diff options
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 4288bfb20..6e533bb90 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -69,24 +69,128 @@ module Make(U:sig end) =
S[P plugin_config_file_interface; P plugin_config_file]
else P plugin_config_file
else N in
let cma, cmo, compiler, byte_or_native =
if !Options.native_plugin then
"cmxa", "cmx", !Options.ocamlopt, "native"
"cma", "cmo", !Options.ocamlc, "byte"
- let ocamlbuildlib, ocamlbuild, libs =
- if (not !Options.native_plugin) && !*My_unix.is_degraded then
- "ocamlbuildlightlib", "ocamlbuildlight", N
- else
- "ocamlbuildlib", "ocamlbuild", A("unix"-.-cma)
+ let (unix_spec, ocamlbuild_lib_spec, ocamlbuild_module_spec) =
+ let use_light_mode =
+ not !Options.native_plugin && !*My_unix.is_degraded in
+ let use_ocamlfind_pkgs =
+ !Options.use_ocamlfind && !Options.plugin_tags <> [] in
+ (* The plugin has the following dependencies that must be
+ included during compilation:
+ - unix.cmxa, if it is available
+ -{a,xa}, the library part of ocamlbuild
+ -{o,x}, the module that performs the
+ initialization work of the ocamlbuild executable, using
+ modules of ocamlbuildlib.cmxa
+ We pass all this stuff to the compilation command for the
+ plugin, with two independent important details to handle:
+ (1) ocamlbuild is designed to still work in environments
+ where Unix is not available for some reason; in this
+ case, we should not link unix, and use the
+ "ocamlbuildlight.cmo" initialization module, which runs
+ a "light" version of ocamlbuild without unix. There is
+ also an ocamlbuildlightlib.cma archive to be used in that
+ case.
+ The boolean variable [use_light_mode] tells us whether we
+ are in this unix-deprived scenario.
+ (2) there are risks of compilation error due to
+ double-linking of native modules when the user passes its
+ own tags to the plugin compilation process (as was added
+ to support modular construction of
+ ocamlbuild plugins). Indeed, if we hard-code linking to
+ unix.cmxa in all cases, and the user
+ enables -use-ocamlfind and
+ passes -plugin-tag "package(unix)" (or package(foo) for
+ any foo which depends on unix), the command-line finally
+ executed will be
+ ocamlfind ocamlopt unix.cmxa -package unix
+ which fails with a compilation error due to doubly-passed
+ native modules.
+ To sanest way to solve this problem at the ocamlbuild level
+ is to pass "-package unix" instead of unix.cmxa when we
+ detect that such a situation may happen. OCamlfind will see
+ that the same package is demanded twice, and only request
+ it once to the compiler. Similarly, we use "-package
+ ocamlbuild" instead of linking ocamlbuildlib.cmxa[1].
+ We switch to this behavior when two conditions, embodied in
+ the boolean variable [use_ocamlfind_pkgs], are met:
+ (a) use-ocamlfind is enabled
+ (b) the user is passing some plugin tags
+ Condition (a) is overly conservative as the double-linking
+ issue may also happen in non-ocamlfind situations, such as
+ "-plugin-tags use_unix" -- but it's unclear how one would
+ avoid the issue in that case, except by documenting that
+ people should not do that, or getting rid of the
+ hard-linking logic entirely, with the corresponding risks
+ of regression.
+ Condition (b) should not be necessary (we expect using
+ ocamlfind packages to work whenever ocamlfind
+ is available), but allows the behavior in absence
+ of -plugin-tags to be completely unchanged, to reassure us
+ about potential regressions introduced by this option.
+ [1]: we may wonder whether to use "-package ocamlbuildlight"
+ in unix-deprived situations, but currently ocamlfind
+ doesn't know about the ocamlbuildlight library. As
+ a compromise we always use "-package ocamlbuild" when
+ use_ocamlfind_pkgs is set. An ocamlfind and -plugin-tags
+ user in unix-deprived environment may want to mutate the
+ META of ocamlbuild to point to ocamlbuildlightlib instead
+ of ocamlbuildlib.
+ *)
+ let unix_lib =
+ if use_ocamlfind_pkgs then `Package "unix"
+ else if use_light_mode then `Nothing
+ else `Lib "unix" in
+ let ocamlbuild_lib =
+ if use_ocamlfind_pkgs then `Package "ocamlbuild"
+ else if use_light_mode then `Local_lib "ocamlbuildlightlib"
+ else `Local_lib "ocamlbuildlib" in
+ let ocamlbuild_module =
+ if use_light_mode then `Local_mod "ocamlbuildlight"
+ else `Local_mod "ocamlbuild" in
+ let dir = !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir in
+ let dir = if Pathname.is_implicit dir then Pathname.pwd/dir else dir in
+ let in_dir file =
+ let path = dir/file in
+ if not (sys_file_exists path) then failwith
+ (sprintf "Cannot find %S in ocamlbuild -where directory" file);
+ path in
+ let spec = function
+ | `Nothing -> N
+ | `Package pkg -> S[A "-package"; A pkg]
+ | `Lib lib -> P (lib -.- cma)
+ | `Local_lib llib -> S [A "-I"; A dir; P (in_dir (llib -.- cma))]
+ | `Local_mod lmod -> P (in_dir (lmod -.- cmo)) in
+ (spec unix_lib, spec ocamlbuild_lib, spec ocamlbuild_module)
- let ocamlbuildlib = ocamlbuildlib-.-cma in
- let ocamlbuild = ocamlbuild-.-cmo in
- let dir = !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir in
- if not (sys_file_exists (dir/ocamlbuildlib)) then
- failwith (sprintf "Cannot find %S in ocamlbuild -where directory" ocamlbuildlib);
- let dir = if Pathname.is_implicit dir then Pathname.pwd/dir else dir in
let plugin_tags =
Tags.of_list !Options.plugin_tags
@@ -101,9 +205,25 @@ module Make(U:sig end) =
Param_tags.partial_init plugin_tags;
let cmd =
- Cmd(S[compiler; A"-I"; P dir; libs; T plugin_tags;
- P(dir/ocamlbuildlib); plugin_config; P plugin_file;
- P(dir/ocamlbuild); A"-o"; Px (plugin^(!Options.exe))])
+ (* The argument order is important: we carefully put the
+ plugin source files before the{o,x} module
+ doing the main initialization, so that user global
+ side-effects (setting options, installing flags..) are
+ performed brefore ocamlbuild's main routine. This is
+ a fragile thing to rely upon and we insist that our users
+ use the more robust [dispatch] registration instead, but
+ we still aren't going to break that now.
+ For the same reason we place the user plugin-tags after
+ the plugin libraries (in case a tag would, say, inject
+ a .cmo that also relies on them), but before the main
+ plugin source file and ocamlbuild's initialization. *)
+ Cmd(S[compiler;
+ unix_spec; ocamlbuild_lib_spec;
+ T plugin_tags;
+ plugin_config; P plugin_file;
+ ocamlbuild_module_spec;
+ A"-o"; Px (plugin^(!Options.exe))])
Shell.chdir !Options.build_dir;
Shell.rm_f (plugin^(!Options.exe));