diff options
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 68ad2e0ea..005126cfc 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ OCaml 4.01.1:
Bug fixes:
- PR#6173: Typing error message is worse that before
- PR#6174: OCaml compiler loops on an example using GADTs (non -rectypes)
+- PR#6216: inlining of GADT matches generates invalid assembly
OCaml 4.01.0:
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 2c62720e8..2ff8edb9a 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ let is_unboxed_number = function
| _ -> No_unboxing
-let subst_boxed_number unbox_fn boxed_id unboxed_id exp =
+let subst_boxed_number unbox_fn boxed_id unboxed_id box_chunk box_offset exp =
let need_boxed = ref false in
let assigned = ref false in
let rec subst = function
@@ -1004,10 +1004,14 @@ let subst_boxed_number unbox_fn boxed_id unboxed_id exp =
end else
Cassign(id, subst arg)
| Ctuple argv -> Ctuple( subst argv)
- | Cop(Cload _, [Cvar id]) as e ->
- if Ident.same id boxed_id then Cvar unboxed_id else e
- | Cop(Cload _, [Cop(Cadda, [Cvar id; _])]) as e ->
- if Ident.same id boxed_id then Cvar unboxed_id else e
+ | Cop(Cload chunk, [Cvar id]) as e ->
+ if Ident.same id boxed_id && chunk = box_chunk && box_offset = 0
+ then Cvar unboxed_id
+ else e
+ | Cop(Cload chunk, [Cop(Cadda, [Cvar id; Cconst_int ofs])]) as e ->
+ if Ident.same id boxed_id && chunk = box_chunk && ofs = box_offset
+ then Cvar unboxed_id
+ else e
| Cop(op, argv) -> Cop(op, subst argv)
| Csequence(e1, e2) -> Csequence(subst e1, subst e2)
| Cifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) -> Cifthenelse(subst e1, subst e2, subst e3)
@@ -1098,9 +1102,12 @@ let rec transl = function
Clet(id, transl exp, transl body)
| Boxed_float ->
transl_unbox_let box_float unbox_float transl_unbox_float
+ Double_u 0
id exp body
| Boxed_integer bi ->
transl_unbox_let (box_int bi) (unbox_int bi) (transl_unbox_int bi)
+ (if bi = Pint32 then Thirtytwo_signed else Word)
+ size_addr
id exp body
| Uletrec(bindings, body) ->
@@ -1755,11 +1762,12 @@ and transl_unbox_int bi = function
Cconst_int i
| exp -> unbox_int bi (transl exp)
-and transl_unbox_let box_fn unbox_fn transl_unbox_fn id exp body =
+and transl_unbox_let box_fn unbox_fn transl_unbox_fn box_chunk box_offset
+ id exp body =
let unboxed_id = Ident.create ( id) in
let trbody1 = transl body in
let (trbody2, need_boxed, is_assigned) =
- subst_boxed_number unbox_fn id unboxed_id trbody1 in
+ subst_boxed_number unbox_fn id unboxed_id box_chunk box_offset trbody1 in
if need_boxed && is_assigned then
Clet(id, transl exp, trbody1)