path: root/bytecomp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
14 files changed, 216 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 8e54fdc22..5624d4715 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -27,17 +27,7 @@ let label_counter = ref 0
let new_label () =
incr label_counter; !label_counter
-(**** Structure of the compilation environment. ****)
-type compilation_env =
- { ce_stack: int Ident.tbl; (* Positions of variables in the stack *)
- ce_heap: int Ident.tbl } (* Structure of the heap-allocated env *)
-(* The ce_stack component gives locations of variables residing
- in the stack. The locations are offsets w.r.t. the origin of the
- stack frame.
- The ce_heap component gives the positions of variables residing in the
- heap-allocated environment. *)
+(**** Operations on compilation environments. ****)
let empty_env =
{ ce_stack = Ident.empty; ce_heap = Ident.empty }
@@ -402,7 +392,34 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
with Not_found ->
fatal_error "Bytegen.comp_expr: assign"
+ | Levent(lam, lev) ->
+ let ev =
+ { ev_pos = 0; (* patched in emitcode *)
+ ev_file = !Location.input_name;
+ ev_char = lev.lev_loc;
+ ev_kind = begin match lev.lev_kind with
+ Lev_before -> Event_before
+ | Lev_after ty -> Event_after ty
+ end;
+ ev_typenv = lev.lev_env;
+ ev_compenv = env;
+ ev_stacksize = sz } in
+ begin match lev.lev_kind with
+ Lev_before ->
+ let c = comp_expr env lam sz cont in
+ begin match c with
+ (* Keep following event, supposedly more informative *)
+ Kevent _ :: _ -> c
+ | _ -> Kevent ev :: c
+ end
+ | Lev_after ty ->
+ let cont1 =
+ (* Discard following events, supposedly less informative *)
+ match cont with
+ Kevent _ :: c -> c
+ | _ -> cont in
+ comp_expr env lam sz (Kevent ev :: cont1)
+ end
(* Compile a list of arguments [e1; ...; eN] to a primitive operation.
The values of eN ... e2 are pushed on the stack, e2 at top of stack,
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 4176d26cd..476278e26 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
open Sys
open Misc
open Config
+open Instruct
open Emitcode
type error =
@@ -111,6 +112,8 @@ let scan_file obj_name tolink =
(* Second pass: link in the required units *)
+let debug_info = ref ([] : debug_event list list)
(* Consistency check between interfaces *)
let crc_interfaces =
@@ -130,24 +133,35 @@ let check_consistency file_name cu =
Hashtbl.add crc_interfaces cu.cu_name (file_name, cu.cu_interface)
+(* Relocate and record compilation events *)
+let debug_info = ref ([] : debug_event list list)
+let record_events orig evl =
+ if evl <> [] then begin
+ List.iter (fun ev -> ev.ev_pos <- orig + ev.ev_pos) evl;
+ debug_info := evl :: !debug_info
+ end
(* Link in a compilation unit *)
-let link_compunit output_fun inchan file_name compunit =
+let link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit =
check_consistency file_name compunit;
seek_in inchan compunit.cu_pos;
let code_block = String.create compunit.cu_codesize in
really_input inchan code_block 0 compunit.cu_codesize;
Symtable.patch_object code_block compunit.cu_reloc;
+ if !Clflags.debug then record_events (currpos_fun()) compunit.cu_events;
output_fun code_block;
if !Clflags.link_everything then
List.iter Symtable.require_primitive compunit.cu_primitives
(* Link in a .cmo file *)
-let link_object output_fun file_name compunit =
+let link_object output_fun currpos_fun file_name compunit =
let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
- link_compunit output_fun inchan file_name compunit;
+ link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit;
close_in inchan
Symtable.Error msg ->
@@ -157,10 +171,12 @@ let link_object output_fun file_name compunit =
(* Link in a .cma file *)
-let link_archive output_fun file_name units_required =
+let link_archive output_fun currpos_fun file_name units_required =
let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
- List.iter (link_compunit output_fun inchan file_name) units_required;
+ List.iter
+ (link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name)
+ units_required;
close_in inchan
Symtable.Error msg ->
@@ -170,9 +186,11 @@ let link_archive output_fun file_name units_required =
(* Link in a .cmo or .cma file *)
-let link_file output_fun = function
- Link_object(file_name, unit) -> link_object output_fun file_name unit
- | Link_archive(file_name, units) -> link_archive output_fun file_name units
+let link_file output_fun currpos_fun = function
+ Link_object(file_name, unit) ->
+ link_object output_fun currpos_fun file_name unit
+ | Link_archive(file_name, units) ->
+ link_archive output_fun currpos_fun file_name units
(* Create a bytecode executable file *)
@@ -198,7 +216,9 @@ let link_bytecode objfiles exec_name copy_header =
let pos1 = pos_out outchan in
Hashtbl.clear crc_interfaces;
- List.iter (link_file (output_string outchan)) tolink;
+ let output_fun = output_string outchan
+ and currpos_fun () = pos_out outchan - pos1 in
+ List.iter (link_file output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
(* The final STOP instruction *)
output_byte outchan Opcodes.opSTOP;
output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0;
@@ -208,12 +228,15 @@ let link_bytecode objfiles exec_name copy_header =
(* The map of global identifiers *)
let pos3 = pos_out outchan in
Symtable.output_global_map outchan;
- (* The trailer *)
+ (* Debug info *)
let pos4 = pos_out outchan in
+ if !Clflags.debug then output_value outchan !debug_info;
+ (* The trailer *)
+ let pos5 = pos_out outchan in
output_binary_int outchan (pos2 - pos1);
output_binary_int outchan (pos3 - pos2);
output_binary_int outchan (pos4 - pos3);
- output_binary_int outchan 0;
+ output_binary_int outchan (pos5 - pos4);
output_string outchan exec_magic_number;
close_out outchan
with x ->
@@ -267,7 +290,9 @@ let link_bytecode_as_c objfiles outfile =
output_string outchan "static int caml_code[] = {\n";
Hashtbl.clear crc_interfaces;
- List.iter (link_file (output_code_string outchan)) tolink;
+ let output_fun = output_code_string outchan
+ and currpos_fun () = fatal_error "Bytelink.link_bytecode_as_c" in
+ List.iter (link_file output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
(* The final STOP instruction *)
Printf.fprintf outchan "\n0x%x};\n\n" Opcodes.opSTOP;
(* The table of global data *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e03a20dbc..ffd7698a4 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ type compilation_unit =
cu_interface: Digest.t; (* CRC of interface implemented *)
cu_imports: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Names and CRC of intfs imported *)
cu_primitives: string list; (* Primitives declared inside *)
- mutable cu_force_link: bool } (* Must be linked even if unref'ed *)
+ mutable cu_force_link: bool; (* Must be linked even if unref'ed *)
+ cu_events: debug_event list } (* Debugging events *)
(* Format of a .cmo file:
magic number (Config.cmo_magic_number)
@@ -135,12 +136,21 @@ and slot_for_c_prim name =
enter (Reloc_primitive name);
out_int 0
+(* Debugging events *)
+let events = ref ([] : debug_event list)
+let record_event ev =
+ ev.ev_pos <- !out_position;
+ events := ev :: !events
(* Initialization *)
let init () =
out_position := 0;
label_table := Array.create 16 (Label_undefined []);
- reloc_info := []
+ reloc_info := [];
+ events := []
(* Emission of one instruction *)
@@ -235,6 +245,7 @@ let emit_instr = function
| Koffsetint n -> out opOFFSETINT; out_int n
| Koffsetref n -> out opOFFSETREF; out_int n
| Kgetmethod -> out opGETMETHOD
+ | Kevent ev -> record_event ev
| Kstop -> out opSTOP
(* Emission of a list of instructions. Include some peephole optimization. *)
@@ -291,7 +302,8 @@ let to_file outchan unit_name crc_interface code =
cu_interface = crc_interface;
cu_imports = Env.imported_units();
cu_primitives = !Translmod.primitive_declarations;
- cu_force_link = false } in
+ cu_force_link = false;
+ cu_events = !events } in
init(); (* Free out_buffer and reloc_info *)
let pos_compunit = pos_out outchan in
output_value outchan compunit;
diff --git a/bytecomp/emitcode.mli b/bytecomp/emitcode.mli
index 87dcb1d6b..365286d55 100644
--- a/bytecomp/emitcode.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/emitcode.mli
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ open Instruct
type reloc_info =
Reloc_literal of structured_constant (* structured constant *)
- | Reloc_getglobal of Ident.t (* reference to a global *)
- | Reloc_setglobal of Ident.t (* definition of a global *)
+ | Reloc_getglobal of Ident.t (* reference to a global *)
+ | Reloc_setglobal of Ident.t (* definition of a global *)
| Reloc_primitive of string (* C primitive number *)
(* Descriptor for compilation units *)
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ type compilation_unit =
cu_interface: Digest.t; (* CRC of interface implemented *)
cu_imports: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Names and CRC of intfs imported *)
cu_primitives: string list; (* Primitives declared inside *)
- mutable cu_force_link: bool } (* Must be linked even if unref'ed *)
+ mutable cu_force_link: bool; (* Must be linked even if unref'ed *)
+ cu_events: debug_event list } (* Debugging events *)
(* Format of a .cmo file:
magic number (Config.cmo_magic_number)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index f3d7c9e7a..d86157ba3 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -13,6 +13,23 @@
open Lambda
+type compilation_env =
+ { ce_stack: int Ident.tbl;
+ ce_heap: int Ident.tbl }
+type debug_event =
+ { mutable ev_pos: int; (* Position in bytecode *)
+ ev_file: string; (* Source file name *)
+ ev_char: int; (* Location in source file *)
+ ev_kind: debug_event_kind; (* Before/after event *)
+ ev_typenv: Env.summary; (* Typing environment *)
+ ev_compenv: compilation_env; (* Compilation environment *)
+ ev_stacksize: int } (* Size of stack frame *)
+and debug_event_kind =
+ Event_before
+ | Event_after of Types.type_expr
type label = int (* Symbolic code labels *)
type instruction =
@@ -61,6 +78,7 @@ type instruction =
| Koffsetint of int
| Koffsetref of int
| Kgetmethod
+ | Kevent of debug_event
| Kstop
let immed_min = -0x40000000
diff --git a/bytecomp/instruct.mli b/bytecomp/instruct.mli
index 5aabce887..1958551ff 100644
--- a/bytecomp/instruct.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/instruct.mli
@@ -15,7 +15,36 @@
open Lambda
-type label = int (* Symbolic code labels *)
+(* Structure of compilation environments *)
+type compilation_env =
+ { ce_stack: int Ident.tbl; (* Positions of variables in the stack *)
+ ce_heap: int Ident.tbl } (* Structure of the heap-allocated env *)
+(* The ce_stack component gives locations of variables residing
+ in the stack. The locations are offsets w.r.t. the origin of the
+ stack frame.
+ The ce_heap component gives the positions of variables residing in the
+ heap-allocated environment. *)
+(* Debugging events *)
+type debug_event =
+ { mutable ev_pos: int; (* Position in bytecode *)
+ ev_file: string; (* Source file name *)
+ ev_char: int; (* Location in source file *)
+ ev_kind: debug_event_kind; (* Before/after event *)
+ ev_typenv: Env.summary; (* Typing environment *)
+ ev_compenv: compilation_env; (* Compilation environment *)
+ ev_stacksize: int } (* Size of stack frame *)
+and debug_event_kind =
+ Event_before
+ | Event_after of Types.type_expr
+(* Abstract machine instructions *)
+type label = int (* Symbolic code labels *)
type instruction =
Klabel of label
@@ -63,6 +92,7 @@ type instruction =
| Koffsetint of int
| Koffsetref of int
| Kgetmethod
+ | Kevent of debug_event
| Kstop
val immed_min: int
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 863a4439c..825389866 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ type lambda =
| Lfor of Ident.t * lambda * lambda * direction_flag * lambda
| Lassign of Ident.t * lambda
| Lsend of lambda * lambda * lambda list
+ | Levent of lambda * lambda_event
and lambda_switch =
{ sw_numconsts: int;
@@ -100,6 +101,15 @@ and lambda_switch =
sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list;
sw_checked: bool }
+and lambda_event =
+ { lev_loc: int;
+ lev_kind: lambda_event_kind;
+ lev_env: Env.summary }
+and lambda_event_kind =
+ Lev_before
+ | Lev_after of Types.type_expr
let const_unit = Const_pointer 0
let lambda_unit = Lconst const_unit
@@ -165,6 +175,8 @@ let free_variables l =
fv := IdentSet.add id !fv; freevars e
| Lsend (met, obj, args) ->
List.iter freevars (met::obj::args)
+ | Levent (lam, evt) ->
+ freevars lam
in freevars l; !fv
(* Check if an action has a "when" guard *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/lambda.mli b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
index 202d3e0b4..04aad3808 100644
--- a/bytecomp/lambda.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ type lambda =
| Lfor of Ident.t * lambda * lambda * direction_flag * lambda
| Lassign of Ident.t * lambda
| Lsend of lambda * lambda * lambda list
+ | Levent of lambda * lambda_event
and lambda_switch =
{ sw_numconsts: int; (* Number of integer cases *)
@@ -100,6 +101,15 @@ and lambda_switch =
sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list; (* Tag block cases *)
sw_checked: bool } (* True if bound checks needed *)
+and lambda_event =
+ { lev_loc: int;
+ lev_kind: lambda_event_kind;
+ lev_env: Env.summary }
+and lambda_event_kind =
+ Lev_before
+ | Lev_after of Types.type_expr
val const_unit: structured_constant
val lambda_unit: lambda
val name_lambda: lambda -> (Ident.t -> lambda) -> lambda
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 56b15763f..02882b96b 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ let instruction = function
| Koffsetref n -> print_string "\toffsetref "; print_int n
| Kgetmethod -> print_string "\tgetmethod"
| Kstop -> print_string "\tstop"
+ | Kevent ev -> print_string "\tevent "; print_int ev.ev_char
let rec instruction_list = function
[] -> ()
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index fa7135ef2..93700a444 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -258,6 +258,17 @@ let rec lambda = function
List.iter (fun l -> print_space(); lambda l) largs;
print_string ")";
+ | Levent(lam, ev) ->
+ open_hovbox 2;
+ begin match ev.lev_kind with
+ Lev_before -> print_string "(before "
+ | Lev_after _ -> print_string "(after "
+ end;
+ print_int ev.lev_loc;
+ print_space();
+ lambda lam;
+ print_string ")";
+ close_box()
and sequence = function
Lsequence(l1, l2) ->
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 32b5ab74e..a4fff40b8 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ let rec eliminate_ref id = function
| Lsend(m, o, el) ->
Lsend(eliminate_ref id m, eliminate_ref id o, (eliminate_ref id) el)
+ | Levent(l, ev) ->
+ Levent(eliminate_ref id l, ev)
(* Simplification of lets *)
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ let simplify_lambda lam =
v's refcount *)
count l
| Lsend(m, o, ll) -> List.iter count (m::o::ll)
+ | Levent(l, ev) -> count l
count lam;
(* Second pass: remove Lalias bindings of unused variables,
@@ -188,5 +191,6 @@ let simplify_lambda lam =
Lfor(v, simplif l1, simplif l2, dir, simplif l3)
| Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif l)
| Lsend(m, o, ll) -> Lsend(simplif m, simplif o, simplif ll)
+ | Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif l, ev)
simplif lam
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 9974aa2d2..6ba9278c6 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -209,9 +209,11 @@ let init_toplevel () =
(* Find the value of a global identifier *)
+let get_global_position id = slot_for_getglobal id
let get_global_value id =
(Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id)
-and assign_global_value id v =
+let assign_global_value id v =
(Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id) <- v
(* Save and restore the current state *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/symtable.mli b/bytecomp/symtable.mli
index 29dcc4b67..5850f2f3e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/symtable.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/symtable.mli
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ val init_toplevel: unit -> unit
val update_global_table: unit -> unit
val get_global_value: Ident.t -> Obj.t
val assign_global_value: Ident.t -> Obj.t -> unit
+val get_global_position: Ident.t -> int
type global_map
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 4a02bae2f..8c15ff8f0 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -300,6 +300,22 @@ let rec name_pattern default = function
| Tpat_alias(p, id) -> id
| _ -> name_pattern default rem
+(* Insertion of debugging events *)
+let event_before exp lam =
+ if !Clflags.debug
+ then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc.Location.loc_start;
+ lev_kind = Lev_before;
+ lev_env = Env.summary exp.exp_env})
+ else lam
+let event_after exp lam =
+ if !Clflags.debug
+ then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc.Location.loc_end;
+ lev_kind = Lev_after exp.exp_type;
+ lev_env = Env.summary exp.exp_env})
+ else lam
(* Translation of expressions *)
let rec transl_exp e =
@@ -313,7 +329,7 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
| Texp_constant cst ->
Lconst(Const_base cst)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_exp body)
+ transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (event_before body (transl_exp body))
| Texp_function pat_expr_list ->
let (kind, params, body) =
transl_function e.exp_loc !Clflags.native_code pat_expr_list in
@@ -322,14 +338,15 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
when List.length args = p.prim_arity ->
Lprim(transl_prim p args, transl_list args)
| Texp_apply(funct, args) ->
- begin match transl_exp funct with
- Lapply(lfunct, largs) ->
- Lapply(lfunct, largs @ transl_list args)
- | Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs) ->
- Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs @ transl_list args)
- | lexp ->
- Lapply(lexp, transl_list args)
- end
+ let lam =
+ match transl_exp funct with
+ Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs) ->
+ Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs @ transl_list args)
+ | Levent(Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs), _) ->
+ Lsend(lmet, lobj, largs @ transl_list args)
+ | lexp ->
+ Lapply(lexp, transl_list args) in
+ event_after e lam
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl} as arg, pat_expr_list) ->
Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc
(transl_list argl) (transl_cases pat_expr_list)
@@ -419,19 +436,24 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
fill_fields 1 ( expr_list))
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
- Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp ifso, transl_exp ifnot)
+ Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
+ event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
+ event_before ifnot (transl_exp ifnot))
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
- Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp ifso, lambda_unit)
+ Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
+ event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
+ lambda_unit)
| Texp_sequence(expr1, expr2) ->
- Lsequence(transl_exp expr1, transl_exp expr2)
+ Lsequence(transl_exp expr1, event_before expr2 (transl_exp expr2))
| Texp_while(cond, body) ->
- Lwhile(transl_exp cond, transl_exp body)
+ Lwhile(transl_exp cond, event_before body (transl_exp body))
| Texp_for(param, low, high, dir, body) ->
- Lfor(param, transl_exp low, transl_exp high, dir, transl_exp body)
+ Lfor(param, transl_exp low, transl_exp high, dir,
+ event_before body (transl_exp body))
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_exp body, Lstaticfail)
| Texp_send(expr, met) ->
- Lsend(Lvar (meth met), transl_exp expr, [])
+ event_after e (Lsend(Lvar (meth met), transl_exp expr, []))
| Texp_new cl ->
Lprim(Pfield 0, [transl_path cl])
| Texp_instvar(path_self, path) ->
@@ -454,7 +476,9 @@ and transl_list expr_list = transl_exp expr_list
and transl_cases pat_expr_list =
- (fun (pat, expr) -> (pat, transl_exp expr)) pat_expr_list
+ (fun (pat, expr) -> (pat, event_before expr (transl_exp expr)))
+ pat_expr_list
and transl_tupled_cases patl_expr_list = (fun (patl, expr) -> (patl, transl_exp expr)) patl_expr_list