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1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebc14fc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+open Camlp4.PreCast;
+module MapTy = Map.Make String;
+type t =
+ { name : Ast.ident;
+ type_decls : MapTy.t Ast.ctyp;
+ acc : Ast.expr;
+ app : Ast.expr;
+ id : Ast.expr;
+ tup : Ast.expr;
+ com : Ast.expr;
+ str : Ast.expr;
+ int : Ast.expr;
+ flo : Ast.expr;
+ chr : Ast.expr;
+ ant : Ast.ident;
+ };
+value _loc = Loc.ghost;
+value x i = <:ident< $lid:"x"^string_of_int i$ >>;
+value meta_ s = <:ident< $lid:"meta_"^s$ >>;
+value mf_ s = "mf_" ^ s;
+value rec string_of_ident =
+ fun
+ [ <:ident< $lid:s$ >> -> s
+ | <:ident< $uid:s$ >> -> s
+ | <:ident< $i1$.$i2$ >> -> "acc_" ^ (string_of_ident i1) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_ident i2)
+ | <:ident< $i1$ $i2$ >> -> "app_" ^ (string_of_ident i1) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_ident i2)
+ | <:ident< $anti:_$ >> -> assert False ];
+value fold_args ty f init =
+ let (_, res) =
+ List.fold_left (fun (i, acc) ty -> (succ i, f ty i acc)
+ ) (0, init) ty
+ in res;
+value fold_data_ctors ty f init =
+ let rec loop acc t =
+ match t with
+ [ <:ctyp< $uid:cons$ of $ty$ >> -> f cons (Ast.list_of_ctyp ty []) acc
+ | <:ctyp< $uid:cons$ >> -> f cons [] acc
+ | <:ctyp< $t1$ | $t2$ >> -> loop (loop acc t1) t2
+ | <:ctyp<>> -> acc
+ | _ -> assert False ] in
+ loop init ty;
+value fold_type_decls m f init =
+ MapTy.fold f m.type_decls init;
+value patt_of_data_ctor_decl cons tyargs =
+ fold_args tyargs (fun _ i acc ->
+ <:patt< $acc$ $id:x i$ >>
+ ) <:patt< $id:cons$ >>;
+value expr_of_data_ctor_decl cons tyargs =
+ fold_args tyargs (fun _ i acc ->
+ <:expr< $acc$ $id:x i$ >>
+ ) <:expr< $id:cons$ >>;
+value is_antiquot_data_ctor s =
+ let ls = String.length s in
+ ls > 3 && String.sub s (ls - 3) 3 = "Ant";
+value rec meta_ident m =
+ fun
+ [ <:ident< $i1$.$i2$ >> -> <:expr< Ast.IdAcc _loc $meta_ident m i1$ $meta_ident m i2$ >>
+ | <:ident< $i1$ $i2$ >> -> <:expr< Ast.IdApp _loc $meta_ident m i1$ $meta_ident m i2$ >>
+ | <:ident< $anti:s$ >> -> <:expr< $anti:s$ >>
+ | <:ident< $lid:s$ >> -> <:expr< Ast.IdLid _loc $str:s$ >>
+ | <:ident< $uid:s$ >> -> <:expr< Ast.IdUid _loc $str:s$ >> ];
+value m_app m x y = <:expr< $$ _loc $x$ $y$ >>;
+value m_id m i = <:expr< $$ _loc $i$ >>;
+value m_uid m s = m_id m (meta_ident m <:ident< $uid:s$ >>);
+value failure = <:expr< raise (Failure "MetaGenerator: cannot handle that kind of types") >>;
+value mk_meta m =
+ let m_name_uid x = <:ident< $$.$uid:x$ >> in
+ fold_type_decls m (fun tyname tydcl acc ->
+ let funct =
+ match tydcl with
+ [ Ast.TyDcl _ _ tyvars <:ctyp< [$ty$] >> _ ->
+ let match_case =
+ fold_data_ctors ty (fun cons tyargs acc ->
+ let m_name_cons = m_name_uid cons in
+ let init = m_id m (meta_ident m m_name_cons) in
+ let p = patt_of_data_ctor_decl m_name_cons tyargs in
+ let e =
+ if cons = "BAnt" || cons = "OAnt" then
+ <:expr< $id:m.ant$ _loc x0 >>
+ else if is_antiquot_data_ctor cons then
+ expr_of_data_ctor_decl m.ant tyargs
+ else
+ fold_args tyargs (fun ty i acc ->
+ let rec fcall_of_ctyp ty =
+ match ty with
+ [ <:ctyp< $id:id$ >> ->
+ <:expr< $id:meta_ (string_of_ident id)$ >>
+ | <:ctyp< ($t1$ * $t2$) >> ->
+ <:expr< (fun _loc (x1, x2) ->
+ $m.tup$ _loc
+ ($$ _loc
+ ($fcall_of_ctyp t1$ _loc x1)
+ ($fcall_of_ctyp t2$ _loc x2))) >>
+ | <:ctyp< $t1$ $t2$ >> ->
+ <:expr< $fcall_of_ctyp t1$ $fcall_of_ctyp t2$ >>
+ | <:ctyp< '$s$ >> -> <:expr< $lid:mf_ s$ >>
+ | _ -> failure ]
+ in m_app m acc <:expr< $fcall_of_ctyp ty$ _loc $id:x i$ >>
+ ) init
+ in <:match_case< $p$ -> $e$ | $acc$ >>
+ ) <:match_case<>> in
+ List.fold_right (fun tyvar acc ->
+ match tyvar with
+ [ <:ctyp< +'$s$ >> | <:ctyp< -'$s$ >> | <:ctyp< '$s$ >> ->
+ <:expr< fun $lid:mf_ s$ -> $acc$ >>
+ | _ -> assert False ])
+ tyvars <:expr< fun _loc -> fun [ $match_case$ ] >>
+ | Ast.TyDcl _ _ _ _ _ -> <:expr< fun _ -> $failure$ >>
+ | _ -> assert False ]
+ in <:binding< $acc$ and $lid:"meta_"^tyname$ = $funct$ >>) <:binding<>>;
+value find_type_decls = object
+ inherit Ast.fold as super;
+ value accu = MapTy.empty;
+ method get = accu;
+ method ctyp =
+ fun
+ [ Ast.TyDcl _ name _ _ _ as t -> {< accu = MapTy.add name t accu >}
+ | t -> super#ctyp t ];
+value filter st =
+ let type_decls = lazy (find_type_decls#str_item st)#get in
+ object
+ inherit as super;
+ method module_expr me =
+ let mk_meta_module m =
+ let bi = mk_meta m in
+ <:module_expr<
+ struct
+ value meta_string _loc s = $m.str$ _loc s;
+ value meta_int _loc s = $$ _loc s;
+ value meta_float _loc s = $m.flo$ _loc s;
+ value meta_char _loc s = $m.chr$ _loc s;
+ value meta_bool _loc =
+ fun
+ [ False -> $m_uid m "False"$
+ | True -> $m_uid m "True"$ ];
+ value rec meta_list mf_a _loc =
+ fun
+ [ [] -> $m_uid m "[]"$
+ | [x :: xs] -> $m_app m (m_app m (m_uid m "::") <:expr< mf_a _loc x >>) <:expr< meta_list mf_a _loc xs >>$ ];
+ value rec $bi$;
+ end >> in
+ match super#module_expr me with
+ [ <:module_expr< Camlp4Filters.MetaGeneratorExpr $id:i$ >> ->
+ mk_meta_module
+ { name = i;
+ type_decls = Lazy.force type_decls;
+ app = <:expr< Ast.ExApp >>;
+ acc = <:expr< Ast.ExAcc >>;
+ id = <:expr< Ast.ExId >>;
+ tup = <:expr< Ast.ExTup >>;
+ com = <:expr< Ast.ExCom >>;
+ str = <:expr< Ast.ExStr >>;
+ int = <:expr< Ast.ExInt >>;
+ flo = <:expr< Ast.ExFlo >>;
+ chr = <:expr< Ast.ExChr >>;
+ ant = <:ident< Ast.ExAnt >>
+ }
+ | <:module_expr< Camlp4Filters.MetaGeneratorPatt $id:i$ >> ->
+ mk_meta_module
+ { name = i;
+ type_decls = Lazy.force type_decls;
+ app = <:expr< Ast.PaApp >>;
+ acc = <:expr< Ast.PaAcc >>;
+ id = <:expr< Ast.PaId >>;
+ tup = <:expr< Ast.PaTup >>;
+ com = <:expr< Ast.PaCom >>;
+ str = <:expr< Ast.PaStr >>;
+ int = <:expr< Ast.PaInt >>;
+ flo = <:expr< Ast.PaFlo >>;
+ chr = <:expr< Ast.PaChr >>;
+ ant = <:ident< Ast.PaAnt >>
+ }
+ | me -> me ];
+ end#str_item st;
+AstFilters.register_str_item_filter filter;