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3 files changed, 111 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/arith_status.mli b/otherlibs/num/arith_status.mli
index 41c15f962..13a3e12fd 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/arith_status.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/arith_status.mli
@@ -12,38 +12,47 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-(* Module [Arith_status]: flags that control rational arithmetic *)
+(** Flags that control rational arithmetic. *)
val arith_status: unit -> unit
- (* Print the current status of the arithmetic flags. *)
+ (** Print the current status of the arithmetic flags. *)
val get_error_when_null_denominator : unit -> bool
+ (** See {!Arith_status.set_error_when_null_denominator}.*)
val set_error_when_null_denominator : bool -> unit
- (* Get or set the flag [null_denominator]. When on, attempting to
+ (** Get or set the flag [null_denominator]. When on, attempting to
create a rational with a null denominator raises an exception.
When off, rationals with null denominators are accepted.
Initially: on. *)
val get_normalize_ratio : unit -> bool
+ (** See {!Arith_status.set_normalize_ratio}.*)
val set_normalize_ratio : bool -> unit
- (* Get or set the flag [normalize_ratio]. When on, rational
+ (** Get or set the flag [normalize_ratio]. When on, rational
numbers are normalized after each operation. When off,
rational numbers are not normalized until printed.
Initially: off. *)
val get_normalize_ratio_when_printing : unit -> bool
+ (** See {!Arith_status.set_normalize_ratio_when_printing}.*)
val set_normalize_ratio_when_printing : bool -> unit
- (* Get or set the flag [normalize_ratio_when_printing].
+ (** Get or set the flag [normalize_ratio_when_printing].
When on, rational numbers are normalized before being printed.
When off, rational numbers are printed as is, without normalization.
Initially: on. *)
val get_approx_printing : unit -> bool
+ (** See {!Arith_status.set_approx_printing}.*)
val set_approx_printing : bool -> unit
- (* Get or set the flag [approx_printing].
+ (** Get or set the flag [approx_printing].
When on, rational numbers are printed as a decimal approximation.
When off, rational numbers are printed as a fraction.
Initially: off. *)
val get_floating_precision : unit -> int
+ (** See {!Arith_status.set_floating_precision}.*)
val set_floating_precision : int -> unit
- (* Get or set the parameter [floating_precision].
+ (** Get or set the parameter [floating_precision].
This parameter is the number of digits displayed when
[approx_printing] is on.
Initially: 12. *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
index c2dc034d4..715111709 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
@@ -12,78 +12,79 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-(* Module [Big_int]: operations on arbitrary-precision integers *)
+(** Operations on arbitrary-precision integers.
-(* Big integers (type [big_int]) are signed integers of arbitrary size. *)
+ Big integers (type [big_int]) are signed integers of arbitrary size.
open Nat
type big_int
- (* The type of big integers. *)
+ (** The type of big integers. *)
val zero_big_int : big_int
- (* The big integer [0]. *)
+ (** The big integer [0]. *)
val unit_big_int : big_int
- (* The big integer [1]. *)
+ (** The big integer [1]. *)
-(*** Arithmetic operations *)
+(** {2 Arithmetic operations} *)
val minus_big_int : big_int -> big_int
- (* Unary negation. *)
+ (** Unary negation. *)
val abs_big_int : big_int -> big_int
- (* Absolute value. *)
+ (** Absolute value. *)
val add_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Addition. *)
+ (** Addition. *)
val succ_big_int : big_int -> big_int
- (* Successor (add 1). *)
+ (** Successor (add 1). *)
val add_int_big_int : int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Addition of a small integer to a big integer. *)
+ (** Addition of a small integer to a big integer. *)
val sub_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Subtraction. *)
+ (** Subtraction. *)
val pred_big_int : big_int -> big_int
- (* Predecessor (subtract 1). *)
+ (** Predecessor (subtract 1). *)
val mult_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Multiplication of two big integers. *)
+ (** Multiplication of two big integers. *)
val mult_int_big_int : int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Multiplication of a big integer by a small integer *)
+ (** Multiplication of a big integer by a small integer *)
val square_big_int: big_int -> big_int
- (* Return the square of the given big integer *)
+ (** Return the square of the given big integer *)
val sqrt_big_int: big_int -> big_int
- (* [sqrt_big_int a] returns the integer square root of [a],
+ (** [sqrt_big_int a] returns the integer square root of [a],
that is, the largest big integer [r] such that [r * r <= a].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [a] is negative. *)
val quomod_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int * big_int
- (* Euclidean division of two big integers.
+ (** Euclidean division of two big integers.
The first part of the result is the quotient,
the second part is the remainder.
Writing [(q,r) = quomod_big_int a b], we have
[a = q * b + r] and [0 <= r < |b|].
Raise [Division_by_zero] if the divisor is zero. *)
val div_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Euclidean quotient of two big integers.
+ (** Euclidean quotient of two big integers.
This is the first result [q] of [quomod_big_int] (see above). *)
val mod_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Euclidean modulus of two big integers.
+ (** Euclidean modulus of two big integers.
This is the second result [r] of [quomod_big_int] (see above). *)
val gcd_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Greatest common divisor of two big integers. *)
+ (** Greatest common divisor of two big integers. *)
val power_int_positive_int: int -> int -> big_int
val power_big_int_positive_int: big_int -> int -> big_int
val power_int_positive_big_int: int -> big_int -> big_int
val power_big_int_positive_big_int: big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Exponentiation functions. Return the big integer
+ (** Exponentiation functions. Return the big integer
representing the first argument [a] raised to the power [b]
(the second argument). Depending
on the function, [a] and [b] can be either small integers
or big integers. Raise [Invalid_argument] if [b] is negative. *)
-(*** Comparisons and tests *)
+(** {2 Comparisons and tests} *)
val sign_big_int : big_int -> int
- (* Return [0] if the given big integer is zero,
+ (** Return [0] if the given big integer is zero,
[1] if it is positive, and [-1] if it is negative. *)
val compare_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> int
- (* [compare_big_int a b] returns [0] if [a] and [b] are equal,
+ (** [compare_big_int a b] returns [0] if [a] and [b] are equal,
[1] if [a] is greater than [b], and [-1] if [a] is smaller
than [b]. *)
val eq_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> bool
@@ -91,48 +92,48 @@ val le_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> bool
val ge_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> bool
val lt_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> bool
val gt_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> bool
- (* Usual boolean comparisons between two big integers. *)
+ (** Usual boolean comparisons between two big integers. *)
val max_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Return the greater of its two arguments. *)
+ (** Return the greater of its two arguments. *)
val min_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
- (* Return the smaller of its two arguments. *)
+ (** Return the smaller of its two arguments. *)
val num_digits_big_int : big_int -> int
- (* Return the number of machine words used to store the
+ (** Return the number of machine words used to store the
given big integer. *)
-(*** Conversions to and from strings *)
+(** {2 Conversions to and from strings} *)
val string_of_big_int : big_int -> string
- (* Return the string representation of the given big integer,
+ (** Return the string representation of the given big integer,
in decimal (base 10). *)
val big_int_of_string : string -> big_int
- (* Convert a string to a big integer, in decimal.
+ (** Convert a string to a big integer, in decimal.
The string consists of an optional [-] or [+] sign,
followed by one or several decimal digits. *)
-(*** Conversions to and from other numerical types *)
+(** {2 Conversions to and from other numerical types} *)
val big_int_of_int : int -> big_int
- (* Convert a small integer to a big integer. *)
+ (** Convert a small integer to a big integer. *)
val is_int_big_int : big_int -> bool
- (* Test whether the given big integer is small enough to
+ (** Test whether the given big integer is small enough to
be representable as a small integer (type [int])
without loss of precision. On a 32-bit platform,
[is_int_big_int a] returns [true] if and only if
- [a] is between $-2^{30}$ and $2^{30}-1$. On a 64-bit platform,
+ [a] is between 2{^30} and 2{^30}-1. On a 64-bit platform,
[is_int_big_int a] returns [true] if and only if
- [a] is between $-2^{62}$ and $2^{62}-1$. *)
+ [a] is between -2{^62} and 2{^62}-1. *)
val int_of_big_int : big_int -> int
- (* Convert a big integer to a small integer (type [int]).
+ (** Convert a big integer to a small integer (type [int]).
Raises [Failure "int_of_big_int"] if the big integer
is not representable as a small integer. *)
val float_of_big_int : big_int -> float
- (* Returns a floating-point number approximating the
+ (** Returns a floating-point number approximating the
given big integer. *)
-(*** For internal use *)
+(** {2 For internal use} *)
val nat_of_big_int : big_int -> nat
val big_int_of_nat : nat -> big_int
val base_power_big_int: int -> int -> big_int -> big_int
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/num.mli b/otherlibs/num/num.mli
index 26b0d9be8..9f60d613a 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/num.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/num.mli
@@ -22,126 +22,139 @@ open Nat
open Big_int
open Ratio
(** The type of numbers. *)
-type num = Int of int | Big_int of big_int | Ratio of ratio
+type num =
+ Int of int
+ | Big_int of big_int
+ | Ratio of ratio
(** {2 Arithmetic operations} *)
+val ( +/ ) : num -> num -> num
(** Same as {!Num.add_num}.*)
-val (+/) : num -> num -> num
-(** Addition *)
val add_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Addition *)
-(** Unary negation. *)
val minus_num : num -> num
+(** Unary negation. *)
+val ( -/ ) : num -> num -> num
(** Same as {!Num.sub_num}.*)
-val (-/) : num -> num -> num
-(** Subtraction *)
val sub_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Subtraction *)
-(** Same as {!Num.mult_num}.*)
val ( */ ) : num -> num -> num
-(** Multiplication *)
+(** Same as {!Num.mult_num}.*)
val mult_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Multiplication *)
-(** Squaring *)
val square_num : num -> num
+(** Squaring *)
+val ( // ) : num -> num -> num
(** Same as {!Num.div_num}.*)
-val (//) : num -> num -> num
-(** Division *)
val div_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Division *)
-(** Euclidean division: quotient. *)
val quo_num : num -> num -> num
-(** Euclidean division: remainder. *)
+(** Euclidean division: quotient. *)
val mod_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Euclidean division: remainder. *)
-(** Same as {!Num.power_num}. *)
val ( **/ ) : num -> num -> num
-(** Exponentiation *)
+(** Same as {!Num.power_num}. *)
val power_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Exponentiation *)
-(** Absolute value. *)
val abs_num : num -> num
+(** Absolute value. *)
+val succ_num : num -> num
(** [succ n] is [n+1] *)
-val succ_num: num -> num
+val pred_num : num -> num
(** [pred n] is [n-1] *)
-val pred_num: num -> num
+val incr_num : num ref -> unit
(** [incr r] is [r:=!r+1], where [r] is a reference to a number. *)
-val incr_num: num ref -> unit
+val decr_num : num ref -> unit
(** [decr r] is [r:=!r-1], where [r] is a reference to a number. *)
-val decr_num: num ref -> unit
-(** Test if a number is an integer *)
val is_integer_num : num -> bool
+(** Test if a number is an integer *)
(** The four following functions approximate a number by an integer : *)
+val integer_num : num -> num
(** [integer_num n] returns the integer closest to [n]. In case of ties,
rounds towards zero. *)
-val integer_num : num -> num
-(** [floor_num n] returns the largest integer smaller or equal to [n]. *)
val floor_num : num -> num
+(** [floor_num n] returns the largest integer smaller or equal to [n]. *)
+val round_num : num -> num
(** [round_num n] returns the integer closest to [n]. In case of ties,
rounds off zero. *)
-val round_num : num -> num
-(** [ceiling_num n] returns the smallest integer bigger or equal to [n]. *)
val ceiling_num : num -> num
+(** [ceiling_num n] returns the smallest integer bigger or equal to [n]. *)
-(** Return [-1], [0] or [1] according to the sign of the argument. *)
val sign_num : num -> int
+(** Return [-1], [0] or [1] according to the sign of the argument. *)
(** {3 Comparisons between numbers} *)
-val (=/) : num -> num -> bool
-val (</) : num -> num -> bool
-val (>/) : num -> num -> bool
-val (<=/) : num -> num -> bool
-val (>=/) : num -> num -> bool
-val (<>/) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( =/ ) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( </ ) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( >/ ) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( <=/ ) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( >=/ ) : num -> num -> bool
+val ( <>/ ) : num -> num -> bool
val eq_num : num -> num -> bool
val lt_num : num -> num -> bool
val le_num : num -> num -> bool
val gt_num : num -> num -> bool
val ge_num : num -> num -> bool
+val compare_num : num -> num -> int
(** Return [-1], [0] or [1] if the first argument is less than,
equal to, or greater than the second argument. *)
-val compare_num : num -> num -> int
-(** Return the greater of the two arguments. *)
val max_num : num -> num -> num
-(** Return the smaller of the two arguments. *)
+(** Return the greater of the two arguments. *)
val min_num : num -> num -> num
+(** Return the smaller of the two arguments. *)
(** {2 Coercions with strings} *)
-(** Convert a number to a string, using fractional notation. *)
val string_of_num : num -> string
+(** Convert a number to a string, using fractional notation. *)
-(** See {!Num.approx_num_exp}.*)
val approx_num_fix : int -> num -> string
+(** See {!Num.approx_num_exp}.*)
+val approx_num_exp : int -> num -> string
(** Approximate a number by a decimal. The first argument is the
required precision. The second argument is the number to
approximate. {!Num.approx_num_fix} uses decimal notation; the first
argument is the number of digits after the decimal point.
[approx_num_exp] uses scientific (exponential) notation; the
first argument is the number of digits in the mantissa. *)
-val approx_num_exp : int -> num -> string
-(** Convert a string to a number. *)
val num_of_string : string -> num
+(** Convert a string to a number. *)
(** {2 Coercions between numerical types} *)