path: root/bytecomp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
6 files changed, 60 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index af5f0a3fd..be884ded5 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ let rec size_of_lambda = function
| Llet (Strict, id, Lprim (Pduprecord (kind, size), _), body)
when check_recordwith_updates id body ->
begin match kind with
- | Record_regular -> RHS_block size
+ | Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> RHS_block size
| Record_float -> RHS_floatblock size
+ | Record_extension -> RHS_block (size + 1)
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) -> size_of_lambda body
| Lletrec(bindings, body) -> size_of_lambda body
@@ -154,7 +155,10 @@ let rec size_of_lambda = function
RHS_block (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pfloatarray, args) -> RHS_floatblock (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pgenarray, args) -> assert false
- | Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_regular, size), args) -> RHS_block size
+ | Lprim (Pduprecord ((Record_regular | Record_inlined _), size), args) ->
+ RHS_block size
+ | Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_extension, size), args) ->
+ RHS_block (size + 1)
| Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_float, size), args) -> RHS_floatblock size
| Levent (lam, _) -> size_of_lambda lam
| Lsequence (lam, lam') -> size_of_lambda lam'
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 8ab6cec8b..cba32391e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1348,7 +1348,9 @@ let make_constr_matching p def ctx = function
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let cstr = pat_as_constr p in
let newargs =
- match cstr.cstr_tag with
+ if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then
+ (arg, Alias) :: argl
+ else match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ ->
make_field_args Alias arg 0 (cstr.cstr_arity - 1) argl
| Cstr_extension _ ->
@@ -1628,8 +1630,10 @@ let make_record_matching all_labels def = function
let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
- | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1)
+ in
let str =
match lbl.lbl_mut with
Immutable -> Alias
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index d528a3574..1b9085edd 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ let print_bigarray name unsafe kind ppf layout =
let record_rep ppf r =
match r with
| Record_regular -> fprintf ppf "regular"
+ | Record_inlined i -> fprintf ppf "inlined(%i)" i
| Record_float -> fprintf ppf "float"
+ | Record_extension -> fprintf ppf "ext"
let string_of_loc_kind = function
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 876abaa94..14f8b0659 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -746,7 +746,10 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
| Texp_construct(_, cstr, args) ->
let ll = transl_list args in
- begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
+ if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then begin match ll with
+ | [x] -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end else begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant n ->
Lconst(Const_pointer n)
| Cstr_block n ->
@@ -776,20 +779,26 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
[Lconst(Const_base(Const_int tag)); lam])
| Texp_record ((_, lbl1, _) :: _ as lbl_expr_list, opt_init_expr) ->
- transl_record lbl1.lbl_all lbl1.lbl_repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr
+ transl_record e.exp_env lbl1.lbl_all lbl1.lbl_repres lbl_expr_list
+ opt_init_expr
| Texp_record ([], _) ->
fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp: bad Texp_record"
| Texp_field(arg, _, lbl) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
- | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1)
+ in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg])
| Texp_setfield(arg, _, lbl, newval) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular
+ | Record_inlined _ -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
+ | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Psetfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer newval)
+ in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg; transl_exp newval])
| Texp_array expr_list ->
let kind = array_kind e in
@@ -1071,7 +1080,7 @@ and transl_setinstvar self var expr =
Lprim(Parraysetu (if maybe_pointer expr then Paddrarray else Pintarray),
[self; transl_normal_path var; transl_exp expr])
-and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
+and transl_record env all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
let size = Array.length all_labels in
(* Determine if there are "enough" new fields *)
if 3 + 2 * List.length lbl_expr_list >= size
@@ -1086,7 +1095,8 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
for i = 0 to Array.length all_labels - 1 do
let access =
match all_labels.(i).lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield i
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield i
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (i + 1)
| Record_float -> Pfloatfield i in
lv.(i) <- Lprim(access, [Lvar init_id])
@@ -1104,13 +1114,26 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
if mut = Mutable then raise Not_constant;
let cl = extract_constant ll in
match repres with
- Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
+ | Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
+ | Record_inlined tag -> Lconst(Const_block(tag, cl))
| Record_float ->
Lconst(Const_float_array( extract_float cl))
+ | Record_extension ->
+ raise Not_constant
with Not_constant ->
match repres with
Record_regular -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut), ll)
- | Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll) in
+ | Record_inlined tag -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), ll)
+ | Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll)
+ | Record_extension ->
+ let path =
+ match all_labels.(0).lbl_res.desc with
+ | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> p
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let slot = transl_path env path in
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut), slot :: ll)
+ in
begin match opt_init_expr with
None -> lam
| Some init_expr -> Llet(Strict, init_id, transl_exp init_expr, lam)
@@ -1124,8 +1147,11 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
let update_field (_, lbl, expr) cont =
let upd =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr)
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular
+ | Record_inlined _ -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr)
+ | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer expr)
+ in
Lsequence(Lprim(upd, [Lvar copy_id; transl_exp expr]), cont) in
begin match opt_init_expr with
None -> assert false
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index dc7d2d7a6..1f475565f 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -805,9 +805,13 @@ let transl_toplevel_item item =
let idents = (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
+ (* we need to use unique name in case of multiple
+ definitions of the same extension constructor in the toplevel *)
+ List.iter set_toplevel_unique_name idents;
transl_type_extension item.str_env None tyext
(make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
| Tstr_exception ext ->
+ set_toplevel_unique_name ext.ext_id;
toploop_setvalue ext.ext_id
(transl_extension_constructor item.str_env None ext)
| Tstr_module {mb_id=id; mb_expr=modl} ->
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index c96e32b66..eb8c9435e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let maybe_pointer exp =
match Env.find_type p exp.exp_env with
| {type_kind = Type_variant []} -> true (* type exn *)
| {type_kind = Type_variant cstrs} ->
- List.exists (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args <> []) cstrs
+ List.exists (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args <> Cstr_tuple []) cstrs
| _ -> true
with Not_found -> true
(* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options,
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ let array_element_kind env ty =
{type_kind = Type_abstract} ->
| {type_kind = Type_variant cstrs}
- when List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args = []) cstrs ->
+ when List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args = Cstr_tuple [])
+ cstrs ->
| {type_kind = _} ->