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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/utils/warnings.mli b/utils/warnings.mli
index 9a5d9abd6..dd3a5ecf5 100644
--- a/utils/warnings.mli
+++ b/utils/warnings.mli
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ type t =
| Unused_var_strict of string (* 27 *)
| Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr (* 28 *)
| Eol_in_string (* 29 *)
- | Duplicate_definitions of string * string * string * string (*30 *)
+ | Duplicate_definitions of string * string * string * string (* 30 *)
| Multiple_definition of string * string * string (* 31 *)
| Unused_value_declaration of string (* 32 *)
| Unused_open of string (* 33 *)
| Unused_type_declaration of string (* 34 *)
| Unused_for_index of string (* 35 *)
| Unused_ancestor of string (* 36 *)
- | Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool (* 37 *)
+ | Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool (* 37 *)
| Unused_exception of string * bool (* 38 *)
| Unused_rec_flag (* 39 *)
| Name_out_of_scope of string list * bool (* 40 *)