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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5acb0b839..8c4f4dbc8 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
exp_env = env }
- | Pexp_constant(Const_string str as cst) -> (
+ | Pexp_constant(Const_string (str, _) as cst) -> (
(* Terrible hack for format strings *)
let expected_ty = (repr (expand_head env ty_expected)).desc
and fmt6_path = get_camlinternalFormat_path env "format6"
@@ -1791,12 +1791,16 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
| _ -> false
- if is_format then type_format loc str env else
+ if is_format then
+ type_format loc str env sexp.pexp_attributes
+ else
rue {
exp_desc = Texp_constant cst;
exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
exp_type = instance_def Predef.type_string;
- )
+ exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+ exp_env = env }
+ )
| Pexp_constant cst ->
rue {
exp_desc = Texp_constant cst;
@@ -2735,22 +2739,24 @@ and camlinternalFormatBasics_lident =
and get_camlinternalFormat_path env tyname =
- let cfb_path = Env.lookup_module camlinternalFormatBasics_lident env in
- Some (Path.Pdot (fst cfb_path, tyname, 0))
+ let cfb_path = Env.lookup_module ~load:true camlinternalFormatBasics_lident env in
+ Some (Path.Pdot (cfb_path, tyname, 0))
with Not_found -> None
-and type_format loc str env =
+and type_format loc str env attr =
let mk_exp_loc pexp_desc = {
pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
pexp_loc = Location.none;
+ pexp_attributes = [];
} and mk_lid_loc lid = {
txt = lid;
loc = Location.none;
} and mk_typ_loc ptyp_desc = {
ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
ptyp_loc = Location.none;
+ ptyp_attributes = [];
} in
let mk_constr name args =
let lid = Longident.Ldot (camlinternalFormatBasics_lident, name) in
@@ -2977,13 +2983,14 @@ and type_format loc str env =
| _ -> mk_typ_loc Ptyp_any :: gen_params (n - 1) in
mk_typ_loc (Ptyp_constr (mk_lid_loc lid, gen_params 6)) in
let constrained_exp = {
- pexp_desc = Pexp_constraint (exp, Some pervasives_format6_ty, None);
+ pexp_desc = Pexp_constraint (exp, pervasives_format6_ty);
pexp_loc = loc;
+ pexp_attributes = attr;
} in
type_exp env constrained_exp
with Failure msg ->
- raise (Error (loc, Invalid_format msg))
+ raise (Error (loc, env, Invalid_format msg))
and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
(lid, label, sarg) =