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2 files changed, 26 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 262fd17b6..1b5d9dac1 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ open Typedtree
open Types
type symptom =
- Missing_field of Ident.t
+ Missing_field of Ident.t * Location.t * string (* kind *)
| Value_descriptions of Ident.t * value_description * value_description
| Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
* type_declaration * Includecore.type_mismatch list
@@ -129,14 +129,23 @@ type field_desc =
| Field_class of string
| Field_classtype of string
+let kind_of_field_desc = function
+ | Field_value _ -> "value"
+ | Field_type _ -> "type"
+ | Field_exception _ -> "exception"
+ | Field_module _ -> "module"
+ | Field_modtype _ -> "module type"
+ | Field_class _ -> "class"
+ | Field_classtype _ -> "class type"
let item_ident_name = function
- Sig_value(id, _) -> (id, Field_value( id))
- | Sig_type(id, _, _) -> (id, Field_type( id))
- | Sig_exception(id, _) -> (id, Field_exception( id))
- | Sig_module(id, _, _) -> (id, Field_module( id))
- | Sig_modtype(id, _) -> (id, Field_modtype( id))
- | Sig_class(id, _, _) -> (id, Field_class( id))
- | Sig_class_type(id, _, _) -> (id, Field_classtype( id))
+ Sig_value(id, d) -> (id, d.val_loc, Field_value( id))
+ | Sig_type(id, d, _) -> (id, d.type_loc, Field_type( id))
+ | Sig_exception(id, d) -> (id, d.exn_loc, Field_exception( id))
+ | Sig_module(id, _, _) -> (id, Location.none, Field_module( id))
+ | Sig_modtype(id, _) -> (id, Location.none, Field_modtype( id))
+ | Sig_class(id, d, _) -> (id, d.cty_loc, Field_class( id))
+ | Sig_class_type(id, d, _) -> (id, d.clty_loc, Field_classtype( id))
let is_runtime_component = function
| Sig_value(_,{val_kind = Val_prim _})
@@ -248,7 +257,7 @@ and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
let rec build_component_table pos tbl = function
[] -> pos, tbl
| item :: rem ->
- let (id, name) = item_ident_name item in
+ let (id, _loc, name) = item_ident_name item in
let nextpos = if is_runtime_component item then pos + 1 else pos in
build_component_table nextpos
(Tbl.add name (id, item, pos) tbl) rem in
@@ -279,7 +288,7 @@ and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
| _ -> raise(Error unpaired)
| item2 :: rem ->
- let (id2, name2) = item_ident_name item2 in
+ let (id2, loc, name2) = item_ident_name item2 in
let name2, report =
match item2, name2 with
Sig_type (_, {type_manifest=None}, _), Field_type s
@@ -307,7 +316,9 @@ and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
((item1, item2, pos1) :: paired) unpaired rem
with Not_found ->
let unpaired =
- if report then (cxt, env, Missing_field id2) :: unpaired
+ if report then
+ (cxt, env, Missing_field (id2, loc, kind_of_field_desc name2)) ::
+ unpaired
else unpaired in
pair_components subst paired unpaired rem
end in
@@ -416,8 +427,9 @@ let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
show_loc "Actual declaration" ppf loc1
let include_err ppf = function
- | Missing_field id ->
- fprintf ppf "The field `%a' is required but not provided" ident id
+ | Missing_field (id, loc, kind) ->
+ fprintf ppf "The %s `%a' is required but not provided" kind ident id;
+ show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc
| Value_descriptions(id, d1, d2) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hv 2>Values do not match:@ %a@;<1 -2>is not included in@ %a@]"
diff --git a/typing/includemod.mli b/typing/includemod.mli
index f0b248b39..7786ee4ab 100644
--- a/typing/includemod.mli
+++ b/typing/includemod.mli
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ val type_declarations:
Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
type symptom =
- Missing_field of Ident.t
+ Missing_field of Ident.t * Location.t * string (* kind *)
| Value_descriptions of Ident.t * value_description * value_description
| Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
* type_declaration * Includecore.type_mismatch list