diff options
1 files changed, 1008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/generative-functors.diff b/experimental/garrigue/generative-functors.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7786d11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/generative-functors.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+Index: boot/ocamlc
+Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
+svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
+Index: boot/ocamldep
+Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
+svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
+Index: boot/ocamllex
+Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
+svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
+Index: camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+--- camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ (revision 14301)
++++ camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ (working copy)
+@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@
+ [ <:module_type@loc<>> -> error loc "abstract/nil module type not allowed here"
+ | <:module_type@loc< $id:i$ >> -> mkmty loc (Pmty_ident (long_uident i))
+ | <:module_type@loc< functor ($n$ : $nt$) -> $mt$ >> ->
+- mkmty loc (Pmty_functor (with_loc n loc) (module_type nt) (module_type mt))
++ mkmty loc (Pmty_functor (with_loc n loc) (Some (module_type nt)) (module_type mt))
+ | <:module_type@loc< '$_$ >> -> error loc "module type variable not allowed here"
+ | <:module_type@loc< sig $sl$ end >> ->
+ mkmty loc (Pmty_signature (sig_item sl []))
+@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
+ | <:module_expr@loc< $me1$ $me2$ >> ->
+ mkmod loc (Pmod_apply (module_expr me1) (module_expr me2))
+ | <:module_expr@loc< functor ($n$ : $mt$) -> $me$ >> ->
+- mkmod loc (Pmod_functor (with_loc n loc) (module_type mt) (module_expr me))
++ mkmod loc (Pmod_functor (with_loc n loc) (Some (module_type mt)) (module_expr me))
+ | <:module_expr@loc< struct $sl$ end >> ->
+ mkmod loc (Pmod_structure (str_item sl []))
+ | <:module_expr@loc< ($me$ : $mt$) >> ->
+Index: camlp4/Camlp4Top/
+--- camlp4/Camlp4Top/ (revision 14301)
++++ camlp4/Camlp4Top/ (working copy)
+@@ -362,7 +362,10 @@
+ | Omty_signature sg ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]"
+ Toploop.print_out_signature.val sg
+- | Omty_functor name mty_arg mty_res ->
++ | Omty_functor _ None mty_res ->
++ fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ () ->@ %a@]"
++ print_out_module_type mty_res
++ | Omty_functor name (Some mty_arg) mty_res ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ (%s : %a) ->@ %a@]" name
+ print_out_module_type mty_arg print_out_module_type mty_res
+ | Omty_abstract -> () ]
+Index: camlp4/boot/
+--- camlp4/boot/ (revision 14301)
++++ camlp4/boot/ (working copy)
+@@ -15633,7 +15633,7 @@
+ | Ast.MtId (loc, i) -> mkmty loc (Pmty_ident (long_uident i))
+ | Ast.MtFun (loc, n, nt, mt) ->
+ mkmty loc
+- (Pmty_functor ((with_loc n loc), (module_type nt),
++ (Pmty_functor ((with_loc n loc), Some (module_type nt),
+ (module_type mt)))
+ | Ast.MtQuo (loc, _) ->
+ error loc "module type variable not allowed here"
+@@ -15775,7 +15775,7 @@
+ (Pmod_apply ((module_expr me1), (module_expr me2)))
+ | Ast.MeFun (loc, n, mt, me) ->
+ mkmod loc
+- (Pmod_functor ((with_loc n loc), (module_type mt),
++ (Pmod_functor ((with_loc n loc), Some (module_type mt),
+ (module_expr me)))
+ | Ast.MeStr (loc, sl) ->
+ mkmod loc (Pmod_structure (str_item sl []))
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -1606,18 +1606,25 @@
+ | (Parsetree.Pmod_functor (_, pmodule_type, p_module_expr2),
+ Typedtree.Tmod_functor (ident, _, mtyp, tt_module_expr2)) ->
+- let loc_start = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+- let loc_end = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc = match pmodule_type with None -> Location.none
++ | Some pmty -> pmty.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
++ let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+ let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
+ let mp_name = Name.from_ident ident in
+- let mp_kind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env
+- current_module_name pmodule_type mtyp.mty_type
++ let mp_kind =
++ match pmodule_type, mtyp with
++ Some pmty, Some mty ->
++ Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name pmty
++ mty.mty_type
++ | _ -> Module_type_struct []
+ in
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = mp_name ;
+- mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env mtyp.mty_type ;
++ mp_type = Misc.may_map
++ (fun m -> Odoc_env.subst_module_type env m.mty_type) mtyp ;
+ mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
+ mp_kind = mp_kind ;
+ }
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
+ | Types.Mty_signature _ ->
+ t
+ | Types.Mty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
+- Types.Mty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
++ Types.Mty_functor (id, Misc.may_map iter mt1, iter mt2)
+ in
+ iter t
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -1384,7 +1384,8 @@
+ (** Print html code to display the type of a module parameter.. *)
+ method html_of_module_parameter_type b m_name p =
+- self#html_of_module_type b m_name ~code: p.mp_type_code p.mp_type
++ match p.mp_type with None -> bs b "<code>()</code>"
++ | Some mty -> self#html_of_module_type b m_name ~code: p.mp_type_code mty
+ (** Generate a file containing the module type in the given file name. *)
+ method output_module_type in_title file mtyp =
+Index: ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
+--- ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli (working copy)
+@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
+ and module_parameter = Odoc_module.module_parameter = {
+ mp_name : string ; (** the name *)
+- mp_type : Types.module_type ; (** the type *)
++ mp_type : Types.module_type option ; (** the type *)
+ mp_type_code : string ; (** the original code *)
+ mp_kind : module_type_kind ; (** the way the parameter was built *)
+ }
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+ bs b ".sp\n";
+ bs b ("\""^p.mp_name^"\"\n");
+- self#man_of_module_type b m_name p.mp_type;
++ Misc.may (self#man_of_module_type b m_name) p.mp_type;
+ bs b "\n";
+ (
+ match desc_opt with
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ and module_parameter = {
+ mp_name : string ; (** the name *)
+- mp_type : Types.module_type ; (** the type *)
++ mp_type : Types.module_type option ; (** the type *)
+ mp_type_code : string ; (** the original code *)
+ mp_kind : module_type_kind ; (** the way the parameter was built *)
+ }
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+ | Some s -> raise (Use_code s)
+ )
+ | Types.Mty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
+- Types.Mty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
++ Types.Mty_functor (id, Misc.may_map iter mt1, iter mt2)
+ in
+ iter t
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -1082,19 +1082,26 @@
+ | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (_, pmodule_type2, module_type2) ->
+ (
+- let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+- let loc_end = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc = match pmodule_type2 with None -> Location.none
++ | Some pmty -> pmty.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
++ let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+ let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Mty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
+- let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
+- current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
++ let mp_kind =
++ match pmodule_type2, param_module_type with
++ Some pmty, Some mty ->
++ analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name pmty mty
++ | _ -> Module_type_struct []
+ in
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
+- mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
++ mp_type =
++ Misc.may_map (Odoc_env.subst_module_type env)
++ param_module_type;
+ mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
+ mp_kind = mp_kind ;
+ }
+@@ -1161,17 +1168,23 @@
+ (
+ match sig_module_type with
+ Types.Mty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
+- let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+- let loc_end = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc = match pmodule_type2 with None -> Location.none
++ | Some pmty -> pmty.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
++ let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
++ let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+ let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
+ print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
+- let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
+- current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
++ let mp_kind =
++ match pmodule_type2, param_module_type with
++ Some pmty, Some mty ->
++ analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name pmty mty
++ | _ -> Module_type_struct []
+ in
+ let param =
+ {
+ mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
+- mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
++ mp_type = Misc.may_map
++ (Odoc_env.subst_module_type env) param_module_type ;
+ mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
+ mp_kind = mp_kind ;
+ }
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14301)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -428,8 +428,11 @@
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+- [Code (p.mp_name^" : ")] @
+- (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
++ begin match p.mp_type with None -> [Raw ""]
++ | Some mty ->
++ [Code (p.mp_name^" : ")] @
++ (self#text_of_module_type mty)
++ end @
+ (match desc_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> (Raw " ") :: t)
+Index: parsing/ast_helper.mli
+--- parsing/ast_helper.mli (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/ast_helper.mli (working copy)
+@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@
+ val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
+ val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
+- val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_type -> module_type -> module_type
++ val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
++ str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
+ val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type -> with_constraint list -> module_type
+ val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
+ val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
+@@ -159,7 +160,8 @@
+ val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
+ val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
+- val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_type -> module_expr -> module_expr
++ val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
++ str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
+ val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr -> module_expr
+ val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type -> module_expr
+ val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@
+ | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+ | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
+ | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
+- functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_type sub mt1)
++ functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
++ (Misc.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
+ (sub.module_type sub mt2)
+ | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+ with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
+@@ -213,7 +214,8 @@
+ | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
+ | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
+ | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
+- functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg) (sub.module_type sub arg_ty)
++ functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
++ (Misc.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
+ (sub.module_expr sub body)
+ | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
+ apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
+Index: parsing/parser.mly
+--- parsing/parser.mly (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
+@@ -541,9 +541,13 @@
+ | STRUCT structure error
+ { unclosed "struct" 1 "end" 3 }
+- { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $3 3, $5, $8)) }
++ { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $3 3, Some $5, $8)) }
++ { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs "()" 3, None, $5)) }
+ | module_expr LPAREN module_expr RPAREN
+ { mkmod(Pmod_apply($1, $3)) }
++ | module_expr LPAREN RPAREN
++ { mkmod(Pmod_apply($1, mkmod (Pmod_structure []))) }
+ | module_expr LPAREN module_expr error
+ { unclosed "(" 2 ")" 4 }
+ | LPAREN module_expr COLON module_type RPAREN
+@@ -640,7 +644,9 @@
+ | COLON module_type EQUAL module_expr
+ { mkmod(Pmod_constraint($4, $2)) }
+ | LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_binding_body
+- { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $2 2, $4, $6)) }
++ { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $2 2, Some $4, $6)) }
++ | LPAREN RPAREN module_binding_body
++ { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs "()" 1, None, $3)) }
+ ;
+ module_bindings:
+ module_binding { [$1] }
+@@ -662,7 +668,10 @@
+ { unclosed "sig" 1 "end" 3 }
+ %prec below_WITH
+- { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $3 3, $5, $8)) }
++ { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $3 3, Some $5, $8)) }
++ %prec below_WITH
++ { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs "()" 2, None, $5)) }
+ | module_type WITH with_constraints
+ { mkmty(Pmty_with($1, List.rev $3)) }
+ | MODULE TYPE OF module_expr %prec below_LBRACKETAT
+@@ -724,7 +733,9 @@
+ COLON module_type
+ { $2 }
+ | LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_declaration
+- { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $2 2, $4, $6)) }
++ { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $2 2, Some $4, $6)) }
++ | LPAREN RPAREN module_declaration
++ { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs "()" 1, None, $3)) }
+ ;
+ module_rec_declarations:
+ module_rec_declaration { [$1] }
+Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
+--- parsing/parsetree.mli (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/parsetree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
+ (* S *)
+ | Pmty_signature of signature
+ (* sig ... end *)
+- | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type * module_type
++ | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
+ (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
+ | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
+ (* MT with ... *)
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+ (* X *)
+ | Pmod_structure of structure
+ (* struct ... end *)
+- | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type * module_expr
++ | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
+ (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
+ | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
+ (* ME1(ME2) *)
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -834,7 +834,9 @@
+ | Pmty_signature (s) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" (* "@[<hov>sig@ %a@ end@]" *)
+ (self#list self#signature_item ) s (* FIXME wrong indentation*)
+- | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
++ | Pmty_functor (_, None, mt2) ->
++ pp f "@[<hov2>functor () ->@ %a@]" self#module_type mt2
++ | Pmty_functor (s, Some mt1, mt2) ->
+ pp f "@[<hov2>functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@ ->@ %a@]" s.txt
+ self#module_type mt1 self#module_type mt2
+ | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+@@ -940,7 +942,9 @@
+ self#module_type mt
+ | Pmod_ident (li) ->
+ pp f "%a" self#longident_loc li;
+- | Pmod_functor (s, mt, me) ->
++ | Pmod_functor (_, None, me) ->
++ pp f "functor ()@;->@;%a" self#module_expr me
++ | Pmod_functor (s, Some mt, me) ->
+ pp f "functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@;->@;%a"
+ s.txt self#module_type mt self#module_expr me
+ | Pmod_apply (me1, me2) ->
+@@ -1025,7 +1029,8 @@
+ | Pstr_module x ->
+ let rec module_helper me = match me.pmod_desc with
+ | Pmod_functor(s,mt,me) ->
+- pp f "(%s:%a)" s.txt self#module_type mt ;
++ if mt = None then pp f "()"
++ else Misc.may (pp f "(%s:%a)" s.txt self#module_type) mt;
+ module_helper me
+ | _ -> me in
+ pp f "@[<hov2>module %s%a@]"
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 14301)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@
+ signature i ppf s;
+ | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmty_functor %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+- module_type i ppf mt1;
++ Misc.may (module_type i ppf) mt1;
+ module_type i ppf mt2;
+ | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmty_with\n";
+@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
+ structure i ppf s;
+ | Pmod_functor (s, mt, me) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmod_functor %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+- module_type i ppf mt;
++ Misc.may (module_type i ppf) mt;
+ module_expr i ppf me;
+ | Pmod_apply (me1, me2) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmod_apply\n";
+Index: tools/
+--- tools/ (revision 14301)
++++ tools/ (working copy)
+@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@
+ Pmty_ident l -> add bv l
+ | Pmty_signature s -> add_signature bv s
+ | Pmty_functor(id, mty1, mty2) ->
+- add_modtype bv mty1; add_modtype (StringSet.add id.txt bv) mty2
++ Misc.may (add_modtype bv) mty1;
++ add_modtype (StringSet.add id.txt bv) mty2
+ | Pmty_with(mty, cstrl) ->
+ add_modtype bv mty;
+ List.iter
+@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
+ Pmod_ident l -> addmodule bv l
+ | Pmod_structure s -> ignore (add_structure bv s)
+ | Pmod_functor(id, mty, modl) ->
+- add_modtype bv mty;
++ Misc.may (add_modtype bv) mty;
+ add_module (StringSet.add id.txt bv) modl
+ | Pmod_apply(mod1, mod2) ->
+ add_module bv mod1; add_module bv mod2
+Index: tools/
+--- tools/ (revision 14301)
++++ tools/ (working copy)
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
+ | Tmty_ident (_path, _) -> ()
+ | Tmty_signature sg -> sub # signature sg
+ | Tmty_functor (_id, _, mtype1, mtype2) ->
+- sub # module_type mtype1; sub # module_type mtype2
++ Misc.may (sub # module_type) mtype1; sub # module_type mtype2
+ | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+ sub # module_type mtype;
+ List.iter (fun (_, _, withc) -> sub # with_constraint withc) list
+@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
+ | Tmod_ident (_p, _) -> ()
+ | Tmod_structure st -> sub # structure st
+ | Tmod_functor (_id, _, mtype, mexpr) ->
+- sub # module_type mtype;
++ Misc.may (sub # module_type) mtype;
+ sub # module_expr mexpr
+ | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, _) ->
+ sub # module_expr mexp1;
+Index: tools/
+--- tools/ (revision 14301)
++++ tools/ (working copy)
+@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
+ Tmty_ident (_path, lid) -> Pmty_ident (lid)
+ | Tmty_signature sg -> Pmty_signature (untype_signature sg)
+ | Tmty_functor (_id, name, mtype1, mtype2) ->
+- Pmty_functor (name, untype_module_type mtype1,
++ Pmty_functor (name, Misc.may_map untype_module_type mtype1,
+ untype_module_type mtype2)
+ | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+ Pmty_with (untype_module_type mtype,
+@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
+ Tmod_ident (_p, lid) -> Pmod_ident (lid)
+ | Tmod_structure st -> Pmod_structure (untype_structure st)
+ | Tmod_functor (_id, name, mtype, mexpr) ->
+- Pmod_functor (name, untype_module_type mtype,
++ Pmod_functor (name, Misc.may_map untype_module_type mtype,
+ untype_module_expr mexpr)
+ | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, _) ->
+ Pmod_apply (untype_module_expr mexp1, untype_module_expr mexp2)
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
+ let is_Tunivar = function {desc=Tunivar _} -> true | _ -> false
+ let dummy_method = "*dummy method*"
++let default_mty = function
++ Some mty -> mty
++ | None -> Mty_signature []
+ (**** Representative of a type ****)
+Index: typing/btype.mli
+--- typing/btype.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/btype.mli (working copy)
+@@ -39,9 +39,12 @@
+ (* Return a fresh marked generic variable *)
+ *)
++(**** Types ****)
+ val is_Tvar: type_expr -> bool
+ val is_Tunivar: type_expr -> bool
+ val dummy_method: label
++val default_mty: module_type option -> module_type
+ val repr: type_expr -> type_expr
+ (* Return the canonical representative of a type. *)
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
+ and functor_components = {
+ fcomp_param: Ident.t; (* Formal parameter *)
+- fcomp_arg: module_type; (* Argument signature *)
++ fcomp_arg: module_type option; (* Argument signature *)
+ fcomp_res: module_type; (* Result signature *)
+ fcomp_env: t; (* Environment in which the result signature makes sense *)
+ fcomp_subst: Subst.t; (* Prefixing substitution for the result signature *)
+@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
+ let (p2, {md_type=mty2}) = lookup_module l2 env in
+ begin match EnvLazy.force !components_of_module_maker' desc1 with
+ Functor_comps f ->
+- !check_modtype_inclusion env mty2 p2 f.fcomp_arg;
++ Misc.may (!check_modtype_inclusion env mty2 p2) f.fcomp_arg;
+ (Papply(p1, p2), !components_of_functor_appl' f p1 p2)
+ | Structure_comps c ->
+ raise Not_found
+@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
+ let p = Papply(p1, p2) in
+ begin match EnvLazy.force !components_of_module_maker' desc1 with
+ Functor_comps f ->
+- !check_modtype_inclusion env mty2 p2 f.fcomp_arg;
++ Misc.may (!check_modtype_inclusion env mty2 p2) f.fcomp_arg;
+ let mty =
+ Subst.modtype (Subst.add_module f.fcomp_param p2 f.fcomp_subst)
+ f.fcomp_res in
+@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@
+ fcomp_param = param;
+ (* fcomp_arg must be prefixed eagerly, because it is interpreted
+ in the outer environment, not in env *)
+- fcomp_arg = Subst.modtype sub ty_arg;
++ fcomp_arg = may_map (Subst.modtype sub) ty_arg;
+ (* fcomp_res is prefixed lazily, because it is interpreted in env *)
+ fcomp_res = ty_res;
+ fcomp_env = env;
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -168,7 +168,13 @@
+ try_modtypes2 env cxt mty1 (Subst.modtype subst mty2)
+ | (Mty_signature sig1, Mty_signature sig2) ->
+ signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2
+- | (Mty_functor(param1, arg1, res1), Mty_functor(param2, arg2, res2)) ->
++ | (Mty_functor(param1, None, res1), Mty_functor(param2, None, res2)) ->
++ begin match modtypes env (Body param1::cxt) subst res1 res2 with
++ Tcoerce_none -> Tcoerce_none
++ | cc -> Tcoerce_functor (Tcoerce_none, cc)
++ end
++ | (Mty_functor(param1, Some arg1, res1),
++ Mty_functor(param2, Some arg2, res2)) ->
+ let arg2' = Subst.modtype subst arg2 in
+ let cc_arg = modtypes env (Arg param1::cxt) Subst.identity arg2' arg1 in
+ let cc_res =
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
+ match scrape env mty with
+ Mty_signature sg ->
+ Mty_signature(strengthen_sig env sg p)
+- | Mty_functor(param, arg, res) when !Clflags.applicative_functors ->
++ | Mty_functor(param, arg, res)
++ when !Clflags.applicative_functors && param <> "*" ->
+ Mty_functor(param, arg, strengthen env res (Papply(p, Pident param)))
+ | mty ->
+ mty
+@@ -105,8 +106,9 @@
+ | Mty_functor(param, arg, res) ->
+ let var_inv =
+ match va with Co -> Contra | Contra -> Co | Strict -> Strict in
+- Mty_functor(param, nondep_mty env var_inv arg,
+- nondep_mty (Env.add_module param arg env) va res)
++ Mty_functor(param, Misc.may_map (nondep_mty env var_inv) arg,
++ nondep_mty
++ (Env.add_module param (Btype.default_mty arg) env) va res)
+ and nondep_sig env va = function
+ [] -> []
+@@ -228,3 +230,34 @@
+ no_code_needed_sig env rem
+ | (Sig_exception _ | Sig_class _) :: rem ->
+ false
++(* Check whether a module type may return types *)
++let rec contains_type env = function
++ Mty_ident path ->
++ (try Misc.may (contains_type env) (Env.find_modtype path env).mtd_type
++ with Not_found -> raise Exit)
++ | Mty_signature sg ->
++ contains_type_sig env sg
++ | Mty_functor (_, _, body) ->
++ contains_type env body
++and contains_type_sig env = List.iter (contains_type_item env)
++and contains_type_item env = function
++ Sig_type (_,({type_manifest = None} |
++ {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Private}),_)
++ | Sig_modtype _ ->
++ raise Exit
++ | Sig_module (_, {md_type = mty}, _) ->
++ contains_type env mty
++ | Sig_value _
++ | Sig_type _
++ | Sig_exception _
++ | Sig_class _
++ | Sig_class_type _ ->
++ ()
++let contains_type env mty =
++ try contains_type env mty; false with Exit -> true
+Index: typing/mtype.mli
+--- typing/mtype.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/mtype.mli (working copy)
+@@ -36,3 +36,4 @@
+ val enrich_modtype: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> module_type
+ val enrich_typedecl: Env.t -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration
+ val type_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> Path.t list
++val contains_type: Env.t -> module_type -> bool
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -344,7 +344,9 @@
+ let rec print_out_module_type ppf =
+ function
+ Omty_abstract -> ()
+- | Omty_functor (name, mty_arg, mty_res) ->
++ | Omty_functor (_, None, mty_res) ->
++ fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ () ->@ %a@]" print_out_module_type mty_res
++ | Omty_functor (name, Some mty_arg, mty_res) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ (%s : %a) ->@ %a@]" name
+ print_out_module_type mty_arg print_out_module_type mty_res
+ | Omty_ident id -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_ident id
+Index: typing/outcometree.mli
+--- typing/outcometree.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/outcometree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ type out_module_type =
+ | Omty_abstract
+- | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type * out_module_type
++ | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
+ | Omty_ident of out_ident
+ | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
+ and out_sig_item =
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -1116,9 +1116,12 @@
+ | Mty_signature sg ->
+ Omty_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
+ | Mty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) ->
+- Omty_functor
+- ( param, tree_of_modtype ty_arg,
+- wrap_env (Env.add_module param ty_arg) tree_of_modtype ty_res)
++ let res =
++ match ty_arg with None -> tree_of_modtype ty_res
++ | Some mty ->
++ wrap_env (Env.add_module param mty) tree_of_modtype ty_res
++ in
++ Omty_functor ( param, may_map tree_of_modtype ty_arg, res)
+ and tree_of_signature sg =
+ wrap_env (fun env -> env) (tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env) sg
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
+ signature i ppf s;
+ | Tmty_functor (s, _, mt1, mt2) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmty_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+- module_type i ppf mt1;
++ Misc.may (module_type i ppf) mt1;
+ module_type i ppf mt2;
+ | Tmty_with (mt, l) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmty_with\n";
+@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
+ structure i ppf s;
+ | Tmod_functor (s, _, mt, me) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmod_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+- module_type i ppf mt;
++ Misc.may (module_type i ppf) mt;
+ module_expr i ppf me;
+ | Tmod_apply (me1, me2, _) ->
+ line i ppf "Pmod_apply\n";
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@
+ Mty_signature(signature s sg)
+ | Mty_functor(id, arg, res) ->
+ let id' = Ident.rename id in
+- Mty_functor(id', modtype s arg,
+- modtype (add_module id (Pident id') s) res)
++ Mty_functor(id', may_map (modtype s) arg,
++ modtype (add_module id (Pident id') s) res)
+ and signature s sg =
+ (* Components of signature may be mutually recursive (e.g. type declarations
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
+ and module_expr_desc =
+ Tmod_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Tmod_structure of structure
+- | Tmod_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type * module_expr
++ | Tmod_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type option * module_expr
+ | Tmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr * module_coercion
+ | Tmod_constraint of
+ module_expr * Types.module_type * module_type_constraint * module_coercion
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
+ and module_type_desc =
+ Tmty_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Tmty_signature of signature
+- | Tmty_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type * module_type
++ | Tmty_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type option * module_type
+ | Tmty_with of module_type * (Path.t * Longident.t loc * with_constraint) list
+ | Tmty_typeof of module_expr
+Index: typing/typedtree.mli
+--- typing/typedtree.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/typedtree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
+ and module_expr_desc =
+ Tmod_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Tmod_structure of structure
+- | Tmod_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type * module_expr
++ | Tmod_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type option * module_expr
+ | Tmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr * module_coercion
+ | Tmod_constraint of
+ module_expr * Types.module_type * module_type_constraint * module_coercion
+@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
+ and module_type_desc =
+ Tmty_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Tmty_signature of signature
+- | Tmty_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type * module_type
++ | Tmty_functor of Ident.t * string loc * module_type option * module_type
+ | Tmty_with of module_type * (Path.t * Longident.t loc * with_constraint) list
+ | Tmty_typeof of module_expr
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
+ Tmty_ident (path, _) -> ()
+ | Tmty_signature sg -> iter_signature sg
+ | Tmty_functor (id, _, mtype1, mtype2) ->
+- iter_module_type mtype1; iter_module_type mtype2
++ Misc.may iter_module_type mtype1; iter_module_type mtype2
+ | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+ iter_module_type mtype;
+ List.iter (fun (path, _, withc) ->
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
+ Tmod_ident (p, _) -> ()
+ | Tmod_structure st -> iter_structure st
+ | Tmod_functor (id, _, mtype, mexpr) ->
+- iter_module_type mtype;
++ Misc.may iter_module_type mtype;
+ iter_module_expr mexpr
+ | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, _) ->
+ iter_module_expr mexp1;
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
+ Tmty_ident (path, lid) -> mty.mty_desc
+ | Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (map_signature sg)
+ | Tmty_functor (id, name, mtype1, mtype2) ->
+- Tmty_functor (id, name, map_module_type mtype1,
++ Tmty_functor (id, name, Misc.may_map map_module_type mtype1,
+ map_module_type mtype2)
+ | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+ Tmty_with (map_module_type mtype,
+@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
+ Tmod_ident (p, lid) -> mexpr.mod_desc
+ | Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (map_structure st)
+ | Tmod_functor (id, name, mtype, mexpr) ->
+- Tmod_functor (id, name, map_module_type mtype,
++ Tmod_functor (id, name, Misc.may_map map_module_type mtype,
+ map_module_expr mexpr)
+ | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, coercion) ->
+ Tmod_apply (map_module_expr mexp1, map_module_expr mexp2, coercion)
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ | Scoping_pack of Longident.t * type_expr
+ | Extension of string
+ | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
++ | Apply_generative
+ exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+@@ -299,8 +300,9 @@
+ | Pmty_signature ssg ->
+ Mty_signature(approx_sig env ssg)
+ | Pmty_functor(param, sarg, sres) ->
+- let arg = approx_modtype env sarg in
+- let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module param.txt arg env in
++ let arg = may_map (approx_modtype env) sarg in
++ let (id, newenv) =
++ Env.enter_module param.txt (Btype.default_mty arg) env in
+ let res = approx_modtype newenv sres in
+ Mty_functor(id, arg, res)
+ | Pmty_with(sbody, constraints) ->
+@@ -472,11 +474,13 @@
+ mkmty (Tmty_signature sg) (Mty_signature sg.sig_type) env loc
+ smty.pmty_attributes
+ | Pmty_functor(param, sarg, sres) ->
+- let arg = transl_modtype env sarg in
+- let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module param.txt arg.mty_type env in
++ let arg = Misc.may_map (transl_modtype env) sarg in
++ let ty_arg = Misc.may_map (fun m -> m.mty_type) arg in
++ let (id, newenv) =
++ Env.enter_module param.txt (Btype.default_mty ty_arg) env in
+ let res = transl_modtype newenv sres in
+ mkmty (Tmty_functor (id, param, arg, res))
+- (Mty_functor(id, arg.mty_type, res.mty_type)) env loc
++ (Mty_functor(id, ty_arg, res.mty_type)) env loc
+ smty.pmty_attributes
+ | Pmty_with(sbody, constraints) ->
+ let body = transl_modtype env sbody in
+@@ -949,11 +953,14 @@
+ mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+ mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
+ | Pmod_functor(name, smty, sbody) ->
+- let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
+- let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name.txt mty.mty_type env in
+- let body = type_module sttn true None newenv sbody in
++ let mty = may_map (transl_modtype env) smty in
++ let ty_arg = may_map (fun m -> m.mty_type) mty in
++ let (id, newenv), funct_body =
++ match ty_arg with None -> (Ident.create "*", env), false
++ | Some mty -> Env.enter_module name.txt mty env, true in
++ let body = type_module sttn funct_body None newenv sbody in
+ rm { mod_desc = Tmod_functor(id, name, mty, body);
+- mod_type = Mty_functor(id, mty.mty_type, body.mod_type);
++ mod_type = Mty_functor(id, ty_arg, body.mod_type);
+ mod_env = env;
+ mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+ mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
+@@ -964,6 +971,14 @@
+ type_module (sttn && path <> None) funct_body None env sfunct in
+ begin match Mtype.scrape env funct.mod_type with
+ Mty_functor(param, mty_param, mty_res) as mty_functor ->
++ let generative, mty_param =
++ (mty_param = None, Btype.default_mty mty_param) in
++ if generative then begin
++ if sarg.pmod_desc <> Pmod_structure [] then
++ raise (Error (sfunct.pmod_loc, env, Apply_generative));
++ if funct_body && Mtype.contains_type env funct.mod_type then
++ raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_allowed_in_functor_body));
++ end;
+ let coercion =
+ try
+ Includemod.modtypes env arg.mod_type mty_param
+@@ -975,6 +990,7 @@
+ Subst.modtype (Subst.add_module param path Subst.identity)
+ mty_res
+ | None ->
++ if generative then mty_res else
+ try
+ Mtype.nondep_supertype
+ (Env.add_module param arg.mod_type env) param mty_res
+@@ -999,8 +1015,6 @@
+ }
+ | Pmod_unpack sexp ->
+- if funct_body then
+- raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_allowed_in_functor_body));
+ if !Clflags.principal then Ctype.begin_def ();
+ let exp = Typecore.type_exp env sexp in
+ if !Clflags.principal then begin
+@@ -1025,6 +1039,8 @@
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Error(smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_a_packed_module exp.exp_type))
+ in
++ if funct_body && Mtype.contains_type env mty then
++ raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_allowed_in_functor_body));
+ rm { mod_desc = Tmod_unpack(exp, mty);
+ mod_type = mty;
+ mod_env = env;
+@@ -1549,7 +1565,8 @@
+ Location.print_filename intf_name
+ | Not_allowed_in_functor_body ->
+ fprintf ppf
+- "This kind of expression is not allowed within the body of a functor."
++ "@[This expression creates fresh types.@ %s@]"
++ "It is not allowed inside applicative functors."
+ | With_need_typeconstr ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "Only type constructors with identical parameters can be substituted."
+@@ -1570,6 +1587,8 @@
+ fprintf ppf "Uninterpreted extension '%s'." s
+ | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type ->
+ fprintf ppf "Recursive modules require an explicit module type."
++ | Apply_generative ->
++ fprintf ppf "This is a generative functor. It can only be applied to ()"
+ let report_error env ppf err =
+ Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error ppf err)
+Index: typing/typemod.mli
+--- typing/typemod.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/typemod.mli (working copy)
+@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
+ | Scoping_pack of Longident.t * type_expr
+ | Extension of string
+ | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
++ | Apply_generative
+ exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14301)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
+ type module_type =
+ Mty_ident of Path.t
+ | Mty_signature of signature
+- | Mty_functor of Ident.t * module_type * module_type
++ | Mty_functor of Ident.t * module_type option * module_type
+ and signature = signature_item list
+Index: typing/types.mli
+--- typing/types.mli (revision 14301)
++++ typing/types.mli (working copy)
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
+ type module_type =
+ Mty_ident of Path.t
+ | Mty_signature of signature
+- | Mty_functor of Ident.t * module_type * module_type
++ | Mty_functor of Ident.t * module_type option * module_type
+ and signature = signature_item list