of_ocaml_location : Location.t -> t;
+ (** Return a location from ocamllex buffer. *)
+ value of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> t;
+ (** Return a location from [(file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off,
+ stop_line, stop_bol, stop_off, ghost)]. *)
+ value of_tuple : (string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool) -> t;
+ (** Return [(file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off,
+ stop_line, stop_bol, stop_off, ghost)]. *)
+ value to_tuple : t -> (string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool);
+ (** [merge loc1 loc2] Return a location that starts at [loc1] and end at [loc2]. *)
+ value merge : t -> t -> t;
+ (** The stop pos becomes equal to the start pos. *)
+ value join : t -> t;
+ (** [move selector n loc]
+ Return the location where positions are moved.
+ Affected positions are chosen with [selector].
+ Returned positions have their character offset plus [n]. *)
+ value move : [= `start | `stop | `both ] -> int -> t -> t;
+ (** [shift n loc] Return the location where the new start position is the old
+ stop position, and where the new stop position character offset is the
+ old one plus [n]. *)
+ value shift : int -> t -> t;
+ (** [move_line n loc] Return the location with the old line count plus [n].
+ The "begin of line" of both positions become the current offset. *)
+ value move_line : int -> t -> t;
+ (** Accessors *)
+ (** Return the file name *)
+ value file_name : t -> string;
+ (** Return the line number of the begining of this location. *)
+ value start_line : t -> int;
+ (** Return the line number of the ending of this location. *)
+ value stop_line : t -> int;
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ to the begining of the line of location's begining. *)
+ value start_bol : t -> int;
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ to the begining of the line of location's ending. *)
+ value stop_bol : t -> int;
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ of the begining of this location. *)
+ value start_off : t -> int;
+ (** Return the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ of the ending of this location. *)
+ value stop_off : t -> int;
+ (** Return the start position as a Lexing.position. *)
+ value start_pos : t -> Lexing.position;
+ (** Return the stop position as a Lexing.position. *)
+ value stop_pos : t -> Lexing.position;
+ (** Generally, return true if this location does not come
+ from an input stream. *)
+ value is_ghost : t -> bool;
+ (** Return the associated ghost location. *)
+ value ghostify : t -> t;
+ (** Return the location with the give file name *)
+ value set_file_name : string -> t -> t;
+ (** [strictly_before loc1 loc2] True if the stop position of [loc1] is
+ strictly_before the start position of [loc2]. *)
+ value strictly_before : t -> t -> bool;
+ (** Return the location with an absolute file name. *)
+ value make_absolute : t -> t;
+ (** Print the location into the formatter in a format suitable for error
+ reporting. *)
+ value print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+ (** Print the location in a short format useful for debugging. *)
+ value dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+ (** Same as {!print} but return a string instead of printting it. *)
+ value to_string : t -> string;
+ (** [Exc_located loc e] is an encapsulation of the exception [e] with
+ the input location [loc]. To be used in quotation expanders
+ and in grammars to specify some input location for an error.
+ Do not raise this exception directly: rather use the following
+ function [Loc.raise]. *)
+ exception Exc_located of t and exn;
+ (** [raise loc e], if [e] is already an [Exc_located] exception,
+ re-raise it, else raise the exception [Exc_located loc e]. *)
+ value raise : t -> exn -> 'a;
+ (** The name of the location variable used in grammars and in
+ the predefined quotations for OCaml syntax trees. Default: [_loc]. *)
+ value name : ref string;
+module type Warning = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ type t = Loc.t -> string -> unit;
+ value default : t;
+ value current : ref t;
+ value print : t;
+(** Base class for map traversal, it includes some builtin types. *)
+class mapper : object
+ method string : string -> string;
+ method int : int -> int;
+ method float : float -> float;
+ method bool : bool -> bool;
+ method list : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> list 'a -> list 'b;
+ method option : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> option 'a -> option 'b;
+ method array : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> array 'a -> array 'b;
+ method ref : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> ref 'a -> ref 'b;
+end = object
+ method string x : string = x;
+ method int x : int = x;
+ method float x : float = x;
+ method bool x : bool = x;
+ method list : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> list 'a -> list 'b =
+ method option : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> option 'a -> option 'b =
+ fun f -> fun [ None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) ];
+ method array : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> array 'a -> array 'b =
+ method ref : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> ref 'a -> ref 'b =
+ fun f { val = x } -> { val = f x };
+(** Abstract syntax tree minimal signature.
+ Types of this signature are abstract.
+ See the {!Camlp4Ast} signature for a concrete definition. *)
+module type Ast = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ type meta_bool = 'abstract;
+ type meta_option 'a = 'abstract;
+ type ctyp = 'abstract;
+ type patt = 'abstract;
+ type expr = 'abstract;
+ type module_type = 'abstract;
+ type sig_item = 'abstract;
+ type with_constr = 'abstract;
+ type module_expr = 'abstract;
+ type str_item = 'abstract;
+ type class_type = 'abstract;
+ type class_sig_item = 'abstract;
+ type class_expr = 'abstract;
+ type class_str_item = 'abstract;
+ type match_case = 'abstract;
+ type ident = 'abstract;
+ type binding = 'abstract;
+ type module_binding = 'abstract;
+ value loc_of_ctyp : ctyp -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_patt : patt -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_expr : expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_type : module_type -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_expr : module_expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_sig_item : sig_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_str_item : str_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_type : class_type -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_expr : class_expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_with_constr : with_constr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_binding : binding -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_binding : module_binding -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_match_case : match_case -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_ident : ident -> Loc.t;
+ (** This class is the base class for map traversal on the Ast.
+ To make a custom traversal class one just extend it like that:
+ This example swap pairs expression contents:
+ open Camlp4.PreCast;
+ [class swap = object
+ inherit as super;
+ method expr e =
+ match super#expr e with
+ \[ <:expr\@_loc< ($e1$, $e2$) >> -> <:expr< ($e2$, $e1$) >>
+ | e -> e \];
+ end;
+ value _loc = Loc.ghost;
+ value map = (new swap)#expr;
+ assert (map <:expr< fun x -> (x, 42) >> = <:expr< fun x -> (42, x) >>);]
+ *)
+ class map : object
+ inherit mapper;
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> meta_bool;
+ method meta_option : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> meta_option 'a -> meta_option 'b;
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> Loc.t;
+ method expr : expr -> expr;
+ method patt : patt -> patt;
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp;
+ method str_item : str_item -> str_item;
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item;
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr;
+ method module_type : module_type -> module_type;
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr;
+ method class_type : class_type -> class_type;
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> class_sig_item;
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> class_str_item;
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> with_constr;
+ method binding : binding -> binding;
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> module_binding;
+ method match_case : match_case -> match_case;
+ method ident : ident -> ident;
+ end;
+ class fold : object ('self_type)
+ method string : string -> 'self_type;
+ method int : int -> 'self_type;
+ method float : float -> 'self_type;
+ method bool : bool -> 'self_type;
+ method list : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> list 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method option : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> option 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method array : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> array 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method ref : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> ref 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> 'self_type;
+ method meta_option : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> meta_option 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> 'self_type;
+ method expr : expr -> 'self_type;
+ method patt : patt -> 'self_type;
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> 'self_type;
+ method str_item : str_item -> 'self_type;
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> 'self_type;
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> 'self_type;
+ method module_type : module_type -> 'self_type;
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> 'self_type;
+ method class_type : class_type -> 'self_type;
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> 'self_type;
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> 'self_type;
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> 'self_type;
+ method binding : binding -> 'self_type;
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> 'self_type;
+ method match_case : match_case -> 'self_type;
+ method ident : ident -> 'self_type;
+ end;
+(** The AntiquotSyntax signature describe the minimal interface needed
+ for antiquotation handling. *)
+module type AntiquotSyntax = sig
+ module Ast : Ast;
+ (** The parse function for expressions.
+ The underlying expression grammar entry is generally "expr; EOI". *)
+ value parse_expr : Ast.Loc.t -> string -> Ast.expr;
+ (** The parse function for patterns.
+ The underlying pattern grammar entry is generally "patt; EOI". *)
+ value parse_patt : Ast.Loc.t -> string -> Ast.patt;
+(** Signature for OCaml syntax trees.
+ This signature is an extension of {!Ast}
+ It provides:
+ - Types for all kinds of structure.
+ - Map: A base class for map traversals.
+ - Map classes and functions for common kinds. *)
+module type Camlp4Ast = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/";
+ value loc_of_ctyp : ctyp -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_patt : patt -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_expr : expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_type : module_type -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_expr : module_expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_sig_item : sig_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_str_item : str_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_type : class_type -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_expr : class_expr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_with_constr : with_constr -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_binding : binding -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_module_binding : module_binding -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_match_case : match_case -> Loc.t;
+ value loc_of_ident : ident -> Loc.t;
+ module Meta : sig
+ module type META_LOC = sig
+ (** The first location is where to put the returned pattern.
+ Generally it's _loc to match with <:patt< ... >> quotations.
+ The second location is the one to treat. *)
+ value meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> patt;
+ (** The first location is where to put the returned expression.
+ Generally it's _loc to match with <:expr< ... >> quotations.
+ The second location is the one to treat. *)
+ value meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> expr;
+ end;
+ module MetaLoc : sig
+ value meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> patt;
+ value meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> expr;
+ end;
+ module MetaGhostLoc : sig
+ value meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> 'a -> patt;
+ value meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> 'a -> expr;
+ end;
+ module MetaLocVar : sig
+ value meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> 'a -> patt;
+ value meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> 'a -> expr;
+ end;
+ module Make (MetaLoc : META_LOC) : sig
+ module Expr : sig
+ value meta_string : Loc.t -> string -> expr;
+ value meta_int : Loc.t -> string -> expr;
+ value meta_float : Loc.t -> string -> expr;
+ value meta_char : Loc.t -> string -> expr;
+ value meta_bool : Loc.t -> bool -> expr;
+ value meta_list : (Loc.t -> 'a -> expr) -> Loc.t -> list 'a -> expr;
+ value meta_binding : Loc.t -> binding -> expr;
+ value meta_class_expr : Loc.t -> class_expr -> expr;
+ value meta_class_sig_item : Loc.t -> class_sig_item -> expr;
+ value meta_class_str_item : Loc.t -> class_str_item -> expr;
+ value meta_class_type : Loc.t -> class_type -> expr;
+ value meta_ctyp : Loc.t -> ctyp -> expr;
+ value meta_expr : Loc.t -> expr -> expr;
+ value meta_ident : Loc.t -> ident -> expr;
+ value meta_match_case : Loc.t -> match_case -> expr;
+ value meta_meta_bool : Loc.t -> meta_bool -> expr;
+ value meta_meta_option :
+ (Loc.t -> ident -> expr) ->
+ Loc.t -> meta_option ident -> expr;
+ value meta_module_binding : Loc.t -> module_binding -> expr;
+ value meta_module_expr : Loc.t -> module_expr -> expr;
+ value meta_module_type : Loc.t -> module_type -> expr;
+ value meta_patt : Loc.t -> patt -> expr;
+ value meta_sig_item : Loc.t -> sig_item -> expr;
+ value meta_str_item : Loc.t -> str_item -> expr;
+ value meta_with_constr : Loc.t -> with_constr -> expr;
+ end;
+ module Patt : sig
+ value meta_string : Loc.t -> string -> patt;
+ value meta_int : Loc.t -> string -> patt;
+ value meta_float : Loc.t -> string -> patt;
+ value meta_char : Loc.t -> string -> patt;
+ value meta_bool : Loc.t -> bool -> patt;
+ value meta_list : (Loc.t -> 'a -> patt) -> Loc.t -> list 'a -> patt;
+ value meta_binding : Loc.t -> binding -> patt;
+ value meta_class_expr : Loc.t -> class_expr -> patt;
+ value meta_class_sig_item : Loc.t -> class_sig_item -> patt;
+ value meta_class_str_item : Loc.t -> class_str_item -> patt;
+ value meta_class_type : Loc.t -> class_type -> patt;
+ value meta_ctyp : Loc.t -> ctyp -> patt;
+ value meta_expr : Loc.t -> expr -> patt;
+ value meta_ident : Loc.t -> ident -> patt;
+ value meta_match_case : Loc.t -> match_case -> patt;
+ value meta_meta_bool : Loc.t -> meta_bool -> patt;
+ value meta_meta_option :
+ (Loc.t -> ident -> patt) ->
+ Loc.t -> meta_option ident -> patt;
+ value meta_module_binding : Loc.t -> module_binding -> patt;
+ value meta_module_expr : Loc.t -> module_expr -> patt;
+ value meta_module_type : Loc.t -> module_type -> patt;
+ value meta_patt : Loc.t -> patt -> patt;
+ value meta_sig_item : Loc.t -> sig_item -> patt;
+ value meta_str_item : Loc.t -> str_item -> patt;
+ value meta_with_constr : Loc.t -> with_constr -> patt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ (** See {!}. *)
+ class map : object
+ inherit mapper;
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> meta_bool;
+ method meta_option : ! 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> meta_option 'a -> meta_option 'b;
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> Loc.t;
+ method expr : expr -> expr;
+ method patt : patt -> patt;
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp;
+ method str_item : str_item -> str_item;
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item;
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr;
+ method module_type : module_type -> module_type;
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr;
+ method class_type : class_type -> class_type;
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> class_sig_item;
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> class_str_item;
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> with_constr;
+ method binding : binding -> binding;
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> module_binding;
+ method match_case : match_case -> match_case;
+ method ident : ident -> ident;
+ end;
+ (** See {!Ast.fold}. *)
+ class fold : object ('self_type)
+ method string : string -> 'self_type;
+ method int : int -> 'self_type;
+ method float : float -> 'self_type;
+ method bool : bool -> 'self_type;
+ method list : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> list 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method option : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> option 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method array : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> array 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method ref : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> ref 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> 'self_type;
+ method meta_option : ! 'a . ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> meta_option 'a -> 'self_type;
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> 'self_type;
+ method expr : expr -> 'self_type;
+ method patt : patt -> 'self_type;
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> 'self_type;
+ method str_item : str_item -> 'self_type;
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> 'self_type;
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> 'self_type;
+ method module_type : module_type -> 'self_type;
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> 'self_type;
+ method class_type : class_type -> 'self_type;
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> 'self_type;
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> 'self_type;
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> 'self_type;
+ method binding : binding -> 'self_type;
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> 'self_type;
+ method match_case : match_case -> 'self_type;
+ method ident : ident -> 'self_type;
+ end;
+ (** See {!Ast.remove_antiquots}. *)
+ (* class remove_antiquots : object inherit map; end; *)
+ class c_expr : [expr -> expr] -> object inherit map; end;
+ class c_patt : [patt -> patt] -> object inherit map; end;
+ class c_ctyp : [ctyp -> ctyp] -> object inherit map; end;
+ class c_str_item : [str_item -> str_item] -> object inherit map; end;
+ class c_sig_item : [sig_item -> sig_item] -> object inherit map; end;
+ class c_loc : [Loc.t -> Loc.t] -> object inherit map; end;
+ value map_expr : (expr -> expr) -> expr -> expr;
+ value map_patt : (patt -> patt) -> patt -> patt;
+ value map_ctyp : (ctyp -> ctyp) -> ctyp -> ctyp;
+ value map_str_item : (str_item -> str_item) -> str_item -> str_item;
+ value map_sig_item : (sig_item -> sig_item) -> sig_item -> sig_item;
+ value map_loc : (Loc.t -> Loc.t) -> Loc.t -> Loc.t;
+ value ident_of_expr : expr -> ident;
+ value ident_of_ctyp : ctyp -> ident;
+ value biAnd_of_list : list binding -> binding;
+ value biSem_of_list : list binding -> binding;
+ value paSem_of_list : list patt -> patt;
+ value paCom_of_list : list patt -> patt;
+ value tyOr_of_list : list ctyp -> ctyp;
+ value tyAnd_of_list : list ctyp -> ctyp;
+ value tySem_of_list : list ctyp -> ctyp;
+ value stSem_of_list : list str_item -> str_item;
+ value sgSem_of_list : list sig_item -> sig_item;
+ value crSem_of_list : list class_str_item -> class_str_item;
+ value cgSem_of_list : list class_sig_item -> class_sig_item;
+ value ctAnd_of_list : list class_type -> class_type;
+ value ceAnd_of_list : list class_expr -> class_expr;
+ value wcAnd_of_list : list with_constr -> with_constr;
+ value meApp_of_list : list module_expr -> module_expr;
+ value mbAnd_of_list : list module_binding -> module_binding;
+ value mcOr_of_list : list match_case -> match_case;
+ value idAcc_of_list : list ident -> ident;
+ value idApp_of_list : list ident -> ident;
+ value exSem_of_list : list expr -> expr;
+ value exCom_of_list : list expr -> expr;
+ value list_of_ctyp : ctyp -> list ctyp -> list ctyp;
+ value list_of_binding : binding -> list binding -> list binding;
+ value list_of_with_constr : with_constr -> list with_constr -> list with_constr;
+ value list_of_patt : patt -> list patt -> list patt;
+ value list_of_expr : expr -> list expr -> list expr;
+ value list_of_str_item : str_item -> list str_item -> list str_item;
+ value list_of_sig_item : sig_item -> list sig_item -> list sig_item;
+ value list_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> list class_sig_item -> list class_sig_item;
+ value list_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> list class_str_item -> list class_str_item;
+ value list_of_class_type : class_type -> list class_type -> list class_type;
+ value list_of_class_expr : class_expr -> list class_expr -> list class_expr;
+ value list_of_module_expr : module_expr -> list module_expr -> list module_expr;
+ value list_of_module_binding : module_binding -> list module_binding -> list module_binding;
+ value list_of_match_case : match_case -> list match_case -> list match_case;
+ value list_of_ident : ident -> list ident -> list ident;
+ (** Like [String.escape] but takes care to not
+ escape antiquotations strings. *)
+ value safe_string_escaped : string -> string;
+ (** Returns True if the given pattern is irrefutable. *)
+ value is_irrefut_patt : patt -> bool;
+ value is_constructor : ident -> bool;
+ value is_patt_constructor : patt -> bool;
+ value is_expr_constructor : expr -> bool;
+ value ty_of_stl : (Loc.t * string * list ctyp) -> ctyp;
+ value ty_of_sbt : (Loc.t * string * bool * ctyp) -> ctyp;
+ value bi_of_pe : (patt * expr) -> binding;
+ value pel_of_binding : binding -> list (patt * expr);
+ value binding_of_pel : list (patt * expr) -> binding;
+ value sum_type_of_list : list (Loc.t * string * list ctyp) -> ctyp;
+ value record_type_of_list : list (Loc.t * string * bool * ctyp) -> ctyp;
+(** This functor is a restriction functor.
+ It takes a Camlp4Ast module and gives the Ast one.
+ Typical use is for [with] constraints.
+ Example: ... with module Ast = Camlp4.Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Camlp4Ast *)
+module Camlp4AstToAst (M : Camlp4Ast) : Ast
+ with module Loc = M.Loc
+ and type meta_bool = M.meta_bool
+ and type meta_option 'a = M.meta_option 'a
+ and type ctyp = M.ctyp
+ and type patt = M.patt
+ and type expr = M.expr
+ and type module_type = M.module_type
+ and type sig_item = M.sig_item
+ and type with_constr = M.with_constr
+ and type module_expr = M.module_expr
+ and type str_item = M.str_item
+ and type class_type = M.class_type
+ and type class_sig_item = M.class_sig_item
+ and type class_expr = M.class_expr
+ and type class_str_item = M.class_str_item
+ and type binding = M.binding
+ and type module_binding = M.module_binding
+ and type match_case = M.match_case
+ and type ident = M.ident
+= M;
+(** Since the Ast contains locations. This functor produces Ast types
+ for a given location type. *)
+module MakeCamlp4Ast (Loc : Type) = struct
+ INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/";
+(** Registerinng and folding of Ast filters.
+ Two kinds of filters must be handled:
+ - Implementation filters: str_item -> str_item.
+ - Interface filters: sig_item -> sig_item. *)
+module type AstFilters = sig
+ module Ast : Camlp4Ast;
+ (** {6 Filters} *)
+ type filter 'a = 'a -> 'a;
+ value register_sig_item_filter : (filter Ast.sig_item) -> unit;
+ value register_str_item_filter : (filter Ast.str_item) -> unit;
+ value fold_interf_filters : ('a -> filter Ast.sig_item -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a;
+ value fold_implem_filters : ('a -> filter Ast.str_item -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a;
+(** Quotation operations. *)
+type quotation =
+ { q_name : string ;
+ q_loc : string ;
+ q_shift : int ;
+ q_contents : string };
+module type Quotation = sig
+ module Ast : Ast;
+ open Ast;
+ (** The Loc.t is the initial location. The option string is the optional name
+ for the location variable. The string is the quotation contents. *)
+ type expand_fun 'a = Loc.t -> option string -> string -> 'a;
+ (** The type for quotation expanders kind:
+ - [ExStr exp] for an expander [exp] returning a string which
+ can be parsed to create a syntax tree. Its boolean parameter
+ tells whether the quotation is in position of an expression
+ (True) or in position of a pattern (False). Quotations expanders
+ created with this way may work for some particular language syntax,
+ and not for another one (e.g. may work when used with Revised
+ syntax and not when used with Ocaml syntax, and conversely).
+ - [ExAst (expr_exp, patt_exp)] for expanders returning directly
+ syntax trees, therefore not necessiting to be parsed afterwards.
+ The function [expr_exp] is called when the quotation is in
+ position of an expression, and [patt_exp] when the quotation is
+ in position of a pattern. Quotation expanders created with this
+ way are independant from the language syntax. *)
+ type expander =
+ [ ExStr of bool -> expand_fun string
+ | ExAst of (expand_fun Ast.expr) and (expand_fun Ast.patt) ];
+ (** [add name exp] adds the quotation [name] associated with the
+ expander [exp]. *)
+ value add : string -> expander -> unit;
+ (** [find name] returns the expander of the given quotation name. *)
+ value find : string -> expander;
+ (** [default] holds the default quotation name. *)
+ value default : ref string;
+ (** function translating quotation names; default = identity *)
+ value translate : ref (string -> string);
+ value expand_expr : (Loc.t -> string -> Ast.expr) -> Loc.t -> quotation -> Ast.expr;
+ value expand_patt : (Loc.t -> string -> Ast.patt) -> Loc.t -> quotation -> Ast.patt;
+ (** [dump_file] optionally tells Camlp4 to dump the
+ result of an expander if this result is syntactically incorrect.
+ If [None] (default), this result is not dumped. If [Some fname], the
+ result is dumped in the file [fname]. *)
+ value dump_file : ref (option string);
+ module Error : Error;
+type stream_filter 'a 'loc = Stream.t ('a * 'loc) -> Stream.t ('a * 'loc);
+module type Token = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ type t = 'abstract;
+ value to_string : t -> string;
+ value print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+ value match_keyword : string -> t -> bool;
+ value extract_string : t -> string;
+ module Filter : sig
+ type token_filter = stream_filter t Loc.t;
+ (** The type for this filter chain.
+ A basic implementation just store the [is_keyword] function given
+ by [mk] and use it in the [filter] function. *)
+ type t = 'abstract;
+ (** The given predicate function returns true if the given string
+ is a keyword. This function can be used in filters to translate
+ identifier tokens to keyword tokens. *)
+ value mk : (string -> bool) -> t;
+ (** This function allows to register a new filter to the token filter chain.
+ You can choose to not support these and raise an exception. *)
+ value define_filter : t -> (token_filter -> token_filter) -> unit;
+ (** This function filter the given stream and return a filtered stream.
+ A basic implementation just match identifiers against the [is_keyword]
+ function to produce token keywords instead. *)
+ value filter : t -> token_filter;
+ (** Called by the grammar system when a keyword is used.
+ The boolean argument is True when it's the first time that keyword
+ is used. If you do not care about this information just return [()]. *)
+ value keyword_added : t -> string -> bool -> unit;
+ (** Called by the grammar system when a keyword is no longer used.
+ If you do not care about this information just return [()]. *)
+ value keyword_removed : t -> string -> unit;
+ end;
+ module Error : Error;
+(** This signature describes tokens for the Objective Caml and the Revised
+ syntax lexing rules. For some tokens the data constructor holds two
+ representations with the evaluated one and the source one. For example
+ the INT data constructor holds an integer and a string, this string can
+ contains more information that's needed for a good pretty-printing
+ ("42", "4_2", "0000042", "0b0101010"...).
+ The meaning of the tokens are:
+- * [KEYWORD s] is the keyword [s].
+- * [LIDENT s] is the ident [s] starting with a lowercase letter.
+- * [UIDENT s] is the ident [s] starting with an uppercase letter.
+- * [INT i s] (resp. [INT32 i s], [INT64 i s] and [NATIVEINT i s])
+ is the integer constant [i] whose string source is [s].
+- * [FLOAT f s] is the float constant [f] whose string source is [s].
+- * [STRING s s'] is the string constant [s] whose string source is [s'].
+- * [CHAR c s] is the character constant [c] whose string source is [s].
+- * [QUOTATION q] is a quotation [q], see {!Quotation.t} for more information.
+- * [ANTIQUOT n s] is an antiquotation [n] holding the string [s].
+- * [EOI] is the end of input.
+ Warning: the second string associated with the constructor [STRING] is
+ the string found in the source without any interpretation. In particular,
+ the backslashes are not interpreted. For example, if the input is ["\n"]
+ the string is *not* a string with one element containing the character
+ "return", but a string of two elements: the backslash and the character
+ ["n"]. To interpret a string use the first string of the [STRING]
+ constructor (or if you need to compute it use the module
+ {!Camlp4.Struct.Token.Eval}. Same thing for the constructor [CHAR]. *)
+type camlp4_token =
+ [ KEYWORD of string
+ | SYMBOL of string
+ | LIDENT of string
+ | UIDENT of string
+ | ESCAPED_IDENT of string
+ | INT of int and string
+ | INT32 of int32 and string
+ | INT64 of int64 and string
+ | NATIVEINT of nativeint and string
+ | FLOAT of float and string
+ | CHAR of char and string
+ | STRING of string and string
+ | LABEL of string
+ | OPTLABEL of string
+ | QUOTATION of quotation
+ | ANTIQUOT of string and string
+ | COMMENT of string
+ | BLANKS of string
+ | LINE_DIRECTIVE of int and option string
+ | EOI ];
+module type Camlp4Token = Token with type t = camlp4_token;
+module type DynLoader = sig
+ type t = 'abstract;
+ exception Error of string and string;
+ (** [mk ?ocaml_stdlib ?camlp4_stdlib]
+ The stdlib flag is true by default.
+ To disable it use: [mk ~ocaml_stdlib:False] *)
+ value mk : ?ocaml_stdlib: bool -> ?camlp4_stdlib: bool -> unit -> t;
+ (** Fold over the current load path list. *)
+ value fold_load_path : t -> (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a;
+ (** [load f] Load the file [f]. If [f] is not an absolute path name,
+ the load path list used to find the directory of [f]. *)
+ value load : t -> string -> unit;
+ (** [include_dir d] Add the directory [d] in the current load path
+ list (like the common -I option). *)
+ value include_dir : t -> string -> unit;
+ (** [find_in_path f] Returns the full path of the file [f] if
+ [f] is in the current load path, raises [Not_found] otherwise. *)
+ value find_in_path : t -> string -> string;
+module Grammar = struct
+ (** Internal signature for sematantic actions of grammars,
+ not for the casual user. These functions are unsafe. *)
+ module type Action = sig
+ type t = 'abstract;
+ value mk : 'a -> t;
+ value get : t -> 'a;
+ value getf : t -> ('a -> 'b);
+ value getf2 : t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c);
+ end;
+ type assoc =
+ [ NonA
+ | RightA
+ | LeftA ];
+ type position =
+ [ First
+ | Last
+ | Before of string
+ | After of string
+ | Level of string ];
+ (** Common signature for {!Sig.Grammar.Static} and {!Sig.Grammar.Dynamic}. *)
+ module type Structure = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ module Action : Action;
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc;
+ type gram = 'abstract;
+ type internal_entry = 'abstract;
+ type tree = 'abstract;
+ type token_pattern = ((Token.t -> bool) * string);
+ type symbol =
+ [ Smeta of string and list symbol and Action.t
+ | Snterm of internal_entry
+ | Snterml of internal_entry and string
+ | Slist0 of symbol
+ | Slist0sep of symbol and symbol
+ | Slist1 of symbol
+ | Slist1sep of symbol and symbol
+ | Sopt of symbol
+ | Sself
+ | Snext
+ | Stoken of token_pattern
+ | Skeyword of string
+ | Stree of tree ];
+ type production_rule = (list symbol * Action.t);
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ (option string * option assoc * list production_rule);
+ type extend_statment =
+ (option position * list single_extend_statment);
+ type delete_statment = list symbol;
+ type fold 'a 'b 'c =
+ internal_entry -> list symbol ->
+ (Stream.t 'a -> 'b) -> Stream.t 'a -> 'c;
+ type foldsep 'a 'b 'c =
+ internal_entry -> list symbol ->
+ (Stream.t 'a -> 'b) -> (Stream.t 'a -> unit) -> Stream.t 'a -> 'c;
+ end;
+ (** Signature for Camlp4 grammars. Here the dynamic means that you can produce as
+ many grammar values as needed with a single grammar module.
+ If you do not need many grammar values it's preferable to use a static one. *)
+ module type Dynamic = sig
+ include Structure;
+ (** Make a new grammar. *)
+ value mk : unit -> gram;
+ module Entry : sig
+ (** The abstract type of grammar entries. The type parameter is the type
+ of the semantic actions that are associated with this entry. *)
+ type t 'a = 'abstract;
+ (** Make a new entry from the given name. *)
+ value mk : gram -> string -> t 'a;
+ (** Make a new entry from a name and an hand made token parser. *)
+ value of_parser :
+ gram -> string -> (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a) -> t 'a;
+ (** Clear the entry and setup this parser instead. *)
+ value setup_parser :
+ t 'a -> (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a) -> unit;
+ (** Get the entry name. *)
+ value name : t 'a -> string;
+ (** Print the given entry into the given formatter. *)
+ value print : Format.formatter -> t 'a -> unit;
+ (** Same as {!print} but show the left-factorization. *)
+ value dump : Format.formatter -> t 'a -> unit;
+ (*/*)
+ value obj : t 'a -> internal_entry;
+ value clear : t 'a -> unit;
+ end;
+ (** [get_filter g] Get the {!Token.Filter} associated to the [g]. *)
+ value get_filter : gram -> Token.Filter.t;
+ type not_filtered 'a = 'abstract;
+ (** This function is called by the EXTEND ... END syntax. *)
+ value extend : Entry.t 'a -> extend_statment -> unit;
+ (** The delete rule. *)
+ value delete_rule : Entry.t 'a -> delete_statment -> unit;
+ value srules : Entry.t 'a -> list (list symbol * Action.t) -> symbol;
+ value sfold0 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> fold _ 'a 'b;
+ value sfold1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> fold _ 'a 'b;
+ value sfold0sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> foldsep _ 'a 'b;
+ (* value sfold1sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> foldsep _ 'a 'b; *)
+ (** Use the lexer to produce a non filtered token stream from a char stream. *)
+ value lex : gram -> Loc.t -> Stream.t char
+ -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t));
+ (** Token stream from string. *)
+ value lex_string : gram -> Loc.t -> string
+ -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t));
+ (** Filter a token stream using the {!Token.Filter} module *)
+ value filter : gram -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t))
+ -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t);
+ (** Lex, filter and parse a stream of character. *)
+ value parse : Entry.t 'a -> Loc.t -> Stream.t char -> 'a;
+ (** Same as {!parse} but from a string. *)
+ value parse_string : Entry.t 'a -> Loc.t -> string -> 'a;
+ (** Parse a token stream that is not filtered yet. *)
+ value parse_tokens_before_filter :
+ Entry.t 'a -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t)) -> 'a;
+ (** Parse a token stream that is already filtered. *)
+ value parse_tokens_after_filter :
+ Entry.t 'a -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a;
+ end;
+ (** Signature for Camlp4 grammars. Here the static means that there is only
+ one grammar value by grammar module. If you do not need to store the grammar
+ value it's preferable to use a static one. *)
+ module type Static = sig
+ include Structure;
+ module Entry : sig
+ (** The abstract type of grammar entries. The type parameter is the type
+ of the semantic actions that are associated with this entry. *)
+ type t 'a = 'abstract;
+ (** Make a new entry from the given name. *)
+ value mk : string -> t 'a;
+ (** Make a new entry from a name and an hand made token parser. *)
+ value of_parser :
+ string -> (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a) -> t 'a;
+ (** Clear the entry and setup this parser instead. *)
+ value setup_parser :
+ t 'a -> (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a) -> unit;
+ (** Get the entry name. *)
+ value name : t 'a -> string;
+ (** Print the given entry into the given formatter. *)
+ value print : Format.formatter -> t 'a -> unit;
+ (** Same as {!print} but show the left-factorization. *)
+ value dump : Format.formatter -> t 'a -> unit;
+ (*/*)
+ value obj : t 'a -> internal_entry;
+ value clear : t 'a -> unit;
+ end;
+ (** Get the {!Token.Filter} associated to the grammar module. *)
+ value get_filter : unit -> Token.Filter.t;
+ type not_filtered 'a = 'abstract;
+ (** This function is called by the EXTEND ... END syntax. *)
+ value extend : Entry.t 'a -> extend_statment -> unit;
+ (** The delete rule. *)
+ value delete_rule : Entry.t 'a -> delete_statment -> unit;
+ value srules : Entry.t 'a -> list (list symbol * Action.t) -> symbol;
+ value sfold0 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> fold _ 'a 'b;
+ value sfold1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> fold _ 'a 'b;
+ value sfold0sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> foldsep _ 'a 'b;
+ (* value sfold1sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> foldsep _ 'a 'b; *)
+ (** Use the lexer to produce a non filtered token stream from a char stream. *)
+ value lex : Loc.t -> Stream.t char
+ -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t));
+ (** Token stream from string. *)
+ value lex_string : Loc.t -> string
+ -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t));
+ (** Filter a token stream using the {!Token.Filter} module *)
+ value filter : not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t))
+ -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t);
+ (** Lex, filter and parse a stream of character. *)
+ value parse : Entry.t 'a -> Loc.t -> Stream.t char -> 'a;
+ (** Same as {!parse} but from a string. *)
+ value parse_string : Entry.t 'a -> Loc.t -> string -> 'a;
+ (** Parse a token stream that is not filtered yet. *)
+ value parse_tokens_before_filter :
+ Entry.t 'a -> not_filtered (Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t)) -> 'a;
+ (** Parse a token stream that is already filtered. *)
+ value parse_tokens_after_filter :
+ Entry.t 'a -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> 'a;
+ end;
+module type Lexer = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Error : Error;
+ (** The constructor for a lexing function. The character stream is the input
+ stream to be lexed. The result is a stream of pairs of a token and
+ a location.
+ The lexer do not use global (mutable) variables: instantiations
+ of [ ()] do not perturb each other. *)
+ value mk : unit -> (Loc.t -> Stream.t char -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t));
+(** {6 Parser} *)
+module type Parser = sig
+ module Ast : Ast;
+ open Ast;
+ (** Called when parsing an implementation (ml file) to build the syntax
+ tree; the returned list contains the phrases (structure items) as a
+ single "declare" node (a list of structure items); if the parser
+ encounter a directive it stops (since the directive may change the
+ syntax), the given [directive_handler] function evaluates it and
+ the parsing starts again. *)
+ value parse_implem : ?directive_handler:(str_item -> option str_item) ->
+ Loc.t -> Stream.t char -> Ast.str_item;
+ (** Same as {!parse_implem} but for interface (mli file). *)
+ value parse_interf : ?directive_handler:(sig_item -> option sig_item) ->
+ Loc.t -> Stream.t char -> Ast.sig_item;
+(** {6 Printer} *)
+module type Printer = sig
+ module Ast : Ast;
+ value print_interf : ?input_file:string -> ?output_file:string ->
+ Ast.sig_item -> unit;
+ value print_implem : ?input_file:string -> ?output_file:string ->
+ Ast.str_item -> unit;
+(** A syntax module is a sort of constistent bunch of modules and values.
+ In such a module you have a parser, a printer, and also modules for
+ locations, syntax trees, tokens, grammars, quotations, anti-quotations.
+ There is also the main grammar entries. *)
+module type Syntax = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ module Warning : Warning with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Ast : Ast with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Gram : Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token;
+ module AntiquotSyntax : AntiquotSyntax with module Ast = Ast;
+ (* Gram is not constrained here for flexibility *)
+ module Quotation : Quotation with module Ast = Ast;
+ module Parser : Parser with module Ast = Ast;
+ module Printer : Printer with module Ast = Ast;
+(** A syntax module is a sort of constistent bunch of modules and values.
+ In such a module you have a parser, a printer, and also modules for
+ locations, syntax trees, tokens, grammars, quotations, anti-quotations.
+ There is also the main grammar entries. *)
+module type Camlp4Syntax = sig
+ module Loc : Loc;
+ module Warning : Warning with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Ast : Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Token : Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Gram : Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token;
+ module AntiquotSyntax : AntiquotSyntax with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ (* Gram is not constrained here for flexibility *)
+ module Quotation : Quotation with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ module Parser : Parser with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ module Printer : Printer with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ value interf : Gram.Entry.t (list Ast.sig_item * option Loc.t);
+ value implem : Gram.Entry.t (list Ast.str_item * option Loc.t);
+ value top_phrase : Gram.Entry.t (option Ast.str_item);
+ value use_file : Gram.Entry.t (list Ast.str_item * option Loc.t);
+ value a_CHAR : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_FLOAT : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_INT : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_INT32 : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_INT64 : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_LABEL : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_LIDENT : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_LIDENT_or_operator : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_NATIVEINT : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_OPTLABEL : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_STRING : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_UIDENT : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value a_ident : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value amp_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value and_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value match_case : Gram.Entry.t Ast.match_case;
+ value match_case0 : Gram.Entry.t Ast.match_case;
+ value match_case_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.match_case;
+ value binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.binding;
+ value binding_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.binding;
+ value class_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_description : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_expr_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_fun_binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_fun_def : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_info_for_class_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_info_for_class_type : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value class_longident_and_param : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_expr;
+ value class_name_and_param : Gram.Entry.t (string * Ast.ctyp);
+ value class_sig_item : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_sig_item;
+ value class_sig_item_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_sig_item;
+ value class_signature : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_sig_item;
+ value class_str_item : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_str_item;
+ value class_str_item_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_str_item;
+ value class_structure : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_str_item;
+ value class_type : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_type_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_type_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value class_type_longident_and_param : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_type_plus : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value class_type_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.class_type;
+ value comma_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value comma_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value comma_ipatt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value comma_patt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value comma_type_parameter : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value constrain : Gram.Entry.t (Ast.ctyp * Ast.ctyp);
+ value constructor_arg_list : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value constructor_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value constructor_declarations : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value ctyp_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value cvalue_binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value direction_flag : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value dummy : Gram.Entry.t unit;
+ value eq_expr : Gram.Entry.t (string -> Ast.patt -> Ast.patt);
+ value expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value expr_eoi : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value expr_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value field : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value field_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.binding;
+ value fun_binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value fun_def : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value ident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value ident_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value ipatt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value ipatt_tcon : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value label : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value label_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value label_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.binding;
+ value label_ipatt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value label_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value label_patt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value labeled_ipatt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value let_binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.binding;
+ value meth_list : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value module_binding : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_binding;
+ value module_binding0 : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_expr;
+ value module_binding_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_binding;
+ value module_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_type;
+ value module_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_expr;
+ value module_expr_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_expr;
+ value module_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value module_longident_with_app : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value module_rec_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_binding;
+ value module_type : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_type;
+ value module_type_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.module_type;
+ value more_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value name_tags : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value opt_as_lident : Gram.Entry.t string;
+ value opt_class_self_patt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value opt_class_self_type : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value opt_comma_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value opt_dot_dot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value opt_eq_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t (list Ast.ctyp -> Ast.ctyp);
+ value opt_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value opt_meth_list : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value opt_mutable : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value opt_polyt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value opt_private : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value opt_rec : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value opt_virtual : Gram.Entry.t Ast.meta_bool;
+ value opt_when_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value patt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value patt_as_patt_opt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value patt_eoi : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value patt_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value patt_tcon : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value phrase : Gram.Entry.t Ast.str_item;
+ value pipe_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value poly_type : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value row_field : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value sem_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value sem_expr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value sem_expr_for_list : Gram.Entry.t (Ast.expr -> Ast.expr);
+ value sem_patt : Gram.Entry.t Ast.patt;
+ value sem_patt_for_list : Gram.Entry.t (Ast.patt -> Ast.patt);
+ value semi : Gram.Entry.t unit;
+ value sequence : Gram.Entry.t Ast.expr;
+ value sig_item : Gram.Entry.t Ast.sig_item;
+ value sig_item_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.sig_item;
+ value sig_items : Gram.Entry.t Ast.sig_item;
+ value star_ctyp : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value str_item : Gram.Entry.t Ast.str_item;
+ value str_item_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.str_item;
+ value str_items : Gram.Entry.t Ast.str_item;
+ value type_constraint : Gram.Entry.t unit;
+ value type_declaration : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value type_ident_and_parameters : Gram.Entry.t (string * list Ast.ctyp);
+ value type_kind : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value type_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value type_longident_and_parameters : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value type_parameter : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value type_parameters : Gram.Entry.t (Ast.ctyp -> Ast.ctyp);
+ value typevars : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ctyp;
+ value val_longident : Gram.Entry.t Ast.ident;
+ value value_let : Gram.Entry.t unit;
+ value value_val : Gram.Entry.t unit;
+ value with_constr : Gram.Entry.t Ast.with_constr;
+ value with_constr_quot : Gram.Entry.t Ast.with_constr;
+module type SyntaxExtension = functor (Syn : Syntax)
+ -> (Syntax with module Loc = Syn.Loc
+ and module Warning = Syn.Warning
+ and module Ast = Syn.Ast
+ and module Token = Syn.Token
+ and module Gram = Syn.Gram
+ and module AntiquotSyntax = Syn.AntiquotSyntax
+ and module Quotation = Syn.Quotation);
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/.cvsignore b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/.cvsignore
index 1faf93690..262784dbd 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/.cvsignore
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/.cvsignore
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@