diff options
64 files changed, 20023 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/Changes.txt b/ocamldoc/Changes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ab6bbfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/Changes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Next release :
+ - link syntax {{:url}text} added to the manual
+ - (** comments in code is colorized in ocaml code html pages
+ - new class .code in style
+ - new generator : -dot . Output dot code to display
+ modules or types dependencies.
+ - new option -inv-merge-ml-mli to inverse the priority of
+ .ml and .mli when merging
+ - option -werr becomes -warn-error
+ - possibility to define and reference section labels
+ Exemple:
+ (** {2:mysectionlabel My title bla bla bla} *)
+ in module Foo
+ This section is referenced with {!Foo.mysectionlabel} in
+ a comment.
+Pre-release 4 :
+ - new option -werr to treat ocamldoc warnings as errors
+ - new option -hide to remove some modules from complete names,
+ (e.g., print ref instead of Pervasives.ref)
+ - HTML doc in classic style only contain indexes to existing element kinds
+ (i.e. there is no class index if the doc does not contain any class.)
+ - First description sentence now stops at the first period followed by a blank,
+ or at the first blank line.
+ - update of user manual
+ - check report generator added (options -iso and -iso-{val|ty|cl|ex|mod})
+ - Odoc_info.Scan.scanner base class added
+ - support for custom tags (@xxx with xxx not a predefined tag), see manual
+ - new classes info in Odoc_html, Odoc_to_text, Odoc_latex, and Odoc_man, which
+ contains the functions for printing info structures
+ - replacement of modules Odoc_html.Text and Odoc_latex.Text by
+ classes Odoc_html.text and Odoc_latex.text to allow the redefinition
+ of their methods in custom generators
+ - bug fix : a shortcut list can be pu after a blank line
+ - improved display of variant constructors, record fields and
+ their comments in classic HTML
+ - blank lines in comments become <p> in HTML instead of <br>
+ - bug fix : there can be blanks between the last item
+ and the ending } of a list
+ - new option -latextitles
+ - number of errors encountered is displayed
+ - if at least one error occurs, exit code is not 0
+ - more precise error messages
+ - bug fix : \n and other blanks are accepted after, for example, {i
+Pre-release 3 :
+ - option -stars
+ - complete paths of executables in the generated Makefile
+ - names of executables changed to ocamldoc and ocamldoc.opt
+ - better LaTeX output
+ - option -sepfiles for LaTeX
+ - ocamldoc.sty used by the generated LaTeX
+ - ocamldoc.hva added to use Hevea on the generated LaTeX
+ - user manual updated
+ - {[ ]} marks to put pre-formatted code on more than one line
+ - {!Toto.tutu} to add cross references between elements
+ - some bug fixes
+Rep-release 2 :
+- generator of texinfo files : odoc_texi.cma
+- use of CSS in generated html
+- new option -css-style to provide a different style sheet
+- improved html
+- added more precise titles in generated html pages
+- no more links to unknown elements
+- added indexes
+- simple html : added <LINK ...> in <HEAD> : compliant
+ browsers should display quick access to modules and indexes in
+ their navigation bar (for example, mozilla 0.9.5 is compliant)
+- '{bone}' doesn't work any more ; a space is required as in '{b one}'.
+ Same for {e, {i, and some others marks. Check the manual
+- bug fixes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocamldoc/Makefile b/ocamldoc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b5fba4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#(* OCamldoc *)
+#(* *)
+#(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+#(* *)
+#(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+#(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+#(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+#(* *)
+include ../config/Makefile
+# Various commands and dir
+OCAMLC = $(CAMLRUN) ../boot/ocamlc -I ../boot -warn-error A
+OCAMLOPT = $(CAMLRUN) ../ocamlopt
+OCAMLDEP = $(CAMLRUN) ../tools/ocamldep
+OCAMLLEX = $(CAMLRUN) ../boot/ocamllex
+OCAMLYACC= ../boot/ocamlyacc
+EXTRAC_CRC = $(CAMLRUN) ../otherlibs/dynlink/extract_crc
+OCAMLPP=-pp 'grep -v DEBUG'
+# For installation
+MKDIR=mkdir -p
+CP=cp -f
+# Compilation
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/driver \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/tools \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/stdlib \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/otherlibs/str \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/otherlibs/dynlink \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/otherlibs/unix \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/otherlibs/num \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/otherlibs/graph \
+ -I $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/toplevel/ \
+CMOFILES= odoc_global.cmo\
+ odoc_messages.cmo\
+ odoc_types.cmo\
+ odoc_misc.cmo\
+ odoc_text_parser.cmo\
+ odoc_text_lexer.cmo\
+ odoc_text.cmo\
+ odoc_name.cmo\
+ odoc_parameter.cmo\
+ odoc_value.cmo\
+ odoc_type.cmo\
+ odoc_exception.cmo\
+ odoc_class.cmo\
+ odoc_module.cmo\
+ odoc_str.cmo\
+ odoc_args.cmo\
+ odoc_comments_global.cmo\
+ odoc_parser.cmo\
+ odoc_lexer.cmo\
+ odoc_see_lexer.cmo\
+ odoc_comments.cmo\
+ odoc_env.cmo\
+ odoc_merge.cmo\
+ odoc_sig.cmo\
+ odoc_ast.cmo\
+ odoc_control.cmo\
+ odoc_inherit.cmo\
+ odoc_search.cmo\
+ odoc_cross.cmo\
+ odoc_dep.cmo\
+ odoc_analyse.cmo\
+ odoc_scan.cmo\
+ odoc_info.cmo
+CMXFILES= $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx)
+CMIFILES= $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi)
+ odoc_dag2html.cmo\
+ odoc_to_text.cmo\
+ odoc_ocamlhtml.cmo\
+ odoc_html.cmo\
+ odoc_man.cmo\
+ odoc_latex.cmo\
+ odoc_dot.cmo\
+ odoc_iso.cmo
+# Les cmo et cmx de la distrib OCAML
+OCAMLCMOFILES=$(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/printast.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/ident.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/tbl.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/misc.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/config.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/clflags.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/warnings.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/utils/ccomp.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/linenum.cmo\
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/location.cmo\
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/longident.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/syntaxerr.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/parser.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/lexer.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/parsing/parse.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/types.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/path.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/btype.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/predef.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/datarepr.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/subst.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/env.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/ctype.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/primitive.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/oprint.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/printtyp.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/includecore.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typetexp.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/parmatch.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typedtree.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typecore.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/includeclass.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typedecl.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typeclass.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/mtype.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/includemod.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/typing/typemod.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/lambda.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/typeopt.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/printlambda.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/switch.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/matching.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/translobj.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/translcore.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/bytecomp/translclass.cmo \
+ $(OCAMLSRCDIR)/tools/depend.cmo
+all: exe lib
+exe: $(OCAMLDOC)
+opt.opt: exeopt libopt
+exeopt: $(OCAMLDOC_OPT)
+ make OCAMLPP=""
+$(OCAMLDOC): $(EXECMIFILES) $(EXECMOFILES) odoc_crc.cmo odoc.cmo
+ $(OCAMLC) -o $@ unix.cma str.cma dynlink.cma $(LINKFLAGS) $(OCAMLCMOFILES) $(EXECMOFILES) odoc_crc.cmo odoc.cmo
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ unix.cmxa str.cmxa $(LINKFLAGS) $(OCAMLCMXFILES) $(EXECMXFILES) odoc_opt.cmx
+ Arg Arith_status Array Big_int Buffer Callback Char Digest Dynlink \
+ Filename Format Gc Genlex Graphics Hashtbl \
+ Lazy Lexing List Map Marshal Nat\
+ Num Obj Oo Outcometree Parsing Pervasives Printexc\
+ Printf Profiling Queue Random Ratio\
+ Set Sort Stack Std_exit Str Stream\
+ String Sys Topdirs Toploop Unix Weak\
+ Printast \
+ Ident \
+ Tbl \
+ Misc \
+ Config \
+ Clflags \
+ Warnings \
+ Ccomp \
+ Linenum\
+ Location\
+ Longident \
+ Syntaxerr \
+ Parser \
+ Lexer \
+ Parse \
+ Types \
+ Path \
+ Btype \
+ Predef \
+ Datarepr \
+ Subst \
+ Env \
+ Ctype \
+ Primitive \
+ Oprint \
+ Printtyp \
+ Includecore \
+ Typetexp \
+ Parmatch \
+ Typedtree \
+ Typecore \
+ Includeclass \
+ Typedecl \
+ Typeclass \
+ Mtype \
+ Includemod \
+ Typemod \
+ Lambda \
+ Typeopt \
+ Printlambda \
+ Switch \
+ Matching \
+ Translobj \
+ Translcore \
+ Bytesections \
+ Runtimedef \
+ Symtable \
+ Opcodes \
+ Bytelink \
+ Bytelibrarian \
+ Translclass \
+ Errors \
+ Main_args \
+ Asttypes \
+ Depend \
+ Odoc_global Odoc_args Odoc_info Odoc_messages Odoc_types\
+ Odoc_misc Odoc_text_parser Odoc_text_lexer\
+ Odoc_text Odoc_comments_global Odoc_parser\
+ Odoc_lexer Odoc_comments Odoc_name Odoc_parameter\
+ Odoc_value Odoc_type Odoc_exception Odoc_class\
+ Odoc_module Odoc_str Odoc_args Odoc_env\
+ Odoc_sig Odoc_ast Odoc_control Odoc_inherit\
+ Odoc_search Odoc_cross Odoc_merge Odoc_analyse\
+ Odoc_dag2html Odoc_ocamlhtml Odoc_html\
+ Odoc_latex Odoc_man Odoc_iso Odoc_scan > $@
+# generic rules :
+.SUFFIXES: .mli .ml .cmi .cmo .cmx .mll .mly
+ $(OCAMLLEX) $<
+ $(OCAMLYACC) -v $<
+# Installation targets
+install: dummy
+ if test -d $(INSTALL_BINDIR); then : ; else $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_BINDIR); fi
+ if test -d $(INSTALL_LIBDIR); then : ; else $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_LIBDIR); fi
+ $(CP) ocamldoc.sty ocamldoc.hva *.cmi $(GENERATORS) $(OCAMLDOC_LIBCMA) $(INSTALL_LIBDIR)
+ if test -f $(OCAMLDOC_OPT) ; then $(MAKE) installopt ; fi
+ if test -d $(INSTALL_BINDIR); then : ; else $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_BINDIR); fi
+ if test -d $(INSTALL_LIBDIR); then : ; else $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_LIBDIR); fi
+ $(CP) ocamldoc.sty ocamldoc.hva $(OCAMLDOC_LIBA) $(OCAMLDOC_LIBCMXA) $(INSTALL_LIBDIR)
+# backup, clean and depend :
+clean:: dummy
+ @rm -f *~ \#*\#
+ @rm -f odoc odoc.opt *.cma *.cmxa *.cmo *.cmi *.cmx *.a *.o
+ @rm -f odoc_parser.output odoc_text_parser.output
+ @rm -f
+ @rm -f odoc_parser.mli odoc_text_parser.mli
+.depend depend::
+ rm -f .depend
+ $(OCAMLYACC) odoc_text_parser.mly
+ $(OCAMLYACC) odoc_parser.mly
+ $(OCAMLLEX) odoc_text_lexer.mll
+ $(OCAMLLEX) odoc_lexer.mll
+ $(OCAMLDEP) $(INCLUDES) *.mll *.mly *.ml *.mli > .depend
+include .depend
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.hva b/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.hva
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da700db5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.hva
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.sty b/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..008a7975b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/ocamldoc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+%% Support macros for LaTeX documentation generated by ocamldoc.
+%% This file is in the public domain; do what you want with it.
+ [2001/12/04 v1.0 ocamldoc support]
+ \bgroup
+ \leftskip\@totalleftmargin
+ \rightskip\z@skip
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \noindent\@@par
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \def\par{%
+ \if@tempswa
+ \leavevmode\null\@@par\penalty\interlinepenalty
+ \else
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \ifhmode\@@par\penalty\interlinepenalty\fi
+ \fi}
+ \obeylines
+ \verbatim@font
+ \let\org@prime~%
+ \@noligs
+ \let\org@dospecials\dospecials
+ \g@remfrom@specials{\\}
+ \g@remfrom@specials{\{}
+ \g@remfrom@specials{\}}
+ \let\do\@makeother
+ \dospecials
+ \let\dospecials\org@dospecials
+ \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces
+ \everypar \expandafter{\the\everypar \unpenalty}}
+ \def\@new@specials{}
+ \def\@remove##1{%
+ \ifx##1#1\else
+ \g@addto@macro\@new@specials{\do ##1}\fi}
+ \let\do\@remove\dospecials
+ \let\dospecials\@new@specials
+ }
+{\list{}{\rightmargin0pt \topsep0pt}\raggedright\item\relax}
+{\list{}{\leftmargin 2\leftmargini \rightmargin0pt \topsep0pt}\raggedright\item\relax}
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cca5eea0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Main module for bytecode. *)
+open Config
+open Clflags
+open Misc
+open Format
+open Typedtree
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+(* we check if we must load a module given on the command line *)
+let arg_list = Array.to_list Sys.argv
+let (cmo_or_cma_opt, paths) =
+ let rec iter (f_opt, inc) = function
+ [] | _ :: [] -> (f_opt, inc)
+ | "-g" :: file :: q when
+ ((Filename.check_suffix file "cmo") or
+ (Filename.check_suffix file "cma")) &
+ (f_opt = None) ->
+ iter (Some file, inc) q
+ | "-i" :: dir :: q ->
+ iter (f_opt, inc @ [dir]) q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter (f_opt, inc) q
+ in
+ iter (None, []) arg_list
+let _ = print_DEBUG "Fin analyse des arguments pour le dynamic load"
+let _ =
+ match cmo_or_cma_opt with
+ None ->
+ ()
+ | Some file ->
+ (* initializations for dynamic loading *)
+ Dynlink.init ();
+ Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true;
+ try
+ Dynlink.add_available_units Odoc_crc.crc_unit_list ;
+ let _ = Dynlink.loadfile file in
+ ()
+ with
+ Dynlink.Error e ->
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file (Dynlink.error_message e)) ;
+ exit 1
+ | Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file "Not_found");
+ exit 1
+ | Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file s);
+ exit 1
+let _ = print_DEBUG "Fin du chargement dynamique éventuel"
+let default_html_generator = new Odoc_html.html
+let default_latex_generator = new Odoc_latex.latex
+let default_man_generator = new
+let default_iso_generator = new Odoc_iso.iso
+let default_dot_generator = new
+let _ = Odoc_args.parse
+ (default_html_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_latex_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_man_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_iso_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_dot_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+let loaded_modules =
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun f ->
+ Odoc_info.verbose (Odoc_messages.loading f);
+ try
+ let l = Odoc_analyse.load_modules f in
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok;
+ l
+ with Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ []
+ )
+ !Odoc_args.load
+ )
+let modules = Odoc_analyse.analyse_files ~init: loaded_modules !Odoc_args.files
+let _ =
+ match !Odoc_args.dump with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ try Odoc_analyse.dump_modules f modules
+ with Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors
+let _ =
+ match !Odoc_args.doc_generator with
+ None ->
+ ()
+ | Some gen ->
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.generating_doc;
+ gen#generate modules;
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok
+let _ =
+ if !Odoc_global.errors > 0 then
+ (
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.errors_occured !Odoc_global.errors) ;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ else
+ exit 0
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b552fc64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of source files. This module is strongly inspired from driver/ :-) *)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+open Config
+open Clflags
+open Misc
+open Format
+open Typedtree
+(** Initialize the search path.
+ The current directory is always searched first,
+ then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
+ then the standard library directory. *)
+let init_path () =
+ let dirs =
+ if !Clflags.thread_safe then
+ Filename.concat Config.standard_library "threads" :: !Clflags.include_dirs
+ else
+ !Clflags.include_dirs in
+ load_path := "" :: List.rev (Config.standard_library :: dirs);
+ Env.reset_cache()
+(** Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
+let initial_env () =
+ try
+ if !Clflags.nopervasives
+ then Env.initial
+ else Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error "cannot open pervasives.cmi"
+(** Optionally preprocess a source file *)
+let preprocess sourcefile =
+ match !Clflags.preprocessor with
+ None -> sourcefile
+ | Some pp ->
+ let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "camlpp" "" in
+ let comm = Printf.sprintf "%s %s > %s" pp sourcefile tmpfile in
+ if Ccomp.command comm <> 0 then begin
+ remove_file tmpfile;
+ Printf.eprintf "Preprocessing error\n";
+ exit 2
+ end;
+ tmpfile
+(** Remove the input file if this file was the result of a preprocessing.*)
+let remove_preprocessed inputfile =
+ match !Clflags.preprocessor with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> remove_file inputfile
+let remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile =
+ match !Clflags.preprocessor with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> if inputfile <> !Location.input_name then remove_file inputfile
+exception Outdated_version
+(** Parse a file or get a dumped syntax tree in it *)
+let parse_file inputfile parse_fun ast_magic =
+ let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
+ let is_ast_file =
+ try
+ let buffer = String.create (String.length ast_magic) in
+ really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length ast_magic);
+ if buffer = ast_magic then true
+ else if String.sub buffer 0 9 = String.sub ast_magic 0 9 then
+ raise Outdated_version
+ else false
+ with
+ Outdated_version ->
+ fatal_error "Ocaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let ast =
+ try
+ if is_ast_file then begin
+ Location.input_name := input_value ic;
+ input_value ic
+ end else begin
+ seek_in ic 0;
+ Location.input_name := inputfile;
+ parse_fun (Lexing.from_channel ic)
+ end
+ with x -> close_in ic; raise x
+ in
+ close_in ic;
+ ast
+let (++) x f = f x
+(** Analysis of an implementation file. Returns (Some typedtree) if
+ no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
+let process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile =
+ init_path();
+ let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
+ let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
+ let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
+ let env = initial_env () in
+ let cmi_file = (Filename.chop_extension sourcefile)^".cmi" in
+ try
+ let _ = Sys.command ("cp "^cmi_file^" /tmp") in
+ let parsetree = parse_file inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in
+ let typedtree = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env parsetree in
+ let _ = Sys.command ("mv "^"/tmp/"^(Filename.basename cmi_file)^" "^cmi_file) in
+ (Some (parsetree, typedtree), inputfile)
+ with
+ e ->
+ let _ = Sys.command ("mv "^"/tmp/"^(Filename.basename cmi_file)^" "^cmi_file) in
+ match e with
+ Syntaxerr.Error err ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
+ Syntaxerr.report_error err;
+ None, inputfile
+ | Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None, inputfile
+ | e ->
+ raise e
+(** Analysis of an interface file. Returns (Some signature) if
+ no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
+let process_interface_file ppf sourcefile =
+ init_path();
+ let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
+ let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
+ let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
+ let ast = parse_file inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
+ let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
+ Warnings.check_fatal ();
+ (ast, sg, inputfile)
+(** The module used to analyse the parsetree and signature of an implementation file.*)
+module Ast_analyser = Odoc_ast.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
+(** The module used to analyse the parse tree and typed tree of an interface file.*)
+module Sig_analyser = Odoc_sig.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
+(** Handle an error. This is a partial copy of the compiler
+ driver/ file. We do this because there are
+ some differences between the possibly raised exceptions
+ in the bytecode ( and opt ( compilers
+ and we don't want to take care of this. Besisdes, this
+ differences only concern code generation (i believe).*)
+let process_error exn =
+ let report ppf = function
+ | Lexer.Error(err, start, stop) ->
+ Location.print ppf {Location.loc_start = start;
+ Location.loc_end = stop;
+ Location.loc_ghost = false};
+ Lexer.report_error ppf err
+ | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
+ Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
+ | Env.Error err ->
+ Env.report_error ppf err
+ | Ctype.Tags(l, l') -> fprintf ppf
+ "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
+ have the same hash value." l l'
+ | Typecore.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typecore.report_error ppf err
+ | Typetexp.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error ppf err
+ | Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
+ | Includemod.Error err ->
+ Includemod.report_error ppf err
+ | Typemod.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typemod.report_error ppf err
+ | Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
+ | Sys_error msg ->
+ fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
+ | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
+ | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
+ | Warnings.Errors (n) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@.Error: %d error-enabled warnings occurred." n
+ | x ->
+ fprintf ppf "@]";
+ fprintf ppf "Compilation error. Use the OCaml compiler to get more details."
+ in
+ Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@." report exn
+(** Process the given file, according to its extension. Return the Module.t created, if any.*)
+let process_file ppf sourcefile =
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string (Odoc_messages.analysing sourcefile) ;
+ print_newline ();
+ );
+ if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "ml" then
+ (
+ try
+ let (parsetree_typedtree_opt, input_file) = process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile in
+ match parsetree_typedtree_opt with
+ None ->
+ None
+ | Some (parsetree, typedtree) ->
+ let file_module = Ast_analyser.analyse_typed_tree sourcefile !Location.input_name parsetree typedtree in
+ file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.impl_dependencies parsetree ;
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
+ print_newline ()
+ );
+ remove_preprocessed input_file;
+ Some file_module
+ with
+ | Sys_error s
+ | Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None
+ | e ->
+ process_error e ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None
+ )
+ else
+ if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "mli" then
+ (
+ try
+ let (ast, signat, input_file) = process_interface_file ppf sourcefile in
+ let file_module = Sig_analyser.analyse_signature sourcefile !Location.input_name ast signat in
+ file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.intf_dependencies ast ;
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
+ print_newline ()
+ );
+ remove_preprocessed input_file;
+ Some file_module
+ with
+ | Sys_error s
+ | Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None
+ | e ->
+ process_error e ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.unknown_extension sourcefile))
+ )
+(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment. *)
+let rec remove_class_elements_after_stop eles =
+ match eles with
+ [] -> []
+ | ele :: q ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_class.Class_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] -> []
+ | Odoc_class.Class_attribute _
+ | Odoc_class.Class_method _
+ | Odoc_class.Class_comment _ -> ele :: (remove_class_elements_after_stop q)
+(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment in a class kind. *)
+let rec remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind k =
+ match k with
+ Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, l) ->
+ Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, remove_class_elements_after_stop l)
+ | Odoc_class.Class_apply _ -> k
+ | Odoc_class.Class_constr _ -> k
+ | Odoc_class.Class_constraint (k1, ctk) ->
+ Odoc_class.Class_constraint (remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind k1,
+ remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind ctk)
+(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment in a class type kind. *)
+and remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind tk =
+ match tk with
+ Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, l) ->
+ Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, remove_class_elements_after_stop l)
+ | Odoc_class.Class_type _ -> tk
+(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment. *)
+let rec remove_module_elements_after_stop eles =
+ let f = remove_module_elements_after_stop in
+ match eles with
+ [] -> []
+ | ele :: q ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_module.Element_module_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] -> []
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_comment _ ->
+ ele :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module m ->
+ m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind ;
+ (Odoc_module.Element_module m) :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt ->
+ mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind <- Odoc_misc.apply_opt
+ remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind ;
+ (Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt) :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_included_module _ ->
+ ele :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class c ->
+ c.Odoc_class.cl_kind <- remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind c.Odoc_class.cl_kind ;
+ (Odoc_module.Element_class c) :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct ->
+ ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind <- remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind ;
+ (Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct) :: (f q)
+ | Odoc_module.Element_value _
+ | Odoc_module.Element_exception _
+ | Odoc_module.Element_type _ ->
+ ele :: (f q)
+(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment, in the given module kind. *)
+and remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k =
+ match k with
+ | Odoc_module.Module_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_struct (remove_module_elements_after_stop l)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_alias _ -> k
+ | Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, k2) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_apply (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k1,
+ remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_with (mtkind, s) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_with (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind, s)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_constraint (k2, mtkind) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_constraint (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2,
+ remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind)
+(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment, in the given module type kind. *)
+and remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk =
+ match tk with
+ | Odoc_module.Module_type_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_type_struct (remove_module_elements_after_stop l)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, tk2) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2)
+ | Odoc_module.Module_type_alias _ -> tk
+ | Odoc_module.Module_type_with (tk2, s) ->
+ Odoc_module.Module_type_with (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2, s)
+(** Remove elements after the stop special comment. *)
+let remove_elements_after_stop module_list =
+ (fun m ->
+ m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind;
+ m
+ )
+ module_list
+(** This function builds the modules from the given list of source files. *)
+let analyse_files ?(init=[]) files =
+ let modules_pre =
+ init @
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun file ->
+ try
+ match process_file Format.err_formatter file with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some m ->
+ acc @ [ m ]
+ with
+ Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ files
+ )
+ in
+ (* Remove elements after the stop special comments, if needed. *)
+ let modules =
+ if !Odoc_args.no_stop then
+ modules_pre
+ else
+ remove_elements_after_stop modules_pre
+ in
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.merging;
+ print_newline ()
+ );
+ let merged_modules = Odoc_merge.merge !Odoc_args.merge_options modules in
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
+ print_newline ();
+ );
+ let modules_list =
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (Odoc_module.module_all_submodules ~trans: false m))
+ merged_modules
+ merged_modules
+ )
+ in
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.cross_referencing;
+ print_newline ()
+ );
+ let _ = Odoc_cross.associate modules_list in
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
+ print_newline ();
+ );
+ if !Odoc_args.sort_modules then
+ Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.Odoc_module.m_name < m2.Odoc_module.m_name) merged_modules
+ else
+ merged_modules
+let dump_modules file (modules : Odoc_module.t_module list) =
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out_bin file in
+ output_value chanout modules;
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+let load_modules file =
+ try
+ let chanin = open_in_bin file in
+ let (l : Odoc_module.t_module list) = input_value chanin in
+ close_in chanin ;
+ l
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_analyse.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_analyse.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..845b1c4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_analyse.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of source files. *)
+(** This function builds the top modules from the analysis of the
+ given list of source files.
+ @param init is the list of modules already known from a previous analysis.
+val analyse_files :
+ ?init: Odoc_module.t_module list ->
+ string list ->
+ Odoc_module.t_module list
+(** Dump of a list of modules into a file.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+val dump_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit
+(** Load of a list of modules from a file.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+val load_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1309d3a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Command-line arguments. *)
+open Clflags
+let include_dirs = Clflags.include_dirs
+class type doc_generator =
+ object
+ method generate : Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit
+ end
+let doc_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+let merge_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.merge_option list)
+let iso_type_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.iso_check list)
+let iso_val_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.iso_check list)
+let iso_exception_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.iso_check list)
+let iso_class_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.iso_check list)
+let iso_module_options = ref ([] : Odoc_types.iso_check list)
+let dot_file = ref Odoc_messages.default_dot_file
+let dot_include_all = ref false
+let dot_types = ref false
+let dot_reduce = ref false
+let dot_colors = ref Odoc_messages.default_dot_colors
+(** Analysis of a string defining options. Return the list of
+ options according to the list giving associations between
+ [(character, _)] and a list of options. *)
+let analyse_option_string l s =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ((c,_), v) ->
+ if String.contains s c then
+ acc @ v
+ else
+ acc)
+ []
+ l
+(** Analysis of a string defining the merge options to be used.
+ Returns the list of options specified.*)
+let analyse_merge_options s =
+ let l = [
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_description, [Odoc_types.Merge_description]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_author, [Odoc_types.Merge_author]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_version, [Odoc_types.Merge_version]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_see, [Odoc_types.Merge_see]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_since, [Odoc_types.Merge_since]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_deprecated, [Odoc_types.Merge_deprecated]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_param, [Odoc_types.Merge_param]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_raised_exception, [Odoc_types.Merge_raised_exception]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_return_value, [Odoc_types.Merge_return_value]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_custom, [Odoc_types.Merge_custom]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.merge_all, Odoc_types.all_merge_options)
+ ]
+ in
+ analyse_option_string l s
+(** Analysis of a string defining the iso checks to perform.
+ Return the list of checks specified.*)
+let analyse_iso_checks s =
+ let l = [
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_description, [Odoc_types.Has_description]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_author, [Odoc_types.Has_author]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_since, [Odoc_types.Has_since]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_version, [Odoc_types.Has_version]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_return, [Odoc_types.Has_return]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_params, [Odoc_types.Has_params]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_fields_described, [Odoc_types.Has_fields_decribed]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_constructors_described, [Odoc_types.Has_constructors_decribed]) ;
+ (Odoc_messages.iso_all, Odoc_types.all_iso_checks)
+ ]
+ in
+ analyse_option_string l s
+let classic = Clflags.classic
+let dump = ref (None : string option)
+let load = ref ([] : string list)
+(** Allow arbitrary recursive types. *)
+let recursive_types = Clflags.recursive_types
+let verbose = ref false
+(** Optional preprocessor command. *)
+let preprocessor = Clflags.preprocessor
+let sort_modules = ref false
+let no_custom_tags = ref false
+let no_stop = ref false
+let remove_stars = ref false
+let keep_code = ref false
+let inverse_merge_ml_mli = ref false
+let title = ref (None : string option)
+let with_parameter_list = ref false
+let hidden_modules = ref ([] : string list)
+let target_dir = ref Filename.current_dir_name
+let css_style = ref None
+let index_only = ref false
+let colorize_code = ref false
+let with_header = ref true
+let with_trailer = ref true
+let separate_files = ref false
+let latex_titles = ref [
+ 1, "section" ;
+ 2, "subsection" ;
+ 3, "subsubsection" ;
+ 4, "paragraph" ;
+ 5, "subparagraph" ;
+let with_toc = ref true
+let files = ref []
+let f_latex_title s =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index s ',' in
+ let n = int_of_string (String.sub s 0 pos) in
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let command = String.sub s (pos + 1) (len - pos - 1) in
+ latex_titles := List.remove_assoc n !latex_titles ;
+ latex_titles := (n, command) :: !latex_titles
+ with
+ Not_found
+ | Invalid_argument _ ->
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.wrong_format s)
+let add_hidden_modules s =
+ let l = Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s in
+ List.iter
+ (fun n ->
+ let name = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[ \n\r\t]+") "" n in
+ match name with
+ "" -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ match name.[0] with
+ 'A'..'Z' -> hidden_modules := name :: !hidden_modules
+ | _ ->
+ incr Odoc_global.errors;
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.not_a_module_name name)
+ )
+ l
+let set_doc_generator (dg_opt : doc_generator option) = doc_generator := dg_opt
+(** The default html generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
+let default_html_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+(** The default latex generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
+let default_latex_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+(** The default man pages generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
+let default_man_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+(** The default iso check generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
+let default_iso_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+(** The default dot generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
+let default_dot_generator = ref (None : doc_generator option)
+(** The default option list *)
+let options = ref [
+ "-version", Arg.Unit (fun () -> print_string Odoc_messages.message_version ; print_newline () ; exit 0) , Odoc_messages.option_version ;
+ "-v", Arg.Unit (fun () -> verbose := true), Odoc_messages.verbose_mode ;
+ "-I", Arg.String (fun s -> include_dirs := (Misc.expand_directory Config.standard_library s) :: !include_dirs), Odoc_messages.include_dirs ;
+ "-pp", Arg.String (fun s -> preprocessor := Some s), Odoc_messages.preprocess ;
+ "-rectypes", Arg.Set recursive_types, Odoc_messages.rectypes ;
+ "-nolabels", Arg.Unit (fun () -> classic := true), Odoc_messages.nolabels ;
+ "-warn-error", Arg.Set Odoc_global.warn_error, Odoc_messages.werr ;
+ "-d", Arg.String (fun s -> target_dir := s), Odoc_messages.target_dir ;
+ "-sort", Arg.Unit (fun () -> sort_modules := true), Odoc_messages.sort_modules ;
+ "-no-stop", Arg.Set no_stop, Odoc_messages.no_stop ;
+ "-no-custom-tags", Arg.Set no_custom_tags, Odoc_messages.no_custom_tags ;
+ "-stars", Arg.Set remove_stars, Odoc_messages.remove_stars ;
+ "-inv-merge-ml-mli", Arg.Set inverse_merge_ml_mli, Odoc_messages.inverse_merge_ml_mli ;
+ "-keep-code", Arg.Set keep_code, Odoc_messages.keep_code^"\n" ;
+ "-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> dump := Some s), Odoc_messages.dump ;
+ "-load", Arg.String (fun s -> load := !load @ [s]), Odoc_messages.load^"\n" ;
+ "-t", Arg.String (fun s -> title := Some s), Odoc_messages.option_title ;
+ "-hide", Arg.String add_hidden_modules, Odoc_messages.hide_modules ;
+ "-m", Arg.String (fun s -> merge_options := !merge_options @ (analyse_merge_options s)), Odoc_messages.merge_options^"\n" ;
+(* generators *)
+ "-html", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_html_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_html ;
+ "-latex", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_latex_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_latex ;
+ "-man", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_man_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_man ;
+ "-iso", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_iso_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_iso ;
+ "-dot", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_dot_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_dot ;
+ "-g", Arg.String (fun s -> ()), Odoc_messages.load_file^"\n" ;
+(* html only options *)
+ "-all-params", Arg.Set with_parameter_list, Odoc_messages.with_parameter_list ;
+ "-css-style", Arg.String (fun s -> css_style := Some s), Odoc_messages.css_style ;
+ "-index-only", Arg.Set index_only, Odoc_messages.index_only ;
+ "-colorize-code", Arg.Set colorize_code, Odoc_messages.colorize_code^"\n" ;
+(* latex only options *)
+ "-noheader", Arg.Unit (fun () -> with_header := false), Odoc_messages.no_header ;
+ "-notrailer", Arg.Unit (fun () -> with_trailer := false), Odoc_messages.no_trailer ;
+ "-sepfiles", Arg.Set separate_files, Odoc_messages.separate_files ;
+ "-latextitle", Arg.String f_latex_title, Odoc_messages.latex_title latex_titles ;
+ "-notoc", Arg.Unit (fun () -> with_toc := false), Odoc_messages.no_toc^"\n" ;
+(* iso only options *)
+ "-iso-val", Arg.String (fun s -> iso_val_options := analyse_iso_checks s), Odoc_messages.iso_val_met_att_options ;
+ "-iso-cl", Arg.String (fun s -> iso_class_options := analyse_iso_checks s), Odoc_messages.iso_class_options ;
+ "-iso-mod", Arg.String (fun s -> iso_module_options := analyse_iso_checks s), Odoc_messages.iso_module_options ;
+ "-iso-ex", Arg.String (fun s -> iso_exception_options := analyse_iso_checks s), Odoc_messages.iso_exception_options ;
+ "-iso-ty", Arg.String (fun s -> iso_type_options := analyse_iso_checks s), Odoc_messages.iso_type_options^"\n" ;
+(* dot only options *)
+ "-dot-file", Arg.String (fun s -> dot_file := s), Odoc_messages.dot_file ;
+ "-dot-colors", Arg.String (fun s -> dot_colors := Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",") s), Odoc_messages.dot_colors ;
+ "-dot-include-all", Arg.Set dot_include_all, Odoc_messages.dot_include_all ;
+ "-dot-types", Arg.Set dot_types, Odoc_messages.dot_types ;
+ "-dot-reduce", Arg.Set dot_reduce, Odoc_messages.dot_reduce ;
+let add_option o = options := !options @ [o]
+let parse ~html_generator ~latex_generator ~man_generator ~iso_generator ~dot_generator =
+ default_html_generator := Some html_generator ;
+ default_latex_generator := Some latex_generator ;
+ default_man_generator := Some man_generator ;
+ default_iso_generator := Some iso_generator ;
+ default_dot_generator := Some dot_generator ;
+ let _ = Arg.parse !options
+ (fun s -> files := !files @ [s])
+ (Odoc_messages.usage^Odoc_messages.options_are)
+ in
+ (* we sort the hidden modules by name, to be sure that for example,
+ A.B is before A, so we will match against A.B before A in
+ Odoc_name.hide_modules.*)
+ hidden_modules := List.sort (fun a -> fun b -> - (compare a b)) !hidden_modules
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_args.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_args.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f66b8c662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_args.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of the command line arguments. *)
+(** The include_dirs in the OCaml compiler. *)
+val include_dirs : string list ref
+(** The class type of documentation generators. *)
+class type doc_generator =
+ object method generate : Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit end
+(** The function to be used to create a generator. *)
+val doc_generator : doc_generator option ref
+(** The merge options to be used. *)
+val merge_options : Odoc_types.merge_option list ref
+(** The iso checks to perform on each type. *)
+val iso_type_options : Odoc_types.iso_check list ref
+(** The iso checks to perform on each value / method / attribute. *)
+val iso_val_options : Odoc_types.iso_check list ref
+(** The iso checks to perform on each exception. *)
+val iso_exception_options : Odoc_types.iso_check list ref
+(** The iso checks to perform on each class and class type. *)
+val iso_class_options : Odoc_types.iso_check list ref
+(** The iso checks to perform on each module and module type. *)
+val iso_module_options : Odoc_types.iso_check list ref
+(** Classic mode or not. *)
+val classic : bool ref
+(** The optional file name to dump the collected information into.*)
+val dump : string option ref
+(** The list of information files to load. *)
+val load : string list ref
+(** Verbose mode or not. *)
+val verbose : bool ref
+(** We must sort the list of top modules or not.*)
+val sort_modules : bool ref
+(** We must not stop at the stop special comments. Default is false (we stop).*)
+val no_stop : bool ref
+(** We must raise an exception when we find an unknown @-tag. *)
+val no_custom_tags : bool ref
+(** We must remove the the first characters of each comment line, until the first asterisk '*'. *)
+val remove_stars : bool ref
+(** To keep the code while merging, when we have both .ml and .mli files for a module. *)
+val keep_code : bool ref
+(** To inverse implementation and interface files when merging. *)
+val inverse_merge_ml_mli : bool ref
+(** The optional title to use in the generated documentation. *)
+val title : string option ref
+(** Flag to indicate whether we must display the complete list of parameters
+ for functions and methods. *)
+val with_parameter_list : bool ref
+(** The list of module names to hide. *)
+val hidden_modules : string list ref
+(** The directory where files have to be generated. *)
+val target_dir : string ref
+(** An optional file to use where a CSS style is defined (for HTML). *)
+val css_style : string option ref
+(** Generate only index files. (for HTML). *)
+val index_only : bool ref
+(** To colorize code in HTML generated documentation pages, not code pages. *)
+val colorize_code : bool ref
+(** The flag which indicates if we must generate a header (for LaTeX). *)
+val with_header : bool ref
+(** The flag which indicates if we must generate a trailer (for LaTeX). *)
+val with_trailer : bool ref
+(** The flag to indicate if we must generate one file per module (for LaTeX). *)
+val separate_files : bool ref
+(** The list of pairs (title level, sectionning style). *)
+val latex_titles : (int * string) list ref
+(** The flag which indicates if we must generate a table of contents (for LaTeX). *)
+val with_toc : bool ref
+(** The file used byt the dot generator. *)
+val dot_file : string ref
+(** Include all modules or only the ones on the command line, for the dot ouput. *)
+val dot_include_all : bool ref
+(** Generate dependency graph for types. *)
+val dot_types : bool ref
+(** Perform transitive reduction before dot output. *)
+val dot_reduce : bool ref
+(** The colors used in the dot output. *)
+val dot_colors : string list ref
+(** The files to be analysed. *)
+val files : string list ref
+(** To set the documentation generator. *)
+val set_doc_generator : doc_generator option -> unit
+(** Add an option specification. *)
+val add_option : string * Arg.spec * string -> unit
+(** Parse the args. *)
+val parse :
+ html_generator:doc_generator ->
+ latex_generator:doc_generator ->
+ man_generator:doc_generator ->
+ iso_generator:doc_generator ->
+ dot_generator:doc_generator ->
+ unit
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46dea6501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1522 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of implementation files. *)
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+let print_DEBUG3 s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
+type typedtree = (Typedtree.structure * Typedtree.module_coercion)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+open Odoc_parameter
+open Odoc_value
+open Odoc_type
+open Odoc_exception
+open Odoc_class
+open Odoc_module
+open Odoc_types
+(** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank.*)
+let blank = "[ \010\013\009\012']"
+(** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank but not a '\n'.*)
+let simple_blank = "[ \013\009\012]"
+(** This module is used to search for structure items by name in a Typedtree.structure. *)
+module Typedtree_search =
+ struct
+ let search_module typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_module (ident, module_expr)) :: q when
+ (Name.from_ident ident) = name ->
+ module_expr
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_module_type typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_modtype (ident, module_type)) :: q when
+ (Name.from_ident ident) = name ->
+ module_type
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_exception typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_exception (ident, excep_decl)) :: q when
+ (Name.from_ident ident) = name ->
+ excep_decl
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_exception_rebind typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_exn_rebind (ident, p)) :: q when
+ (Name.from_ident ident) = name ->
+ p
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_type_declaration typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_type ident_type_decl_list) :: q ->
+ (
+ try
+ snd (List.find
+ (fun (id, _) -> Name.from_ident id = name)
+ ident_type_decl_list)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ iter q
+ )
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_class_exp typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_class info_list) :: q ->
+ (
+ try
+ let (_,_,_,ce) = (List.find
+ (fun (id, _, _, class_expr) -> Name.from_ident id = name)
+ info_list)
+ in
+ (* We look for the type artificially created for the class,
+ to get the list of type parameters. *)
+ try
+ let type_decl = search_type_declaration typedtree name in
+ (ce, type_decl.Types.type_params)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (ce, [])
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ iter q
+ )
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_class_type_declaration typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (Typedtree.Tstr_cltype info_list) :: q ->
+ (
+ try
+ let (_, cltype_decl) = (List.find
+ (fun (id, clty_d) -> Name.from_ident id = name)
+ info_list)
+ in
+ cltype_decl
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ iter q
+ )
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_value typedtree name =
+ let rec iter_pat = function
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_any -> None
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_var name -> Some (Name.from_ident name)
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_tuple _ -> None (* A VOIR quand on traitera les tuples *)
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let pred (pat, _) =
+ match iter_pat pat.Typedtree.pat_desc with
+ | Some n when n = name -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | item :: q ->
+ match item with
+ Tstr_value (_, pat_exp_list) ->
+ (
+ try
+ List.find pred pat_exp_list
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ iter q
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let search_primitive typedtree name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | item :: q ->
+ match item with
+ Tstr_primitive (ident, val_desc) ->
+ (
+ if Name.from_ident ident = name then
+ val_desc.Types.val_type
+ else
+ iter q
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter typedtree
+ let get_nth_inherit_class_expr cls n =
+ let rec iter cpt = function
+ | [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Typedtree.Cf_inher (clexp, _, _) :: q ->
+ if n = cpt then clexp else iter (cpt+1) q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter cpt q
+ in
+ iter 0 cls.Typedtree.cl_field
+ let search_attribute_type cls name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ | [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Typedtree.Cf_val (_, ident, exp) :: q
+ when Name.from_ident ident = name ->
+ exp.Typedtree.exp_type
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter cls.Typedtree.cl_field
+ let search_method_expression cls name =
+ let rec iter = function
+ | [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Typedtree.Cf_meth (label, exp) :: q when label = name ->
+ exp
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter cls.Typedtree.cl_field
+ end
+module Analyser =
+ functor (My_ir : Odoc_sig.Info_retriever) ->
+ struct
+ module Sig = Odoc_sig.Analyser (My_ir)
+ (** This variable is used to load a file as a string and retrieve characters from it.*)
+ let file = Sig.file
+ (** The name of the analysed file. *)
+ let file_name = Sig.file_name
+ (** This function takes two indexes (start and end) and return the string
+ corresponding to the indexes in the file global variable. The function
+ prepare_file must have been called to fill the file global variable.*)
+ let get_string_of_file = Sig.get_string_of_file
+ (** This function loads the given file in the file global variable.
+ and sets file_name.*)
+ let prepare_file = Sig.prepare_file
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a class. *)
+ let get_comments_in_class = Sig.get_comments_in_class
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a module. *)
+ let get_comments_in_module = Sig.get_comments_in_module
+ (** This function takes a parameter pattern and builds the
+ corresponding [parameter] structure. The f_desc function
+ is used to retrieve a parameter description, if any, from
+ a prarameter name.
+ *)
+ let tt_param_info_from_pattern env f_desc pat =
+ let rec iter_pattern pat =
+ match pat.pat_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tpat_var ident ->
+ let name = Name.from_ident ident in
+ Simple_name { sn_name = name ;
+ sn_text = f_desc name ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type
+ }
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_alias (pat, _) ->
+ iter_pattern pat
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_tuple patlist ->
+ Tuple
+ ( iter_pattern patlist,
+ Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type)
+ | Typedtree.Tpat_construct (cons_desc, _) when
+ (* we give a name to the parameter only if it unit *)
+ (match cons_desc.cstr_res.desc with
+ Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+ Path.same p Predef.path_unit
+ | _ ->
+ false)
+ ->
+ (* a () argument, it never has description *)
+ Simple_name { sn_name = "()" ;
+ sn_text = None ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type
+ }
+ | _ ->
+ (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter *)
+ Simple_name { sn_name = "()" ;
+ sn_text = None ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type
+ }
+ in
+ iter_pattern pat
+ (** Analysis of the parameter of a function. Return a list of t_parameter created from
+ the (pattern, expression) structures encountered. *)
+ let rec tt_analyse_function_parameters env current_comment_opt pat_exp_list =
+ match pat_exp_list with
+ [] ->
+ (* This case means we have a 'function' without pattern, that's impossible *)
+ raise (Failure "tt_analyse_function_parameters: 'function' without pattern")
+ | (pattern_param, exp) :: second_ele :: q ->
+ (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter and no more parameter *)
+ let parameter = Odoc_parameter.Tuple ([], Odoc_env.subst_type env pattern_param.pat_type) in
+ [ parameter ]
+ | (pattern_param, func_body) :: [] ->
+ let parameter = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt current_comment_opt) pattern_param in
+ (* For optional parameters with a default value, a special treatment is required *)
+ (* we look if the name of the parameter we just add is "*opt*", which means
+ that there is a let param_name = ... in ... just right now *)
+ let (p, next_exp) =
+ match parameter with
+ Simple_name { sn_name = "*opt*" } ->
+ (
+ (
+ match func_body.exp_desc with
+ Typedtree.Texp_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var id } , exp) :: _, func_body2) ->
+ let name = Name.from_ident id in
+ let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = name ;
+ sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt current_comment_opt name ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.exp_type
+ }
+ in
+ (new_param, func_body2)
+ | _ ->
+ print_DEBUG3 "Pas le bon filtre pour le paramčtre optionnel avec valeur par défaut.";
+ (parameter, func_body)
+ )
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (parameter, func_body)
+ in
+ (* continue if the body is still a function *)
+ match next_exp.exp_desc with
+ Texp_function (pat_exp_list, _) ->
+ p :: (tt_analyse_function_parameters env current_comment_opt pat_exp_list)
+ | _ ->
+ (* something else ; no more parameter *)
+ [ p ]
+ (** Analysis of a Tstr_value from the typedtree. Create and return a list of [t_value].
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ let tt_analyse_value env current_module_name comment_opt loc pat_exp rec_flag =
+ let (pat, exp) = pat_exp in
+ match (pat.pat_desc, exp.exp_desc) with
+ (Typedtree.Tpat_var ident, Typedtree.Texp_function (pat_exp_list2, partial)) ->
+ (* a new function is defined *)
+ let name_pre = Name.from_ident ident in
+ let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ (* create the value *)
+ let new_value = {
+ val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.Typedtree.pat_type ;
+ val_recursive = rec_flag = Asttypes.Recursive ;
+ val_parameters = tt_analyse_function_parameters env comment_opt pat_exp_list2 ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ [ new_value ]
+ | (Typedtree.Tpat_var ident, _) ->
+ (* a new value is defined *)
+ let name_pre = Name.from_ident ident in
+ let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let new_value = {
+ val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.Typedtree.pat_type ;
+ val_recursive = rec_flag = Asttypes.Recursive ;
+ val_parameters = [] ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ [ new_value ]
+ | (Typedtree.Tpat_tuple lpat, _) ->
+ (* new identifiers are defined *)
+ (* A VOIR : by now we don't accept to have global variables defined in tuples *)
+ []
+ | _ ->
+ (* something else, we don't care ? A VOIR *)
+ []
+ (** This function converts a Types.type_kind into a Odoc_type.type_kind,
+ by analysing the comment of each constructor/field, if any.
+ @param pos_start is the start position of the type definition.
+ @param pos_end is the end position of the type definition.
+ @param pos_limit is the position of the last character which can be
+ used for a comment, for the variant types, where [pos_end] is not enough
+ since we can have comments after this position.
+ @return the type kind and the position of the last used character,
+ that is the end position of the last character of the comment
+ for the last constructor, if the type is a variant. If the type is
+ not a variant, then the last position is the [pos_end] parameter.
+ *)
+ let tt_get_type_kind env pos_start pos_end pos_limit type_kind =
+ match type_kind with
+ Types.Type_abstract ->
+ (Odoc_type.Type_abstract, pos_end)
+ | Types.Type_variant l (*(string * type_expr list) list*) ->
+ let rec f acc last_pos l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ (acc, last_pos)
+ | (constructor_name, type_expr_list) :: q ->
+ (* we don't have location info, so we try to
+ get it by searching for regexp "constructor_name(blank)*(of)?" from the
+ last location. *)
+ let loc_start =
+ try Str.search_forward (Str.regexp (constructor_name^blank^"*\\(of\\)?")) !file last_pos
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG3 (constructor_name^blank^"*\\(of\\)? n'a rien donné.");
+ last_pos
+ in
+ let loc_end =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | (constructor_name2, type_expr_list2) :: _ ->
+ try Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ("|"^blank^"*"^constructor_name2^blank^"*\\(of\\)?")) !file loc_start
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG3 (blank^"+|"^constructor_name2^blank^"*\\(of\\)? n'a rien donné.");
+ loc_start
+ in
+ (* get the comment *)
+ let s = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ let (len, info_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ let new_acc =
+ acc @ [
+ {
+ vc_name = constructor_name ;
+ vc_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) type_expr_list ;
+ vc_text =
+ (match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ print_DEBUG3 ("Pas de description pour le constructeur "^constructor_name);
+ None
+ | Some d ->
+ d.Odoc_types.i_desc)
+ }
+ ]
+ in
+ f new_acc (loc_start + len) q
+ in
+ let (l_cons, new_last_pos) = f [] pos_start l in
+ (Odoc_type.Type_variant l_cons, new_last_pos)
+ | Types.Type_record (l, _) ->
+ (*(string * mutable_flag * type_expr) list * record_representation *)
+ let rec f acc last_pos l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ acc
+ | (field_name, mutable_flag, type_expr) :: q ->
+ (* we don't have location info, so we try to
+ get it by searching for regexp "(mutable)?blank*field_name(blank)*:" from the
+ last location. *)
+ let loc_start =
+ (
+ let regexp = "\\(mutable\\)?"^blank^"*"^field_name^blank^"*:" in
+ try
+ Str.search_forward (Str.regexp regexp) !file last_pos
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG3 (regexp^" n'a rien donné.");
+ last_pos
+ )
+ in
+ let loc_end =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_end
+ | (field_name2, mutable_flag2, type_expr2) :: _ ->
+ let regexp = "\\(mutable\\)?"^blank^"*"^field_name2^blank^"*:" in
+ try
+ Str.search_forward (Str.regexp regexp) !file loc_start
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG3 (regexp^" n'a rien donné.");
+ loc_start
+ in
+ (* get the comment *)
+ let s = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ let (len, info_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ let new_acc =
+ acc @ [
+ {
+ rf_name = field_name ;
+ rf_mutable = mutable_flag = Mutable ;
+ rf_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr ;
+ rf_text =
+ (match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ print_DEBUG3 ("Pas de description pour le champ "^field_name);
+ None
+ | Some d ->
+ d.Odoc_types.i_desc)
+ }
+ ]
+ in
+ f new_acc (loc_start + len) q
+ in
+ (Odoc_type.Type_record (f [] pos_start l), pos_end)
+ (** This function takes a Typedtree.class_expr and returns a string which can stand for the class name.
+ The name can be "object ... end" if the class expression is not an ident or a class constraint or a class apply. *)
+ let rec tt_name_of_class_expr clexp =
+ match clexp.Typedtree.cl_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tclass_ident p -> Name.from_path p
+ | Typedtree.Tclass_constraint (class_expr, _, _, _)
+ | Typedtree.Tclass_apply (class_expr, _) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr
+ | Typedtree.Tclass_fun (_, _, class_expr, _) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr
+ | Typedtree.Tclass_let (_,_,_, class_expr) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr
+ | _ -> Odoc_messages.object_end
+ (** Analysis of a method expression to get the method parameters.
+ @param first indicates if we're analysing the method for
+ the first time ; in that case we must not keep the first parameter,
+ which is "self-*", the object itself.
+ *)
+ let rec tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ?(first=true) exp =
+ match exp.Typedtree.exp_desc with
+ Typedtree.Texp_function (pat_exp_list, _) ->
+ (
+ match pat_exp_list with
+ [] ->
+ (* it is not a function since there are no parameters *)
+ (* we can't get here normally *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.bad_tree^" "^(Odoc_messages.method_without_param current_method_name)))
+ | l ->
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ (* cas impossible, on l'a filtré avant *)
+ raise (Failure "")
+ | (pattern_param, exp) :: second_ele :: q ->
+ (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter *)
+ (* Note : We can't match this pattern if it is the first call to the function. *)
+ let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = "??" ; sn_text = None;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pattern_param.Typedtree.pat_type } in
+ [ new_param ]
+ | (pattern_param, body) :: [] ->
+ (* if this is the first call to the function, this is the first parameter and we skip it *)
+ if not first then
+ (
+ let parameter = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt) pattern_param in
+ (* For optional parameters with a default value, a special treatment is required. *)
+ (* We look if the name of the parameter we just add is "*opt*", which means
+ that there is a let param_name = ... in ... just right now. *)
+ let (current_param, next_exp) =
+ match parameter with
+ Simple_name { sn_name = "*opt*"} ->
+ (
+ (
+ match body.exp_desc with
+ Typedtree.Texp_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var id } , exp) :: _, body2) ->
+ let name = Name.from_ident id in
+ let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = name ;
+ sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt name ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.Typedtree.exp_type ;
+ }
+ in
+ (new_param, body2)
+ | _ ->
+ print_DEBUG3 "Pas le bon filtre pour le paramčtre optionnel avec valeur par défaut.";
+ (parameter, body)
+ )
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* no *opt* parameter, we add the parameter then continue *)
+ (parameter, body)
+ in
+ current_param :: (tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ~first: false next_exp)
+ )
+ else
+ tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ~first: false body
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* no more parameter *)
+ []
+ (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_struture] and a [Typedtree.class_structure] to get a couple
+ (inherited classes, class elements). *)
+ let analyse_class_structure env current_class_name tt_class_sig last_pos pos_limit p_cls tt_cls =
+ let rec iter acc_inher acc_fields last_pos = function
+ | [] ->
+ let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in
+ let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in
+ let ele_comments =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun sc ->
+ match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some t ->
+ acc @ [Class_comment t])
+ []
+ ele_coms
+ in
+ (acc_inher, acc_fields @ ele_comments)
+ | (Parsetree.Pcf_inher (p_clexp, _)) :: q ->
+ let tt_clexp =
+ let n = List.length acc_inher in
+ try Typedtree_search.get_nth_inherit_class_expr tt_cls n
+ with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.inherit_classexp_not_found_in_typedtree n))
+ in
+ let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos p_clexp.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let text_opt = match info_opt with None -> None | Some i -> i.Odoc_types.i_desc in
+ let name = tt_name_of_class_expr tt_clexp in
+ let inher = { ic_name = Odoc_env.full_class_or_class_type_name env name ; ic_class = None ; ic_text = text_opt } in
+ iter (acc_inher @ [ inher ]) (acc_fields @ ele_comments)
+ p_clexp.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_end
+ q
+ | (Parsetree.Pcf_val (label, mutable_flag, expression, loc)) :: q ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in
+ let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let type_exp =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_attribute_type tt_cls label
+ with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.attribute_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let att =
+ {
+ att_value = { val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = info_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_exp ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = [] ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ } ;
+ att_mutable = mutable_flag = Asttypes.Mutable ;
+ }
+ in
+ iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_attribute att ]) loc.Location.loc_end q
+ | (Parsetree.Pcf_virt (label, private_flag, _, loc)) :: q ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in
+ let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let met_type =
+ try Odoc_sig.Signature_search.search_method_type label tt_class_sig
+ with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.method_type_not_found current_class_name label))
+ in
+ let real_type =
+ match met_type.Types.desc with
+ Tarrow (_, _, t, _) ->
+ t
+ | _ ->
+ (* ?!? : not an arrow type ! return the original type *)
+ met_type
+ in
+ let met =
+ {
+ met_value = { val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = info_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env real_type ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = [] ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ } ;
+ met_private = private_flag = Asttypes.Private ;
+ met_virtual = true ;
+ }
+ in
+ (* update the parameter description *)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text met.met_value;
+ iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_method met ]) loc.Location.loc_end q
+ | (Parsetree.Pcf_meth (label, private_flag, _, loc)) :: q ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in
+ let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let exp =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_method_expression tt_cls label
+ with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.method_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let real_type =
+ match exp.exp_type.desc with
+ Tarrow (_, _, t,_) ->
+ t
+ | _ ->
+ (* ?!? : not an arrow type ! return the original type *)
+ exp.Typedtree.exp_type
+ in
+ let met =
+ {
+ met_value = { val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = info_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env real_type ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = tt_analyse_method_expression env complete_name info_opt exp ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ } ;
+ met_private = private_flag = Asttypes.Private ;
+ met_virtual = false ;
+ }
+ in
+ (* update the parameter description *)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text met.met_value;
+ iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_method met ]) loc.Location.loc_end q
+ | Parsetree.Pcf_cstr (_, _, loc) :: q ->
+ (* don't give a $*%@ ! *)
+ iter acc_inher acc_fields loc.Location.loc_end q
+ | Parsetree.Pcf_let (_, _, loc) :: q ->
+ (* don't give a $*%@ ! *)
+ iter acc_inher acc_fields loc.Location.loc_end q
+ | (Parsetree.Pcf_init exp) :: q ->
+ iter acc_inher acc_fields exp.Parsetree.pexp_loc.Location.loc_end q
+ in
+ iter [] [] last_pos (snd p_cls)
+ (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_expr] and a [Typedtree.class_expr] to get a a couple (class parameters, class kind). *)
+ let rec analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr tt_class_exp =
+ match (p_class_expr.Parsetree.pcl_desc, tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_desc) with
+ (Parsetree.Pcl_constr (lid, _), tt_class_exp_desc ) ->
+ let name =
+ match tt_class_exp_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tclass_ident p -> Name.from_path p
+ | _ ->
+ (* we try to get the name from the environment. *)
+ (* A VOIR : dommage qu'on n'ait pas un Tclass_ident :-( męme quand on a class tutu = toto *)
+ Name.from_longident lid
+ in
+ (* On n'a pas ici les paramčtres de type sous forme de Types.type_expr,
+ par contre on peut les trouver dans le class_type *)
+ let params =
+ match tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type with
+ Types.Tcty_constr (p2, type_exp_list, cltyp) ->
+ (* cltyp is the class type for [type_exp_list] p *)
+ type_exp_list
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ in
+ ([],
+ Class_constr
+ {
+ cco_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env name ;
+ cco_class = None ;
+ cco_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) params ;
+ } )
+ | (Parsetree.Pcl_structure p_class_structure, Typedtree.Tclass_structure tt_class_structure) ->
+ (* we need the class signature to get the type of methods in analyse_class_structure *)
+ let tt_class_sig =
+ match tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type with
+ Types.Tcty_signature class_sig -> class_sig
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: no class signature for a class structure.")
+ in
+ let (inherited_classes, class_elements) = analyse_class_structure
+ env
+ current_class_name
+ tt_class_sig
+ last_pos
+ p_class_expr.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_end
+ p_class_structure
+ tt_class_structure
+ in
+ ([],
+ Class_structure (inherited_classes, class_elements) )
+ | (Parsetree.Pcl_fun (label, expression_opt, pattern, p_class_expr2),
+ Typedtree.Tclass_fun (pat, ident_exp_list, tt_class_expr2, partial)) ->
+ (* we check that this is not an optional parameter with
+ a default value. In this case, we look for the good parameter pattern *)
+ let (parameter, next_tt_class_exp) =
+ match pat.Typedtree.pat_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tpat_var ident when Name.from_ident ident = "*opt*" ->
+ (
+ (* there must be a Tclass_let just after *)
+ match tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tclass_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var id } , exp) :: _, _, tt_class_expr3) ->
+ let name = Name.from_ident id in
+ let new_param = Simple_name
+ { sn_name = name ;
+ sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt name ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.exp_type
+ }
+ in
+ (new_param, tt_class_expr3)
+ | _ ->
+ (* strange case *)
+ (* we create the parameter and add it to the class *)
+ raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: strange case")
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* no optional parameter with default value, we create the parameter *)
+ let new_param = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt) pat in
+ (new_param, tt_class_expr2)
+ in
+ let (params, k) = analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 next_tt_class_exp in
+ (parameter :: params, k)
+ | (Parsetree.Pcl_apply (p_class_expr2, _), Tclass_apply (tt_class_expr2, exp_opt_optional_list)) ->
+ let applied_name =
+ (* we want an ident, or else the class applied will appear in the form object ... end,
+ because if the class applied has no name, the code is kinda ugly, isn't it ? *)
+ match tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tclass_ident p -> Name.from_path p (* A VOIR : obtenir le nom complet *)
+ | _ ->
+ (* A VOIR : dommage qu'on n'ait pas un Tclass_ident :-( męme quand on a class tutu = toto *)
+ match p_class_expr2.Parsetree.pcl_desc with
+ Parsetree.Pcl_constr (lid, _) ->
+ (* we try to get the name from the environment. *)
+ Name.from_longident lid
+ | _ ->
+ Odoc_messages.object_end
+ in
+ let param_exps = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (exp_opt, _) ->
+ match exp_opt with
+ None -> acc
+ | Some e -> acc @ [e])
+ []
+ exp_opt_optional_list
+ in
+ let param_types = (fun e -> e.Typedtree.exp_type) param_exps in
+ let params_code =
+ (fun e -> get_string_of_file
+ e.exp_loc.Location.loc_start
+ e.exp_loc.Location.loc_end)
+ param_exps
+ in
+ ([],
+ Class_apply
+ { capp_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env applied_name ;
+ capp_class = None ;
+ capp_params = param_types ;
+ capp_params_code = params_code ;
+ } )
+ | (Parsetree.Pcl_let (_, _, p_class_expr2), Typedtree.Tclass_let (_, _, _, tt_class_expr2)) ->
+ (* we don't care about these lets *)
+ analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 tt_class_expr2
+ | (Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (p_class_expr2, p_class_type2),
+ Typedtree.Tclass_constraint (tt_class_expr2, _, _, _)) ->
+ let (l, class_kind) = analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 tt_class_expr2 in
+ (* A VOIR : analyse du class type ? on n'a pas toutes les infos. cf. Odoc_sig.analyse_class_type_kind *)
+ let class_type_kind =
+ (*Sig.analyse_class_type_kind
+ env
+ ""
+ p_class_type2.Parsetree.pcty_loc.Location.loc_start
+ p_class_type2
+ tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_type
+ *)
+ Class_type { cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end ;
+ cta_class = None ; cta_type_parameters = [] }
+ in
+ (l, Class_constraint (class_kind, class_type_kind))
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: Parsetree and typedtree don't match.")
+ (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_declaration] and a [Typedtree.class_expr] to return a [t_class].*)
+ let analyse_class env current_module_name comment_opt p_class_decl tt_type_params tt_class_exp =
+ let name = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let pos_start = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let type_parameters = tt_type_params in
+ let virt = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual in
+ let cltype = tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type in
+ let (parameters, kind) = analyse_class_kind
+ env
+ complete_name
+ comment_opt
+ pos_start
+ p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr
+ tt_class_exp
+ in
+ let cl =
+ {
+ cl_name = complete_name ;
+ cl_info = comment_opt ;
+ cl_type = cltype ;
+ cl_virtual = virt ;
+ cl_type_parameters = type_parameters ;
+ cl_kind = kind ;
+ cl_parameters = parameters ;
+ cl_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, pos_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ cl
+ (** Get a name from a module expression, or "struct ... end" if the module expression
+ is not an ident of a constraint on an ident. *)
+ let rec tt_name_from_module_expr mod_expr =
+ match mod_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc with
+ Typedtree.Tmod_ident p -> Name.from_path p
+ | Typedtree.Tmod_constraint (m_exp, _, _) -> tt_name_from_module_expr m_exp
+ | Typedtree.Tmod_structure _
+ | Typedtree.Tmod_functor _
+ | Typedtree.Tmod_apply _ ->
+ Odoc_messages.struct_end
+ (** Get the list of included modules in a module structure of a typed tree. *)
+ let tt_get_included_module_list tt_structure =
+ let f acc item =
+ match item with
+ Typedtree.Tstr_include (mod_expr, _) ->
+ acc @ [
+ { (* A VOIR : chercher dans les modules et les module types, avec quel env ? *)
+ im_name = tt_name_from_module_expr mod_expr ;
+ im_module = None ;
+ }
+ ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ in
+ List.fold_left f [] tt_structure
+ (** This function takes a [module element list] of a module and replaces the "dummy" included modules with
+ the ones found in typed tree structure of the module. *)
+ let replace_dummy_included_modules module_elements included_modules =
+ let rec f = function
+ | ([], _) ->
+ []
+ | ((Element_included_module im) :: q, (im_repl :: im_q)) ->
+ (Element_included_module im_repl) :: (f (q, im_q))
+ | ((Element_included_module im) :: q, []) ->
+ (Element_included_module im) :: q
+ | (ele :: q, l) ->
+ ele :: (f (q, l))
+ in
+ f (module_elements, included_modules)
+ (** Analysis of a parse tree structure with a typed tree, to return module elements.*)
+ let rec analyse_structure env current_module_name last_pos pos_limit parsetree typedtree =
+ print_DEBUG "Odoc_ast:analyse_struture";
+ let rec iter env last_pos = function
+ [] ->
+ let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in
+ let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in
+ let ele_comments =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun sc ->
+ match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some t ->
+ acc @ [Element_module_comment t])
+ []
+ ele_coms
+ in
+ ele_comments
+ | item :: q ->
+ let (comment_opt, ele_comments) =
+ get_comments_in_module last_pos item.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let pos_limit2 =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | item2 :: _ -> item2.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, new_env, elements) = analyse_structure_item
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ item.Parsetree.pstr_loc
+ pos_limit2
+ comment_opt
+ item.Parsetree.pstr_desc
+ typedtree
+ in
+ ele_comments @ elements @ (iter new_env (item.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_end + maybe_more) q)
+ in
+ iter env last_pos parsetree
+ (** Analysis of a parse tree structure item to obtain a new environment and a list of elements.*)
+ and analyse_structure_item env current_module_name loc pos_limit comment_opt parsetree_item_desc typedtree =
+ print_DEBUG "Odoc_ast:analyse_struture_item";
+ match parsetree_item_desc with
+ Parsetree.Pstr_eval _ ->
+ (* don't care *)
+ (0, env, [])
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_value (rec_flag, pat_exp_list) ->
+ (* of rec_flag * (pattern * expression) list *)
+ (* For each value, look for the value name, then look in the
+ typedtree for the corresponding information,
+ at last analyse this information to build the value *)
+ let rec iter_pat = function
+ | Parsetree.Ppat_any -> None
+ | Parsetree.Ppat_var name -> Some name
+ | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple _ -> None (* A VOIR quand on traitera les tuples *)
+ | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (pat, _) -> iter_pat pat.Parsetree.ppat_desc
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let rec iter ?(first=false) last_pos acc_env acc p_e_list =
+ match p_e_list with
+ [] ->
+ (acc_env, acc)
+ | (pat, exp) :: q ->
+ let value_name_opt = iter_pat pat.Parsetree.ppat_desc in
+ let new_last_pos = exp.Parsetree.pexp_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ match value_name_opt with
+ None ->
+ iter new_last_pos acc_env acc q
+ | Some name ->
+ try
+ let pat_exp = Typedtree_search.search_value typedtree name in
+ let (info_opt, ele_comments) =
+ (* we already have the optional comment for the first value. *)
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module
+ last_pos
+ pat.Parsetree.ppat_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let l_values = tt_analyse_value
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ info_opt
+ loc
+ pat_exp
+ rec_flag
+ in
+ let new_env = List.fold_left
+ (fun e -> fun v ->
+ Odoc_env.add_value e v.val_name
+ )
+ acc_env
+ l_values
+ in
+ let l_ele = (fun v -> Element_value v) l_values in
+ iter
+ new_last_pos
+ new_env
+ (acc @ ele_comments @ l_ele)
+ q
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ iter new_last_pos acc_env acc q
+ in
+ let (new_env, l_ele) = iter ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start env [] pat_exp_list in
+ (0, new_env, l_ele)
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive (name_pre, val_desc) ->
+ (* of string * value_description *)
+ print_DEBUG ("Parsetree.Pstr_primitive ("^name_pre^", ["^(String.concat ", " val_desc.Parsetree.pval_prim)^"]");
+ let typ = Typedtree_search.search_primitive typedtree name_pre in
+ let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let new_value = {
+ val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env typ ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = [] ;
+ val_code = Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start loc.Location.loc_end) ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_value env new_value.val_name in
+ (0, new_env, [Element_value new_value])
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_type name_typedecl_list ->
+ (* of (string * type_declaration) list *)
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun (name, _) ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ Odoc_env.add_type acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ name_typedecl_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) maybe_more_acc last_pos name_type_decl_list =
+ match name_type_decl_list with
+ [] -> (maybe_more_acc, [])
+ | (name, type_decl) :: q ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let loc_start = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let loc_end = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let pos_limit2 =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | (_, td) :: _ -> td.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let tt_type_decl =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_type_declaration typedtree name
+ with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let (com_opt, ele_comments) = (* the comment for the first type was already retrieved *)
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt , [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module last_pos loc_start
+ in
+ let (kind, last_pos2) = tt_get_type_kind
+ new_env
+ loc_start
+ loc_end
+ pos_limit2
+ tt_type_decl.Types.type_kind
+ in
+ let t =
+ {
+ ty_name = complete_name ;
+ ty_info = com_opt ;
+ ty_parameters =
+ (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env)
+ tt_type_decl.Types.type_params ;
+ ty_kind = kind ;
+ ty_manifest =
+ (match tt_type_decl.Types.type_manifest with
+ None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env t));
+ ty_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, eles) = f (last_pos2 -loc_end) last_pos2 q in
+ (maybe_more, ele_comments @ ((Element_type t) :: eles))
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, eles) = f ~first: true 0 loc.Location.loc_start name_typedecl_list in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, eles)
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_exception (name, excep_decl) ->
+ (* a new exception is defined *)
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ (* we get the exception declaration in the typed tree *)
+ let tt_excep_decl =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_exception typedtree name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.exception_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_exception env complete_name in
+ let new_ex =
+ {
+ ex_name = complete_name ;
+ ex_info = comment_opt ;
+ ex_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) tt_excep_decl ;
+ ex_alias = None ;
+ ex_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ (0, new_env, [ Element_exception new_ex ])
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_exn_rebind (name, _) ->
+ (* a new exception is defined *)
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ (* we get the exception rebind in the typed tree *)
+ let tt_path =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_exception_rebind typedtree name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.exception_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_exception env complete_name in
+ let new_ex =
+ {
+ ex_name = complete_name ;
+ ex_info = comment_opt ;
+ ex_args = [] ;
+ ex_alias = Some { ea_name = (Odoc_env.full_exception_name env (Name.from_path tt_path)) ;
+ ea_ex = None ; } ;
+ ex_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ (0, new_env, [ Element_exception new_ex ])
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_module (name, module_expr) ->
+ (
+ (* of string * module_expr *)
+ try
+ let tt_module_expr = Typedtree_search.search_module typedtree name in
+ let new_module = analyse_module
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ name
+ comment_opt
+ module_expr
+ tt_module_expr
+ in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env new_module.m_name in
+ let new_env2 =
+ match new_module.m_type with
+ (* A VOIR : cela peut-il ętre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
+ Some (Types.Tmty_signature s) ->
+ Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name
+ ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s
+ | _ ->
+ new_env
+ in
+ (0, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ])
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ )
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (name, modtype) ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let tt_module_type =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_module_type typedtree name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let kind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env complete_name
+ modtype tt_module_type
+ in
+ let mt =
+ {
+ mt_name = complete_name ;
+ mt_info = comment_opt ;
+ mt_type = Some tt_module_type ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ;
+ mt_file = !file_name ;
+ mt_kind = Some kind ;
+ mt_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module_type env mt.mt_name in
+ let new_env2 =
+ match tt_module_type with
+ (* A VOIR : cela peut-il ętre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on n'aurait pas la signature *)
+ Types.Tmty_signature s ->
+ Odoc_env.add_signature new_env mt.mt_name ~rel: (Name.simple mt.mt_name) s
+ | _ ->
+ new_env
+ in
+ (0, new_env2, [ Element_module_type mt ])
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_open longident ->
+ (* A VOIR : enrichir l'environnement quand open ? *)
+ let ele_comments = match comment_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some i ->
+ match i.i_desc with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> [Element_module_comment t]
+ in
+ (0, env, ele_comments)
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_class class_decl_list ->
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun class_decl ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ Odoc_env.add_class acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ class_decl_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) last_pos class_decl_list =
+ match class_decl_list with
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | class_decl :: q ->
+ let (tt_class_exp, tt_type_params) =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_class_exp typedtree class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name
+ with Not_found ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.class_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let (com_opt, ele_comments) =
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module last_pos class_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let last_pos2 = class_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let new_class = analyse_class
+ new_env
+ current_module_name
+ com_opt
+ class_decl
+ tt_type_params
+ tt_class_exp
+ in
+ ele_comments @ ((Element_class new_class) :: (f last_pos2 q))
+ in
+ (0, new_env, f ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start class_decl_list)
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type class_type_decl_list ->
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun class_type_decl ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ Odoc_env.add_class_type acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ class_type_decl_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) last_pos class_type_decl_list =
+ match class_type_decl_list with
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | class_type_decl :: q ->
+ let name = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let virt = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual in
+ let tt_cltype_declaration =
+ try Typedtree_search.search_class_type_declaration typedtree name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.class_type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ in
+ let type_params = tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_params in
+ let kind = Sig.analyse_class_type_kind
+ new_env
+ complete_name
+ class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr
+ tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type
+ in
+ let (com_opt, ele_comments) =
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module last_pos class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let last_pos2 = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let new_ele =
+ Element_class_type
+ {
+ clt_name = complete_name ;
+ clt_info = com_opt ;
+ clt_type = tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type ;
+ clt_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) type_params ;
+ clt_virtual = virt ;
+ clt_kind = kind ;
+ clt_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) ;
+ loc_inter = None } ;
+ }
+ in
+ ele_comments @ (new_ele :: (f last_pos2 q))
+ in
+ (0, new_env, f ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start class_type_decl_list)
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_include module_expr ->
+ (* we add a dummy included module which will be replaced by a correct
+ one at the end of the module analysis,
+ to use the Path.t of the included modules in the typdtree. *)
+ let im =
+ {
+ im_name = "dummy" ;
+ im_module = None ;
+ }
+ in
+ (0, env, [ Element_included_module im ]) (* A VOIR : étendre l'environnement ? avec quoi ? *)
+ (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.module_expr] and a name to return a [t_module].*)
+ and analyse_module env current_module_name module_name comment_opt p_module_expr tt_module_expr =
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name module_name in
+ let pos_start = p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let pos_end = p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let modtype = tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_type in
+ let m_base =
+ {
+ m_name = complete_name ;
+ m_type = Some tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_type ;
+ m_info = comment_opt ;
+ m_is_interface = false ;
+ m_file = !file_name ;
+ m_kind = Module_struct [] ;
+ m_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, pos_start) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ m_top_deps = [] ;
+ }
+ in
+ match (p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_desc, tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc) with
+ (Parsetree.Pmod_ident longident, Typedtree.Tmod_ident path) ->
+ let alias_name = Odoc_env.full_module_name env (Name.from_path path) in
+ { m_base with m_kind = Module_alias { ma_name = alias_name ;
+ ma_module = None ; } }
+ | (Parsetree.Pmod_structure p_structure, Typedtree.Tmod_structure tt_structure) ->
+ let elements = analyse_structure env complete_name pos_start pos_end p_structure tt_structure in
+ (* we must complete the included modules *)
+ let included_modules_from_tt = tt_get_included_module_list tt_structure in
+ let elements2 = replace_dummy_included_modules elements included_modules_from_tt in
+ { m_base with m_kind = Module_struct elements2 }
+ | (Parsetree.Pmod_functor (_, _, p_module_expr2),
+ Typedtree.Tmod_functor (ident, mtyp, tt_module_expr2)) ->
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
+ mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env mtyp ;
+ }
+ in
+ let dummy_complete_name = Name.concat "__" param.mp_name in
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env dummy_complete_name in
+ let m_base2 = analyse_module
+ new_env
+ current_module_name
+ module_name
+ None
+ p_module_expr2
+ tt_module_expr2
+ in
+ let kind =
+ match m_base2.m_kind with
+ Module_functor (params, k) -> Module_functor (param :: params, m_base2.m_kind)
+ | k -> Module_functor ([param], k)
+ in
+ { m_base with m_kind = kind }
+ | (Parsetree.Pmod_apply (p_module_expr1, p_module_expr2),
+ Typedtree.Tmod_apply (tt_module_expr1, tt_module_expr2, _)) ->
+ let m1 = analyse_module
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ module_name
+ None
+ p_module_expr1
+ tt_module_expr1
+ in
+ let m2 = analyse_module
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ module_name
+ None
+ p_module_expr2
+ tt_module_expr2
+ in
+ { m_base with m_kind = Module_apply (m1.m_kind, m2.m_kind) }
+ | (Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (p_module_expr2, p_modtype),
+ Typedtree.Tmod_constraint (tt_module_expr2, tt_modtype, _)) ->
+ (* we create the module with p_module_expr2 and tt_module_expr2
+ but we change its type according to the constraint.
+ A VOIR : est-ce que c'est bien ?
+ *)
+ let m_base2 = analyse_module
+ env
+ current_module_name
+ module_name
+ None
+ p_module_expr2
+ tt_module_expr2
+ in
+ let mtkind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind
+ env
+ (Name.concat current_module_name "??")
+ p_modtype tt_modtype
+ in
+ {
+ m_base with
+ m_type = Some tt_modtype ;
+ m_kind = Module_constraint (m_base2.m_kind,
+ mtkind)
+(* Module_type_alias { mta_name = "Not analyzed" ;
+ mta_module = None })
+ }
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure "analyse_module: parsetree and typedtree don't match.")
+ let analyse_typed_tree source_file input_file
+ (parsetree : Parsetree.structure) (typedtree : typedtree) =
+ let (tree_structure, _) = typedtree in
+ let complete_source_file =
+ try
+ let curdir = Sys.getcwd () in
+ let (dirname, basename) = (Filename.dirname source_file, Filename.basename source_file) in
+ Sys.chdir dirname ;
+ let complete = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) basename in
+ Sys.chdir curdir ;
+ complete
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ source_file
+ in
+ prepare_file complete_source_file input_file;
+ (* We create the t_module for this file. *)
+ let mod_name = String.capitalize (Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension source_file)) in
+ let (len,info_opt) = My_ir.first_special !file_name !file in
+ let kind = Module_struct
+ (analyse_structure Odoc_env.empty mod_name len (String.length !file) parsetree tree_structure)
+ in
+ let m =
+ {
+ m_name = mod_name ;
+ m_type = None ;
+ m_info = info_opt ;
+ m_is_interface = false ;
+ m_file = !file_name ;
+ m_kind = kind ;
+ m_loc = { loc_impl = Some (!file_name, 0) ; loc_inter = None } ;
+ m_top_deps = [] ;
+ }
+ in
+ m
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_ast.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_ast.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4561b9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_ast.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The module for analysing the typed abstract syntax tree and source code and creating modules, classes, ..., elements.*)
+type typedtree = Typedtree.structure * Typedtree.module_coercion
+(** This module is used to search for structure items by name in a [Typedtree.structure]. *)
+module Typedtree_search :
+ sig
+ (** This function returns the [Typedtree.module_expr] associated to the given module name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the module was not found.*)
+ val search_module :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Typedtree.module_expr
+ (** This function returns the [Types.module_type] associated to the given module type name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the module type was not found.*)
+ val search_module_type :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Types.module_type
+ (** This function returns the [Types.exception_declaration] associated to the given exception name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the exception was not found.*)
+ val search_exception :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Types.exception_declaration
+ (** This function returns the [Path.t] associated to the given exception rebind name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the exception rebind was not found.*)
+ val search_exception_rebind :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Path.t
+ (** This function returns the [Typedtree.type_declaration] associated to the given type name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the type was not found. *)
+ val search_type_declaration :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Types.type_declaration
+ (** This function returns the [Typedtree.class_expr] and type parameters
+ associated to the given class name, in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the class was not found. *)
+ val search_class_exp :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> (Typedtree.class_expr * (Types.type_expr list))
+ (** This function returns the [Types.cltype_declaration] associated to the given class type name,
+ in the given typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the class type was not found. *)
+ val search_class_type_declaration :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Types.cltype_declaration
+ (** This function returns the couple (pat, exp) for the given value name, in the
+ given typed tree.
+ @raise Not found if no value matches the name.*)
+ val search_value :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list ->
+ string -> Typedtree.pattern * Typedtree.expression
+ (** This function returns the [type_expr] for the given primitive name, in the
+ given typed tree.
+ @raise Not found if no value matches the name.*)
+ val search_primitive :
+ Typedtree.structure_item list -> string -> Types.type_expr
+ (** This function returns the [Typedtree.class_expr] associated to
+ the n'th inherit in the given class structure of typed tree.
+ @raise Not_found if the class expression could not be found.*)
+ val get_nth_inherit_class_expr :
+ Typedtree.class_structure -> int -> Typedtree.class_expr
+ (** This function returns the [Types.type_expr] of the attribute
+ whose name is given, in a given class structure.
+ @raise Not_found if the class attribute could not be found.*)
+ val search_attribute_type :
+ Typedtree.class_structure -> string -> Types.type_expr
+ (** This function returns the [Types.expression] of the method whose name is given, in a given class structure.
+ @raise Not_found if the class method could not be found.*)
+ val search_method_expression :
+ Typedtree.class_structure -> string -> Typedtree.expression
+ end
+(** The module which performs the analysis of a typed tree.
+ The module uses the module {!Odoc_sig.Analyser}.
+ @param My_ir The module used to retrieve comments and special comments.*)
+module Analyser :
+ functor (My_ir : Odoc_sig.Info_retriever) ->
+ sig
+ (** This function takes a file name, a file containg the code and
+ the typed tree obtained from the compiler.
+ It goes through the tree, creating values for encountered
+ functions, modules, ..., and looking in the source file for comments.*)
+ val analyse_typed_tree :
+ string -> string -> Parsetree.structure -> typedtree -> Odoc_module.t_module
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1826eaddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of classes and class types.*)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+(** To keep the order of elements in a class *)
+type class_element =
+ Class_attribute of Odoc_value.t_attribute
+ | Class_method of Odoc_value.t_method
+ | Class_comment of Odoc_types.text
+(** Used when we can reference t_class or t_class_type. *)
+type cct =
+ Cl of t_class
+ | Cltype of t_class_type * Types.type_expr list (** class type and type parameters *)
+and inherited_class = {
+ ic_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the inherited class *)
+ mutable ic_class : cct option ; (** The associated t_class or t_class_type *)
+ ic_text : Odoc_types.text option ; (** The inheritance comment, if any *)
+ }
+and class_apply = {
+ capp_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class *)
+ mutable capp_class : t_class option; (** The associated t_class if we found it *)
+ capp_params : Types.type_expr list; (** The type of expressions the class is applied to *)
+ capp_params_code : string list ; (** The code of these exprssions *)
+ }
+and class_constr = {
+ cco_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class *)
+ mutable cco_class : t_class option; (** The associated t_class if we found it *)
+ cco_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list; (** The type parameters of the class, if needed *)
+ }
+and class_kind =
+ Class_structure of inherited_class list * class_element list
+ (** an explicit class structure, used in implementation and interface *)
+ | Class_apply of class_apply (** application/alias of a class, used in implementation only *)
+ | Class_constr of class_constr (** a class used to give the type of the defined class,
+ instead of a structure, used in interface only.
+ For example, it will be used with the name "M1.M2....tutu"
+ when the class to is defined like this :
+ class toto : int -> tutu *)
+ | Class_constraint of class_kind * class_type_kind
+ (** A class definition with a constraint. *)
+(** Representation of a class. *)
+and t_class = {
+ cl_name : Name.t ; (** Name of the class *)
+ mutable cl_info : option ; (** The optional associated user information *)
+ cl_type : Types.class_type ;
+ cl_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** Type parameters *)
+ cl_virtual : bool ; (** true = virtual *)
+ mutable cl_kind : class_kind ;
+ mutable cl_parameters : Odoc_parameter.parameter list ;
+ mutable cl_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
+and class_type_alias = {
+ cta_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable cta_class : cct option ; (** we can have a t_class or a t_class_type *)
+ cta_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** the type parameters *)
+ }
+and class_type_kind =
+ Class_signature of inherited_class list * class_element list
+ | Class_type of class_type_alias (** a class type eventually applied to type args *)
+(** Representation of a class type. *)
+and t_class_type = {
+ clt_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable clt_info : option ; (** The optional associated user information *)
+ clt_type : Types.class_type ;
+ clt_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** type parameters *)
+ clt_virtual : bool ; (** true = virtual *)
+ mutable clt_kind : class_type_kind ;
+ mutable clt_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
+(** {2 Functions} *)
+(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter label
+ in the given class, or None. *)
+let class_parameter_text_by_name cl label =
+ match cl.cl_info with
+ None -> None
+ | Some i ->
+ try
+ let t = List.assoc label i.Odoc_types.i_params in
+ Some t
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ None
+(** Returns the list of elements of a t_class. *)
+let rec class_elements ?(trans=true) cl =
+ let rec iter_kind k =
+ match k with
+ Class_structure (_, elements) -> elements
+ | Class_constraint (c_kind, ct_kind) ->
+ iter_kind c_kind
+ (* A VOIR : utiliser le c_kind ou le ct_kind ?
+ Pour l'instant, comme le ct_kind n'est pas analysé,
+ on cherche dans le c_kind
+ class_type_elements ~trans: trans
+ { clt_name = "" ; clt_info = None ;
+ clt_type_parameters = [] ;
+ clt_virtual = false ;
+ clt_kind = ct_kind }
+ *)
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ Some c when trans -> class_elements ~trans: trans c
+ | _ -> []
+ )
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ Some c when trans -> class_elements ~trans: trans c
+ | _ -> []
+ )
+ in
+ iter_kind cl.cl_kind
+(** Returns the list of elements of a t_class_type. *)
+and class_type_elements ?(trans=true) clt =
+ match clt.clt_kind with
+ Class_signature (_, elements) -> elements
+ | Class_type { cta_class = Some (Cltype (ct, _)) } when trans ->
+ class_type_elements ~trans ct
+ | Class_type { cta_class = Some (Cl c) } when trans ->
+ class_elements ~trans c
+ | Class_type _ ->
+ []
+(** Returns the attributes of a t_class. *)
+let class_attributes ?(trans=true) cl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ acc @ [ a ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_elements ~trans cl)
+(** Returns the methods of a t_class. *)
+let class_methods ?(trans=true) cl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_method m ->
+ acc @ [ m ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_elements ~trans cl)
+(** Returns the comments in a t_class. *)
+let class_comments ?(trans=true) cl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_comment t ->
+ acc @ [ t ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_elements ~trans cl)
+(** Update the parameters text of a t_class, according to the cl_info field. *)
+let class_update_parameters_text cl =
+ let f p =
+ Odoc_parameter.update_parameter_text (class_parameter_text_by_name cl) p
+ in
+ List.iter f cl.cl_parameters
+(** Returns the attributes of a t_class_type. *)
+let class_type_attributes ?(trans=true) clt =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ acc @ [ a ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_type_elements ~trans clt)
+(** Returns the methods of a t_class_type. *)
+let class_type_methods ?(trans=true) clt =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_method m ->
+ acc @ [ m ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_type_elements ~trans clt)
+(** Returns the comments in a t_class_type. *)
+let class_type_comments ?(trans=true) clt =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_comment m ->
+ acc @ [ m ]
+ | _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ (class_type_elements ~trans clt)
+(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter label
+ in the given class type, or None. *)
+let class_type_parameter_text_by_name clt label =
+ match clt.clt_info with
+ None -> None
+ | Some i ->
+ try
+ let t = List.assoc label i.Odoc_types.i_params in
+ Some t
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ None
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1192bcbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of comments. *)
+open Odoc_types
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
+(** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank but not a '\n'.*)
+let simple_blank = "[ \013\009\012]"
+module type Texter =
+ sig
+ (** Return a text structure from a string. *)
+ val text_of_string : string -> text
+ end
+module Info_retriever =
+ functor (MyTexter : Texter) ->
+ struct
+ let create_see s =
+ try
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
+ let (see_ref, s) = Odoc_parser.see_info Odoc_see_lexer.main lexbuf in
+ (see_ref, MyTexter.text_of_string s)
+ with
+ | Odoc_text.Text_syntax (l, c, s) ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.text_parse_error l c s))
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure ("Erreur inconnue lors du parse de see : "^s))
+ let retrieve_info fun_lex file (s : string) =
+ try
+ let _ = Odoc_comments_global.init () in
+ Odoc_lexer.comments_level := 0;
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
+ match Odoc_parser.main fun_lex lexbuf with
+ None ->
+ (0, None)
+ | Some (desc, remain_opt) ->
+ let mem_nb_chars = !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars in
+ let _ =
+ match remain_opt with
+ None ->
+ ()
+ | Some s ->
+ (*DEBUG*)print_string ("remain: "^s); print_newline();
+ let lexbuf2 = Lexing.from_string s in
+ Odoc_parser.info_part2 Odoc_lexer.elements lexbuf2
+ in
+ (mem_nb_chars,
+ Some
+ {
+ i_desc = (match desc with "" -> None | _ -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string desc));
+ i_authors = !Odoc_comments_global.authors;
+ i_version = !Odoc_comments_global.version;
+ i_sees = ( create_see !Odoc_comments_global.sees) ;
+ i_since = !Odoc_comments_global.since;
+ i_deprecated =
+ (match !Odoc_comments_global.deprecated with
+ None -> None | Some s -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string s));
+ i_params =
+ ( (fun (n, s) ->
+ (n, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.params);
+ i_raised_exceptions =
+ ( (fun (n, s) ->
+ (n, MyTexter.text_of_string s)) !Odoc_comments_global.raised_exceptions);
+ i_return_value =
+ (match !Odoc_comments_global.return_value with
+ None -> None | Some s -> Some (MyTexter.text_of_string s)) ;
+ i_custom = (
+ (fun (tag, s) -> (tag, MyTexter.text_of_string s))
+ !Odoc_comments_global.customs)
+ }
+ )
+ with
+ Failure s ->
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ prerr_endline (file^" : "^s^"\n");
+ (0, None)
+ | Odoc_text.Text_syntax (l, c, s) ->
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ prerr_endline (file^" : "^(Odoc_messages.text_parse_error l c s));
+ (0, None)
+ | _ ->
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ prerr_endline (file^" : "^Odoc_messages.parse_error^"\n");
+ (0, None)
+ (** This function takes a string where a simple comment may has been found. It returns
+ false if there is a blank line or the first comment is a special one, or if there is
+ no comment if the string.*)
+ let nothing_before_simple_comment s =
+ (* get the position of the first "(*" *)
+ try
+ print_DEBUG ("comment_is_attached: "^s);
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "(\\*") s 0 in
+ let next_char = if (String.length s) >= (pos + 1) then s.[pos + 2] else '_' in
+ (next_char <> '*') &&
+ (
+ (* there is no special comment between the constructor and the coment we got *)
+ let s2 = String.sub s 0 pos in
+ print_DEBUG ("s2="^s2);
+ try
+ let _ = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ("['\n']"^simple_blank^"*['\n']")) s2 0 in
+ (* a blank line was before the comment *)
+ false
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ true
+ )
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ false
+ (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *)
+ let blank_line s =
+ try
+ let _ = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ("['\n']"^simple_blank^"*['\n']")) s 0 in
+ (* a blank line was before the comment *)
+ true
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ false
+ let retrieve_info_special file (s : string) =
+ retrieve_info Odoc_lexer.main file s
+ let retrieve_info_simple file (s : string) =
+ let _ = Odoc_comments_global.init () in
+ Odoc_lexer.comments_level := 0;
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
+ match Odoc_parser.main Odoc_lexer.simple lexbuf with
+ None ->
+ (0, None)
+ | Some (desc, remain_opt) ->
+ (!Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars, Some Odoc_types.dummy_info)
+ (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line outside a simple comment. *)
+ let blank_line_outside_simple file s =
+ let rec iter s2 =
+ match retrieve_info_simple file s2 with
+ (_, None) ->
+ blank_line s2
+ | (len, Some _) ->
+ try
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "(*") s2 0 in
+ let s_before = String.sub s2 0 pos in
+ let s_after = String.sub s2 len ((String.length s2) - len) in
+ (blank_line s_before) || (iter s_after)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (* we shouldn't get here *)
+ false
+ in
+ iter s
+ (** This function returns the first simple comment in
+ the given string. If strict is [true] then no
+ comment is returned if a blank line or a special
+ comment is found before the simple comment. *)
+ let retrieve_first_info_simple ?(strict=true) file (s : string) =
+ match retrieve_info_simple file s with
+ (_, None) ->
+ (0, None)
+ | (len, Some d) ->
+ (* we check if the comment we got was really attached to the constructor,
+ i.e. that there was no blank line or any special comment "(**" before *)
+ if (not strict) or (nothing_before_simple_comment s) then
+ (* ok, we attach the comment to the constructor *)
+ (len, Some d)
+ else
+ (* a blank line or special comment was before the comment,
+ so we must not attach this comment to the constructor. *)
+ (0, None)
+ let retrieve_last_info_simple file (s : string) =
+ print_DEBUG ("retrieve_last_info_simple:"^s);
+ let rec f cur_len cur_d =
+ try
+ let s2 = String.sub s cur_len ((String.length s) - cur_len) in
+ print_DEBUG ("retrieve_last_info_simple.f:"^s2);
+ match retrieve_info_simple file s2 with
+ (len, None) ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_info_simple: None";
+ (cur_len + len, cur_d)
+ | (len, Some d) ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_info_simple: Some";
+ f (len + cur_len) (Some d)
+ with
+ _ ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_info_simple : Erreur String.sub";
+ (cur_len, cur_d)
+ in
+ f 0 None
+ let retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after file (s : string) =
+ print_DEBUG ("retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after:"^s);
+ let rec f cur_len cur_d =
+ try
+ let s2 = String.sub s cur_len ((String.length s) - cur_len) in
+ print_DEBUG ("retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after.f:"^s2);
+ match retrieve_info_special file s2 with
+ (len, None) ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after: None";
+ (cur_len + len, cur_d)
+ | (len, Some d) ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after: Some";
+ f (len + cur_len) (Some d)
+ with
+ _ ->
+ print_DEBUG "retrieve_last_special_no_blank_after : Erreur String.sub";
+ (cur_len, cur_d)
+ in
+ f 0 None
+ let all_special file s =
+ print_DEBUG ("all_special: "^s);
+ let rec iter acc n s2 =
+ match retrieve_info_special file s2 with
+ (_, None) ->
+ (n, acc)
+ | (n2, Some i) ->
+ print_DEBUG ("all_special: avant String.sub new_s="^s2);
+ print_DEBUG ("n2="^(string_of_int n2)) ;
+ print_DEBUG ("len(s2)="^(string_of_int (String.length s2))) ;
+ let new_s = String.sub s2 n2 ((String.length s2) - n2) in
+ print_DEBUG ("all_special: apres String.sub new_s="^new_s);
+ iter (acc @ [i]) (n + n2) new_s
+ in
+ let res = iter [] 0 s in
+ print_DEBUG ("all_special: end");
+ res
+ let just_after_special file s =
+ print_DEBUG ("just_after_special: "^s);
+ let res = match retrieve_info_special file s with
+ (_, None) ->
+ (0, None)
+ | (len, Some d) ->
+ (* we must not have a simple comment or a blank line before. *)
+ match retrieve_info_simple file (String.sub s 0 len) with
+ (_, None) ->
+ (
+ try
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "(**") s 0 in
+ if blank_line (String.sub s 0 pos) then
+ (0, None)
+ else
+ (len, Some d)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (* should not occur *)
+ (0, None)
+ )
+ | (len2, Some d2) ->
+ (0, None)
+ in
+ print_DEBUG ("just_after_special:end");
+ res
+ let first_special file s =
+ retrieve_info_special file s
+ let get_comments f_create_ele file s =
+ let (assoc_com, ele_coms) =
+ (* get the comments *)
+ let (len, special_coms) = all_special file s in
+ (* if there is no blank line after the special comments, then the
+ last special comments must be associated to the element. *)
+ if blank_line_outside_simple file
+ (String.sub s len ((String.length s) - len))
+ then
+ (None, special_coms)
+ else
+ match List.rev special_coms with
+ [] ->
+ (None, [])
+ | h :: q ->
+ (Some h, List.rev q)
+ in
+ let ele_comments =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun sc ->
+ match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some t ->
+ acc @ [f_create_ele t])
+ []
+ ele_coms
+ in
+ (assoc_com, ele_comments)
+ end
+module Basic_info_retriever = Info_retriever (Odoc_text.Texter)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_comments.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_comments.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50e891cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_comments.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of comments. *)
+val simple_blank : string
+(** The type of modules in argument to Info_retriever *)
+module type Texter =
+ sig
+ (** Return a text structure from a string. *)
+ val text_of_string : string -> Odoc_types.text
+ end
+(** The basic module for special comments analysis.*)
+module Basic_info_retriever :
+ sig
+ (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *)
+ val blank_line_outside_simple :
+ string -> string -> bool
+ (** This function retrieves all the special comments in the given string. *)
+ val all_special : string -> string -> int * list
+ (** [just_after_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
+ where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
+ in [str], without any blank line before. [length] is the number
+ of chars from the beginning of [str] to the end of the special comment. *)
+ val just_after_special :
+ string -> string -> int * option
+ (** [first_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
+ where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
+ in [str]. [length] is the number of chars from the beginning of
+ [str] to the end of the special comment. *)
+ val first_special :
+ string -> string -> int * option
+ (** Return a pair [(comment_opt, element_comment_list)], where [comment_opt] is the last special
+ comment found in the given string and not followed by a blank line,
+ and [element_comment_list] the list of values built from the other
+ special comments found and the given function. *)
+ val get_comments :
+ (Odoc_types.text -> 'a) ->
+ string -> string -> option * 'a list
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2149bcef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The global variables used by the special comment parser.*)
+let nb_chars = ref 0
+let authors = ref ([] : string list)
+let version = ref (None : string option)
+let sees = ref ([] : string list)
+let since = ref (None : string option)
+let deprecated = ref (None : string option)
+let params = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
+let raised_exceptions = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
+let return_value = ref (None : string option)
+let customs = ref []
+let init () =
+ nb_chars := 0;
+ authors := [];
+ version := None;
+ sees := [];
+ since := None;
+ deprecated := None;
+ params := [];
+ raised_exceptions := [];
+ return_value := None ;
+ customs := []
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_comments_global.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_comments_global.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69116d55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_comments_global.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The global variables used by the special comment parser.*)
+(** the number of chars used in the lexer. *)
+val nb_chars : int ref
+(** the authors list *)
+val authors : string list ref
+(** the version string *)
+val version : string option ref
+(** the see references *)
+val sees : string list ref
+(** the since string *)
+val since : string option ref
+(** the deprecated flag *)
+val deprecated : string option ref
+(** parameters, with name and description *)
+val params : (string * string) list ref
+(** the raised exceptions, with name and description *)
+val raised_exceptions : (string * string) list ref
+(** the description of the return value *)
+val return_value : string option ref
+(** the strings associated to custom tags. *)
+val customs : (string * string) list ref
+(** this function inits the variables filled by the parser. *)
+val init : unit -> unit
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7519a782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..895a2e2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Cross referencing. *)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+open Odoc_module
+open Odoc_class
+open Odoc_exception
+open Odoc_types
+open Odoc_value
+open Odoc_type
+open Odoc_parameter
+(*** Replacements of aliases : if e1 = e2 and e2 = e3, then replace e2 by e3 to have e1 = e3,
+ in order to associate the element with complete information. *)
+(** The module with the predicates used to get the aliased modules, classes and exceptions. *)
+module P_alias =
+ struct
+ type t = int
+ let p_module m _ =
+ (true,
+ match m.m_kind with
+ Module_alias _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ let p_module_type mt _ =
+ (true,
+ match mt.mt_kind with
+ Some (Module_type_alias _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ let p_class c _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type ct _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value v _ = false
+ let p_type t _ = false
+ let p_exception e _ = e.ex_alias <> None
+ let p_attribute a _ = false
+ let p_method m _ = false
+ let p_section s _ = false
+ end
+(** The module used to get the aliased elements. *)
+module Search_alias = Odoc_search.Search (P_alias)
+let rec build_alias_list (acc_m, acc_mt, acc_ex) = function
+ [] ->
+ (acc_m, acc_mt, acc_ex)
+ | (Odoc_search.Res_module m) :: q ->
+ let new_acc_m =
+ match m.m_kind with
+ Module_alias ma -> (m.m_name, ma.ma_name) :: acc_m
+ | _ -> acc_m
+ in
+ build_alias_list (new_acc_m, acc_mt, acc_ex) q
+ | (Odoc_search.Res_module_type mt) :: q ->
+ let new_acc_mt =
+ match mt.mt_kind with
+ Some (Module_type_alias mta) -> (mt.mt_name, mta.mta_name) :: acc_mt
+ | _ -> acc_mt
+ in
+ build_alias_list (acc_m, new_acc_mt, acc_ex) q
+ | (Odoc_search.Res_exception e) :: q ->
+ let new_acc_ex =
+ match e.ex_alias with
+ None -> acc_ex
+ | Some ea -> (e.ex_name, ea.ea_name) :: acc_ex
+ in
+ build_alias_list (acc_m, acc_mt, new_acc_ex) q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ build_alias_list (acc_m, acc_mt, acc_ex) q
+(** Couples of module name aliases. *)
+let module_aliases = ref [] ;;
+(** Couples of module type name aliases. *)
+let module_type_aliases = ref [] ;;
+(** Couples of exception name aliases. *)
+let exception_aliases = ref [] ;;
+(** Retrieve the aliases for modules, module types and exceptions and put them in global variables. *)
+let get_alias_names module_list =
+ let (alias_m, alias_mt, alias_ex) =
+ build_alias_list
+ ([], [], [])
+ ( module_list 0)
+ in
+ module_aliases := alias_m ;
+ module_type_aliases := alias_mt ;
+ exception_aliases := alias_ex
+(** The module with lookup predicates. *)
+module P_lookup =
+ struct
+ type t = Name.t
+ let p_module m name = (Name.prefix m.m_name name, m.m_name = (Name.name_alias name !module_aliases))
+ let p_module_type mt name = (Name.prefix mt.mt_name name, mt.mt_name = (Name.name_alias name (!module_aliases @ !module_type_aliases)))
+ let p_class c name = (false, c.cl_name = (Name.name_alias name (!module_aliases @ !module_type_aliases)))
+ let p_class_type ct name = (false, ct.clt_name = (Name.name_alias name (!module_aliases @ !module_type_aliases)))
+ let p_value v name = false
+ let p_type t name = false
+ let p_exception e name = e.ex_name = (Name.name_alias name !exception_aliases)
+ let p_attribute a name = false
+ let p_method m name = false
+ let p_section s name = false
+ end
+(** The module used to search by a complete name.*)
+module Search_by_complete_name = Odoc_search.Search (P_lookup)
+let rec lookup_module module_list name =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun res ->
+ match res with
+ Odoc_search.Res_module _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ ( module_list name)
+ in
+ match l with
+ (Odoc_search.Res_module m) :: _ -> m
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec lookup_module_type module_list name =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun res ->
+ match res with
+ Odoc_search.Res_module_type _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ ( module_list name)
+ in
+ match l with
+ (Odoc_search.Res_module_type mt) :: _ -> mt
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec lookup_class module_list name =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun res ->
+ match res with
+ Odoc_search.Res_class _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ ( module_list name)
+ in
+ match l with
+ (Odoc_search.Res_class c) :: _ -> c
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec lookup_class_type module_list name =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun res ->
+ match res with
+ Odoc_search.Res_class_type _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ ( module_list name)
+ in
+ match l with
+ (Odoc_search.Res_class_type ct) :: _ -> ct
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec lookup_exception module_list name =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun res ->
+ match res with
+ Odoc_search.Res_exception _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ ( module_list name)
+ in
+ match l with
+ (Odoc_search.Res_exception e) :: _ -> e
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(** The type to describe the names not found. *)
+type not_found_name =
+ NF_m of Name.t
+ | NF_mt of Name.t
+ | NF_mmt of Name.t
+ | NF_c of Name.t
+ | NF_ct of Name.t
+ | NF_cct of Name.t
+ | NF_ex of Name.t
+(** Functions to find and associate aliases elements. *)
+let rec associate_in_module module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m =
+ let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k =
+ match k with
+ Module_struct elements ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (associate_in_module_element module_list m.m_name)
+ (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ elements
+ | Module_alias ma ->
+ (
+ match ma.ma_module with
+ Some _ ->
+ (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ | None ->
+ let mmt_opt =
+ try Some (Mod (lookup_module module_list ma.ma_name))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Modtype (lookup_module_type module_list ma.ma_name))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match mmt_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b, (Name.head m.m_name) :: acc_inc,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for
+ "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *)
+ (if ma.ma_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or
+ ma.ma_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then
+ acc_names
+ else
+ (NF_mmt ma.ma_name) :: acc_names)
+ )
+ | Some mmt ->
+ ma.ma_module <- Some mmt ;
+ (true, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ )
+ | Module_functor (_, k) ->
+ iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k
+ | Module_with (tk, _) ->
+ associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = ""; mt_kind = Some tk ;
+ mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc }
+ | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
+ let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k1 in
+ iter_kind (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) k2
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k in
+ associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ;
+ mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc }
+ in
+ iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m.m_kind
+and associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) mt =
+ let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k =
+ match k with
+ Module_type_struct elements ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (associate_in_module_element module_list mt.mt_name)
+ (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ elements
+ | Module_type_functor (_, k) ->
+ iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k
+ | Module_type_with (k, _) ->
+ iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k
+ | Module_type_alias mta ->
+ match mta.mta_module with
+ Some _ ->
+ (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ | None ->
+ let mt_opt =
+ try Some (lookup_module_type module_list mta.mta_name)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match mt_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b, (Name.head mt.mt_name) :: acc_inc,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for
+ "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *)
+ (if mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or
+ mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then
+ acc_names
+ else
+ (NF_mt mta.mta_name) :: acc_names)
+ )
+ | Some mt ->
+ mta.mta_module <- Some mt ;
+ (true, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ in
+ match mt.mt_kind with
+ None -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | Some k -> iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) k
+and associate_in_module_element module_list m_name (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) element =
+ match element with
+ Element_module m -> associate_in_module module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m
+ | Element_module_type mt -> associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) mt
+ | Element_included_module im ->
+ (
+ match im.im_module with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | None ->
+ let mmt_opt =
+ try Some (Mod (lookup_module module_list im.im_name))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Modtype (lookup_module_type module_list im.im_name))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match mmt_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b_modif, (Name.head m_name) :: acc_incomplete_top_module_names,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for
+ "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *)
+ (if im.im_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or
+ im.im_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then
+ acc_names_not_found
+ else
+ (NF_mmt im.im_name) :: acc_names_not_found)
+ )
+ | Some mmt ->
+ im.im_module <- Some mmt ;
+ (true, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ )
+ | Element_class cl -> associate_in_class module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) cl
+ | Element_class_type ct -> associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct
+ | Element_value _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | Element_exception ex ->
+ (
+ match ex.ex_alias with
+ None -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | Some ea ->
+ match ea.ea_ex with
+ Some _ ->
+ (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | None ->
+ let ex_opt =
+ try Some (lookup_exception module_list ea.ea_name)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match ex_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b_modif, (Name.head m_name) :: acc_incomplete_top_module_names, (NF_ex ea.ea_name) :: acc_names_not_found)
+ | Some e ->
+ ea.ea_ex <- Some e ;
+ (true, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ )
+ | Element_type _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+ | Element_module_comment _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found)
+and associate_in_class module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) c =
+ let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k =
+ match k with
+ Class_structure (inher_l, _) ->
+ let f (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) ic =
+ match ic.ic_class with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ | None ->
+ let cct_opt =
+ try Some (Cl (lookup_class module_list ic.ic_name))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type module_list ic.ic_name, []))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match cct_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b2, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc2,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *)
+ (if ic.ic_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names2 else (NF_cct ic.ic_name) :: acc_names2))
+ | Some cct ->
+ ic.ic_class <- Some cct ;
+ (true, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ in
+ List.fold_left f (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) inher_l
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ | None ->
+ let cl_opt =
+ try Some (lookup_class module_list capp.capp_name)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match cl_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *)
+ (if capp.capp_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_c capp.capp_name) :: acc_names))
+ | Some c ->
+ capp.capp_class <- Some c ;
+ (true, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ )
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ | None ->
+ let cl_opt =
+ try Some (lookup_class module_list cco.cco_name)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match cl_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *)
+ (if cco.cco_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_c cco.cco_name) :: acc_names))
+ | Some c ->
+ cco.cco_class <- Some c ;
+ (true, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ )
+ | Class_constraint (ckind, ctkind) ->
+ let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) ckind in
+ associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ { clt_name = "" ; clt_info = None ;
+ clt_type = c.cl_type ; (* should be ok *)
+ clt_type_parameters = [] ;
+ clt_virtual = false ;
+ clt_kind = ctkind ;
+ clt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc }
+ in
+ iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) c.cl_kind
+and associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct =
+ let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k =
+ match k with
+ Class_signature (inher_l, _) ->
+ let f (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) ic =
+ match ic.ic_class with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ | None ->
+ let cct_opt =
+ try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type module_list ic.ic_name, []))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Cl (lookup_class module_list ic.ic_name))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match cct_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b2, (Name.head ct.clt_name) :: acc_inc2,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" class types not found *)
+ (if ic.ic_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names2 else (NF_cct ic.ic_name) :: acc_names2))
+ | Some cct ->
+ ic.ic_class <- Some cct ;
+ (true, acc_inc2, acc_names2)
+ in
+ List.fold_left f (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) inher_l
+ | Class_type cta ->
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ | None ->
+ let cct_opt =
+ try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type module_list cta.cta_name, []))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Some (Cl (lookup_class module_list cta.cta_name))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match cct_opt with
+ None -> (acc_b, (Name.head ct.clt_name) :: acc_inc,
+ (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" class types not found *)
+ (if cta.cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_cct cta.cta_name) :: acc_names))
+ | Some c ->
+ cta.cta_class <- Some c ;
+ (true, acc_inc, acc_names)
+ )
+ in
+ iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct.clt_kind
+(** Association of types to elements referenced in comments .*)
+let ao = Odoc_misc.apply_opt
+let rec assoc_comments_text_elements module_list t_ele =
+ match t_ele with
+ | Raw _
+ | Code _
+ | CodePre _
+ | Latex _
+ | Verbatim _
+ | Ref (_, Some _) -> t_ele
+ | Bold t -> Bold (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Italic t -> Italic (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Center t -> Center (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Left t -> Left (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Right t -> Right (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Emphasize t -> Emphasize (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | List l -> List ( (assoc_comments_text module_list) l)
+ | Enum l -> Enum ( (assoc_comments_text module_list) l)
+ | Newline -> Newline
+ | Block t -> Block (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Superscript t -> Superscript (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Subscript t -> Subscript (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+ | Title (n, l_opt, t) -> Title (n, l_opt, (assoc_comments_text module_list t))
+ | Link (s, t) -> Link (s, (assoc_comments_text module_list t))
+ | Ref (name, None) ->
+ let re = Str.regexp ("^"^(Str.quote name)^"$") in
+ let res = module_list re in
+ match res with
+ [] ->
+ Odoc_messages.pwarning (Odoc_messages.cross_element_not_found name);
+ t_ele
+ | ele :: _ ->
+ let kind =
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_search.Res_module _ -> RK_module
+ | Odoc_search.Res_module_type _ -> RK_module_type
+ | Odoc_search.Res_class _ -> RK_class
+ | Odoc_search.Res_class_type _ -> RK_class_type
+ | Odoc_search.Res_value _ -> RK_value
+ | Odoc_search.Res_type _ -> RK_type
+ | Odoc_search.Res_exception _ -> RK_exception
+ | Odoc_search.Res_attribute _ -> RK_attribute
+ | Odoc_search.Res_method _ -> RK_method
+ | Odoc_search.Res_section _ -> RK_section
+ in
+ Ref (name, Some kind)
+and assoc_comments_text module_list text =
+ (assoc_comments_text_elements module_list) text
+and assoc_comments_info module_list i =
+ let ft = assoc_comments_text module_list in
+ {
+ i with
+ i_desc = ao ft i.i_desc ;
+ i_sees = (fun (sr, t) -> (sr, ft t)) i.i_sees;
+ i_deprecated = ao ft i.i_deprecated ;
+ i_params = (fun (name, t) -> (name, ft t)) i.i_params;
+ i_raised_exceptions = (fun (name, t) -> (name, ft t)) i.i_raised_exceptions;
+ i_return_value = ao ft i.i_return_value
+ }
+let rec assoc_comments_module_element module_list m_ele =
+ match m_ele with
+ Element_module m -> Element_module (assoc_comments_module module_list m)
+ | Element_module_type mt -> Element_module_type (assoc_comments_module_type module_list mt)
+ | Element_included_module _ -> m_ele (* don't go down into the aliases *)
+ | Element_class c -> Element_class (assoc_comments_class module_list c)
+ | Element_class_type ct -> Element_class_type (assoc_comments_class_type module_list ct)
+ | Element_value v -> Element_value (assoc_comments_value module_list v)
+ | Element_exception e -> Element_exception (assoc_comments_exception module_list e)
+ | Element_type t -> Element_type (assoc_comments_type module_list t)
+ | Element_module_comment t -> Element_module_comment (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+and assoc_comments_class_element module_list c_ele =
+ match c_ele with
+ Class_attribute a -> Class_attribute (assoc_comments_attribute module_list a)
+ | Class_method m -> Class_method (assoc_comments_method module_list m)
+ | Class_comment t -> Class_comment (assoc_comments_text module_list t)
+and assoc_comments_module_kind module_list mk =
+ match mk with
+ | Module_struct eles ->
+ Module_struct ( (assoc_comments_module_element module_list) eles)
+ | Module_alias _
+ | Module_functor _ ->
+ mk
+ | Module_apply (mk1, mk2) ->
+ Module_apply (assoc_comments_module_kind module_list mk1,
+ assoc_comments_module_kind module_list mk2)
+ | Module_with (mtk, s) ->
+ Module_with (assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list mtk, s)
+ | Module_constraint (mk1, mtk) ->
+ Module_constraint (assoc_comments_module_kind module_list mk1,
+ assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list mtk)
+and assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list mtk =
+ match mtk with
+ | Module_type_struct eles ->
+ Module_type_struct ( (assoc_comments_module_element module_list) eles)
+ | Module_type_functor (params, mtk1) ->
+ Module_type_functor (params, assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list mtk1)
+ | Module_type_alias _ ->
+ mtk
+ | Module_type_with (mtk1, s) ->
+ Module_type_with (assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list mtk1, s)
+and assoc_comments_class_kind module_list ck =
+ match ck with
+ Class_structure (inher, eles) ->
+ let inher2 =
+ (fun ic -> { ic with
+ ic_text = ao (assoc_comments_text module_list) ic.ic_text })
+ inher
+ in
+ Class_structure (inher2, (assoc_comments_class_element module_list) eles)
+ | Class_apply _
+ | Class_constr _ -> ck
+ | Class_constraint (ck1, ctk) ->
+ Class_constraint (assoc_comments_class_kind module_list ck1,
+ assoc_comments_class_type_kind module_list ctk)
+and assoc_comments_class_type_kind module_list ctk =
+ match ctk with
+ Class_signature (inher, eles) ->
+ let inher2 =
+ (fun ic -> { ic with
+ ic_text = ao (assoc_comments_text module_list) ic.ic_text })
+ inher
+ in
+ Class_signature (inher2, (assoc_comments_class_element module_list) eles)
+ | Class_type _ -> ctk
+and assoc_comments_module module_list m =
+ m.m_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) m.m_info ;
+ m.m_kind <- assoc_comments_module_kind module_list m.m_kind ;
+ m
+and assoc_comments_module_type module_list mt =
+ mt.mt_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) mt.mt_info ;
+ mt.mt_kind <- ao (assoc_comments_module_type_kind module_list) mt.mt_kind ;
+ mt
+and assoc_comments_class module_list c =
+ c.cl_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) c.cl_info ;
+ c.cl_kind <- assoc_comments_class_kind module_list c.cl_kind ;
+ assoc_comments_parameter_list module_list c.cl_parameters;
+ c
+and assoc_comments_class_type module_list ct =
+ ct.clt_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) ct.clt_info ;
+ ct.clt_kind <- assoc_comments_class_type_kind module_list ct.clt_kind ;
+ ct
+and assoc_comments_parameter module_list p =
+ match p with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ sn.sn_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text module_list) sn.sn_text
+ | Tuple (l, t) ->
+ List.iter (assoc_comments_parameter module_list) l
+and assoc_comments_parameter_list module_list pl =
+ List.iter (assoc_comments_parameter module_list) pl
+and assoc_comments_value module_list v =
+ v.val_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) v.val_info ;
+ assoc_comments_parameter_list module_list v.val_parameters;
+ v
+and assoc_comments_exception module_list e =
+ e.ex_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) e.ex_info ;
+ e
+and assoc_comments_type module_list t =
+ t.ty_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info module_list) t.ty_info ;
+ (match t.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract -> ()
+ | Type_variant vl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun vc -> vc.vc_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text module_list) vc.vc_text)
+ vl
+ | Type_record fl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun rf -> rf.rf_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text module_list) rf.rf_text)
+ fl
+ );
+ t
+and assoc_comments_attribute module_list a =
+ let _ = assoc_comments_value module_list a.att_value in
+ a
+and assoc_comments_method module_list m =
+ let _ = assoc_comments_value module_list m.met_value in
+ assoc_comments_parameter_list module_list m.met_value.val_parameters;
+ m
+let associate_type_of_elements_in_comments module_list =
+ (assoc_comments_module module_list) module_list
+(** The function which performs all the cross referencing. *)
+let associate module_list =
+ get_alias_names module_list ;
+ let rec remove_doubles acc = function
+ [] -> acc
+ | h :: q ->
+ if List.mem h acc then remove_doubles acc q
+ else remove_doubles (h :: acc) q
+ in
+ let rec iter incomplete_modules =
+ let (b_modif, remaining_inc_modules, acc_names_not_found) =
+ List.fold_left (associate_in_module module_list) (false, [], []) incomplete_modules
+ in
+ let remaining_no_doubles = remove_doubles [] remaining_inc_modules in
+ let remaining_modules = List.filter
+ (fun m -> List.mem m.m_name remaining_no_doubles)
+ incomplete_modules
+ in
+ if b_modif then
+ (* we may be able to associate something else *)
+ iter remaining_modules
+ else
+ (* nothing changed, we won' be able to associate any more *)
+ acc_names_not_found
+ in
+ let names_not_found = iter module_list in
+ (
+ match names_not_found with
+ [] ->
+ ()
+ | l ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun nf ->
+ Odoc_messages.pwarning
+ (
+ match nf with
+ NF_m n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_not_found n
+ | NF_mt n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_type_not_found n
+ | NF_mmt n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_or_module_type_not_found n
+ | NF_c n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_not_found n
+ | NF_ct n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_type_not_found n
+ | NF_cct n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_or_class_type_not_found n
+ | NF_ex n -> Odoc_messages.cross_exception_not_found n
+ );
+ )
+ l
+ ) ;
+ (* Find a type for each name of element which is referenced in comments. *)
+ let _ = associate_type_of_elements_in_comments module_list in
+ ()
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_cross.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_cross.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c1d5ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_cross.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Cross-referencing. *)
+val associate : Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ddf4d57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1755 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The types and functions to create a html table representing a dag. Thanks to Daniel De Rauglaudre. *)
+type 'a dag = { mutable dag : 'a node array }
+and 'a node =
+ { mutable pare : idag list; valu : 'a; mutable chil : idag list }
+and idag = int
+external int_of_idag : idag -> int = "%identity";;
+external idag_of_int : int -> idag = "%identity";;
+type 'a table = { mutable table : 'a data array array }
+and 'a data = { mutable elem : 'a elem; mutable span : span_id }
+and 'a elem = Elem of 'a | Ghost of ghost_id | Nothing
+and span_id
+and ghost_id
+external span_id_of_int : int -> span_id = "%identity";;
+external int_of_span_id : span_id -> int = "%identity";;
+external ghost_id_of_int : int -> ghost_id = "%identity";;
+external int_of_ghost_id : ghost_id -> int = "%identity";;
+let new_span_id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; span_id_of_int !i;;
+let new_ghost_id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; ghost_id_of_int !i;;
+(** creating the html table structure *)
+type align = LeftA | CenterA | RightA;;
+type table_data = TDstring of string | TDhr of align;;
+type html_table = (int * align * table_data) array array;;
+let html_table_struct indi_txt phony d t =
+ let phony =
+ function
+ Elem e -> phony d.dag.(int_of_idag e)
+ | Ghost _ -> false
+ | Nothing -> true
+ in
+ let jlast = Array.length t.table.(0) - 1 in
+ let elem_txt =
+ function
+ Elem e -> indi_txt d.dag.(int_of_idag e)
+ | Ghost _ -> "|"
+ | Nothing -> "&nbsp;"
+ in
+ let bar_txt =
+ function
+ Elem _ | Ghost _ -> "|"
+ | Nothing -> "&nbsp;"
+ in
+ let all_empty i =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then true
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> loop (j + 1)
+ | e -> if phony e then loop (j + 1) else false
+ in
+ loop 0
+ in
+ let line_elem_txt i =
+ let les =
+ let rec loop les j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les
+ else
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j) in
+ let next_j =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j
+ else if t.table.(i).(j) = x then loop (j + 1)
+ else j
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in
+ let les =
+ let s =
+ if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then "&nbsp;"
+ else elem_txt t.table.(i).(j).elem
+ in
+ (colspan - 2, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les
+ in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in loop les next_j
+ in
+ loop [] 0
+ in
+ Array.of_list (List.rev les)
+ in
+ let vbars_txt k i =
+ let les =
+ let rec loop les j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les
+ else
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j) in
+ let next_j =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j
+ else if t.table.(i).(j) = x then loop (j + 1)
+ else j
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in
+ let les =
+ let s =
+ if k > 0 && t.table.(k - 1).(j).elem = Nothing ||
+ t.table.(k).(j).elem = Nothing then
+ "&nbsp;"
+ else if phony t.table.(i).(j).elem then "&nbsp;"
+ else bar_txt t.table.(i).(j).elem
+ in
+ (colspan - 2, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les
+ in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in loop les next_j
+ in
+ loop [] 0
+ in
+ Array.of_list (List.rev les)
+ in
+ let alone_bar_txt i =
+ let les =
+ let rec loop les j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les
+ else
+ let next_j =
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).span = x then loop (j + 1)
+ else j
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) - 2 in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in
+ let les =
+ if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing ||
+ t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem = Nothing then
+ (colspan, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les
+ else
+ let s =
+ let all_ph =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = next_j then true
+ else if phony t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem then loop (j + 1)
+ else false
+ in
+ loop j
+ in
+ if all_ph then "&nbsp;" else "|"
+ in
+ (colspan, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les
+ in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in loop les next_j
+ in
+ loop [] 0
+ in
+ Array.of_list (List.rev les)
+ in
+ let exist_several_branches i k =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then false
+ else
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let e = t.table.(k).(j).elem in
+ let rec loop1 j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then false
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then loop j
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).span <> x then loop j
+ else if t.table.(k).(j).elem <> e then true
+ else loop1 (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop1 (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+ in
+ let hbars_txt i k =
+ let les =
+ let rec loop les j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les
+ else
+ let next_j =
+ let e = t.table.(i).(j).elem in
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j
+ else if e = Nothing && t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then
+ loop (j + 1)
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).span = x then loop (j + 1)
+ else j
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let rec loop1 les l =
+ if l = next_j then loop les next_j
+ else
+ let next_l =
+ let y = t.table.(k).(l) in
+ match y.elem with
+ Elem _ | Ghost _ ->
+ let rec loop l =
+ if l = Array.length t.table.(i) then l
+ else if t.table.(k).(l) = y then loop (l + 1)
+ else l
+ in
+ loop (l + 1)
+ | _ -> l + 1
+ in
+ if next_l > next_j then
+ begin
+ Printf.eprintf
+ "assert false i %d k %d l %d next_l %d next_j %d\n" i k l
+ next_l next_j;
+ flush stderr
+ end;
+ let next_l = min next_l next_j in
+ let colspan = 3 * (next_l - l) - 2 in
+ let les =
+ match t.table.(i).(l).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(l).elem with
+ Nothing, _ | _, Nothing ->
+ (colspan + 2, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les
+ | _ ->
+ let ph s =
+ if phony t.table.(k).(l).elem then TDstring "&nbsp;"
+ else s
+ in
+ if l = j && next_l = next_j then
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in
+ let s = ph (TDstring "|") in
+ let les = (colspan, CenterA, s) :: les in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in les
+ else if l = j then
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in
+ let s = ph (TDhr RightA) in
+ let les = (colspan, RightA, s) :: les in
+ let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, s) :: les in les
+ else if next_l = next_j then
+ let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, s) :: les in
+ let s = ph (TDhr LeftA) in
+ let les = (colspan, LeftA, s) :: les in
+ let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring "&nbsp;") :: les in les
+ else
+ let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in
+ (colspan + 2, LeftA, s) :: les
+ in
+ loop1 les next_l
+ in
+ loop1 les j
+ in
+ loop [] 0
+ in
+ Array.of_list (List.rev les)
+ in
+ let hts =
+ let rec loop hts i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then hts
+ else if i = Array.length t.table - 1 && all_empty i then hts
+ else
+ let hts = line_elem_txt i :: hts in
+ let hts =
+ if i < Array.length t.table - 1 then
+ let hts = vbars_txt (i + 1) i :: hts in
+ let hts =
+ if exist_several_branches i i then
+ alone_bar_txt i :: hbars_txt i i :: hts
+ else hts
+ in
+ let hts =
+ if exist_several_branches i (i + 1) &&
+ (i < Array.length t.table - 2 ||
+ not (all_empty (i + 1))) then
+ vbars_txt (i + 1) (i + 1) :: hbars_txt i (i + 1) :: hts
+ else hts
+ in
+ hts
+ else hts
+ in
+ loop hts (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop [] 0
+ in
+ Array.of_list (List.rev hts)
+(** transforming dag into table *)
+let ancestors d =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length d.dag then []
+ else
+ let n = d.dag.(i) in
+ if n.pare = [] then idag_of_int i :: loop (i + 1) else loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+let get_children d parents =
+ let rec merge_children children el =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (x, _) children ->
+ match x with
+ Elem e ->
+ let e = d.dag.(int_of_idag e) in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun c children ->
+ if List.mem c children then children else c :: children)
+ e.chil children
+ | _ -> [])
+ el children
+ in
+ merge_children [] parents
+let rec get_block t i j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then None
+ else if j = Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 then
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j) in Some ([x.elem, 1], 1, x.span)
+ else
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j) in
+ let y = t.table.(i).(j + 1) in
+ if y.span = x.span then
+ match get_block t i (j + 1) with
+ Some ((x1, c1) :: list, mpc, span) ->
+ let (list, mpc) =
+ if x1 = x.elem then (x1, c1 + 1) :: list, max mpc (c1 + 1)
+ else (x.elem, 1) :: (x1, c1) :: list, max mpc c1
+ in
+ Some (list, mpc, span)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else Some ([x.elem, 1], 1, x.span)
+let group_by_common_children d list =
+ let module O = struct type t = idag;; let compare = compare;; end
+ in
+ let module S = Set.Make (O)
+ in
+ let nlcsl =
+ (fun id ->
+ let n = d.dag.(int_of_idag id) in
+ let cs = List.fold_right S.add n.chil S.empty in [id], cs)
+ list
+ in
+ let nlcsl =
+ let rec loop =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | (nl, cs) :: rest ->
+ let rec loop1 beg =
+ function
+ (nl1, cs1) :: rest1 ->
+ if S.is_empty (S.inter cs cs1) then
+ loop1 ((nl1, cs1) :: beg) rest1
+ else
+ loop ((nl @ nl1, S.union cs cs1) :: (List.rev beg @ rest1))
+ | [] -> (nl, cs) :: loop rest
+ in
+ loop1 [] rest
+ in
+ loop nlcsl
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (nl, _) a ->
+ let span = new_span_id () in
+ List.fold_right (fun n a -> {elem = Elem n; span = span} :: a) nl a)
+ nlcsl []
+let copy_data d = {elem = d.elem; span = d.span};;
+let insert_columns t nb j =
+ let t1 = Array.create (Array.length t.table) [| |] in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ let line1 = Array.create (Array.length line + nb) line.(0) in
+ t1.(i) <- line1;
+ let rec loop k =
+ if k = Array.length line then ()
+ else
+ begin
+ if k < j then line1.(k) <- copy_data line.(k)
+ else if k = j then
+ for r = 0 to nb do line1.(k + r) <- copy_data line.(k) done
+ else line1.(k + nb) <- copy_data line.(k);
+ loop (k + 1)
+ end
+ in
+ loop 0
+ done;
+ {table = t1}
+let rec gcd a b =
+ if a < b then gcd b a else if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b)
+let treat_new_row d t =
+ let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in
+ let rec loop t i j =
+ match get_block t i j with
+ Some (parents, max_parent_colspan, span) ->
+ let children = get_children d parents in
+ let children =
+ if children = [] then [{elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}]
+ else
+ (fun n -> {elem = Elem n; span = new_span_id ()})
+ children
+ in
+ let simple_parents_colspan =
+ List.fold_left (fun x (_, c) -> x + c) 0 parents
+ in
+ if simple_parents_colspan mod List.length children = 0 then
+ let j = j + simple_parents_colspan in
+ let children =
+ let cnt = simple_parents_colspan / List.length children in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun d list ->
+ let rec loop cnt list =
+ if cnt = 1 then d :: list
+ else copy_data d :: loop (cnt - 1) list
+ in
+ loop cnt list)
+ children []
+ in
+ let (t, children_rest) = loop t i j in t, children @ children_rest
+ else
+ let parent_colspan =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun scm (_, c) -> let g = gcd scm c in scm / g * c)
+ max_parent_colspan parents
+ in
+ let (t, parents, _) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (t, parents, j) (x, c) ->
+ let to_add = parent_colspan / c - 1 in
+ let t =
+ let rec loop cc t j =
+ if cc = 0 then t
+ else
+ let t = insert_columns t to_add j in
+ loop (cc - 1) t (j + to_add + 1)
+ in
+ loop c t j
+ in
+ t, (x, parent_colspan) :: parents, j + parent_colspan)
+ (t, [], j) parents
+ in
+ let parents = List.rev parents in
+ let parents_colspan = parent_colspan * List.length parents in
+ let children_colspan = List.length children in
+ let g = gcd parents_colspan children_colspan in
+ let (t, j) =
+ let cnt = children_colspan / g in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (t, j) (_, c) ->
+ let rec loop cc t j =
+ if cc = 0 then t, j
+ else
+ let t = insert_columns t (cnt - 1) j in
+ let j = j + cnt in loop (cc - 1) t j
+ in
+ loop c t j)
+ (t, j) parents
+ in
+ let children =
+ let cnt = parents_colspan / g in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun d list ->
+ let rec loop cnt list =
+ if cnt = 0 then list else d :: loop (cnt - 1) list
+ in
+ loop cnt list)
+ children []
+ in
+ let (t, children_rest) = loop t i j in t, children @ children_rest
+ | None -> t, []
+ in
+ loop t i 0
+let down_it t i k y =
+ t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1).(k) <- t.table.(i).(k);
+ for r = i to Array.length t.table - 2 do
+ t.table.(r).(k) <- {elem = Ghost (new_ghost_id ()); span = new_span_id ()}
+ done
+(* equilibrate:
+ in the last line, for all elem A, make fall all As, which are located at
+ its right side above, to its line,
+ A |
+ i.e. transform all . into |
+ A....... A......A
+let equilibrate t =
+ let ilast = Array.length t.table - 1 in
+ let last = t.table.(ilast) in
+ let len = Array.length last in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = len then ()
+ else
+ match last.(j).elem with
+ Elem x ->
+ let rec loop1 i =
+ if i = ilast then loop (j + 1)
+ else
+ let rec loop2 k =
+ if k = len then loop1 (i + 1)
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(k).elem with
+ Elem y when x = y -> down_it t i k y; loop 0
+ | _ -> loop2 (k + 1)
+ in
+ loop2 0
+ in
+ loop1 0
+ | _ -> loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+(* group_elem:
+ transform all x y into x x
+ A A A A *)
+let group_elem t =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 2 do
+ for j = 1 to Array.length t.table.(0) - 1 do
+ match t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem with
+ Elem x, Elem y when x = y ->
+ t.table.(i).(j).span <- t.table.(i).(j - 1).span
+ | _ -> ()
+ done
+ done
+(* group_ghost:
+ x x x x |a |a |a |a
+ transform all |a |b into |a |a and all x y into x x
+ y z y y A A A A *)
+let group_ghost t =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 2 do
+ for j = 1 to Array.length t.table.(0) - 1 do
+ begin match t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem with
+ Ghost x, Ghost _ ->
+ if t.table.(i).(j - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j).span then
+ t.table.(i + 1).(j) <-
+ {elem = Ghost x; span = t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).span}
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ match t.table.(i).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost x, Ghost _ ->
+ if t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem = t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem then
+ begin
+ t.table.(i).(j) <-
+ {elem = Ghost x; span = t.table.(i).(j - 1).span};
+ if i > 0 then
+ t.table.(i - 1).(j).span <- t.table.(i - 1).(j - 1).span
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ done
+ done
+(* group_children:
+ transform all A A into A A
+ x y x x *)
+let group_children t =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ let len = Array.length line in
+ for j = 1 to len - 1 do
+ if line.(j).elem = line.(j - 1).elem && line.(j).elem <> Nothing then
+ line.(j).span <- line.(j - 1).span
+ done
+ done
+(* group_span_by_common_children:
+ in the last line, transform all
+ A B into A B
+ x y x x
+ if A and B have common children *)
+let group_span_by_common_children d t =
+ let module O = struct type t = idag;; let compare = compare;; end
+ in
+ let module S = Set.Make (O)
+ in
+ let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ let rec loop j cs =
+ if j = Array.length line then ()
+ else
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Elem id ->
+ let n = d.dag.(int_of_idag id) in
+ let curr_cs = List.fold_right S.add n.chil S.empty in
+ if S.is_empty (S.inter cs curr_cs) then loop (j + 1) curr_cs
+ else
+ begin
+ line.(j).span <- line.(j - 1).span;
+ loop (j + 1) (S.union cs curr_cs)
+ end
+ | _ -> loop (j + 1) S.empty
+ in
+ loop 0 S.empty
+let find_same_parents t i j1 j2 j3 j4 =
+ let rec loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 =
+ if i = 0 then i, j1, j2, j3, j4
+ else
+ let x1 = t.(i - 1).(j1) in
+ let x2 = t.(i - 1).(j2) in
+ let x3 = t.(i - 1).(j3) in
+ let x4 = t.(i - 1).(j4) in
+ if x1.span = x4.span then i, j1, j2, j3, j4
+ else
+ let j1 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x1.span then loop (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ loop (j1 - 1)
+ in
+ let j2 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1
+ else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x2.span then loop (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j2 + 1)
+ in
+ let j3 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x3.span then loop (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ loop (j3 - 1)
+ in
+ let j4 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1
+ else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x4.span then loop (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j4 + 1)
+ in
+ loop (i - 1) j1 j2 j3 j4
+ in
+ loop i j1 j2 j3 j4
+let find_linked_children t i j1 j2 j3 j4 =
+ let rec loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 =
+ if i = Array.length t - 1 then j1, j2, j3, j4
+ else
+ let x1 = t.(i).(j1) in
+ let x2 = t.(i).(j2) in
+ let x3 = t.(i).(j3) in
+ let x4 = t.(i).(j4) in
+ let j1 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if t.(i).(j).span = x1.span then loop (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ loop (j1 - 1)
+ in
+ let j2 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1
+ else if t.(i).(j).span = x2.span then loop (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j2 + 1)
+ in
+ let j3 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if t.(i).(j).span = x3.span then loop (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ loop (j3 - 1)
+ in
+ let j4 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1
+ else if t.(i).(j).span = x4.span then loop (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j4 + 1)
+ in
+ loop (i + 1) j1 j2 j3 j4
+ in
+ loop i j1 j2 j3 j4
+let mirror_block t i1 i2 j1 j2 =
+ for i = i1 to i2 do
+ let line = t.(i) in
+ let rec loop j1 j2 =
+ if j1 >= j2 then ()
+ else
+ let v = line.(j1) in
+ line.(j1) <- line.(j2); line.(j2) <- v; loop (j1 + 1) (j2 - 1)
+ in
+ loop j1 j2
+ done
+let exch_blocks t i1 i2 j1 j2 j3 j4 =
+ for i = i1 to i2 do
+ let line = t.(i) in
+ let saved = Array.copy line in
+ for j = j1 to j2 do line.(j4 - j2 + j) <- saved.(j) done;
+ for j = j3 to j4 do line.(j1 - j3 + j) <- saved.(j) done
+ done
+let find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 =
+ let rec loop ii jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 =
+ let (nii, njj1, njj2, njj3, njj4) =
+ find_same_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4
+ in
+ if nii <> ii || njj1 <> jj1 || njj2 <> jj2 || njj3 <> jj3 ||
+ njj4 <> jj4 then
+ let nii = min ii nii in
+ let (jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) =
+ find_linked_children t nii njj1 njj2 njj3 njj4
+ in
+ if njj1 <> jj1 || njj2 <> jj2 || njj3 <> jj3 || njj4 <> jj4 then
+ loop nii jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4
+ else nii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4
+ else ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4
+ in
+ loop i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4
+let push_to_right d t i j1 j2 =
+ let line = t.(i) in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = j2 then j - 1
+ else
+ let ini_jj1 =
+ match line.(j - 1).elem with
+ Nothing -> j - 1
+ | x ->
+ let rec same_value j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ same_value (j - 2)
+ in
+ let jj1 = ini_jj1 in
+ let jj2 = j - 1 in
+ let jj3 = j in
+ let jj4 =
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> j
+ | x ->
+ let rec same_value j =
+ if j >= Array.length line then j - 1
+ else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ same_value (j + 1)
+ in
+ let (ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) =
+ find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4
+ in
+ if jj4 < j2 && jj2 < jj3 then
+ begin exch_blocks t ii i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4; loop (jj4 + 1) end
+ else if jj4 < j2 && jj1 = ini_jj1 && jj2 <= jj4 then
+ begin mirror_block t ii i jj1 jj4; loop (jj4 + 1) end
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j1 + 1)
+let push_to_left d t i j1 j2 =
+ let line = t.(i) in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = j1 then j + 1
+ else
+ let jj1 =
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> j
+ | x ->
+ let rec same_value j =
+ if j < 0 then 0
+ else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j - 1)
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ same_value (j - 1)
+ in
+ let jj2 = j in
+ let jj3 = j + 1 in
+ let ini_jj4 =
+ match line.(j + 1).elem with
+ Nothing -> j + 1
+ | x ->
+ let rec same_value j =
+ if j >= Array.length line then j - 1
+ else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j + 1)
+ else j - 1
+ in
+ same_value (j + 2)
+ in
+ let jj4 = ini_jj4 in
+ let (ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) =
+ find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4
+ in
+ if jj1 > j1 && jj2 < jj3 then
+ begin exch_blocks t ii i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4; loop (jj1 - 1) end
+ else if jj1 > j1 && jj4 = ini_jj4 && jj3 >= jj1 then
+ begin mirror_block t ii i jj1 jj4; loop (jj1 - 1) end
+ else j + 1
+ in
+ loop (j2 - 1)
+let fill_gap d t i j1 j2 =
+ let t1 =
+ let t1 = Array.copy t.table in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
+ t1.(i) <- Array.copy t.table.(i);
+ for j = 0 to Array.length t1.(i) - 1 do
+ t1.(i).(j) <- copy_data t.table.(i).(j)
+ done
+ done;
+ t1
+ in
+ let j2 = push_to_left d t1 i j1 j2 in
+ let j1 = push_to_right d t1 i j1 j2 in
+ if j1 = j2 - 1 then
+ let line = t1.(i - 1) in
+ let x = line.(j1).span in
+ let y = line.(j2).span in
+ let rec loop y j =
+ if j >= Array.length line then ()
+ else if line.(j).span = y || t1.(i).(j).elem = t1.(i).(j - 1).elem then
+ let y = line.(j).span in
+ line.(j).span <- x;
+ if i > 0 then t1.(i - 1).(j).span <- t1.(i - 1).(j - 1).span;
+ loop y (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop y j2; Some ({table = t1}, true)
+ else None
+let treat_gaps d t =
+ let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in
+ let rec loop t j =
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ if j = Array.length line then t
+ else
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Elem _ as y ->
+ if y = line.(j - 1).elem then loop t (j + 1)
+ else
+ let rec loop1 t j1 =
+ if j1 < 0 then loop t (j + 1)
+ else if y = line.(j1).elem then
+ match fill_gap d t i j1 j with
+ Some (t, ok) -> if ok then loop t 2 else loop t (j + 1)
+ | None -> loop t (j + 1)
+ else loop1 t (j1 - 1)
+ in
+ loop1 t (j - 2)
+ | _ -> loop t (j + 1)
+ in
+ if Array.length t.table.(i) = 1 then t else loop t 2
+let group_span_last_row t =
+ let row = t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1) in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i >= Array.length row then ()
+ else
+ begin
+ begin match row.(i).elem with
+ Elem _ | Ghost _ as x ->
+ if x = row.(i - 1).elem then row.(i).span <- row.(i - 1).span
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ loop (i + 1)
+ end
+ in
+ loop 1
+let has_phony_children phony d t =
+ let line = t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1) in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length line then false
+ else
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Elem x -> if phony d.dag.(int_of_idag x) then true else loop (j + 1)
+ | _ -> loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+let tablify phony no_optim no_group d =
+ let a = ancestors d in
+ let r = group_by_common_children d a in
+ let t = {table = [| Array.of_list r |]} in
+ let rec loop t =
+ let (t, new_row) = treat_new_row d t in
+ if List.for_all (fun x -> x.elem = Nothing) new_row then t
+ else
+ let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| Array.of_list new_row |]} in
+ let t =
+ if no_group && not (has_phony_children phony d t) then t
+ else
+ let _ = if no_optim then () else equilibrate t in
+ let _ = group_elem t in
+ let _ = group_ghost t in
+ let _ = group_children t in
+ let _ = group_span_by_common_children d t in
+ let t = if no_optim then t else treat_gaps d t in
+ let _ = group_span_last_row t in t
+ in
+ loop t
+ in
+ loop t
+let fall d t =
+ for i = 1 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length line then ()
+ else
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Ghost x ->
+ let j2 =
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length line then j - 1
+ else
+ match line.(j).elem with
+ Ghost y when y = x -> loop (j + 1)
+ | _ -> j - 1
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let i1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then i + 1
+ else
+ let line = t.table.(i) in
+ if (j = 0 || line.(j - 1).span <> line.(j).span) &&
+ (j2 = Array.length line - 1 ||
+ line.(j2 + 1).span <> line.(j2).span) then
+ loop (i - 1)
+ else i + 1
+ in
+ loop (i - 1)
+ in
+ let i1 =
+ if i1 = i then i1
+ else if i1 = 0 then i1
+ else if t.table.(i1).(j).elem = Nothing then i1
+ else i
+ in
+ if i1 < i then
+ begin
+ for k = i downto i1 + 1 do
+ for j = j to j2 do
+ t.table.(k).(j).elem <- t.table.(k - 1).(j).elem;
+ if k < i then
+ t.table.(k).(j).span <- t.table.(k - 1).(j).span
+ done
+ done;
+ for l = j to j2 do
+ if i1 = 0 || t.table.(i1 - 1).(l).elem = Nothing then
+ t.table.(i1).(l).elem <- Nothing
+ else
+ t.table.(i1).(l) <-
+ if l = j ||
+ t.table.(i1 - 1).(l - 1).span <>
+ t.table.(i1 - 1).(l).span then
+ {elem = Ghost (new_ghost_id ());
+ span = new_span_id ()}
+ else copy_data t.table.(i1).(l - 1)
+ done
+ end;
+ loop (j2 + 1)
+ | _ -> loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+ done
+let fall2_cool_right t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2 =
+ let span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j1).span in
+ for i = i2 - 1 downto 0 do
+ for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do
+ t.table.(i).(j) <-
+ if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j)
+ else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}
+ done
+ done;
+ for i = Array.length t.table - 1 downto 0 do
+ for j = j2 to Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 do
+ t.table.(i).(j) <-
+ if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j)
+ else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}
+ done
+ done;
+ let old_span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j1).span in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i2 - 1) then ()
+ else if t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span = old_span then
+ begin t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span <- span; loop (j + 1) end
+ in
+ loop j1
+let fall2_cool_left t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2 =
+ let span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j2).span in
+ for i = i2 - 1 downto 0 do
+ for j = j1 + 1 to j2 do
+ t.table.(i).(j) <-
+ if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j)
+ else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}
+ done
+ done;
+ for i = Array.length t.table - 1 downto 0 do
+ for j = j1 downto 0 do
+ t.table.(i).(j) <-
+ if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j)
+ else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}
+ done
+ done;
+ let old_span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j2).span in
+ let rec loop j =
+ if j < 0 then ()
+ else if t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span = old_span then
+ begin t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span <- span; loop (j - 1) end
+ in
+ loop j2
+let do_fall2_right t i1 i2 j1 j2 =
+ let i3 =
+ let rec loop_i i =
+ if i < 0 then 0
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1)
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> loop_j (j + 1)
+ | _ -> i + 1
+ in
+ loop_j j2
+ in
+ loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1)
+ in
+ let new_height = i3 + i2 - i1 in
+ let t =
+ if new_height > Array.length t.table then
+ let rec loop cnt t =
+ if cnt = 0 then t
+ else
+ let new_line =
+ Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0))
+ (fun i -> {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()})
+ in
+ let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| new_line |]} in
+ loop (cnt - 1) t
+ in
+ loop (new_height - Array.length t.table) t
+ else t
+ in
+ fall2_cool_right t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2; t
+let do_fall2_left t i1 i2 j1 j2 =
+ let i3 =
+ let rec loop_i i =
+ if i < 0 then 0
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j =
+ if j < 0 then loop_i (i - 1)
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> loop_j (j - 1)
+ | _ -> i + 1
+ in
+ loop_j j1
+ in
+ loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1)
+ in
+ let new_height = i3 + i2 - i1 in
+ let t =
+ if new_height > Array.length t.table then
+ let rec loop cnt t =
+ if cnt = 0 then t
+ else
+ let new_line =
+ Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0))
+ (fun i -> {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()})
+ in
+ let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| new_line |]} in
+ loop (cnt - 1) t
+ in
+ loop (new_height - Array.length t.table) t
+ else t
+ in
+ fall2_cool_left t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2; t
+let do_shorten_too_long t i1 j1 j2 =
+ for i = i1 to Array.length t.table - 2 do
+ for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do t.table.(i).(j) <- t.table.(i + 1).(j) done
+ done;
+ let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in
+ for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do
+ t.table.(i).(j) <- {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}
+ done;
+ t
+let try_fall2_right t i j =
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost _ ->
+ let i1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then 0
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost _ -> loop (i - 1)
+ | _ -> i + 1
+ in
+ loop (i - 1)
+ in
+ let separated1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then true
+ else if
+ j > 0 && t.table.(i).(j - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j).span then
+ false
+ else loop (i - 1)
+ in
+ loop (i1 - 1)
+ in
+ let j2 =
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let rec loop j2 =
+ if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then j2
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j2) with
+ {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j2 + 1)
+ | _ -> j2
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let separated2 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then true
+ else if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then false
+ else if t.table.(i).(j2 - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j2).span then false
+ else loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ if not separated1 || not separated2 then None
+ else Some (do_fall2_right t i1 (i + 1) j j2)
+ | _ -> None
+let try_fall2_left t i j =
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost _ ->
+ let i1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then 0
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost _ -> loop (i - 1)
+ | _ -> i + 1
+ in
+ loop (i - 1)
+ in
+ let separated1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then true
+ else if
+ j < Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 &&
+ t.table.(i).(j).span = t.table.(i).(j + 1).span then
+ false
+ else loop (i - 1)
+ in
+ loop (i1 - 1)
+ in
+ let j1 =
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let rec loop j1 =
+ if j1 < 0 then j1
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j1) with
+ {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j1 - 1)
+ | _ -> j1
+ in
+ loop (j - 1)
+ in
+ let separated2 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then true
+ else if j1 < 0 then false
+ else if t.table.(i).(j1).span = t.table.(i).(j1 + 1).span then false
+ else loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ if not separated1 || not separated2 then None
+ else Some (do_fall2_left t i1 (i + 1) j1 j)
+ | _ -> None
+let try_shorten_too_long t i j =
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Ghost _ ->
+ let j2 =
+ let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in
+ let rec loop j2 =
+ if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then j2
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j2) with
+ {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j2 + 1)
+ | _ -> j2
+ in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ in
+ let i1 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then i
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Elem _ -> loop (i + 1)
+ | _ -> i
+ in
+ loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ let i2 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then i
+ else
+ match t.table.(i).(j).elem with
+ Nothing -> loop (i + 1)
+ | _ -> i
+ in
+ loop i1
+ in
+ let separated_left =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = i2 then true
+ else if
+ j > 0 && t.table.(i).(j).span = t.table.(i).(j - 1).span then
+ false
+ else loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop i
+ in
+ let separated_right =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = i2 then true
+ else if
+ j2 < Array.length t.table.(i) &&
+ t.table.(i).(j2 - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j2).span then
+ false
+ else loop (i + 1)
+ in
+ loop i
+ in
+ if not separated_left || not separated_right then None
+ else if i2 < Array.length t.table then None
+ else Some (do_shorten_too_long t i j j2)
+ | _ -> None
+let fall2_right t =
+ let rec loop_i i t =
+ if i <= 0 then t
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j t =
+ if j < 0 then loop_i (i - 1) t
+ else
+ match try_fall2_right t i j with
+ Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+ | None -> loop_j (j - 1) t
+ in
+ loop_j (Array.length t.table.(i) - 2) t
+ in
+ loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+let fall2_left t =
+ let rec loop_i i t =
+ if i <= 0 then t
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j t =
+ if j >= Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1) t
+ else
+ match try_fall2_left t i j with
+ Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+ | None -> loop_j (j + 1) t
+ in
+ loop_j 1 t
+ in
+ loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+let shorten_too_long t =
+ let rec loop_i i t =
+ if i <= 0 then t
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j t =
+ if j >= Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1) t
+ else
+ match try_shorten_too_long t i j with
+ Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+ | None -> loop_j (j + 1) t
+ in
+ loop_j 1 t
+ in
+ loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t
+(* top_adjust:
+ deletes all empty rows that might have appeared on top of the table
+ after the falls *)
+let top_adjust t =
+ let di =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length t.table then i
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop (i + 1)
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).elem <> Nothing then i
+ else loop_j (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop_j 0
+ in
+ loop 0
+ in
+ if di > 0 then
+ begin
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 - di do
+ t.table.(i) <- t.table.(i + di)
+ done;
+ {table = Array.sub t.table 0 (Array.length t.table - di)}
+ end
+ else t
+(* bottom_adjust:
+ deletes all empty rows that might have appeared on bottom of the table
+ after the falls *)
+let bottom_adjust t =
+ let last_i =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i < 0 then i
+ else
+ let rec loop_j j =
+ if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop (i - 1)
+ else if t.table.(i).(j).elem <> Nothing then i
+ else loop_j (j + 1)
+ in
+ loop_j 0
+ in
+ loop (Array.length t.table - 1)
+ in
+ if last_i < Array.length t.table - 1 then
+ {table = Array.sub t.table 0 (last_i + 1)}
+ else t
+(* invert *)
+let invert_dag d =
+ let d = {dag = Array.copy d.dag} in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length d.dag - 1 do
+ let n = d.dag.(i) in
+ d.dag.(i) <-
+ {pare = (fun x -> x) n.chil; valu = n.valu;
+ chil = (fun x -> x) n.pare}
+ done;
+ d
+let invert_table t =
+ let t' = {table = Array.copy t.table} in
+ let len = Array.length t.table in
+ for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+ t'.table.(i) <-
+ Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0))
+ (fun j ->
+ let d = t.table.(len - 1 - i).(j) in
+ {elem = d.elem; span = d.span});
+ if i < len - 1 then
+ for j = 0 to Array.length t'.table.(i) - 1 do
+ t'.table.(i).(j).span <- t.table.(len - 2 - i).(j).span
+ done
+ done;
+ t'
+(* main *)
+let table_of_dag phony no_optim invert no_group d =
+ let d = if invert then invert_dag d else d in
+ let t = tablify phony no_optim no_group d in
+ let t = if invert then invert_table t else t in
+ let _ = fall () t in
+ let t = fall2_right t in
+ let t = fall2_left t in
+ let t = shorten_too_long t in
+ let t = top_adjust t in let t = bottom_adjust t in t
+let version = "1.01";;
+(* input dag *)
+let strip_spaces str =
+ let start =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i == String.length str then i
+ else
+ match str.[i] with
+ ' ' | '\013' | '\n' | '\t' -> loop (i + 1)
+ | _ -> i
+ in
+ loop 0
+ in
+ let stop =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i == -1 then i + 1
+ else
+ match str.[i] with
+ ' ' | '\013' | '\n' | '\t' -> loop (i - 1)
+ | _ -> i + 1
+ in
+ loop (String.length str - 1)
+ in
+ if start == 0 && stop == String.length str then str
+ else if start > stop then ""
+ else String.sub str start (stop - start)
+let rec get_line ic =
+ try
+ let line = input_line ic in
+ if String.length line > 0 && line.[0] = '#' then get_line ic
+ else Some (strip_spaces line)
+ with
+ End_of_file -> None
+let input_dag ic =
+ let rec find cnt s =
+ function
+ n :: nl ->
+ if n.valu = s then n, idag_of_int cnt else find (cnt - 1) s nl
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ let add_node pl cl nl cnt =
+ let cl = List.rev cl in
+ let pl = List.rev pl in
+ let (pl, pnl, nl, cnt) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (pl, pnl, nl, cnt) p ->
+ try
+ let (n, p) = find (cnt - 1) p nl in p :: pl, n :: pnl, nl, cnt
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let n = {pare = []; valu = p; chil = []} in
+ let p = idag_of_int cnt in p :: pl, n :: pnl, n :: nl, cnt + 1)
+ ([], [], nl, cnt) pl
+ in
+ let pl = List.rev pl in
+ let (cl, nl, cnt) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (cl, nl, cnt) c ->
+ try
+ let (n, c) = find (cnt - 1) c nl in
+ n.pare <- n.pare @ pl; c :: cl, nl, cnt
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let n = {pare = pl; valu = c; chil = []} in
+ let c = idag_of_int cnt in c :: cl, n :: nl, cnt + 1)
+ ([], nl, cnt) cl
+ in
+ let cl = List.rev cl in
+ List.iter (fun p -> p.chil <- p.chil @ cl) pnl; nl, cnt
+ in
+ let rec input_parents nl pl cnt =
+ function
+ Some "" -> input_parents nl pl cnt (get_line ic)
+ | Some line ->
+ begin match line.[0] with
+ 'o' ->
+ let p =
+ strip_spaces (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 1))
+ in
+ if p = "" then failwith line
+ else input_parents nl (p :: pl) cnt (get_line ic)
+ | '-' ->
+ if pl = [] then failwith line
+ else input_children nl pl [] cnt (Some line)
+ | _ -> failwith line
+ end
+ | None -> if pl = [] then nl, cnt else failwith "end of file 1"
+ and input_children nl pl cl cnt =
+ function
+ Some "" -> input_children nl pl cl cnt (get_line ic)
+ | Some line ->
+ begin match line.[0] with
+ 'o' ->
+ if cl = [] then failwith line
+ else
+ let (nl, cnt) = add_node pl cl nl cnt in
+ input_parents nl [] cnt (Some line)
+ | '-' ->
+ let c =
+ strip_spaces (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 1))
+ in
+ if c = "" then failwith line
+ else input_children nl pl (c :: cl) cnt (get_line ic)
+ | _ -> failwith line
+ end
+ | None ->
+ if cl = [] then failwith "end of file 2" else add_node pl cl nl cnt
+ in
+ let (nl, _) = input_parents [] [] 0 (get_line ic) in
+ {dag = Array.of_list (List.rev nl)}
+(* testing *)
+let map_dag f d =
+ let a =
+ (fun d -> {pare = d.pare; valu = f d.valu; chil = d.chil}) d.dag
+ in
+ {dag = a}
+let tag_dag d =
+ let c = ref 'A' in
+ map_dag
+ (fun v ->
+ let v = !c in
+ c :=
+ if !c = 'Z' then 'a'
+ else if !c = 'z' then '1'
+ else Char.chr (Char.code !c + 1);
+ String.make 1 v)
+ d
+(* *)
+let phony _ = false;;
+let indi_txt n = n.valu;;
+let string_table border hts =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 30 in
+ Printf.bprintf buf "<center><table border=%d" border;
+ Printf.bprintf buf " cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n";
+ for i = 0 to Array.length hts - 1 do
+ Printf.bprintf buf "<tr>\n";
+ for j = 0 to Array.length hts.(i) - 1 do
+ let (colspan, align, td) = hts.(i).(j) in
+ Printf.bprintf buf "<td";
+ if colspan = 1 && (td = TDstring "&nbsp;" || td = TDhr CenterA) then ()
+ else Printf.bprintf buf " colspan=%d" colspan;
+ begin match align, td with
+ LeftA, TDhr LeftA -> Printf.bprintf buf " align=left"
+ | LeftA, _ -> ()
+ | CenterA, _ -> Printf.bprintf buf " align=center"
+ | RightA, _ -> Printf.bprintf buf " align=right"
+ end;
+ Printf.bprintf buf ">";
+ begin match td with
+ TDstring s -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s" s
+ | TDhr align ->
+ Printf.bprintf buf "<hr noshade size=1";
+ begin match align with
+ LeftA -> Printf.bprintf buf " width=\"50%%\" align=left"
+ | RightA -> Printf.bprintf buf " width=\"50%%\" align=right"
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ Printf.bprintf buf ">";
+ ()
+ end;
+ Printf.bprintf buf "</td>\n";
+ ()
+ done
+ done;
+ Printf.bprintf buf "</table></center>\n";
+ Buffer.contents buf
+let fname = ref "";;
+let invert = ref false;;
+let char = ref false;;
+let border = ref 0;;
+let no_optim = ref false;;
+let no_group = ref false;;
+let html_of_dag d =
+ let print_indi n = print_string n.valu in
+ let t = table_of_dag phony !no_optim !invert !no_group d in
+ let hts = html_table_struct indi_txt phony d t in
+ string_table !border hts
+(********************************* Max's code **********************************)
+(** This function takes a list of classes and a list of class types
+ and create the associate dag. *)
+let create_class_dag cl_list clt_list =
+ let module M = Odoc_info.Class in
+ (* the list of all the classes concerned *)
+ let cl_list2 = (fun c -> (c.M.cl_name, Some (M.Cl c))) cl_list in
+ let clt_list2 = (fun ct -> (ct.M.clt_name, Some (M.Cltype (ct, [])))) clt_list in
+ let list = cl_list2 @ clt_list2 in
+ let all_classes =
+ let rec iter list2 =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (name, cct_opt) ->
+ let l =
+ match cct_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some (M.Cl c) ->
+ iter
+ (
+ (fun inh ->(inh.M.ic_name, inh.M.ic_class))
+ (match c.M.cl_kind with
+ M.Class_structure (inher_l, _) ->
+ inher_l
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ )
+ )
+ | Some (M.Cltype (ct, _)) ->
+ iter
+ (
+ (fun inh ->(inh.M.ic_name, inh.M.ic_class))
+ (match ct.M.clt_kind with
+ M.Class_signature (inher_l, _) ->
+ inher_l
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ (name, cct_opt) :: (acc @ l)
+ )
+ []
+ list2
+ in
+ iter list
+ in
+ let rec distinct acc = function
+ [] ->
+ acc
+ | (name, cct_opt) :: q ->
+ if List.exists (fun (name2, _) -> name = name2) acc then
+ distinct acc q
+ else
+ distinct ((name, cct_opt) :: acc) q
+ in
+ let distinct_classes = distinct [] all_classes in
+ let liste_index =
+ let rec f n = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (name, _) :: q -> (name, n) :: (f (n+1) q)
+ in
+ f 0 distinct_classes
+ in
+ let array1 = Array.of_list distinct_classes in
+ (* create the dag array, filling parents and values *)
+ let fmap (name, cct_opt) =
+ { pare =
+ (fun inh -> List.assoc inh.M.ic_name liste_index )
+ (match cct_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some (M.Cl c) ->
+ (match c.M.cl_kind with
+ M.Class_structure (inher_l, _) ->
+ inher_l
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ )
+ | Some (M.Cltype (ct, _)) ->
+ (match ct.M.clt_kind with
+ M.Class_signature (inher_l, _) ->
+ inher_l
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ )
+ );
+ valu = (name, cct_opt) ;
+ chil = []
+ }
+ in
+ let dag = { dag = fmap array1 } in
+ (* fill the children *)
+ let fiter i node =
+ let l = Array.to_list dag.dag in
+ let l2 = (fun n -> n.valu)
+ (List.filter (fun n -> List.mem i n.pare) l)
+ in
+ node.chil <- (fun (name,_) -> List.assoc name liste_index) l2
+ in
+ Array.iteri fiter dag.dag;
+ dag
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_dag2html.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_dag2html.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96d44affa
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+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_dag2html.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The types and functions to create a html table representing a dag.
+ Thanks to Daniel de Rauglaudre. *)
+type 'a dag = { mutable dag : 'a node array }
+and 'a node =
+ { mutable pare : idag list; valu : 'a; mutable chil : idag list }
+and idag = int
+(** This function returns the html code to represent the given dag. *)
+val html_of_dag : string dag -> string
+(** This function takes a list of classes and a list of class types and creates the associate dag. *)
+val create_class_dag :
+ Odoc_info.Class.t_class list ->
+ Odoc_info.Class.t_class_type list ->
+ (Odoc_info.Name.t * Odoc_info.Class.cct option) dag
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad8d94f4c
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Top modules dependencies. *)
+module StrS = Depend.StringSet
+module Module = Odoc_module
+module Type = Odoc_type
+let dummy_loc = {
+ Location.loc_start = 0;
+ Location.loc_end = 1 ;
+ Location.loc_ghost = true
+let set_to_list s =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ StrS.iter (fun e -> l := e :: !l) s;
+ !l
+let impl_dependencies ast =
+ Depend.free_structure_names := StrS.empty;
+ Depend.add_use_file StrS.empty [Parsetree.Ptop_def ast];
+ set_to_list !Depend.free_structure_names
+let intf_dependencies ast =
+ Depend.free_structure_names := StrS.empty;
+ Depend.add_signature StrS.empty ast;
+ set_to_list !Depend.free_structure_names
+module Dep =
+ struct
+ type id = string
+ module S = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
+ let set_to_list s =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ S.iter (fun e -> l := e :: !l) s;
+ !l
+ type node = {
+ id : id ;
+ mutable near : S.t ; (** fils directs *)
+ mutable far : (id * S.t) list ; (** fils indirects, par quel fils *)
+ reflex : bool ; (** reflexive or not, we keep
+ information here to remove the node itself from its direct children *)
+ }
+ type graph = node list
+ let make_node s children =
+ let set = List.fold_right
+ S.add
+ children
+ S.empty
+ in
+ { id = s;
+ near = S.remove s set ;
+ far = [] ;
+ reflex = List.mem s children ;
+ }
+ let get_node graph s =
+ try List.find (fun n -> = s) graph
+ with Not_found ->
+ make_node s []
+ let rec trans_closure graph acc n =
+ if S.mem acc then
+ acc
+ else
+ (* optimisation plus tard : utiliser le champ far si non vide ? *)
+ S.fold
+ (fun child -> fun acc2 ->
+ trans_closure graph acc2 (get_node graph child))
+ n.near
+ (S.add acc)
+ let node_trans_closure graph n =
+ let far =
+ (fun child ->
+ let set = trans_closure graph S.empty (get_node graph child) in
+ (child, set)
+ )
+ (set_to_list n.near)
+ in
+ n.far <- far
+ let compute_trans_closure graph =
+ List.iter (node_trans_closure graph) graph
+ let prune_node graph node =
+ S.iter
+ (fun child ->
+ let set_reachables = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (ch, reachables) ->
+ if child = ch then
+ acc
+ else
+ S.union acc reachables
+ )
+ S.empty
+ node.far
+ in
+ let set = S.remove set_reachables in
+ if S.exists (fun n2 -> S.mem child (get_node graph n2).near) set then
+ (
+ node.near <- S.remove child node.near ;
+ node.far <- List.filter (fun (ch,_) -> ch <> child) node.far
+ )
+ else
+ ()
+ )
+ node.near;
+ if node.reflex then
+ node.near <- S.add node.near
+ else
+ ()
+ let kernel graph =
+ (* compute transitive closure *)
+ compute_trans_closure graph ;
+ (* remove edges to keep a transitive kernel *)
+ List.iter (prune_node graph) graph;
+ graph
+ end
+(** [type_deps t] returns the list of fully qualified type names
+ [t] depends on. *)
+let type_deps t =
+ let module T = Odoc_type in
+ let l = ref [] in
+ let re = Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)" in
+ let f s =
+ let s2 = Str.matched_string s in
+ l := s2 :: !l ;
+ s2
+ in
+ (match t.T.ty_kind with
+ T.Type_abstract -> ()
+ | T.Type_variant cl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun e ->
+ let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr e in
+ ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
+ )
+ c.T.vc_args
+ )
+ cl
+ | T.Type_record rl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun r ->
+ let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr r.T.rf_type in
+ ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
+ )
+ rl
+ );
+ (match t.T.ty_manifest with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some e ->
+ let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr e in
+ ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
+ );
+ !l
+(** Modify the modules depencies of the given list of modules,
+ to get the minimum transitivity kernel. *)
+let kernel_deps_of_modules modules =
+ let graph =
+ (fun m -> Dep.make_node m.Module.m_name m.Module.m_top_deps)
+ modules
+ in
+ let k = Dep.kernel graph in
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ let node = Dep.get_node k m.Module.m_name in
+ m.Module.m_top_deps <-
+ List.filter (fun m2 -> Dep.S.mem m2 node.Dep.near) m.Module.m_top_deps)
+ modules
+(** Return the list of dependencies between the given types,
+ in the form of a list [(type, names of types it depends on)].
+ @param kernel indicates if we must keep only the transitivity kernel
+ of the dependencies. Default is [false].
+let deps_of_types ?(kernel=false) types =
+ let deps_pre = (fun t -> (t, type_deps t)) types in
+ let deps =
+ if kernel then
+ (
+ let graph =
+ (fun (t, names) -> Dep.make_node t.Type.ty_name names)
+ deps_pre
+ in
+ let k = Dep.kernel graph in
+ (fun t ->
+ let node = Dep.get_node k t.Type.ty_name in
+ (t, Dep.set_to_list node.Dep.near)
+ )
+ types
+ )
+ else
+ deps_pre
+ in
+ deps
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+(* Ocamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Definition of a class which outputs a dot file showing
+ top modules dependencies.*)
+module Name = Odoc_info.Name
+module Module = Odoc_info.Module
+module Type = Odoc_info.Type
+module F = Format
+(** This class generates a dot file showing the top modules dependencies. *)
+class dot =
+ object (self)
+ (** To store the colors associated to locations of modules. *)
+ val mutable loc_colors = []
+ (** the list of modules we know. *)
+ val mutable modules = []
+ (** Colors to use when finding new locations of modules. *)
+ val mutable colors = !Odoc_args.dot_colors
+ (** Graph header. *)
+ method header =
+ "digraph G {\n"^
+ " size=\"10,7.5\";\n"^
+ " ratio=\"fill\";\n"^
+ " rotate=90;\n"^
+ " fontsize=\"12pt\";\n"^
+ " rankdir = TB ;\n"
+ method get_one_color =
+ match colors with
+ [] -> None
+ | h :: q ->
+ colors <- q ;
+ Some h
+ method node_color s =
+ try Some (List.assoc s loc_colors)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ match self#get_one_color with
+ None -> None
+ | Some c ->
+ loc_colors <- (s, c) :: loc_colors ;
+ Some c
+ method print_module_atts fmt m =
+ match self#node_color (Filename.dirname m.Module.m_file) with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" m.Module.m_name col
+ method print_type_atts fmt t =
+ match self#node_color (Name.father t.Type.ty_name) with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" t.Type.ty_name col
+ method print_one_dep fmt src dest =
+ F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" src dest
+ method generate_for_module fmt m =
+ let l = List.filter
+ (fun n ->
+ !Odoc_args.dot_include_all or
+ (List.exists (fun m -> m.Module.m_name = n) modules))
+ m.Module.m_top_deps
+ in
+ self#print_module_atts fmt m;
+ List.iter (self#print_one_dep fmt m.Module.m_name) l
+ method generate_for_type fmt (t, l) =
+ self#print_type_atts fmt t;
+ List.iter
+ (self#print_one_dep fmt t.Type.ty_name)
+ l
+ method generate_types types =
+ try
+ let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.dot_file in
+ let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
+ let graph = Odoc_info.Dep.deps_of_types
+ ~kernel: !Odoc_args.dot_reduce
+ types
+ in
+ List.iter (self#generate_for_type fmt) graph;
+ F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
+ F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
+ close_out oc
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ method generate_modules modules_list =
+ try
+ modules <- modules_list ;
+ let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.dot_file in
+ let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
+ if !Odoc_args.dot_reduce then
+ Odoc_info.Dep.kernel_deps_of_modules modules_list;
+ List.iter (self#generate_for_module fmt) modules_list;
+ F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
+ F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
+ close_out oc
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the dot code in the file {!Odoc_args.dot_file}. *)
+ method generate (modules_list : Odoc_info.Module.t_module list) =
+ if !Odoc_args.dot_types then
+ self#generate_types (Odoc_info.Search.types modules_list)
+ else
+ self#generate_modules modules_list
+ end
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d492af985
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+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Environment for finding complete names from relative names. *)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
+module Name = Odoc_name
+(** relative name * complete name *)
+type env_element = Name.t * Name.t
+type env = {
+ env_values : env_element list ;
+ env_types : env_element list ;
+ env_class_types : env_element list ;
+ env_classes : env_element list ;
+ env_modules : env_element list ;
+ env_module_types : env_element list ;
+ env_exceptions : env_element list ;
+ }
+let empty = {
+ env_values = [] ;
+ env_types = [] ;
+ env_class_types = [] ;
+ env_classes = [] ;
+ env_modules = [] ;
+ env_module_types = [] ;
+ env_exceptions = [] ;
+ }
+(** Add a signature to an environment. *)
+let rec add_signature env root ?rel signat =
+ let qualify id = Name.concat root (Name.from_ident id) in
+ let rel_name id =
+ let n = Name.from_ident id in
+ match rel with
+ None -> n
+ | Some r -> Name.concat r n
+ in
+ let f env item =
+ match item with
+ Types.Tsig_value (ident, _) -> { env with env_values = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_values }
+ | Types.Tsig_type (ident,_ ) -> { env with env_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_types }
+ | Types.Tsig_exception (ident, _) -> { env with env_exceptions = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_exceptions }
+ | Types.Tsig_module (ident, modtype) ->
+ let env2 =
+ match modtype with (* A VOIR : le cas oů c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
+ Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
+ | _ -> env
+ in
+ { env2 with env_modules = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_modules }
+ | Types.Tsig_modtype (ident, modtype_decl) ->
+ let env2 =
+ match modtype_decl with
+ Types.Tmodtype_abstract ->
+ env
+ | Types.Tmodtype_manifest modtype ->
+ match modtype with
+ (* A VOIR : le cas oů c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
+ Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
+ | _ -> env
+ in
+ { env2 with env_module_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_module_types }
+ | Types.Tsig_class (ident, _) -> { env with env_classes = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_classes }
+ | Types.Tsig_cltype (ident, _) -> { env with env_class_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_class_types }
+ in
+ List.fold_left f env signat
+let add_exception env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with env_exceptions = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_exceptions }
+let add_type env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types }
+let add_value env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with env_values = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_values }
+let add_module env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with env_modules = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_modules }
+let add_module_type env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with env_module_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_module_types }
+let add_class env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with
+ env_classes = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_classes ;
+ (* we also add a type 'cause the class name may appear as a type *)
+ env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types
+ }
+let add_class_type env full_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
+ { env with
+ env_class_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_class_types ;
+ (* we also add a type 'cause the class type name may appear as a type *)
+ env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types
+ }
+let full_module_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_modules
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Module "^n^" not found with env=");
+ List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_modules;
+ n
+let full_module_type_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_module_types
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Module "^n^" not found with env=");
+ List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_modules;
+ n
+let full_module_or_module_type_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_modules
+ with Not_found -> full_module_type_name env n
+let full_type_name env n =
+ try
+ let full = List.assoc n env.env_types in
+(** print_string ("type "^n^" is "^full);
+ print_newline ();*)
+ full
+ with Not_found ->
+(** print_string ("type "^n^" not found");
+ print_newline ();*)
+ n
+let full_value_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_values
+ with Not_found -> n
+let full_exception_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_exceptions
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Exception "^n^" not found with env=");
+ List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_exceptions;
+ n
+let full_class_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_classes
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Class "^n^" not found with env=");
+ List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_classes;
+ n
+let full_class_type_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_class_types
+ with Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Class type "^n^" not found with env=");
+ List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_class_types;
+ n
+let full_class_or_class_type_name env n =
+ try List.assoc n env.env_classes
+ with Not_found -> full_class_type_name env n
+let subst_type env t =
+(** print_string "Odoc_env.subst_type";
+ print_newline ();
+ Printtyp.mark_loops t;
+ let rec iter deja_vu t =
+ let (new_desc, new_deja_vu) =
+ if List.memq t deja_vu then
+ (t.Types.desc, deja_vu)
+ else
+ let dv = t :: deja_vu in
+ match t.Types.desc with
+ | Types.Tvar ->
+ (Types.Tvar, dv)
+ | Types.Tarrow (l, t1, t2, c) ->
+ let (t1', dv1) = iter dv t1 in
+ let (t2', dv2) = iter dv1 t2 in
+ (Types.Tarrow (l, t1', t2', c), dv2)
+ | Types.Ttuple l ->
+ let (l', dv') =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc_t, acc_dv) -> fun t ->
+ let (new_t, new_dv) = iter acc_dv t in
+ (acc_t @ [new_t], new_dv)
+ )
+ ([], dv)
+ l
+ in
+ (Types.Ttuple l', dv')
+ | Types.Tconstr (p, [ty], a) when Path.same p Predef.path_option ->
+ let (ty', dv') = iter dv ty in
+ (Types.Tconstr (p, [ty'], a), dv')
+ | Types.Tconstr (p, l, a) ->
+ let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
+ let (l', dv') =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc_t, acc_dv) -> fun t ->
+ let (new_t, new_dv) = iter acc_dv t in
+ (acc_t @ [new_t], new_dv)
+ )
+ ([], dv)
+ l
+ in
+ (Types.Tconstr (new_p, l', a), dv')
+ | Types.Tobject (t2, r) ->
+ (* A VOIR : descendre dans r ? *)
+ let (t2', dv') = iter dv t2 in
+ (Types.Tobject (t2', r), dv')
+ | Types.Tfield (s, fk, t1, t2) ->
+ let (t1', dv1) = iter dv t1 in
+ let (t2', dv2) = iter dv1 t2 in
+ (Types.Tfield (s, fk, t1', t2'), dv2)
+ | Types.Tnil ->
+ (Types.Tnil, dv)
+ | Types.Tlink t2 ->
+ let (t2', dv') = iter dv t2 in
+ (Types.Tlink t2', dv')
+ | Types.Tsubst t2 ->
+ let (t2', dv') = iter dv t2 in
+ (Types.Tsubst t2', dv')
+ | Types.Tvariant rd ->
+ (* A VOIR : est-ce la peine de descendre dans rd ? *)
+ (Types.Tvariant rd, dv)
+ in
+ t.Types.desc <- new_desc;
+ (t, new_deja_vu)
+ in
+ let (res, _) = iter [] t in
+(** print_string "Odoc_env.subst_type fini";
+ print_newline ();
+ res
+let subst_module_type env t =
+ let rec iter t =
+ match t with
+ Types.Tmty_ident p ->
+ let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_module_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
+ Types.Tmty_ident new_p
+ | Types.Tmty_signature _ ->
+ t
+ | Types.Tmty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
+ Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
+ in
+ iter t
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99b292b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_env.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Environment for finding complete names from relative names. *)
+(** An environment of known names,
+ from simple name to complete name. *)
+type env
+(** The empty environment. *)
+val empty : env
+(** Extending an environment *)
+val add_signature : env -> string -> ?rel:string -> Types.signature -> env
+val add_exception : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_type : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_value : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_module : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_module_type : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_class : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+val add_class_type : env -> Odoc_name.t -> env
+(** Retrieving fully qualified names from an environment *)
+(** Get the fully qualified module name from a name.*)
+val full_module_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified module type name from a name.*)
+val full_module_type_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified module or module type name from a name.
+ We look for a module type if we don't find a module.*)
+val full_module_or_module_type_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified type name from a name.*)
+val full_type_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified value name from a name.*)
+val full_value_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified exception name from a name.*)
+val full_exception_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified class name from a name.*)
+val full_class_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified class type name from a name.*)
+val full_class_type_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Get the fully qualified class or class type name from a name.*)
+val full_class_or_class_type_name : env -> Odoc_name.t -> Odoc_name.t
+(** Substitutions *)
+(** Replace the [Path.t] by a complete [Path.t] in a [Types.type_expr].*)
+val subst_type : env -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
+(** Replace the [Path.t] by a complete [Path.t] in a [Types.module_type].*)
+val subst_module_type : env -> Types.module_type -> Types.module_type
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5b41bf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of exceptions. *)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+type exception_alias = {
+ ea_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable ea_ex : t_exception option ;
+ }
+and t_exception = {
+ ex_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable ex_info : option ; (** optional user information *)
+ ex_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** the types of the parameters *)
+ ex_alias : exception_alias option ;
+ mutable ex_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ded9b715b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+let errors = ref 0
+let warn_error = ref false
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_global.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_global.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30158f95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_global.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* Ocamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Global variables. *)
+(** A counter for errors. *)
+val errors : int ref
+(** Indicate if a warning is an error. *)
+val warn_error : bool ref
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b066eb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1962 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Generation of html documentation. *)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+open Odoc_info
+open Parameter
+open Value
+open Type
+open Exception
+open Class
+open Module
+(** The functions used for naming files and html marks.*)
+module Naming =
+ struct
+ (** The prefix for types marks. *)
+ let mark_type = "TYPE"
+ (** The prefix for functions marks. *)
+ let mark_function = "FUN"
+ (** The prefix for exceptions marks. *)
+ let mark_exception = "EXCEPTION"
+ (** The prefix for values marks. *)
+ let mark_value = "VAL"
+ (** The prefix for attributes marks. *)
+ let mark_attribute = "ATT"
+ (** The prefix for methods marks. *)
+ let mark_method = "METHOD"
+ (** The prefix for code files.. *)
+ let code_prefix = "code_"
+ (** The prefix for type files.. *)
+ let type_prefix = "type_"
+ (** Return the two html files names for the given module or class name.*)
+ let html_files name =
+ let html_file = name^".html" in
+ let html_frame_file = name^"-frame.html" in
+ (html_file, html_frame_file)
+ (** Return the target for the given prefix and simple name. *)
+ let target pref simple_name = pref^simple_name
+ (** Return the complete link target (file#target) for the given prefix string and complete name.*)
+ let complete_target pref complete_name =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple complete_name in
+ let module_name =
+ let s = Name.father complete_name in
+ if s = "" then simple_name else s
+ in
+ let (html_file, _) = html_files module_name in
+ html_file^"#"^(target pref simple_name)
+ (** Return the link target for the given type. *)
+ let type_target t = target mark_type (Name.simple t.ty_name)
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given type. *)
+ let complete_type_target t = complete_target mark_type t.ty_name
+ (** Return the link target for the given exception. *)
+ let exception_target e = target mark_exception (Name.simple e.ex_name)
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given exception. *)
+ let complete_exception_target e = complete_target mark_exception e.ex_name
+ (** Return the link target for the given value. *)
+ let value_target v = target mark_value (Name.simple v.val_name)
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given value. *)
+ let complete_value_target v = complete_target mark_value v.val_name
+ (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given value. *)
+ let file_code_value_complete_target v =
+ let f = code_prefix^mark_value^v.val_name^".html" in
+ f
+ (** Return the link target for the given attribute. *)
+ let attribute_target a = target mark_attribute (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given attribute. *)
+ let complete_attribute_target a = complete_target mark_attribute a.att_value.val_name
+ (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given attribute. *)
+ let file_code_attribute_complete_target a =
+ let f = code_prefix^mark_attribute^a.att_value.val_name^".html" in
+ f
+ (** Return the link target for the given method. *)
+ let method_target m = target mark_method (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given method. *)
+ let complete_method_target m = complete_target mark_method m.met_value.val_name
+ (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given method. *)
+ let file_code_method_complete_target m =
+ let f = code_prefix^mark_method^m.met_value.val_name^".html" in
+ f
+ (** Return the link target for the given label section. *)
+ let label_target l = target "" l
+ (** Return the complete link target for the given section label. *)
+ let complete_label_target l = complete_target "" l
+ (** Return the complete filename for the code of the type of the
+ given module or module type name. *)
+ let file_type_module_complete_target name =
+ let f = type_prefix^name^".html" in
+ f
+ (** Return the complete filename for the code of the type of the
+ given class or class type name. *)
+ let file_type_class_complete_target name =
+ let f = type_prefix^name^".html" in
+ f
+ end
+(** A class with a method to colorize a string which represents OCaml code. *)
+class ocaml_code =
+ object(self)
+ method html_of_code ?(with_pre=true) code =
+ let html_code = Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_code ~with_pre: with_pre code in
+ html_code
+ end
+(** Generation of html code from text structures. *)
+class text =
+ object (self)
+ (** We want to display colorized code. *)
+ inherit ocaml_code
+ (** Escape the strings which would clash with html syntax, and
+ make some replacements (double newlines replaced by <br>). *)
+ method escape s = Odoc_ocamlhtml.escape_base s
+ (** Return the html code corresponding to the [text] parameter. *)
+ method html_of_text t = String.concat "" ( self#html_of_text_element t)
+ (** Return the html code for the [text_element] in parameter. *)
+ method html_of_text_element te =
+ print_DEBUG "text::html_of_text_element";
+ match te with
+ | Odoc_info.Raw s -> self#html_of_Raw s
+ | Odoc_info.Code s -> self#html_of_Code s
+ | Odoc_info.CodePre s -> self#html_of_CodePre s
+ | Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#html_of_Verbatim s
+ | Odoc_info.Bold t -> self#html_of_Bold t
+ | Odoc_info.Italic t -> self#html_of_Italic t
+ | Odoc_info.Emphasize t -> self#html_of_Emphasize t
+ | Odoc_info.Center t -> self#html_of_Center t
+ | Odoc_info.Left t -> self#html_of_Left t
+ | Odoc_info.Right t -> self#html_of_Right t
+ | Odoc_info.List tl -> self#html_of_List tl
+ | Odoc_info.Enum tl -> self#html_of_Enum tl
+ | Odoc_info.Newline -> self#html_of_Newline
+ | Odoc_info.Block t -> self#html_of_Block t
+ | Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) -> self#html_of_Title n l_opt t
+ | Odoc_info.Latex s -> self#html_of_Latex s
+ | Odoc_info.Link (s, t) -> self#html_of_Link s t
+ | Odoc_info.Ref (name, ref_opt) -> self#html_of_Ref name ref_opt
+ | Odoc_info.Superscript t -> self#html_of_Superscript t
+ | Odoc_info.Subscript t -> self#html_of_Subscript t
+ method html_of_Raw s = self#escape s
+ method html_of_Code s =
+ if !Odoc_args.colorize_code then
+ self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false s
+ else
+ "<code class=\""^Odoc_ocamlhtml.code_class^"\">"^(self#escape s)^"</code>"
+ method html_of_CodePre s =
+ if !Odoc_args.colorize_code then
+ self#html_of_code s
+ else
+ "<pre><code class=\""^Odoc_ocamlhtml.code_class^"\">"^(self#escape s)^"</code></pre>"
+ method html_of_Verbatim s = "<pre>"^(self#escape s)^"</pre>"
+ method html_of_Bold t = "<b>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</b>"
+ method html_of_Italic t = "<i>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</i>"
+ method html_of_Emphasize t = "<em>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</em>"
+ method html_of_Center t = "<center>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</center>"
+ method html_of_Left t = "<div align=left>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</div>"
+ method html_of_Right t = "<div align=right>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</div>"
+ method html_of_List tl =
+ "<ul>\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ ( (fun t -> "<li>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</li>\n") tl))^
+ "</ul>\n"
+ method html_of_Enum tl =
+ "<OL>\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ ( (fun t -> "<li>"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</li>\n") tl))^
+ "</OL>\n"
+ method html_of_Newline = "\n<p>\n"
+ method html_of_Block t =
+ "<blockquote>\n"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</blockquote>\n"
+ method html_of_Title n label_opt t =
+ let css_class = "title"^(string_of_int n) in
+ "<br>\n"^
+ (
+ match label_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some l -> "<a name=\""^(Naming.label_target l)^"\"></a>"
+ )^
+ "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">\n"^
+ "<tr class=\""^css_class^"\"><td><div align=center>\n"^
+ "<table><tr class=\""^css_class^"\">\n"^
+ "<td width=\"100%\" align=center>\n"^
+ "<span class=\""^css_class^"\">"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</span>\n"^
+ "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</div>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"
+ method html_of_Latex _ = ""
+ (* don't care about LaTeX stuff in HTML. *)
+ method html_of_Link s t =
+ "<a href=\""^s^"\">"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</a>"
+ method html_of_Ref name ref_opt =
+ match ref_opt with
+ None ->
+ self#html_of_text_element (Odoc_info.Code name)
+ | Some kind ->
+ let target =
+ match kind with
+ Odoc_info.RK_module
+ | Odoc_info.RK_module_type
+ | Odoc_info.RK_class
+ | Odoc_info.RK_class_type ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files name in
+ html_file
+ | Odoc_info.RK_value -> Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_value name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_type -> Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_type name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_exception -> Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_exception name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_attribute -> Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_attribute name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_method -> Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_method name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_section -> Naming.complete_label_target name
+ in
+ "<a href=\""^target^"\">"^
+ (self#html_of_text_element (Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name)))^"</a>"
+ method html_of_Superscript t =
+ "<sup class=\"superscript\">"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</sup>"
+ method html_of_Subscript t =
+ "<sub class=\"subscript\">"^(self#html_of_text t)^"</sub>"
+ end
+(** A class used to generate html code for info structures. *)
+class virtual info =
+ object (self)
+ (** The list of pairs [(tag, f)] where [f] is a function taking
+ the [text] associated to [tag] and returning html code.
+ Add a pair here to handle a tag.*)
+ val mutable tag_functions = ([] : (string * (Odoc_info.text -> string)) list)
+ (** The method used to get html code from a [text]. *)
+ method virtual html_of_text : Odoc_info.text -> string
+ (** Return html for an author list. *)
+ method html_of_author_list l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ "<b>"^Odoc_messages.authors^": </b>"^
+ (String.concat ", " l)^
+ "<br>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given optional version information.*)
+ method html_of_version_opt v_opt =
+ match v_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some v -> "<b>"^Odoc_messages.version^": </b>"^v^"<br>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given optional since information.*)
+ method html_of_since_opt s_opt =
+ match s_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> "<b>"^Odoc_messages.since^"</b> "^s^"<br>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
+ method html_of_raised_exceptions l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | (s, t) :: [] -> "<b>"^Odoc_messages.raises^"</b> <code>"^s^"</code> "^(self#html_of_text t)^"<br>\n"
+ | _ ->
+ "<b>"^Odoc_messages.raises^"</b><ul>"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) -> "<li><code>"^ex^"</code> "^(self#html_of_text desc)^"</li>\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"</ul>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given "see also" reference. *)
+ method html_of_see (see_ref, t) =
+ let t_ref =
+ match see_ref with
+ Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
+ | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ in
+ self#html_of_text t_ref
+ (** Return html code for the given list of "see also" references.*)
+ method html_of_sees l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | see :: [] -> "<b>"^Odoc_messages.see_also^"</b> "^(self#html_of_see see)^"<br>\n"
+ | _ ->
+ "<b>"^Odoc_messages.see_also^"</b><ul>"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun see -> "<li>"^(self#html_of_see see)^"</li>\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"</ul>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given optional return information.*)
+ method html_of_return_opt return_opt =
+ match return_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> "<b>"^Odoc_messages.returns^"</b> "^(self#html_of_text s)^"<br>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given list of custom tagged texts. *)
+ method html_of_custom l =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 50 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (tag, text) ->
+ try
+ let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
+ Buffer.add_string buf (f text)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag)
+ )
+ l;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ (** Return html code for a description, except for the [i_params] field. *)
+ method html_of_info info_opt =
+ match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ ""
+ | Some info ->
+ let module M = Odoc_info in
+ "<div class=\"info\">\n"^
+ (match info.M.i_deprecated with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d ->
+ "<span class=\"warning\">"^Odoc_messages.deprecated^"</span> "^
+ (self#html_of_text d)^
+ "<br>\n"
+ )^
+ (match info.M.i_desc with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> ""
+ | Some d -> (self#html_of_text d)^"<br>\n"
+ )^
+ (self#html_of_author_list info.M.i_authors)^
+ (self#html_of_version_opt info.M.i_version)^
+ (self#html_of_since_opt info.M.i_since)^
+ (self#html_of_raised_exceptions info.M.i_raised_exceptions)^
+ (self#html_of_return_opt info.M.i_return_value)^
+ (self#html_of_sees info.M.i_sees)^
+ (self#html_of_custom info.M.i_custom)^
+ "</div>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the first sentence of a description. *)
+ method html_of_info_first_sentence info_opt =
+ match info_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some info ->
+ let module M = Odoc_info in
+ let dep = info.M.i_deprecated <> None in
+ "<div class=\"info\">\n"^
+ (if dep then "<font color=\"#CCCCCC\">" else "") ^
+ (match info.M.i_desc with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> ""
+ | Some d -> (self#html_of_text (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text d))^"\n"
+ )^
+ (if dep then "</font>" else "") ^
+ "</div>\n"
+ end
+(** A function used to create index files.
+ We must put it out of the html class because ocaml doesn't support
+ yet polymorphic methods :-( *)
+let generate_elements_index
+ self_header self_inner_title self_html_of_info_first_sentence
+ elements name info target title simple_file =
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir simple_file) in
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ "<html>\n"^
+ (self_header (self_inner_title title)) ^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ "<center><h1>"^title^"</h1></center>\n");
+ let sorted_elements = List.sort
+ (fun e1 -> fun e2 -> compare (Name.simple (name e1)) (Name.simple (name e2)))
+ elements
+ in
+ let groups = Odoc_info.create_index_lists sorted_elements (fun e -> Name.simple (name e)) in
+ let f_ele e =
+ let simple_name = Name.simple (name e) in
+ let father_name = Name.father (name e) in
+ output_string chanout
+ ("<tr><td><a href=\""^(target e)^"\">"^simple_name^"</a> "^
+ (if simple_name <> father_name then
+ "["^"<a href=\""^(fst (Naming.html_files father_name))^"\">"^father_name^"</a>]"
+ else
+ ""
+ )^
+ "</td>\n"^
+ "<td>"^(self_html_of_info_first_sentence (info e))^"</td></tr>\n"
+ )
+ in
+ let f_group l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ()
+ | e :: _ ->
+ let s =
+ match (Char.uppercase (Name.simple (name e)).[0]) with
+ 'A'..'Z' as c -> String.make 1 c
+ | _ -> ""
+ in
+ output_string chanout ("<tr><td align=\"left\"><br>"^s^"</td></tr>\n");
+ List.iter f_ele l
+ in
+ output_string chanout "<table>\n";
+ List.iter f_group groups ;
+ output_string chanout "</table><br>\n" ;
+ output_string chanout "</body>\n</html>";
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+(** A function used to generate a list of module/class files.
+ We must put it out of the html class because ocaml doesn't support
+ yet polymorphic methods :-( *)
+let generate_elements f_generate l =
+ let rec iter pre_opt = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | ele :: [] -> f_generate pre_opt None ele
+ | ele1 :: ele2 :: q ->
+ f_generate pre_opt (Some ele2) ele1 ;
+ iter (Some ele1) (ele2 :: q)
+ in
+ iter None l
+let opt = Odoc_info.apply_opt
+(** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple html documentation. *)
+class html =
+ object (self)
+ inherit text
+ inherit info
+ (** The default style options. *)
+ val mutable default_style_options =
+ ["a:visited {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; }" ;
+ "a:link {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none;}" ;
+ "a:hover {color : Red; text-decoration : none; background-color: #5FFF88}" ;
+ "a:active {color : Red; text-decoration : underline; }" ;
+ ".keyword { font-weight : bold ; color : Red }" ;
+ ".keywordsign { color : #C04600 }" ;
+ ".superscript { font-size : 4 }" ;
+ ".subscript { font-size : 4 }" ;
+ ".comment { color : Green }" ;
+ ".constructor { color : Blue }" ;
+ ".string { color : Maroon }" ;
+ ".warning { color : Red ; font-weight : bold }" ;
+ ".info { margin-left : 3em; margin-right : 3em }" ;
+ ".code { color : black ; }" ;
+ ".title1 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #416DFF }" ;
+ ".title2 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #418DFF }" ;
+ ".title3 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41ADFF }" ;
+ ".title4 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41CDFF }" ;
+ ".title5 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41EDFF }" ;
+ ".title6 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41FFFF }" ;
+ ".title1 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF44 }" ;
+ ".title2 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF66 }" ;
+ ".title3 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFF99 }" ;
+ ".title4 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFFCC }" ;
+ ".title5 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #AAFFFF }" ;
+ ".title6 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #DDFF44 }" ;
+ "body { background-color : White }" ;
+ "tr { background-color : White }" ;
+ ]
+ (** The style file for all pages. *)
+ val mutable style_file = "style.css"
+ (** The code to import the style. Initialized in [init_style]. *)
+ val mutable style = ""
+ (** The known types names.
+ Used to know if we must create a link to a type
+ when printing a type. *)
+ val mutable known_types_names = []
+ (** The known class and class type names.
+ Used to know if we must create a link to a class
+ or class type or not when printing a type. *)
+ val mutable known_classes_names = []
+ (** The known modules and module types names.
+ Used to know if we must create a link to a type or not
+ when printing a module type. *)
+ val mutable known_modules_names = []
+ (** The main file. *)
+ val mutable index = "index.html"
+ (** The file for the index of values. *)
+ val mutable index_values = "index_values.html"
+ (** The file for the index of types. *)
+ val mutable index_types = "index_types.html"
+ (** The file for the index of exceptions. *)
+ val mutable index_exceptions = "index_exceptions.html"
+ (** The file for the index of attributes. *)
+ val mutable index_attributes = "index_attributes.html"
+ (** The file for the index of methods. *)
+ val mutable index_methods = "index_methods.html"
+ (** The file for the index of classes. *)
+ val mutable index_classes = "index_classes.html"
+ (** The file for the index of class types. *)
+ val mutable index_class_types = "index_class_types.html"
+ (** The file for the index of modules. *)
+ val mutable index_modules = "index_modules.html"
+ (** The file for the index of module types. *)
+ val mutable index_module_types = "index_module_types.html"
+ (** The list of attributes. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_attributes = []
+ (** The list of methods. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_methods = []
+ (** The list of values. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_values = []
+ (** The list of exceptions. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_exceptions = []
+ (** The list of types. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_types = []
+ (** The list of modules. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_modules = []
+ (** The list of module types. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_module_types = []
+ (** The list of classes. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_classes = []
+ (** The list of class types. Filled in the generate method. *)
+ val mutable list_class_types = []
+ (** The header of pages. Must be prepared by the [prepare_header] method.*)
+ val mutable header = fun ?(nav=None) -> fun _ -> ""
+ (** Init the style. *)
+ method init_style =
+ (match !Odoc_args.css_style with
+ None ->
+ let default_style = String.concat "\n" default_style_options in
+ (
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir style_file) in
+ output_string chanout default_style ;
+ flush chanout ;
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ )
+ | Some f ->
+ style_file <- f
+ );
+ style <- "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""^style_file^"\" type=\"text/css\">\n"
+ (** Get the title given by the user *)
+ method title = match !Odoc_args.title with None -> "" | Some t -> self#escape t
+ (** Get the title given by the user completed with the given subtitle. *)
+ method inner_title s =
+ (match self#title with "" -> "" | t -> t^" : ")^
+ (self#escape s)
+ (** Get the page header. *)
+ method header ?nav title = header ?nav title
+ (** A function to build the header of pages. *)
+ method prepare_header module_list =
+ let f ?(nav=None) t =
+ let link_if_not_empty l m url =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ -> "<link title=\""^m^"\" rel=Appendix href=\""^url^"\">\n"
+ in
+ "<head>\n"^
+ style^
+ "<link rel=\"Start\" href=\""^index^"\">\n"^
+ (
+ match nav with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some (pre_opt, post_opt, name) ->
+ (match pre_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some name ->
+ "<link rel=\"previous\" href=\""^(fst (Naming.html_files name))^"\">\n"
+ )^
+ (match post_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some name ->
+ "<link rel=\"next\" href=\""^(fst (Naming.html_files name))^"\">\n"
+ )^
+ (
+ let father = Name.father name in
+ let href = if father = "" then index else fst (Naming.html_files father) in
+ "<link rel=\"Up\" href=\""^href^"\">\n"
+ )
+ )^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_types Odoc_messages.index_of_types index_types)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_exceptions Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions index_exceptions)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_values Odoc_messages.index_of_values index_values)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_attributes Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes index_attributes)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_methods Odoc_messages.index_of_methods index_methods)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_classes Odoc_messages.index_of_classes index_classes)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_class_types Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types index_class_types)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_modules Odoc_messages.index_of_modules index_modules)^
+ (link_if_not_empty list_module_types Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types index_module_types)^
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (
+ (fun m ->
+ let html_file = fst (Naming.html_files m.m_name) in
+ "<link title=\""^m.m_name^"\" rel=\"Chapter\" href=\""^html_file^"\">\n"
+ )
+ module_list
+ )
+ )^
+ "<title>"^
+ t^
+ "</title>\n</head>\n"
+ in
+ header <- f
+ (** Html code for navigation bar.
+ @param pre optional name for optinal previous module/class
+ @param post optional name for optinal next module/class
+ @param name name of current module/class *)
+ method navbar pre post name =
+ "<div class=\"navbar\">"^
+ (match pre with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some name ->
+ "<a href=\""^(fst (Naming.html_files name))^"\">"^Odoc_messages.previous^"</a>\n"
+ )^
+ "&nbsp;"^
+ (
+ let father = Name.father name in
+ let href = if father = "" then index else fst (Naming.html_files father) in
+ "<a href=\""^href^"\">"^Odoc_messages.up^"</a>\n"
+ )^
+ "&nbsp;"^
+ (match post with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some name ->
+ "<a href=\""^(fst (Naming.html_files name))^"\">"^^"</a>\n"
+ )^
+ "</div>\n"
+ (** Return html code with the given string in the keyword style.*)
+ method keyword s =
+ "<span class=\"keyword\">"^s^"</span>"
+ (** Return html code with the given string in the constructor style. *)
+ method constructor s = "<span class=\"constructor\">"^s^"</span>"
+ (** Output the given ocaml code to the given file name. *)
+ method private output_code in_title file code =
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out file in
+ let html_code = self#html_of_code code in
+ output_string chanout ("<html>"^(self#header (self#inner_title in_title))^"<body>\n");
+ output_string chanout html_code;
+ output_string chanout "</body></html>";
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ prerr_endline s
+ (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified
+ type (or class or class type) idents
+ have been replaced by links to the type referenced by the ident.*)
+ method create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s =
+ let f str_t =
+ let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
+ if List.mem match_s known_types_names then
+ "<a href=\""^(Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_type match_s)^"\">"^
+ (Odoc_info.apply_if_equal
+ Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules
+ match_s
+ (Name.get_relative m_name match_s)
+ )^"</a>"
+ else
+ if List.mem match_s known_classes_names then
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files match_s in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^
+ (Odoc_info.apply_if_equal
+ Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules
+ match_s
+ (Name.get_relative m_name match_s)
+ )^"</a>"
+ else
+ match_s
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_substitute
+ (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
+ f
+ s
+ in
+ s2
+ (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified module idents
+ have been replaced by links to the module referenced by the ident.*)
+ method create_fully_qualified_module_idents_links m_name s =
+ let f str_t =
+ let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
+ if List.mem match_s known_modules_names then
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files match_s in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.get_relative m_name match_s)^"</a>"
+ else
+ match_s
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_substitute
+ (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([A-Z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
+ f
+ s
+ in
+ s2
+ (** Return html code to display a [Types.type_expr].*)
+ method html_of_type_expr m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<br> " s in
+ "<code class=\"type\">"^(self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2)^"</code>"
+ (** Return html code to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
+ method html_of_type_expr_list m_name sep l =
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list";
+ let s = Odoc_info.string_of_type_list sep l in
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 1";
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<br> " s in
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 2";
+ "<code class=\"type\">"^(self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2)^"</code>"
+ (** Return html code to display a [Types.module_type]. *)
+ method html_of_module_type m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<br> " s in
+ "<code class=\"type\">"^(self#create_fully_qualified_module_idents_links m_name s2)^"</code>"
+ (** Generate a file containing the module type in the given file name. *)
+ method output_module_type in_title file mtyp =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type mtyp))
+ in
+ self#output_code in_title file s
+ (** Generate a file containing the class type in the given file name. *)
+ method output_class_type in_title file ctyp =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type ctyp))
+ in
+ self#output_code in_title file s
+ (** Return html code for a value. *)
+ method html_of_value v =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "val")^" "^
+ (* html mark *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.value_target v)^"\"></a>"^
+ (match v.val_code with
+ None -> Name.simple v.val_name
+ | Some c ->
+ let file = Naming.file_code_value_complete_target v in
+ self#output_code v.val_name (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir file) c;
+ "<a href=\""^file^"\">"^(Name.simple v.val_name)^"</a>"
+ )^" : "^
+ (self#html_of_type_expr (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)^"</pre>"^
+ (self#html_of_info v.val_info)^
+ (if !Odoc_args.with_parameter_list then
+ self#html_of_parameter_list (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_parameters
+ else
+ self#html_of_described_parameter_list (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_parameters
+ )
+ (** Return html code for an exception. *)
+ method html_of_exception e =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "exception")^" "^
+ (* html mark *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.exception_target e)^"\"></a>"^
+ (Name.simple e.ex_name)^
+ (match e.ex_args with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ ->
+ " "^(self#keyword "of")^" "^
+ (self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args)
+ )^
+ (match e.ex_alias with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some ea -> " = "^
+ (
+ match ea.ea_ex with
+ None -> ea.ea_name
+ | Some e -> "<a href=\""^(Naming.complete_exception_target e)^"\">"^e.ex_name^"</a>"
+ )
+ )^
+ "</pre>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_info e.ex_info)
+ (** Return html code for a type. *)
+ method html_of_type t =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let father = Name.father t.ty_name in
+ "<br><code>"^(self#keyword "type")^" "^
+ (* html mark *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target t)^"\"></a>"^
+ (match t.ty_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | tp :: [] -> (self#html_of_type_expr father tp)^" "
+ | l -> "("^(self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)^") "
+ )^
+ (Name.simple t.ty_name)^" "^
+ (match t.ty_manifest with None -> "" | Some typ -> "= "^(self#html_of_type_expr father typ)^" ")^
+ (match t.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract -> "</code>"
+ | Type_variant l ->
+ "=<br>"^
+ "</code><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">\n"^
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (
+ (fun constr ->
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >\n"^
+ "<code>"^
+ (self#keyword "|")^
+ "</code></td>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >\n"^
+ "<code>"^
+ (self#constructor constr.vc_name)^
+ (match constr.vc_args with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l ->
+ " "^(self#keyword "of")^" "^
+ (self#html_of_type_expr_list father " * " l)
+ )^
+ "</code></td>\n"^
+ (match constr.vc_text with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t ->
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ "(*"^
+ "</code></td>"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ (self#html_of_text t)^
+ "</code></td>"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ "*)"^
+ "</code></td>"
+ )^
+ "\n</tr>"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^
+ "</table>\n"
+ | Type_record l ->
+ "= {<br>"^
+ "</code><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">\n"^
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (
+ (fun r ->
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >\n"^
+ "<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>"^
+ "</td>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >\n"^
+ "<code>"^(if r.rf_mutable then self#keyword "mutable&nbsp;" else "")^
+ r.rf_name^"&nbsp;: "^(self#html_of_type_expr father r.rf_type)^";"^
+ "</code></td>\n"^
+ (match r.rf_text with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t ->
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ "(*"^
+ "</code></td>"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ (self#html_of_text t)^
+ "</code></td>"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" >"^
+ "<code>"^
+ "*)"^
+ "</code></td>"
+ )^
+ "\n</tr>"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^
+ "</table>\n"^
+ "}\n"
+ )^"\n"^
+ (self#html_of_info t.ty_info)^
+ "<br>\n"
+ (** Return html code for a class attribute. *)
+ method html_of_attribute a =
+ let module_name = Name.father (Name.father a.att_value.val_name) in
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "val")^" "^
+ (* html mark *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.attribute_target a)^"\"></a>"^
+ (if a.att_mutable then (self#keyword Odoc_messages.mutab)^" " else "")^
+ (match a.att_value.val_code with
+ None -> Name.simple a.att_value.val_name
+ | Some c ->
+ let file = Naming.file_code_attribute_complete_target a in
+ self#output_code a.att_value.val_name (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir file) c;
+ "<a href=\""^file^"\">"^(Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)^"</a>"
+ )^" : "^
+ (self#html_of_type_expr module_name a.att_value.val_type)^"</pre>"^
+ (self#html_of_info a.att_value.val_info)
+ (** Return html code for a class method. *)
+ method html_of_method m =
+ let module_name = Name.father (Name.father m.met_value.val_name) in
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "method")^" "^
+ (* html mark *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.method_target m)^"\"></a>"^
+ (if m.met_private then (self#keyword "private")^" " else "")^
+ (if m.met_virtual then (self#keyword "virtual")^" " else "")^
+ (match m.met_value.val_code with
+ None -> Name.simple m.met_value.val_name
+ | Some c ->
+ let file = Naming.file_code_method_complete_target m in
+ self#output_code m.met_value.val_name (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir file) c;
+ "<a href=\""^file^"\">"^(Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)^"</a>"
+ )^" : "^
+ (self#html_of_type_expr module_name m.met_value.val_type)^"</pre>"^
+ (self#html_of_info m.met_value.val_info)^
+ (if !Odoc_args.with_parameter_list then
+ self#html_of_parameter_list module_name m.met_value.val_parameters
+ else
+ self#html_of_described_parameter_list module_name m.met_value.val_parameters
+ )
+ (** Return html code for the description of a function parameter. *)
+ method html_of_parameter_description p =
+ match Parameter.names p with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | name :: [] ->
+ (
+ (* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *)
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> self#html_of_text t
+ )
+ | l ->
+ (* A list of names, we display those with a description. *)
+ let l2 = List.filter (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) l in
+ String.concat "<br>\n"
+ (
+ (fun n ->
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> "<code>"^n^"</code> : "^(self#html_of_text t)
+ )
+ l2
+ )
+ (** Return html code for a list of parameters. *)
+ method html_of_parameter_list m_name l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ "<div class=\"info\">"^
+ "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\">\n"^
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"1%\"><b>"^Odoc_messages.parameters^": </b></td>\n"^
+ "<td>\n"^
+ "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun p ->
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\">\n"^
+ "<code>"^
+ (match Parameter.complete_name p with
+ "" -> "?"
+ | s -> s
+ )^"</code></td>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">:</td>\n"^
+ "<td>"^(self#html_of_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p))^"<br>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_parameter_description p)^"\n"^
+ "</tr>\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^"</table>\n"^
+ "</td>\n"^
+ "</tr>\n"^
+ "</table></div>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the parameters which have a name and description. *)
+ method html_of_described_parameter_list m_name l =
+ (* get the params which have a name, and at least one name described. *)
+ let l2 = List.filter
+ (fun p ->
+ List.exists
+ (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None)
+ (Parameter.names p))
+ l
+ in
+ let f p =
+ "<div class=\"info\"><code>"^(Parameter.complete_name p)^"</code> : "^
+ (self#html_of_parameter_description p)^"</div>\n"
+ in
+ match l2 with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ -> "<br>"^(String.concat "" ( f l2))
+ (** Return html code for a list of module parameters. *)
+ method html_of_module_parameter_list m_name l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\">\n"^
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"1%\"><b>"^Odoc_messages.parameters^": </b></td>\n"^
+ "<td>\n"^
+ "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+ "<tr>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\">\n"^
+ "<code>"^p.mp_name^"</code></td>\n"^
+ "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">:</td>\n"^
+ "<td>"^(self#html_of_module_type m_name p.mp_type)^"\n"^
+ (match desc_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> "<br>"^(self#html_of_text t))^
+ "\n"^
+ "</tr>\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^"</table>\n"^
+ "</td>\n"^
+ "</tr>\n"^
+ "</table>\n"
+ (** Return html code for a [module_kind]. *)
+ method html_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
+ match k with
+ Module_alias m_alias ->
+ (match m_alias.ma_module with
+ None ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ m_alias.ma_name
+ | Some (Mod m) ->
+ let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^m.m_name^"</a>"
+ | Some (Modtype mt) ->
+ let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^mt.mt_name^"</a>"
+ )
+ | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1)^
+ " ( "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2)^" ) "
+ | Module_with (tk, code) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false code)
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ "( "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)^" : "^
+ (self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^" )"
+ | Module_struct _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false (Odoc_messages.struct_end^" "))
+ | Module_functor (_, k) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false "functor ... ")^
+ " -> "^(self#html_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)
+ (** Return html code for a [module_type_kind]. *)
+ method html_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
+ match tk with
+ | Module_type_struct _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.sig_end)
+ | Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
+ let f p = "("^p.mp_name^" : "^(self#html_of_module_type "" p.mp_type)^") -> " in
+ let s1 = String.concat "" ( f params) in
+ let s2 = self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^s1^s2
+ | Module_type_with (tk2, code) ->
+ let s = self#html_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ s^(self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false code)
+ | Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (match mt_alias.mta_module with
+ None ->
+ mt_alias.mta_name
+ | Some mt ->
+ let (html_file,_) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^mt.mt_name^"</a>"
+ )
+ (** Return html code for a module. *)
+ method html_of_module ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) m =
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
+ let s1 =
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "module")^" "^
+ (
+ if with_link then
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple m.m_name)^"</a>"
+ else
+ Name.simple m.m_name
+ )^
+ (self#html_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
+ "</pre>"
+ in
+ let s2 =
+ if info then
+ (if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) m.m_info
+ else
+ ""
+ in
+ s1^s2
+ (** Return html code for a module type. *)
+ method html_of_modtype ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) mt =
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "module type")^" "^
+ (
+ if with_link then
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^"</a>"
+ else
+ Name.simple mt.mt_name
+ )^
+ (match mt.mt_kind with
+ | Some tk -> self#html_of_module_type_kind tk
+ | None -> ""
+ )^
+ "</pre>"^
+ (if info then
+ (if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) mt.mt_info
+ else
+ ""
+ )
+ (** Return html code for an included module. *)
+ method html_of_included_module im =
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "include")^" "^
+ (
+ match im.im_module with
+ None ->
+ im.im_name
+ | Some mmt ->
+ let (file, name) =
+ match mmt with
+ Mod m ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
+ (html_file, m.m_name)
+ | Modtype mt ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
+ (html_file, mt.mt_name)
+ in
+ "<a href=\""^file^"\">"^(Name.simple name)^"</a>"
+ )^
+ "</pre>\n"
+ (** Return html code for the given [class_kind].*)
+ method html_of_class_kind father ?(with_def_syntax=true) ckind =
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class_kind";
+ match ckind with
+ Class_structure _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ None -> capp.capp_name
+ | Some cl ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a>"
+ )^
+ " "^
+ (String.concat " "
+ (
+ (fun s -> self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false ("("^s^")"))
+ capp.capp_params_code))
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (
+ match cco.cco_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)^"] "
+ )^
+ (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ None -> cco.cco_name
+ | Some cl ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a> "
+ )
+ | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ "( "^(self#html_of_class_kind father ~with_def_syntax: false ck)^
+ " : "^
+ (self#html_of_class_type_kind father ctk)^
+ " )"
+ (** Return html code for the given [class_type_kind].*)
+ method html_of_class_type_kind father ?def_syntax ctkind =
+ match ctkind with
+ Class_type cta ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
+ (
+ match cta.cta_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)^"] "
+ )^
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ None ->
+ if cta.cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then
+ self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false cta.cta_name
+ else
+ cta.cta_name
+ | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^clt.clt_name^"</a>"
+ | Some (Cl cl) ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a>"
+ )
+ | Class_signature _ ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
+ (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ (** Return html code for a class. *)
+ method html_of_class ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) c =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files c.cl_name in
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "class")^" "^
+ (* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can
+ go directly here when the class name is used as a type name *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target
+ { ty_name = c.cl_name ;
+ ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
+ ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
+ ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc })^
+ "\"></a>"^
+ (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : virtual or not" ; "")^
+ (if c.cl_virtual then (self#keyword "virtual")^" " else "")^
+ (
+ match c.cl_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father c.cl_name) ", " l)^"] "
+ )^
+ (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : with link or not" ; "")^
+ (
+ if with_link then
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple c.cl_name)^"</a>"
+ else
+ Name.simple c.cl_name
+ )^
+ (match c.cl_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> " ... ")^
+ (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : class kind" ; "")^
+ (self#html_of_class_kind (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_kind)^
+ "</pre>"^
+ (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : info" ; "")^
+ ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) c.cl_info)
+ (** Return html code for a class type. *)
+ method html_of_class_type ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) ct =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files ct.clt_name in
+ "<pre>"^(self#keyword "class type")^" "^
+ (* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can
+ go directly here when the class type name is used as a type name *)
+ "<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target
+ { ty_name = ct.clt_name ;
+ ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
+ ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
+ ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc })^
+ "\"></a>"^
+ (if ct.clt_virtual then (self#keyword "virtual")^" " else "")^
+ (
+ match ct.clt_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father ct.clt_name) ", " l)^"] "
+ )^
+ (
+ if with_link then
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple ct.clt_name)^"</a>"
+ else
+ Name.simple ct.clt_name
+ )^
+ (self#html_of_class_type_kind (Name.father ct.clt_name) ~def_syntax: ":" ct.clt_kind)^
+ "</pre>"^
+ ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) ct.clt_info)
+ (** Return html code to represent a dag, represented as in Odoc_dag2html. *)
+ method html_of_dag dag =
+ let f n =
+ let (name, cct_opt) = n.Odoc_dag2html.valu in
+ (* if we have a c_opt = Some class then we take its information
+ because we are sure the name is complete. *)
+ let (name2, html_file) =
+ match cct_opt with
+ None -> (name, fst (Naming.html_files name))
+ | Some (Cl c) -> (c.cl_name, fst (Naming.html_files c.cl_name))
+ | Some (Cltype (ct, _)) -> (ct.clt_name, fst (Naming.html_files ct.clt_name))
+ in
+ let new_v =
+ "<table border=1>\n<tr><td>"^
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^name2^"</a>"^
+ "</td></tr>\n</table>\n"
+ in
+ { n with Odoc_dag2html.valu = new_v }
+ in
+ let a = f dag.Odoc_dag2html.dag in
+ Odoc_dag2html.html_of_dag { Odoc_dag2html.dag = a }
+ (** Return html code for a module comment.*)
+ method html_of_module_comment text =
+ "<br>\n"^(self#html_of_text text)^"<br><br>\n"
+ (* Add some style if there is no style for the first part of the text. *)
+ let text2 =
+ match text with
+ | (Odoc_info.Raw s) :: q -> (Odoc_info.Title (2, [Odoc_info.Raw s])) :: q
+ | _ -> text
+ in
+ self#html_of_text text2
+ (** Return html code for a class comment.*)
+ method html_of_class_comment text =
+ (* Add some style if there is no style for the first part of the text. *)
+ let text2 =
+ match text with
+ | (Odoc_info.Raw s) :: q ->
+ (Odoc_info.Title (2, None, [Odoc_info.Raw s])) :: q
+ | _ -> text
+ in
+ self#html_of_text text2
+ (** Generate html code for the given list of inherited classes.*)
+ method generate_inheritance_info chanout inher_l =
+ let f inh =
+ match inh.ic_class with
+ None -> (* we can't make the link. *)
+ (Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
+ (match inh.ic_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t)
+ | Some cct ->
+ (* we can create the link. *)
+ let real_name = (* even if it should be the same *)
+ match cct with
+ Cl c -> c.cl_name
+ | Cltype (ct, _) -> ct.clt_name
+ in
+ let (class_file, _) = Naming.html_files real_name in
+ (Odoc_info.Link (class_file, [Odoc_info.Code real_name])) ::
+ (match inh.ic_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t)
+ in
+ let text = [
+ Odoc_info.Bold [Odoc_info.Raw Odoc_messages.inherits] ;
+ Odoc_info.List ( f inher_l)
+ ]
+ in
+ let html = self#html_of_text text in
+ output_string chanout html
+ (** Generate html code for the inherited classes of the given class. *)
+ method generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl =
+ let rec iter_kind k =
+ match k with
+ Class_structure ([], _) ->
+ ()
+ | Class_structure (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_constraint (k, ct) ->
+ iter_kind k
+ | Class_apply _
+ | Class_constr _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ iter_kind cl.cl_kind
+ (** Generate html code for the inherited classes of the given class type. *)
+ method generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout clt =
+ match clt.clt_kind with
+ Class_signature ([], _) ->
+ ()
+ | Class_signature (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_type _ ->
+ ()
+ (** Generate the code of the html page for the given class.*)
+ method generate_for_class pre post cl =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
+ let type_file = Naming.file_type_class_complete_target cl.cl_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir html_file) in
+ let pre_name = opt (fun c -> c.cl_name) pre in
+ let post_name = opt (fun c -> c.cl_name) post in
+ output_string chanout
+ ("<html>\n"^
+ (self#header
+ ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, cl.cl_name))
+ (self#inner_title cl.cl_name)
+ )^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ (self#navbar pre_name post_name cl.cl_name)^
+ "<center><h1>"^Odoc_messages.clas^" "^
+ (if cl.cl_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
+ "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a>"^
+ "</h1></center>\n"^
+ "<br>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_class ~with_link: false cl)
+ );
+ (* parameters *)
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_parameter_list (Name.father cl.cl_name) cl.cl_parameters);
+ (* class inheritance *)
+ self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl;
+ (* a horizontal line *)
+ output_string chanout "<hr width=\"100%\">\n";
+ (* the various elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun element ->
+ match element with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_attribute a)
+ | Class_method m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_method m)
+ | Class_comment t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_comment t)
+ )
+ (Class.class_elements cl);
+ output_string chanout "</html>";
+ close_out chanout;
+ (* generate the file with the complete class type *)
+ self#output_class_type
+ cl.cl_name
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
+ cl.cl_type
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the code of the html page for the given class type.*)
+ method generate_for_class_type pre post clt =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in
+ let type_file = Naming.file_type_class_complete_target clt.clt_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir html_file) in
+ let pre_name = opt (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) pre in
+ let post_name = opt (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) post in
+ output_string chanout
+ ("<html>\n"^
+ (self#header
+ ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, clt.clt_name))
+ (self#inner_title clt.clt_name)
+ )^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ (self#navbar pre_name post_name clt.clt_name)^
+ "<center><h1>"^Odoc_messages.class_type^" "^
+ (if clt.clt_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
+ "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^clt.clt_name^"</a>"^
+ "</h1></center>\n"^
+ "<br>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_class_type ~with_link: false clt)
+ );
+ (* class inheritance *)
+ self#generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout clt;
+ (* a horizontal line *)
+ output_string chanout "<hr width=\"100%\">\n";
+ (* the various elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun element ->
+ match element with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_attribute a)
+ | Class_method m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_method m)
+ | Class_comment t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_comment t)
+ )
+ (Class.class_type_elements clt);
+ output_string chanout "</html>";
+ close_out chanout;
+ (* generate the file with the complete class type *)
+ self#output_class_type
+ clt.clt_name
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
+ clt.clt_type
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the html file for the given module type.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ method generate_for_module_type pre post mt =
+ try
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
+ let type_file = Naming.file_type_module_complete_target mt.mt_name in
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir html_file) in
+ let pre_name = opt (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) pre in
+ let post_name = opt (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) post in
+ output_string chanout
+ ("<html>\n"^
+ (self#header
+ ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, mt.mt_name))
+ (self#inner_title mt.mt_name)
+ )^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ (self#navbar pre_name post_name mt.mt_name)^
+ "<center><h1>"^Odoc_messages.module_type^
+ " "^
+ (match mt.mt_type with
+ Some _ -> "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^mt.mt_name^"</a>"
+ | None-> mt.mt_name
+ )^
+ "</h1></center>\n"^
+ "<br>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_modtype ~with_link: false mt)
+ );
+ (* parameters for functors *)
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_type_parameters mt));
+ (* a horizontal line *)
+ output_string chanout "<hr width=\"100%\">\n";
+ (* module elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module ~complete: false m)
+ | Element_module_type mt ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_modtype ~complete: false mt)
+ | Element_included_module im ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_included_module im)
+ | Element_class c ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class ~complete: false c)
+ | Element_class_type ct ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_type ~complete: false ct)
+ | Element_value v ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_value v)
+ | Element_exception e ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_exception e)
+ | Element_type t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_type t)
+ | Element_module_comment text ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module_comment text)
+ )
+ (Module.module_type_elements mt);
+ output_string chanout "</html>";
+ close_out chanout;
+ (* generate html files for submodules *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_module (Module.module_type_modules mt);
+ (* generate html files for module types *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_module_type (Module.module_type_module_types mt);
+ (* generate html files for classes *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_class (Module.module_type_classes mt);
+ (* generate html files for class types *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_class_type (Module.module_type_class_types mt);
+ (* generate the file with the complete module type *)
+ (
+ match mt.mt_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mty -> self#output_module_type
+ mt.mt_name
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
+ mty
+ )
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the html file for the given module.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ method generate_for_module pre post modu =
+ try
+ Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module "^modu.m_name);
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files modu.m_name in
+ let type_file = Naming.file_type_module_complete_target modu.m_name in
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir html_file) in
+ let pre_name = opt (fun m -> m.m_name) pre in
+ let post_name = opt (fun m -> m.m_name) post in
+ output_string chanout
+ ("<html>\n"^
+ (self#header
+ ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, modu.m_name))
+ (self#inner_title modu.m_name)
+ ) ^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ (self#navbar pre_name post_name modu.m_name)^
+ "<center><h1>"^(if Module.module_is_functor modu then Odoc_messages.functo else Odoc_messages.modul)^
+ " "^
+ (match modu.m_type with
+ Some _ -> "<a href=\""^type_file^"\">"^modu.m_name^"</a>"
+ | None-> modu.m_name
+ )^
+ "</h1></center>\n"^
+ "<br>\n"^
+ (self#html_of_module ~with_link: false modu)
+ );
+ (* parameters for functors *)
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_parameters modu));
+ (* a horizontal line *)
+ output_string chanout "<hr width=\"100%\">\n";
+ (* module elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ print_DEBUG "html#generate_for_module : ele ->";
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module ~complete: false m)
+ | Element_module_type mt ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_modtype ~complete: false mt)
+ | Element_included_module im ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_included_module im)
+ | Element_class c ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class ~complete: false c)
+ | Element_class_type ct ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_type ~complete: false ct)
+ | Element_value v ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_value v)
+ | Element_exception e ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_exception e)
+ | Element_type t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_type t)
+ | Element_module_comment text ->
+ output_string chanout (self#html_of_module_comment text)
+ )
+ (Module.module_elements modu);
+ output_string chanout "</html>";
+ close_out chanout;
+ (* generate html files for submodules *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_module (Module.module_modules modu);
+ (* generate html files for module types *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_module_type (Module.module_module_types modu);
+ (* generate html files for classes *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_class (Module.module_classes modu);
+ (* generate html files for class types *)
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_class_type (Module.module_class_types modu);
+ (* generate the file with the complete module type *)
+ (
+ match modu.m_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mty -> self#output_module_type
+ modu.m_name
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir type_file)
+ mty
+ )
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the [index.html] file corresponding to the given module list.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ method generate_index module_list =
+ try
+ let title = match !Odoc_args.title with None -> "" | Some t -> self#escape t in
+ let index_if_not_empty l url m =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ -> "<a href=\""^url^"\">"^m^"</a><br>\n"
+ in
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir index) in
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ "<html>\n"^
+ (self#header self#title) ^
+ "<body>\n"^
+ "<center><h1>"^title^"</h1></center>\n"^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_types index_types Odoc_messages.index_of_types)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_exceptions index_exceptions Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_values index_values Odoc_messages.index_of_values)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_attributes index_attributes Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_methods index_methods Odoc_messages.index_of_methods)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_classes index_classes Odoc_messages.index_of_classes)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_class_types index_class_types Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_modules index_modules Odoc_messages.index_of_modules)^
+ (index_if_not_empty list_module_types index_module_types Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types)^
+ "<br>\n"^
+ "<table border=\"0\">\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun m ->
+ let (html, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
+ "<tr><td><a href=\""^html^"\">"^m.m_name^"</a></td>"^
+ "<td>"^(self#html_of_info_first_sentence m.m_info)^"</td></tr>\n")
+ module_list
+ )
+ )^
+ "</table>\n"^
+ "</body>\n"^
+ "</html>"
+ );
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Generate the values index in the file [index_values.html]. *)
+ method generate_values_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_values
+ (fun v -> v.val_name)
+ (fun v -> v.val_info)
+ Naming.complete_value_target
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_values
+ index_values
+ (** Generate the exceptions index in the file [index_exceptions.html]. *)
+ method generate_exceptions_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_exceptions
+ (fun e -> e.ex_name)
+ (fun e -> e.ex_info)
+ Naming.complete_exception_target
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions
+ index_exceptions
+ (** Generate the types index in the file [index_types.html]. *)
+ method generate_types_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_types
+ (fun t -> t.ty_name)
+ (fun t -> t.ty_info)
+ Naming.complete_type_target
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_types
+ index_types
+ (** Generate the attributes index in the file [index_attributes.html]. *)
+ method generate_attributes_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_attributes
+ (fun a -> a.att_value.val_name)
+ (fun a -> a.att_value.val_info)
+ Naming.complete_attribute_target
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes
+ index_attributes
+ (** Generate the methods index in the file [index_methods.html]. *)
+ method generate_methods_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_methods
+ (fun m -> m.met_value.val_name)
+ (fun m -> m.met_value.val_info)
+ Naming.complete_method_target
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_methods
+ index_methods
+ (** Generate the classes index in the file [index_classes.html]. *)
+ method generate_classes_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_classes
+ (fun c -> c.cl_name)
+ (fun c -> c.cl_info)
+ (fun c -> fst (Naming.html_files c.cl_name))
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_classes
+ index_classes
+ (** Generate the class types index in the file [index_class_types.html]. *)
+ method generate_class_types_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_class_types
+ (fun ct -> ct.clt_name)
+ (fun ct -> ct.clt_info)
+ (fun ct -> fst (Naming.html_files ct.clt_name))
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types
+ index_class_types
+ (** Generate the modules index in the file [index_modules.html]. *)
+ method generate_modules_index module_list =
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_modules
+ (fun m -> m.m_name)
+ (fun m -> m.m_info)
+ (fun m -> fst (Naming.html_files m.m_name))
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_modules
+ index_modules
+ (** Generate the module types index in the file [index_module_types.html]. *)
+ method generate_module_types_index module_list =
+ let module_types = Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list in
+ generate_elements_index
+ self#header
+ self#inner_title
+ self#html_of_info_first_sentence
+ list_module_types
+ (fun mt -> mt.mt_name)
+ (fun mt -> mt.mt_info)
+ (fun mt -> fst (Naming.html_files mt.mt_name))
+ Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types
+ index_module_types
+ (** Generate all the html files from a module list. The main
+ file is [index.html]. *)
+ method generate module_list =
+ let sorted_module_list = Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.m_name < m2.m_name) module_list in
+ (* init the style *)
+ self#init_style ;
+ (* init the lists of elements *)
+ list_values <- Odoc_info.Search.values module_list ;
+ list_exceptions <- Odoc_info.Search.exceptions module_list ;
+ list_types <- Odoc_info.Search.types module_list ;
+ list_attributes <- Odoc_info.Search.attributes module_list ;
+ list_methods <- Odoc_info.Search.methods module_list ;
+ list_classes <- Odoc_info.Search.classes module_list ;
+ list_class_types <- Odoc_info.Search.class_types module_list ;
+ list_modules <- Odoc_info.Search.modules module_list ;
+ list_module_types <- Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list ;
+ (* prepare the page header *)
+ self#prepare_header sorted_module_list ;
+ (* Get the names of all known types. *)
+ let types = Odoc_info.Search.types module_list in
+ let type_names = (fun t -> t.ty_name) types in
+ known_types_names <- type_names ;
+ (* Get the names of all class and class types. *)
+ let classes = Odoc_info.Search.classes module_list in
+ let class_types = Odoc_info.Search.class_types module_list in
+ let class_names = (fun c -> c.cl_name) classes in
+ let class_type_names = (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) class_types in
+ known_classes_names <- class_names @ class_type_names ;
+ (* Get the names of all known modules and module types. *)
+ let module_types = Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list in
+ let modules = Odoc_info.Search.modules module_list in
+ let module_type_names = (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) module_types in
+ let module_names = (fun m -> m.m_name) modules in
+ known_modules_names <- module_type_names @ module_names ;
+ (* generate html for each module *)
+ if not !Odoc_args.index_only then
+ generate_elements self#generate_for_module sorted_module_list ;
+ try
+ self#generate_index sorted_module_list;
+ self#generate_values_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_exceptions_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_types_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_attributes_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_methods_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_classes_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_class_types_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_modules_index sorted_module_list ;
+ self#generate_module_types_index sorted_module_list ;
+ with
+ Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_info.errors
+ initializer
+ Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_comment :=
+ (fun s -> self#html_of_text (Odoc_text.Texter.text_of_string s))
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52ff1704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Interface for analysing documented OCaml source files and to the collected information. *)
+type ref_kind = Odoc_types.ref_kind =
+ RK_module
+ | RK_module_type
+ | RK_class
+ | RK_class_type
+ | RK_value
+ | RK_type
+ | RK_exception
+ | RK_attribute
+ | RK_method
+ | RK_section
+type text_element = Odoc_types.text_element =
+ | Raw of string
+ | Code of string
+ | CodePre of string
+ | Verbatim of string
+ | Bold of text
+ | Italic of text
+ | Emphasize of text
+ | Center of text
+ | Left of text
+ | Right of text
+ | List of text list
+ | Enum of text list
+ | Newline
+ | Block of text
+ | Title of int * string option * text
+ | Latex of string
+ | Link of string * text
+ | Ref of string * ref_kind option
+ | Superscript of text
+ | Subscript of text
+and text = text_element list
+type see_ref = Odoc_types.see_ref =
+ See_url of string
+ | See_file of string
+ | See_doc of string
+type see = see_ref * text
+type param = (string * text)
+type raised_exception = (string * text)
+type info = = {
+ i_desc : text option;
+ i_authors : string list;
+ i_version : string option;
+ i_sees : see list;
+ i_since : string option;
+ i_deprecated : text option;
+ i_params : param list;
+ i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list;
+ i_return_value : text option ;
+ i_custom : (string * text) list ;
+ }
+type location = Odoc_types.location = {
+ loc_impl : (string * int) option ;
+ loc_inter : (string * int) option ;
+ }
+let dummy_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = None }
+type iso_check = Odoc_types.iso_check =
+ | Has_description
+ | Has_author
+ | Has_since
+ | Has_version
+ | Has_return
+ | Has_params
+ | Has_fields_decribed
+ | Has_constructors_decribed
+module Name = Odoc_name
+module Parameter = Odoc_parameter
+module Exception = Odoc_exception
+module Type = Odoc_type
+module Value = Odoc_value
+module Class = Odoc_class
+module Module = Odoc_module
+let analyse_files
+ ?(merge_options=([] : Odoc_types.merge_option list))
+ ?(include_dirs=([] : string list))
+ ?(labels=false)
+ ?(sort_modules=false)
+ ?(no_stop=false)
+ ?(init=[])
+ files =
+ Odoc_args.merge_options := merge_options;
+ Odoc_args.include_dirs := include_dirs;
+ Odoc_args.classic := not labels;
+ Odoc_args.sort_modules := sort_modules;
+ Odoc_args.no_stop := no_stop;
+ Odoc_analyse.analyse_files ~init: init files
+let dump_modules = Odoc_analyse.dump_modules
+let load_modules = Odoc_analyse.load_modules
+let reset_type_names = Printtyp.reset_names
+let string_of_type_expr t = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t
+(** This function returns a string to represent the given list of types,
+ with a given separator. *)
+let string_of_type_list sep type_list = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list sep type_list
+let string_of_module_type t = Odoc_misc.string_of_module_type t
+let string_of_class_type t = Odoc_misc.string_of_class_type t
+let string_of_text t = Odoc_misc.string_of_text t
+let string_of_info i = Odoc_misc.string_of_info i
+let string_of_type t = Odoc_str.string_of_type t
+let string_of_exception e = Odoc_str.string_of_exception e
+let string_of_value v = Odoc_str.string_of_value v
+let string_of_attribute att = Odoc_str.string_of_attribute att
+let string_of_method m = Odoc_str.string_of_method m
+let first_sentence_of_text = Odoc_misc.first_sentence_of_text
+let first_sentence_and_rest_of_text = Odoc_misc.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text
+let create_index_lists = Odoc_misc.create_index_lists
+let use_hidden_modules n =
+ Odoc_name.hide_given_modules !Odoc_args.hidden_modules n
+let verbose s =
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (print_string s ; print_newline ())
+ else
+ ()
+let warning s = Odoc_messages.pwarning s
+let errors = Odoc_global.errors
+let apply_opt = Odoc_misc.apply_opt
+let apply_if_equal f v1 v2 =
+ if v1 = v2 then
+ f v1
+ else
+ v2
+module Search =
+ struct
+ type result_element = Odoc_search.result_element =
+ Res_module of Module.t_module
+ | Res_module_type of Module.t_module_type
+ | Res_class of Class.t_class
+ | Res_class_type of Class.t_class_type
+ | Res_value of Value.t_value
+ | Res_type of Type.t_type
+ | Res_exception of Exception.t_exception
+ | Res_attribute of Value.t_attribute
+ | Res_method of Value.t_method
+ | Res_section of string
+ type search_result = result_element list
+ let search_by_name =
+ let values = Odoc_search.values
+ let exceptions = Odoc_search.exceptions
+ let types = Odoc_search.types
+ let attributes = Odoc_search.attributes
+ let methods = Odoc_search.methods
+ let classes = Odoc_search.classes
+ let class_types = Odoc_search.class_types
+ let modules = Odoc_search.modules
+ let module_types = Odoc_search.module_types
+ end
+module Scan =
+ struct
+ class scanner = Odoc_scan.scanner
+ end
+module Dep =
+ struct
+ let kernel_deps_of_modules = Odoc_dep.kernel_deps_of_modules
+ let deps_of_types = Odoc_dep.deps_of_types
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..318ff117e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Interface to the information collected in source files. *)
+(** The differents kinds of element references. *)
+type ref_kind = Odoc_types.ref_kind =
+ RK_module
+ | RK_module_type
+ | RK_class
+ | RK_class_type
+ | RK_value
+ | RK_type
+ | RK_exception
+ | RK_attribute
+ | RK_method
+ | RK_section
+type text_element = Odoc_types.text_element =
+ | Raw of string (** Raw text. *)
+ | Code of string (** The string is source code. *)
+ | CodePre of string (** The string is pre-formatted source code. *)
+ | Verbatim of string (** String 'as is'. *)
+ | Bold of text (** Text in bold style. *)
+ | Italic of text (** Text in italic. *)
+ | Emphasize of text (** Emphasized text. *)
+ | Center of text (** Centered text. *)
+ | Left of text (** Left alignment. *)
+ | Right of text (** Right alignment. *)
+ | List of text list (** A list. *)
+ | Enum of text list (** An enumerated list. *)
+ | Newline (** To force a line break. *)
+ | Block of text (** Like html's block quote. *)
+ | Title of int * string option * text
+ (** Style number, optional label, and text. *)
+ | Latex of string (** A string for latex. *)
+ | Link of string * text (** A reference string and the link text. *)
+ | Ref of string * ref_kind option
+ (** A reference to an element. Complete name and kind. *)
+ | Superscript of text (** Superscripts. *)
+ | Subscript of text (** Subscripts. *)
+(** A text is a list of [text_element]. The order matters. *)
+and text = text_element list
+(** The different forms of references in \@see tags. *)
+type see_ref = Odoc_types.see_ref =
+ See_url of string
+ | See_file of string
+ | See_doc of string
+(** The information in a \@see tag. *)
+type see = see_ref * text
+(** Parameter name and description. *)
+type param = (string * text)
+(** Raised exception name and description. *)
+type raised_exception = (string * text)
+(** Information in a special comment *)
+type info = = {
+ i_desc : text option; (** The description text. *)
+ i_authors : string list; (** The list of authors in \@author tags. *)
+ i_version : string option; (** The string in the \@version tag. *)
+ i_sees : see list; (** The list of \@see tags. *)
+ i_since : string option; (** The string in the \@since tag. *)
+ i_deprecated : text option; (** The of the \@deprecated tag. *)
+ i_params : param list; (** The list of parameter descriptions. *)
+ i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list; (** The list of raised exceptions. *)
+ i_return_value : text option; (** The description text of the return value. *)
+ i_custom : (string * text) list ; (** A text associated to a custom @-tag. *)
+ }
+(** Location of elements in implementation and interface files. *)
+type location = Odoc_types.location = {
+ loc_impl : (string * int) option ; (** implementation file name and position *)
+ loc_inter : (string * int) option ; (** interface file name and position *)
+ }
+(** A dummy location. *)
+val dummy_loc : location
+(** The kind of checks which can be performed on elements. *)
+type iso_check = Odoc_types.iso_check =
+ | Has_description (** the element has an associated description *)
+ | Has_author (** the element's description has one or more \@author tag(s) *)
+ | Has_since (** the element's description has a \@since tag *)
+ | Has_version (** the element's description has a \@version tag *)
+ | Has_return (** the function's description has a \@return tag *)
+ | Has_params (** all the named parameters of the element has a description *)
+ | Has_fields_decribed (** all the fields of the type are described *)
+ | Has_constructors_decribed (** all the constructors of the type are described *)
+(** Representation of element names. *)
+module Name :
+ sig
+ type t = Odoc_name.t
+ (** Access to the simple name. *)
+ val simple : t -> t
+ (** [concat t1 t2] returns the concatenation of [t1] and [t2].*)
+ val concat : t -> t -> t
+ (** Return the depth of the name, i.e. the numer of levels to the root.
+ Example : [depth] = [3]. *)
+ val depth : t -> int
+ (** Take two names n1 and n2 = n3.n4 and return n4 if n3=n1 or else n2. *)
+ val get_relative : t -> t -> t
+ (** Return the name of the 'father' (like dirname for a file name).*)
+ val father : t -> t
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of method / function / class / module parameters.*)
+module Parameter :
+ sig
+ (** {3 Types} *)
+ (** Representation of a simple parameter name *)
+ type simple_name = Odoc_parameter.simple_name =
+ {
+ sn_name : string ;
+ sn_type : Types.type_expr ;
+ mutable sn_text : text option ;
+ }
+ (** Representation of parameter names. We need it to represent parameter names in tuples.
+ The value [Tuple ([], t)] stands for an anonymous parameter.*)
+ type param_info = Odoc_parameter.param_info =
+ Simple_name of simple_name
+ | Tuple of param_info list * Types.type_expr
+ (** A parameter is just a param_info value. *)
+ type parameter = param_info
+ (** A module parameter is just a name and a module type.*)
+ type module_parameter = Odoc_parameter.module_parameter =
+ {
+ mp_name : string ;
+ mp_type : Types.module_type ;
+ }
+ (** {3 Functions} *)
+ (** Acces to the name as a string. For tuples, parenthesis and commas are added. *)
+ val complete_name : parameter -> string
+ (** Access to the complete type. *)
+ val typ : parameter -> Types.type_expr
+ (** Access to the list of names ; only one for a simple parameter, or
+ a list for a tuple. *)
+ val names : parameter -> string list
+ (** Access to the description of a specific name.
+ @raise Not_found if no description is associated to the given name. *)
+ val desc_by_name : parameter -> string -> text option
+ (** Access to the type of a specific name.
+ @raise Not_found if no type is associated to the given name. *)
+ val type_by_name : parameter -> string -> Types.type_expr
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of exceptions. *)
+module Exception :
+ sig
+ (** Used when the exception is a rebind of another exception,
+ when we have [exception Ex = Target_ex].*)
+ type exception_alias = Odoc_exception.exception_alias =
+ {
+ ea_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the target exception. *)
+ mutable ea_ex : t_exception option ; (** The target exception, if we found it.*)
+ }
+ and t_exception = Odoc_exception.t_exception =
+ {
+ ex_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable ex_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ ex_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** The types of the parameters. *)
+ ex_alias : exception_alias option ; (** [None] when the exception is not a rebind. *)
+ mutable ex_loc : location ;
+ }
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of types.*)
+module Type :
+ sig
+ (** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
+ type variant_constructor = Odoc_type.variant_constructor =
+ {
+ vc_name : string ; (** Name of the constructor. *)
+ vc_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** Arguments of the constructor. *)
+ mutable vc_text : text option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment. *)
+ }
+ (** Description of a record type field. *)
+ type record_field = Odoc_type.record_field =
+ {
+ rf_name : string ; (** Name of the field. *)
+ rf_mutable : bool ; (** [true] if mutable. *)
+ rf_type : Types.type_expr ; (** Type of the field. *)
+ mutable rf_text : text option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment.*)
+ }
+ (** The various kinds of a type. *)
+ type type_kind = Odoc_type.type_kind =
+ Type_abstract (** Type is abstract, for example [type t]. *)
+ | Type_variant of variant_constructor list
+ | Type_record of record_field list
+ (** Representation of a type. *)
+ type t_type = Odoc_type.t_type =
+ {
+ ty_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the type. *)
+ mutable ty_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ ty_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** Type parameters. *)
+ ty_kind : type_kind ; (** Type kind. *)
+ ty_manifest : Types.type_expr option; (** Type manifest. *)
+ mutable ty_loc : location ;
+ }
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of values, class attributes and class methods. *)
+module Value :
+ sig
+ (** Representation of a value. *)
+ type t_value = Odoc_value.t_value =
+ {
+ val_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the value. *)
+ mutable val_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ val_type : Types.type_expr ; (** Type of the value. *)
+ val_recursive : bool ; (** [true] if the value is recursive. *)
+ mutable val_parameters : Odoc_parameter.parameter list ; (** The parameters, if any. *)
+ mutable val_code : string option ; (** The code of the value, if we had the only the implementation file. *)
+ mutable val_loc : location ;
+ }
+ (** Representation of a class attribute. *)
+ type t_attribute = Odoc_value.t_attribute =
+ {
+ att_value : t_value ; (** an attribute has almost all the same information as a value *)
+ att_mutable : bool ; (** [true] if the attribute is mutable. *)
+ }
+ (** Representation of a class method. *)
+ type t_method = Odoc_value.t_method =
+ {
+ met_value : t_value ; (** a method has almost all the same information as a value *)
+ met_private : bool ; (** [true] if the method is private.*)
+ met_virtual : bool ; (** [true] if the method is virtual. *)
+ }
+ (** Return [true] if the value is a function, i.e. it has a functional type. *)
+ val is_function : t_value -> bool
+ (** Access to the description associated to the given parameter name.*)
+ val value_parameter_text_by_name : t_value -> string -> text option
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of classes and class types.*)
+module Class :
+ sig
+ (** {3 Types} *)
+ (** To keep the order of elements in a class. *)
+ type class_element = Odoc_class.class_element =
+ Class_attribute of Value.t_attribute
+ | Class_method of Value.t_method
+ | Class_comment of text
+ (** Used when we can reference a t_class or a t_class_type. *)
+ type cct = Odoc_class.cct =
+ Cl of t_class
+ | Cltype of t_class_type * Types.type_expr list (** Class type and type parameters. *)
+ and inherited_class = Odoc_class.inherited_class =
+ {
+ ic_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the inherited class. *)
+ mutable ic_class : cct option ; (** The associated t_class or t_class_type. *)
+ ic_text : text option ; (** The inheritance description, if any. *)
+ }
+ and class_apply = Odoc_class.class_apply =
+ {
+ capp_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class. *)
+ mutable capp_class : t_class option; (** The associated t_class if we found it. *)
+ capp_params : Types.type_expr list; (** The type of expressions the class is applied to. *)
+ capp_params_code : string list ; (** The code of these exprssions. *)
+ }
+ and class_constr = Odoc_class.class_constr =
+ {
+ cco_name : Name.t ; (** The complete name of the applied class. *)
+ mutable cco_class : t_class option; (** The associated t_class if we found it. *)
+ cco_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list; (** The type parameters of the class, if needed. *)
+ }
+ and class_kind = Odoc_class.class_kind =
+ Class_structure of inherited_class list * class_element list
+ (** An explicit class structure, used in implementation and interface. *)
+ | Class_apply of class_apply
+ (** Application/alias of a class, used in implementation only. *)
+ | Class_constr of class_constr
+ (** A class used to give the type of the defined class,
+ instead of a structure, used in interface only.
+ For example, it will be used with the name []
+ when the class foo is defined like this :
+ [class foo : int -> bar] *)
+ | Class_constraint of class_kind * class_type_kind
+ (** A class definition with a constraint. *)
+ (** Representation of a class. *)
+ and t_class = Odoc_class.t_class =
+ {
+ cl_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the class. *)
+ mutable cl_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ cl_type : Types.class_type ; (** Type of the class. *)
+ cl_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** Type parameters. *)
+ cl_virtual : bool ; (** [true] when the class is virtual. *)
+ mutable cl_kind : class_kind ; (** The way the class is defined. *)
+ mutable cl_parameters : Parameter.parameter list ; (** The parameters of the class. *)
+ mutable cl_loc : location ;
+ }
+ and class_type_alias = Odoc_class.class_type_alias =
+ {
+ cta_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the target class type. *)
+ mutable cta_class : cct option ; (** The target t_class or t_class_type, if we found it.*)
+ cta_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** The type parameters. A VOIR : mettre des string ? *)
+ }
+ and class_type_kind = Odoc_class.class_type_kind =
+ Class_signature of inherited_class list * class_element list
+ | Class_type of class_type_alias (** A class type eventually applied to type args. *)
+ (** Representation of a class type. *)
+ and t_class_type = Odoc_class.t_class_type =
+ {
+ clt_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the type. *)
+ mutable clt_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ clt_type : Types.class_type ;
+ clt_type_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** Type parameters. *)
+ clt_virtual : bool ; (** [true] if the class type is virtual *)
+ mutable clt_kind : class_type_kind ; (** The way the class type is defined. *)
+ mutable clt_loc : location ;
+ }
+ (** {3 Functions} *)
+ (** Access to the elements of a class. *)
+ val class_elements : ?trans:bool -> t_class -> class_element list
+ (** Access to the list of class attributes. *)
+ val class_attributes : ?trans:bool -> t_class -> Value.t_attribute list
+ (** Access to the description associated to the given class parameter name. *)
+ val class_parameter_text_by_name : t_class -> string -> text option
+ (** Access to the methods of a class. *)
+ val class_methods : ?trans:bool -> t_class -> Value.t_method list
+ (** Access to the comments of a class. *)
+ val class_comments : ?trans:bool -> t_class -> text list
+ (** Access to the elements of a class type. *)
+ val class_type_elements : ?trans:bool -> t_class_type -> class_element list
+ (** Access to the list of class type attributes. *)
+ val class_type_attributes : ?trans:bool -> t_class_type -> Value.t_attribute list
+ (** Access to the description associated to the given class type parameter name. *)
+ val class_type_parameter_text_by_name : t_class_type -> string -> text option
+ (** Access to the methods of a class type. *)
+ val class_type_methods : ?trans:bool -> t_class_type -> Value.t_method list
+ (** Access to the comments of a class type. *)
+ val class_type_comments : ?trans:bool -> t_class_type -> text list
+ end
+(** Representation and manipulation of modules and module types. *)
+module Module :
+ sig
+ (** {3 Types} *)
+ (** To keep the order of elements in a module. *)
+ type module_element = Odoc_module.module_element =
+ Element_module of t_module
+ | Element_module_type of t_module_type
+ | Element_included_module of included_module
+ | Element_class of Class.t_class
+ | Element_class_type of Class.t_class_type
+ | Element_value of Value.t_value
+ | Element_exception of Exception.t_exception
+ | Element_type of Type.t_type
+ | Element_module_comment of text
+ (** Used where we can reference t_module or t_module_type. *)
+ and mmt = Odoc_module.mmt =
+ | Mod of t_module
+ | Modtype of t_module_type
+ and included_module = Odoc_module.included_module =
+ {
+ im_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the included module. *)
+ mutable im_module : mmt option ; (** The included module or module type, if we found it. *)
+ }
+ and module_alias = Odoc_module.module_alias =
+ {
+ ma_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the target module. *)
+ mutable ma_module : mmt option ; (** The real module or module type if we could associate it. *)
+ }
+ (** Different kinds of a module. *)
+ and module_kind = Odoc_module.module_kind =
+ | Module_struct of module_element list (** A complete module structure. *)
+ | Module_alias of module_alias (** Complete name and corresponding module if we found it *)
+ | Module_functor of (Parameter.module_parameter list) * module_kind
+ (** A functor, with {e all} its parameters and the rest of its definition *)
+ | Module_apply of module_kind * module_kind
+ (** A module defined by application of a functor. *)
+ | Module_with of module_type_kind * string
+ (** A module whose type is a with ... constraint.
+ Should appear in interface files only. *)
+ | Module_constraint of module_kind * module_type_kind
+ (** A module constraint by a module type. *)
+ (** Representation of a module. *)
+ and t_module = Odoc_module.t_module =
+ {
+ m_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the module. *)
+ m_type : Types.module_type option ;
+ (** The type of the module.
+ It is [None] when we had only the .ml file and it is a top module. *)
+ mutable m_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ m_is_interface : bool ; (** [true] for modules read from interface files *)
+ m_file : string ; (** The file the module is defined in. *)
+ mutable m_kind : module_kind ; (** The way the module is defined. *)
+ mutable m_loc : location ;
+ mutable m_top_deps : Name.t list ; (** The toplevels module names this module depends on. *)
+ }
+ and module_type_alias = Odoc_module.module_type_alias =
+ {
+ mta_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the target module type. *)
+ mutable mta_module : t_module_type option ; (** The real module type if we could associate it. *)
+ }
+ (** Different kinds of module type. *)
+ and module_type_kind = Odoc_module.module_type_kind =
+ | Module_type_struct of module_element list (** A complete module signature. *)
+ | Module_type_functor of (Odoc_parameter.module_parameter list) * module_type_kind
+ (** A functor, with {e all} its parameters and the rest of its definition *)
+ | Module_type_alias of module_type_alias
+ (** Complete alias name and corresponding module type if we found it. *)
+ | Module_type_with of module_type_kind * string
+ (** The module type kind and the code of the with constraint. *)
+ (** Representation of a module type. *)
+ and t_module_type = Odoc_module.t_module_type =
+ {
+ mt_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the module type. *)
+ mutable mt_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
+ mt_type : Types.module_type option ; (** [None] means that the module type is abstract. *)
+ mt_is_interface : bool ; (** [true] for modules read from interface files. *)
+ mt_file : string ; (** The file the module type is defined in. *)
+ mutable mt_kind : module_type_kind option ;
+ (** The way the module is defined. [None] means that module type is abstract.
+ It is always [None] when the module type was extracted from the implementation file.
+ That means module types are only analysed in interface files. *)
+ mutable mt_loc : location ;
+ }
+ (** {3 Functions for modules} *)
+ (** Access to the elements of a module. *)
+ val module_elements : ?trans:bool -> t_module -> module_element list
+ (** Access to the submodules of a module. *)
+ val module_modules : ?trans:bool -> t_module -> t_module list
+ (** Access to the module types of a module. *)
+ val module_module_types : ?trans:bool -> t_module -> t_module_type list
+ (** Access to the included modules of a module. *)
+ val module_included_modules : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> included_module list
+ (** Access to the exceptions of a module. *)
+ val module_exceptions : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Exception.t_exception list
+ (** Access to the types of a module. *)
+ val module_types : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Type.t_type list
+ (** Access to the values of a module. *)
+ val module_values : ?trans:bool -> t_module -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to functional values of a module. *)
+ val module_functions : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to non-functional values of a module. *)
+ val module_simple_values : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to the classes of a module. *)
+ val module_classes : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Class.t_class list
+ (** Access to the class types of a module. *)
+ val module_class_types : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Class.t_class_type list
+ (** The list of classes defined in this module and all its submodules and functors. *)
+ val module_all_classes : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> Class.t_class list
+ (** [true] if the module is functor. *)
+ val module_is_functor : t_module -> bool
+ (** The list of couples (module parameter, optional description). *)
+ val module_parameters : ?trans:bool-> t_module -> (Parameter.module_parameter * text option) list
+ (** {3 Functions for module types} *)
+ (** Access to the elements of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_elements : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> module_element list
+ (** Access to the submodules of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_modules : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> t_module list
+ (** Access to the module types of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_module_types : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> t_module_type list
+ (** Access to the included modules of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_included_modules : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> included_module list
+ (** Access to the exceptions of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_exceptions : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Exception.t_exception list
+ (** Access to the types of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_types : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Type.t_type list
+ (** Access to the values of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_values : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to functional values of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_functions : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to non-functional values of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_simple_values : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Value.t_value list
+ (** Access to the classes of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_classes : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Class.t_class list
+ (** Access to the class types of a module type. *)
+ val module_type_class_types : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Class.t_class_type list
+ (** The list of classes defined in this module type and all its submodules and functors. *)
+ val module_type_all_classes : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> Class.t_class list
+ (** [true] if the module type is functor. *)
+ val module_type_is_functor : t_module_type -> bool
+ (** The list of couples (module parameter, optional description). *)
+ val module_type_parameters : ?trans:bool-> t_module_type -> (Parameter.module_parameter * text option) list
+ end
+(** Analysis of the given source files.
+ @param init is the list of modules already known from a previous analysis.
+ @return the list of analysed top modules. *)
+val analyse_files :
+ ?merge_options:Odoc_types.merge_option list ->
+ ?include_dirs:string list ->
+ ?labels:bool ->
+ ?sort_modules:bool ->
+ ?no_stop:bool ->
+ ?init: Odoc_module.t_module list ->
+ string list ->
+ Module.t_module list
+(** Dump of a list of modules into a file.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+val dump_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list -> unit
+(** Load of a list of modules from a file.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+val load_modules : string -> Odoc_module.t_module list
+(** {3 Getting strings from values} *)
+(** This function is used to reset the names of type variables.
+ It must be called when printing the whole type of a function,
+ but not when printing the type of its parameters. Same for
+ classes (call it) and methods and attributes (don't call it).*)
+val reset_type_names : unit -> unit
+(** This function returns a string representing a Types.type_expr.
+ It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter]. *)
+val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
+(** This function returns a string to represent the given list of types,
+ with a given separator. It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
+val string_of_type_list : string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type]. *)
+val string_of_module_type : Types.module_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type]. *)
+val string_of_class_type : Types.class_type -> string
+(** Get a string from a text. *)
+val string_of_text : text -> string
+(** Get a string from an info structure. *)
+val string_of_info : info -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given type. *)
+val string_of_type : Type.t_type -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given exception. *)
+val string_of_exception : Exception.t_exception -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given value. *)
+val string_of_value : Value.t_value -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given attribute. *)
+val string_of_attribute : Value.t_attribute -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given method. *)
+val string_of_method : Value.t_method -> string
+(** {3 Miscelaneous functions} *)
+(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot followed by a blank
+ or the first blank line) of a text.
+ Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [CodePre], [Verbatim], [List], [Enum],
+ [Latex], [Link], [Ref], [Subscript] or [Superscript]. *)
+val first_sentence_of_text : Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text
+(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot followed by a blank
+ or the first blank line) of a text, and the remaining text after.
+ Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [CodePre], [Verbatim], [List], [Enum],
+ [Latex], [Link], [Ref], [Subscript] or [Superscript].*)
+val first_sentence_and_rest_of_text :
+ Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text * Odoc_types.text
+(** Take a sorted list of elements, a function to get the name
+ of an element and return the list of list of elements,
+ where each list group elements beginning by the same letter.
+ Since the original list is sorted, elements whose name does not
+ begin with a letter should be in the first returned list.*)
+val create_index_lists : 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list list
+(** Return the given name where the module name or
+ part of it was removed, according to the list of modules
+ which must be hidden (cf {!Odoc_args.hidden_modules})*)
+val use_hidden_modules : Name.t -> Name.t
+(** Print the given string if the verbose mode is activated. *)
+val verbose : string -> unit
+(** Print a warning message to stderr.
+ If warnings must be treated as errors, then the
+ error counter is incremented. *)
+val warning : string -> unit
+(** Increment this counter when an error is encountered.
+ The ocamldoc tool will print the number of errors
+ encountered exit with code 1 if this number is greater
+ than 0. *)
+val errors : int ref
+(** Apply a function to an optional value. *)
+val apply_opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
+(** Apply a function to a first value if it is
+ not different from a second value. If the two values
+ are different, return the second one.*)
+val apply_if_equal : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Research in elements *)
+module Search :
+ sig
+ type result_element = Odoc_search.result_element =
+ Res_module of Module.t_module
+ | Res_module_type of Module.t_module_type
+ | Res_class of Class.t_class
+ | Res_class_type of Class.t_class_type
+ | Res_value of Value.t_value
+ | Res_type of Type.t_type
+ | Res_exception of Exception.t_exception
+ | Res_attribute of Value.t_attribute
+ | Res_method of Value.t_method
+ | Res_section of string
+ (** The type representing a research result.*)
+ type search_result = result_element list
+ (** Research of the elements whose name matches the given regular expression.*)
+ val search_by_name : Module.t_module list -> Str.regexp -> search_result
+ (** A function to search all the values in a list of modules. *)
+ val values : Module.t_module list -> Value.t_value list
+ (** A function to search all the exceptions in a list of modules. *)
+ val exceptions : Module.t_module list -> Exception.t_exception list
+ (** A function to search all the types in a list of modules. *)
+ val types : Module.t_module list -> Type.t_type list
+ (** A function to search all the class attributes in a list of modules. *)
+ val attributes : Module.t_module list -> Value.t_attribute list
+ (** A function to search all the class methods in a list of modules. *)
+ val methods : Module.t_module list -> Value.t_method list
+ (** A function to search all the classes in a list of modules. *)
+ val classes : Module.t_module list -> Class.t_class list
+ (** A function to search all the class types in a list of modules. *)
+ val class_types : Module.t_module list -> Class.t_class_type list
+ (** A function to search all the modules in a list of modules. *)
+ val modules : Module.t_module list -> Module.t_module list
+ (** A function to search all the module types in a list of modules. *)
+ val module_types : Module.t_module list -> Module.t_module_type list
+ end
+(** Scanning of collected information *)
+module Scan :
+ sig
+ class scanner :
+ object
+ (** Scan of 'leaf elements'. *)
+ method scan_value : Value.t_value -> unit
+ method scan_type : Type.t_type -> unit
+ method scan_exception : Exception.t_exception -> unit
+ method scan_attribute : Value.t_attribute -> unit
+ method scan_method : Value.t_method -> unit
+ method scan_included_module : Module.included_module -> unit
+ (** Scan of a class. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a class. *)
+ method scan_class_comment : text -> unit
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the class comment
+ and params. This method is called before scanning the class elements.
+ @return true if the class elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_class_pre : Class.t_class -> bool
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given class. *)
+ method scan_class_elements : Class.t_class -> unit
+ (** Scan of a class. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_class_pre]
+ and if [scan_class_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_class_elements.*)
+ method scan_class : Class.t_class -> unit
+ (** Scan of a class type. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a class type. *)
+ method scan_class_type_comment : text -> unit
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the class type comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the class type elements.
+ @return true if the class type elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_class_type_pre : Class.t_class_type -> bool
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given class type. *)
+ method scan_class_type_elements : Class.t_class_type -> unit
+ (** Scan of a class type. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_class_type_pre]
+ and if [scan_class_type_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_class_type_elements.*)
+ method scan_class_type : Class.t_class_type -> unit
+ (** Scan of modules. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a module. *)
+ method scan_module_comment : text -> unit
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the module comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the module elements.
+ @return true if the module elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_module_pre : Module.t_module -> bool
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given module. *)
+ method scan_module_elements : Module.t_module -> unit
+ (** Scan of a module. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_module_pre]
+ and if [scan_module_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_module_elements.*)
+ method scan_module : Module.t_module -> unit
+ (** Scan of module types. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a module type. *)
+ method scan_module_type_comment : text -> unit
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the module type comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the module type elements.
+ @return true if the module type elements must be scanned. *)
+ method scan_module_type_pre : Module.t_module_type -> bool
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given module type. *)
+ method scan_module_type_elements : Module.t_module_type -> unit
+ (** Scan of a module type. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_module_type_pre]
+ and if [scan_module_type_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_module_type_elements.*)
+ method scan_module_type : Module.t_module_type -> unit
+ (** Main scanning method. *)
+ (** Scan a list of modules. *)
+ method scan_module_list : Module.t_module list -> unit
+ end
+ end
+(** Computation of dependencies. *)
+module Dep :
+ sig
+ (** Modify the modules depencies of the given list of modules,
+ to get the minimum transitivity kernel. *)
+ val kernel_deps_of_modules : Module.t_module list -> unit
+ (** Return the list of dependencies between the given types,
+ in the form of a list [(type name, names of types it depends on)].
+ @param kernel indicates if we must keep only the transitivity kernel
+ of the dependencies. Default is [false].
+ *)
+ val deps_of_types : ?kernel: bool -> Type.t_type list -> (Type.t_type * (Name.t list)) list
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7519a782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9d5e64a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** A generator which performs some controls on the collected information. *)
+open Odoc_info.Value
+open Odoc_info.Type
+open Odoc_info.Exception
+open Odoc_info.Class
+open Odoc_info.Module
+open Odoc_info
+let (<@) e l = List.mem e l
+(** The generator class. *)
+class iso =
+ object (self)
+ inherit Odoc_info.Scan.scanner
+ method print_fail s =
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ print_string s ; print_newline ()
+ method check_info_error_messages =
+ [
+ Has_author, self#check_authors, Odoc_messages.has_no_author ;
+ Has_since, self#check_since, Odoc_messages.has_no_since ;
+ Has_version, self#check_version, Odoc_messages.has_no_version ;
+ Has_return, self#check_return, Odoc_messages.has_no_return ;
+ ]
+ method check_authors i = i.i_authors <> []
+ method check_since i = i.i_since <> None
+ method check_version i = i.i_version <> None
+ method check_return i = i.i_return_value <> None
+ method check_info prefix lchecks info_opt =
+ match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ if Has_description <@ lchecks then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_no_description prefix);
+ List.iter
+ (fun (check, f, m) ->
+ if check <@ lchecks then
+ self#print_fail (m prefix)
+ else
+ ()
+ )
+ self#check_info_error_messages
+ | Some i ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (check, f, m) ->
+ if check <@ lchecks then
+ if not (f i) then
+ self#print_fail (m prefix)
+ else
+ ()
+ )
+ self#check_info_error_messages
+ method check_params l =
+ let rec iter = function
+ | Parameter.Simple_name sn ->
+ (sn.Parameter.sn_text <> None) or
+ (sn.Parameter.sn_name = "")
+ | Parameter.Tuple (l, _) ->
+ List.for_all iter l
+ in
+ List.for_all iter l
+ method check_type_fields l =
+ List.for_all (fun f -> f.rf_text <> None) l
+ method check_type_constructors l =
+ List.for_all (fun c -> c.vc_text <> None) l
+ method scan_value v =
+ let prefix = Odoc_messages.value_n v.val_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_val_options
+ v.val_info;
+ if Has_params <@ !Odoc_args.iso_val_options then
+ if not (self#check_params v.val_parameters) then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_not_all_params_described prefix)
+ method scan_type t =
+ let prefix = Odoc_messages.type_n t.ty_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_type_options
+ t.ty_info;
+ match t.ty_kind with
+ Type.Type_record l when Has_fields_decribed <@ !Odoc_args.iso_type_options ->
+ if not (self#check_type_fields l) then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_not_all_fields_described prefix)
+ | Type.Type_variant l when Has_constructors_decribed <@ !Odoc_args.iso_type_options ->
+ if not (self#check_type_constructors l) then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_not_all_cons_described prefix)
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+ method scan_exception e =
+ self#check_info
+ (Odoc_messages.exception_n e.ex_name)
+ !Odoc_args.iso_exception_options
+ e.ex_info;
+ method scan_attribute a =
+ self#check_info
+ (Odoc_messages.attribute_n a.att_value.val_name)
+ !Odoc_args.iso_val_options
+ a.att_value.val_info;
+ method scan_method m =
+ let prefix= Odoc_messages.method_n m.met_value.val_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_val_options
+ m.met_value.val_info;
+ if Has_params <@ !Odoc_args.iso_val_options then
+ if not (self#check_params m.met_value.val_parameters) then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_not_all_params_described prefix)
+ method scan_class_pre c =
+ let prefix = Odoc_messages.class_n c.cl_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_class_options
+ c.cl_info;
+ if Has_params <@ !Odoc_args.iso_class_options then
+ if not (self#check_params c.cl_parameters) then
+ self#print_fail (Odoc_messages.has_not_all_params_described prefix);
+ true
+ method scan_class_type_pre ct =
+ self#check_info
+ (Odoc_messages.class_type_n ct.clt_name)
+ !Odoc_args.iso_class_options
+ ct.clt_info;
+ true
+ method scan_module_pre m =
+ let prefix = Odoc_messages.module_n m.m_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_module_options
+ m.m_info;
+ true
+ method scan_module_type_pre mt =
+ let prefix = Odoc_messages.module_type_n mt.mt_name in
+ self#check_info
+ prefix
+ !Odoc_args.iso_module_options
+ mt.mt_info;
+ true
+ method generate = self#scan_module_list
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30566d5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Generation of LaTeX documentation. *)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+open Odoc_info
+open Parameter
+open Value
+open Type
+open Exception
+open Class
+open Module
+(** Generation of LaTeX code from text structures. *)
+class text =
+ object (self)
+ (** Return latex code to make a sectionning according to the given level,
+ and with the given latex code. *)
+ method section_style level s =
+ try
+ let sec = List.assoc level !Odoc_args.latex_titles in
+ "\\"^sec^"{"^s^"}\n"
+ with Not_found -> s
+ (** Associations of strings to subsitute in latex code. *)
+ val mutable subst_strings = [
+ ("MAXENCE"^"ZZZ", "\\$");
+ ("MAXENCE"^"YYY", "\\&");
+ ("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
+ ("ŕ", "\\`a") ;
+ ("â", "\\^a") ;
+ ("é", "\\'e") ;
+ ("č", "\\`e") ;
+ ("ę", "\\^e") ;
+ ("ë", "\\\"e") ;
+ ("ç", "\\c{c}") ;
+ ("ô", "\\^o") ;
+ ("ö", "\\\"o") ;
+ ("î", "\\^i") ;
+ ("ď", "\\\"i") ;
+ ("ů", "\\`u") ;
+ ("ű", "\\^u") ;
+ ("%", "\\%") ;
+ ("_", "\\_");
+ ("\\.\\.\\.", "$\\ldots$");
+ ("~", "\\~{}");
+ ("#", "\\verb`#`");
+ ("}", "\\}");
+ ("{", "\\{");
+ ("&", "\\&");
+ (">", "$>$");
+ ("<", "$<$");
+ ("=", "$=$");
+ (">=", "$\\geq$");
+ ("<=", "$\\leq$");
+ ("->", "$\\rightarrow$") ;
+ ("<-", "$\\leftarrow$");
+ ("|", "\\textbar ");
+ ("\\^", "\\textasciicircum ") ;
+ ("\\.\\.\\.", "$\\ldots$");
+ ("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
+ ("&", "MAXENCE"^"YYY") ;
+ ("\\$", "MAXENCE"^"ZZZ")
+ ]
+ val mutable subst_strings_simple =
+ [
+ ("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
+ "}", "\\}" ;
+ "{", "\\{" ;
+ ("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
+ ]
+ val mutable subst_strings_code = [
+ ("MAXENCE"^"ZZZ", "\\$");
+ ("MAXENCE"^"YYY", "\\&");
+ ("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
+ ("%", "\\%") ;
+ ("_", "\\_");
+ ("~", "\\~{}");
+ ("#", "\\verb`#`");
+ ("}", "\\}");
+ ("{", "\\{");
+ ("&", "\\&");
+ ("\\^", "\\textasciicircum ") ;
+ ("&", "MAXENCE"^"YYY") ;
+ ("\\$", "MAXENCE"^"ZZZ") ;
+ ("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
+ ]
+ method subst l s =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (s, s2) -> fun acc -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp s) s2 acc)
+ l
+ s
+ (** Escape the strings which would clash with LaTeX syntax. *)
+ method escape s = self#subst subst_strings s
+ (** Escape the ['\'], ['{'] and ['}'] characters. *)
+ method escape_simple s = self#subst subst_strings_simple s
+ (** Escape some characters for the code style. *)
+ method escape_code s = self#subst subst_strings_code s
+ (** Make a correct latex label from a name. *)
+ method label ?(no_=true) name =
+ let s =
+ if no_ then
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "_") "" name
+ else
+ name
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (s, s2) -> fun acc -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string s) s2 acc)
+ [
+ "@", "\"@" ;
+ "!", "\"!" ;
+ "|", "\"|" ;
+ ]
+ s
+ (** Return latex code for the label of a name. *)
+ method make_label name =
+ "\\label{"^(self#label name)^"}"
+ (** Return latex code for the ref to a name. *)
+ method make_ref name =
+ "\\ref{"^(self#label name)^"}"
+ (** Return the LaTeX code corresponding to the [text] parameter.*)
+ method latex_of_text t = String.concat "" ( self#latex_of_text_element t)
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the [text_element] in parameter. *)
+ method latex_of_text_element te =
+ match te with
+ | Odoc_info.Raw s -> self#latex_of_Raw s
+ | Odoc_info.Code s -> self#latex_of_Code s
+ | Odoc_info.CodePre s -> self#latex_of_CodePre s
+ | Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#latex_of_Verbatim s
+ | Odoc_info.Bold t -> self#latex_of_Bold t
+ | Odoc_info.Italic t -> self#latex_of_Italic t
+ | Odoc_info.Emphasize t -> self#latex_of_Emphasize t
+ | Odoc_info.Center t -> self#latex_of_Center t
+ | Odoc_info.Left t -> self#latex_of_Left t
+ | Odoc_info.Right t -> self#latex_of_Right t
+ | Odoc_info.List tl -> self#latex_of_List tl
+ | Odoc_info.Enum tl -> self#latex_of_Enum tl
+ | Odoc_info.Newline -> self#latex_of_Newline
+ | Odoc_info.Block t -> self#latex_of_Block t
+ | Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) -> self#latex_of_Title n l_opt t
+ | Odoc_info.Latex s -> self#latex_of_Latex s
+ | Odoc_info.Link (s, t) -> self#latex_of_Link s t
+ | Odoc_info.Ref (name, ref_opt) -> self#latex_of_Ref name ref_opt
+ | Odoc_info.Superscript t -> self#latex_of_Superscript t
+ | Odoc_info.Subscript t -> self#latex_of_Subscript t
+ method latex_of_Raw s = self#escape s
+ method latex_of_Code s =
+ let s2 = self#escape_code s in
+ let s3 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") ("\\\\\n") s2 in
+ "{\\tt{"^s3^"}}"
+ method latex_of_CodePre s =
+ "\n\\begin{ocamldoccode}\n"^(self#escape_simple s)^"\n\\end{ocamldoccode}\n"
+ method latex_of_Verbatim s = "\\begin{verbatim}"^s^"\\end{verbatim}"
+ method latex_of_Bold t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "{\\bf "^s^"}"
+ method latex_of_Italic t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "{\\it "^s^"}"
+ method latex_of_Emphasize t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "{\\em "^s^"}"
+ method latex_of_Center t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "\\begin{center}\n"^s^"\\end{center}\n"
+ method latex_of_Left t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "\\begin{flushleft}\n"^s^"\\end{flushleft}\n"
+ method latex_of_Right t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "\\begin{flushright}\n"^s^"\\end{flushright}\n"
+ method latex_of_List tl =
+ "\\begin{itemize}"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ ( (fun t -> "\\item "^(self#latex_of_text t)^"\n") tl))^
+ "\\end{itemize}\n"
+ method latex_of_Enum tl =
+ "\\begin{enumerate}"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ ( (fun t -> "\\item "^(self#latex_of_text t)^"\n") tl))^
+ "\\end{enumerate}\n"
+ method latex_of_Newline = "\n\n"
+ method latex_of_Block t =
+ let s = self#latex_of_text t in
+ "\\begin{ocamldocdescription}\n"^s^"\n\\end{ocamldocdescription}\n"
+ method latex_of_Title n label_opt t =
+ let s_title = self#latex_of_text t in
+ let s_title2 = self#section_style n s_title in
+ s_title2^
+ (match label_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some l -> self#make_label l)
+ method latex_of_Latex s = s
+ method latex_of_Link s t =
+ let s1 = "\\url{"^s^"} " in
+ let s2 = self#latex_of_text t in
+ s1^s2
+ method latex_of_Ref name ref_opt =
+ match ref_opt with
+ None ->
+ self#latex_of_text_element
+ (Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name))
+ | Some kind when kind = RK_section ->
+ self#latex_of_text_element (Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (Name.simple name))^"]"))
+ | Some kind ->
+ let target =
+ match kind with
+ Odoc_info.RK_module
+ | Odoc_info.RK_module_type
+ | Odoc_info.RK_class
+ | Odoc_info.RK_class_type
+ | Odoc_info.RK_value
+ | Odoc_info.RK_type
+ | Odoc_info.RK_exception
+ | Odoc_info.RK_attribute
+ | Odoc_info.RK_method -> name
+ | Odoc_info.RK_section -> assert false
+ in
+ (self#latex_of_text
+ [
+ Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name) ;
+ Latex ("["^(self#make_ref name)^"]")
+ ]
+ )
+ method latex_of_Superscript t = "$^{"^(self#latex_of_text t)^"}$"
+ method latex_of_Subscript t = "$_{"^(self#latex_of_text t)^"}$"
+ end
+(** A class used to generate LaTeX code for info structures. *)
+class virtual info =
+ object (self)
+ (** The method used to get LaTeX code from a [text]. *)
+ method virtual latex_of_text : Odoc_info.text -> string
+ (** The method used to get a [text] from an optionel info structure. *)
+ method virtual text_of_info : ?block: bool -> option -> Odoc_info.text
+ (** Return LaTeX code for a description, except for the [i_params] field. *)
+ method latex_of_info info_opt =
+ self#latex_of_text
+ (self#text_of_info ~block: false info_opt)
+ end
+(** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple LaTeX documentation. *)
+class latex =
+ object (self)
+ inherit text
+ inherit Odoc_to_text.to_text as to_text
+ inherit info
+ (** Get the first sentence and the rest of a description,
+ from an optional [info] structure. The first sentence
+ can be empty if it would not appear right in a title.
+ *)
+ method first_and_rest_of_info i_opt =
+ match i_opt with
+ None -> ([], [])
+ | Some i ->
+ match i.Odoc_info.i_desc with
+ None -> ([], self#text_of_info ~block: true i_opt)
+ | Some t ->
+ let (first,_) = Odoc_info.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text t in
+ let (_, rest) = Odoc_info.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text (self#text_of_info ~block: false i_opt) in
+ (first, rest)
+ (** Return LaTeX code for a value. *)
+ method latex_of_value v =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ self#latex_of_text
+ ((Latex (self#make_label v.val_name)) ::
+ (to_text#text_of_value v))
+ (** Return LaTeX code for a class attribute. *)
+ method latex_of_attribute a =
+ self#latex_of_text
+ ((Latex (self#make_label a.att_value.val_name)) ::
+ (to_text#text_of_attribute a))
+ (** Return LaTeX code for a class method. *)
+ method latex_of_method m =
+ self#latex_of_text
+ ((Latex (self#make_label m.met_value.val_name)) ::
+ (to_text#text_of_method m))
+ (** Return LaTeX code for a type. *)
+ method latex_of_type t =
+ let s_name = Name.simple t.ty_name in
+ let text =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let mod_name = Name.father t.ty_name in
+ let s_type1 =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
+ "@[<hov 2>type ";
+ match t.ty_parameters with
+ [] -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | [p] -> self#normal_type mod_name p
+ | l ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "(" ;
+ let s = self#normal_type_list mod_name ", " l in
+ s^")"
+ in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
+ ("@[<hov 2>%s %s")
+ s_type1
+ s_name;
+ let s_type2 =
+ match t.ty_manifest with
+ None -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | Some typ ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " = ";
+ self#normal_type mod_name typ
+ in
+ let s_type3 =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
+ ("%s %s")
+ s_type2
+ (match t.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract -> ""
+ | Type_variant _ -> "="
+ | Type_record _ -> "= {" ) ;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ in
+ let defs =
+ match t.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract -> []
+ | Type_variant l ->
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun constr ->
+ let s_cons =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
+ "@[<hov 6> | %s"
+ constr.vc_name;
+ match constr.vc_args with
+ [] -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | l ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " %s@ " "of";
+ self#normal_type_list mod_name " * " l
+ in
+ [ CodePre s_cons ] @
+ (match constr.vc_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t ->
+ [ Latex
+ ("\\begin{ocamldoccomment}\n"^
+ (self#latex_of_text t)^
+ "\n\\end{ocamldoccomment}\n")
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )
+ | Type_record l ->
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun r ->
+ let s_field =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
+ "@[<hov 6> %s%s :@ "
+ (if r.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "")
+ r.rf_name;
+ (self#normal_type mod_name r.rf_type)^" ;"
+ in
+ [ CodePre s_field ] @
+ (match r.rf_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t ->
+ [ Latex
+ ("\\begin{ocamldoccomment}\n"^
+ (self#latex_of_text t)^
+ "\n\\end{ocamldoccomment}\n")
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ ) @
+ [ CodePre "}" ]
+ in
+ let defs2 = (CodePre s_type3) :: defs in
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> []
+ | [e] -> [e]
+ | (CodePre s1) :: (CodePre s2) :: q ->
+ iter ((CodePre (s1^"\n"^s2)) :: q)
+ | e :: q ->
+ e :: (iter q)
+ in
+ (iter defs2) @
+ [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
+ (self#text_of_info t.ty_info)
+ in
+ self#latex_of_text
+ ((Latex (self#make_label t.ty_name)) :: text)
+ (** Return LaTeX code for an exception. *)
+ method latex_of_exception e =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ self#latex_of_text
+ ((Latex (self#make_label e.ex_name)) ::
+ (to_text#text_of_exception e))
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given module. *)
+ method latex_of_module ?(with_link=true) m =
+ let t =
+ [Code "module "] @
+ [Code (Name.simple m.m_name)] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind m.m_kind) @
+ (
+ if with_link
+ then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref m.m_name)^"]")]
+ else []
+ )
+ in
+ self#latex_of_text t
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given module type. *)
+ method latex_of_module_type ?(with_link=true) mt =
+ let t =
+ [Code "module type "] @
+ [Code (Name.simple mt.mt_name)] @
+ (match mt.mt_kind with
+ None -> []
+ | Some k -> self#text_of_module_type_kind k
+ ) @
+ (
+ if with_link
+ then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref mt.mt_name)^"]")]
+ else []
+ )
+ in
+ self#latex_of_text t
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given included module. *)
+ method latex_of_included_module im =
+ (self#latex_of_text [ Code "include module " ;
+ Code
+ (match im.im_module with
+ None -> im.im_name
+ | Some (Mod m) -> m.m_name
+ | Some (Modtype mt) -> mt.mt_name)
+ ] )
+ (** Return a well-formatted code string for the given [class_kind].
+ This method uses [Format.str_formatter].*)
+ method pre_of_class_kind father acc ?(with_def_syntax=true) ckind =
+ let p = Format.fprintf in
+ let f = Format.str_formatter in
+ p f "%s%s" acc (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "");
+ match ckind with
+ Class_structure _ ->
+ p f "%s" Odoc_messages.object_end ;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ p f "%s"
+ (match capp.capp_class with
+ None -> capp.capp_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ );
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> p f " (%s)" s)
+ capp.capp_params_code;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (match cco.cco_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ p f "[";
+ let s = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
+ p f "%s] " s
+ );
+ p f "%s"
+ (match cco.cco_class with
+ None -> cco.cco_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ );
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
+ p f "(" ;
+ let s = self#pre_of_class_kind father
+ (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
+ ~with_def_syntax: false ck
+ in
+ p f "%s : " s;
+ let s2 = self#pre_of_class_type_kind father
+ (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
+ ctk
+ in
+ p f "%s)" s2 ;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ (** Return well-formatted string for the given [class_type_kind].
+ This method uses [Format.str_formatter].*)
+ method pre_of_class_type_kind father acc ?def_syntax ctkind =
+ let p = Format.fprintf in
+ let f = Format.str_formatter in
+ p f "%s%s" acc
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> " "^s^" ");
+ match ctkind with
+ Class_type cta ->
+ (
+ match cta.cta_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ p f "[" ;
+ let s = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
+ p f "%s] " s
+ );
+ p f "%s"
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ None -> cta.cta_name
+ | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> clt.clt_name
+ | Some (Cl cl) -> cl.cl_name
+ );
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ | Class_signature _ ->
+ p f "%s" Odoc_messages.object_end ;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given class. *)
+ method latex_of_class ?(with_link=true) c =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let father = Name.father c.cl_name in
+ let t =
+ let s =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "class %s"
+ (if c.cl_virtual then "virtual " else "");
+ (
+ match c.cl_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "[" ;
+ let s1 = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s] " s1
+ );
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s%s"
+ (Name.simple c.cl_name)
+ (match c.cl_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> " ...");
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ in
+ (CodePre (self#pre_of_class_kind father s c.cl_kind)) ::
+ (
+ if with_link
+ then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref c.cl_name)^"]")]
+ else []
+ )
+ in
+ self#latex_of_text t
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given class type. *)
+ method latex_of_class_type ?(with_link=true) ct =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let father = Name.father ct.clt_name in
+ let t =
+ let s =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "class type %s"
+ (if ct.clt_virtual then "virtual " else "");
+ (
+ match ct.clt_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "[" ;
+ let s1 = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s] " s1
+ );
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s" (Name.simple ct.clt_name);
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ in
+ (CodePre (self#pre_of_class_type_kind father s ~def_syntax: "=" ct.clt_kind)) ::
+ (
+ if with_link
+ then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref ct.clt_name)^"]")]
+ else []
+ )
+ in
+ self#latex_of_text t
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given class element. *)
+ method latex_of_class_element class_name class_ele =
+ (self#latex_of_text [Newline])^
+ (
+ match class_ele with
+ Class_attribute att -> self#latex_of_attribute att
+ | Class_method met -> self#latex_of_method met
+ | Class_comment t ->
+ match t with
+ | [] -> ""
+ | (Title (_,_,_)) :: _ -> self#latex_of_text t
+ | _ -> self#latex_of_text [ Title ((Name.depth class_name) + 2, None, t) ]
+ )
+ (** Return the LaTeX code for the given module element. *)
+ method latex_of_module_element module_name module_ele =
+ (self#latex_of_text [Newline])^
+ (
+ match module_ele with
+ Element_module m -> self#latex_of_module m
+ | Element_module_type mt -> self#latex_of_module_type mt
+ | Element_included_module im -> self#latex_of_included_module im
+ | Element_class c -> self#latex_of_class c
+ | Element_class_type ct -> self#latex_of_class_type ct
+ | Element_value v -> self#latex_of_value v
+ | Element_exception e -> self#latex_of_exception e
+ | Element_type t -> self#latex_of_type t
+ | Element_module_comment t -> self#latex_of_text t
+ )
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the given list of inherited classes.*)
+ method generate_inheritance_info chanout inher_l =
+ let f inh =
+ match inh.ic_class with
+ None -> (* we can't make the reference *)
+ (Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
+ (match inh.ic_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> Newline :: t
+ )
+ | Some _ ->
+ (* we can create the reference *)
+ (Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
+ (Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref inh.ic_name)^"]")) ::
+ (match inh.ic_text with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> Newline :: t
+ )
+ in
+ let text = [
+ Odoc_info.Bold [Odoc_info.Raw Odoc_messages.inherits ];
+ Odoc_info.List ( f inher_l)
+ ]
+ in
+ let s = self#latex_of_text text in
+ output_string chanout s
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the inherited classes of the given class. *)
+ method generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl =
+ let rec iter_kind k =
+ match k with
+ Class_structure ([], _) ->
+ ()
+ | Class_structure (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_constraint (k, _) ->
+ iter_kind k
+ | Class_apply _
+ | Class_constr _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ iter_kind cl.cl_kind
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the inherited classes of the given class type. *)
+ method generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout clt =
+ match clt.clt_kind with
+ Class_signature ([], _) ->
+ ()
+ | Class_signature (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_type _ ->
+ ()
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the given class, in the given out channel. *)
+ method generate_for_class chanout c =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let depth = Name.depth c.cl_name in
+ let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info c.cl_info in
+ let text = [ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.clas^" ") ; Code c.cl_name ] @
+ (match first_t with
+ [] -> []
+ | t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
+ Latex (self#make_label c.cl_name) ;
+ ]
+ in
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
+ output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class ~with_link: false c)^"\n\n") ;
+ let s_name = Name.simple c.cl_name in
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
+ (* parameters *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text (self#text_of_parameter_list (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_parameters));
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ] );
+ output_string chanout ("\\vspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
+ self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout c;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_element c.cl_name ele)^"\\vspace{0.1cm}\n\n"))
+ (Class.class_elements ~trans: false c)
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the given class type, in the given out channel. *)
+ method generate_for_class_type chanout ct =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let depth = Name.depth ct.clt_name in
+ let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info ct.clt_info in
+ let text = [ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.class_type^" ") ; Code ct.clt_name ] @
+ (match first_t with
+ [] -> []
+ | t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
+ Latex (self#make_label ct.clt_name) ;
+ ]
+ in
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
+ output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_type ~with_link: false ct)^"\n\n") ;
+ let s_name = Name.simple ct.clt_name in
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
+ output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_text rest_t)) ;
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline]) ;
+ output_string chanout ("\\vspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
+ self#generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout ct;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_element ct.clt_name ele)^"\\vspace{0.1cm}\n\n"))
+ (Class.class_type_elements ~trans: false ct)
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the given module type, in the given out channel. *)
+ method generate_for_module_type chanout mt =
+ let depth = Name.depth mt.mt_name in
+ let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info mt.mt_info in
+ let text = [ Title (depth, None,
+ [ Raw (Odoc_messages.module_type^" ") ; Code mt.mt_name ] @
+ (match first_t with
+ [] -> []
+ | t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
+ Latex (self#make_label mt.mt_name) ;
+ ]
+ in
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
+ if depth > 1 then
+ output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_type ~with_link: false mt)^"\n\n");
+ let s_name = Name.simple mt.mt_name in
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
+ (* parameters *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text
+ (self#text_of_module_parameter_list
+ (Module.module_type_parameters mt)));
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ] );
+ output_string chanout ("\\vspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_element mt.mt_name ele)^"\\vspace{0.1cm}\n\n"))
+ (Module.module_type_elements ~trans: false mt);
+ (* create sub parts for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
+ let rec iter ele =
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
+ | Element_module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
+ | Element_class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
+ | Element_class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter iter (Module.module_type_elements ~trans: false mt)
+ (** Generate the LaTeX code for the given module, in the given out channel. *)
+ method generate_for_module chanout m =
+ let depth = Name.depth m.m_name in
+ let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info m.m_info in
+ let text = [ Title (depth, None,
+ [ Raw (Odoc_messages.modul^" ") ; Code m.m_name ] @
+ (match first_t with
+ [] -> []
+ | t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
+ Latex (self#make_label m.m_name) ;
+ ]
+ in
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
+ if depth > 1 then
+ output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module ~with_link: false m)^"\n\n");
+ let s_name = Name.simple m.m_name in
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
+ (* parameters *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#latex_of_text
+ (self#text_of_module_parameter_list
+ (Module.module_parameters m)));
+ output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ]) ;
+ output_string chanout ("\\vspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_element m.m_name ele)^"\\vspace{0.1cm}\n\n"))
+ (Module.module_elements ~trans: false m);
+ (* create sub parts for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
+ let rec iter ele =
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
+ | Element_module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
+ | Element_class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
+ | Element_class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter iter (Module.module_elements ~trans: false m)
+ (** Return the header of the TeX document. *)
+ method latex_header =
+ "\\documentclass[11pt]{article} \n"^
+ "\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \n"^
+ "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \n"^
+ "\\usepackage{fullpage} \n"^
+ "\\usepackage{url} \n"^
+ "\\usepackage{ocamldoc}\n"^
+ (
+ match !Odoc_args.title with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> "\\title{"^(self#escape s)^"}\n"
+ )^
+ "\\begin{document}\n"^
+ (match !Odoc_args.title with None -> "" | Some _ -> "\\maketitle\n")^
+ (if !Odoc_args.with_toc then "\\tableofcontents\n" else "")
+ (** Generate the [doc.tex] LaTeX file from a module list. *)
+ method generate module_list =
+ if !Odoc_args.separate_files then
+ (
+ let f m =
+ try
+ let chanout =
+ open_out ((Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir (Name.simple m.m_name))^".tex")
+ in
+ self#generate_for_module chanout m ;
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Failure s
+ | Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_info.errors
+ in
+ List.iter f module_list
+ );
+ try
+ let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir "doc.tex") in
+ let _ = if !Odoc_args.with_header then output_string chanout self#latex_header else () in
+ List.iter
+ (fun m -> if !Odoc_args.separate_files then
+ output_string chanout ("\\input{"^((Name.simple m.m_name))^".tex}\n")
+ else
+ self#generate_for_module chanout m
+ )
+ module_list ;
+ let _ = if !Odoc_args.with_trailer then output_string chanout "\\end{document}" else () in
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Failure s
+ | Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_info.errors
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d34f2789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The lexer for special comments. *)
+open Lexing
+open Odoc_parser
+let line_number = ref 0
+let string_buffer = Buffer.create 32
+(** Fonction de remise ŕ zéro de la chaine de caractčres tampon *)
+let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.reset string_buffer
+(** Fonction d'ajout d'un caractčre dans la chaine de caractčres tampon *)
+let ajout_char_string = Buffer.add_char string_buffer
+(** Add a string to the buffer. *)
+let ajout_string = Buffer.add_string string_buffer
+let lecture_string () = Buffer.contents string_buffer
+(** The variable which will contain the description string.
+ Is initialized when we encounter the start of a special comment. *)
+let description = ref ""
+let blank = "[ \013\009\012]"
+(** The nested comments level. *)
+let comments_level = ref 0
+let print_DEBUG2 s = print_string s; print_newline ()
+(** This function returns the given string without the leading and trailing blanks.*)
+let remove_blanks s =
+ print_DEBUG2 ("remove_blanks "^s);
+ let l = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "\n") s in
+ let l2 =
+ let rec iter liste =
+ match liste with
+ h :: q ->
+ let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" h in
+ if h2 = "" then
+ (
+ print_DEBUG2 (h^" n'a que des blancs");
+ (* we remove this line and must remove leading blanks of the next one *)
+ iter q
+ )
+ else
+ (* we don't remove leading blanks in the remaining lines *)
+ h2 :: q
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ in iter l
+ in
+ let l3 =
+ let rec iter liste =
+ match liste with
+ h :: q ->
+ let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (blank^"+$")) "" h in
+ if h2 = "" then
+ (
+ print_DEBUG2 (h^" n'a que des blancs");
+ (* we remove this line and must remove trailing blanks of the next one *)
+ iter q
+ )
+ else
+ (* we don't remove trailing blanks in the remaining lines *)
+ h2 :: q
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ in
+ List.rev (iter (List.rev l2))
+ in
+ String.concat "\n" l3
+(** Remove first blank characters of each line of a string, until the first '*' *)
+let remove_stars s =
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"*\\*")) "" s in
+ s2
+let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '\223'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '_']
+let uppercase = ['A'-'Z' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\222']
+let identchar =
+ ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
+rule main = parse
+ [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | [ '\010' ]
+ {
+ incr line_number;
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(**)"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ Description ("", None)
+ }
+ | "(**"("*"+)")"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(***"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ incr comments_level;
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(**"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ incr comments_level;
+ if !comments_level = 1 then
+ (
+ reset_string_buffer ();
+ description := "";
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ )
+ else
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | eof
+ { EOF }
+ | "*)"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ decr comments_level ;
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(*"
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ incr comments_level ;
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | _
+ {
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+and special_comment = parse
+ | "*)"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ if !comments_level = 1 then
+ (
+ (* there is just a description *)
+ let s2 = lecture_string () in
+ let s3 = remove_blanks s2 in
+ let s4 =
+ if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
+ remove_stars s3
+ else
+ s3
+ in
+ Description (s4, None)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ ajout_string s;
+ decr comments_level;
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ )
+ }
+ | "(*"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ incr comments_level ;
+ ajout_string s;
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ }
+ | "\\@"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1) in
+ ajout_char_string c;
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ }
+ | "@"lowercase+
+ {
+ (* we keep the description before we go further *)
+ let s = lecture_string () in
+ description := remove_blanks s;
+ reset_string_buffer ();
+ let len = String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos - len;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - len;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos - len;
+ (* we don't increment the Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars *)
+ special_comment_part2 lexbuf
+ }
+ | _
+ {
+ let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) in
+ ajout_char_string c;
+ if c = '\010' then incr line_number;
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ }
+and special_comment_part2 = parse
+ | "*)"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ if !comments_level = 1 then
+ (* finally we return the description we kept *)
+ let desc =
+ if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
+ remove_stars !description
+ else
+ !description
+ in
+ let remain = lecture_string () in
+ let remain2 =
+ if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
+ remove_stars remain
+ else
+ remain
+ in
+ Description (desc, Some remain2)
+ else
+ (
+ ajout_string s ;
+ decr comments_level ;
+ special_comment_part2 lexbuf
+ )
+ }
+ | "(*"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ ajout_string s;
+ incr comments_level ;
+ special_comment_part2 lexbuf
+ }
+ | _
+ {
+ let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) in
+ ajout_char_string c;
+ if c = '\010' then incr line_number;
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ special_comment_part2 lexbuf
+ }
+and elements = parse
+ | [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ elements lexbuf
+ }
+ | [ '\010' ]
+ { incr line_number;
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ print_DEBUG2 "newline";
+ elements lexbuf }
+ | "@"lowercase+
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ let s2 = String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1) in
+ print_DEBUG2 s2;
+ match s2 with
+ "param" ->
+ | "author" ->
+ | "version" ->
+ | "see" ->
+ | "since" ->
+ | "deprecated" ->
+ | "raise" ->
+ | "return" ->
+ | s ->
+ if !Odoc_args.no_custom_tags then
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.not_a_valid_tag s))
+ else
+ }
+ | ("\\@" | [^'@'])+
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let s2 = remove_blanks s in
+ print_DEBUG2 ("Desc "^s2);
+ Desc s2
+ }
+ | eof
+ {
+ }
+and simple = parse
+ [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | [ '\010' ]
+ { incr line_number;
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(**"("*"+)
+ {
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
+ incr comments_level;
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(*"("*"+)")"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(**"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ incr comments_level;
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | "(*"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ incr comments_level;
+ if !comments_level = 1 then
+ (
+ reset_string_buffer ();
+ description := "";
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ ajout_string s;
+ simple lexbuf
+ )
+ }
+ | eof
+ { EOF }
+ | "*)"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
+ decr comments_level ;
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
+ | _
+ {
+ incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
+ simple lexbuf
+ }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d295559d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The man pages generator. *)
+open Odoc_info
+open Parameter
+open Value
+open Type
+open Exception
+open Class
+open Module
+open Search
+(** A class used to get a [text] for info structures. *)
+class virtual info =
+ object (self)
+ (** The list of pairs [(tag, f)] where [f] is a function taking
+ the [text] associated to [tag] and returning man code.
+ Add a pair here to handle a tag.*)
+ val mutable tag_functions = ([] : (string * (Odoc_info.text -> string)) list)
+ (** Return man code for a [text]. *)
+ method virtual man_of_text : Odoc_info.text -> string
+ (** Groff string for an author list. *)
+ method man_of_author_list l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ ".B \""^Odoc_messages.authors^"\"\n:\n"^
+ (String.concat ", " l)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for the given optional version information.*)
+ method man_of_version_opt v_opt =
+ match v_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some v -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.version^"\"\n:\n"^v^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for the given optional since information.*)
+ method man_of_since_opt s_opt =
+ match s_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.since^"\"\n"^s^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
+ method man_of_raised_exceptions l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | (s, t) :: [] -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.raises^" "^s^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text t)^"\n.sp\n"
+ | _ ->
+ ".B \""^Odoc_messages.raises^"\"\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) -> ".TP\n.B \""^ex^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text desc)^"\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for the given "see also" reference. *)
+ method man_of_see (see_ref, t) =
+ let t_ref =
+ match see_ref with
+ Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
+ | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ in
+ self#man_of_text t_ref
+ (** Groff string for the given list of "see also" references.*)
+ method man_of_sees l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | see :: [] -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.see_also^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_see see)^"\n.sp\n"
+ | _ ->
+ ".B \""^Odoc_messages.see_also^"\"\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun see -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_see see)^"\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for the given optional return information.*)
+ method man_of_return_opt return_opt =
+ match return_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> ".B "^Odoc_messages.returns^"\n"^(self#man_of_text s)^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Return man code for the given list of custom tagged texts. *)
+ method man_of_custom l =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 50 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (tag, text) ->
+ try
+ let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
+ Buffer.add_string buf (f text)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag)
+ )
+ l;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ (** Return the groff string to display an optional info structure. *)
+ method man_of_info info_opt =
+ match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ ""
+ | Some info ->
+ let module M = Odoc_info in
+ (match info.M.i_deprecated with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d -> ".B \""^Odoc_messages.deprecated^"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text d)^"\n.sp\n")^
+ (match info.M.i_desc with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> ""
+ | Some d -> (self#man_of_text d)^"\n.sp\n"
+ )^
+ (self#man_of_author_list info.M.i_authors)^
+ (self#man_of_version_opt info.M.i_version)^
+ (self#man_of_since_opt info.M.i_since)^
+ (self#man_of_raised_exceptions info.M.i_raised_exceptions)^
+ (self#man_of_return_opt info.M.i_return_value)^
+ (self#man_of_sees info.M.i_sees)^
+ (self#man_of_custom info.M.i_custom)
+ end
+(** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple html documentation. *)
+class man =
+ object (self)
+ inherit info
+ (** Get a file name from a module or class complete name. *)
+ method file_name name = name^".man"
+ (** Escape special sequences of characters in a string. *)
+ method escape (s : string) = s
+ (** Open a file for output. Add the target directory.*)
+ method open_out file =
+ let f = Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir file in
+ open_out f
+ (** Return the groff string for a text, without correction of blanks. *)
+ method private man_of_text2 t = String.concat "" ( self#man_of_text_element t)
+ (** Return the groff string for a text, with blanks corrected. *)
+ method man_of_text t =
+ let s = self#man_of_text2 t in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n[ ]*") "\n" s in
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n\n") "\n" s2
+ (** Return the groff string for a text element. *)
+ method man_of_text_element te =
+ match te with
+ | Odoc_info.Raw s -> s
+ | Odoc_info.Code s ->
+ let s2 = "\n.B "^(Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " (self#escape s))^"\n" in
+ s2
+ | Odoc_info.CodePre s ->
+ let s2 = "\n.B "^(Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " (self#escape s))^"\n" in
+ s2
+ | Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#escape s
+ | Odoc_info.Bold t
+ | Odoc_info.Italic t
+ | Odoc_info.Emphasize t
+ | Odoc_info.Center t
+ | Odoc_info.Left t
+ | Odoc_info.Right t -> self#man_of_text2 t
+ | Odoc_info.List tl ->
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun t -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n")
+ tl
+ )
+ )^"\n"
+ | Odoc_info.Enum tl ->
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun t -> ".TP\n \"\"\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n")
+ tl
+ )
+ )^"\n"
+ | Odoc_info.Newline ->
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ | Odoc_info.Block t ->
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_text2 t)^"\n.sp\n"
+ | Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) ->
+ self#man_of_text2 [Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.string_of_text t)]
+ | Odoc_info.Latex _ ->
+ (* don't care about LaTeX stuff in HTML. *)
+ ""
+ | Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ->
+ self#man_of_text2 t
+ | Odoc_info.Ref (name, _) ->
+ self#man_of_text_element
+ (Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name))
+ | Odoc_info.Superscript t ->
+ "^{"^(self#man_of_text2 t)
+ | Odoc_info.Subscript t ->
+ "_{"^(self#man_of_text2 t)
+ (** Groff string to display code. *)
+ method man_of_code s = self#man_of_text [ Code s ]
+ (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified idents
+ have been replaced by idents relative to the given module name.*)
+ method relative_idents m_name s =
+ let f str_t =
+ let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
+ Odoc_info.apply_if_equal
+ Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules
+ match_s
+ (Name.get_relative m_name match_s)
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_substitute
+ (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
+ f
+ s
+ in
+ s2
+ (** Groff string to display a [Types.type_expr].*)
+ method man_of_type_expr m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
+ "\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
+ (** Groff string to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
+ method man_of_type_expr_list m_name sep l =
+ let s = Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list sep l in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
+ "\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
+ (** Groff string to display a [Types.module_type]. *)
+ method man_of_module_type m_name t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_misc.string_of_module_type t))
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
+ "\n.B "^(self#relative_idents m_name s2)^"\n"
+ (** Groff string code for a value. *)
+ method man_of_value v =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ "\n.I val "^(Name.simple v.val_name)^" \n: "^
+ (self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)^
+ ".sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info v.val_info)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string code for an exception. *)
+ method man_of_exception e =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ "\n.I exception "^(Name.simple e.ex_name)^" \n"^
+ (match e.ex_args with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ ->
+ ".B of "^
+ (self#man_of_type_expr_list (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args)
+ )^
+ (match e.ex_alias with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some ea -> " = "^
+ (
+ match ea.ea_ex with
+ None -> ea.ea_name
+ | Some e -> e.ex_name
+ )
+ )^
+ "\n.sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info e.ex_info)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a type. *)
+ method man_of_type t =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let father = Name.father t.ty_name in
+ ".I type "^
+ (match t.ty_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | tp :: [] -> (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr tp)
+ | l ->
+ (self#man_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)
+ )^
+ (match t.ty_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> ".I ")^(Name.simple t.ty_name)^" \n"^
+ (match t.ty_manifest with None -> "" | Some typ -> "= "^(self#man_of_type_expr father typ))^
+ (match t.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract ->
+ ""
+ | Type_variant l ->
+ "=\n "^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun constr ->
+ "| "^constr.vc_name^
+ (match constr.vc_args, constr.vc_text with
+ [], None -> "\n "
+ | [], (Some t) -> " (* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *)\n "
+ | l, None ->
+ "\n.B of "^(self#man_of_type_expr_list father " * " l)^" "
+ | l, (Some t) ->
+ "\n.B of "^(self#man_of_type_expr_list father " * " l)^
+ ".I \" \"\n"^
+ "(* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *)\n "
+ )
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )
+ | Type_record l ->
+ "= {"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun r ->
+ (if r.rf_mutable then "\n\n.B mutable \n" else "\n ")^
+ r.rf_name^" : "^(self#man_of_type_expr father r.rf_type)^";"^
+ (match r.rf_text with
+ None ->
+ ""
+ | Some t ->
+ " (* "^(self#man_of_text t)^" *) "
+ )^""
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^
+ "\n }\n"
+ )^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info t.ty_info)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a class attribute. *)
+ method man_of_attribute a =
+ ".I val "^
+ (if a.att_mutable then Odoc_messages.mutab^" " else "")^
+ (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)^" : "^
+ (self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father a.att_value.val_name) a.att_value.val_type)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info a.att_value.val_info)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a class method. *)
+ method man_of_method m =
+ ".I method "^
+ (if m.met_private then "private " else "")^
+ (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
+ (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)^" : "^
+ (self#man_of_type_expr (Name.father m.met_value.val_name) m.met_value.val_type)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info m.met_value.val_info)^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff for a list of parameters. *)
+ method man_of_parameter_list m_name l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ "\n.B "^Odoc_messages.parameters^": \n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun p ->
+ ".TP\n"^
+ "\""^(Parameter.complete_name p)^"\"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p))^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_parameter_description p)^"\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n"
+ (** Groff for the description of a function parameter. *)
+ method man_of_parameter_description p =
+ match Parameter.names p with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | name :: [] ->
+ (
+ (* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *)
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> "\n "^(self#man_of_text t)
+ )
+ | l ->
+ (* A list of names, we display those with a description. *)
+ String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun n ->
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> (self#man_of_code (n^" : "))^(self#man_of_text t)
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ (** Groff string for a list of module parameters. *)
+ method man_of_module_parameter_list m_name l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ ".B \""^Odoc_messages.parameters^":\"\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+ ".TP\n"^
+ "\""^p.mp_name^"\"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_module_type m_name p.mp_type)^"\n"^
+ (match desc_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some t -> self#man_of_text t)^
+ "\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n\n"
+ (** Groff string for a [class_kind]. *)
+ method man_of_class_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) ckind =
+ match ckind with
+ Class_structure _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ None -> capp.capp_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ )^
+ " "^
+ (String.concat " "
+ (
+ (fun s -> self#man_of_code ("("^s^")"))
+ capp.capp_params_code))
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (
+ match cco.cco_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)^"] "
+ )^
+ (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ None -> cco.cco_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name^" "
+ )
+ | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ "( "^(self#man_of_class_kind ~with_def_syntax: false ck)^
+ " : "^
+ (self#man_of_class_type_kind ctk)^
+ " )"
+ (** Groff string for the given [class_type_kind].*)
+ method man_of_class_type_kind ?def_syntax ctkind =
+ match ctkind with
+ Class_type cta ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ None -> cta.cta_name
+ | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> clt.clt_name
+ | Some (Cl cl) -> cl.cl_name
+ )
+ | Class_signature _ ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
+ (self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ (** Groff string for a [module_kind]. *)
+ method man_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
+ match k with
+ Module_alias m_alias ->
+ (match m_alias.ma_module with
+ None ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ m_alias.ma_name
+ | Some (Mod m) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m.m_name
+ | Some (Modtype mt) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^mt.mt_name
+ )
+ | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1)^
+ " ( "^(self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2)^" ) "
+ | Module_with (tk, code) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^
+ (self#man_of_code code)
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ "( "^(self#man_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)^" : "^
+ (self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk)^" )"
+ | Module_struct _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_code (Odoc_messages.struct_end^" "))
+ | Module_functor _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_code "functor ... ")
+ (** Groff string for a [module_type_kind]. *)
+ method man_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
+ match tk with
+ | Module_type_struct _ ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (self#man_of_code Odoc_messages.sig_end)
+ | Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
+ let f p = "("^p.mp_name^" : "^(self#man_of_module_type "" p.mp_type)^") -> " in
+ let s1 = String.concat "" ( f params) in
+ let s2 = self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^s1^s2
+ | Module_type_with (tk2, code) -> (* we don't want to print nested with's *)
+ let s = self#man_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ s^(self#man_of_code code)
+ | Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ (match mt_alias.mta_module with
+ None ->
+ mt_alias.mta_name
+ | Some mt ->
+ mt.mt_name
+ )
+ (** Groff string for a class. *)
+ method man_of_class c =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ ".I class "^
+ (if c.cl_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
+ (
+ match c.cl_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)^".I ] "
+ )^
+ (Name.simple c.cl_name)^
+ (match c.cl_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> " ... ")^
+ (self#man_of_class_kind c.cl_kind)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info c.cl_info)^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a class type. *)
+ method man_of_class_type ct =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ ".I class type "^
+ (if ct.clt_virtual then "virtual " else "")^
+ (
+ match ct.clt_type_parameters with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l -> "["^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_list ", " l)^".I ] "
+ )^
+ (Name.simple ct.clt_name)^
+ (self#man_of_class_type_kind ~def_syntax: ":" ct.clt_kind)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info ct.clt_info)^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a module. *)
+ method man_of_module m =
+ ".I module "^(Name.simple m.m_name)^
+ (self#man_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a module type. *)
+ method man_of_modtype mt =
+ ".I module type "^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^
+ (match mt.mt_kind with None -> "" | Some k -> self#man_of_module_type_kind k)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^(self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n.sp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a module comment.*)
+ method man_of_module_comment text =
+ "\n.pp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_text [Code ("=== "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text text)^" ===")])^
+ "\n.pp\n"
+ (** Groff string for a class comment.*)
+ method man_of_class_comment text =
+ "\n.pp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_text [Code ("=== "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text text)^" ===")])^
+ "\n.pp\n"
+ (** Groff string for an included module. *)
+ method man_of_included_module m_name im =
+ ".I include "^
+ (
+ match im.im_module with
+ None -> im.im_name
+ | Some mmt ->
+ let name =
+ match mmt with
+ Mod m -> m.m_name
+ | Modtype mt -> mt.mt_name
+ in
+ self#relative_idents m_name name
+ )^
+ "\n.sp\n"
+ (** Generate the man page for the given class.*)
+ method generate_for_class cl =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let date = Unix.time () in
+ let file = self#file_name cl.cl_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = self#open_out file in
+ output_string chanout
+ (".TH \""^Odoc_messages.clas^"\" "^
+ cl.cl_name^" "^
+ "\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
+ "Odoc "^
+ "\""^(match !Odoc_args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\n");
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^"\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.clas^" "^cl.cl_name^"\n"^
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.clas^"\n"^
+ (if cl.cl_virtual then ".B virtual \n" else "")^
+ ".B \""^(Name.simple cl.cl_name)^"\"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_class_kind cl.cl_kind )^
+ "\n.sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info cl.cl_info)^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"
+ );
+ (* parameters *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#man_of_parameter_list "" cl.cl_parameters);
+ (* a large blank *)
+ output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
+ (* class inheritance *)
+ self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl;
+ (* the various elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun element ->
+ match element with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_attribute a)
+ | Class_method m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_method m)
+ | Class_comment t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_comment t)
+ )
+ (Class.class_elements cl);
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ prerr_endline s
+ (** Generate the man page for the given class type.*)
+ method generate_for_class_type ct =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let date = Unix.time () in
+ let file = self#file_name ct.clt_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = self#open_out file in
+ output_string chanout
+ (".TH \""^Odoc_messages.class_type^"\" "^
+ ct.clt_name^" "^
+ "\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
+ "Odoc "^
+ "\""^(match !Odoc_args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\n");
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.class_type^"\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.class_type^" "^ct.clt_name^"\n"^
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.class_type^"\n"^
+ (if ct.clt_virtual then ".B virtual \n" else "")^
+ ".B \""^(Name.simple ct.clt_name)^"\"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_class_type_kind ~def_syntax: ":" ct.clt_kind )^
+ "\n.sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info ct.clt_info)^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"
+ );
+ (* a large blank *)
+ output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
+ (* class inheritance *)
+ self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl;
+ (* the various elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun element ->
+ match element with
+ Class_attribute a ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_attribute a)
+ | Class_method m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_method m)
+ | Class_comment t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_comment t)
+ )
+ (Class.class_type_elements ct);
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ prerr_endline s
+ (** Generate the man file for the given module type.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ method generate_for_module_type mt =
+ let date = Unix.time () in
+ let file = self#file_name mt.mt_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = self#open_out file in
+ output_string chanout
+ (".TH \""^Odoc_messages.module_type^"\" "^
+ mt.mt_name^" "^
+ "\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
+ "Odoc "^
+ "\""^(match !Odoc_args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\n");
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.module_type^"\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.module_type^" "^mt.mt_name^"\n"^
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.module_type^"\n"^
+ ".BI \""^(Name.simple mt.mt_name)^"\"\n"^
+ (match mt.mt_kind with None -> "" | Some k -> self#man_of_module_type_kind k)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info mt.mt_info)^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"
+ );
+ (* parameters for functors *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#man_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_type_parameters mt));
+ (* a large blank *)
+ output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
+ (* module elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_module m)
+ | Element_module_type mt ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_modtype mt)
+ | Element_included_module im ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_included_module mt.mt_name im)
+ | Element_class c ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class c)
+ | Element_class_type ct ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_type ct)
+ | Element_value v ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_value v)
+ | Element_exception e ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_exception e)
+ | Element_type t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_type t)
+ | Element_module_comment text ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_module_comment text)
+ )
+ (Module.module_type_elements mt);
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ prerr_endline s
+ (** Generate the man file for the given module.
+ @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
+ method generate_for_module m =
+ let date = Unix.time () in
+ let file = self#file_name m.m_name in
+ try
+ let chanout = self#open_out file in
+ output_string chanout
+ (".TH \""^Odoc_messages.modul^"\" "^
+ m.m_name^" "^
+ "\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
+ "Odoc "^
+ "\""^(match !Odoc_args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\n");
+ output_string chanout
+ (
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^"\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.modul^" "^m.m_name^"\n"^
+ ".SH "^Odoc_messages.documentation^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"^
+ Odoc_messages.modul^"\n"^
+ ".BI \""^(Name.simple m.m_name)^"\"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_module_kind m.m_kind)^
+ "\n.sp\n"^
+ (self#man_of_info m.m_info)^"\n"^
+ ".sp\n"
+ );
+ (* parameters for functors *)
+ output_string chanout
+ (self#man_of_module_parameter_list "" (Module.module_parameters m));
+ (* a large blank *)
+ output_string chanout "\n.sp\n.sp\n";
+ (* module elements *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_module m)
+ | Element_module_type mt ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_modtype mt)
+ | Element_included_module im ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_included_module m.m_name im)
+ | Element_class c ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class c)
+ | Element_class_type ct ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_class_type ct)
+ | Element_value v ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_value v)
+ | Element_exception e ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_exception e)
+ | Element_type t ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_type t)
+ | Element_module_comment text ->
+ output_string chanout (self#man_of_module_comment text)
+ )
+ (Module.module_elements m);
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
+ (** Create the groups of elements to generate pages for. *)
+ method create_groups module_list =
+ let name res_ele =
+ match res_ele with
+ Res_module m -> m.m_name
+ | Res_module_type mt -> mt.mt_name
+ | Res_class c -> c.cl_name
+ | Res_class_type ct -> ct.clt_name
+ | Res_value v -> Name.simple v.val_name
+ | Res_type t -> Name.simple t.ty_name
+ | Res_exception e -> Name.simple e.ex_name
+ | Res_attribute a -> Name.simple a.att_value.val_name
+ | Res_method m -> Name.simple m.met_value.val_name
+ | Res_section s -> assert false
+ in
+ let all_items_pre = Odoc_info.Search.search_by_name module_list (Str.regexp ".*") in
+ let all_items = List.filter
+ (fun r -> match r with Res_section _ -> false | _ -> true)
+ all_items_pre
+ in
+ let sorted_items = List.sort (fun e1 -> fun e2 -> compare (name e1) (name e2)) all_items in
+ let rec f acc1 acc2 l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> acc2 :: acc1
+ | h :: q ->
+ match acc2 with
+ [] -> f acc1 [h] q
+ | h2 :: q2 ->
+ if (name h) = (name h2) then
+ if List.mem h acc2 then
+ f acc1 acc2 q
+ else
+ f acc1 (acc2 @ [h]) q
+ else
+ f (acc2 :: acc1) [h] q
+ in
+ f [] [] sorted_items
+ (** Generate a man page for a group of elements with the same name.
+ A group must not be empty.*)
+ method generate_for_group l =
+ let name =
+ Name.simple
+ (
+ match List.hd l with
+ Res_module m -> m.m_name
+ | Res_module_type mt -> mt.mt_name
+ | Res_class c -> c.cl_name
+ | Res_class_type ct -> ct.clt_name
+ | Res_value v -> v.val_name
+ | Res_type t -> t.ty_name
+ | Res_exception e -> e.ex_name
+ | Res_attribute a -> a.att_value.val_name
+ | Res_method m -> m.met_value.val_name
+ | Res_section s -> s
+ )
+ in
+ let date = Unix.time () in
+ let file = self#file_name name in
+ try
+ let chanout = self#open_out file in
+ output_string chanout
+ (".TH \""^name^"\" "^
+ "man "^
+ "\""^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^"\" "^
+ "Odoc "^
+ "\""^(match !Odoc_args.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\n");
+ let f ele =
+ match ele with
+ Res_value v ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father v.val_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_value v))
+ | Res_type t ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father t.ty_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_type t))
+ | Res_exception e ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father e.ex_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_exception e))
+ | Res_attribute a ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^" "^(Name.father a.att_value.val_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_attribute a))
+ | Res_method m ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.clas^" "^(Name.father m.met_value.val_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_method m))
+ | Res_class c ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father c.cl_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_class c))
+ | Res_class_type ct ->
+ output_string chanout
+ ("\n.SH "^Odoc_messages.modul^" "^(Name.father ct.clt_name)^"\n"^
+ (self#man_of_class_type ct))
+ | _ ->
+ (* normalement on ne peut pas avoir de module ici. *)
+ ()
+ in
+ List.iter f l;
+ close_out chanout
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ incr Odoc_info.errors ;
+ prerr_endline s
+ (** Generate all the man pages from a module list. *)
+ method generate module_list =
+ let sorted_module_list = Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.m_name < m2.m_name) module_list in
+ let groups = self#create_groups sorted_module_list in
+ let f group =
+ match group with
+ [] ->
+ ()
+ | [Res_module m] -> self#generate_for_module m
+ | [Res_module_type mt] -> self#generate_for_module_type mt
+ | [Res_class cl] -> self#generate_for_class cl
+ | [Res_class_type ct] -> self#generate_for_class_type ct
+ | l ->
+ self#generate_for_group l
+ in
+ List.iter f groups
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa01c77d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Merge of information from [.ml] and [.mli] for a module.*)
+open Odoc_types
+module Name = Odoc_name
+open Odoc_parameter
+open Odoc_value
+open Odoc_type
+open Odoc_exception
+open Odoc_class
+open Odoc_module
+(** Merge two struture, completing the information of
+ the first one with the information in the second one.
+ The merge treatment depends on a given merge_option list.
+ @return the new info structure.*)
+let merge_info merge_options (m1 : info) (m2 : info) =
+ let new_desc_opt =
+ match m1.i_desc, m2.i_desc with
+ None, None -> None
+ | None, Some d
+ | Some d, None -> Some d
+ | Some d1, Some d2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then
+ Some (d1 @ (Newline :: d2))
+ else
+ Some d1
+ in
+ let new_authors =
+ match m1.i_authors, m2.i_authors with
+ [], [] -> []
+ | l, []
+ | [], l -> l
+ | l1, l2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_author merge_options then
+ l1 @ l2
+ else
+ l1
+ in
+ let new_version =
+ match m1.i_version , m2.i_version with
+ None, None -> None
+ | Some v, None
+ | None, Some v -> Some v
+ | Some v1, Some v2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_version merge_options then
+ Some (v1^" "^v2)
+ else
+ Some v1
+ in
+ let new_sees =
+ match m1.i_sees, m2.i_sees with
+ [], [] -> []
+ | l, []
+ | [], l -> l
+ | l1, l2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_see merge_options then
+ l1 @ l2
+ else
+ l1
+ in
+ let new_since =
+ match m1.i_since, m2.i_since with
+ None, None -> None
+ | Some v, None
+ | None, Some v -> Some v
+ | Some v1, Some v2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_since merge_options then
+ Some (v1^" "^v2)
+ else
+ Some v1
+ in
+ let new_dep =
+ match m1.i_deprecated, m2.i_deprecated with
+ None, None -> None
+ | None, Some t
+ | Some t, None -> Some t
+ | Some t1, Some t2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_deprecated merge_options then
+ Some (t1 @ (Newline :: t2))
+ else
+ Some t1
+ in
+ let new_params =
+ match m1.i_params, m2.i_params with
+ [], [] -> []
+ | l, []
+ | [], l -> l
+ | l1, l2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_param merge_options then
+ (
+ let l_in_m1_and_m2, l_in_m2_only = List.partition
+ (fun (param2, _) -> List.mem_assoc param2 l1)
+ l2
+ in
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (param2, desc2) :: q ->
+ let desc1 = List.assoc param2 l1 in
+ (param2, desc1 @ (Newline :: desc2)) :: (iter q)
+ in
+ let l1_completed = iter l_in_m1_and_m2 in
+ l1_completed @ l_in_m2_only
+ )
+ else
+ l1
+ in
+ let new_raised_exceptions =
+ match m1.i_raised_exceptions, m2.i_raised_exceptions with
+ [], [] -> []
+ | l, []
+ | [], l -> l
+ | l1, l2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_raised_exception merge_options then
+ (
+ let l_in_m1_and_m2, l_in_m2_only = List.partition
+ (fun (exc2, _) -> List.mem_assoc exc2 l1)
+ l2
+ in
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (exc2, desc2) :: q ->
+ let desc1 = List.assoc exc2 l1 in
+ (exc2, desc1 @ (Newline :: desc2)) :: (iter q)
+ in
+ let l1_completed = iter l_in_m1_and_m2 in
+ l1_completed @ l_in_m2_only
+ )
+ else
+ l1
+ in
+ let new_rv =
+ match m1.i_return_value, m2.i_return_value with
+ None, None -> None
+ | None, Some t
+ | Some t, None -> Some t
+ | Some t1, Some t2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_return_value merge_options then
+ Some (t1 @ (Newline :: t2))
+ else
+ Some t1
+ in
+ let new_custom =
+ match m1.i_custom, m2.i_custom with
+ [], [] -> []
+ | [], l
+ | l, [] -> l
+ | l1, l2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_custom merge_options then
+ l1 @ l2
+ else
+ l1
+ in
+ {
+ Odoc_types.i_desc = new_desc_opt ;
+ Odoc_types.i_authors = new_authors ;
+ Odoc_types.i_version = new_version ;
+ Odoc_types.i_sees = new_sees ;
+ Odoc_types.i_since = new_since ;
+ Odoc_types.i_deprecated = new_dep ;
+ Odoc_types.i_params = new_params ;
+ Odoc_types.i_raised_exceptions = new_raised_exceptions ;
+ Odoc_types.i_return_value = new_rv ;
+ Odoc_types.i_custom = new_custom ;
+ }
+(** Merge of two optional info structures. *)
+let merge_info_opt merge_options mli_opt ml_opt =
+ match mli_opt, ml_opt with
+ None, Some i -> Some i
+ | Some i, None -> Some i
+ | None, None -> None
+ | Some i1, Some i2 -> Some (merge_info merge_options i1 i2)
+(** merge of two t_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The .mli type is completed with the information in the .ml type. *)
+let merge_types merge_options mli ml =
+ mli.ty_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.ty_info ml.ty_info;
+ mli.ty_loc <- { mli.ty_loc with loc_impl = ml.ty_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ match mli.ty_kind, ml.ty_kind with
+ Type_abstract, _ ->
+ ()
+ | Type_variant l1, Type_variant l2 ->
+ let f cons =
+ try
+ let cons2 = List.find
+ (fun c2 -> c2.vc_name = cons.vc_name)
+ l2
+ in
+ let new_desc =
+ match cons.vc_text, cons2.vc_text with
+ None, None -> None
+ | Some d, None
+ | None, Some d -> Some d
+ | Some d1, Some d2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then
+ Some (d1 @ d2)
+ else
+ Some d1
+ in
+ cons.vc_text <- new_desc
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then
+ ()
+ else
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name))
+ in
+ List.iter f l1
+ | Type_record l1, Type_record l2 ->
+ let f record =
+ try
+ let record2= List.find
+ (fun r -> r.rf_name = record.rf_name)
+ l2
+ in
+ let new_desc =
+ match record.rf_text, record2.rf_text with
+ None, None -> None
+ | Some d, None
+ | None, Some d -> Some d
+ | Some d1, Some d2 ->
+ if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then
+ Some (d1 @ d2)
+ else
+ Some d1
+ in
+ record.rf_text <- new_desc
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then
+ ()
+ else
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name))
+ in
+ List.iter f l1
+ | _ ->
+ if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then
+ ()
+ else
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name))
+(** Merge of two param_info, one from a .mli, one from a .ml.
+ The text fields are not handled but will be recreated from the
+ i_params field of the info structure.
+ Here, if a parameter in the .mli has no name, we take the one
+ from the .ml. When two parameters have two different forms,
+ we take the one from the .mli. *)
+let rec merge_param_info pi_mli pi_ml =
+ match (pi_mli, pi_ml) with
+ (Simple_name sn_mli, Simple_name sn_ml) ->
+ if sn_mli.sn_name = "" then
+ Simple_name { sn_mli with sn_name = sn_ml.sn_name }
+ else
+ pi_mli
+ | (Simple_name _, Tuple _) ->
+ pi_mli
+ | (Tuple (_, t_mli), Simple_name sn_ml) ->
+ (* if we're here, then the tuple in the .mli has no parameter names ;
+ then we take the name of the parameter of the .ml and the type of the .mli. *)
+ Simple_name { sn_ml with sn_type = t_mli }
+ | (Tuple (l_mli, t_mli), Tuple (l_ml, _)) ->
+ (* if the two tuples have different lengths
+ (which should not occurs), we return the pi_mli,
+ without further investigation.*)
+ if (List.length l_mli) <> (List.length l_ml) then
+ pi_mli
+ else
+ let new_l = List.map2 merge_param_info l_mli l_ml in
+ Tuple (new_l, t_mli)
+(** Merge of the parameters of two functions/methods/classes, one for a .mli, another for a .ml.
+ The prameters in the .mli are completed by the name in the .ml.*)
+let rec merge_parameters param_mli param_ml =
+ match (param_mli, param_ml) with
+ ([], []) -> []
+ | (l, []) | ([], l) -> l
+ | (pi_mli :: li, pi_ml :: l) ->
+ (merge_param_info pi_mli pi_ml) :: merge_parameters li l
+(** Merge of two t_class, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The .mli class is completed with the information in the .ml class. *)
+let merge_classes merge_options mli ml =
+ mli.cl_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.cl_info ml.cl_info;
+ mli.cl_loc <- { mli.cl_loc with loc_impl = ml.cl_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ mli.cl_parameters <- merge_parameters mli.cl_parameters ml.cl_parameters;
+ (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding
+ parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*)
+ Odoc_class.class_update_parameters_text mli;
+ (* merge values *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun a ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_attribute a2 ->
+ if a2.att_value.val_name = a.att_value.val_name then
+ (
+ a.att_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options
+ a.att_value.val_info a2.att_value.val_info;
+ a.att_value.val_loc <- { a.att_value.val_loc with loc_impl = a2.att_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ a.att_value.val_code <- a2.att_value.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last attribute with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_attributes mli);
+ (* merge methods *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_method m2 ->
+ if m2.met_value.val_name = m.met_value.val_name then
+ (
+ m.met_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt
+ merge_options m.met_value.val_info m2.met_value.val_info;
+ m.met_value.val_loc <- { m.met_value.val_loc with loc_impl = m2.met_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* merge the parameter names *)
+ m.met_value.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters
+ m.met_value.val_parameters
+ m2.met_value.val_parameters) ;
+ (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the corresponding
+ parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed by the merge.*)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text m.met_value;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ m.met_value.val_code <- m2.met_value.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last method with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_methods mli)
+(** merge of two t_class_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The .mli class is completed with the information in the .ml class. *)
+let merge_class_types merge_options mli ml =
+ mli.clt_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.clt_info ml.clt_info;
+ mli.clt_loc <- { mli.clt_loc with loc_impl = ml.clt_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* merge values *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun a ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_attribute a2 ->
+ if a2.att_value.val_name = a.att_value.val_name then
+ (
+ a.att_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options
+ a.att_value.val_info a2.att_value.val_info;
+ a.att_value.val_loc <- { a.att_value.val_loc with loc_impl = a2.att_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ a.att_value.val_code <- a2.att_value.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last attribute with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_attributes mli);
+ (* merge methods *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Class_method m2 ->
+ if m2.met_value.val_name = m.met_value.val_name then
+ (
+ m.met_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt
+ merge_options m.met_value.val_info m2.met_value.val_info;
+ m.met_value.val_loc <- { m.met_value.val_loc with loc_impl = m2.met_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ m.met_value.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters
+ m.met_value.val_parameters
+ m2.met_value.val_parameters) ;
+ (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding
+ parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text m.met_value;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ m.met_value.val_code <- m2.met_value.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last method with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_methods mli)
+(** merge of two t_module_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The .mli module is completed with the information in the .ml module. *)
+let rec merge_module_types merge_options mli ml =
+ mli.mt_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.mt_info ml.mt_info;
+ mli.mt_loc <- { mli.mt_loc with loc_impl = ml.mt_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* merge exceptions *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ex ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_exception ex2 ->
+ if ex2.ex_name = ex.ex_name then
+ (
+ ex.ex_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options ex.ex_info ex2.ex_info;
+ ex.ex_loc <- { ex.ex_loc with loc_impl = ex2.ex_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last exception with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_exceptions mli);
+ (* merge types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ty ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_type ty2 ->
+ if ty2.ty_name = ty.ty_name then
+ (
+ merge_types merge_options ty ty2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last type with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_types mli);
+ (* merge submodules *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m2 ->
+ if m2.m_name = m.m_name then
+ (
+ merge_modules merge_options m m2 ;
+ m.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.m_info m2.m_info;
+ m.m_loc <- { m.m_loc with loc_impl = m2.m_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_modules mli);
+ (* merge module types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module_type m2 ->
+ if m2.mt_name = m.mt_name then
+ (
+ merge_module_types merge_options m m2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_module_types mli);
+ (* A VOIR : merge included modules ? *)
+ (* merge values *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_value v2 ->
+ if v2.val_name = v.val_name then
+ (
+ v.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options v.val_info v2.val_info ;
+ v.val_loc <- { v.val_loc with loc_impl = v2.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* in the .mli we don't know any parameters so we add the ones in the .ml *)
+ v.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters
+ v.val_parameters
+ v2.val_parameters) ;
+ (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding
+ parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text v;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ v.val_code <- v2.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_values mli);
+ (* merge classes *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class c2 ->
+ if c2.cl_name = c.cl_name then
+ (
+ merge_classes merge_options c c2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_classes mli);
+ (* merge class types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class_type c2 ->
+ if c2.clt_name = c.clt_name then
+ (
+ merge_class_types merge_options c c2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_class_types mli)
+(** merge of two t_module, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The .mli module is completed with the information in the .ml module. *)
+and merge_modules merge_options mli ml =
+ mli.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.m_info ml.m_info;
+ mli.m_loc <- { mli.m_loc with loc_impl = ml.m_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* More dependencies in the .ml file. *)
+ mli.m_top_deps <- ml.m_top_deps ;
+ (* merge exceptions *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ex ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_exception ex2 ->
+ if ex2.ex_name = ex.ex_name then
+ (
+ ex.ex_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options ex.ex_info ex2.ex_info;
+ ex.ex_loc <- { ex.ex_loc with loc_impl = ex.ex_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last exception with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_exceptions mli);
+ (* merge types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ty ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_type ty2 ->
+ if ty2.ty_name = ty.ty_name then
+ (
+ merge_types merge_options ty ty2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last type with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_types mli);
+ (* merge submodules *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m2 ->
+ if m2.m_name = m.m_name then
+ (
+ merge_modules merge_options m m2 ;
+ m.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.m_info m2.m_info;
+ m.m_loc <- { m.m_loc with loc_impl = m2.m_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_modules mli);
+ (* merge module types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun m ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module_type m2 ->
+ if m2.mt_name = m.mt_name then
+ (
+ merge_module_types merge_options m m2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_module_types mli);
+ (* A VOIR : merge included modules ? *)
+ (* merge values *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun v2 ->
+ if v2.val_name = v.val_name then
+ (
+ v.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options v.val_info v2.val_info ;
+ v.val_loc <- { v.val_loc with loc_impl = v2.val_loc.loc_impl } ;
+ (* in the .mli we don't know any parameters so we add the ones in the .ml *)
+ v.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters
+ v.val_parameters
+ v2.val_parameters) ;
+ (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding
+ parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text v;
+ if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
+ v.val_code <- v2.val_code;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_values ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_values mli);
+ (* merge classes *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class c2 ->
+ if c2.cl_name = c.cl_name then
+ (
+ merge_classes merge_options c c2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_classes mli);
+ (* merge class types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ try
+ let _ = List.find
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class_type c2 ->
+ if c2.clt_name = c.clt_name then
+ (
+ merge_class_types merge_options c c2;
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *)
+ (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml))
+ in
+ ()
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_class_types mli);
+ mli
+let merge merge_options modules_list =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> []
+ | m :: q ->
+ (* look for another module with the same name *)
+ let (l_same, l_others) = List.partition
+ (fun m2 -> m.m_name = m2.m_name)
+ q
+ in
+ match l_same with
+ [] ->
+ (* no other module to merge with *)
+ m :: (iter l_others)
+ | m2 :: [] ->
+ (
+ (* we can merge m with m2 if there is an implementation
+ and an interface.*)
+ let f b = if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then not b else b in
+ match f m.m_is_interface, f m2.m_is_interface with
+ true, false -> (merge_modules merge_options m m2) :: (iter l_others)
+ | false, true -> (merge_modules merge_options m2 m) :: (iter l_others)
+ | false, false ->
+ if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then
+ (* two Module.ts for the .mli ! *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_interfaces m.m_name))
+ else
+ (* two Module.t for the .ml ! *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_implementations m.m_name))
+ | true, true ->
+ if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then
+ (* two Module.t for the .ml ! *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_implementations m.m_name))
+ else
+ (* two Module.ts for the .mli ! *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_interfaces m.m_name))
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* two many Module.t ! *)
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.too_many_module_objects m.m_name))
+ in
+ iter modules_list
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_merge.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_merge.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44e89ee61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_merge.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Merge of information from [.ml] and [.mli] for a module.*)
+(** Merge of two optional info structures.
+ Used to merge a comment before and a comment after
+ an element in [Odoc_sig.Analyser.analyse_signature_item_desc]. *)
+val merge_info_opt :
+ Odoc_types.merge_option list ->
+ option ->
+ option ->
+ option
+(** Merge of modules which represent the same OCaml module, in a list of t_module.
+ There must be at most two t_module for the same OCaml module, one for a .mli, another for the .ml.
+ The function returns the list of t_module where same modules have been merged, according
+ to the given merge_option list.*)
+val merge :
+ Odoc_types.merge_option list ->
+ Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_module.t_module list
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a05e1603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The messages of the application. *)
+let ok = "Ok"
+let software = "OCamldoc"
+let version = "3.04-Pre4"
+let message_version = software^" "^version
+(** Messages for command line *)
+let usage = "Usage : "^(Sys.argv.(0))^" [options] <files>\n"
+let options_are = "Options are :"
+let option_version = " Print version and exit"
+let latex_only = "(LaTeX only)"
+let html_only = "(HTML only)"
+let iso_only = "(ISO only)"
+let verbose_mode = " verbose mode"
+let include_dirs = "<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories"
+let rectypes = " Allow arbitrary recursive types"
+let preprocess = "<command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>"
+let load_file = "<[o|a]> Load file defining a new documentation generator"
+let nolabels = " Ignore non-optional labels in types"
+let werr = "Treat ocamldoc warnings as errors"
+let target_dir = "<dir> Generate files in directory <dir>, rather than in current directory"
+let dump = "<file> Dump collected information into <file>"
+let load = "<file> Load information from <file> ; may be used several times"
+let css_style = "<file> Use content of <file> as CSS style definition "^html_only
+let index_only = " Generate index files only "^html_only
+let colorize_code = "Colorize code even in documentation pages "^html_only
+let generate_html = " Generate HTML documentation"
+let generate_latex = " Generate LaTeX documentation"
+let generate_man = " Generate man pages"
+let generate_iso = " Generate boring check report"
+let generate_dot = " Generate dot code of top modules dependencies"
+let default_dot_file = ""
+let dot_file = "<file> Set the file to use to output the dot code "^
+ "(default is "^default_dot_file^")"
+let dot_include_all = " include all modules in the dot output,\n"^
+ " not only the modules given on the command line"
+let dot_types = " generate dependency graph for types instead of modules"
+let default_dot_colors = [ "darkturquoise" ; "darkgoldenrod2" ; "cyan" ; "green" ; "magenta" ; "yellow" ;
+ "burlywood1" ; "aquamarine" ; "floralwhite" ; "lightpink" ;
+ "lightblue" ; "mediumturquoise" ; "salmon" ; "slategray3" ;
+ ]
+let dot_colors = "<c1,c2,...,cn> use colors c1,c1,...,cn in the dot output\n"^
+ " (default list is "^(String.concat "," default_dot_colors)^")"
+let dot_reduce = " perform a transitive reduction on the selected dependency graph before the dot output\n"
+let option_title = "<title> use <title> as title for the generated documentation"
+let with_parameter_list = " display the complete list of parameters for functions and methods "^html_only
+let hide_modules = " <M1,M2.M3,...> Hide the given complete module names in generated doc"
+let no_header = " Suppress header in generated documentation "^latex_only
+let no_trailer = " Suppress trailer in generated documentation "^latex_only
+let separate_files = " Generate one file per toplevel module "^latex_only
+let latex_title ref_titles =
+ "n,style associate {n } to the given sectionning style\n"^
+ " (e.g. 'section') in the latex output "^latex_only^"\n"^
+ " Default sectionning is:\n"^
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ ( (fun (n,t) -> Printf.sprintf " %d -> %s" n t) !ref_titles))
+let no_toc = " Do not generate table of contents "^latex_only
+let sort_modules = " Sort the list of top modules before generating the documentation"
+let no_stop = " Do not stop at (**/**) comments"
+let no_custom_tags = " Do not allow custom @-tags"
+let remove_stars = " Remove beginning blanks of comment lines, until the first '*'"
+let keep_code = " Always keep code when available"
+let inverse_merge_ml_mli = "Inverse implementations and interfaces when merging"
+let merge_description = ('d', "merge description")
+let merge_author = ('a', "merge @author")
+let merge_version = ('v', "merge @version")
+let merge_see = ('l', "merge @see")
+let merge_since = ('s', "merge @since")
+let merge_deprecated = ('o', "merge @deprecated")
+let merge_param = ('p', "merge @param")
+let merge_raised_exception = ('e', "merge @raise")
+let merge_return_value = ('r', "merge @return")
+let merge_custom = ('c', "merge custom @-tags")
+let merge_all = ('A', "merge all")
+let options_can_be = " <options> can be one or more of the following characters:"
+let string_of_options_list l =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun (c, m) -> acc^"\n "^(String.make 1 c)^" "^m)
+ ""
+ l
+let merge_options =
+ "<options> specify merge options between .mli and .ml\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list
+ [ merge_description ;
+ merge_author ;
+ merge_version ;
+ merge_see ;
+ merge_since ;
+ merge_deprecated ;
+ merge_param ;
+ merge_raised_exception ;
+ merge_return_value ;
+ merge_custom ;
+ merge_all ]
+ )
+let iso_description = 'd', "description is mandatory"
+let iso_author = 'a', "author information is mandatory"
+let iso_since = 's', "@since tag is mandatory"
+let iso_version = 'v', "@version tag is mandatory"
+let iso_return = 'r', "@return tag is mandatory"
+let iso_params = 'p', "all named parameters must be described"
+let iso_fields_described = 'f', "All fields of a record type must be described"
+let iso_constructors_described = 'c', "All constructors of a type must be described"
+let iso_all = 'A', "all iso checks"
+let iso_base_option_list = [ iso_description ; iso_author ; iso_version ; iso_since ; iso_all ]
+let iso_type_options =
+ "<options> specify iso checks to perform on each type "^iso_only^"\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list ([iso_fields_described ; iso_constructors_described] @ iso_base_option_list))
+let iso_val_met_att_options =
+ "<options> specify iso checks to perform on each value, method or attribute "^iso_only^"\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list (iso_params :: iso_return :: iso_base_option_list ))
+let iso_exception_options =
+ "<options> specify iso checks to perform on each exception "^iso_only^"\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list iso_base_option_list)
+let iso_class_options =
+ "<options> specify iso checks to perform on each class and class type "^iso_only^"\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list (iso_params :: iso_base_option_list))
+let iso_module_options =
+ "<options> specify iso checks to perform on each module and module type "^iso_only^"\n"^
+ options_can_be^
+ (string_of_options_list iso_base_option_list)
+(** Error and warning messages *)
+let warning = "Warning"
+let pwarning s =
+ prerr_endline (warning^": "^s);
+ if !Odoc_global.warn_error then incr Odoc_global.errors
+let not_a_module_name s = s^" is not a valid module name"
+let load_file_error f e = "Error while loading file "^f^":\n"^e^"\n"
+let wrong_format s = "Wrong format for \""^s^"\""
+let errors_occured n = (string_of_int n)^" error(s) encountered"
+let parse_error = "Parse error"
+let text_parse_error l c s =
+ let lines = Str.split (Str.regexp_string "\n") s in
+ "Syntax error in text:\n"^s^"\n"^
+ "line "^(string_of_int l)^", character "^(string_of_int c)^":\n"^
+ (List.nth lines l)^"\n"^
+ (String.make c ' ')^"^"
+let tag_not_handled tag = "Tag @"^tag^" not handled by this generator"
+let bad_tree = "Incorrect tree structure."
+let not_a_valid_tag s = s^" is not a valid tag."
+let fun_without_param f = "Function "^f^" has no parameter.";;
+let method_without_param f = "Méthode "^f^" has no parameter.";;
+let anonymous_parameters f = "Function "^f^" has anonymous parameters."
+let function_colon f = "Function "^f^": "
+let implicit_match_in_parameter = "Parameters contain implicit pattern matching."
+let unknown_extension f = "Unknown extension for file "^f^"."
+let two_implementations name = "There are two implementations of module "^name^"."
+let two_interfaces name = "There are two interfaces of module "^name^"."
+let too_many_module_objects name = "There are two many interfaces/implementation of module "^name^"."
+let exception_not_found_in_implementation exc m = "Exception "^exc^" was not found in implementation of module "^m^"."
+let type_not_found_in_implementation exc m = "Type "^exc^" was not found in implementation of module "^m^"."
+let module_not_found_in_implementation m m2 = "Module "^m^" was not found in implementation of module "^m2^"."
+let value_not_found_in_implementation v m = "Value "^v^" was not found in implementation of module "^m^"."
+let class_not_found_in_implementation c m = "Class "^c^" was not found in implementation of module "^m^"."
+let attribute_not_found_in_implementation a c = "Attribute "^a^" was not found in implementation of class "^c^"."
+let method_not_found_in_implementation m c = "Method "^m^" was not found in implementation of class "^c^"."
+let different_types t = "Definition of type "^t^" doesn't match from interface to implementation."
+let attribute_type_not_found cl att = "The type of the attribute "^att^" could not be found in the signature of class "^cl^"."
+let method_type_not_found cl met = "The type of the method "^met^" could not be found in the signature of class "^cl^"."
+let module_not_found m m2 = "The module "^m2^" could not be found in the signature of module "^m^"."
+let module_type_not_found m mt = "The module type "^mt^" could not be found in the signature of module "^m^"."
+let type_not_found_in_typedtree t = "Type "^t^" was not found in typed tree."
+let exception_not_found_in_typedtree e = "Exception "^e^" was not found in typed tree."
+let module_type_not_found_in_typedtree mt = "Module type "^mt^" was not found in typed tree."
+let module_not_found_in_typedtree m = "Module "^m^" was not found in typed tree."
+let class_not_found_in_typedtree c = "Class "^c^" was not found in typed tree."
+let class_type_not_found_in_typedtree ct = "Class type "^ct^" was not found in typed tree."
+let inherit_classexp_not_found_in_typedtree n = "Inheritance class expression number "^(string_of_int n)^" was not found in typed tree."
+let attribute_not_found_in_typedtree att = "Class attribute "^att^" was not found in typed tree."
+let method_not_found_in_typedtree met = "Class method "^met^" was not found in typed tree."
+let cross_module_not_found n = "Module "^n^" not found"
+let cross_module_type_not_found n = "Module type "^n^" not found"
+let cross_module_or_module_type_not_found n = "Module or module type "^n^" not found"
+let cross_class_not_found n = "Class "^n^" not found"
+let cross_class_type_not_found n = "class type "^n^" not found"
+let cross_class_or_class_type_not_found n = "Class or class type "^n^" not found"
+let cross_exception_not_found n = "Exception "^n^" not found"
+let cross_element_not_found n = "Element "^n^" not found"
+let object_end = "object ... end"
+let struct_end = "struct ... end"
+let sig_end = "sig ... end"
+(** Messages for verbose mode. *)
+let analysing f = "Analysing file "^f^"..."
+let merging = "Merging..."
+let cross_referencing = "Cross referencing..."
+let generating_doc = "Generating documentation..."
+let loading f = "Loading "^f^"..."
+(** Messages for documentation generation.*)
+let modul = "Module"
+let modules = "Modules"
+let functors = "Functors"
+let values = "Simple values"
+let types = "Types"
+let exceptions = "Exceptions"
+let record = "Record"
+let variant = "Variant"
+let mutab = "mutable"
+let functions = "Functions"
+let parameters = "Parameters"
+let abstract = "Abstract"
+let functo = "Functor"
+let clas = "Class"
+let classes = "Classes"
+let attributes = "Attributes"
+let methods = "Methods"
+let authors = "Author(s)"
+let version = "Version"
+let since = "Since"
+let deprecated = "Deprecated !"
+let raises = "Raises"
+let returns = "Returns"
+let inherits = "Inherits"
+let inheritance = "Inheritance"
+let privat = "private"
+let module_type = "Module type"
+let class_type = "Class type"
+let description = "Description"
+let interface = "Interface"
+let type_parameters = "Type parameters"
+let class_types = "Class types"
+let module_types = "Module types"
+let see_also = "See also"
+let documentation = "Documentation"
+let index_of = "Index of"
+let top = "Top"
+let index_of_values = index_of^" values"
+let index_of_exceptions = index_of^" exceptions"
+let index_of_types = index_of^" types"
+let index_of_attributes = index_of^" class attributes"
+let index_of_methods = index_of^" class methods"
+let index_of_classes = index_of^" classes"
+let index_of_class_types = index_of^" class types"
+let index_of_modules = index_of^" modules"
+let index_of_module_types = index_of^" module types"
+let previous = "Previous"
+let next = "Next"
+let up = "Up"
+(** iso report messages *)
+let has_no_description n = n^" has no description."
+let has_no_author n = n^" has no author."
+let has_no_since n = n^" has no @since tag."
+let has_no_version n = n^" has no @version tag."
+let has_no_return n = n^" has no @return tag."
+let has_not_all_params_described n = n^" has not all its parameters described."
+let has_not_all_fields_described n = n^" has not all its fields described."
+let has_not_all_cons_described n = n^" has not all its constructors described."
+let value_n n = "Value "^n
+let type_n n = "Type "^n
+let exception_n n = "Exception "^n
+let attribute_n n = "Attribute "^n
+let method_n n = "Method "^n
+let class_n n = "Class "^n
+let class_type_n n = "Class type "^n
+let module_n n = "Module "^n
+let module_type_n n = "Module type "^n
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2e739117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+let input_file_as_string nom =
+ let chanin = open_in nom in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 80 in
+ let rec iter () =
+ try
+ Buffer.add_string buf ((input_line chanin)^"\n");
+ iter ()
+ with
+ End_of_file -> ()
+ in
+ iter ();
+ close_in chanin;
+ let len = Buffer.length buf in
+ if len <= 1 then
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ else
+ (String.sub (Buffer.contents buf) 0 (len - 1))
+let string_of_longident li = String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li)
+let string_of_type_expr t =
+ Printtyp.mark_loops t;
+ Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t;
+ let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ s
+let string_of_type_list sep type_list =
+ let rec need_parent t =
+ match t.Types.desc with
+ Types.Tarrow _ | Types.Ttuple _ -> true
+ | Types.Tlink t2 | Types.Tsubst t2 -> need_parent t2
+ | Types.Tconstr _ ->
+ false
+ | Types.Tvar | Types.Tobject _
+ | Types.Tfield _ | Types.Tnil | Types.Tvariant _ -> false
+ in
+ let print_one_type t =
+ Printtyp.mark_loops t;
+ if need_parent t then
+ (
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "(" ;
+ Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t;
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter ")"
+ )
+ else
+ Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t
+ in
+ begin match type_list with
+ [] -> ()
+ | [ty] -> print_one_type ty
+ | ty :: tyl ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>";
+ print_one_type ty;
+ List.iter
+ (fun t -> Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@,%s" sep; print_one_type t)
+ tyl;
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@]"
+ end;
+ Format.flush_str_formatter()
+let string_of_module_type t =
+ Printtyp.modtype Format.str_formatter t;
+ let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ s
+let string_of_class_type t =
+ Printtyp.class_type Format.str_formatter t;
+ let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ s
+let get_fields type_expr =
+ let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields type_expr) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (label, field_kind, typ) ->
+ match field_kind with
+ Types.Fabsent ->
+ acc
+ | _ ->
+ if label = "*dummy method*" then
+ acc
+ else
+ acc @ [label, typ]
+ )
+ []
+ fields
+let rec string_of_text t =
+ let rec iter t_ele =
+ match t_ele with
+ | Odoc_types.Raw s
+ | Odoc_types.Code s
+ | Odoc_types.CodePre s
+ | Odoc_types.Verbatim s -> s
+ | Odoc_types.Bold t
+ | Odoc_types.Italic t
+ | Odoc_types.Center t
+ | Odoc_types.Left t
+ | Odoc_types.Right t
+ | Odoc_types.Emphasize t -> string_of_text t
+ | Odoc_types.List l ->
+ (String.concat ""
+ ( (fun t -> "\n- "^(string_of_text t)) l))^
+ "\n"
+ | Odoc_types.Enum l ->
+ let rec f n = function
+ [] -> "\n"
+ | t :: q ->
+ "\n"^(string_of_int n)^". "^(string_of_text t)^
+ (f (n + 1) q)
+ in
+ f 1 l
+ | Odoc_types.Newline -> "\n"
+ | Odoc_types.Block t -> "\t"^(string_of_text t)^"\n"
+ | Odoc_types.Title (_, _, t) -> "\n"^(string_of_text t)^"\n"
+ | Odoc_types.Latex s -> "{% "^s^" %}"
+ | Odoc_types.Link (s, t) ->
+ "["^s^"]"^(string_of_text t)
+ | Odoc_types.Ref (name, _) ->
+ iter (Odoc_types.Code name)
+ | Odoc_types.Superscript t ->
+ "^{"^(string_of_text t)^"}"
+ | Odoc_types.Subscript t ->
+ "^{"^(string_of_text t)^"}"
+ in
+ String.concat "" ( iter t)
+let string_of_author_list l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ ""
+ | _ ->
+ "* "^Odoc_messages.authors^":\n"^
+ (String.concat ", " l)^
+ "\n"
+let string_of_version_opt v_opt =
+ match v_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some v -> Odoc_messages.version^": "^v^"\n"
+let string_of_since_opt s_opt =
+ match s_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> Odoc_messages.since^" "^s^"\n"
+let string_of_raised_exceptions l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | (s, t) :: [] -> Odoc_messages.raises^" "^s^" "^(string_of_text t)^"\n"
+ | _ ->
+ Odoc_messages.raises^"\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) -> "- "^ex^" "^(string_of_text desc)^"\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n"
+let string_of_see (see_ref, t) =
+ let t_ref =
+ match see_ref with
+ Odoc_types.See_url s -> [ Odoc_types.Link (s, t) ]
+ | Odoc_types.See_file s -> (Odoc_types.Code s) :: (Odoc_types.Raw " ") :: t
+ | Odoc_types.See_doc s -> (Odoc_types.Italic [Odoc_types.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_types.Raw " ") :: t
+ in
+ string_of_text t_ref
+let string_of_sees l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ | see :: [] -> Odoc_messages.see_also^" "^(string_of_see see)^" \n"
+ | _ ->
+ Odoc_messages.see_also^"\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun see -> "- "^(string_of_see see)^"\n")
+ l
+ )
+ )^"\n"
+let string_of_return_opt return_opt =
+ match return_opt with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some s -> Odoc_messages.returns^" "^(string_of_text s)^"\n"
+let string_of_info i =
+ let module M = Odoc_types in
+ (match i.M.i_deprecated with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d -> Odoc_messages.deprecated^"! "^(string_of_text d)^"\n")^
+ (match i.M.i_desc with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some d when d = [Odoc_types.Raw ""] -> ""
+ | Some d -> (string_of_text d)^"\n"
+ )^
+ (string_of_author_list i.M.i_authors)^
+ (string_of_version_opt i.M.i_version)^
+ (string_of_since_opt i.M.i_since)^
+ (string_of_raised_exceptions i.M.i_raised_exceptions)^
+ (string_of_return_opt i.M.i_return_value)
+let apply_opt f v_opt =
+ match v_opt with
+ None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (f v)
+let string_of_date ?(hour=true) d =
+ let add_0 s = if String.length s < 2 then "0"^s else s in
+ let t = Unix.localtime d in
+ (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_year + 1900))^"-"^
+ (add_0 (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_mon + 1)))^"-"^
+ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_mday))^
+ (
+ if hour then
+ " "^
+ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_hour))^":"^
+ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_min))
+ else
+ ""
+ )
+let rec get_before_dot s =
+ try
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let n = String.index s '.' in
+ if n + 1 >= len then
+ (* le point est le dernier caractčre *)
+ (true, s, "")
+ else
+ match s.[n+1] with
+ ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' ->
+ (true, String.sub s 0 (n+1),
+ String.sub s (n+1) (len - n - 1))
+ | _ ->
+ let b, s2, s_after = get_before_dot (String.sub s (n + 1) (len - n - 1)) in
+ (b, (String.sub s 0 (n+1))^s2, s_after)
+ with
+ Not_found -> (false, s, "")
+let rec first_sentence_text t =
+ match t with
+ [] -> (false, [], [])
+ | ele :: q ->
+ let (stop, ele2, ele3_opt) = first_sentence_text_ele ele in
+ if stop then
+ (stop, [ele2],
+ match ele3_opt with None -> q | Some e -> e :: q)
+ else
+ let (stop2, q2, rest) = first_sentence_text q in
+ (stop2, ele2 :: q2, rest)
+and first_sentence_text_ele text_ele =
+ match text_ele with
+ | Odoc_types.Raw s ->
+ let b, s2, s_after = get_before_dot s in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Raw s2, Some (Odoc_types.Raw s_after))
+ | Odoc_types.Code _
+ | Odoc_types.CodePre _
+ | Odoc_types.Verbatim _ -> (false, text_ele, None)
+ | Odoc_types.Bold t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Bold t2, Some (Odoc_types.Bold t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Italic t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Italic t2, Some (Odoc_types.Italic t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Center t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Center t2, Some (Odoc_types.Center t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Left t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Left t2, Some (Odoc_types.Left t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Right t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Right t2, Some (Odoc_types.Right t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Emphasize t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Emphasize t2, Some (Odoc_types.Emphasize t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Block t ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b, Odoc_types.Block t2, Some (Odoc_types.Block t3))
+ | Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t) ->
+ let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (b,
+ Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t2),
+ Some (Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t3)))
+ | Odoc_types.Newline ->
+ (true, Odoc_types.Raw "", Some Odoc_types.Newline)
+ | Odoc_types.List _
+ | Odoc_types.Enum _
+ | Odoc_types.Latex _
+ | Odoc_types.Link _
+ | Odoc_types.Ref _
+ | Odoc_types.Superscript _
+ | Odoc_types.Subscript _ -> (false, text_ele, None)
+let first_sentence_of_text t =
+ let (_,t2,_) = first_sentence_text t in
+ t2
+let first_sentence_and_rest_of_text t =
+ let (_,t1, t2) = first_sentence_text t in
+ (t1, t2)
+let create_index_lists elements string_of_ele =
+ let rec f current acc0 acc1 acc2 = function
+ [] -> (acc0 :: acc1) @ [acc2]
+ | ele :: q ->
+ let s = string_of_ele ele in
+ match s with
+ "" -> f current acc0 acc1 (acc2 @ [ele]) q
+ | _ ->
+ let first = Char.uppercase s.[0] in
+ match first with
+ 'A' .. 'Z' ->
+ if current = first then
+ f current acc0 acc1 (acc2 @ [ele]) q
+ else
+ f first acc0 (acc1 @ [acc2]) [ele] q
+ | _ ->
+ f current (acc0 @ [ele]) acc1 acc2 q
+ in
+ f '_' [] [] [] elements
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c54481cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Miscelaneous functions *)
+(** This function returns a file in the form of one string.*)
+val input_file_as_string : string -> string
+(** This function creates a string from a Longident.t .*)
+val string_of_longident : Longident.t -> string
+(** This function takes a Types.type_expr and returns a string.
+ It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
+val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
+(** This function returns a string to represent the given list of types,
+ with a given separator. It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
+val string_of_type_list : string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type]. *)
+val string_of_module_type : Types.module_type -> string
+(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type]. *)
+val string_of_class_type : Types.class_type -> string
+(** This function returns the list of (label, type_expr) describing
+ the methods of a type_expr in a Tobject.*)
+val get_fields : Types.type_expr -> (string * Types.type_expr) list
+(** get a string from a text *)
+val string_of_text : Odoc_types.text -> string
+(** @return a string for an authors list. *)
+val string_of_author_list : string list -> string
+(** @return a string for the given optional version information.*)
+val string_of_version_opt : string option -> string
+(** @return a string for the given optional since information.*)
+val string_of_since_opt : string option -> string
+(** @return a string for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
+val string_of_raised_exceptions : (string * Odoc_types.text) list -> string
+(** @return a string for the given "see also" reference.*)
+val string_of_see : Odoc_types.see_ref * Odoc_types.text -> string
+(** @return a string for the given list of "see also" references.*)
+val string_of_sees : (Odoc_types.see_ref * Odoc_types.text) list -> string
+(** @return a string for the given optional return information.*)
+val string_of_return_opt : Odoc_types.text option -> string
+(** get a string from a structure *)
+val string_of_info : -> string
+(** Apply a function to an optional value. *)
+val apply_opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
+(** Return a string representing a date given as a number of seconds
+ since 1970. The hour is optionnaly displayed. *)
+val string_of_date : ?hour:bool -> float -> string
+(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot) of a text.
+ Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [Verbatim], [List], [Lnum],
+ [Latex], [Link], or [Ref]. *)
+val first_sentence_of_text : Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text
+(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot) of a text,
+ and the remaining text after.
+ Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [Verbatim], [List], [Lnum],
+ [Latex], [Link], or [Ref]. *)
+val first_sentence_and_rest_of_text :
+ Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text * Odoc_types.text
+(** Take a sorted list of elements, a function to get the name
+ of an element and return the list of list of elements,
+ where each list group elements beginning by the same letter.
+ Since the original list is sorted, elements whose name does not
+ begin with a letter should be in the first returned list.*)
+val create_index_lists : 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list list
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45c5fd222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of modules and module types. *)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+module Name = Odoc_name
+(** To keep the order of elements in a module. *)
+type module_element =
+ Element_module of t_module
+ | Element_module_type of t_module_type
+ | Element_included_module of included_module
+ | Element_class of Odoc_class.t_class
+ | Element_class_type of Odoc_class.t_class_type
+ | Element_value of Odoc_value.t_value
+ | Element_exception of Odoc_exception.t_exception
+ | Element_type of Odoc_type.t_type
+ | Element_module_comment of Odoc_types.text
+(** Used where we can reference t_module or t_module_type *)
+and mmt =
+ | Mod of t_module
+ | Modtype of t_module_type
+and included_module = {
+ im_name : Name.t ; (** the name of the included module *)
+ mutable im_module : mmt option ; (** the included module or module type *)
+ }
+and module_alias = {
+ ma_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable ma_module : mmt option ; (** the real module or module type if we could associate it *)
+ }
+(** Different kinds of module. *)
+and module_kind =
+ | Module_struct of module_element list
+ | Module_alias of module_alias (** complete name and corresponding module if we found it *)
+ | Module_functor of (Odoc_parameter.module_parameter list) * module_kind
+ | Module_apply of module_kind * module_kind
+ | Module_with of module_type_kind * string
+ | Module_constraint of module_kind * module_type_kind
+(** Representation of a module. *)
+and t_module = {
+ m_name : Name.t ;
+ m_type : Types.module_type option ;
+ (** It is [None] when we had only the .ml file and it is a top module. *)
+ mutable m_info : option ;
+ m_is_interface : bool ; (** true for modules read from interface files *)
+ m_file : string ; (** the file the module is defined in. *)
+ mutable m_kind : module_kind ;
+ mutable m_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ mutable m_top_deps : Name.t list ; (** The toplevels module names this module depends on. *)
+ }
+and module_type_alias = {
+ mta_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable mta_module : t_module_type option ; (** the real module type if we could associate it *)
+ }
+(** Different kinds of module type. *)
+and module_type_kind =
+ | Module_type_struct of module_element list
+ | Module_type_functor of (Odoc_parameter.module_parameter list) * module_type_kind
+ | Module_type_alias of module_type_alias (** complete name and corresponding module type if we found it *)
+ | Module_type_with of module_type_kind * string (** the module type kind and the code of the with constraint *)
+(** Representation of a module type. *)
+and t_module_type = {
+ mt_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable mt_info : option ;
+ mt_type : Types.module_type option ; (** [None] = abstract module type *)
+ mt_is_interface : bool ; (** true for modules read from interface files *)
+ mt_file : string ; (** the file the module type is defined in. *)
+ mutable mt_kind : module_type_kind option ; (** [None] = abstract module type if mt_type = None ;
+ Always [None] when the module type was extracted from the implementation file. *)
+ mutable mt_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
+(** {2 Functions} *)
+(** Returns the list of values from a list of module_element. *)
+let values l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_value v -> acc @ [v]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of types from a list of module_element. *)
+let types l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_type t -> acc @ [t]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of exceptions from a list of module_element. *)
+let exceptions l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_exception e -> acc @ [e]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of classes from a list of module_element. *)
+let classes l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class c -> acc @ [c]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of class types from a list of module_element. *)
+let class_types l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_class_type ct -> acc @ [ct]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of modules from a list of module_element. *)
+let modules l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module m -> acc @ [m]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of module types from a list of module_element. *)
+let mod_types l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module_type mt -> acc @ [mt]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of module comment from a list of module_element. *)
+let comments l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_module_comment t -> acc @ [t]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of included modules from a list of module_element. *)
+let included_modules l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Element_included_module m -> acc @ [m]
+ | _ -> acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+(** Returns the list of elements of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let rec module_elements ?(trans=true) m =
+ let rec iter_kind = function
+ Module_struct l -> l
+ | Module_alias ma ->
+ if trans then
+ match ma.ma_module with
+ None -> []
+ | Some (Mod m) -> module_elements m
+ | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_elements mt
+ else
+ []
+ | Module_functor (_, k)
+ | Module_apply (k, _) -> iter_kind k
+ | Module_with (tk,_) ->
+ module_type_elements ~trans: trans
+ { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ;
+ mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc ;
+ }
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ (* A VOIR : utiliser k ou tk ? *)
+ module_elements ~trans: trans
+ { m_name = "" ; m_info = None ; m_type = None ;
+ m_is_interface = false ; m_file = "" ; m_kind = k ;
+ m_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc ;
+ m_top_deps = [] ;
+ }
+ module_type_elements ~trans: trans
+ { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ;
+ mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc }
+ in
+ iter_kind m.m_kind
+(** Returns the list of elements of a module type.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+and module_type_elements ?(trans=true) mt =
+ let rec iter_kind = function
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (Module_type_struct l) -> l
+ | Some (Module_type_functor (_, k)) -> iter_kind (Some k)
+ | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) ->
+ if trans then
+ iter_kind (Some k)
+ else
+ []
+ | Some (Module_type_alias mta) ->
+ if trans then
+ match mta.mta_module with
+ None -> []
+ | Some mt -> module_type_elements mt
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ iter_kind mt.mt_kind
+(** Returns the list of values of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_values ?(trans=true) m = values (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of functional values of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_functions ?(trans=true) m =
+ List.filter
+ (fun v -> Odoc_value.is_function v)
+ (values (module_elements ~trans m))
+(** Returns the list of non-functional values of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_simple_values ?(trans=true) m =
+ List.filter
+ (fun v -> not (Odoc_value.is_function v))
+ (values (module_elements ~trans m))
+(** Returns the list of types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_types ?(trans=true) m = types (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of excptions of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_exceptions ?(trans=true) m = exceptions (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of classes of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_classes ?(trans=true) m = classes (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of class types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_class_types ?(trans=true) m = class_types (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of modules of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_modules ?(trans=true) m = modules (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of module types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_module_types ?(trans=true) m = mod_types (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of included module of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_included_modules ?(trans=true) m = included_modules (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of comments of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_comments ?(trans=true) m = comments (module_elements ~trans m)
+(** Access to the parameters, for a functor type.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let rec module_type_parameters ?(trans=true) mt =
+ let rec iter k =
+ match k with
+ Some (Module_type_functor (params, _)) ->
+ (
+ (* we create the couple (parameter, description opt), using
+ the description of the parameter if we can find it in the comment.*)
+ match mt.mt_info with
+ None ->
+ (fun p -> (p, None)) params
+ | Some i ->
+ (fun p ->
+ try
+ let d = List.assoc p.Odoc_parameter.mp_name i.Odoc_types.i_params in
+ (p, Some d)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (p, None)
+ )
+ params
+ )
+ | Some (Module_type_alias mta) ->
+ if trans then
+ match mta.mta_module with
+ None -> []
+ | Some mt2 -> module_type_parameters ~trans mt2
+ else
+ []
+ | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) ->
+ if trans then
+ iter (Some k)
+ else
+ []
+ | Some (Module_type_struct _) ->
+ []
+ | None ->
+ []
+ in
+ iter mt.mt_kind
+(** Access to the parameters, for a functor.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+and module_parameters ?(trans=true) m =
+ match m.m_kind with
+ Module_functor (params, _) ->
+ (
+ (* we create the couple (parameter, description opt), using
+ the description of the parameter if we can find it in the comment.*)
+ match m.m_info with
+ None ->
+ (fun p -> (p, None)) params
+ | Some i ->
+ (fun p ->
+ try
+ let d = List.assoc p.Odoc_parameter.mp_name i.Odoc_types.i_params in
+ (p, Some d)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (p, None)
+ )
+ params
+ )
+ | Module_alias ma ->
+ if trans then
+ match ma.ma_module with
+ None -> []
+ | Some (Mod m) -> module_parameters ~trans m
+ | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_parameters ~trans mt
+ else
+ []
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ module_type_parameters ~trans: trans
+ { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ;
+ mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ;
+ mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc }
+ | Module_struct _
+ | Module_apply _
+ | Module_with _ ->
+ []
+(** access to all submodules and sudmobules of submodules ... of the given module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let rec module_all_submodules ?(trans=true) m =
+ let l = module_modules ~trans m in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_submodules ~trans m))
+ l
+ l
+(** The module type is a functor if is defined as a functor or if it is an alias for a functor. *)
+let rec module_type_is_functor mt =
+ let rec iter k =
+ match k with
+ Some (Module_type_functor _) -> true
+ | Some (Module_type_alias mta) ->
+ (
+ match mta.mta_module with
+ None -> false
+ | Some mtyp -> module_type_is_functor mtyp
+ )
+ | Some (Module_type_with (k, _)) ->
+ iter (Some k)
+ | Some (Module_type_struct _)
+ | None -> false
+ in
+ iter mt.mt_kind
+(** The module is a functor if is defined as a functor or if it is an alias for a functor. *)
+let rec module_is_functor m =
+ match m.m_kind with
+ Module_functor _ -> true
+ | Module_alias ma ->
+ (
+ match ma.ma_module with
+ None -> false
+ | Some (Mod mo) -> module_is_functor mo
+ | Some (Modtype mt) -> module_type_is_functor mt
+ )
+ | _ -> false
+(** Returns the list of values of a module type.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_values ?(trans=true) m = values (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_types ?(trans=true) m = types (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of excptions of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_exceptions ?(trans=true) m = exceptions (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of classes of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_classes ?(trans=true) m = classes (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of class types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_class_types ?(trans=true) m = class_types (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of modules of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_modules ?(trans=true) m = modules (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of module types of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_module_types ?(trans=true) m = mod_types (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of included module of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_included_modules ?(trans=true) m = included_modules (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of comments of a module.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_comments ?(trans=true) m = comments (module_type_elements ~trans m)
+(** Returns the list of functional values of a module type.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_functions ?(trans=true) mt =
+ List.filter
+ (fun v -> Odoc_value.is_function v)
+ (values (module_type_elements ~trans mt))
+(** Returns the list of non-functional values of a module type.
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let module_type_simple_values ?(trans=true) mt =
+ List.filter
+ (fun v -> not (Odoc_value.is_function v))
+ (values (module_type_elements ~trans mt))
+(** {2 Functions for modules and module types} *)
+(** The list of classes defined in this module and all its modules, functors, ....
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+let rec module_all_classes ?(trans=true) m =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_classes ~trans m))
+ (
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun mtyp -> acc @ (module_type_all_classes ~trans mtyp))
+ (module_classes ~trans m)
+ (module_module_types ~trans m)
+ )
+ (module_modules ~trans m)
+(** The list of classes defined in this module type and all its modules, functors, ....
+ @param trans indicates if, for aliased modules, we must perform a transitive search.*)
+and module_type_all_classes ?(trans=true) mt =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (module_all_classes ~trans m))
+ (
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun mtyp -> acc @ (module_type_all_classes ~trans mtyp))
+ (module_type_classes ~trans mt)
+ (module_type_module_types ~trans mt)
+ )
+ (module_type_modules ~trans mt)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ff0aa61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation of element names. *)
+let infix_chars = [ '|' ;
+ '<' ;
+ '>' ;
+ '@' ;
+ '^' ;
+ '|' ;
+ '&' ;
+ '+' ;
+ '-' ;
+ '*' ;
+ '/' ;
+ '$' ;
+ '%' ;
+ '='
+ ]
+type t = string
+let parens_if_infix name =
+ match name with
+ "" -> ""
+ | s ->
+ if List.mem s.[0] infix_chars then
+ "("^s^")"
+ else
+ s
+let cut name =
+ match name with
+ "" -> ("", "")
+ | s ->
+ let len = String.length s in
+ match s.[len-1] with
+ ')' ->
+ (
+ let j = ref 0 in
+ let buf = [|Buffer.create len ; Buffer.create len |] in
+ for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+ match s.[i] with
+ '.' when !j = 0 ->
+ if i < len - 1 then
+ match s.[i+1] with
+ '(' ->
+ j := 1
+ | _ ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf.(!j) '('
+ else
+ Buffer.add_char buf.(!j) s.[i]
+ | c ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf.(!j) c
+ done;
+ (Buffer.contents buf.(0), Buffer.contents buf.(1))
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ match List.rev (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ".") s) with
+ [] -> ("", "")
+ | h :: q ->
+ (String.concat "." (List.rev q), h)
+let simple name = snd (cut name)
+let father name = fst (cut name)
+let concat n1 n2 = n1^"."^n2
+let head n =
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp "\\.") n with
+ [] -> n
+ | h :: _ -> h
+let depth name =
+ try
+ List.length (Str.split (Str.regexp "\\.") name)
+ with
+ _ -> 1
+let prefix n1 n2 =
+ (n1 <> n2) &
+ (try
+ let len1 = String.length n1 in
+ ((String.sub n2 0 len1) = n1) &
+ (n2.[len1] = '.')
+ with _ -> false)
+let get_relative n1 n2 =
+ if prefix n1 n2 then
+ let len1 = String.length n1 in
+ try
+ String.sub n2 (len1+1) ((String.length n2) - len1 - 1)
+ with
+ _ -> n2
+ else
+ n2
+let hide_given_modules l s =
+ let rec iter = function
+ [] -> s
+ | h :: q ->
+ let s2 = get_relative h s in
+ if s = s2 then
+ iter q
+ else
+ s2
+ in
+ iter l
+let qualified name = String.contains name '.'
+let from_ident ident =
+ Ident.print (Format.str_formatter) ident;
+ let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ (* the ident is of the form name/id ; we get the name only *)
+ try
+ List.hd (Str.split (Str.regexp "/") s)
+ with
+ _ ->
+ ""
+let from_path path = path
+let to_path n =
+ match
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_opt -> fun s ->
+ match acc_opt with
+ None -> Some (Path.Pident (Ident.create s))
+ | Some acc -> Some (Path.Pdot (acc, s, 0)))
+ None
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\\.") n)
+ with
+ None -> raise (Failure "to_path")
+ | Some p -> p
+let from_longident longident = String.concat "." (Longident.flatten longident)
+let name_alias name cpl_aliases =
+ let rec f n1 = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (n2, n3) :: q ->
+ if n2 = n1 then
+ n3
+ else
+ if prefix n2 n1 then
+ let ln2 = String.length n2 in
+ n3^(String.sub n1 ln2 ((String.length n1) - ln2))
+ else
+ f n1 q
+ in
+ let rec iter n =
+ try iter (f n cpl_aliases)
+ with Not_found -> n
+ in
+ iter name
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_name.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_name.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6319b40e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_name.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation of element names. *)
+type t = string
+(** Add parenthesis to the given simple name if needed. *)
+val parens_if_infix : t -> t
+(** Return a simple name from a name.*)
+val simple : t -> t
+(** Return the name of the 'father' (like dirname for a file name).*)
+val father : t -> t
+(** Concatenates two names. *)
+val concat : t -> t -> t
+(** Returns the head of a name. *)
+val head : t -> t
+(** Returns the depth of the name, i.e. the numer of levels to the root.
+ Example : [] has depth 3. *)
+val depth : t -> int
+(** Returns true if the first name is a prefix of the second name.
+ If the two names are equals, then if is false (strict prefix).*)
+val prefix : t -> t -> bool
+(** Take two names n1 and n2 = n3.n4 and return n4 if n3=n1 or else n2. *)
+val get_relative : t -> t -> t
+(** Take a list of module names to hide and a name,
+ and return the name when the module name (or part of it)
+ was removedn, according to the list of module names to hide.*)
+val hide_given_modules : t list -> t -> t
+(** Indicate if a name if qualified or not. *)
+val qualified : t -> bool
+(** Get a name from an [Ident.t]. *)
+val from_ident : Ident.t -> t
+(** Get a name from a [Path.t]. *)
+val from_path : Path.t -> t
+(** Get a [Path.t] from a name.*)
+val to_path : t -> Path.t
+(** Get a name from a [Longident.t].*)
+val from_longident : Longident.t -> t
+(** This function takes a name and a list of name aliases and returns the name
+ after substitution using the aliases. *)
+val name_alias : t -> (t * t) list -> t
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cff408ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Generation of html code to display OCaml code. *)
+open Lexing
+exception Fatal_error
+let fatal_error msg =
+ prerr_string ">> Fatal error: "; prerr_endline msg; raise Fatal_error
+type error =
+ | Illegal_character of char
+ | Unterminated_comment
+ | Unterminated_string
+ | Unterminated_string_in_comment
+ | Keyword_as_label of string
+exception Error of error * int * int
+let base_escape_strings = [
+ ("&", "&amp;") ;
+ ("<", "&lt;") ;
+ (">", "&gt;") ;
+let pre_escape_strings = [
+ (" ", "&nbsp;") ;
+ ("\n", "<br>\n") ;
+ ("\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;") ;
+ ]
+let pre = ref false
+let fmt = ref Format.str_formatter
+(** Escape the strings which would clash with html syntax,
+ and some other strings if we want to get a PRE style.*)
+let escape s =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (s, s2) -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp s) s2 acc)
+ s
+ (if !pre then base_escape_strings @ pre_escape_strings else base_escape_strings)
+(** Escape the strings which would clash with html syntax. *)
+let escape_base s =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (s, s2) -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp s) s2 acc)
+ s
+ base_escape_strings
+(** The output functions *)
+let print ?(esc=true) s =
+ Format.pp_print_string !fmt (if esc then escape s else s)
+let print_class ?(esc=true) cl s =
+ print ~esc: false ("<span class=\""^cl^"\">"^
+ (if esc then escape s else s)^
+ "</span>")
+(** The table of keywords with colors *)
+let create_hashtable size init =
+ let tbl = Hashtbl.create size in
+ List.iter (fun (key, data) -> Hashtbl.add tbl key data) init;
+ tbl
+(** The function used to return html code for the given comment body. *)
+let html_of_comment = ref
+ (fun (s : string) -> "<b>Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_comment not initialized</b>")
+let keyword_table =
+ create_hashtable 149 [
+ "and", "keyword" ;
+ "as", "keyword" ;
+ "assert", "keyword" ;
+ "begin", "keyword" ;
+ "class", "keyword" ;
+ "constraint", "keyword" ;
+ "do", "keyword" ;
+ "done", "keyword" ;
+ "downto", "keyword" ;
+ "else", "keyword" ;
+ "end", "keyword" ;
+ "exception", "keyword" ;
+ "external", "keyword" ;
+ "false", "keyword" ;
+ "for", "keyword" ;
+ "fun", "keyword" ;
+ "function", "keyword" ;
+ "functor", "keyword" ;
+ "if", "keyword" ;
+ "in", "keyword" ;
+ "include", "keyword" ;
+ "inherit", "keyword" ;
+ "initializer", "keyword" ;
+ "lazy", "keyword" ;
+ "let", "keyword" ;
+ "match", "keyword" ;
+ "method", "keyword" ;
+ "module", "keyword" ;
+ "mutable", "keyword" ;
+ "new", "keyword" ;
+ "object", "keyword" ;
+ "of", "keyword" ;
+ "open", "keyword" ;
+ "or", "keyword" ;
+ "parser", "keyword" ;
+ "private", "keyword" ;
+ "rec", "keyword" ;
+ "sig", "keyword" ;
+ "struct", "keyword" ;
+ "then", "keyword" ;
+ "to", "keyword" ;
+ "true", "keyword" ;
+ "try", "keyword" ;
+ "type", "keyword" ;
+ "val", "keyword" ;
+ "virtual", "keyword" ;
+ "when", "keyword" ;
+ "while", "keyword" ;
+ "with", "keyword" ;
+ "mod", "keyword" ;
+ "land", "keyword" ;
+ "lor", "keyword" ;
+ "lxor", "keyword" ;
+ "lsl", "keyword" ;
+ "lsr", "keyword" ;
+ "asr", "keyword" ;
+let kwsign_class = "keywordsign"
+let constructor_class = "constructor"
+let comment_class = "comment"
+let string_class = "string"
+let code_class = "code"
+(** To buffer and print comments *)
+let margin = ref 0
+let comment_buffer = Buffer.create 32
+let reset_comment_buffer () = Buffer.reset comment_buffer
+let store_comment_char = Buffer.add_char comment_buffer
+let make_margin () =
+ let rec iter n =
+ if n <= 0 then ""
+ else "&nbsp;"^(iter (n-1))
+ in
+ iter !margin
+let print_comment () =
+ let s = Buffer.contents comment_buffer in
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let code =
+ if len < 1 then
+ "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
+ else
+ match s.[0] with
+ '*' ->
+ (
+ try
+ let html = !html_of_comment (String.sub s 1 (len-1)) in
+ "</code><table><tr><td>"^(make_margin ())^"</td><td>"^
+ "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">"^
+ "(**"^html^"*)"^
+ "</span></td></tr></table><code>"
+ with
+ e ->
+ prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
+ "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
+ in
+ print ~esc: false code
+(** To buffer string literals *)
+let string_buffer = Buffer.create 32
+let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.reset string_buffer
+let store_string_char = Buffer.add_char string_buffer
+let get_stored_string () =
+ let s = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
+ String.escaped s
+(** To translate escape sequences *)
+let char_for_backslash =
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
+ begin function
+ | 'n' -> '\010'
+ | 'r' -> '\013'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
+ end
+ | "MacOS" ->
+ begin function
+ | 'n' -> '\013'
+ | 'r' -> '\010'
+ | 'b' -> '\008'
+ | 't' -> '\009'
+ | c -> c
+ end
+ | x -> fatal_error "Lexer: unknown system type"
+let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
+ let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
+ 10 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+1)) - 48) +
+ (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+2)) - 48) in
+ Char.chr(c land 0xFF)
+(** To store the position of the beginning of a string and comment *)
+let string_start_pos = ref 0;;
+let comment_start_pos = ref [];;
+let in_comment () = !comment_start_pos <> [];;
+(** Error report *)
+open Format
+let report_error ppf = function
+ | Illegal_character c ->
+ fprintf ppf "Illegal character (%s)" (Char.escaped c)
+ | Unterminated_comment ->
+ fprintf ppf "Comment not terminated"
+ | Unterminated_string ->
+ fprintf ppf "String literal not terminated"
+ | Unterminated_string_in_comment ->
+ fprintf ppf "This comment contains an unterminated string literal"
+ | Keyword_as_label kwd ->
+ fprintf ppf "`%s' is a keyword, it cannot be used as label name" kwd
+let blank = [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
+let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '\223'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '_']
+let uppercase = ['A'-'Z' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\222']
+let identchar =
+ ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let symbolchar =
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~']
+let decimal_literal = ['0'-'9']+
+let hex_literal = '0' ['x' 'X'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']+
+let oct_literal = '0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7']+
+let bin_literal = '0' ['b' 'B'] ['0'-'1']+
+let float_literal =
+ ['0'-'9']+ ('.' ['0'-'9']* )? (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9']+)?
+rule token = parse
+ blank
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ (
+ match s with
+ " " -> incr margin
+ | "\t" -> margin := !margin + 8
+ | "\n" -> margin := 0
+ | _ -> ()
+ );
+ print s;
+ token lexbuf
+ }
+ | "_"
+ { print "_" ; token lexbuf }
+ | "~" { print "~" ; token lexbuf }
+ | "~" lowercase identchar * ':'
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let name = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) in
+ if Hashtbl.mem keyword_table name then
+ raise (Error(Keyword_as_label name, Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf,
+ Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf));
+ print s ; token lexbuf }
+ | "?" { print "?" ; token lexbuf }
+ | "?" lowercase identchar * ':'
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let name = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) in
+ if Hashtbl.mem keyword_table name then
+ raise (Error(Keyword_as_label name, Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf,
+ Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf));
+ print s ; token lexbuf }
+ | lowercase identchar *
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ try
+ let cl = Hashtbl.find keyword_table s in
+ (print_class cl s ; token lexbuf )
+ with Not_found ->
+ (print s ; token lexbuf )}
+ | uppercase identchar *
+ { print_class constructor_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf } (* No capitalized keywords *)
+ | decimal_literal | hex_literal | oct_literal | bin_literal
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | float_literal
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "\""
+ { reset_string_buffer();
+ let string_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in
+ string_start_pos := string_start;
+ string lexbuf;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos <-
+ string_start - lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos;
+ print_class string_class ("\""^(get_stored_string())^"\"") ;
+ token lexbuf }
+ | "'" [^ '\\' '\''] "'"
+ { print_class string_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ;
+ token lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['\\' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] "'"
+ { print_class string_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf ) ;
+ token lexbuf }
+ | "'" '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
+ { print_class string_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf ) ;
+ token lexbuf }
+ | "(*"
+ {
+ reset_comment_buffer ();
+ comment_start_pos := [Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf];
+ comment lexbuf ;
+ print_comment ();
+ token lexbuf }
+ | "(*)"
+ { reset_comment_buffer ();
+ comment_start_pos := [Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf];
+ comment lexbuf ;
+ print_comment ();
+ token lexbuf
+ }
+ | "*)"
+ { lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - 1;
+ print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ;
+ token lexbuf
+ }
+ | "#" [' ' '\t']* ['0'-'9']+ [^ '\n' '\r'] * ('\n' | '\r' | "\r\n")
+ (* # linenum ... *)
+ {
+ print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ token lexbuf
+ }
+ | "#" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "&" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "&&" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "`" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "'" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "(" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ")" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "*" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "," { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "??" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "->" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "." { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ".." { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ":" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "::" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ":=" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ":>" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ";" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ";;" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "<" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "<-" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "=" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "[" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "[|" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "[<" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "]" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "{" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "{<" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "|" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "||" { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "|]" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ">" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ">]" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "}" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ">}" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "!=" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "+" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "-" { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "-." { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "!" symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ['~' '?'] symbolchar +
+ { print_class kwsign_class (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ['=' '<' '>' '|' '&' '$'] symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ['@' '^'] symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ['+' '-'] symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | "**" symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | ['*' '/' '%'] symbolchar *
+ { print (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ; token lexbuf }
+ | eof { () }
+ | _
+ { raise (Error(Illegal_character ((Lexing.lexeme lexbuf).[0]),
+ Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf)) }
+and comment = parse
+ "(*"
+ { comment_start_pos := Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf :: !comment_start_pos;
+ store_comment_char '(';
+ store_comment_char '*';
+ comment lexbuf;
+ }
+ | "*)"
+ { match !comment_start_pos with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [x] -> comment_start_pos := []
+ | _ :: l ->
+ store_comment_char '*';
+ store_comment_char ')';
+ comment_start_pos := l;
+ comment lexbuf;
+ }
+ | "\""
+ { reset_string_buffer();
+ string_start_pos := Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf;
+ store_comment_char '"';
+ begin try string lexbuf
+ with Error (Unterminated_string, _, _) ->
+ let st = List.hd !comment_start_pos in
+ raise (Error (Unterminated_string_in_comment, st, st + 2))
+ end;
+ comment lexbuf }
+ | "''"
+ {
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ comment lexbuf }
+ | "'" [^ '\\' '\''] "'"
+ {
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ store_comment_char (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1);
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ comment lexbuf }
+ | "'\\" ['\\' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] "'"
+ {
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ store_comment_char '\\';
+ store_comment_char(char_for_backslash(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1)) ;
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ comment lexbuf }
+ | "'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
+ {
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ store_comment_char '\\';
+ store_comment_char(char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 1);
+ store_comment_char '\'';
+ comment lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { let st = List.hd !comment_start_pos in
+ raise (Error (Unterminated_comment, st, st + 2));
+ }
+ | _
+ { store_comment_char(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
+ comment lexbuf }
+and string = parse
+ '"'
+ { () }
+ | '\\' ("\010" | "\013" | "\013\010") [' ' '\009'] *
+ { string lexbuf }
+ | '\\' ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r']
+ { store_string_char(char_for_backslash(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1));
+ string lexbuf }
+ | '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']
+ { store_string_char(char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 1);
+ string lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { raise (Error (Unterminated_string,
+ !string_start_pos, !string_start_pos+1)) }
+ | _
+ { store_string_char(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
+ string lexbuf }
+let html_of_code ?(with_pre=true) code =
+ let old_pre = !pre in
+ let old_margin = !margin in
+ let old_comment_buffer = Buffer.contents comment_buffer in
+ let old_string_buffer = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
+ let old_fmt = !fmt in
+ fmt := Format.formatter_of_buffer buf ;
+ pre := with_pre;
+ margin := 0;
+ let start = "<span class=\""^code_class^"\"><code>" in
+ let ending = "</code></span>" in
+ let html =
+ (
+ try
+ print ~esc: false start ;
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string code in
+ let _ = token lexbuf in
+ print ~esc: false ending ;
+ Format.pp_print_flush !fmt () ;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ with
+ _ ->
+ (* flush str_formatter because we already output
+ something in it *)
+ Format.pp_print_flush !fmt () ;
+ start^code^ending
+ )
+ in
+ pre := old_pre;
+ margin := old_margin ;
+ Buffer.reset comment_buffer;
+ Buffer.add_string comment_buffer old_comment_buffer ;
+ Buffer.reset string_buffer;
+ Buffer.add_string string_buffer old_string_buffer ;
+ fmt := old_fmt ;
+ html
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f90ce307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Main module for native version.*)
+open Config
+open Clflags
+open Misc
+open Format
+open Typedtree
+let html_generator = new Odoc_html.html
+let default_latex_generator = new Odoc_latex.latex
+let default_man_generator = new
+let default_iso_generator = new Odoc_iso.iso
+let default_dot_generator = new
+let _ = Odoc_args.parse
+ (html_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_latex_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_man_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_iso_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+ (default_dot_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
+let loaded_modules =
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun f ->
+ Odoc_info.verbose (Odoc_messages.loading f);
+ try
+ let l = Odoc_analyse.load_modules f in
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok;
+ l
+ with Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ []
+ )
+ !Odoc_args.load
+ )
+let modules = Odoc_analyse.analyse_files ~init: loaded_modules !Odoc_args.files
+let _ =
+ match !Odoc_args.dump with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ try Odoc_analyse.dump_modules f modules
+ with Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors
+let _ =
+ match !Odoc_args.doc_generator with
+ None ->
+ ()
+ | Some gen ->
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.generating_doc;
+ gen#generate modules;
+ Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok
+let _ =
+ if !Odoc_global.errors > 0 then
+ (
+ prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.errors_occured !Odoc_global.errors) ;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ else
+ exit 0
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adf035d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of method / function / class parameters,
+ and module parameters.*)
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+(** Types *)
+(** Representation of a simple parameter name *)
+type simple_name = {
+ sn_name : string ;
+ sn_type : Types.type_expr ;
+ mutable sn_text : Odoc_types.text option ;
+ }
+(** Representation of parameter names. We need it to represent parameter names in tuples.
+ The value [Tuple ([], t)] stands for an anonymous parameter.*)
+type param_info =
+ | Simple_name of simple_name
+ | Tuple of param_info list * Types.type_expr
+(** A parameter is just a param_info value. *)
+type parameter = param_info
+(** A module parameter is just a name and a module type.*)
+type module_parameter = {
+ mp_name : string ;
+ mp_type : Types.module_type ;
+ }
+(** Functions *)
+(** acces to the name as a string. For tuples, parenthesis and commas are added. *)
+let complete_name p =
+ let rec iter pi =
+ match pi with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ sn.sn_name
+ | Tuple ([], _) -> (* anonymous parameter *)
+ "??"
+ | Tuple (pi_list, _) ->
+ "("^(String.concat "," ( iter pi_list))^")"
+ in
+ iter p
+(** access to the complete type *)
+let typ p =
+ match p with
+ Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_type
+ | Tuple (_, typ) -> typ
+(** Update the text of a parameter using a function returning
+ the optional text associated to a parameter name.*)
+let update_parameter_text f p =
+ let rec iter p =
+ match p with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ sn.sn_text <- f sn.sn_name
+ | Tuple (l, _) ->
+ List.iter iter l
+ in
+ iter p
+(** access to the description of a specific name.
+ @raise Not_found if no description is associated to the given name. *)
+let desc_by_name p name =
+ let rec iter acc pi =
+ match pi with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ (sn.sn_name, sn.sn_text) :: acc
+ | Tuple (pi_list, _) ->
+ List.fold_left iter acc pi_list
+ in
+ let l = iter [] p in
+ List.assoc name l
+(** acces to the list of names ; only one for a simple parameter, or
+ a list for tuples. *)
+let names p =
+ let rec iter acc pi =
+ match pi with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ sn.sn_name :: acc
+ | Tuple (pi_list, _) ->
+ List.fold_left iter acc pi_list
+ in
+ iter [] p
+(** access to the type of a specific name.
+ @raise Not_found if no type is associated to the given name. *)
+let type_by_name p name =
+ let rec iter acc pi =
+ match pi with
+ Simple_name sn ->
+ (sn.sn_name, sn.sn_type) :: acc
+ | Tuple (pi_list, _) ->
+ List.fold_left iter acc pi_list
+ in
+ let l = iter [] p in
+ List.assoc name l
+(** access to the optional description of a parameter name from an optional info structure.*)
+let desc_from_info_opt info_opt s =
+ print_DEBUG "desc_from_info_opt";
+ match info_opt with
+ None -> None
+ | Some i ->
+ match s with
+ "" -> None
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ Some (List.assoc s i.Odoc_types.i_params)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ print_DEBUG ("desc_from_info_opt "^s^" not found in\n");
+ List.iter (fun (s, _) -> print_DEBUG s) i.Odoc_types.i_params;
+ None
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_parser.mly b/ocamldoc/odoc_parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4603ed3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+open Odoc_types
+open Odoc_comments_global
+let uppercase = "[A-Z\192-\214\216-\222]"
+let identchar =
+ "[A-Za-z_\192-\214\216-\246\248-\255'0-9]"
+let blank = "[ \010\013\009\012]"
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s; print_newline ()
+%token <string * (string option)> Description
+%token <string> See_url
+%token <string> See_file
+%token <string> See_doc
+%token T_PARAM
+%token T_AUTHOR
+%token T_VERSION
+%token T_SEE
+%token T_SINCE
+%token T_RAISES
+%token T_RETURN
+%token <string> T_CUSTOM
+%token EOF
+%token <string> Desc
+/* Start Symbols */
+%start main info_part2 see_info
+%type <(string * (string option)) option> main
+%type <unit> info_part2
+%type <Odoc_types.see_ref * string> see_info
+ see_ref Desc { ($1, $2) }
+ See_url { Odoc_types.See_url $1 }
+| See_file { Odoc_types.See_file $1 }
+| See_doc { Odoc_types.See_doc $1 }
+ Description { Some $1 }
+| EOF { None }
+ element_list EOF { () }
+ element { () }
+| element element_list { () }
+| param { () }
+| author { () }
+| version { () }
+| see { () }
+| since { () }
+| deprecated { () }
+| raise_exc { () }
+| return { () }
+| custom { () }
+ T_PARAM Desc
+ {
+ (* isolate the identificator *)
+ (* we only look for simple id, no pattern nor tuples *)
+ let s = $2 in
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp (blank^"+")) s with
+ []
+ | _ :: [] ->
+ raise (Failure "usage: @param id description")
+ | id :: _ ->
+ print_DEBUG ("Identificator "^id);
+ let reg = identchar^"+" in
+ print_DEBUG ("reg="^reg);
+ if Str.string_match (Str.regexp reg) id 0 then
+ let remain = String.sub s (String.length id) ((String.length s) - (String.length id)) in
+ print_DEBUG ("T_PARAM Desc remain="^remain);
+ let remain2 = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" remain in
+ params := !params @ [(id, remain2)]
+ else
+ raise (Failure (id^" is not a valid parameter identificator in \"@param "^s^"\""))
+ }
+ T_AUTHOR Desc { authors := !authors @ [ $2 ] }
+ T_VERSION Desc { version := Some $2 }
+ T_SEE Desc { sees := !sees @ [$2] }
+ T_SINCE Desc { since := Some $2 }
+ T_DEPRECATED Desc { deprecated := Some $2 }
+ {
+ (* isolate the exception construtor name *)
+ let s = $2 in
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp (blank^"+")) s with
+ []
+ | _ :: [] ->
+ raise (Failure "usage: @raise Exception description")
+ | id :: _ ->
+ print_DEBUG ("exception "^id);
+ let reg = uppercase^identchar^"*"^"\\(\\."^uppercase^identchar^"*\\)*" in
+ print_DEBUG ("reg="^reg);
+ if Str.string_match (Str.regexp reg) id 0 then
+ let remain = String.sub s (String.length id) ((String.length s) - (String.length id)) in
+ let remain2 = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" remain in
+ raised_exceptions := !raised_exceptions @ [(id, remain2)]
+ else
+ raise (Failure (id^" is not a valid exception constructor in \"@raise "^s^"\""))
+ }
+ T_RETURN Desc { return_value := Some $2 }
+ T_CUSTOM Desc { customs := !customs @ [($1, $2)] }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2750c0368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Scanning of modules and elements.
+ The class scanner defined in this module can be used to
+ develop generators which perform controls on the elements
+ and their comments.
+open Odoc_types
+(** Class which defines the scanning of a list of modules and their
+ elements. Inherit this class to develop your own scanner, by
+ overriding some methods.*)
+class scanner =
+ object (self)
+ (** Scan of 'leaf elements'. *)
+ method scan_value (v : Odoc_value.t_value) = ()
+ method scan_type (t : Odoc_type.t_type) = ()
+ method scan_exception (e : Odoc_exception.t_exception) = ()
+ method scan_attribute (a : Odoc_value.t_attribute) = ()
+ method scan_method (m : Odoc_value.t_method) = ()
+ method scan_included_module (im : Odoc_module.included_module) = ()
+ (** Scan of a class. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a class. *)
+ method scan_class_comment (t : text) = ()
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the class comment
+ and params. This method is called before scanning the class elements.
+ @return true if the class elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_class_pre (c : Odoc_class.t_class) = true
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given class.
+ A VOIR : scan des classes héritées.*)
+ method scan_class_elements c =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_class.Class_attribute a -> self#scan_attribute a
+ | Odoc_class.Class_method m -> self#scan_method m
+ | Odoc_class.Class_comment t -> self#scan_class_comment t
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_elements c)
+ (** Scan of a class. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_class_pre]
+ and if [scan_class_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_class_elements.*)
+ method scan_class c = if self#scan_class_pre c then self#scan_class_elements c
+ (** Scan of a class type. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a class type. *)
+ method scan_class_type_comment (t : text) = ()
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the class type comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the class type elements.
+ @return true if the class type elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_class_type_pre (ct : Odoc_class.t_class_type) = true
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given class type.
+ A VOIR : scan des classes héritées.*)
+ method scan_class_type_elements ct =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_class.Class_attribute a -> self#scan_attribute a
+ | Odoc_class.Class_method m -> self#scan_method m
+ | Odoc_class.Class_comment t -> self#scan_class_type_comment t
+ )
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_elements ct)
+ (** Scan of a class type. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_class_type_pre]
+ and if [scan_class_type_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_class_type_elements.*)
+ method scan_class_type ct = if self#scan_class_type_pre ct then self#scan_class_type_elements ct
+ (** Scan of modules. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a module. *)
+ method scan_module_comment (t : text) = ()
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the module comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the module elements.
+ @return true if the module elements must be scanned.*)
+ method scan_module_pre (m : Odoc_module.t_module) = true
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given module. *)
+ method scan_module_elements m =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_module.Element_module m -> self#scan_module m
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt -> self#scan_module_type mt
+ | Odoc_module.Element_included_module im -> self#scan_included_module im
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class c -> self#scan_class c
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct -> self#scan_class_type ct
+ | Odoc_module.Element_value v -> self#scan_value v
+ | Odoc_module.Element_exception e -> self#scan_exception e
+ | Odoc_module.Element_type t -> self#scan_type t
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_comment t -> self#scan_module_comment t
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_elements m)
+ (** Scan of a module. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_module_pre]
+ and if [scan_module_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_module_elements.*)
+ method scan_module m = if self#scan_module_pre m then self#scan_module_elements m
+ (** Scan of module types. *)
+ (** Scan of a comment inside a module type. *)
+ method scan_module_type_comment (t : text) = ()
+ (** Override this method to perform controls on the module type comment
+ and form. This method is called before scanning the module type elements.
+ @return true if the module type elements must be scanned. *)
+ method scan_module_type_pre (mt : Odoc_module.t_module_type) = true
+ (** This method scan the elements of the given module type. *)
+ method scan_module_type_elements mt =
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ match ele with
+ Odoc_module.Element_module m -> self#scan_module m
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt -> self#scan_module_type mt
+ | Odoc_module.Element_included_module im -> self#scan_included_module im
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class c -> self#scan_class c
+ | Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct -> self#scan_class_type ct
+ | Odoc_module.Element_value v -> self#scan_value v
+ | Odoc_module.Element_exception e -> self#scan_exception e
+ | Odoc_module.Element_type t -> self#scan_type t
+ | Odoc_module.Element_module_comment t -> self#scan_module_comment t
+ )
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_elements mt)
+ (** Scan of a module type. Should not be overriden. It calls [scan_module_type_pre]
+ and if [scan_module_type_pre] returns [true], then it calls scan_module_type_elements.*)
+ method scan_module_type mt =
+ if self#scan_module_type_pre mt then self#scan_module_type_elements mt
+ (** Main scanning method. *)
+ (** Scan a list of modules. *)
+ method scan_module_list l = List.iter self#scan_module l
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00d4199b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Research of elements through modules. *)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+open Odoc_parameter
+open Odoc_value
+open Odoc_type
+open Odoc_exception
+open Odoc_class
+open Odoc_module
+type result_element =
+ Res_module of t_module
+ | Res_module_type of t_module_type
+ | Res_class of t_class
+ | Res_class_type of t_class_type
+ | Res_value of t_value
+ | Res_type of t_type
+ | Res_exception of t_exception
+ | Res_attribute of t_attribute
+ | Res_method of t_method
+ | Res_section of string
+type result = result_element list
+module type Predicates =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val p_module : t_module -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_module_type : t_module_type -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_class : t_class -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_class_type : t_class_type -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_value : t_value -> t -> bool
+ val p_type : t_type -> t -> bool
+ val p_exception : t_exception -> t -> bool
+ val p_attribute : t_attribute -> t -> bool
+ val p_method : t_method -> t -> bool
+ val p_section : string -> t -> bool
+ end
+module Search =
+ functor (P : Predicates) ->
+ struct
+ let search_section s v = if P.p_section s v then [Res_section s] else []
+ let rec search_text root t v =
+ List.flatten ( (fun e -> search_text_ele root e v) t)
+ and search_text_ele root e v =
+ let module T = Odoc_types in
+ match e with
+ | T.Raw _
+ | T.Code _
+ | T.CodePre _
+ | T.Latex _
+ | T.Verbatim _
+ | T.Ref (_, _) -> []
+ | T.Bold t
+ | T.Italic t
+ | T.Center t
+ | T.Left t
+ | T.Right t
+ | T.Emphasize t
+ | T.Block t
+ | T.Superscript t
+ | T.Subscript t
+ | T.Link (_, t) -> search_text root t v
+ | T.List l
+ | T.Enum l -> List.flatten ( (fun t -> search_text root t v) l)
+ | T.Newline -> []
+ | T.Title (n, l_opt, t) ->
+ (match l_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some s -> search_section (Name.concat root s) v) @
+ (search_text root t v)
+ let search_value va v = if P.p_value va v then [Res_value va] else []
+ let search_type t v = if P.p_type t v then [Res_type t] else []
+ let search_exception e v = if P.p_exception e v then [Res_exception e] else []
+ let search_attribute a v = if P.p_attribute a v then [Res_attribute a] else []
+ let search_method m v = if P.p_method m v then [Res_method m] else []
+ let search_class c v =
+ let (go_deeper, ok) = P.p_class c v in
+ let l =
+ if go_deeper then
+ let res_att =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun att -> acc @ (search_attribute att v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_attributes c)
+ in
+ let res_met =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (search_method m v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_methods c)
+ in
+ let res_sec =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_text c.cl_name t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_comments c)
+ in
+ let l = res_att @ res_met @ res_sec in
+ l
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ if ok then
+ (Res_class c) :: l
+ else
+ l
+ let search_class_type ct v =
+ let (go_deeper, ok) = P.p_class_type ct v in
+ let l =
+ if go_deeper then
+ let res_att =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun att -> acc @ (search_attribute att v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_attributes ct)
+ in
+ let res_met =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (search_method m v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_methods ct)
+ in
+ let res_sec =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_text ct.clt_name t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_class.class_type_comments ct)
+ in
+ let l = res_att @ res_met @ res_sec in
+ l
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ if ok then
+ (Res_class_type ct) :: l
+ else
+ l
+ let rec search_module_type mt v =
+ let (go_deeper, ok) = P.p_module_type mt v in
+ let l =
+ if go_deeper then
+ let res_val =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun va -> acc @ (search_value va v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_values mt)
+ in
+ let res_typ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_type t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_types mt)
+ in
+ let res_exc =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun e -> acc @ (search_exception e v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_exceptions mt)
+ in
+ let res_mod = search (Odoc_module.module_type_modules mt) v in
+ let res_modtyp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun mt -> acc @ (search_module_type mt v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_module_types mt)
+ in
+ let res_cl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun cl -> acc @ (search_class cl v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_classes mt)
+ in
+ let res_cltyp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun clt -> acc @ (search_class_type clt v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_class_types mt)
+ in
+ let res_sec =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_text mt.mt_name t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_type_comments mt)
+ in
+ let l = res_val @ res_typ @ res_exc @ res_mod @
+ res_modtyp @ res_cl @ res_cltyp @ res_sec
+ in
+ l
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ if ok then
+ (Res_module_type mt) :: l
+ else
+ l
+ and search_module m v =
+ let (go_deeper, ok) = P.p_module m v in
+ let l =
+ if go_deeper then
+ let res_val =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun va -> acc @ (search_value va v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_values m)
+ in
+ let res_typ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_type t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_types m)
+ in
+ let res_exc =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun e -> acc @ (search_exception e v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_exceptions m)
+ in
+ let res_mod = search (Odoc_module.module_modules m) v in
+ let res_modtyp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun mt -> acc @ (search_module_type mt v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_module_types m)
+ in
+ let res_cl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun cl -> acc @ (search_class cl v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_classes m)
+ in
+ let res_cltyp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun clt -> acc @ (search_class_type clt v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_class_types m)
+ in
+ let res_sec =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun t -> acc @ (search_text m.m_name t v))
+ []
+ (Odoc_module.module_comments m)
+ in
+ let l = res_val @ res_typ @ res_exc @ res_mod @
+ res_modtyp @ res_cl @ res_cltyp @ res_sec
+ in
+ l
+ else
+ []
+ in
+ if ok then
+ (Res_module m) :: l
+ else
+ l
+ and search module_list v =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun m ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc2 -> fun ele ->
+ if List.mem ele acc2 then acc2 else acc2 @ [ele]
+ )
+ acc
+ (search_module m v)
+ )
+ []
+ module_list
+ end
+module P_name =
+ struct
+ type t = Str.regexp
+ let (=~) name regexp = Str.string_match regexp name 0
+ let p_module m r = (true, m.m_name =~ r)
+ let p_module_type mt r = (true, mt.mt_name =~ r)
+ let p_class c r = (true, c.cl_name =~ r)
+ let p_class_type ct r = (true, ct.clt_name =~ r)
+ let p_value v r = v.val_name =~ r
+ let p_type t r = t.ty_name =~ r
+ let p_exception e r = e.ex_name =~ r
+ let p_attribute a r = a.att_value.val_name =~ r
+ let p_method m r = m.met_value.val_name =~ r
+ let p_section s r = s =~ r
+ end
+module Search_by_name = Search ( P_name )
+module P_values =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = true
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_values = Search ( P_values )
+let values l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p v1 v2 = v1.val_name = v2.val_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_value v) :: q -> if List.exists (p v) acc then iter acc q else iter (v :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_exceptions =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = true
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_exceptions = Search ( P_exceptions )
+let exceptions l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p e1 e2 = e1.ex_name = e2.ex_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_exception t) :: q -> if List.exists (p t) acc then iter acc q else iter (t :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_types =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = true
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_types = Search ( P_types )
+let types l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p t1 t2 = t1.ty_name = t2.ty_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_type t) :: q -> if List.exists (p t) acc then iter acc q else iter (t :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_attributes =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = true
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_attributes = Search ( P_attributes )
+let attributes l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p a1 a2 = a1.att_value.val_name = a2.att_value.val_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_attribute t) :: q -> if List.exists (p t) acc then iter acc q else iter (t :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_methods =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = true
+ let p_section _ _ = true
+ end
+module Search_methods = Search ( P_methods )
+let methods l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p m1 m2 = m1.met_value.val_name = m2.met_value.val_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_method t) :: q -> if List.exists (p t) acc then iter acc q else iter (t :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_classes =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, true)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_classes = Search ( P_classes )
+let classes l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p c1 c2 = c1.cl_name = c2.cl_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_class c) :: q -> if List.exists (p c) acc then iter acc q else iter (c :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_class_types =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, true)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_class_types = Search ( P_class_types )
+let class_types l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p c1 c2 = c1.clt_name = c2.clt_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_class_type c) :: q -> if List.exists (p c) acc then iter acc q else iter (c :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_modules =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, true)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_modules = Search ( P_modules )
+let modules l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p m1 m2 = m1.m_name = m2.m_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_module m) :: q -> if List.exists (p m) acc then iter acc q else iter (m :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
+module P_module_types =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ let p_module _ _ = (true, false)
+ let p_module_type _ _ = (true, true)
+ let p_class _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_class_type _ _ = (false, false)
+ let p_value _ _ = false
+ let p_type _ _ = false
+ let p_exception _ _ = false
+ let p_attribute _ _ = false
+ let p_method _ _ = false
+ let p_section _ _ = false
+ end
+module Search_module_types = Search ( P_module_types )
+let module_types l =
+ let l_ele = l () in
+ let p m1 m2 = m1.mt_name = m2.mt_name in
+ let rec iter acc = function
+ (Res_module_type m) :: q -> if List.exists (p m) acc then iter acc q else iter (m :: acc) q
+ | _ :: q -> iter acc q
+ | [] -> acc
+ in
+ iter [] l_ele
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_search.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_search.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2add68b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_search.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Research of elements through modules. *)
+(** The type for an element of the result of a research. *)
+type result_element =
+ Res_module of Odoc_module.t_module
+ | Res_module_type of Odoc_module.t_module_type
+ | Res_class of Odoc_class.t_class
+ | Res_class_type of Odoc_class.t_class_type
+ | Res_value of Odoc_value.t_value
+ | Res_type of Odoc_type.t_type
+ | Res_exception of Odoc_exception.t_exception
+ | Res_attribute of Odoc_value.t_attribute
+ | Res_method of Odoc_value.t_method
+ | Res_section of string
+(** The type representing a research result.*)
+type result = result_element list
+(** The type of modules which contain the predicates used during the research.
+ Some functions return a couple of booleans ; the first indicates if we
+ must go deeper in the analysed element, the second if the element satisfies
+ the predicate.
+module type Predicates =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val p_module : Odoc_module.t_module -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_module_type : Odoc_module.t_module_type -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_class : Odoc_class.t_class -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_class_type : Odoc_class.t_class_type -> t -> bool * bool
+ val p_value : Odoc_value.t_value -> t -> bool
+ val p_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> t -> bool
+ val p_exception : Odoc_exception.t_exception -> t -> bool
+ val p_attribute : Odoc_value.t_attribute -> t -> bool
+ val p_method : Odoc_value.t_method -> t -> bool
+ val p_section : string -> t -> bool
+ end
+(** Search for elements verifying the predicates in the module in parameter.*)
+module Search :
+ functor (P : Predicates) ->
+ sig
+ (** search in a section title *)
+ val search_section : string -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a value *)
+ val search_value : Odoc_value.t_value -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a type *)
+ val search_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in an exception *)
+ val search_exception :
+ Odoc_exception.t_exception -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in an attribute *)
+ val search_attribute :
+ Odoc_value.t_attribute -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a method *)
+ val search_method : Odoc_value.t_method -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a class *)
+ val search_class : Odoc_class.t_class -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a class type *)
+ val search_class_type :
+ Odoc_class.t_class_type -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a module type *)
+ val search_module_type :
+ Odoc_module.t_module_type -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a module *)
+ val search_module : Odoc_module.t_module -> P.t -> result_element list
+ (** search in a list of modules *)
+ val search : Odoc_module.t_module list -> P.t -> result_element list
+ end
+(** A module of predicates to search elements by name (and accepting regexps).*)
+module P_name :
+ sig
+ type t = Str.regexp
+ val ( =~ ) : string -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ val p_module : Odoc_module.t_module -> Str.regexp -> bool * bool
+ val p_module_type :
+ Odoc_module.t_module_type -> Str.regexp -> bool * bool
+ val p_class : Odoc_class.t_class -> Str.regexp -> bool * bool
+ val p_class_type : Odoc_class.t_class_type -> Str.regexp -> bool * bool
+ val p_value : Odoc_value.t_value -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ val p_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ val p_exception : Odoc_exception.t_exception -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ val p_attribute : Odoc_value.t_attribute -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ val p_method : Odoc_value.t_method -> Str.regexp -> bool
+ end
+(** A module to search elements by name. *)
+module Search_by_name :
+ sig
+ val search_section : string -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_value : Odoc_value.t_value -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_exception :
+ Odoc_exception.t_exception -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_attribute :
+ Odoc_value.t_attribute -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_method :
+ Odoc_value.t_method -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_class : Odoc_class.t_class -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_class_type :
+ Odoc_class.t_class_type -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_module_type :
+ Odoc_module.t_module_type -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search_module :
+ Odoc_module.t_module -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ val search : Odoc_module.t_module list -> P_name.t -> result_element list
+ end
+(** A function to search all the values in a list of modules. *)
+val values : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_value.t_value list
+(** A function to search all the exceptions in a list of modules. *)
+val exceptions : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_exception.t_exception list
+(** A function to search all the types in a list of modules. *)
+val types : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_type.t_type list
+(** A function to search all the class attributes in a list of modules. *)
+val attributes : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_value.t_attribute list
+(** A function to search all the class methods in a list of modules. *)
+val methods : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_value.t_method list
+(** A function to search all the classes in a list of modules. *)
+val classes : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_class.t_class list
+(** A function to search all the class types in a list of modules. *)
+val class_types : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_class.t_class_type list
+(** A function to search all the modules in a list of modules. *)
+val modules : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_module.t_module list
+(** A function to search all the module types in a list of modules. *)
+val module_types : Odoc_module.t_module list -> Odoc_module.t_module_type list
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_see_lexer.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_see_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fa6a5314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_see_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+let print_DEBUG2 s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
+(** the lexer for special comments. *)
+open Lexing
+open Odoc_parser
+let buf = Buffer.create 32
+rule main = parse
+ [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 "[' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +";
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | [ '\010' ]
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 " [ '\010' ] ";
+ main lexbuf
+ }
+ | "<"
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 "call url lexbuf" ;
+ url lexbuf
+ }
+ | "\""
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 "call doc lexbuf" ;
+ doc lexbuf
+ }
+ | '\''
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 "call file lexbuf" ;
+ file lexbuf
+ }
+ | eof
+ {
+ print_DEBUG2 "EOF";
+ }
+ | _
+ {
+ Buffer.reset buf ;
+ Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ desc lexbuf
+ }
+and url = parse
+ | ([^'>'] | '\n')+">"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ print_DEBUG2 ("([^'>'] | '\n')+ \">\" with "^s) ;
+ See_url (String.sub s 0 ((String.length s) -1))
+ }
+and doc = parse
+ | ([^'"'] | '\n' | "\\'")* "\""
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ See_doc (String.sub s 0 ((String.length s) -1))
+ }
+and file = parse
+ | ([^'\''] | '\n' | "\\\"")* "'"
+ {
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ See_file (String.sub s 0 ((String.length s) -1))
+ }
+and desc = parse
+ eof
+ { Desc (Buffer.contents buf) }
+ | _
+ {
+ Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ desc lexbuf
+ }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51b8f66ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Analysis of interface files. *)
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+open Path
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
+module Name = Odoc_name
+open Odoc_parameter
+open Odoc_value
+open Odoc_type
+open Odoc_exception
+open Odoc_class
+open Odoc_module
+open Odoc_types
+module Signature_search =
+ struct
+ let search_value signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_value (ident, val_desc)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ val_desc.Types.val_type
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_exception signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_exception (ident, type_expr_list)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ type_expr_list
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_type signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_type (ident, type_decl)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ type_decl
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_class signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_class (ident, class_decl)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ class_decl
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_class_type signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_cltype (ident, cltype_decl)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ cltype_decl
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_module signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_module (ident, module_type)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ module_type
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_module_type signat name =
+ let rec iter sig_item_list =
+ match sig_item_list with
+ [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | (Types.Tsig_modtype (ident, Types.Tmodtype_manifest module_type)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ Some module_type
+ else
+ iter q
+ | (Types.Tsig_modtype (ident, Types.Tmodtype_abstract)) :: q ->
+ if ident = name then
+ None
+ else
+ iter q
+ | _ :: q ->
+ iter q
+ in
+ iter signat
+ let search_attribute_type name class_sig =
+ let (_, type_expr) = Types.Vars.find name class_sig.Types.cty_vars in
+ type_expr
+ let search_method_type name class_sig =
+ let fields = Odoc_misc.get_fields class_sig.Types.cty_self in
+ List.assoc name fields
+ end
+module type Info_retriever =
+ sig
+ val all_special : string -> string -> int * ( list)
+ val blank_line_outside_simple : string -> string -> bool
+ val just_after_special : string -> string -> (int * option)
+ val first_special : string -> string -> (int * option)
+ val get_comments :
+ (Odoc_types.text -> 'a) -> string -> string -> ( option * 'a list)
+ end
+module Analyser =
+ functor (My_ir : Info_retriever) ->
+ struct
+ (** This variable is used to load a file as a string and retrieve characters from it.*)
+ let file = ref ""
+ (** The name of the analysed file. *)
+ let file_name = ref ""
+ (** This function takes two indexes (start and end) and return the string
+ corresponding to the indexes in the file global variable. The function
+ prepare_file must have been called to fill the file global variable.*)
+ let get_string_of_file the_start the_end =
+ try
+ let s = String.sub !file the_start (the_end-the_start) in
+ s
+ with
+ Invalid_argument _ ->
+ ""
+ (** This function loads the given file in the file global variable,
+ and sets file_name.*)
+ let prepare_file f input_f =
+ try
+ let s = Odoc_misc.input_file_as_string input_f in
+ file := s;
+ file_name := f
+ with
+ e ->
+ file := "";
+ raise e
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a class. *)
+ let get_comments_in_class pos_start pos_end =
+ My_ir.get_comments (fun t -> Class_comment t)
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_start pos_end)
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a module. *)
+ let get_comments_in_module pos_start pos_end =
+ My_ir.get_comments (fun t -> Element_module_comment t)
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_start pos_end)
+ (** This function merge two optional info structures. *)
+ let merge_infos = Odoc_merge.merge_info_opt Odoc_types.all_merge_options
+ (** This function takes a Parsetree.type_kind and returns the list of
+ (name, optional comment) for the various fields/constructors of the type,
+ or an empty list for an abstract type.
+ [pos_start] and [pos_end] are the first and last char of the complete type definition.*)
+ let name_comment_from_type_kind pos_start pos_end pos_limit tk =
+ match tk with
+ Parsetree.Ptype_abstract ->
+ (0, [])
+ | Parsetree.Ptype_variant cons_core_type_list_list ->
+ (*of (string * core_type list) list *)
+ let rec f acc last_pos cons_core_type_list_list =
+ match cons_core_type_list_list with
+ [] ->
+ (0, acc)
+ | (name, core_type_list) :: [] ->
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string name) !file last_pos in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit in
+ let (len, comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ (len, acc @ [ (name, comment_opt) ])
+ | (name, core_type_list) :: (name2, core_type_list2) :: q ->
+ match (List.rev core_type_list, core_type_list2) with
+ ([], []) ->
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string name) !file last_pos in
+ let pos' = pos + (String.length name) in
+ let pos2 = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string name2) !file pos' in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos' pos2 in
+ let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ f (acc @ [name, comment_opt]) pos2 ((name2, core_type_list2) :: q)
+ | ([], (ct2 :: _)) ->
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string name) !file last_pos in
+ let pos' = pos + (String.length name) in
+ let pos2 = ct2.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let pos2' = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp_string name2) !file pos2 in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos' pos2' in
+ let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ f (acc @ [name, comment_opt]) pos2' ((name2, core_type_list2) :: q)
+ | ((ct :: _), _) ->
+ let pos = ct.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let pos2 = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string name2) !file pos in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos pos2 in
+ let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ let new_pos_end =
+ match comment_opt with
+ None -> ct.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_end
+ | Some _ -> Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "*)") !file pos
+ in
+ f (acc @ [name, comment_opt]) new_pos_end ((name2, core_type_list2) :: q)
+ in
+ f [] pos_start cons_core_type_list_list
+ | Parsetree.Ptype_record name_mutable_type_list (* of (string * mutable_flag * core_type) list*) ->
+ let rec f = function
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | (name, _, ct) :: [] ->
+ let pos = ct.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos pos_end in
+ let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ [name, comment_opt]
+ | (name,_,ct) :: ((name2,_,ct2) as ele2) :: q ->
+ let pos = ct.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let pos2 = ct2.Parsetree.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let s = get_string_of_file pos pos2 in
+ let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
+ (name, comment_opt) :: (f (ele2 :: q))
+ in
+ (0, f name_mutable_type_list)
+ (** This function converts a Types.type_kind into a Odoc_type.type_kind,
+ by associating the comment found in the parsetree of each constructor/field, if any.*)
+ let get_type_kind env name_comment_list type_kind =
+ match type_kind with
+ Types.Type_abstract ->
+ Odoc_type.Type_abstract
+ | Types.Type_variant l ->
+ let f (constructor_name, type_expr_list) =
+ let comment_opt =
+ try
+ match List.assoc constructor_name name_comment_list with
+ None -> None
+ | Some d -> d.Odoc_types.i_desc
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ {
+ vc_name = constructor_name ;
+ vc_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) type_expr_list ;
+ vc_text = comment_opt
+ }
+ in
+ Odoc_type.Type_variant ( f l)
+ | Types.Type_record (l, _) ->
+ let f (field_name, mutable_flag, type_expr) =
+ let comment_opt =
+ try
+ match List.assoc field_name name_comment_list with
+ None -> None
+ | Some d -> d.Odoc_types.i_desc
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ {
+ rf_name = field_name ;
+ rf_mutable = mutable_flag = Mutable ;
+ rf_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr ;
+ rf_text = comment_opt
+ }
+ in
+ Odoc_type.Type_record ( f l)
+ (** Analysis of the elements of a class, from the information in the parsetree and in the class
+ signature. @return the couple (inherited_class list, elements).*)
+ let analyse_class_elements env current_class_name last_pos pos_limit
+ class_type_field_list class_signature =
+ print_DEBUG "Types.Tcty_signature class_signature";
+ let f_DEBUG var (mutable_flag, type_exp) = print_DEBUG var in
+ Types.Vars.iter f_DEBUG class_signature.Types.cty_vars;
+ print_DEBUG ("Type de la classe "^current_class_name^" : ");
+ print_DEBUG (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr class_signature.Types.cty_self);
+ let get_pos_limit2 q =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | ele2 :: _ ->
+ match ele2 with
+ Parsetree.Pctf_val (_, _, _, loc)
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_virt (_, _, _, loc)
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_meth (_, _, _, loc)
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_cstr (_, _, loc) -> loc.Location.loc_start
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_inher class_type ->
+ class_type.Parsetree.pcty_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let get_method name comment_opt private_flag loc q =
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name name in
+ let typ =
+ try Signature_search.search_method_type name class_signature
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.method_type_not_found current_class_name name))
+ in
+ let subst_typ = Odoc_env.subst_type env typ in
+ let met =
+ {
+ met_value =
+ {
+ val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = subst_typ ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = Odoc_value.dummy_parameter_list subst_typ ;
+ val_code = None ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start) };
+ } ;
+ met_private = private_flag = Asttypes.Private ;
+ met_virtual = false ;
+ }
+ in
+ let pos_limit2 = get_pos_limit2 q in
+ let pos_end = loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ met.met_value.val_info <- merge_infos met.met_value.val_info info_after_opt ;
+ (* update the parameter description *)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text met.met_value;
+ (met, maybe_more)
+ in
+ let rec f last_pos class_type_field_list =
+ match class_type_field_list with
+ [] ->
+ let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in
+ let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in
+ let ele_comments =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun sc ->
+ match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some t ->
+ acc @ [Class_comment t])
+ []
+ ele_coms
+ in
+ ([], ele_comments)
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_val (name, mutable_flag, _, loc) :: q ->
+ (* of (string * mutable_flag * core_type option * Location.t)*)
+ let (comment_opt, eles_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name name in
+ let typ =
+ try Signature_search.search_attribute_type name class_signature
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.attribute_type_not_found current_class_name name))
+ in
+ let subst_typ = Odoc_env.subst_type env typ in
+ let att =
+ {
+ att_value =
+ {
+ val_name = complete_name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = subst_typ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = [] ;
+ val_code = None ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, loc.Location.loc_start)} ;
+ } ;
+ att_mutable = mutable_flag = Asttypes.Mutable ;
+ }
+ in
+ let pos_limit2 = get_pos_limit2 q in
+ let pos_end = loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ att.att_value.val_info <- merge_infos att.att_value.val_info info_after_opt ;
+ let (inher_l, eles) = f (pos_end + maybe_more) q in
+ (inher_l, eles_comments @ ((Class_attribute att) :: eles))
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_virt (name, private_flag, _, loc) :: q ->
+ (* of (string * private_flag * core_type * Location.t) *)
+ let (comment_opt, eles_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let (met, maybe_more) = get_method name comment_opt private_flag loc q in
+ let met2 = { met with met_virtual = true } in
+ let (inher_l, eles) = f (loc.Location.loc_end + maybe_more) q in
+ (inher_l, eles_comments @ ((Class_method met2) :: eles))
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_meth (name, private_flag, _, loc) :: q ->
+ (* of (string * private_flag * core_type * Location.t) *)
+ let (comment_opt, eles_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let (met, maybe_more) = get_method name comment_opt private_flag loc q in
+ let (inher_l, eles) = f (loc.Location.loc_end + maybe_more) q in
+ (inher_l, eles_comments @ ((Class_method met) :: eles))
+ | (Parsetree.Pctf_cstr (_, _, loc)) :: q ->
+ (* of (core_type * core_type * Location.t) *)
+ (* A VOIR : cela correspond aux contraintes, non ? on ne les garde pas pour l'instant *)
+ let (comment_opt, eles_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let (inher_l, eles) = f loc.Location.loc_end q in
+ (inher_l, eles_comments @ eles)
+ | Parsetree.Pctf_inher class_type :: q ->
+ let loc = class_type.Parsetree.pcty_loc in
+ let (comment_opt, eles_comments) =
+ get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let pos_limit2 = get_pos_limit2 q in
+ let pos_end = loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ let comment_opt2 = merge_infos comment_opt info_after_opt in
+ let text_opt = match comment_opt2 with None -> None | Some i -> i.Odoc_types.i_desc in
+ let inh =
+ match class_type.Parsetree.pcty_desc with
+ Parsetree.Pcty_constr (longident, _) ->
+ (*of Longident.t * core_type list*)
+ let name = Name.from_longident longident in
+ let ic =
+ {
+ ic_name = Odoc_env.full_class_or_class_type_name env name ;
+ ic_class = None ;
+ ic_text = text_opt ;
+ }
+ in
+ ic
+ | Parsetree.Pcty_signature _
+ | Parsetree.Pcty_fun _ ->
+ (* we don't have a name for the class signature, so we call it "object ... end" *)
+ {
+ ic_name = Odoc_messages.object_end ;
+ ic_class = None ;
+ ic_text = text_opt ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (inher_l, eles) = f (pos_end + maybe_more) q in
+ (inh :: inher_l , eles_comments @ eles)
+ in
+ f last_pos class_type_field_list
+ (** Analyse of a .mli parse tree, to get the corresponding elements.
+ last_pos is the position of the first character which may be used to look for special comments.
+ *)
+ let rec analyse_parsetree env signat current_module_name last_pos pos_limit sig_item_list =
+ (* we look for the comment of each item then analyse the item *)
+ let rec f acc_eles acc_env last_pos = function
+ [] ->
+ let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in
+ let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in
+ let ele_comments =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun sc ->
+ match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with
+ None ->
+ acc
+ | Some t ->
+ acc @ [Element_module_comment t])
+ []
+ ele_coms
+ in
+ acc_eles @ ele_comments
+ | ele :: q ->
+ let (assoc_com, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_module
+ last_pos
+ ele.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, new_env, elements) = analyse_signature_item_desc
+ acc_env
+ signat
+ current_module_name
+ ele.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_start
+ ele.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_end
+ (match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | ele2 :: _ -> ele2.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_start
+ )
+ assoc_com
+ ele.Parsetree.psig_desc
+ in
+ f (acc_eles @ (ele_comments @ elements))
+ new_env
+ (ele.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_end + maybe_more)
+ (* for the comments of constructors in types,
+ which are after the constructor definition and can
+ go beyond ele.Parsetree.psig_loc.Location.loc_end *)
+ q
+ in
+ f [] env last_pos sig_item_list
+ (** Analyse the given signature_item_desc to create the corresponding module element
+ (with the given attached comment).*)
+ and analyse_signature_item_desc env signat current_module_name
+ pos_start_ele pos_end_ele pos_limit comment_opt sig_item_desc =
+ match sig_item_desc with
+ Parsetree.Psig_value (name_pre, value_desc) ->
+ let type_expr = Signature_search.search_value signat name_pre in
+ let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in
+ let subst_typ = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr in
+ let v =
+ {
+ val_name = Name.concat current_module_name name ;
+ val_info = comment_opt ;
+ val_type = subst_typ ;
+ val_recursive = false ;
+ val_parameters = Odoc_value.dummy_parameter_list subst_typ ;
+ val_code = None ;
+ val_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele)}
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end_ele pos_limit)
+ in
+ v.val_info <- merge_infos v.val_info info_after_opt ;
+ (* update the parameter description *)
+ Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text v;
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_value env v.val_name in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, [ Element_value v ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_exception (name, exception_decl) ->
+ let types_excep_decl = Signature_search.search_exception signat name in
+ let e =
+ {
+ ex_name = Name.concat current_module_name name ;
+ ex_info = comment_opt ;
+ ex_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) types_excep_decl ;
+ ex_alias = None ;
+ ex_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) }
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end_ele pos_limit)
+ in
+ e.ex_info <- merge_infos e.ex_info info_after_opt ;
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_exception env e.ex_name in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, [ Element_exception e ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_type name_type_decl_list ->
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun (name, _) ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ Odoc_env.add_type acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ name_type_decl_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) acc_maybe_more last_pos name_type_decl_list =
+ match name_type_decl_list with
+ [] ->
+ (acc_maybe_more, [])
+ | (name, type_decl) :: q ->
+ let (assoc_com, ele_comments) =
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module
+ last_pos
+ type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let pos_limit2 =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | (_, td) :: _ -> td.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, name_comment_list) =
+ name_comment_from_type_kind
+ type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start
+ type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_end
+ pos_limit2
+ type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_kind
+ in
+ print_DEBUG ("Type "^name^" : "^(match assoc_com with None -> "sans commentaire" | Some c -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info c));
+ let f_DEBUG (name, c_opt) = print_DEBUG ("constructor/field "^name^": "^(match c_opt with None -> "sans commentaire" | Some c -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info c)) in
+ List.iter f_DEBUG name_comment_list;
+ (* get the information for the type in the signature *)
+ let sig_type_decl = Signature_search.search_type signat name in
+ (* get the type kind with the associated comments *)
+ let type_kind = get_type_kind new_env name_comment_list sig_type_decl.Types.type_kind in
+ (* associate the comments to each constructor and build the [Type.t_type] *)
+ let new_type =
+ {
+ ty_name = Name.concat current_module_name name ;
+ ty_info = assoc_com ;
+ ty_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) sig_type_decl.Types.type_params ;
+ ty_kind = type_kind ;
+ ty_manifest =
+ (match sig_type_decl.Types.type_manifest with
+ None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env t));
+ ty_loc =
+ { loc_impl = None ;
+ loc_inter = Some (!file_name,type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start)
+ };
+ }
+ in
+ let new_end = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_end + maybe_more in
+ let (maybe_more2, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file new_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ new_type.ty_info <- merge_infos new_type.ty_info info_after_opt ;
+ let (new_maybe_more, eles) = f
+ (maybe_more + maybe_more2)
+ (new_end + maybe_more2)
+ q
+ in
+ (new_maybe_more, (ele_comments @ [Element_type new_type]) @ eles)
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, types) = f ~first: true 0 pos_start_ele name_type_decl_list in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, types)
+ | Parsetree.Psig_open _ -> (* A VOIR *)
+ let ele_comments = match comment_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some i ->
+ match i.i_desc with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> [Element_module_comment t]
+ in
+ (0, env, ele_comments)
+ | Parsetree.Psig_module (name, module_type) ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ (* get the the module type in the signature by the module name *)
+ let sig_module_type =
+ try Signature_search.search_module signat name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found current_module_name name))
+ in
+ let module_kind = analyse_module_kind env complete_name module_type sig_module_type in
+ let new_module =
+ {
+ m_name = complete_name ;
+ m_type = Some sig_module_type;
+ m_info = comment_opt ;
+ m_is_interface = true ;
+ m_file = !file_name ;
+ m_kind = module_kind ;
+ m_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
+ m_top_deps = [] ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end_ele pos_limit)
+ in
+ new_module.m_info <- merge_infos new_module.m_info info_after_opt ;
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env new_module.m_name in
+ let new_env2 =
+ match new_module.m_type with (* A VOIR : cela peut-il ętre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
+ Some (Types.Tmty_signature s) -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s
+ | _ -> new_env
+ in
+ (maybe_more, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_modtype (name, Parsetree.Pmodtype_abstract) ->
+ let sig_mtype =
+ try Signature_search.search_module_type signat name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_type_not_found current_module_name name))
+ in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let mt =
+ {
+ mt_name = complete_name ;
+ mt_info = comment_opt ;
+ mt_type = sig_mtype ;
+ mt_is_interface = true ;
+ mt_file = !file_name ;
+ mt_kind = None ;
+ mt_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end_ele pos_limit)
+ in
+ mt.mt_info <- merge_infos mt.mt_info info_after_opt ;
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module_type env mt.mt_name in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, [ Element_module_type mt ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_modtype (name, Parsetree.Pmodtype_manifest module_type) ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let sig_mtype_opt =
+ try Signature_search.search_module_type signat name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_type_not_found current_module_name name))
+ in
+ let module_type_kind =
+ match sig_mtype_opt with
+ | Some sig_mtype -> Some (analyse_module_type_kind env complete_name module_type sig_mtype)
+ | None -> None
+ in
+ let mt =
+ {
+ mt_name = complete_name ;
+ mt_info = comment_opt ;
+ mt_type = sig_mtype_opt ;
+ mt_is_interface = true ;
+ mt_file = !file_name ;
+ mt_kind = module_type_kind ;
+ mt_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end_ele pos_limit)
+ in
+ mt.mt_info <- merge_infos mt.mt_info info_after_opt ;
+ let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module_type env mt.mt_name in
+ let new_env2 =
+ match sig_mtype_opt with (* A VOIR : cela peut-il ętre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
+ Some (Types.Tmty_signature s) -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env mt.mt_name ~rel: (Name.simple mt.mt_name) s
+ | _ -> new_env
+ in
+ (maybe_more, new_env2, [ Element_module_type mt ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_include module_type ->
+ let rec f = function
+ Parsetree.Pmty_ident longident ->
+ Name.from_longident longident
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_signature _ ->
+ "??"
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_functor _ ->
+ "??"
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_with (mt, _) ->
+ f mt.Parsetree.pmty_desc
+ in
+ let im =
+ {
+ im_name = Odoc_env.full_module_or_module_type_name env (f module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc) ;
+ im_module = None ;
+ }
+ in
+ (0, env, [ Element_included_module im ]) (* A VOIR : étendre l'environnement ? avec quoi ? *)
+ | Parsetree.Psig_class class_description_list ->
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun class_desc ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_desc.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ Odoc_env.add_class acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ class_description_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) acc_maybe_more last_pos class_description_list =
+ match class_description_list with
+ [] ->
+ (acc_maybe_more, [])
+ | class_desc :: q ->
+ let (assoc_com, ele_comments) =
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module
+ last_pos
+ class_desc.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let pos_end = class_desc.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let pos_limit2 =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | cd :: _ -> cd.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let name = class_desc.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let sig_class_decl = Signature_search.search_class signat name in
+ let sig_class_type = sig_class_decl.Types.cty_type in
+ let (parameters, class_kind) =
+ analyse_class_kind
+ new_env
+ complete_name
+ class_desc.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ class_desc.Parsetree.pci_expr
+ sig_class_type
+ in
+ let new_class =
+ {
+ cl_name = complete_name ;
+ cl_info = assoc_com ;
+ cl_type = sig_class_type ;
+ cl_type_parameters = sig_class_decl.Types.cty_params;
+ cl_virtual = class_desc.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual ;
+ cl_kind = class_kind ;
+ cl_parameters = parameters ;
+ cl_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ new_class.cl_info <- merge_infos new_class.cl_info info_after_opt ;
+ Odoc_class.class_update_parameters_text new_class ;
+ let (new_maybe_more, eles) =
+ f maybe_more (pos_end + maybe_more) q
+ in
+ (new_maybe_more,
+ ele_comments @ (( Element_class new_class ) :: eles))
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, eles) =
+ f ~first: true 0 pos_start_ele class_description_list
+ in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, eles)
+ | Parsetree.Psig_class_type class_type_declaration_list ->
+ (* we start by extending the environment *)
+ let new_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc_env -> fun class_type_decl ->
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ Odoc_env.add_class_type acc_env complete_name
+ )
+ env
+ class_type_declaration_list
+ in
+ let rec f ?(first=false) acc_maybe_more last_pos class_type_description_list =
+ match class_type_description_list with
+ [] ->
+ (acc_maybe_more, [])
+ | ct_decl :: q ->
+ let (assoc_com, ele_comments) =
+ if first then
+ (comment_opt, [])
+ else
+ get_comments_in_module
+ last_pos
+ ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let pos_end = ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let pos_limit2 =
+ match q with
+ [] -> pos_limit
+ | ct_decl2 :: _ -> ct_decl2.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ in
+ let name = ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in
+ let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
+ let sig_cltype_decl = Signature_search.search_class_type signat name in
+ let sig_class_type = sig_cltype_decl.Types.clty_type in
+ let kind = analyse_class_type_kind
+ new_env
+ complete_name
+ ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start
+ ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr
+ sig_class_type
+ in
+ let ct =
+ {
+ clt_name = complete_name ;
+ clt_info = assoc_com ;
+ clt_type = sig_class_type ;
+ clt_type_parameters = sig_cltype_decl.clty_params ;
+ clt_virtual = ct_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual ;
+ clt_kind = kind ;
+ clt_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
+ }
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
+ My_ir.just_after_special
+ !file_name
+ (get_string_of_file pos_end pos_limit2)
+ in
+ ct.clt_info <- merge_infos ct.clt_info info_after_opt ;
+ let (new_maybe_more, eles) =
+ f maybe_more (pos_end + maybe_more) q
+ in
+ (new_maybe_more,
+ ele_comments @ (( Element_class_type ct) :: eles))
+ in
+ let (maybe_more, eles) =
+ f ~first: true 0 pos_start_ele class_type_declaration_list
+ in
+ (maybe_more, new_env, eles)
+ (** Return a module_type_kind from a Parsetree.module_type and a Types.module_type *)
+ and analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type sig_module_type =
+ match module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc with
+ Parsetree.Pmty_ident longident ->
+ let name =
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_ident path -> Name.from_path path
+ | _ -> Name.from_longident longident
+ (* A VOIR cela arrive quand on fait module type F : functor ... -> Toto, Toto n'est pas un ident mais une structure *)
+ in
+ Module_type_alias { mta_name = Odoc_env.full_module_type_name env name ;
+ mta_module = None }
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_signature ast ->
+ (
+ (* we must have a signature in the module type *)
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_signature signat ->
+ let pos_start = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let pos_end = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let elements = analyse_parsetree env signat current_module_name pos_start pos_end ast in
+ Module_type_struct elements
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure "Parsetree.Pmty_signature signature but not Types.Tmty_signature signat")
+ )
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (_,_, module_type2) ->
+ (
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
+ mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
+ }
+ in
+ (
+ match analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type2 body_module_type with
+ Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
+ Module_type_functor (param :: params, k)
+ | k ->
+ Module_type_functor ([param], k)
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* if we're here something's wrong *)
+ raise (Failure "Parsetree.Pmty_functor _ but not Types.Tmty_functor _")
+ )
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_with (module_type2, _) ->
+ (* of module_type * (Longident.t * with_constraint) list *)
+ (
+ let loc_start = module_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let loc_end = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let s = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ let k = analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type2 sig_module_type in
+ Module_type_with (k, s)
+ )
+ (** Analyse of a Parsetree.module_type and a Types.module_type.*)
+ and analyse_module_kind env current_module_name module_type sig_module_type =
+ match module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc with
+ Parsetree.Pmty_ident longident (*of Longident.t*) ->
+ let name =
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_ident path -> Name.from_path path
+ | _ ->
+ Name.from_longident longident
+ in
+ Module_alias { ma_name = Odoc_env.full_module_or_module_type_name env name ;
+ ma_module = None }
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_signature signature ->
+ (
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_signature signat ->
+ Module_struct
+ (analyse_parsetree
+ env
+ signat
+ current_module_name
+ module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start
+ module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end
+ signature
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* if we're here something's wrong *)
+ raise (Failure "Parsetree.Pmty_signature signature but not Types.Tmty_signature signat")
+ )
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (_,_,module_type2) (* of string * module_type * module_type *) ->
+ (
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Tmty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
+ mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
+ }
+ in
+ (
+ match analyse_module_kind env current_module_name module_type2 body_module_type with
+ Module_functor (params, k) ->
+ Module_functor (param :: params, k)
+ | k ->
+ Module_functor ([param], k)
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ (* if we're here something's wrong *)
+ raise (Failure "Parsetree.Pmty_functor _ but not Types.Tmty_functor _")
+ )
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_with (module_type2, _) ->
+ (*of module_type * (Longident.t * with_constraint) list*)
+ (
+ let loc_start = module_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let loc_end = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end in
+ let s = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ let k = analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type2 sig_module_type in
+ Module_with (k, s)
+ )
+ (** Analyse of a Parsetree.class_type and a Types.class_type to return a couple
+ (class parameters, class_kind).*)
+ and analyse_class_kind env current_class_name last_pos parse_class_type sig_class_type =
+ match parse_class_type.Parsetree.pcty_desc, sig_class_type with
+ (Parsetree.Pcty_constr (_, _) (*of Longident.t * core_type list *),
+ Types.Tcty_constr (p, typ_list, _) (*of Path.t * type_expr list * class_type*)) ->
+ print_DEBUG "Tcty_constr _";
+ let k =
+ Class_constr
+ {
+ cco_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env (Name.from_path p) ;
+ cco_class = None ;
+ cco_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) typ_list
+ }
+ in
+ ([], k)
+ | (Parsetree.Pcty_signature (_, class_type_field_list), Types.Tcty_signature class_signature) ->
+ print_DEBUG "Types.Tcty_signature class_signature";
+ let f_DEBUG var (mutable_flag, type_exp) = print_DEBUG var in
+ Types.Vars.iter f_DEBUG class_signature.Types.cty_vars;
+ print_DEBUG ("Type de la classe "^current_class_name^" : ");
+ print_DEBUG (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr class_signature.Types.cty_self);
+ (* we get the elements of the class in class_type_field_list *)
+ let (inher_l, ele) = analyse_class_elements env current_class_name
+ last_pos
+ parse_class_type.Parsetree.pcty_loc.Location.loc_end
+ class_type_field_list
+ class_signature
+ in
+ ([], Class_structure (inher_l, ele))
+ | (Parsetree.Pcty_fun (parse_label, _, pclass_type), Types.Tcty_fun (label, type_expr, class_type)) ->
+ (* label = string. Dans les signatures, pas de nom de paramčtres ŕ l'intérieur des tuples *)
+ (* si label = "", pas de label. A VOIR : ici on a l'information pour savoir si on a un label explicite. *)
+ if parse_label = label then
+ (
+ let new_param =
+ Simple_name
+ {
+ sn_name = label ;
+ sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr ;
+ sn_text = None ; (* will be updated when the class will be created *)
+ }
+ in
+ let (l, k) = analyse_class_kind env current_class_name last_pos pclass_type class_type in
+ ( (new_param :: l), k )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ raise (Failure "Parsetree.Pcty_fun (parse_label, _, pclass_type), labels différents")
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind pas de correspondance dans le match")
+ (** Analyse of a Parsetree.class_type and a Types.class_type to return a class_type_kind.*)
+ and analyse_class_type_kind env current_class_name last_pos parse_class_type sig_class_type =
+ match parse_class_type.Parsetree.pcty_desc, sig_class_type with
+ (Parsetree.Pcty_constr (_, _) (*of Longident.t * core_type list *),
+ Types.Tcty_constr (p, typ_list, _) (*of Path.t * type_expr list * class_type*)) ->
+ print_DEBUG "Tcty_constr _";
+ let k =
+ Class_type
+ {
+ cta_name = Odoc_env.full_class_or_class_type_name env (Name.from_path p) ;
+ cta_class = None ;
+ cta_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) typ_list
+ }
+ in
+ k
+ | (Parsetree.Pcty_signature (_, class_type_field_list), Types.Tcty_signature class_signature) ->
+ print_DEBUG "Types.Tcty_signature class_signature";
+ let f_DEBUG var (mutable_flag, type_exp) = print_DEBUG var in
+ Types.Vars.iter f_DEBUG class_signature.Types.cty_vars;
+ print_DEBUG ("Type de la classe "^current_class_name^" : ");
+ print_DEBUG (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr class_signature.Types.cty_self);
+ (* we get the elements of the class in class_type_field_list *)
+ let (inher_l, ele) = analyse_class_elements env current_class_name
+ last_pos
+ parse_class_type.Parsetree.pcty_loc.Location.loc_end
+ class_type_field_list
+ class_signature
+ in
+ Class_signature (inher_l, ele)
+ | (Parsetree.Pcty_fun (parse_label, _, pclass_type), Types.Tcty_fun (label, type_expr, class_type)) ->
+ raise (Failure "analyse_class_type_kind : Parsetree.Pcty_fun (...) with Types.Tcty_fun (...)")
+ | (Parsetree.Pcty_constr (longident, _) (*of Longident.t * core_type list *),
+ Types.Tcty_signature class_signature) ->
+ (* A VOIR : c'est pour le cas des contraintes de classes :
+ class type cons = object
+ method m : int
+ end
+ class ['a] maxou x =
+ (object
+ val a = (x : 'a)
+ method m = a
+ end : cons )
+ ^^^^^^
+ *)
+ let k =
+ Class_type
+ {
+ cta_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env (Name.from_longident longident) ;
+ cta_class = None ;
+ cta_type_parameters = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) typ_list (* ?? *)
+ }
+ in
+ ([], k)
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Failure "analyse_class_type_kind pas de correspondance dans le match")
+ let analyse_signature source_file input_file (ast : Parsetree.signature) (signat : Types.signature) =
+ let complete_source_file =
+ try
+ let curdir = Sys.getcwd () in
+ let (dirname, basename) = (Filename.dirname source_file, Filename.basename source_file) in
+ Sys.chdir dirname ;
+ let complete = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) basename in
+ Sys.chdir curdir ;
+ complete
+ with
+ Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ source_file
+ in
+ prepare_file complete_source_file input_file;
+ (* We create the t_module for this file. *)
+ let mod_name = String.capitalize
+ (Filename.basename (try Filename.chop_extension source_file with _ -> source_file))
+ in
+ let (len,info_opt) = My_ir.first_special !file_name !file in
+ let elements = analyse_parsetree Odoc_env.empty signat mod_name len (String.length !file) ast in
+ let m =
+ {
+ m_name = mod_name ;
+ m_type = Some (Types.Tmty_signature signat) ;
+ m_info = info_opt ;
+ m_is_interface = true ;
+ m_file = !file_name ;
+ m_kind = Module_struct elements ;
+ m_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, 0) } ;
+ m_top_deps = [] ;
+ }
+ in
+ print_DEBUG "Eléments du module:";
+ let f e =
+ let s =
+ match e with
+ Element_module m -> "module "^m.m_name
+ | Element_module_type mt -> "module type "^mt.mt_name
+ | Element_included_module im -> "included module "^im.im_name
+ | Element_class c -> "class "^c.cl_name
+ | Element_class_type ct -> "class type "^ct.clt_name
+ | Element_value v -> "value "^v.val_name
+ | Element_exception e -> "exception "^e.ex_name
+ | Element_type t -> "type "^t.ty_name
+ | Element_module_comment t -> Odoc_misc.string_of_text t
+ in
+ print_DEBUG s;
+ ()
+ in
+ List.iter f elements;
+ m
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_sig.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_sig.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2718b9343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_sig.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The module for analysing a signature and source code and creating modules, classes, ..., elements.*)
+(** The functions used to retrieve information from a signature. *)
+module Signature_search :
+ sig
+ (** This function returns the type expression for the value whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_value : Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.type_expr
+ (** This function returns the type expression list for the exception whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_exception :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.exception_declaration
+ (** This function returns the Types.type_declaration for the type whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_type :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.type_declaration
+ (** This function returns the Types.class_declaration for the class whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_class :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.class_declaration
+ (** This function returns the Types.cltype_declaration for the class type whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_class_type :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.cltype_declaration
+ (** This function returns the Types.module_type for the module whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_module :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.module_type
+ (** This function returns the optional Types.module_type for the module type whose name is given,
+ in the given signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_module_type :
+ Types.signature_item list -> string -> Types.module_type option
+ (** This function returns the Types.type_expr for the given val name
+ in the given class signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_attribute_type :
+ Types.Vars.key -> Types.class_signature -> Types.type_expr
+ (** This function returns the Types.type_expr for the given method name
+ in the given class signature.
+ @raise Not_found if error.*)
+ val search_method_type :
+ string -> Types.class_signature -> Types.type_expr
+ end
+(** Functions to retrieve simple and special comments from strings. *)
+module type Info_retriever =
+ sig
+ (** Return the couple [(n, list)] where [n] is the number of
+ characters read to retrieve [list], which is the list
+ of special comments found in the string. *)
+ val all_special :
+ string -> string -> int * list
+ (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *)
+ val blank_line_outside_simple :
+ string -> string -> bool
+ (** [just_after_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
+ where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
+ in [str], without any blank line before. [length] is the number
+ of chars from the beginning of [str] to the end of the special comment. *)
+ val just_after_special :
+ string -> string -> (int * option)
+ (** [first_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
+ where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
+ in [str]. [length] is the number of chars from the beginning of [str]
+ to the end of the special comment. *)
+ val first_special :
+ string -> string -> (int * option)
+ (** Return a pair [(comment_opt, element_comment_list)], where [comment_opt] is the last special
+ comment found in the given string and not followed by a blank line,
+ and [element_comment_list] the list of values built from the other
+ special comments found and the given function. *)
+ val get_comments :
+ (Odoc_types.text -> 'a) -> string -> string -> ( option * 'a list)
+ end
+module Analyser :
+ functor (My_ir : Info_retriever) ->
+ sig
+ (** This variable is used to load a file as a string and retrieve characters from it.*)
+ val file : string ref
+ (** The name of the analysed file. *)
+ val file_name : string ref
+ (** This function takes two indexes (start and end) and return the string
+ corresponding to the indexes in the file global variable. The function
+ prepare_file must have been called to fill the file global variable.*)
+ val get_string_of_file : int -> int -> string
+ (** [prepare_file f input_f] sets [file_name] with [f] and loads the file
+ [input_f] into [file].*)
+ val prepare_file : string -> string -> unit
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a class. *)
+ val get_comments_in_class : int -> int ->
+ ( option * Odoc_class.class_element list)
+ (** The function used to get the comments in a module. *)
+ val get_comments_in_module : int -> int ->
+ ( option * Odoc_module.module_element list)
+ (** Return a module_type_kind from a Parsetree.module_type and a Types.module_type *)
+ val analyse_module_type_kind :
+ Odoc_env.env -> Odoc_name.t ->
+ Parsetree.module_type -> Types.module_type ->
+ Odoc_module.module_type_kind
+ (** Analysis of a Parsetree.class_type and a Types.class_type to
+ return a class_type_kind.*)
+ val analyse_class_type_kind : Odoc_env.env ->
+ Odoc_name.t -> int -> Parsetree.class_type -> Types.class_type ->
+ Odoc_class.class_type_kind
+ (** This function takes an interface file name, a file containg the code, a parse tree
+ and the signature obtained from the compiler.
+ It goes through the parse tree, creating values for encountered
+ functions, modules, ..., looking in the source file for comments,
+ and in the signature for types information. *)
+ val analyse_signature :
+ string -> string ->
+ Parsetree.signature -> Types.signature -> Odoc_module.t_module
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..434ae72f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The functions to get a string from different kinds of elements (types, modules, ...). *)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+let string_of_type t =
+ let module M = Odoc_type in
+ "type "^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun p -> (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr p)^" ")
+ t.M.ty_parameters
+ )
+ )^
+ (Name.simple t.M.ty_name)^" "^
+ (match t.M.ty_manifest with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some typ -> "= "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr typ)^" "
+ )^
+ (match t.M.ty_kind with
+ M.Type_abstract ->
+ ""
+ | M.Type_variant l ->
+ "=\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun cons ->
+ " | "^cons.M.vc_name^
+ (match cons.M.vc_args with
+ [] -> ""
+ | l ->
+ " of "^(String.concat " * "
+ ( (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t)^")") l))
+ )^
+ (match cons.M.vc_text with
+ None ->
+ ""
+ | Some t ->
+ "(* "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text t)^" *)"
+ )^"\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )
+ | M.Type_record l ->
+ "= {\n"^
+ (String.concat ""
+ (
+ (fun record ->
+ " "^(if record.M.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "")^
+ record.M.rf_name^" : "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr record.M.rf_type)^";"^
+ (match record.M.rf_text with
+ None ->
+ ""
+ | Some t ->
+ "(* "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_text t)^" *)"
+ )^"\n"
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ )^
+ "}\n"
+ )^
+ (match t.M.ty_info with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some info -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info info)
+let string_of_exception e =
+ let module M = Odoc_exception in
+ "exception "^(Name.simple e.M.ex_name)^
+ (match e.M.ex_args with
+ [] -> ""
+ | _ ->" : "^
+ (String.concat " -> "
+ ( (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr t)^")") e.M.ex_args)
+ )
+ )^
+ (match e.M.ex_alias with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some ea ->
+ " = "^
+ (match ea.M.ea_ex with
+ None -> ea.M.ea_name
+ | Some e2 -> e2.M.ex_name
+ )
+ )^"\n"^
+ (match e.M.ex_info with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i)
+let string_of_value v =
+ let module M = Odoc_value in
+ "val "^(Name.simple v.M.val_name)^" : "^
+ (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr v.M.val_type)^"\n"^
+ (match v.M.val_info with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i)
+let string_of_attribute a =
+ let module M = Odoc_value in
+ "val "^
+ (if a.M.att_mutable then Odoc_messages.mutab^" " else "")^
+ (Name.simple a.M.att_value.M.val_name)^" : "^
+ (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr a.M.att_value.M.val_type)^"\n"^
+ (match a.M.att_value.M.val_info with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i)
+let string_of_method m =
+ let module M = Odoc_value in
+ "method "^
+ (if m.M.met_private then Odoc_messages.privat^" " else "")^
+ (Name.simple m.M.met_value.M.val_name)^" : "^
+ (Odoc_misc.string_of_type_expr m.M.met_value.M.val_type)^"\n"^
+ (match m.M.met_value.M.val_info with
+ None -> ""
+ | Some i -> Odoc_misc.string_of_info i)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..711de7e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The functions to get a string from different kinds of elements (types, modules, ...). *)
+(** @return a string to describe the given type. *)
+val string_of_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given exception. *)
+val string_of_exception : Odoc_exception.t_exception -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given value. *)
+val string_of_value : Odoc_value.t_value -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given attribute. *)
+val string_of_attribute : Odoc_value.t_attribute -> string
+(** @return a string to describe the given method. *)
+val string_of_method : Odoc_value.t_method -> string
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a712e5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+exception Text_syntax of int * int * string (* line, char, string *)
+module Texter =
+ struct
+ (* builds a text structure from a string. *)
+ let text_of_string s =
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
+ try
+ Odoc_text_lexer.init ();
+ Odoc_text_parser.main Odoc_text_lexer.main lexbuf
+ with
+ _ ->
+ raise (Text_syntax (!Odoc_text_lexer.line_number,
+ !Odoc_text_lexer.char_number,
+ s)
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_text.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_text.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b18a413a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_text.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** A module with a function to parse strings to obtain a [Odoc_types.text] value. *)
+(** Syntax error in a text. *)
+exception Text_syntax of int * int * string (* line, char, string *)
+(** Transformation of strings to text structures. *)
+module Texter :
+ sig val text_of_string : string -> Odoc_types.text end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_text_lexer.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_text_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54b7db057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_text_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** The lexer for string to build text structures. *)
+open Lexing
+open Odoc_text_parser
+let line_number = ref 0
+let char_number = ref 0
+let string_buffer = Buffer.create 32
+(** Fonction de remise ŕ zéro de la chaine de caractčres tampon *)
+let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.reset string_buffer
+(** Fonction d'ajout d'un caractčre dans la chaine de caractčres tampon *)
+let ajout_char_string = Buffer.add_char string_buffer
+(** Add a string to the buffer. *)
+let ajout_string = Buffer.add_string string_buffer
+let lecture_string () = Buffer.contents string_buffer
+(** the variable which will contain the description string.
+ Is initialized when we encounter the start of a special comment. *)
+let description = ref ""
+let blank = "[ \013\009\012]"
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s; print_newline ()
+(** this flag indicates whether we're in a string between begin_code and end_code tokens, to
+ remember the number of open '[' and handle ']' correctly. *)
+let open_brackets = ref 0
+(** this flag indicates if we're in verbatim mode or not, to handle any special expression
+ like a string when we're in verbatim mode.*)
+let verb_mode = ref false
+(** this flag indicates if we're in latex mode or not, to handle any special expression
+ like a string when we're in latex mode.*)
+let latex_mode = ref false
+(** this flag indicates if we're in shortcut list mode or not, to handle end_shortcut_list correctly.*)
+let shortcut_list_mode = ref false
+(** this flag indicates if we're in an element reference. *)
+let ele_ref_mode = ref false
+(** this flag indicates if we're in a preformatted code string. *)
+let code_pre_mode = ref false
+let init () =
+ open_brackets := 0;
+ verb_mode := false;
+ latex_mode := false;
+ shortcut_list_mode := false;
+ ele_ref_mode := false ;
+ code_pre_mode := false ;
+ line_number := 0 ;
+ char_number := 0
+let incr_cpts lexbuf =
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ let l = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string "\n") s in
+ match List.rev l with
+ [] -> () (* should not occur *)
+ | [s2] -> (* no newline *)
+ char_number := !char_number + (String.length s2)
+ | s2 :: _ ->
+ line_number := !line_number + ((List.length l) - 1) ;
+ char_number := String.length s2
+(** html marks, to use as alternative possible special strings *)
+let html_bold = "<"('b'|'B')">"
+let html_end_bold = "</"('b'|'B')">"
+let html_italic = "<"('i'|'I')">"
+let html_end_italic = "</"('i'|'I')">"
+let html_title = "<"('h'|'H')(['0'-'9'])+">"
+let html_end_title = "</"('h'|'H')(['0'-'9'])+">"
+let html_list = "<"('u'|'U')('l'|'L')">"
+let html_end_list = "</"('u'|'U')('l'|'L')">"
+let html_enum = "<"('o'|'O')('l'|'L')">"
+let html_end_enum = "</"('o'|'O')('l'|'L')">"
+let html_item = "<"('l'|'L')('i'|'I')">"
+let html_end_item = "</"('l'|'L')('i'|'I')">"
+let html_code = "<"('c'|'C')('o'|'O')('d'|'D')('e'|'E')">"
+let html_end_code = "</"('c'|'C')('o'|'O')('d'|'D')('e'|'E')">"
+let html_center = "<"('c'|'C')('e'|'E')('n'|'N')('t'|'T')('e'|'E')('r'|'R')">"
+let html_end_center = "</"('c'|'C')('e'|'E')('n'|'N')('t'|'T')('e'|'E')('r'|'R')">"
+let html_left = "<"('l'|'L')('e'|'E')('f'|'F')('t'|'T')">"
+let html_end_left = "</"('l'|'L')('e'|'E')('f'|'F')('t'|'T')">"
+let html_right = "<"('r'|'R')('i'|'I')('g'|'G')('h'|'H')('t'|'T')">"
+let html_end_right = "</"('r'|'R')('i'|'I')('g'|'G')('h'|'H')('t'|'T')">"
+let blank = [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012']
+let blank_nl = [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012' '\010']
+let label = ['a'-'z']+['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']*
+(** special strings *)
+let end = "}"
+ | html_end_bold
+ | html_end_italic
+ | html_end_title
+ | html_end_list
+ | html_end_enum
+ | html_end_item
+ | html_end_center
+let begin_title =
+ ("{" ['0'-'9']+(":"label)? blank_nl)
+ | html_title
+let begin_bold = "{b"blank_nl | html_bold
+let begin_emp = "{e"blank_nl
+let begin_center = "{C"blank_nl | html_center
+let begin_left = "{L"blank_nl
+let begin_right = "{R"blank_nl
+let begin_italic = "{i"blank_nl | html_italic
+let begin_list = "{ul" | html_list
+let begin_enum = "{ol" | html_enum
+let begin_item = "{li"blank_nl | "{- " | html_item
+let begin_link = "{{:"
+let begin_latex = "{%"blank_nl
+let end_latex = "%}"
+let begin_code = "[" | html_code
+let end_code = "]" | html_end_code
+let begin_code_pre = "{["
+let end_code_pre = "]}"
+let begin_verb = "{v"blank_nl
+let end_verb = blank_nl"v}"
+let begin_ele_ref = "{!"blank_nl | "{!"
+let begin_superscript = "{^"blank_nl | "{^"
+let begin_subscript = "{_"blank_nl | "{_"
+let shortcut_list_item = '\n'blank*"- "
+let shortcut_enum_item = '\n'blank*"+ "
+let end_shortcut_list = '\n'(blank*'\n')+
+rule main = parse
+| "\\{"
+| "\\}"
+| "\\["
+| "\\]"
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ Char (String.sub s 1 1)
+ }
+| end
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ let _ =
+ if !ele_ref_mode then
+ ele_ref_mode := false
+ in
+ }
+| begin_title
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ try
+ (* chech if the "{..." or html_title mark was used. *)
+ if s.[0] = '<' then
+ let (n, l) = (2, (String.length s - 3)) in
+ let s2 = String.sub s n l in
+ Title (int_of_string s2, None)
+ else
+ let (n, l) = (1, (String.length s - 2)) in
+ let s2 = String.sub s n l in
+ try
+ let i = String.index s2 ':' in
+ let s_n = String.sub s2 0 i in
+ let s_label = String.sub s2 (i+1) (l-i-1) in
+ Title (int_of_string s_n, Some s_label)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Title (int_of_string s2, None)
+ with
+ _ ->
+ Title (1, None)
+ }
+| begin_bold
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_italic
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_link
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_emp
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_superscript
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_subscript
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_center
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_left
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_right
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode
+ or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_list
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_enum
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_item
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| begin_latex
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or
+ (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ (
+ latex_mode := true;
+ )
+ }
+| end_latex
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or
+ !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ (
+ latex_mode := false;
+ )
+ }
+| begin_code end_code
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ }
+| begin_code
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ if !open_brackets <= 0 then
+ (
+ open_brackets := 1;
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ incr open_brackets;
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ )
+ }
+| end_code
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ if !open_brackets > 1 then
+ (
+ decr open_brackets;
+ Char "]"
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ open_brackets := 0;
+ )
+ }
+| begin_code_pre end_code_pre
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ }
+| begin_code_pre
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ (
+ code_pre_mode := true;
+ )
+ }
+| end_code_pre
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ if !code_pre_mode then
+ (
+ code_pre_mode := false;
+ )
+ else
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ }
+| begin_ele_ref end
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ }
+| begin_ele_ref
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !open_brackets >= 1 then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ if not !ele_ref_mode then
+ (
+ ele_ref_mode := true;
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ )
+ }
+| begin_verb
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ (
+ verb_mode := true;
+ )
+ }
+| end_verb
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ (
+ verb_mode := false;
+ )
+ }
+| shortcut_list_item
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !shortcut_list_mode then
+ (
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ shortcut_list_mode := true;
+ )
+ }
+| shortcut_enum_item
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !shortcut_list_mode then
+ else
+ (
+ shortcut_list_mode := true;
+ )
+ }
+| end_shortcut_list
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos - 1;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - 1;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos - 1;
+ decr line_number ;
+ if !shortcut_list_mode then
+ (
+ shortcut_list_mode := false;
+ (* go back one char to re-use the last '\n', so we can
+ restart another shortcut-list with a single blank line,
+ and not two.*)
+ )
+ else
+ }
+| eof { EOF }
+| "{"
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ else
+ }
+| _
+ {
+ incr_cpts lexbuf ;
+ Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+ }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_text_parser.mly b/ocamldoc/odoc_text_parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4524e69a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_text_parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+open Odoc_types
+let identchar =
+ "[A-Z a-z_\192-\214\216-\246\248-\255'0-9]"
+let blank = "[ \010\013\009\012]"
+let remove_beginning_blanks s =
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" s
+let remove_trailing_blanks s =
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (blank^"+$")) "" s
+let print_DEBUG s = print_string s; print_newline ()
+%token ERROR
+%token END
+%token <int * string option> Title
+%token BOLD
+%token EMP
+%token CENTER
+%token LEFT
+%token RIGHT
+%token ITALIC
+%token LIST
+%token ENUM
+%token ITEM
+%token LINK
+%token CODE
+%token END_CODE
+%token CODE_PRE
+%token END_CODE_PRE
+%token VERB
+%token END_VERB
+%token LATEX
+%token END_LATEX
+%token ELE_REF
+%token BLANK_LINE
+%token EOF
+%token <string> Char
+/* Start Symbols */
+%start main
+%type <Odoc_types.text> main
+ text EOF { $1 }
+| EOF { [Raw ""] }
+ text_element_list { $1 }
+ text_element { [ $1 ] }
+| text_element text_element_list { $1 :: $2 }
+ Title text END { let n, l_opt = $1 in Title (n, l_opt, $2) }
+| BOLD text END { Bold $2 }
+| ITALIC text END { Italic $2 }
+| EMP text END { Emphasize $2 }
+| SUPERSCRIPT text END { Superscript $2 }
+| SUBSCRIPT text END { Subscript $2 }
+| CENTER text END { Center $2 }
+| LEFT text END { Left $2 }
+| RIGHT text END { Right $2 }
+| LIST list END { List $2 }
+| ENUM list END { Enum $2 }
+| CODE string END_CODE { Code $2 }
+| CODE_PRE string END_CODE_PRE { CodePre $2 }
+| ELE_REF string END {
+ let s2 = remove_beginning_blanks $2 in
+ let s3 = remove_trailing_blanks s2 in
+ Ref (s3, None)
+ }
+| VERB string END_VERB { Verbatim $2 }
+| LATEX string END_LATEX { Latex $2 }
+| LINK string END text END { Link ($2, $4) }
+| BLANK_LINE { Newline }
+| BEGIN_SHORTCUT_LIST_ITEM shortcut_list EOF { List $2 }
+| BEGIN_SHORTCUT_ENUM_ITEM shortcut_enum EOF { Enum $2 }
+| string { Raw $1 }
+| string { [] (* A VOIR : un test pour voir qu'il n'y a que des blancs *) }
+| string list { $2 }
+| list string { $1 }
+| item { [ $1 ] }
+| item list { $1 :: $2 }
+ ITEM text END { $2 }
+ text shortcut_list2 { $1 :: $2 }
+| text { [ $1 ] }
+| SHORTCUT_LIST_ITEM shortcut_list { $2 }
+ text shortcut_enum2 { $1 :: $2 }
+| text { [ $1 ] }
+| SHORTCUT_ENUM_ITEM shortcut_enum { $2 }
+ Char { $1 }
+| Char string { $1^$2 }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d59a5bf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Text generation.
+ This module contains the class [to_text] with methods used to transform
+ information about elements to a [text] structure.*)
+open Odoc_info
+open Exception
+open Type
+open Value
+open Module
+open Class
+open Parameter
+(** A class used to get a [text] for info structures. *)
+class virtual info =
+ object (self)
+ (** The list of pairs [(tag, f)] where [f] is a function taking
+ the [text] associated to [tag] and returning a [text].
+ Add a pair here to handle a tag.*)
+ val mutable tag_functions = ([] : (string * (Odoc_info.text -> Odoc_info.text)) list)
+ (** @return [etxt] value for an authors list. *)
+ method text_of_author_list l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | _ ->
+ [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.authors^": ")] ;
+ Raw (String.concat ", " l) ;
+ Newline
+ ]
+ (** @return [text] value for the given optional version information.*)
+ method text_of_version_opt v_opt =
+ match v_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some v -> [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.version^": ")] ;
+ Raw v ;
+ Newline
+ ]
+ (** @return [text] value for the given optional since information.*)
+ method text_of_since_opt s_opt =
+ match s_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some s -> [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.since^": ")] ;
+ Raw s ;
+ Newline
+ ]
+ (** @return [text] value for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
+ method text_of_raised_exceptions l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ | (s, t) :: [] ->
+ [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " " ;
+ Code s ;
+ Raw " "
+ ]
+ @ t
+ @ [ Newline ]
+ | _ ->
+ [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " " ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) ->(Code ex) :: (Raw " ") :: desc )
+ l
+ ) ;
+ Newline
+ ]
+ (** Return [text] value for the given "see also" reference. *)
+ method text_of_see (see_ref, t) =
+ let t_ref =
+ match see_ref with
+ Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
+ | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ in
+ t_ref
+ (** Return [text] value for the given list of "see also" references.*)
+ method text_of_sees l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ | see :: [] ->
+ (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
+ (Raw " ") ::
+ (self#text_of_see see) @ [ Newline ]
+ | _ ->
+ (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
+ [ List
+ (
+ (fun see -> self#text_of_see see)
+ l
+ );
+ Newline
+ ]
+ (** @return [text] value for the given optional return information.*)
+ method text_of_return_opt return_opt =
+ match return_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> (Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.returns^" ")]) :: t @ [ Newline ]
+ (** Return a [text] for the given list of custom tagged texts. *)
+ method text_of_custom l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (tag, text) ->
+ try
+ let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
+ match acc with
+ [] -> f text
+ | _ -> acc @ (Newline :: (f text))
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ;
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
+ (** @return [text] value for a description, except for the i_params field. *)
+ method text_of_info ?(block=true) info_opt =
+ match info_opt with
+ None ->
+ []
+ | Some info ->
+ let t =
+ (match info.i_deprecated with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> ( Raw (Odoc_messages.deprecated^" ") ) :: t
+ ) @
+ (match info.i_desc with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t when t = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> []
+ | Some t -> t @ [ Newline ]
+ ) @
+ (self#text_of_author_list info.i_authors) @
+ (self#text_of_version_opt info.i_version) @
+ (self#text_of_since_opt info.i_since) @
+ (self#text_of_raised_exceptions info.i_raised_exceptions) @
+ (self#text_of_return_opt info.i_return_value) @
+ (self#text_of_sees info.i_sees) @
+ (self#text_of_custom info.i_custom)
+ in
+ if block then
+ [Block t]
+ else
+ t
+ end
+(** This class defines methods to generate a [text] structure from elements. *)
+class virtual to_text =
+ object (self)
+ inherit info
+ method virtual label : ?no_: bool -> string -> string
+ (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified idents
+ have been replaced by idents relative to the given module name.
+ Also remove the "hidden modules".*)
+ method relative_idents m_name s =
+ let f str_t =
+ let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
+ let rel = Name.get_relative m_name match_s in
+ Odoc_info.apply_if_equal Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules match_s rel
+ in
+ let s2 = Str.global_substitute
+ (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
+ f
+ s
+ in
+ s2
+ (** Get a string for a type where all idents are relative. *)
+ method normal_type m_name t =
+ (self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr t))
+ (** Get a string for a list of types where all idents are relative. *)
+ method normal_type_list m_name sep t =
+ (self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list sep t))
+ (** @return [text] value to represent a [Types.type_expr].*)
+ method text_of_type_expr module_name t =
+ let t = List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun s -> [Code s ; Newline ])
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n")
+ (self#normal_type module_name t))
+ )
+ in
+ t
+ (** Return [text] value for a given short [Types.type_expr].*)
+ method text_of_short_type_expr module_name t =
+ [ Code (self#normal_type module_name t) ]
+ (** Return [text] value or the given list of [Types.type_expr], with
+ the given separator. *)
+ method text_of_type_expr_list module_name sep l =
+ [ Code (self#normal_type_list module_name sep l) ]
+ (** @return [text] value to represent a [Types.module_type]. *)
+ method text_of_module_type t =
+ let s = String.concat "\n"
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type t))
+ in
+ [ Code s ]
+ (** @return [text] value for a value. *)
+ method text_of_value v =
+ let s_name = Name.simple v.val_name in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>val %s :@ "
+ s_name;
+ let s =
+ (self#normal_type (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)
+ in
+ [ CodePre s ] @
+ [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
+ (self#text_of_info v.val_info)
+ (** @return [text] value for a class attribute. *)
+ method text_of_attribute a =
+ let s_name = Name.simple a.att_value.val_name in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>val %s%s :@ "
+ (if a.att_mutable then "mutable " else "")
+ s_name;
+ let mod_name = Name.father a.att_value.val_name in
+ let s = self#normal_type mod_name a.att_value.val_type in
+ (CodePre s) ::
+ [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
+ (self#text_of_info a.att_value.val_info)
+ (** @return [text] value for a class method. *)
+ method text_of_method m =
+ let s_name = Name.simple m.met_value.val_name in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>method %s%s%s :@ "
+ (if m.met_private then "private " else "")
+ (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "")
+ s_name ;
+ let mod_name = Name.father m.met_value.val_name in
+ let s = self#normal_type mod_name m.met_value.val_type in
+ (CodePre s) ::
+ [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
+ (self#text_of_info m.met_value.val_info)
+ (** @return [text] value for an exception. *)
+ method text_of_exception e =
+ let s_name = Name.simple e.ex_name in
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>exception %s" s_name ;
+ (match e.ex_args with
+ [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@ of "
+ );
+ let s = self#normal_type_list (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args in
+ let s2 =
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s" s ;
+ (match e.ex_alias with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some ea ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " = %s"
+ (
+ match ea.ea_ex with
+ None -> ea.ea_name
+ | Some e -> e.ex_name
+ )
+ );
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ in
+ [ CodePre s2 ] @
+ [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
+ (self#text_of_info e.ex_info)
+ (** Return [text] value for the description of a function parameter. *)
+ method text_of_parameter_description p =
+ match Parameter.names p with
+ [] -> []
+ | name :: [] ->
+ (
+ (* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *)
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> t
+ )
+ | l ->
+ (* A list of names, we display those with a description. *)
+ let l2 = List.filter (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) l in
+ match l2 with
+ [] -> []
+ | _ ->
+ [List
+ (
+ (fun n ->
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
+ None -> [] (* should not occur *)
+ | Some t -> [Code (n^" ") ; Raw ": "] @ t
+ )
+ l2
+ )
+ ]
+ (** Return [text] value for a list of parameters. *)
+ method text_of_parameter_list m_name l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | _ ->
+ [ Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
+ Raw ":" ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun p ->
+ (match Parameter.complete_name p with
+ "" -> Code "?"
+ | s -> Code s
+ ) ::
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_short_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p)) @
+ [Newline] @
+ (self#text_of_parameter_description p)
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ ]
+ (** Return [text] value for a list of module parameters. *)
+ method text_of_module_parameter_list l =
+ match l with
+ [] ->
+ []
+ | _ ->
+ [ Newline ;
+ Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
+ Raw ":" ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+ [Code (p.mp_name^" : ")] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
+ (match desc_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> t)
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ ]
+ (** Return [text] value for the given [class_kind].*)
+ method text_of_class_kind father ?(with_def_syntax=true) ckind =
+ match ckind with
+ Class_structure _ ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ ]
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ [Code
+ ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ None -> capp.capp_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ )^
+ " "^
+ (String.concat " "
+ (
+ (fun s -> "("^s^")")
+ capp.capp_params_code))
+ )
+ ]
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else [])@
+ (
+ match cco.cco_type_parameters with
+ [] -> []
+ | l ->
+ (Code "[")::
+ (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)@
+ [Code "] "]
+ )@
+ [Code (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ None -> cco.cco_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ )
+ ]
+ | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else [])@
+ [Code "( "] @
+ (self#text_of_class_kind father ~with_def_syntax: false ck) @
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_class_type_kind father ctk) @
+ [Code " )"]
+ (** Return [text] value for the given [class_type_kind].*)
+ method text_of_class_type_kind father ?def_syntax ctkind =
+ match ctkind with
+ Class_type cta ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> []
+ | Some s -> [Code (" "^s^" ")]
+ ) @
+ (
+ match cta.cta_type_parameters with
+ [] -> []
+ | l ->
+ (Code "[") ::
+ (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l) @
+ [Code "] "]
+ ) @
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ None -> [ Code cta.cta_name ]
+ | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) -> [Code clt.clt_name]
+ | Some (Cl cl) -> [Code cl.cl_name]
+ )
+ | Class_signature _ ->
+ (match def_syntax with
+ None -> []
+ | Some s -> [Code (" "^s^" ")]
+ ) @
+ [Code Odoc_messages.object_end]
+ (** Return [text] value for a [module_kind]. *)
+ method text_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
+ match k with
+ Module_alias m_alias ->
+ (match m_alias.ma_module with
+ None ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m_alias.ma_name)]
+ | Some (Mod m) ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m.m_name)]
+ | Some (Modtype mt) ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^mt.mt_name)]
+ )
+ | Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1) @
+ [Code " ( "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2) @
+ [Code " ) "]
+ | Module_with (tk, code) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
+ [Code code]
+ | Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ [Code "( "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k) @
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
+ [Code " )"]
+ | Module_struct _ ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ Odoc_messages.struct_end^" ")]
+ | Module_functor (_, k) ->
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ [Code "functor ... "] @
+ [Code " -> "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)
+ (** Return html code for a [module_type_kind]. *)
+ method text_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
+ match tk with
+ | Module_type_struct _ ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^Odoc_messages.sig_end)]
+ | Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
+ let f p =
+ [Code ("("^p.mp_name^" : ")] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
+ [Code ") -> "]
+ in
+ let t1 = List.flatten ( f params) in
+ let t2 = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @ t1 @ t2
+ | Module_type_with (tk2, code) ->
+ let t = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
+ t @ [Code code]
+ | Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (match mt_alias.mta_module with
+ None -> mt_alias.mta_name
+ | Some mt -> mt.mt_name))
+ ]
+ end
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2887cd56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of a type, but not class nor module type.*)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+(** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
+type variant_constructor = {
+ vc_name : string ;
+ vc_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** arguments of the constructor *)
+ mutable vc_text : Odoc_types.text option ; (** optional user description *)
+ }
+(** Description of a record type field. *)
+type record_field = {
+ rf_name : string ;
+ rf_mutable : bool ; (** true if mutable *)
+ rf_type : Types.type_expr ;
+ mutable rf_text : Odoc_types.text option ; (** optional user description *)
+ }
+(** The various kinds of type. *)
+type type_kind =
+ Type_abstract
+ | Type_variant of variant_constructor list
+ | Type_record of record_field list
+(** Representation of a type. *)
+type t_type = {
+ ty_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable ty_info : option ; (** optional user information *)
+ ty_parameters : Types.type_expr list ; (** type parameters *)
+ ty_kind : type_kind ;
+ ty_manifest : Types.type_expr option; (** type manifest *)
+ mutable ty_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8680c9930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Types for the information collected in comments. *)
+(** The differents kinds of element references. *)
+type ref_kind =
+ RK_module
+ | RK_module_type
+ | RK_class
+ | RK_class_type
+ | RK_value
+ | RK_type
+ | RK_exception
+ | RK_attribute
+ | RK_method
+ | RK_section
+type text_element =
+ | Raw of string (** Raw text. *)
+ | Code of string (** The string is source code. *)
+ | CodePre of string (** The string is pre-formatted source code. *)
+ | Verbatim of string (** String 'as is'. *)
+ | Bold of text (** Text in bold style. *)
+ | Italic of text (** Text in italic. *)
+ | Emphasize of text (** Emphasized text. *)
+ | Center of text (** Centered text. *)
+ | Left of text (** Left alignment. *)
+ | Right of text (** Right alignment. *)
+ | List of text list (** A list. *)
+ | Enum of text list (** An enumerated list. *)
+ | Newline (** To force a line break. *)
+ | Block of text (** Like html's block quote. *)
+ | Title of int * string option * text
+ (** Style number, optional label, and text. *)
+ | Latex of string (** A string for latex. *)
+ | Link of string * text (** A reference string and the link text. *)
+ | Ref of string * ref_kind option
+ (** A reference to an element. Complete name and kind. *)
+ | Superscript of text (** Superscripts. *)
+ | Subscript of text (** Subscripts. *)
+(** [text] is a list of text_elements. The order matters. *)
+and text = text_element list
+(** The different forms of references in \@see tags. *)
+type see_ref =
+ See_url of string
+ | See_file of string
+ | See_doc of string
+(** The information in a \@see tag. *)
+type see = see_ref * text
+(** Parameter name and description. *)
+type param = (string * text)
+(** Raised exception name and description. *)
+type raised_exception = (string * text)
+(** Information in a special comment. *)
+type info = {
+ i_desc : text option; (** The description text. *)
+ i_authors : string list; (** The list of authors in \@author tags. *)
+ i_version : string option; (** The string in the \@version tag. *)
+ i_sees : see list; (** The list of \@see tags. *)
+ i_since : string option; (** The string in the \@since tag. *)
+ i_deprecated : text option; (** The of the \@deprecated tag. *)
+ i_params : param list; (** The list of parameter descriptions. *)
+ i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list; (** The list of raised exceptions. *)
+ i_return_value : text option ; (** The description text of the return value. *)
+ i_custom : (string * text) list ; (** A text associated to a custom @-tag. *)
+ }
+(** An empty info structure. *)
+let dummy_info = {
+ i_desc = None ;
+ i_authors = [] ;
+ i_version = None ;
+ i_sees = [] ;
+ i_since = None ;
+ i_deprecated = None ;
+ i_params = [] ;
+ i_raised_exceptions = [] ;
+ i_return_value = None ;
+ i_custom = [] ;
+(** Location of elements in implementation and interface files. *)
+type location = {
+ loc_impl : (string * int) option ; (** implementation file name and position *)
+ loc_inter : (string * int) option ; (** interface file name and position *)
+ }
+(** A dummy location. *)
+let dummy_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = None }
+(** The information to merge from two elements when they both have some information. *)
+type merge_option =
+ | Merge_description (** Descriptions are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_author (** Lists of authors are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_version (** Versions are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_see (** See references are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_since (** Since information are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_deprecated (** Deprecated information are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_param (** Information on each parameter is concatenated,
+ and all parameters are kept. *)
+ | Merge_raised_exception (** Information on each raised_exception is concatenated,
+ and all raised exceptions are kept. *)
+ | Merge_return_value (** Information on return value are concatenated. *)
+ | Merge_custom (** Merge custom tags (all pairs (tag, text) are kept). *)
+(** The list with all merge options. *)
+let all_merge_options = [
+ Merge_description ;
+ Merge_author ;
+ Merge_version ;
+ Merge_see ;
+ Merge_since ;
+ Merge_deprecated ;
+ Merge_param ;
+ Merge_raised_exception ;
+ Merge_return_value ;
+ Merge_custom ;
+(** The kind of checks which can be performed on elements. *)
+type iso_check =
+ | Has_description (** the element has an associated description *)
+ | Has_author (** the element's description has one or more \@author tag(s) *)
+ | Has_since (** the element's description has a \@since tag *)
+ | Has_version (** the element's description has a \@version tag *)
+ | Has_return (** the function's description has a \@return tag *)
+ | Has_params (** all the named parameters of the element has a description *)
+ | Has_fields_decribed (** all the fields of the type are described *)
+ | Has_constructors_decribed (** all the constructors of the type are described *)
+(** The list of all checks. *)
+let all_iso_checks = [
+ Has_description ;
+ Has_author ;
+ Has_since ;
+ Has_version ;
+ Has_return ;
+ Has_params ;
+ Has_fields_decribed ;
+ Has_constructors_decribed ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c5e71637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+(* OCamldoc *)
+(* *)
+(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(** Representation and manipulation of values, class attributes and class methods. *)
+module Name = Odoc_name
+(** Types *)
+(** Representation of a value. *)
+type t_value = {
+ val_name : Name.t ;
+ mutable val_info : option ;
+ val_type : Types.type_expr ;
+ val_recursive : bool ;
+ mutable val_parameters : Odoc_parameter.parameter list ;
+ mutable val_code : string option ;
+ mutable val_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
+ }
+(** Representation of a class attribute. *)
+type t_attribute = {
+ att_value : t_value ; (** an attribute has almost all the same information
+ as a value *)
+ att_mutable : bool ;
+ }
+(** Representation of a class method. *)
+type t_method = {
+ met_value : t_value ; (** a method has almost all the same information
+ as a value *)
+ met_private : bool ;
+ met_virtual : bool ;
+ }
+(** Functions *)
+(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter label
+ in the given value, or None. *)
+let value_parameter_text_by_name v label =
+ match v.val_info with
+ None -> None
+ | Some i ->
+ try
+ let t = List.assoc label i.Odoc_types.i_params in
+ Some t
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ None
+(** Update the parameters text of a t_value, according to the val_info field. *)
+let update_value_parameters_text v =
+ let f p =
+ Odoc_parameter.update_parameter_text (value_parameter_text_by_name v) p
+ in
+ List.iter f v.val_parameters
+(** Create a list of (parameter name, typ) from a type, according to the arrows.
+ [parameter_list_from_arrows t = [ a ; b ]] if t = a -> b -> c.*)
+let parameter_list_from_arrows typ =
+ let rec iter t =
+ match t.Types.desc with
+ Types.Tarrow (l, t1, t2, _) ->
+ (l, t1) :: (iter t2)
+ | _ ->
+ []
+ in
+ iter typ
+(** Create a list of parameters with dummy names "??" from a type list.
+ Used when we want to merge the parameters of a value, from the .ml
+ and the .mli file. In the .mli file we don't have parameter names
+ so there is nothing to merge. With this dummy list we can merge the
+ parameter names from the .ml and the type from the .mli file. *)
+let dummy_parameter_list typ =
+ let normal_name s =
+ match s with
+ "" -> s
+ | _ ->
+ match s.[0] with
+ '?' -> String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1)
+ | _ -> s
+ in
+ Printtyp.mark_loops typ;
+ let liste_param = parameter_list_from_arrows typ in
+ let rec iter (label, t) =
+ match t.Types.desc with
+ | Types.Ttuple l ->
+ if label = "" then
+ Odoc_parameter.Tuple
+ (( (fun t2 -> iter ("", t2)) l), t)
+ else
+ (* if there is a label, then we don't want to decompose the tuple *)
+ Odoc_parameter.Simple_name
+ { Odoc_parameter.sn_name = normal_name label ;
+ Odoc_parameter.sn_type = t ;
+ Odoc_parameter.sn_text = None }
+ | Types.Tlink t2
+ | Types.Tsubst t2 ->
+ (iter (normal_name label, t2))
+ | _ ->
+ Odoc_parameter.Simple_name
+ { Odoc_parameter.sn_name = normal_name label ;
+ Odoc_parameter.sn_type = t ;
+ Odoc_parameter.sn_text = None }
+ in
+ iter liste_param
+(** Return true if the value is a function, i.e. has a functional type.*)
+let is_function v =
+ let rec f t =
+ match t.Types.desc with
+ Types.Tarrow _ ->
+ true
+ | Types.Tlink t ->
+ f t
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ in
+ f v.val_type