diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin925440 -> 948084 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin147667 -> 147675 bytes
32 files changed, 1184 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index a1c64eef2..8b739e39d 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index 4916697c5..b62a2b463 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e379a87af..dd1f57256 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ type error = Illegal_class_expr
exception Error of Location.t * error
let lfunction params body =
+ if params = [] then body else
match body with
Lfunction (Curried, params', body') ->
Lfunction (Curried, params @ params', body')
@@ -43,13 +44,14 @@ let lapply func args =
let lsequence l1 l2 =
if l2 = lambda_unit then l1 else Lsequence(l1, l2)
-let transl_label l = Lconst (Const_base (Const_string l))
+let lfield v i = Lprim(Pfield i, [Lvar v])
+let transl_label l = share (Const_base (Const_string l))
let rec transl_meth_list lst =
- Lconst
- (List.fold_right
- (fun lab rem -> Const_block (0, [Const_base (Const_string lab); rem]))
- lst (Const_pointer 0))
+ if lst = [] then Lconst (Const_pointer 0) else
+ share (Const_block
+ (0, (fun lab -> Const_base (Const_string lab)) lst))
let set_inst_var obj id expr =
let kind = if Typeopt.maybe_pointer expr then Paddrarray else Pintarray in
@@ -65,15 +67,26 @@ let copy_inst_var obj id expr templ offset =
[Lvar id';
Lvar offset])])]))
-let transl_val tbl create name id rem =
- Llet(StrictOpt, id, Lapply (oo_prim (if create then "new_variable"
- else "get_variable"),
- [Lvar tbl; transl_label name]),
- rem)
+let transl_val tbl create name =
+ Lapply (oo_prim (if create then "new_variable" else "get_variable"),
+ [Lvar tbl; transl_label name])
-let transl_vals tbl create vals rem =
+let transl_vals tbl create sure vals rem =
+ if create && sure && List.length vals > 1 then
+ let (_,id0) = List.hd vals in
+ let call =
+ Lapply(oo_prim "new_variables",
+ [Lvar tbl; transl_meth_list ( fst vals)]) in
+ let i = ref (List.length vals) in
+ Llet(Strict, id0, call,
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name,id) rem ->
+ decr i; Llet(Alias, id, Lprim(Poffsetint !i, [Lvar id0]), rem))
+ ( vals) rem)
+ else
- (fun (name, id) rem -> transl_val tbl create name id rem)
+ (fun (name, id) rem ->
+ Llet(StrictOpt, id, transl_val tbl create name, rem))
vals rem
let transl_super tbl meths inh_methods rem =
@@ -93,22 +106,27 @@ let create_object cl obj init =
let (inh_init, obj_init) = init obj' in
if obj_init = lambda_unit then
- Lapply (oo_prim "create_object_and_run_initializers",
- [Lvar obj; Lvar cl]))
+ Lapply (oo_prim "create_object_and_run_initializers", [obj; Lvar cl]))
else begin
Llet(Strict, obj',
- Lapply (oo_prim "create_object_opt", [Lvar obj; Lvar cl]),
+ Lapply (oo_prim "create_object_opt", [obj; Lvar cl]),
- Lapply (oo_prim "run_initializers_opt",
- [Lvar obj; Lvar obj'; Lvar cl]))))
+ Lapply (oo_prim "run_initializers_opt",
+ [obj; Lvar obj'; Lvar cl]))))
-let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl =
+let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl =
match cl.cl_desc with
Tclass_ident path ->
let obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init" in
- (obj_init::inh_init, Lapply(Lvar obj_init, [Lvar obj]))
+ let envs, inh_init = inh_init in
+ let env =
+ match envs with None -> []
+ | Some envs -> [Lprim(Pfield (List.length inh_init + 1), [Lvar envs])]
+ in
+ ((envs, (obj_init, path)::inh_init),
+ Lapply(Lvar obj_init, env @ [obj]))
| Tclass_structure str ->
create_object cl_table obj (fun obj ->
let (inh_init, obj_init) =
@@ -117,7 +135,8 @@ let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl =
match field with
Cf_inher (cl, _, _) ->
let (inh_init, obj_init') =
- build_object_init cl_table obj [] inh_init cl
+ build_object_init cl_table (Lvar obj) [] inh_init
+ (fun _ -> lambda_unit) cl
(inh_init, lsequence obj_init' obj_init)
| Cf_val (_, id, exp) ->
@@ -133,7 +152,7 @@ let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl =
vals obj_init)))
- (inh_init, lambda_unit)
+ (inh_init, obj_init obj)
@@ -142,7 +161,7 @@ let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl =
params obj_init))
| Tclass_fun (pat, vals, cl, partial) ->
let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init cl
+ build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init obj_init cl
let build params rem =
@@ -157,29 +176,32 @@ let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl =
| Tclass_apply (cl, oexprs) ->
let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl
+ build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl
(inh_init, transl_apply obj_init oexprs)
| Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init cl
+ build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init obj_init cl
(inh_init, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
| Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, pub_meths, concr_meths) ->
- build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init cl
+ build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl
-let rec build_object_init_0 cl_table params cl =
+let rec build_object_init_0 cl_table params cl copy_env subst_env top ids =
match cl.cl_desc with
Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init_0 cl_table (vals @ params) cl
- in
- (inh_init, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
+ build_object_init_0 cl_table (vals@params) cl copy_env subst_env top ids
| _ ->
- let obj = Ident.create "self" in
- let (inh_init, obj_init) = build_object_init cl_table obj params [] cl in
- let obj_init = lfunction [obj] obj_init in
- (inh_init, obj_init)
+ let self = Ident.create "self" in
+ let env = Ident.create "env" in
+ let obj = if ids = [] then lambda_unit else Lvar self in
+ let envs = if top then None else Some env in
+ let ((_,inh_init), obj_init) =
+ build_object_init cl_table obj params (envs,[]) (copy_env env) cl in
+ let obj_init =
+ if ids = [] then obj_init else lfunction [self] obj_init in
+ (inh_init, lfunction [env] (subst_env env obj_init))
let bind_method tbl public_methods lab id cl_init =
if List.mem lab public_methods then
@@ -192,138 +214,504 @@ let bind_method tbl public_methods lab id cl_init =
let bind_methods tbl public_methods meths cl_init =
Meths.fold (bind_method tbl public_methods) meths cl_init
-let rec build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init cl =
+let output_methods tbl vals methods lam =
+ let lam =
+ match methods with
+ [] -> lam
+ | [lab; code] ->
+ lsequence (Lapply(oo_prim "set_method", [Lvar tbl; lab; code])) lam
+ | _ ->
+ lsequence (Lapply(oo_prim "set_methods",
+ [Lvar tbl; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0,Immutable), methods)]))
+ lam
+ in
+ transl_vals tbl true true vals lam
+let rec ignore_cstrs cl =
+ match cl.cl_desc with
+ Tclass_constraint (cl, _, _, _) -> ignore_cstrs cl
+ | Tclass_apply (cl, _) -> ignore_cstrs cl
+ | _ -> cl
+let rec build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init msubst top cl =
match cl.cl_desc with
Tclass_ident path ->
begin match inh_init with
- obj_init::inh_init ->
+ (obj_init, path')::inh_init ->
+ let lpath = transl_path path in
Llet (Strict, obj_init,
- Lapply(Lprim(Pfield 1, [transl_path path]), [Lvar cla]),
+ Lapply(Lprim(Pfield 1, [lpath]), Lvar cla ::
+ if top then [Lprim(Pfield 3, [lpath])] else []),
| _ ->
assert false
| Tclass_structure str ->
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
+ let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
- (fun field (inh_init, cl_init) ->
+ (fun field (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) ->
match field with
Cf_inher (cl, vals, meths) ->
- build_class_init cla pub_meths false inh_init
- (transl_vals cla false vals
- (transl_super cla str.cl_meths meths cl_init))
- cl
+ let cl_init = output_methods cla values methods cl_init in
+ let inh_init, cl_init =
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths false inh_init
+ (transl_vals cla false false vals
+ (transl_super cla str.cl_meths meths cl_init))
+ msubst top cl in
+ (inh_init, cl_init, [], [])
| Cf_val (name, id, exp) ->
- (inh_init, transl_val cla true name id cl_init)
+ (inh_init, cl_init, methods, (name, id)::values)
| Cf_meth (name, exp) ->
+ let met_code = msubst true (transl_exp exp) in
let met_code =
- if !Clflags.native_code then begin
+ if !Clflags.native_code && List.length met_code = 1 then
(* Force correct naming of method for profiles *)
let met = Ident.create ("method_" ^ name) in
- Llet(Strict, met, transl_exp exp, Lvar met)
- end else
- transl_exp exp in
- (inh_init,
- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "set_method",
- [Lvar cla;
- Lvar (Meths.find name str.cl_meths);
- met_code]),
+ [Llet(Strict, met, List.hd met_code, Lvar met)]
+ else met_code
+ in
+ (inh_init, cl_init,
+ Lvar (Meths.find name str.cl_meths) :: met_code @ methods,
+ values)
+ (*
+ Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim ("set_method" ^ builtin),
+ Lvar cla ::
+ Lvar (Meths.find name str.cl_meths) ::
+ met_code),
+ *)
| Cf_let (rec_flag, defs, vals) ->
let vals = (function (id, _) -> ( id, id)) vals
- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init)
+ (inh_init, cl_init, methods, vals @ values)
| Cf_init exp ->
Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "add_initializer",
- [Lvar cla; transl_exp exp]),
- cl_init)))
+ Lvar cla :: msubst false (transl_exp exp)),
+ cl_init),
+ methods, values))
- (inh_init, cl_init)
+ (inh_init, cl_init, [], [])
+ let cl_init = output_methods cla values methods cl_init in
(inh_init, bind_methods cla pub_meths str.cl_meths cl_init)
| Tclass_fun (pat, vals, cl, _) ->
let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init cl
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
let vals = (function (id, _) -> ( id, id)) vals in
- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init)
+ (inh_init, transl_vals cla true false vals cl_init)
| Tclass_apply (cl, exprs) ->
- build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init cl
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
| Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init cl
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths cstr inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
let vals = (function (id, _) -> ( id, id)) vals in
- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init)
+ (inh_init, transl_vals cla true false vals cl_init)
| Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concr_meths) ->
- let core cl_init =
- build_class_init cla pub_meths true inh_init cl_init cl
- in
- if cstr then
- core cl_init
- else
- let virt_meths =
- List.fold_right
- (fun lab rem ->
- if Concr.mem lab concr_meths then rem else lab::rem)
- meths
- []
- in
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- core (Lsequence (Lapply (oo_prim "widen", [Lvar cla]),
- cl_init))
- in
- (inh_init,
- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "narrow",
- [Lvar cla;
- transl_meth_list vals;
- transl_meth_list virt_meths;
- transl_meth_list (Concr.elements concr_meths)]),
- cl_init))
+ let virt_meths =
+ List.filter (fun lab -> not (Concr.mem lab concr_meths)) meths in
+ let narrow_args =
+ [Lvar cla;
+ transl_meth_list vals;
+ transl_meth_list virt_meths;
+ transl_meth_list (Concr.elements concr_meths)] in
+ let cl = ignore_cstrs cl in
+ begin match cl.cl_desc, inh_init with
+ Tclass_ident path, (obj_init, path')::inh_init ->
+ assert (Path.same path path');
+ let lpath = transl_path path in
+ (inh_init,
+ Llet (Strict, obj_init,
+ Lapply(oo_prim "inherits", narrow_args @
+ [lpath; Lconst(Const_pointer(if top then 1 else 0))]),
+ cl_init))
+ | _ ->
+ let core cl_init =
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths true inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
+ in
+ if cstr then core cl_init else
+ let (inh_init, cl_init) =
+ core (Lsequence (Lapply (oo_prim "widen", [Lvar cla]), cl_init))
+ in
+ (inh_init,
+ Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "narrow", narrow_args), cl_init))
+ end
+let rec build_class_lets cl =
+ match cl.cl_desc with
+ Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
+ let env, wrap = build_class_lets cl in
+ (env, fun x -> Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs (wrap x))
+ | _ ->
+ (cl.cl_env, fun x -> x)
XXX Il devrait etre peu couteux d'ecrire des classes :
class c x y = d e f
+let rec transl_class_rebind obj_init cl =
+ match cl.cl_desc with
+ Tclass_ident path ->
+ (path, obj_init)
+ | Tclass_fun (pat, _, cl, partial) ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl in
+ let build params rem =
+ let param = name_pattern "param" [pat, ()] in
+ Lfunction (Curried, param::params,
+ Matching.for_function
+ pat.pat_loc None (Lvar param) [pat, rem] partial)
+ in
+ (path,
+ match obj_init with
+ Lfunction (Curried, params, rem) -> build params rem
+ | rem -> build [] rem)
+ | Tclass_apply (cl, oexprs) ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl in
+ (path, transl_apply obj_init oexprs)
+ | Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl in
+ (path, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
+ | Tclass_structure {cl_field = [Cf_inher(cl, _, _)]} ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl in
+ (path, obj_init)
+ | Tclass_structure _ -> raise Exit
+ | Tclass_constraint (cl', _, _, _) ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl' in
+ let rec check_constraint = function
+ Tcty_constr(path', _, _) when Path.same path path' -> ()
+ | Tcty_fun (_, _, cty) -> check_constraint cty
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ in
+ check_constraint cl.cl_type;
+ (path, obj_init)
+let rec transl_class_rebind_0 self obj_init cl =
+ match cl.cl_desc with
+ Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind_0 self obj_init cl in
+ (path, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
+ | _ ->
+ let path, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl in
+ (path, lfunction [self] obj_init)
+let transl_class_rebind ids cl =
+ try
+ let obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init"
+ and self = Ident.create "self" in
+ let obj_init0 = lapply (Lvar obj_init) [Lvar self] in
+ let path, obj_init' = transl_class_rebind_0 self obj_init0 cl in
+ if not (Translcore.check_recursive_lambda ids obj_init') then
+ raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Illegal_class_expr));
+ let id = (obj_init' = lfunction [self] obj_init0) in
+ if id then transl_path path else
+ let cla = Ident.create "class"
+ and new_init = Ident.create "new_init"
+ and arg = Ident.create "arg"
+ and env_init = Ident.create "env_init"
+ and table = Ident.create "table"
+ and envs = Ident.create "envs" in
+ Llet(
+ Strict, new_init, lfunction [obj_init] obj_init',
+ Llet(
+ Alias, cla, transl_path path,
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ [Lapply(Lvar new_init, [lfield cla 0]);
+ lfunction [table]
+ (Llet(Strict, env_init,
+ Lapply(lfield cla 1, [Lvar table]),
+ lfunction [envs]
+ (Lapply(Lvar new_init,
+ [Lapply(Lvar env_init, [Lvar envs])]))));
+ lfield cla 2;
+ lfield cla 3])))
+ with Exit ->
+ lambda_unit
+(* Rewrite a closure using builtins. Improves native code size. *)
+let rec module_path = function
+ Lvar id ->
+ let s = id in s <> "" && s.[0] >= 'A' && s.[0] <= 'Z'
+ | Lprim(Pfield _, [p]) -> module_path p
+ | Lprim(Pgetglobal _, []) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let const_path local = function
+ Lvar id -> not (List.mem id local)
+ | Lconst _ -> true
+ | Lfunction (Curried, _, body) ->
+ let fv = free_variables body in
+ List.for_all (fun x -> not (IdentSet.mem x fv)) local
+ | p -> module_path p
+let rec builtin_meths self env env2 body =
+ let const_path = const_path (env::self) in
+ let conv = function
+ (* Lvar s when List.mem s self -> "_self", [] *)
+ | p when const_path p -> "const", [p]
+ | Lprim(Parrayrefu _, [Lvar s; Lvar n]) when List.mem s self ->
+ "var", [Lvar n]
+ | Lprim(Pfield n, [Lvar e]) when Ident.same e env ->
+ "env", [Lvar env2; Lconst(Const_pointer n)]
+ | Lsend(Lvar n, Lvar s, []) when List.mem s self ->
+ "meth", [Lvar n]
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ match body with
+ | Llet(Alias, s', Lvar s, body) when List.mem s self ->
+ builtin_meths self env env2 body
+ | Lapply(f, [arg]) when const_path f ->
+ let s, args = conv arg in ("app_"^s, f :: args)
+ | Lapply(f, [arg; p]) when const_path f && const_path p ->
+ let s, args = conv arg in
+ ("app_"^s^"_const", f :: args @ [p])
+ | Lapply(f, [p; arg]) when const_path f && const_path p ->
+ let s, args = conv arg in
+ ("app_const_"^s, f :: p :: args)
+ | Lsend(Lvar n, Lvar s, [arg]) when List.mem s self ->
+ let s, args = conv arg in
+ ("meth_app_"^s, Lvar n :: args)
+ | Lfunction (Curried, [x], body) ->
+ let rec enter self = function
+ | Lprim(Parraysetu _, [Lvar s; Lvar n; Lvar x'])
+ when Ident.same x x' && List.mem s self ->
+ ("set_var", [Lvar n])
+ | Llet(Alias, s', Lvar s, body) when List.mem s self ->
+ enter (s'::self) body
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in enter self body
+ | Lfunction _ -> raise Not_found
+ | _ ->
+ let s, args = conv body in ("get_"^s, args)
+module M = struct
+ open CamlinternalOO
+ let builtin_meths arr self env env2 body =
+ let builtin, args = builtin_meths self env env2 body in
+ if not arr then [Lapply(oo_prim builtin, args)] else
+ let tag = match builtin with
+ "get_const" -> GetConst
+ | "get_var" -> GetVar
+ | "get_env" -> GetEnv
+ | "get_meth" -> GetMeth
+ | "set_var" -> SetVar
+ | "app_const" -> AppConst
+ | "app_var" -> AppVar
+ | "app_env" -> AppEnv
+ | "app_meth" -> AppMeth
+ | "app_const_const" -> AppConstConst
+ | "app_const_var" -> AppConstVar
+ | "app_const_env" -> AppConstEnv
+ | "app_const_meth" -> AppConstMeth
+ | "app_var_const" -> AppVarConst
+ | "app_env_const" -> AppEnvConst
+ | "app_meth_const" -> AppMethConst
+ | "meth_app_const" -> MethAppConst
+ | "meth_app_var" -> MethAppVar
+ | "meth_app_env" -> MethAppEnv
+ | "meth_app_meth" -> MethAppMeth
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in Lconst(Const_pointer(Obj.magic tag)) :: args
+open M
- Exploiter le fait que les methodes sont definies dans l'ordre pour
- l'initialisation des classes (et les variables liees par un
- let ???) ?
+ Traduction d'une classe.
+ Plusieurs cas:
+ * reapplication d'une classe connue -> transl_class_rebind
+ * classe sans dependances locales -> traduction directe
+ * avec dependances locale -> creation d'un arbre de stubs,
+ avec un noeud pour chaque classe locale heritee
+ Une classe est un 4-uplet:
+ (obj_init, class_init, env_init, env)
+ obj_init: fonction de creation d'objet (unit -> obj)
+ class_init: fonction d'heritage (table -> env_init)
+ (une seule par code source)
+ env_init: parametrage par l'environnement local (env -> params -> obj_init)
+ (une par combinaison d'env_init herites)
+ env: environnement local
+ Si ids=0 (objet immediat), alors on ne conserve que env_init.
let transl_class ids cl_id arity pub_meths cl =
+ (* First check if it is not only a rebind *)
+ let rebind = transl_class_rebind ids cl in
+ if rebind <> lambda_unit then rebind else
+ (* Prepare for heavy environment handling *)
+ let tables = Ident.create ( cl_id ^ "_tables") in
+ let (top_env, req) = oo_add_class tables in
+ let top = not req in
+ let cl_env, llets = build_class_lets cl in
+ let new_ids = if top then [] else Env.diff top_env cl_env in
+ let env2 = Ident.create "env" in
+ let subst env lam i0 new_ids' =
+ let fv = free_variables lam in
+ let fv = List.fold_right IdentSet.remove !new_ids' fv in
+ let fv =
+ IdentSet.filter (fun id -> List.mem id new_ids) fv in
+ new_ids' := !new_ids' @ IdentSet.elements fv;
+ let i = ref (i0-1) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun subst id ->
+ incr i; Ident.add id (lfield env !i) subst)
+ Ident.empty !new_ids'
+ in
+ let new_ids_meths = ref [] in
+ let msubst arr = function
+ Lfunction (Curried, self :: args, body) ->
+ let env = Ident.create "env" in
+ let body' =
+ if new_ids = [] then body else
+ subst_lambda (subst env body 0 new_ids_meths) body in
+ begin try
+ (* Doesn't seem to improve size for bytecode *)
+ (* if not !Clflags.native_code then raise Not_found; *)
+ builtin_meths arr [self] env env2 (lfunction args body')
+ with Not_found ->
+ [lfunction (self :: args)
+ (if not (IdentSet.mem env (free_variables body')) then body' else
+ Llet(Alias, env,
+ Lprim(Parrayrefu Paddrarray,
+ [Lvar self; Lvar env2]), body'))]
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let new_ids_init = ref [] in
+ let env1 = Ident.create "env" in
+ let copy_env envs self =
+ if top then lambda_unit else
+ Lifused(env2, Lprim(Parraysetu Paddrarray,
+ [Lvar self; Lvar env2; lfield env1 0]))
+ and subst_env envs lam =
+ if top then lam else
+ Llet(Alias, env1, lfield envs 0,
+ subst_lambda (subst env1 lam 1 new_ids_init) lam)
+ in
+ (* Now we start compiling the class *)
let cla = Ident.create "class" in
- let (inh_init, obj_init) = build_object_init_0 cla [] cl in
+ let (inh_init, obj_init) =
+ build_object_init_0 cla [] cl copy_env subst_env top ids in
if not (Translcore.check_recursive_lambda ids obj_init) then
raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Illegal_class_expr));
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla pub_meths true (List.rev inh_init) obj_init cl
+ let (inh_init', cl_init) =
+ build_class_init cla pub_meths true (List.rev inh_init)
+ obj_init msubst top cl
+ in
+ assert (inh_init' = []);
+ let table = Ident.create "table"
+ and class_init = Ident.create "class_init"
+ and env_init = Ident.create "env_init"
+ and obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init" in
+ let ltable table lam =
+ Llet(Strict, table,
+ Lapply (oo_prim "create_table", [transl_meth_list pub_meths]), lam)
+ and ldirect obj_init =
+ Llet(Strict, obj_init, cl_init,
+ Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
+ Lapply(Lvar obj_init, [lambda_unit])))
- assert (inh_init = []);
- let table = Ident.create "table" in
- let class_init = Ident.create "class_init" in
- let obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init" in
- Llet(Strict, table,
- Lapply (oo_prim "create_table", [transl_meth_list pub_meths]),
- Llet(Strict, class_init,
- Lfunction(Curried, [cla], cl_init),
- Llet(Strict, obj_init, Lapply(Lvar class_init, [Lvar table]),
- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar table]),
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
- [Lvar obj_init;
- Lvar class_init;
- Lvar table])))))
-let class_stub =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit])
+ (* Simplest case: an object defined at toplevel (ids=[]) *)
+ if top && ids = [] then llets (ltable cla (ldirect obj_init)) else
+ let lclass lam =
+ Llet(Strict, class_init, Lfunction(Curried, [cla], cl_init), lam)
+ and lbody =
+ Lapply (oo_prim "make_class",
+ [transl_meth_list pub_meths; Lvar class_init])
+ in
+ (* Still easy: a class defined at toplevel *)
+ if top then llets (lclass lbody) else
+ (* Now for the hard stuff: prepare for table cacheing *)
+ let env_index = Ident.create "env_index"
+ and envs = Ident.create "envs" in
+ let lenvs =
+ if !new_ids_meths = [] && !new_ids_init = [] && inh_init = []
+ then lambda_unit
+ else Lvar envs in
+ let lenv =
+ if !new_ids_meths = [] && !new_ids_init = [] then lambda_unit else
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ (if !new_ids_meths = [] then lambda_unit else
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_meths)) ::
+ (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_init)
+ and linh_envs =
+ (fun (_, p) -> Lprim(Pfield 3, [transl_path p]))
+ (List.rev inh_init)
+ in
+ let make_envs lam =
+ Llet(StrictOpt, envs,
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), lenv :: linh_envs),
+ lam)
+ and def_ids cla lam =
+ Llet(StrictOpt, env2,
+ Lapply (oo_prim "new_variable", [Lvar cla; transl_label ""]),
+ lam)
+ in
+ let obj_init2 = Ident.create "obj_init"
+ and cached = Ident.create "cached" in
+ let inh_paths =
+ List.filter
+ (fun (_,path) -> List.mem (Path.head path) new_ids) inh_init in
+ let inh_keys =
+ (fun (_,p) -> Lprim(Pfield 2, [transl_path p])) inh_paths in
+ let lclass lam =
+ Llet(Strict, class_init,
+ Lfunction(Curried, [cla], def_ids cla cl_init), lam)
+ and lcache lam =
+ if inh_keys = [] then Llet(Alias, cached, Lvar tables, lam) else
+ Llet(Strict, cached,
+ Lapply(oo_prim "lookup_tables",
+ [Lvar tables; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), inh_keys)]),
+ lam)
+ and lset cached i lam =
+ Lprim(Psetfield(i, true), [Lvar cached; lam])
+ in
+ let ldirect () =
+ ltable cla
+ (Llet(Strict, env_init, def_ids cla cl_init,
+ Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
+ lset cached 0 (Lvar env_init))))
+ in
+ llets (
+ lcache (
+ Lsequence(
+ Lifthenelse(lfield cached 0, lambda_unit,
+ if ids = [] then ldirect () else
+ lclass (
+ Lapply (oo_prim "make_class_store",
+ [transl_meth_list pub_meths;
+ Lvar class_init; Lvar cached]))),
+ make_envs (
+ if ids = [] then Lapply(lfield cached 0, [lenvs]) else
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ [Lapply(lfield cached 0, [lenvs]);
+ lfield cached 1;
+ lfield cached 0;
+ lenvs])))))
+(* Dummy for recursive modules *)
let dummy_class undef_fn =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [undef_fn; undef_fn; oo_prim "dummy_table"])
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [undef_fn; undef_fn; undef_fn; lambda_unit])
+(* Wrapper for class compilation *)
+let transl_class ids cl_id arity pub_meths cl =
+ oo_wrap cl.cl_env false (transl_class ids cl_id arity pub_meths) cl
+let () =
+ transl_object := (fun id meths cl -> transl_class [] id 0 meths cl)
(* Error report *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/translclass.mli b/bytecomp/translclass.mli
index a546b8afc..a17a0b117 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translclass.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translclass.mli
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
open Typedtree
open Lambda
-val class_stub : lambda
val dummy_class : lambda -> lambda
val transl_class :
Ident.t list -> Ident.t -> int -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda;;
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index a47a0c915..49f4bd8ae 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ let transl_module =
ref((fun cc rootpath modl -> assert false) :
module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda)
+let transl_object =
+ ref (fun id s cl -> assert false :
+ Ident.t -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda)
(* Translation of primitives *)
let comparisons_table = create_hashtable 11 [
@@ -500,9 +504,23 @@ let assert_failed loc =
(* Translation of expressions *)
let rec transl_exp e =
+ let eval_once =
+ (* Whether classes for immediate objects must be cached *)
+ match e.exp_desc with
+ Texp_function _ | Texp_for _ | Texp_while _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ in
+ if eval_once then transl_exp0 e else
+ Translobj.oo_wrap e.exp_env true transl_exp0 e
+and transl_exp0 e =
match e.exp_desc with
Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_prim p}) ->
- transl_primitive p
+ if p.prim_name = "%send" then
+ let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
+ Lfunction(Curried, [obj; meth], Lsend(Lvar meth, Lvar obj, []))
+ else
+ transl_primitive p
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_anc _}) ->
raise(Error(e.exp_loc, Free_super_var))
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_reg | Val_self _}) ->
@@ -524,7 +542,10 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
when List.length args = p.prim_arity
&& List.for_all (fun (arg,_) -> arg <> None) args ->
let args = (function Some x, _ -> x | _ -> assert false) args in
- let prim = transl_prim p args in
+ if p.prim_name = "%send" then
+ let obj = transl_exp (List.hd args) in
+ event_after e (Lsend (transl_exp (List.nth args 1), obj, []))
+ else let prim = transl_prim p args in
begin match (prim, args) with
(Praise, [arg1]) ->
Lprim(Praise, [event_after arg1 (transl_exp arg1)])
@@ -665,6 +686,13 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
| Texp_lazy e ->
let fn = Lfunction (Curried, [Ident.create "param"], transl_exp e) in
Lprim(Pmakeblock(Config.lazy_tag, Immutable), [fn])
+ | Texp_object (cs, cty, meths) ->
+ let cl = Ident.create "class" in
+ !transl_object cl meths
+ { cl_desc = Tclass_structure cs;
+ cl_loc = e.exp_loc;
+ cl_type = Tcty_signature cty;
+ cl_env = e.exp_env }
and transl_list expr_list = transl_exp expr_list
@@ -735,33 +763,6 @@ and transl_function loc untuplify_fn repr partial pat_expr_list =
transl_function exp.exp_loc false repr partial' pl in
((Curried, param :: params),
Matching.for_function loc None (Lvar param) [pat, body] partial)
- | [({pat_desc = Tpat_var id} as pat),
- ({exp_desc = Texp_let(Nonrecursive, cases,
- ({exp_desc = Texp_function _} as e2))} as e1)]
- when id = "*opt*" ->
- transl_function loc untuplify_fn repr (cases::bindings) partial [pat, e2]
- | [pat, exp] when bindings <> [] ->
- let exp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun exp cases ->
- {exp with exp_desc = Texp_let(Nonrecursive, cases, exp)})
- exp bindings
- in
- transl_function loc untuplify_fn repr [] partial [pat, exp]
- | (pat, exp)::_ when bindings <> [] ->
- let param = name_pattern "param" pat_expr_list in
- let exp =
- { exp with exp_loc = loc; exp_desc =
- Texp_match
- ({exp with exp_type = pat.pat_type; exp_desc =
- Texp_ident (Path.Pident param,
- {val_type = pat.pat_type; val_kind = Val_reg})},
- pat_expr_list, partial) }
- in
- transl_function loc untuplify_fn repr bindings Total
- [{pat with pat_desc = Tpat_var param}, exp]
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_tuple pl}, _) :: _ when untuplify_fn ->
begin try
let size = List.length pl in
@@ -877,6 +878,19 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
+(* Wrapper for class compilation *)
+let transl_exp = transl_exp_wrap
+let transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
+ match pat_expr_list with
+ [] -> body
+ | (_, expr) :: _ ->
+ Translobj.oo_wrap expr.exp_env false
+ (transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list) body
(* Compile an exception definition *)
let transl_exception id path decl =
diff --git a/bytecomp/translcore.mli b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
index 3ad655b22..8148f9b8a 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translcore.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
@@ -46,3 +46,5 @@ val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
val transl_module :
(module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda) ref
+val transl_object :
+ (Ident.t -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda) ref
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 55b256b35..da9e5d892 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -248,19 +248,22 @@ let rec transl_module cc rootpath mexp =
transl_structure [] cc rootpath str
| Tmod_functor(param, mty, body) ->
let bodypath = functor_path rootpath param in
- begin match cc with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- Lfunction(Curried, [param], transl_module Tcoerce_none bodypath body)
- | Tcoerce_functor(ccarg, ccres) ->
- let param' = Ident.create "funarg" in
- Lfunction(Curried, [param'],
- Llet(Alias, param, apply_coercion ccarg (Lvar param'),
- transl_module ccres bodypath body))
- | _ ->
- fatal_error "Translmod.transl_module"
- end
+ oo_wrap mexp.mod_env true
+ (function
+ | Tcoerce_none ->
+ Lfunction(Curried, [param],
+ transl_module Tcoerce_none bodypath body)
+ | Tcoerce_functor(ccarg, ccres) ->
+ let param' = Ident.create "funarg" in
+ Lfunction(Curried, [param'],
+ Llet(Alias, param, apply_coercion ccarg (Lvar param'),
+ transl_module ccres bodypath body))
+ | _ ->
+ fatal_error "Translmod.transl_module")
+ cc
| Tmod_apply(funct, arg, ccarg) ->
- apply_coercion cc
+ oo_wrap mexp.mod_env true
+ (apply_coercion cc)
(Lapply(transl_module Tcoerce_none None funct,
[transl_module ccarg None arg]))
| Tmod_constraint(arg, mty, ccarg) ->
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 20794b1f4..ea449202e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -26,6 +26,22 @@ let oo_prim name =
with Not_found ->
fatal_error ("Primitive " ^ name ^ " not found.")
+(* Share blocks *)
+let consts : (structured_constant, Ident.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let share c =
+ match c with
+ Const_block (n, l) when l <> [] ->
+ begin try
+ Lvar (Hashtbl.find consts c)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let id = Ident.create "shared" in
+ Hashtbl.add consts c id;
+ Lvar id
+ end
+ | _ -> Lconst c
(* Collect labels *)
let used_methods = ref ([] : (string * Ident.t) list);;
@@ -39,6 +55,7 @@ let meth lab =
let reset_labels () =
+ Hashtbl.clear consts;
used_methods := []
(* Insert labels *)
@@ -46,17 +63,61 @@ let reset_labels () =
let string s = Lconst (Const_base (Const_string s))
let transl_label_init expr =
- if !used_methods = [] then
- expr
- else
+ let expr =
+ Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun c id expr -> Llet(Alias, id, Lconst c, expr))
+ consts expr
+ in
+ let expr =
+ if !used_methods = [] then expr else
let init = Ident.create "new_method" in
- let expr' =
- Llet(StrictOpt, init, oo_prim "new_method",
- List.fold_right
- (fun (lab, id) expr ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, id, Lapply(Lvar init, [string lab]), expr))
- !used_methods
- expr)
+ Llet(StrictOpt, init, oo_prim "new_method",
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (lab, id) expr ->
+ Llet(StrictOpt, id, Lapply(Lvar init, [string lab]), expr))
+ !used_methods
+ expr)
+ in
+ reset_labels ();
+ expr
+(* Share classes *)
+let wrapping = ref false
+let required = ref true
+let top_env = ref Env.empty
+let classes = ref []
+let oo_add_class id =
+ classes := id :: !classes;
+ (!top_env, !required)
+let oo_wrap env req f x =
+ if !wrapping then
+ if !required then f x else
+ try required := true; let lam = f x in required := false; lam
+ with exn -> required := false; raise exn
+ else try
+ wrapping := true;
+ required := req;
+ top_env := env;
+ classes := [];
+ let lambda = f x in
+ let lambda =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun lambda id ->
+ Llet(StrictOpt, id,
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable),
+ [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit]),
+ lambda))
+ lambda !classes
- reset_labels ();
- expr'
+ wrapping := false;
+ top_env := Env.empty;
+ lambda
+ with exn ->
+ wrapping := false;
+ top_env := Env.empty;
+ raise exn
diff --git a/bytecomp/translobj.mli b/bytecomp/translobj.mli
index ccff9ade6..f0a92b332 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translobj.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translobj.mli
@@ -12,9 +12,15 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-val oo_prim: string -> Lambda.lambda
+open Lambda
+val oo_prim: string -> lambda
+val share: structured_constant -> lambda
val meth: string -> Ident.t
val reset_labels: unit -> unit
-val transl_label_init: Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
+val transl_label_init: lambda -> lambda
+val oo_wrap: Env.t -> bool -> ('a -> lambda) -> 'a -> lambda
+val oo_add_class: Ident.t -> Env.t * bool
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 78316c77e..430d52040 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -674,6 +674,23 @@ let rec search_pos_structure ~pos str =
| Tstr_include (m, _) -> search_pos_module_expr m ~pos
+and search_pos_class_structure ~pos cls =
+ List.iter cls.cl_field ~f:
+ begin function
+ Cf_inher (cl, _, _) ->
+ search_pos_class_expr cl ~pos
+ | Cf_val (_, _, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
+ | Cf_meth (_, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
+ | Cf_let (_, pel, iel) ->
+ List.iter pel ~f:
+ begin fun (pat, exp) ->
+ search_pos_pat pat ~pos ~env:exp.exp_env;
+ search_pos_expr exp ~pos
+ end;
+ List.iter iel ~f:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos)
+ | Cf_init exp -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
+ end
and search_pos_class_expr ~pos cl =
if in_loc cl.cl_loc ~pos then begin
begin match cl.cl_desc with
@@ -681,21 +698,7 @@ and search_pos_class_expr ~pos cl =
add_found_str (`Class (path, cl.cl_type))
~env:!start_env ~loc:cl.cl_loc
| Tclass_structure cls ->
- List.iter cls.cl_field ~f:
- begin function
- Cf_inher (cl, _, _) ->
- search_pos_class_expr cl ~pos
- | Cf_val (_, _, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
- | Cf_meth (_, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
- | Cf_let (_, pel, iel) ->
- List.iter pel ~f:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat ~pos ~env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp ~pos
- end;
- List.iter iel ~f:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos)
- | Cf_init exp -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos
- end
+ search_pos_class_structure ~pos cls
| Tclass_fun (pat, iel, cl, _) ->
search_pos_pat pat ~pos ~env:pat.pat_env;
List.iter iel ~f:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp ~pos);
@@ -802,6 +805,9 @@ and search_pos_expr ~pos exp =
search_pos_expr exp ~pos
| Texp_lazy exp ->
search_pos_expr exp ~pos
+ | Texp_object (cls, _, _) ->
+ search_pos_class_structure ~pos cls
add_found_str (`Exp(`Expr, exp.exp_type)) ~env:exp.exp_env ~loc:exp.exp_loc
diff --git a/stdlib/Makefile b/stdlib/Makefile
index 9984a71fe..56b04b969 100644
--- a/stdlib/Makefile
+++ b/stdlib/Makefile
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ BASIC=pervasives.cmo array.cmo list.cmo char.cmo string.cmo sys.cmo \
set.cmo map.cmo stack.cmo queue.cmo stream.cmo buffer.cmo \
printf.cmo format.cmo scanf.cmo \
arg.cmo printexc.cmo gc.cmo \
- digest.cmo random.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo oo.cmo \
- genlex.cmo callback.cmo weak.cmo \
+ digest.cmo random.cmo callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo oo.cmo \
+ genlex.cmo weak.cmo \
lazy.cmo filename.cmo complex.cmo
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@ pervasives.p.cmx:
camlinternalOO.cmi: camlinternalOO.mli
$(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) -nopervasives -c camlinternalOO.mli
+ $(CAMLOPT) $(OPTCOMPFLAGS) -inline 0
# labelled modules require the -nolabels flag
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 8d5c3cb6a..29e81dc8c 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -327,7 +327,13 @@ let get_method table label =
let (buck, elem) = decode label in
+let to_list arr =
+ if arr == magic 0 then [] else Array.to_list arr
let narrow table vars virt_meths concr_meths =
+ let vars = to_list vars
+ and virt_meths = to_list virt_meths
+ and concr_meths = to_list concr_meths in
let virt_meth_labs = (get_method_label table) virt_meths in
let concr_meth_labs = (get_method_label table) concr_meths in
table.previous_states <-
@@ -387,6 +393,13 @@ let new_variable table name =
table.vars <- Vars.add name index table.vars;
+let new_variables table names =
+ let index = new_variable table names.(0) in
+ for i = 1 to Array.length names - 1 do
+ ignore (new_variable table names.(i))
+ done;
+ index
let get_variable table name =
Vars.find name table.vars
@@ -395,12 +408,13 @@ let add_initializer table f =
let create_table public_methods =
let table = new_table () in
- List.iter
- (function met ->
- let lab = new_method met in
- table.methods_by_name <- Meths.add met lab table.methods_by_name;
- table.methods_by_label <- Labs.add lab true table.methods_by_label)
- public_methods;
+ if public_methods != magic 0 then
+ Array.iter
+ (function met ->
+ let lab = new_method met in
+ table.methods_by_name <- Meths.add met lab table.methods_by_name;
+ table.methods_by_label <- Labs.add lab true table.methods_by_label)
+ public_methods;
let init_class table =
@@ -409,6 +423,28 @@ let init_class table =
compact_buckets table.buckets;
table.initializers <- List.rev table.initializers
+let inherits cla vals virt_meths concr_meths (_, super, _, env) top =
+ narrow cla vals virt_meths concr_meths;
+ let init =
+ if top then super cla env else Obj.repr (super cla) in
+ widen cla;
+ init
+let make_class pub_meths class_init =
+ let table = create_table pub_meths in
+ let env_init = class_init table in
+ init_class table;
+ (env_init (Obj.repr 0), class_init, env_init, Obj.repr 0)
+type init_table = { mutable env_init: t; mutable class_init: table -> t }
+let make_class_store pub_meths class_init init_table =
+ let table = create_table pub_meths in
+ let env_init = class_init table in
+ init_class table;
+ init_table.class_init <- class_init;
+ init_table.env_init <- env_init
(**** Objects ****)
let create_object table =
@@ -453,9 +489,148 @@ let create_object_and_run_initializers obj_0 table =
+(* Equivalent primitive below
let send obj lab =
let (buck, elem) = decode lab in
(magic obj : (obj -> t) array array array).(0).(buck).(elem) obj
+external send : obj -> label -> 'a = "%send"
+(**** table collection access ****)
+type tables = Empty | Cons of table * tables * tables
+type mut_tables =
+ {key: table; mutable data: tables; mutable next: tables}
+external mut : tables -> mut_tables = "%identity"
+let build_path n keys tables =
+ let res = Cons (Obj.magic 0, Empty, Empty) in
+ let r = ref res in
+ for i = 0 to n do
+ r := Cons (keys.(i), !r, Empty)
+ done;
+ <- !r;
+ res
+let rec lookup_keys i keys tables =
+ if i < 0 then tables else
+ let key = keys.(i) in
+ let rec lookup_key tables =
+ if tables.key == key then lookup_keys (i-1) keys else
+ if <> Empty then lookup_key (mut else
+ let next = Cons (key, Empty, Empty) in
+ <- next;
+ build_path (i-1) keys (mut next)
+ in
+ lookup_key (mut tables)
+let lookup_tables root keys =
+ let root = mut root in
+ if <> Empty then
+ lookup_keys (Array.length keys - 1) keys
+ else
+ build_path (Array.length keys - 1) keys root
+(**** builtin methods ****)
+type closure = item
+external ret : (obj -> 'a) -> closure = "%identity"
+let get_const x = ret (fun obj -> x)
+let get_var n = ret (fun obj -> Array.unsafe_get obj n)
+let get_env e n = ret (fun obj -> Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n)
+let get_meth n = ret (fun obj -> send obj n)
+let set_var n = ret (fun obj x -> Array.unsafe_set obj n x)
+let app_const f x = ret (fun obj -> f x)
+let app_var f n = ret (fun obj -> f (Array.unsafe_get obj n))
+let app_env f e n = ret (fun obj -> f (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n))
+let app_meth f n = ret (fun obj -> f (send obj n))
+let app_const_const f x y = ret (fun obj -> f x y)
+let app_const_var f x n = ret (fun obj -> f x (Array.unsafe_get obj n))
+let app_const_meth f x n = ret (fun obj -> f x (send obj n))
+let app_var_const f n x = ret (fun obj -> f (Array.unsafe_get obj n) x)
+let app_meth_const f n x = ret (fun obj -> f (send obj n) x)
+let app_const_env f x e n =
+ ret (fun obj -> f x (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n))
+let app_env_const f e n x =
+ ret (fun obj -> f (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) n) x)
+let meth_app_const n x = ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) x)
+let meth_app_var n m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (Array.unsafe_get obj m))
+let meth_app_env n e m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (Obj.field (Array.unsafe_get obj e) m))
+let meth_app_meth n m =
+ ret (fun obj -> (send obj n) (send obj m))
+type impl =
+ GetConst
+ | GetVar
+ | GetEnv
+ | GetMeth
+ | SetVar
+ | AppConst
+ | AppVar
+ | AppEnv
+ | AppMeth
+ | AppConstConst
+ | AppConstVar
+ | AppConstEnv
+ | AppConstMeth
+ | AppVarConst
+ | AppEnvConst
+ | AppMethConst
+ | MethAppConst
+ | MethAppVar
+ | MethAppEnv
+ | MethAppMeth
+ | Closure of Obj.t
+let method_impl i arr =
+ let next () = incr i; magic arr.(!i) in
+ match next() with
+ GetConst -> let x : t = next() in ret (fun obj -> x)
+ | GetVar -> let n = next() in get_var n
+ | GetEnv -> let e = next() and n = next() in get_env e n
+ | GetMeth -> let n = next() in get_meth n
+ | SetVar -> let n = next() in set_var n
+ | AppConst -> let f = next() and x = next() in ret (fun obj -> f x)
+ | AppVar -> let f = next() and n = next () in app_var f n
+ | AppEnv ->
+ let f = next() and e = next() and n = next() in app_env f e n
+ | AppMeth -> let f = next() and n = next () in app_meth f n
+ | AppConstConst ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and y = next() in ret (fun obj -> f x y)
+ | AppConstVar ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and n = next() in app_const_var f x n
+ | AppConstEnv ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and e = next () and n = next() in
+ app_const_env f x e n
+ | AppConstMeth ->
+ let f = next() and x = next() and n = next() in app_const_meth f x n
+ | AppVarConst ->
+ let f = next() and n = next() and x = next() in app_var_const f n x
+ | AppEnvConst ->
+ let f = next() and e = next () and n = next() and x = next() in
+ app_env_const f e n x
+ | AppMethConst ->
+ let f = next() and n = next() and x = next() in app_meth_const f n x
+ | MethAppConst ->
+ let n = next() and x = next() in meth_app_const n x
+ | MethAppVar ->
+ let n = next() and m = next() in meth_app_var n m
+ | MethAppEnv ->
+ let n = next() and e = next() and m = next() in meth_app_env n e m
+ | MethAppMeth ->
+ let n = next() and m = next() in meth_app_meth n m
+ | Closure _ as clo -> magic clo
+let set_methods table methods =
+ let len = Array.length methods and i = ref 0 in
+ while !i < len do
+ let label = methods.(!i) and clo = method_impl i methods in
+ set_method table label clo;
+ incr i
+ done
(**** Statistics ****)
diff --git a/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli b/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
index 5e945f931..0195d465f 100644
--- a/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
+++ b/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
@@ -30,16 +30,27 @@ type meth
type t
type obj
val new_variable : table -> string -> int
+val new_variables : table -> string array -> int
val get_variable : table -> string -> int
val get_method_label : table -> string -> label
val get_method : table -> label -> meth
val set_method : table -> label -> meth -> unit
-val narrow : table -> string list -> string list -> string list -> unit
+val set_methods : table -> label array -> unit
+val narrow : table -> string array -> string array -> string array -> unit
val widen : table -> unit
val add_initializer : table -> (obj -> unit) -> unit
val dummy_table : table
-val create_table : string list -> table
+val create_table : string array -> table
val init_class : table -> unit
+val inherits :
+ table -> string array -> string array -> string array ->
+ (t * (table -> obj -> Obj.t) * t * obj) -> bool -> Obj.t
+val make_class :
+ string array -> (table -> Obj.t -> t) ->
+ (t * (table -> Obj.t -> t) * (Obj.t -> t) * Obj.t)
+type init_table
+val make_class_store :
+ string array -> (table -> t) -> init_table -> unit
(** {6 Objects} *)
@@ -49,7 +60,60 @@ val create_object_opt : obj -> table -> obj
val run_initializers : obj -> table -> unit
val run_initializers_opt : obj -> obj -> table -> obj
val create_object_and_run_initializers : obj -> table -> obj
-val send : obj -> label -> t
+external send : obj -> label -> t = "%send"
+(** {6 Table cache} *)
+type tables
+val lookup_tables : tables -> table array -> tables
+(** {6 Builtins to reduce code size} *)
+open Obj
+type closure
+val get_const : t -> closure
+val get_var : int -> closure
+val get_env : int -> int -> closure
+val get_meth : label -> closure
+val set_var : int -> closure
+val app_const : (t -> t) -> t -> closure
+val app_var : (t -> t) -> int -> closure
+val app_env : (t -> t) -> int -> int -> closure
+val app_meth : (t -> t) -> label -> closure
+val app_const_const : (t -> t -> t) -> t -> t -> closure
+val app_const_var : (t -> t -> t) -> t -> int -> closure
+val app_const_env : (t -> t -> t) -> t -> int -> int -> closure
+val app_const_meth : (t -> t -> t) -> t -> label -> closure
+val app_var_const : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> closure
+val app_env_const : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> int -> t -> closure
+val app_meth_const : (t -> t -> t) -> label -> t -> closure
+val meth_app_const : label -> t -> closure
+val meth_app_var : label -> int -> closure
+val meth_app_env : label -> int -> int -> closure
+val meth_app_meth : label -> label -> closure
+type impl =
+ GetConst
+ | GetVar
+ | GetEnv
+ | GetMeth
+ | SetVar
+ | AppConst
+ | AppVar
+ | AppEnv
+ | AppMeth
+ | AppConstConst
+ | AppConstVar
+ | AppConstEnv
+ | AppConstMeth
+ | AppVarConst
+ | AppEnvConst
+ | AppMethConst
+ | MethAppConst
+ | MethAppVar
+ | MethAppEnv
+ | MethAppMeth
+ | Closure of t
(** {6 Parameters} *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 930acecf1..c011554d0 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ let catch_break on =
(* OCaml version string, must be in the format described in sys.mli. *)
-let ocaml_version = "3.07+5 (2003-11-19)";;
+let ocaml_version = "3.07+6 (2003-11-25)";;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index b34726aef..5a98e161e 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ let rec add_labels_expr ~text ~values ~classes expr =
| Pexp_override lst ->
List.iter lst ~f:(fun (_,e) -> add_labels_rec e)
| Pexp_ident _ | Pexp_constant _ | Pexp_construct _ | Pexp_variant _
- | Pexp_new _ | Pexp_assertfalse ->
+ | Pexp_new _ | Pexp_assertfalse | Pexp_object _ ->
let rec add_labels_class ~text ~classes ~values ~methods cl =
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 46be7b355..8871d908d 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ let rec add_expr bv exp =
| Pexp_assertfalse -> ()
| Pexp_lazy (e) -> add_expr bv e
| Pexp_poly (e, t) -> add_expr bv e; add_opt add_type bv t
+ | Pexp_object (pat, fieldl) ->
+ add_pattern bv pat; List.iter (add_class_field bv) fieldl
and add_pat_expr_list bv pel =
List.iter (fun (p, e) -> add_pattern bv p; add_expr bv e) pel
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 0a0d71906..f1b637baf 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -282,6 +282,9 @@ and rw_exp iflag sexp =
| Pexp_poly (sexp, _) -> rewrite_exp iflag sexp
+ | Pexp_object (_, fieldl) ->
+ List.iter (rewrite_class_field iflag) fieldl
and rewrite_ifbody iflag ghost sifbody =
if !instr_if && not ghost then
insert_profile rw_exp sifbody
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 682151dd5..17be1316a 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ module TypePairs =
(**** Object field manipulation. ****)
+let dummy_method = "*dummy method*"
let object_fields ty =
match (repr ty).desc with
Tobject (fields, _) -> fields
@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ let closed_class params sign =
List.iter mark_type params;
mark_type rest;
- (fun (lab, _, ty) -> if lab = "*dummy method*" then mark_type ty)
+ (fun (lab, _, ty) -> if lab = dummy_method then mark_type ty)
mark_type_node (repr sign.cty_self);
@@ -603,13 +605,8 @@ let rec update_level env level ty =
set_level ty level;
iter_type_expr (update_level env level) ty
- | Tfield(_, k, _, _) ->
- begin match field_kind_repr k with
- Fvar _ (* {contents = None} *) -> raise (Unify [(ty, newvar2 level)])
- | _ -> ()
- end;
- set_level ty level;
- iter_type_expr (update_level env level) ty
+ | Tfield(lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method ->
+ raise (Unify [(ty, newvar2 level)])
| _ ->
set_level ty level;
(* XXX what about abbreviations in Tconstr ? *)
@@ -1448,7 +1445,7 @@ and unify3 env t1 t1' t2 t2' =
(* XXX One should do some kind of unification... *)
begin match (repr t2').desc with
Tobject (_, {contents = Some (_, va::_)})
- when let va = repr va in va.desc = Tvar || va.desc = Tunivar ->
+ when let va = repr va in List.mem va.desc [Tvar; Tunivar; Tnil] ->
| Tobject (_, nm2) ->
set_name nm2 !nm1
@@ -1459,6 +1456,11 @@ and unify3 env t1 t1' t2 t2' =
unify_row env row1 row2
| (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* Actually unused *)
unify_fields env t1' t2'
+ | (Tfield(_,kind,_,rem), Tnil) | (Tnil, Tfield(_,kind,_,rem)) ->
+ begin match field_kind_repr kind with
+ Fvar r -> r := Some Fabsent
+ | _ -> raise (Unify [])
+ end
| (Tnil, Tnil) ->
| (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
@@ -2569,6 +2571,24 @@ let rec filter_visited = function
let memq_warn t visited =
if List.memq t visited then (warn := true; true) else false
+let rec lid_of_path sharp = function
+ Path.Pident id ->
+ Longident.Lident (sharp ^ id)
+ | Path.Pdot (p1, s, _) ->
+ Longident.Ldot (lid_of_path "" p1, sharp ^ s)
+ | Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
+ Longident.Lapply (lid_of_path sharp p1, lid_of_path "" p2)
+let find_cltype_for_path env p =
+ let path, cl_abbr = Env.lookup_type (lid_of_path "#" p) env in
+ match cl_abbr.type_manifest with
+ Some ty ->
+ begin match (repr ty).desc with
+ Tobject(_,{contents=Some(p',_)}) when Path.same p p' -> cl_abbr, ty
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ end
+ | None -> assert false
let rec build_subtype env visited loops posi level t =
let t = repr t in
match t.desc with
@@ -2604,22 +2624,7 @@ let rec build_subtype env visited loops posi level t =
let level' = pred_expand level in
begin try match t'.desc with
Tobject _ when posi && not (opened_object t') ->
- let rec lid_of_path sharp = function
- Path.Pident id ->
- Longident.Lident (sharp ^ id)
- | Path.Pdot (p1, s, _) ->
- Longident.Ldot (lid_of_path "" p1, sharp ^ s)
- | Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
- Longident.Lapply (lid_of_path sharp p1, lid_of_path "" p2)
- in
- let path, cl_abbr = Env.lookup_type (lid_of_path "#" p) env in
- let body =
- match cl_abbr.type_manifest with Some ty ->
- begin match (repr ty).desc with
- Tobject(_,{contents=Some(p',_)}) when Path.same p p' -> ty
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- end
- | None -> assert false in
+ let cl_abbr, body = find_cltype_for_path env p in
let ty =
subst env !current_level abbrev None cl_abbr.type_params tl body in
let ty = repr ty in
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index ae4f15dd9..bc0ce50cc 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ val none: type_expr
val repr: type_expr -> type_expr
(* Return the canonical representative of a type. *)
+val dummy_method: label
val object_fields: type_expr -> type_expr
val flatten_fields:
type_expr -> (string * field_kind * type_expr) list * type_expr
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ val set_object_name:
Ident.t -> type_expr -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> unit
val remove_object_name: type_expr -> unit
val hide_private_methods: type_expr -> unit
+val find_cltype_for_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> type_declaration * type_expr
val sort_row_fields: (label * row_field) list -> (label * row_field) list
val merge_row_fields:
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ val match_class_declarations:
val enlarge_type: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr * bool
(* Make a type larger, flag is true if some pruning had to be done *)
-val subtype : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit -> unit
+val subtype: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit -> unit
(* [subtype env t1 t2] checks that [t1] is a subtype of [t2].
It accumulates the constraints the type variables must
enforce and returns a function that inforce this
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 807d345e0..4ccb7f7e2 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -88,6 +88,20 @@ let empty = {
cltypes = Ident.empty;
summary = Env_empty }
+let diff_keys tbl1 tbl2 =
+ let keys2 = Ident.keys tbl2 in
+ List.filter
+ (fun id ->
+ match Ident.find_same id tbl2 with Pident _, _ ->
+ (try ignore (Ident.find_same id tbl1); false with Not_found -> true)
+ | _ -> false)
+ keys2
+let diff env1 env2 =
+ diff_keys env1.values env2.values @
+ diff_keys env1.modules env2.modules @
+ diff_keys env1.classes env2.classes
(* Forward declarations *)
let components_of_module' =
diff --git a/typing/env.mli b/typing/env.mli
index 4f247e6ae..aec0c29da 100644
--- a/typing/env.mli
+++ b/typing/env.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type t
val empty: t
val initial: t
+val diff: t -> t -> Ident.t list
(* Lookup by paths *)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8997600d5..ccc132f09 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -159,3 +159,14 @@ let rec find_name name = function
find_name name (if c < 0 then l else r)
+let rec keys_aux stack accu = function
+ Empty ->
+ begin match stack with
+ [] -> accu
+ | a :: l -> keys_aux l accu a
+ end
+ | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+ keys_aux (l :: stack) (k.ident :: accu) r
+let keys tbl = keys_aux [] [] tbl
diff --git a/typing/ident.mli b/typing/ident.mli
index 1bec7fb7a..ccb0ca46f 100644
--- a/typing/ident.mli
+++ b/typing/ident.mli
@@ -54,3 +54,4 @@ val empty: 'a tbl
val add: t -> 'a -> 'a tbl -> 'a tbl
val find_same: t -> 'a tbl -> 'a
val find_name: string -> 'a tbl -> 'a
+val keys: 'a tbl -> t list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index c17e1fd89..232a32abb 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ let class_var sch ppf l (m, t) =
"@ @[<2>val %s%s :@ %a@]" (string_of_mutable m) l (typexp sch 0) t
let metho sch concrete ppf (lab, kind, ty) =
- if lab <> "*dummy method*" then begin
+ if lab <> dummy_method then begin
let priv =
match field_kind_repr kind with
| Fvar _ (* {contents = None} *) -> "private "
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ let method_type ty =
| _ -> ty
let tree_of_metho sch concrete csil (lab, kind, ty) =
- if lab <> "*dummy method*" then begin
+ if lab <> dummy_method then begin
let priv =
match field_kind_repr kind with
| Fvar _ (* {contents = None} *) -> true
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl =
Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in
(fun (lab, _, ty) ->
- not (lab = "*dummy method*" || Concr.mem lab sign.cty_concr))
+ not (lab = dummy_method || Concr.mem lab sign.cty_concr))
fields in
@@ -918,8 +918,8 @@ let explanation unif t3 t4 ppf =
| Tvar, Tunivar | Tunivar, Tvar ->
fprintf ppf "@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
type_expr (if t3.desc = Tunivar then t3 else t4)
- | Tfield ("*dummy method*", _, _, _), _
- | _, Tfield ("*dummy method*", _, _, _) ->
+ | Tfield (lab, _, _, _), _
+ | _, Tfield (lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method ->
fprintf ppf
"@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type"
| Tfield (l, _, _, _), _ ->
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index c2a318bd8..eecc265d3 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ type error =
| Cannot_coerce_self of type_expr
| Non_collapsable_conjunction of
Ident.t * Types.class_declaration * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Final_self_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ exception Error of Location.t * error
Self type have a dummy private method, thus preventing it to become
-let dummy_method = "*dummy method*"
+let dummy_method = Ctype.dummy_method
Path associated to the temporary class type of a class being typed
@@ -95,8 +96,7 @@ let rec generalize_class_type =
generalize_class_type cty
(* Return the virtual methods of a class type *)
-let virtual_methods cty =
- let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cty in
+let virtual_methods sign =
let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in
(fun virt (lab, _, _) ->
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ let rec class_field cl_num self_type meths vars
raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, trace)))
let meth_expr = make_method cl_num expr in
+ (* backup variables for Pexp_override *)
let vars_local = !vars in
let field =
@@ -535,28 +536,45 @@ let rec class_field cl_num self_type meths vars
(val_env, met_env, par_env, field::fields,
concr_meths, warn_meths, inh_vals)
-and class_structure cl_num val_env met_env (spat, str) =
+and class_structure cl_num final val_env met_env loc (spat, str) =
(* Environment for substructures *)
let par_env = met_env in
+ (* Private self type more method access, with a dummy method preventing
+ it from being closed/escaped. *)
+ let self_type = Ctype.newvar () in
+ Ctype.unify val_env
+ (Ctype.filter_method val_env dummy_method Private self_type)
+ (Ctype.newty (Ttuple []));
(* Self binder *)
let (pat, meths, vars, val_env, meth_env, par_env) =
- type_self_pattern cl_num val_env met_env par_env spat
+ type_self_pattern cl_num self_type val_env met_env par_env spat
- let self_type = pat.pat_type in
+ let public_self = pat.pat_type in
- (* Check that the binder has a correct type, and introduce a dummy
- method preventing self type from being closed. *)
- let ty = Ctype.newvar () in
- Ctype.unify val_env
- (Ctype.filter_method val_env dummy_method Private ty)
- (Ctype.newty (Ttuple []));
- begin try Ctype.unify val_env self_type ty with
+ (* Check that the binder has a correct type *)
+ let ty =
+ if final then Ctype.newty (Tobject (Ctype.newvar(), ref None))
+ else self_type in
+ begin try Ctype.unify val_env public_self ty with
Ctype.Unify _ ->
- raise(Error(spat.ppat_loc, Pattern_type_clash self_type))
+ raise(Error(spat.ppat_loc, Pattern_type_clash public_self))
+ end;
+ let get_methods ty =
+ (fst (Ctype.flatten_fields
+ (Ctype.object_fields (Ctype.expand_head val_env ty)))) in
+ if final then begin
+ (* Copy known information to still empty self_type *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun (lab,kind,ty) ->
+ try Ctype.unify val_env ty
+ (Ctype.filter_method val_env lab Public self_type)
+ with _ -> assert false)
+ (get_methods public_self)
- (* Class fields *)
+ (* Typing of class fields *)
let (_, _, _, fields, concr_meths, _, _) =
List.fold_left (class_field cl_num self_type meths vars)
(val_env, meth_env, par_env, [], Concr.empty, Concr.empty,
@@ -564,22 +582,56 @@ and class_structure cl_num val_env met_env (spat, str) =
Ctype.unify val_env self_type (Ctype.newvar ());
- let methods =
- if !Clflags.principal then
- fst (Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields self_type))
- else [] in
- List.iter (fun (_,_,ty) -> Ctype.generalize_spine ty) methods;
- let vars_final = !vars in
- let fields = Lazy.force (List.rev fields) in
- vars := vars_final;
- List.iter (fun (_,_,ty) -> Ctype.unify val_env ty (Ctype.newvar ())) methods;
- {cl_field = fields;
- cl_meths = (function (id, ty) -> id) !meths},
+ let sign =
+ {cty_self = public_self;
+ cty_vars = (function (id, mut, ty) -> (mut, ty)) !vars;
+ cty_concr = concr_meths } in
+ let methods = get_methods self_type in
+ let priv_meths =
+ List.filter (fun (_,kind,_) -> Btype.field_kind_repr kind <> Fpresent)
+ methods in
+ if final then begin
+ (* Unify public_self and a copy of self_type. self_type will not
+ be modified after this point *)
+ Ctype.close_object self_type;
+ let mets = virtual_methods {sign with cty_self = self_type} in
+ if mets <> [] then raise(Error(loc, Virtual_class(true, mets)));
+ let self_methods =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (lab,kind,ty) rem ->
+ if lab = dummy_method then rem else
+ Ctype.newty(Tfield(lab, Btype.copy_kind kind, ty, rem)))
+ methods (Ctype.newty Tnil) in
+ begin try Ctype.unify val_env public_self
+ (Ctype.newty (Tobject(self_methods, ref None)))
+ with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(loc, Final_self_clash trace))
+ end;
+ end;
- {cty_self = self_type;
- cty_vars = (function (id, mut, ty) -> (mut, ty)) !vars;
- cty_concr = concr_meths }
+ (* Typing of method bodies *)
+ if !Clflags.principal then
+ List.iter (fun (_,_,ty) -> Ctype.generalize_spine ty) methods;
+ let fields = Lazy.force (List.rev fields) in
+ if !Clflags.principal then
+ List.iter (fun (_,_,ty) -> Ctype.unify val_env ty (Ctype.newvar ()))
+ methods;
+ let meths = (function (id, ty) -> id) !meths in
+ (* Check for private methods made public *)
+ let pub_meths' =
+ List.filter (fun (_,kind,_) -> Btype.field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent)
+ (get_methods public_self) in
+ let names = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) in
+ let l1 = names priv_meths and l2 = names pub_meths' in
+ let added = List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x l1) l2 in
+ if added <> [] then
+ Location.prerr_warning loc
+ (Warnings.Other
+ (String.concat " "
+ ("the following private methods were made public implicitly:\n "
+ :: added)));
+ {cl_field = fields; cl_meths = meths}, sign
and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
match scl.pcl_desc with
@@ -610,17 +662,21 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
let cl =
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_ident path;
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = clty'}
+ cl_type = clty';
+ cl_env = val_env}
let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concrs);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = clty'}
+ cl_type = clty';
+ cl_env = val_env}
| Pcl_structure cl_str ->
- let (desc, ty) = class_structure cl_num val_env met_env cl_str in
+ let (desc, ty) =
+ class_structure cl_num false val_env met_env scl.pcl_loc cl_str in
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_structure desc;
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = Tcty_signature ty}
+ cl_type = Tcty_signature ty;
+ cl_env = val_env}
| Pcl_fun (l, Some default, spat, sbody) ->
let loc = default.pexp_loc in
let scases =
@@ -682,7 +738,8 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
(Warnings.Other "This optional argument cannot be erased");
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_fun (pat, pv, cl, partial);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = Tcty_fun (l, Ctype.instance pat.pat_type, cl.cl_type)}
+ cl_type = Tcty_fun (l, Ctype.instance pat.pat_type, cl.cl_type);
+ cl_env = val_env}
| Pcl_apply (scl', sargs) ->
let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in
let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun =
@@ -769,7 +826,8 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_apply (cl, args);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = cty}
+ cl_type = cty;
+ cl_env = val_env}
| Pcl_let (rec_flag, sdefs, scl') ->
let (defs, val_env) =
@@ -802,7 +860,8 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = cl.cl_type}
+ cl_type = cl.cl_type;
+ cl_env = val_env}
| Pcl_constraint (scl', scty) ->
Ctype.begin_class_def ();
let context = Typetexp.narrow () in
@@ -824,7 +883,8 @@ and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl =
let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in
rc {cl_desc = Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concrs);
cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
- cl_type = snd (Ctype.instance_class [] clty)}
+ cl_type = snd (Ctype.instance_class [] clty);
+ cl_env = val_env}
@@ -1034,7 +1094,7 @@ let class_infos define_class kind
if cl.pci_virt = Concrete then begin
- match virtual_methods typ with
+ match virtual_methods (Ctype.signature_of_class_type typ) with
[] -> ()
| mets -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Virtual_class(define_class, mets)))
@@ -1149,10 +1209,13 @@ let merge_type_decls
let final_env define_class env
(id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr,
arity, pub_meths, coe, expr) =
- Env.add_type obj_id obj_abbr (
- Env.add_type cl_id cl_abbr (
- Env.add_cltype ty_id cltydef (
- if define_class then Env.add_class id clty env else env)))
+ (* Add definitions after cleaning them *)
+ Env.add_type obj_id (Subst.type_declaration Subst.identity obj_abbr) (
+ Env.add_type cl_id (Subst.type_declaration Subst.identity cl_abbr) (
+ Env.add_cltype ty_id (Subst.cltype_declaration Subst.identity cltydef) (
+ if define_class then
+ Env.add_class id (Subst.class_declaration Subst.identity clty) env
+ else env)))
(* Check that #c is coercible to c if there is a self-coercion *)
let check_coercions env
@@ -1237,6 +1300,40 @@ let class_type_declarations env cls =
+let rec unify_parents env ty cl =
+ match cl.cl_desc with
+ Tclass_ident p ->
+ begin try
+ let decl = Env.find_class p env in
+ let _, body = Ctype.find_cltype_for_path env decl.cty_path in
+ Ctype.unify env ty (Ctype.instance body)
+ with exn -> assert (exn = Not_found)
+ end
+ | Tclass_structure st -> unify_parents_struct env ty st
+ | Tclass_fun (_, _, cl, _)
+ | Tclass_apply (cl, _)
+ | Tclass_let (_, _, _, cl)
+ | Tclass_constraint (cl, _, _, _) -> unify_parents env ty cl
+and unify_parents_struct env ty st =
+ List.iter
+ (function Cf_inher (cl, _, _) -> unify_parents env ty cl
+ | _ -> ())
+ st.cl_field
+let type_object env loc s =
+ incr class_num;
+ let (desc, sign) =
+ class_structure (string_of_int !class_num) true env env loc s in
+ let sty = Ctype.expand_head env sign.cty_self in
+ Ctype.hide_private_methods sty;
+ let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sty) in
+ let meths = (fun (s,_,_) -> s) fields in
+ unify_parents_struct env sign.cty_self desc;
+ (desc, sign, meths)
+let () =
+ Typecore.type_object := type_object
(* Approximate the class declaration as class ['params] id = object end *)
@@ -1318,9 +1415,9 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Virtual_class (cl, mets) ->
let print_mets ppf mets =
List.iter (function met -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" met) mets in
- let cl_mark = if cl then " type" else "" in
+ let cl_mark = if cl then "" else " type" in
fprintf ppf
- "@[This class %s should be virtual@ \
+ "@[This class%s should be virtual@ \
@[<2>The following methods are undefined :%a@]
cl_mark print_mets mets
@@ -1390,3 +1487,9 @@ let report_error ppf = function
Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace
(fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "Type")
(fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "is not compatible with type")
+ | Final_self_clash trace ->
+ Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace
+ (function ppf ->
+ fprintf ppf "This object is expected to have type")
+ (function ppf ->
+ fprintf ppf "but has actually type")
diff --git a/typing/typeclass.mli b/typing/typeclass.mli
index 89a6e6b4f..ae7d4325e 100644
--- a/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ type error =
| Cannot_coerce_self of type_expr
| Non_collapsable_conjunction of
Ident.t * Types.class_declaration * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Final_self_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 774469305..47f87cf2c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ let type_module =
ref ((fun env md -> assert false) :
Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typeclass.class_structure *)
+let type_object =
+ ref (fun env s -> assert false :
+ Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_structure ->
+ class_structure * class_signature * string list)
Saving and outputting type information.
@@ -523,7 +528,8 @@ let type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat =
(pat, pv, val_env, met_env)
let mkpat d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = Location.none }
-let type_self_pattern cl_num val_env met_env par_env spat =
+let type_self_pattern cl_num privty val_env met_env par_env spat =
let spat =
mkpat (Ppat_alias (mkpat(Ppat_alias (spat, "selfpat-*")),
"selfpat-" ^ cl_num))
@@ -540,7 +546,7 @@ let type_self_pattern cl_num val_env met_env par_env spat =
(fun (id, ty) (val_env, met_env, par_env) ->
(Env.add_value id {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_unbound} val_env,
Env.add_value id {val_type = ty;
- val_kind = Val_self (meths, vars, cl_num)}
+ val_kind = Val_self (meths, vars, cl_num, privty)}
Env.add_value id {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_unbound} par_env))
pv (val_env, met_env, par_env)
@@ -583,7 +589,20 @@ let rec is_nonexpansive exp =
is_nonexpansive ifso && is_nonexpansive_opt ifnot
| Texp_new (_, cl_decl) when Ctype.class_type_arity cl_decl.cty_type > 0 ->
- | Texp_lazy e -> true
+ (* Note: nonexpansive only means no _observable_ side effects *)
+ | Texp_lazy e -> is_nonexpansive e
+ | Texp_object ({cl_field=fields}, {cty_vars=vars}, _) ->
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ List.for_all
+ (function
+ Cf_meth _ -> true
+ | Cf_val (_,_,e) -> incr count; is_nonexpansive e
+ | Cf_init e -> is_nonexpansive e
+ | Cf_inher _ | Cf_let _ -> false)
+ fields &&
+ Vars.fold (fun _ (mut,_) b -> decr count; b && mut = Immutable)
+ vars true &&
+ !count = 0
| _ -> false
and is_nonexpansive_opt = function
@@ -796,7 +815,7 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
Texp_instvar(self_path, path)
- | Val_self (_, _, cl_num) ->
+ | Val_self (_, _, cl_num, _) ->
let (path, _) =
Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
@@ -1123,9 +1142,9 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
begin try
let (exp, typ) =
match obj.exp_desc with
- Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_self (meths, _, _)}) ->
+ Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_self (meths, _, _, privty)}) ->
let (id, typ) =
- filter_self_method env met Private meths obj.exp_type
+ filter_self_method env met Private meths privty
(Texp_send(obj, Tmeth_val id), typ)
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_anc (methods, cl_num)}) ->
@@ -1138,10 +1157,10 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident ("selfpat-" ^ cl_num)) env,
Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^cl_num)) env
- (_, ({val_kind = Val_self (meths, _, _)} as desc)),
+ (_, ({val_kind = Val_self (meths, _, _, privty)} as desc)),
(path, _) ->
let (_, typ) =
- filter_self_method env met Private meths obj.exp_type
+ filter_self_method env met Private meths privty
let method_type = newvar () in
let (obj_ty, res_ty) = filter_arrow env method_type "" in
@@ -1251,7 +1270,7 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Outside_class))
- (_, {val_type = self_ty; val_kind = Val_self (_, vars, _)}),
+ (_, {val_type = self_ty; val_kind = Val_self (_, vars, _, _)}),
(path_self, _) ->
let type_override (lab, snewval) =
begin try
@@ -1318,6 +1337,14 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
exp_type = instance (Predef.type_lazy_t arg.exp_type);
exp_env = env;
+ | Pexp_object s ->
+ let desc, sign, meths = !type_object env sexp.pexp_loc s in
+ re {
+ exp_desc = Texp_object (desc, sign, meths);
+ exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
+ exp_type = sign.cty_self;
+ exp_env = env;
+ }
| Pexp_poly _ ->
assert false
diff --git a/typing/typecore.mli b/typing/typecore.mli
index 06c479ea6..3511b93b5 100644
--- a/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ val type_class_arg_pattern:
Typedtree.pattern * (Ident.t * Ident.t * type_expr) list *
Env.t * Env.t
val type_self_pattern:
- string -> Env.t -> Env.t -> Env.t -> Parsetree.pattern ->
+ string -> type_expr -> Env.t -> Env.t -> Env.t -> Parsetree.pattern ->
Typedtree.pattern *
(Ident.t * type_expr) Meths.t ref *
(Ident.t * Asttypes.mutable_flag * type_expr) Vars.t ref *
@@ -102,3 +102,7 @@ val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_module *)
val type_module: (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr) ref
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typeclass.class_structure *)
+val type_object:
+ (Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_structure ->
+ Typedtree.class_structure * class_signature * string list) ref
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 58577c9df..ab05b564d 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ and expression_desc =
| Texp_assert of expression
| Texp_assertfalse
| Texp_lazy of expression
+ | Texp_object of class_structure * class_signature * string list
and meth =
Tmeth_name of string
@@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ and meth =
and class_expr =
{ cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
cl_loc: Location.t;
- cl_type: class_type }
+ cl_type: class_type;
+ cl_env: Env.t }
and class_expr_desc =
Tclass_ident of Path.t
diff --git a/typing/typedtree.mli b/typing/typedtree.mli
index 4fa213b6f..587b08874 100644
--- a/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ and expression_desc =
| Texp_assert of expression
| Texp_assertfalse
| Texp_lazy of expression
+ | Texp_object of class_structure * class_signature * string list
and meth =
Tmeth_name of string
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ and meth =
and class_expr =
{ cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
cl_loc: Location.t;
- cl_type: class_type }
+ cl_type: class_type;
+ cl_env: Env.t }
and class_expr_desc =
Tclass_ident of Path.t
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 9954d56c4..81efda3b8 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ and value_kind =
| Val_ivar of mutable_flag * string (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *)
| Val_self of (Ident.t * type_expr) Meths.t ref *
(Ident.t * Asttypes.mutable_flag * type_expr) Vars.t ref *
- string
+ string * type_expr
(* Self *)
| Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list * string
(* Ancestor *)
diff --git a/typing/types.mli b/typing/types.mli
index 2a52037ee..77164cd5d 100644
--- a/typing/types.mli
+++ b/typing/types.mli
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ and value_kind =
| Val_ivar of mutable_flag * string (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *)
| Val_self of (Ident.t * type_expr) Meths.t ref *
(Ident.t * Asttypes.mutable_flag * type_expr) Vars.t ref *
- string
+ string * type_expr
(* Self *)
| Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list * string
(* Ancestor *)