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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8980f6e24..907af2cb2 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -658,6 +658,20 @@ let rec type_approx env sexp =
| _ -> newvar ()
+(* List labels in a function type, and whether return type is a variable *)
+let rec list_labels_aux env visited ls ty_fun =
+ let ty = expand_head env ty_fun in
+ if !Clflags.recursive_types && List.memq ty visited then
+ List.rev ls, false
+ else match ty.desc with
+ Tarrow (l, _, ty_res, _) ->
+ list_labels_aux env (ty::visited) (l::ls) ty_res
+ | _ ->
+ List.rev ls, ty.desc = Tvar
+let list_labels env ty = list_labels_aux env [] [] ty
+(* Hack to allow coercion of self. Will clean-up later. *)
let self_coercion = ref ([] : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list)
(* Typing of expressions *)
@@ -1111,14 +1125,9 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
and type_argument env sarg ty_expected =
- let rec no_labels visited ty =
- let ty = expand_head env ty in
- if !Clflags.recursive_types && List.memq visited then true else
- match ty.desc with
- Tvar -> false
- | Tarrow ("",_, ty',_) -> no_labels ( ty'
- | Tarrow _ -> false
- | _ -> true
+ let no_labels ty =
+ let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
+ not tvar && List.for_all ((=) "") ls
match expand_head env ty_expected, sarg with
| _, {pexp_desc = Pexp_function(l,_,_)} when not (is_optional l) ->
@@ -1134,12 +1143,12 @@ and type_argument env sarg ty_expected =
((Some(option_none ty_arg sarg.pexp_loc), Optional) :: args)
| Tarrow (l,_,ty_res',_) when l = "" || !Clflags.classic ->
- args, ty_fun, no_labels [] ty_res'
+ args, ty_fun, no_labels ty_res'
| Tvar -> args, ty_fun, false
| _ -> [], texp.exp_type, false
let args, ty_fun, simple_res = make_args [] texp.exp_type in
- if not (simple_res || no_labels [] ty_res) then begin
+ if not (simple_res || no_labels ty_res) then begin
unify_exp env texp ty_expected;
end else begin
@@ -1175,12 +1184,9 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
(fun ty_fun (l,ty,lv) -> newty2 lv (Tarrow(l,ty,ty_fun,Cok)))
ty_fun omitted
- let rec has_label l ty_fun =
- match (expand_head env ty_fun).desc with
- | Tarrow (l', _, ty_res, _) ->
- (l = l' || has_label l ty_res)
- | Tvar -> true
- | _ -> false
+ let has_label l ty_fun =
+ let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty_fun in
+ tvar || List.mem l ls
let ignored = ref [] in
let rec type_unknown_args args omitted ty_fun = function
@@ -1222,26 +1228,18 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
type_unknown_args ((Some arg1, optional) :: args) omitted ty2 sargl
- let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun =
- match (expand_head env ty_fun).desc with
- | Tarrow (l, _, ty_res, _) ->
- if is_optional l then nonopt_labels ls ty_res
- else nonopt_labels (l::ls) ty_res
- | Tvar -> None
- | _ -> Some ls
- in
let ignore_labels =
!Clflags.classic ||
- match nonopt_labels [] funct.exp_type with
- | Some labels ->
- List.length labels = List.length sargs &&
- List.for_all (fun (l,_) -> l = "") sargs &&
- List.exists (fun l -> l <> "") labels &&
- begin
- Location.prerr_warning funct.exp_loc Warnings.Labels_omitted;
- true
- end
- | None -> false
+ begin
+ let ls, tvar = list_labels env funct.exp_type in
+ not tvar &&
+ let labels = List.filter (fun l -> not (is_optional l)) ls in
+ List.length labels = List.length sargs &&
+ List.for_all (fun (l,_) -> l = "") sargs &&
+ List.exists (fun l -> l <> "") labels &&
+ (Location.prerr_warning funct.exp_loc Warnings.Labels_omitted;
+ true)
+ end
let rec type_args args omitted ty_fun ty_old sargs more_sargs =
match expand_head env ty_fun with
@@ -1420,11 +1418,9 @@ and type_expect ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
let cases, partial =
type_cases ~in_function:(loc,ty_fun) env ty_arg ty_res
(Some sexp.pexp_loc) caselist in
- let rec all_labeled ty =
- match (repr ty).desc with
- Tarrow ("", _, _, _) | Tvar -> false
- | Tarrow (l, _, ty, _) -> l.[0] <> '?' && all_labeled ty
- | _ -> true
+ let all_labeled ty =
+ let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
+ tvar || List.exists (fun l -> l = "" || l.[0] = '?') ls
if is_optional l && all_labeled ty_res then
Location.prerr_warning (fst (List.hd cases)).pat_loc