path: root/bytecomp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 7153dbe72..c80f20d87 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -125,8 +125,6 @@ type lambda =
| Lletrec of (Ident.t * lambda) list * lambda
| Lprim of primitive * lambda list
| Lswitch of lambda * lambda_switch
- | Lstaticfail
- | Lcatch of lambda * lambda
| Lstaticraise of int * lambda list
| Lstaticcatch of lambda * (int * Ident.t list) * lambda
| Ltrywith of lambda * Ident.t * lambda
@@ -144,8 +142,7 @@ and lambda_switch =
sw_consts: (int * lambda) list;
sw_numblocks: int;
sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list;
- sw_checked: bool ;
- sw_nofail: bool }
+ sw_failaction : lambda option}
and lambda_event =
{ lev_loc: int;
@@ -205,10 +202,11 @@ let free_variables l =
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
freevars arg;
List.iter (fun (key, case) -> freevars case) sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter (fun (key, case) -> freevars case) sw.sw_blocks
- | Lstaticfail -> ()
- | Lcatch(e1, e2) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2
+ List.iter (fun (key, case) -> freevars case) sw.sw_blocks;
+ begin match sw.sw_failaction with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some l -> freevars l
+ end
| Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
List.iter freevars args
| Lstaticcatch(e1, (_,vars), e2) ->
@@ -235,13 +233,30 @@ let free_variables l =
in freevars l; !fv
(* Check if an action has a "when" guard *)
+let raise_count = ref 0
+let next_raise_count () =
+ incr raise_count ;
+ !raise_count
+(* Anticipated staticraise, for guards *)
+let staticfail = Lstaticraise (0,[])
let rec is_guarded = function
- Lifthenelse(cond, body, Lstaticfail) -> true
+ | Lifthenelse( cond, body, Lstaticraise (0,[])) -> true
| Llet(str, id, lam, body) -> is_guarded body
| Levent(lam, ev) -> is_guarded lam
| _ -> false
+let rec patch_guarded patch = function
+ | Lifthenelse (cond, body, Lstaticraise (0,[])) ->
+ Lifthenelse (cond, body, patch)
+ | Llet(str, id, lam, body) ->
+ Llet (str, id, lam, patch_guarded patch body)
+ | Levent(lam, ev) ->
+ Levent (patch_guarded patch lam, ev)
+ | _ -> fatal_error "Lambda.patch_guarded"
(* Translate an access path *)
let rec transl_path = function
@@ -279,10 +294,13 @@ let subst_lambda s lam =
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
Lswitch(subst arg,
{sw with sw_consts = subst_case sw.sw_consts;
- sw_blocks = subst_case sw.sw_blocks})
- | Lstaticfail as l -> l
- | Lcatch(e1, e2) -> Lcatch(subst e1, subst e2)
- | Lstaticraise _ as l -> l
+ sw_blocks = subst_case sw.sw_blocks;
+ sw_failaction =
+ match sw.sw_failaction with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some l -> Some (subst l)})
+ | Lstaticraise (i,args) -> Lstaticraise (i, subst args)
| Lstaticcatch(e1, io, e2) -> Lstaticcatch(subst e1, io, subst e2)
| Ltrywith(e1, exn, e2) -> Ltrywith(subst e1, exn, subst e2)
| Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) -> Lifthenelse(subst e1, subst e2, subst e3)
@@ -315,8 +333,4 @@ and negate_comparison = function
| Clt -> Cge | Cle -> Cgt
| Cgt -> Cle | Cge -> Clt
-let raise_count = ref 0
-let next_raise_count () =
- incr raise_count ; (* Done before, since 0 is for partial matches *)
- !raise_count