path: root/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
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Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0327b152..000000000
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
-(* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
-(* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the OCaml *)
-(* source tree. *)
-(* *)
-(* Authors:
- * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
- * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
- *)
-module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
- module Tools = Tools.Make Structure;
- module Search = Search.Make Structure;
- module Print = Print.Make Structure;
- open Structure;
- open Format;
-value rec name_of_symbol entry =
- fun
- [ Snterm e -> "[" ^ e.ename ^ "]"
- | Snterml e l -> "[" ^ e.ename ^ " level " ^ l ^ "]"
- | Sself | Snext -> "[" ^ entry.ename ^ "]"
- | Stoken (_, descr) -> descr
- | Skeyword kwd -> "\"" ^ kwd ^ "\""
- | _ -> "???" ]
-value rec name_of_symbol_failed entry =
- fun
- [ Slist0 s | Slist0sep s _ |
- Slist1 s | Slist1sep s _ |
- Sopt s | Stry s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
- | Stree t -> name_of_tree_failed entry t
- | s -> name_of_symbol entry s ]
-and name_of_tree_failed entry =
- fun
- [ Node {node = s; brother = bro; son = son} ->
- let tokl =
- match s with
- [ Stoken _ | Skeyword _ -> Tools.get_token_list entry [] s son
- | _ -> None ]
- in
- match tokl with
- [ None ->
- let txt = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
- let txt =
- match (s, son) with
- [ (Sopt _, Node _) -> txt ^ " or " ^ name_of_tree_failed entry son
- | _ -> txt ]
- in
- let txt =
- match bro with
- [ DeadEnd | LocAct _ _ -> txt
- | Node _ -> txt ^ " or " ^ name_of_tree_failed entry bro ]
- in
- txt
- | Some (tokl, _, _) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun s tok ->
- (if s = "" then "" else s ^ " then ") ^
- match tok with
- [ Stoken (_, descr) -> descr
- | Skeyword kwd -> kwd
- | _ -> assert False ])
- "" tokl ]
- | DeadEnd | LocAct _ _ -> "???" ]
-value magic _s x = debug magic "Obj.magic: %s@." _s in Obj.magic x;
-value tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree =
- let txt = name_of_tree_failed entry tree in
- let txt =
- match prev_symb with
- [ Slist0 s ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
- | Slist1 s ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
- | Slist0sep s sep ->
- match magic "tree_failed: 'a -> list 'b" prev_symb_result with
- [ [] ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
- | _ ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected" ]
- | Slist1sep s sep ->
- match magic "tree_failed: 'a -> list 'b" prev_symb_result with
- [ [] ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected"
- | _ ->
- let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep in
- txt1 ^ " or " ^ txt ^ " expected" ]
- | Stry _(*NP: not sure about this*) | Sopt _ | Stree _ -> txt ^ " expected"
- | _ -> txt ^ " expected after " ^ name_of_symbol entry prev_symb ]
- in
- do {
- if entry.egram.error_verbose.val then do {
- let tree = Search.tree_in_entry prev_symb tree entry.edesc;
- let ppf = err_formatter;
- fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>@,";
- fprintf ppf "----------------------------------@,";
- fprintf ppf "Parse error in entry [%s], rule:@;<0 2>" entry.ename;
- fprintf ppf "@[";
- Print.print_level ppf pp_force_newline (Print.flatten_tree tree);
- fprintf ppf "@]@,";
- fprintf ppf "----------------------------------@,";
- fprintf ppf "@]@."
- }
- else ();
- txt ^ " (in [" ^ entry.ename ^ "])"
- }
-value symb_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb symb =
- let tree = Node {node = symb; brother = DeadEnd; son = DeadEnd} in
- tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree
-value symb_failed_txt e s1 s2 = symb_failed e 0 s1 s2;