path: root/camlp4/test/fixtures/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/test/fixtures/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/test/fixtures/ b/camlp4/test/fixtures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 322cc67e1..000000000
--- a/camlp4/test/fixtures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-type t = A of t * t | B;;
-type t2 = C of (t2 * t2) | D;;
-type 'a t3 = S of 'a | T;;
-fun B B B -> ();;
-fun B (A (B, B)) B -> ();;
-fun D (D, D) -> ();;
-fun (C (D, D)) -> ();;
-let A (b, B) = A (B, B);;
-let f (A (B, B)) = ();;
-let f B (A (B, B)) = ();;
-let (D, d) = (D, D);;
-let (C (D, d)) = (C (D, D));;
-function S S T -> ();;
-function Some (A (B, B)) -> ();;
-function S (A (B, B)) -> ();;
-function S (D, D) -> ();;
-function (C (D, D)) -> ();;
-| Some Some Some x -> x
-(* | None None None x -> x *)
-| _ -> assert false;;
-fun None None None -> ();;
-fun (Some None) None None -> ();;
-let Some a = Some 42;;
-let Some a :: y = [Some 42];;
-let Some a, b = Some 42, 43;;
-let (Some a), b = Some 42, 43;;
-let Some a as b = let _ = b = 42 in Some 42;;
-(* let Some (a as b) = let _ = b = None in Some 42;; *)
-(* let Some (a as b) = let _ = b = 42 in Some 42;; *)
-(* let (Some a) as b = let _ = b = 42 in Some 42;; *)
-(* let (Some a) as b = let _ = b = None in Some 42;; *)
-let Some a | Some a = Some 42;;
-let x,y as r = 1,2 ;;
-let ((x, y) as r) = (1, 2);;
-type top = Top of (int * int);;
-match Top (1,2) with Top min as t -> ();;
-match Top (1,2) with Top (min,max) as t -> ();;
-(* let Some 'a' .. 'b' = Some 'b';; *)
-let rec f x y = ();;
-fun x y -> ();;
-fun (x, y) -> ();;
-function x, y -> ();;
-let rec next line pos0 = () in ();;
-(* fun Some None None None -> ();; *)
-(* fun x, y -> ();; |+ syntax error +| *)