path: root/asmcomp
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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 92f46bb57..a5a8cd731 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -156,36 +156,6 @@ let lambda_smaller lam threshold =
with Exit ->
-(* Check if a lambda term denoting a function is ``pure'',
- that is without side-effects *and* not containing function definitions *)
-let rec is_pure = function
- Lvar v -> true
- | Lprim(Pgetglobal id, _) -> true
- | Lprim(Pfield n, [arg]) -> is_pure arg
- | _ -> false
-(* Generate a direct application *)
-let direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs =
- let app_args =
- if fundesc.fun_closed then uargs else uargs @ [ufunct] in
- let app =
- match fundesc.fun_inline with
- None -> Udirect_apply(fundesc.fun_label, app_args)
- | Some(params, body) ->
- List.fold_right2
- (fun param arg body -> Ulet(param, arg, body))
- params app_args body in
- (* If ufunct can contain side-effects or function definitions,
- we must make sure that it is evaluated exactly once.
- If the function is not closed, we evaluate ufunct as part of the
- arguments.
- If the function is closed, we force the evaluation of ufunct first. *)
- if not fundesc.fun_closed || is_pure funct
- then app
- else Usequence(ufunct, app)
(* Simplify primitive operations on integers *)
let make_const_int n = (Uconst(Const_base(Const_int n)), Value_integer n)
@@ -227,6 +197,108 @@ let simplif_prim p (args, approxs) =
| _ ->
(Uprim(p, args), Value_unknown)
+(* Substitute variables in a [ulambda] term and perform
+ some more simplifications on integer primitives.
+ The variables must not be assigned in the term.
+ This is used to substitute "trivial" arguments for parameters
+ during inline expansion. *)
+let approx_ulam = function
+ Uconst(Const_base(Const_int n)) -> Value_integer n
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_char c)) -> Value_integer(Char.code c)
+ | Uconst(Const_pointer n) -> Value_integer n
+ | _ -> Value_unknown
+let substitute sb ulam =
+ let rec subst ulam =
+ match ulam with
+ Uvar v ->
+ begin try Tbl.find v sb with Not_found -> ulam end
+ | Uconst cst -> ulam
+ | Udirect_apply(lbl, args) -> Udirect_apply(lbl, subst args)
+ | Ugeneric_apply(fn, args) -> Ugeneric_apply(subst fn, subst args)
+ | Uclosure(defs, env) -> Uclosure(defs, subst env)
+ | Uoffset(u, ofs) -> Uoffset(subst u, ofs)
+ | Ulet(id, u1, u2) -> Ulet(id, subst u1, subst u2)
+ | Uletrec(bindings, body) ->
+ Uletrec( (fun (id, u) -> (id, subst u)) bindings, subst body)
+ | Uprim(p, args) ->
+ let sargs = subst args in
+ let (res, _) = simplif_prim p (sargs, approx_ulam sargs) in
+ res
+ | Uswitch(arg, sw) ->
+ Uswitch(subst arg,
+ { us_index_consts = sw.us_index_consts;
+ us_cases_consts = subst sw.us_cases_consts;
+ us_index_blocks = sw.us_index_blocks;
+ us_cases_blocks = subst sw.us_cases_blocks;
+ us_checked = sw.us_checked })
+ | Ustaticfail -> Ustaticfail
+ | Ucatch(u1, u2) -> Ucatch(subst u1, subst u2)
+ | Utrywith(u1, id, u2) -> Utrywith(subst u1, id, subst u2)
+ | Uifthenelse(u1, u2, u3) ->
+ begin match subst u1 with
+ Uconst(Const_pointer n) -> if n <> 0 then subst u2 else subst u3
+ | su1 -> Uifthenelse(su1, subst u2, subst u3)
+ end
+ | Usequence(u1, u2) -> Usequence(subst u1, subst u2)
+ | Uwhile(u1, u2) -> Uwhile(subst u1, subst u2)
+ | Ufor(id, u1, u2, dir, u3) -> Ufor(id, subst u1, subst u2, dir, subst u3)
+ | Uassign(id, u) -> Uassign(id, subst u)
+ | Usend(u1, u2, ul) -> Usend(subst u1, subst u2, subst ul)
+ in subst ulam
+(* Perform an inline expansion *)
+let is_simple_argument = function
+ Uvar _ -> true
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _)) -> true
+ | Uconst(Const_pointer _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec bind_params subst params args body =
+ match (params, args) with
+ ([], []) -> substitute subst body
+ | (p1 :: pl, a1 :: al) ->
+ if is_simple_argument a1
+ then bind_params (Tbl.add p1 a1 subst) pl al body
+ else Ulet(p1, a1, bind_params subst pl al body)
+ | (_, _) -> assert false
+(* Check if a lambda term denoting a function is ``pure'',
+ that is without side-effects *and* not containing function definitions *)
+let rec is_pure = function
+ Lvar v -> true
+ | Lprim(Pgetglobal id, _) -> true
+ | Lprim(Pfield n, [arg]) -> is_pure arg
+ | _ -> false
+(* Generate a direct application *)
+let direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs =
+ let app_args =
+ if fundesc.fun_closed then uargs else uargs @ [ufunct] in
+ let app =
+ match fundesc.fun_inline with
+ None -> Udirect_apply(fundesc.fun_label, app_args)
+ | Some(params, body) -> bind_params Tbl.empty params app_args body in
+ (* If ufunct can contain side-effects or function definitions,
+ we must make sure that it is evaluated exactly once.
+ If the function is not closed, we evaluate ufunct as part of the
+ arguments.
+ If the function is closed, we force the evaluation of ufunct first. *)
+ if not fundesc.fun_closed || is_pure funct
+ then app
+ else Usequence(ufunct, app)
+(* Add [Value_integer] info to the approximation of an application *)
+let strengthen_approx appl approx =
+ match approx_ulam appl with
+ Value_integer _ as intapprox -> intapprox
+ | _ -> approx
(* Maintain the approximation of the global structure being defined *)
let global_approx = ref([||] : value_approximation array)
@@ -267,10 +339,12 @@ let rec close fenv cenv = function
((ufunct, Value_closure(fundesc, approx_res)),
[Uprim(Pmakeblock(_, _), uargs)])
when List.length uargs = - fundesc.fun_arity ->
- (direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs, approx_res)
+ let app = direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs in
+ (app, strengthen_approx app approx_res)
| ((ufunct, Value_closure(fundesc, approx_res)), uargs)
when nargs = fundesc.fun_arity ->
- (direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs, approx_res)
+ let app = direct_apply fundesc funct ufunct uargs in
+ (app, strengthen_approx app approx_res)
| ((ufunct, Value_closure(fundesc, approx_res)), uargs)
when fundesc.fun_arity > 0 && nargs > fundesc.fun_arity ->
let (first_args, rem_args) = split_list fundesc.fun_arity uargs in