path: root/bytecomp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
8 files changed, 217 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 26d7385e6..494b267b4 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
open Misc
open Asttypes
+open Primitive
open Typedtree
open Lambda
open Instruct
@@ -244,6 +245,8 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
| Pmakeblock tag -> Kmakeblock(List.length args, tag)
| Pfield n -> Kgetfield n
| Psetfield(n, ptr) -> Ksetfield n
+ | Pfloatfield n -> Kgetfield n
+ | Psetfloatfield n -> Ksetfield n
| Pccall p -> Kccall(p.prim_name, p.prim_arity)
| Pnegint -> Knegint
| Paddint -> Kaddint
@@ -273,15 +276,16 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
| Pfloatcomp Cle -> Kccall("le_float", 2)
| Pfloatcomp Cge -> Kccall("ge_float", 2)
| Pstringlength -> Kccall("ml_string_length", 1)
- | Psafegetstringchar -> Kccall("string_get", 2)
- | Psafesetstringchar -> Kccall("string_set", 3)
- | Pgetstringchar -> Kgetstringchar
- | Psetstringchar -> Ksetstringchar
- | Pvectlength -> Kvectlength
- | Psafegetvectitem -> Kccall("array_get", 2)
- | Psafesetvectitem ptr -> Kccall("array_set", 3)
- | Pgetvectitem -> Kgetvectitem
- | Psetvectitem ptr -> Ksetvectitem
+ | Pstringrefs -> Kccall("string_get", 2)
+ | Pstringsets -> Kccall("string_set", 3)
+ | Pstringrefu -> Kgetstringchar
+ | Pstringsetu -> Ksetstringchar
+ | Pmakearray kind -> Kmakeblock(List.length args, 0)
+ | Parraylength kind -> Kvectlength
+ | Parrayrefs kind -> Kccall("array_get", 2)
+ | Parraysets kind -> Kccall("array_set", 3)
+ | Parrayrefu kind -> Kgetvectitem
+ | Parraysetu kind -> Ksetvectitem
| Ptranslate tbl -> Ktranslate tbl
| _ -> fatal_error "Codegen.comp_expr: prim" in
comp_args env args sz (instr :: cont)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e12b6f458..0425799cb 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -4,36 +4,55 @@ open Typedtree
type primitive =
+ (* Globals *)
| Pgetglobal of Ident.t
| Psetglobal of Ident.t
+ (* Operations on heap blocks *)
| Pmakeblock of int
| Pfield of int
| Psetfield of int * bool
- | Pccall of primitive_description
+ | Pfloatfield of int
+ | Psetfloatfield of int
+ (* External call *)
+ | Pccall of Primitive.description
+ (* Exceptions *)
| Praise
+ (* Boolean operations *)
| Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
+ (* Integer operations *)
| Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint | Pdivint | Pmodint
| Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
| Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint
| Pintcomp of comparison
| Poffsetint of int
| Poffsetref of int
+ (* Float operations *)
| Pintoffloat | Pfloatofint
| Pnegfloat | Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
| Pfloatcomp of comparison
- | Pstringlength | Pgetstringchar | Psetstringchar
- | Psafegetstringchar | Psafesetstringchar
- | Pvectlength | Pgetvectitem | Psetvectitem of bool
- | Psafegetvectitem | Psafesetvectitem of bool
+ (* String operations *)
+ | Pstringlength | Pstringrefu | Pstringsetu | Pstringrefs | Pstringsets
+ (* Array operations *)
+ | Pmakearray of array_kind
+ | Parraylength of array_kind
+ | Parrayrefu of array_kind
+ | Parraysetu of array_kind
+ | Parrayrefs of array_kind
+ | Parraysets of array_kind
+ (* Compaction of sparse switches *)
| Ptranslate of (int * int * int) array
and comparison =
Ceq | Cneq | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge
+and array_kind =
+ Pgenarray | Paddrarray | Pintarray | Pfloatarray
type structured_constant =
Const_base of constant
- | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
| Const_pointer of int
+ | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
+ | Const_float_array of string list
type lambda =
Lvar of Ident.t
diff --git a/bytecomp/lambda.mli b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
index fbc18cd94..414bdd431 100644
--- a/bytecomp/lambda.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
@@ -5,36 +5,55 @@ open Typedtree
type primitive =
+ (* Globals *)
| Pgetglobal of Ident.t
| Psetglobal of Ident.t
+ (* Operations on heap blocks *)
| Pmakeblock of int
| Pfield of int
| Psetfield of int * bool
- | Pccall of primitive_description
+ | Pfloatfield of int
+ | Psetfloatfield of int
+ (* External call *)
+ | Pccall of Primitive.description
+ (* Exceptions *)
| Praise
+ (* Boolean operations *)
| Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
+ (* Integer operations *)
| Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint | Pdivint | Pmodint
| Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
| Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint
| Pintcomp of comparison
| Poffsetint of int
| Poffsetref of int
+ (* Float operations *)
| Pintoffloat | Pfloatofint
| Pnegfloat | Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
| Pfloatcomp of comparison
- | Pstringlength | Pgetstringchar | Psetstringchar
- | Psafegetstringchar | Psafesetstringchar
- | Pvectlength | Pgetvectitem | Psetvectitem of bool
- | Psafegetvectitem | Psafesetvectitem of bool
+ (* String operations *)
+ | Pstringlength | Pstringrefu | Pstringsetu | Pstringrefs | Pstringsets
+ (* Array operations *)
+ | Pmakearray of array_kind
+ | Parraylength of array_kind
+ | Parrayrefu of array_kind
+ | Parraysetu of array_kind
+ | Parrayrefs of array_kind
+ | Parraysets of array_kind
+ (* Compaction of sparse switches *)
| Ptranslate of (int * int * int) array
and comparison =
Ceq | Cneq | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge
+and array_kind =
+ Pgenarray | Paddrarray | Pintarray | Pfloatarray
type structured_constant =
Const_base of constant
- | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
| Const_pointer of int
+ | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
+ | Const_float_array of string list
type lambda =
Lvar of Ident.t
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 6cc8fd072..68650f10d 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
open Misc
open Location
open Asttypes
+open Primitive
open Typedtree
open Lambda
@@ -124,7 +125,20 @@ let divide_tuple arity {cases = cl; args = al} =
(* Matching against a record pattern *)
-let divide_record num_fields {cases = cl; args = al} =
+let make_record_matching all_labels (arg :: argl) =
+ let rec make_args pos =
+ if pos >= Array.length all_labels then argl else begin
+ let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
+ match lbl.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular ->
+ Lprim(Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg]) :: make_args(pos + 1)
+ | Record_float ->
+ Lprim(Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg]) :: make_args(pos + 1)
+ end in
+ {cases = []; args = make_args 0}
+let divide_record all_labels {cases = cl; args = al} =
+ let num_fields = Array.length all_labels in
let record_matching_line lbl_pat_list =
let patv = num_fields any_pat in
List.iter (fun (lbl, pat) -> patv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- pat) lbl_pat_list;
@@ -137,7 +151,7 @@ let divide_record num_fields {cases = cl; args = al} =
| ({pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var _)} :: patl, action) :: rem ->
add_line (record_matching_line [] @ patl, action) (divide rem)
| [] ->
- make_tuple_matching num_fields al
+ make_record_matching all_labels al
in divide cl
(* To List.combine sub-matchings together *)
@@ -167,7 +181,8 @@ let combine_constant arg cst (const_lambda_list, total1) (lambda2, total2) =
| Const_string _ ->
(Pccall{prim_name = "string_equal";
- prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false})
+ prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false})
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_float _ ->
make_test_sequence (Pfloatcomp Ceq) arg const_lambda_list
@@ -252,7 +267,7 @@ let rec compile_match m =
combine_constructor arg cstr
(compile_list constrs) (compile_match others)
| Tpat_record((lbl, _) :: _) ->
- compile_match (divide_record (Array.length lbl.lbl_all) pm)
+ compile_match (divide_record lbl.lbl_all pm)
(* The entry points *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 7a3152799..ea1adca14 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
open Format
open Asttypes
+open Primitive
open Typedtree
open Lambda
@@ -25,6 +26,17 @@ let rec structured_constant = function
print_string "]";
+ | Const_float_array [] ->
+ print_string "[| |]"
+ | Const_float_array (f1 :: fl) ->
+ open_hovbox 1;
+ print_string "[|";
+ open_hovbox 0;
+ print_string f1;
+ List.iter (fun f -> print_space(); print_string f) fl;
+ close_box();
+ print_string "|]";
+ close_box()
let primitive = function
Pidentity -> print_string "id"
@@ -33,6 +45,8 @@ let primitive = function
| Pmakeblock tag -> print_string "makeblock "; print_int tag
| Pfield n -> print_string "field "; print_int n
| Psetfield(n, _) -> print_string "setfield "; print_int n
+ | Pfloatfield n -> print_string "floatfield "; print_int n
+ | Psetfloatfield n -> print_string "setfloatfield "; print_int n
| Pccall p -> print_string p.prim_name
| Praise -> print_string "raise"
| Psequand -> print_string "&&"
@@ -72,15 +86,16 @@ let primitive = function
| Pfloatcomp(Cgt) -> print_string ">."
| Pfloatcomp(Cge) -> print_string ">=."
| Pstringlength -> print_string "string.length"
- | Pgetstringchar -> print_string "string.unsafe_get"
- | Psetstringchar -> print_string "string.unsafe_set"
- | Psafegetstringchar -> print_string "string.get"
- | Psafesetstringchar -> print_string "string.set"
- | Pvectlength -> print_string "array.length"
- | Pgetvectitem -> print_string "array.unsafe_get"
- | Psetvectitem _ -> print_string "array.unsafe_set"
- | Psafegetvectitem -> print_string "array.get"
- | Psafesetvectitem _ -> print_string "array.set"
+ | Pstringrefu -> print_string "string.unsafe_get"
+ | Pstringsetu -> print_string "string.unsafe_set"
+ | Pstringrefs -> print_string "string.get"
+ | Pstringsets -> print_string "string.set"
+ | Parraylength _ -> print_string "array.length"
+ | Pmakearray _ -> print_string "makearray "
+ | Parrayrefu _ -> print_string "array.unsafe_get"
+ | Parraysetu _ -> print_string "array.unsafe_set"
+ | Parrayrefs _ -> print_string "array.get"
+ | Parraysets _ -> print_string "array.set"
| Ptranslate tbl ->
print_string "translate [";
open_hvbox 0;
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 2a5947e07..f75025b41 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ let rec transl_const = function
(fun c -> Obj.set_field block !pos (transl_const c); incr pos)
+ | Const_float_array fields ->
+ transl_const
+ (Const_block(0, (fun f -> Const_base(Const_float f)) fields))
(* Build the initial table of globals *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index b7362ea3d..df476352d 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
open Misc
open Asttypes
+open Primitive
open Path
open Typedtree
open Lambda
@@ -67,8 +68,12 @@ and bind_label_pattern env patl arg mut =
| (lbl, pat) :: rem ->
let mut1 =
match lbl.lbl_mut with Mutable -> Mutable | Immutable -> mut in
+ let access =
+ match lbl.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
let (env1, bind1) =
- bind_pattern env pat (Lprim(Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg])) mut1 in
+ bind_pattern env pat (Lprim(access, [arg])) mut1 in
let (env2, bind2) =
bind_label_pattern env1 rem arg mut in
(env2, fun e -> bind1(bind2 e))
@@ -87,36 +92,48 @@ and bind_patterns env patl argl =
let comparisons_table = create_hashtable 11 [
- (Pccall{prim_name = "equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Ceq,
Pfloatcomp Ceq,
- Pccall{prim_name = "string_equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false});
+ Pccall{prim_name = "string_equal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
- (Pccall{prim_name = "notequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "notequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cneq,
Pfloatcomp Cneq,
Pccall{prim_name = "string_notequal"; prim_arity = 2;
- prim_alloc = false});
+ prim_alloc = false; prim_native_name = "";
+ prim_native_float = false});
- (Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Clt,
Pfloatcomp Clt,
- Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false});
+ Pccall{prim_name = "lessthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
- (Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cgt,
Pfloatcomp Cgt,
- Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false});
+ Pccall{prim_name = "greaterthan"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
- (Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cle,
Pfloatcomp Cle,
- Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false});
+ Pccall{prim_name = "lessequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false});
- (Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false},
+ (Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false},
Pintcomp Cge,
Pfloatcomp Cge,
- Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false})
+ Pccall{prim_name = "greaterequal"; prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
+ prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false})
let primitives_table = create_hashtable 31 [
@@ -165,15 +182,18 @@ let primitives_table = create_hashtable 31 [
"%gtfloat", Pfloatcomp Cgt;
"%gefloat", Pfloatcomp Cge;
"%string_length", Pstringlength;
- "%string_safe_get", Psafegetstringchar;
- "%string_safe_set", Psafesetstringchar;
- "%string_unsafe_get", Pgetstringchar;
- "%string_unsafe_set", Psetstringchar;
- "%array_length", Pvectlength;
- "%array_safe_get", Psafegetvectitem;
- "%array_safe_set", Psafesetvectitem true;
- "%array_unsafe_get", Pgetvectitem;
- "%array_unsafe_set", Psetvectitem true
+ "%string_safe_get", Pstringrefs;
+ "%string_safe_set", Pstringsets;
+ "%string_unsafe_get", Pstringrefu;
+ "%string_unsafe_set", Pstringsetu;
+ "%array_length", Parraylength Pgenarray;
+ "%array_safe_get", Parrayrefs Pgenarray;
+ "%array_safe_set", Parraysets Pgenarray;
+ "%array_unsafe_get", Parrayrefu Pgenarray;
+ "%array_unsafe_set", Parraysetu Pgenarray;
+ "%obj_size", Parraylength Paddrarray;
+ "%obj_field", Parrayrefu Paddrarray;
+ "%obj_set_field", Parraysetu Paddrarray
let same_base_type ty1 ty2 =
@@ -182,17 +202,35 @@ let same_base_type ty1 ty2 =
| (_, _) -> false
let maybe_pointer arg =
- if same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_int
- or same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_char
- then false
- else true
+ not(same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_int or
+ same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_char)
+let array_kind arg =
+ match Ctype.repr arg.exp_type with
+ Tconstr(p, [ty]) ->
+ begin match Ctype.repr ty with
+ Tvar v -> Pgenarray
+ | Tconstr(p, _) ->
+ if Path.same p Predef.path_int or Path.same p Predef.path_char then
+ Pintarray
+ else if Path.same p Predef.path_float then
+ Pfloatarray
+ else
+ Paddrarray
+ | _ -> Paddrarray
+ end
+ | _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.array_kind"
let transl_prim prim args =
let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp) =
Hashtbl.find comparisons_table prim.prim_name in
match args with
- [arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_int
+ [arg1; {exp_desc = Texp_construct(cstr, [])}] ->
+ intcomp
+ | [{exp_desc = Texp_construct(cstr, [])}; arg2] ->
+ intcomp
+ | [arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_int
or same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_char ->
| [arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_float ->
@@ -204,13 +242,14 @@ let transl_prim prim args =
with Not_found ->
let p = Hashtbl.find primitives_table prim.prim_name in
+ (* Try strength reduction based on the type of the argument *)
begin match (p, args) with
- (Psetfield(n, _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
- Psetfield(n, maybe_pointer arg2)
- | (Psafesetvectitem _, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
- Psafesetvectitem(maybe_pointer arg3)
- | (Psetvectitem _, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
- Psetvectitem(maybe_pointer arg3)
+ (Psetfield(n, _), [arg1; arg2]) -> Psetfield(n, maybe_pointer arg2)
+ | (Parraylength Pgenarray, [arg]) -> Parraylength(array_kind arg)
+ | (Parrayrefu Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parrayrefu(array_kind arg1)
+ | (Parraysetu Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parraysetu(array_kind arg1)
+ | (Parrayrefs Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parrayrefs(array_kind arg1)
+ | (Parraysets Pgenarray, arg1 :: _) -> Parraysets(array_kind arg1)
| _ -> p
with Not_found ->
@@ -237,7 +276,13 @@ let check_recursive_lambda id lam =
exception Not_constant
-let extract_constant = function Lconst sc -> sc | _ -> raise Not_constant
+let extract_constant = function
+ Lconst sc -> sc
+ | _ -> raise Not_constant
+let extract_float = function
+ Const_base(Const_float f) -> f
+ | _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.extract_float"
(* To find reasonable names for let-bound and lambda-bound idents *)
@@ -309,28 +354,39 @@ let rec transl_exp env e =
| Cstr_exception path ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, transl_path path :: ll)
- | Texp_record lbl_expr_list ->
- let lv = (List.length lbl_expr_list) Lstaticfail in
+ | Texp_record ((lbl1, _) :: _ as lbl_expr_list) ->
+ let lv = (Array.length lbl1.lbl_all) Lstaticfail in
(fun (lbl, expr) -> lv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- transl_exp env expr)
let ll = Array.to_list lv in
- if List.for_all (fun (lbl, expr) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Immutable)
- lbl_expr_list
- then begin
- try
- Lconst(Const_block(0, extract_constant ll))
- with Not_constant ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
- end else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
+ begin try
+ List.iter
+ (fun (lbl, expr) -> if lbl.lbl_mut = Mutable then raise Not_constant)
+ lbl_expr_list;
+ let cl = extract_constant ll in
+ match lbl1.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
+ | Record_float -> Lconst(Const_float_array( extract_float cl))
+ with Not_constant ->
+ match lbl1.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular -> Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
+ | Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll)
+ end
| Texp_field(arg, lbl) ->
- Lprim(Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [transl_exp env arg])
+ let access =
+ match lbl.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Lprim(access, [transl_exp env arg])
| Texp_setfield(arg, lbl, newval) ->
- Lprim(Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval),
- [transl_exp env arg; transl_exp env newval])
+ let access =
+ match lbl.lbl_repres with
+ Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
+ | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Lprim(access, [transl_exp env arg; transl_exp env newval])
| Texp_array expr_list ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, transl_list env expr_list)
+ Lprim(Pmakearray(array_kind e), transl_list env expr_list)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env ifso,
transl_exp env ifnot)
@@ -345,6 +401,8 @@ let rec transl_exp env e =
transl_exp env body)
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env body, Lstaticfail)
+ | _ ->
+ fatal_error "Translcore.transl"
and transl_list env = function
[] -> []
diff --git a/bytecomp/translcore.mli b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
index 34c2023dd..929112962 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translcore.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ val transl_exp: compilenv -> expression -> lambda
val transl_let:
compilenv -> rec_flag -> (pattern * expression) list ->
compilenv * (lambda -> lambda)
-val transl_primitive: primitive_description option -> lambda
+val transl_primitive: Primitive.description option -> lambda
val transl_exception: Ident.t -> exception_declaration -> lambda
type error =