path: root/debugger
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debugger')
12 files changed, 200 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index ce235e701..a50ee4ca5 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(************************ Reading and executing commands ***************)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
open Misc
open Instruct
open Unix
@@ -228,12 +228,10 @@ let instr_dir lexbuf =
- List.iter (function x -> add_path (expand_path x)) (List.rev new_directory);
- open_box 2;
- print_string "Directories :";
- List.iter (function x -> print_space(); print_string x) !Config.load_path;
- close_box();
- print_newline ()
+ List.iter (function x -> add_path (expand_path x))
+ (List.rev new_directory);
+ let print_dirs ppf l = List.iter (function x -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" x) l in
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>Directories :%a@]@." print_dirs !Config.load_path
let instr_kill lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
@@ -326,26 +324,25 @@ let instr_goto lexbuf =
let instr_quit _ =
raise Exit
-let print_variable_list () =
- print_endline "List of variables :";
- List.iter (fun v -> print_string v.var_name; print_space()) !variable_list;
- print_newline ()
+let print_variable_list ppf =
+ let pr_vars ppf = List.iter (fun v -> fprintf ppf "%s@ " v.var_name) in
+ fprintf ppf "List of variables :%a@." pr_vars !variable_list
-let print_info_list () =
- print_endline "List of info commands :";
- List.iter (fun i -> print_string i.info_name; print_space()) !info_list;
- print_newline ()
+let print_info_list ppf =
+ let pr_infos ppf = List.iter (fun i -> fprintf ppf "%s@ " i.info_name) in
+ print_endline "List of info commands :%a@." pr_infos !info_list
let instr_complete lexbuf =
+ let ppf = Format.err_formatter in
let rec print_list l =
eol lexbuf;
- List.iter (function i -> print_string i; print_newline ()) l
+ List.iter (function i -> fprintf ppf "%s@." i) l
with _ ->
remove_file !user_channel
and match_list lexbuf =
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
- None ->
+ | None -> (fun i -> i.instr_name) !instruction_list
| Some x ->
match matching_instructions x with
@@ -382,87 +379,77 @@ let instr_complete lexbuf =
print_list(match_list lexbuf)
-let instr_help lexbuf =
+let instr_help ppf lexbuf =
+ let pr_instrs ppf =
+ List.iter (fun i -> fprintf ppf "%s@ " i.instr_name) in
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
- Some x ->
+ | Some x ->
let print_help nm hlp =
eol lexbuf;
- print_string nm;
- print_string " : ";
- print_string hlp;
- print_newline ()
- in
- begin match matching_instructions x with
- [] ->
- eol lexbuf;
- print_string "No matching command.";
- print_newline ()
- | [ {instr_name = "set"} ] ->
- find_variable
- (fun v _ ->
- print_help ("set " ^ v.var_name) ("set " ^ v.var_help))
- (fun () ->
- print_help "set" "set debugger variable.";
- print_variable_list ())
- lexbuf
- | [ {instr_name = "show"} ] ->
- find_variable
- (fun v _ ->
- print_help ("show " ^ v.var_name) ("show " ^ v.var_help))
- (fun () ->
- print_help "show" "display debugger variable.";
- print_variable_list ())
- lexbuf
- | [ {instr_name = "info"} ] ->
- find_info
- (fun i _ -> print_help ("info " ^ i.info_name) i.info_help)
- (fun () ->
- print_help "info" "display infos about the program being debugged.";
- print_info_list ())
- lexbuf
- | [i] ->
- print_help i.instr_name i.instr_help
- | l ->
- eol lexbuf;
- print_string ("Ambiguous command \"" ^ x ^ "\" : ");
- List.iter
- (fun i -> print_string i.instr_name; print_space())
- l;
- print_newline ()
- end
+ fprintf ppf "%s : %s@." nm hlp in
+ begin match matching_instructions x with
+ | [] ->
+ eol lexbuf;
+ fprintf ppf "No matching command.@."
+ | [ {instr_name = "set"} ] ->
+ find_variable
+ (fun v _ ->
+ print_help ("set " ^ v.var_name) ("set " ^ v.var_help))
+ (fun () ->
+ print_help "set" "set debugger variable.";
+ print_variable_list ppf)
+ lexbuf
+ | [ {instr_name = "show"} ] ->
+ find_variable
+ (fun v _ ->
+ print_help ("show " ^ v.var_name) ("show " ^ v.var_help))
+ (fun () ->
+ print_help "show" "display debugger variable.";
+ print_variable_list ppf)
+ lexbuf
+ | [ {instr_name = "info"} ] ->
+ find_info
+ (fun i _ -> print_help ("info " ^ i.info_name) i.info_help)
+ (fun () ->
+ print_help "info"
+ "display infos about the program being debugged.";
+ print_info_list ppf)
+ lexbuf
+ | [i] ->
+ print_help i.instr_name i.instr_help
+ | l ->
+ eol lexbuf;
+ fprintf ppf "Ambiguous command \"%s\" : @." x pr_instrs l
+ end
| None ->
- print_endline "List of commands :";
- List.iter
- (fun i -> print_string i.instr_name; print_space())
- !instruction_list;
- print_newline ()
+ print_endline "List of commands :%a@." pr_instrs !instruction_list
(* Printing values *)
-let print_expr depth ev env expr =
+let print_expr depth ev env ppf expr =
let (v, ty) = Eval.expression ev env expr in
- print_named_value depth expr v ty env
+ print_named_value depth expr v ty ppf env
with Eval.Error msg ->
- Eval.report_error msg;
+ Eval.report_error ppf msg;
raise Toplevel
-let print_command depth lexbuf =
- let exprs = expression_list_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
+let print_command depth ppf lexbuf =
+ let exprs = expression_list_eol Lexer.lexeme ppf lexbuf in
ensure_loaded ();
let env =
Envaux.env_of_event !selected_event
Envaux.Error msg ->
- Envaux.report_error msg;
+ Envaux.report_error ppf msg;
raise Toplevel
- List.iter (print_expr depth !selected_event env) exprs
+ List.iter (print_expr depth !selected_event env ppf) exprs
-let instr_print lexbuf = print_command !max_printer_depth lexbuf
+let instr_print ppf lexbuf = print_command !max_printer_depth ppf lexbuf
-let instr_display lexbuf = print_command 1 lexbuf
+let instr_display ppf lexbuf = print_command 1 ppf lexbuf
(* Loading of command files *)
@@ -483,7 +470,7 @@ let instr_source lexbuf =
(openfile (find_in_path !Config.load_path (expand_path file))
- Not_found -> prerr_endline "Source file not found."; raise Toplevel
+ | Not_found -> prerr_endline "Source file not found."; raise Toplevel
| (Unix_error _) as x -> Unix_tools.report_error x; raise Toplevel
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 79b8fcfd8..3c56fd80a 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ module Remote_value =
type t = Remote of string | Local of Obj.t
let obj = function
- Local obj -> Obj.obj obj
+ | Local obj -> Obj.obj obj
| Remote v ->
output_char !conn.io_out 'M';
output_remote_value !conn.io_out v;
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ module Remote_value =
raise Marshalling_error
let is_block = function
- Local obj -> Obj.is_block obj
+ | Local obj -> Obj.is_block obj
| Remote v -> Obj.is_block (Array.unsafe_get (Obj.magic v : Obj.t array) 0)
let tag = function
- Local obj -> Obj.tag obj
+ | Local obj -> Obj.tag obj
| Remote v ->
output_char !conn.io_out 'H';
output_remote_value !conn.io_out v;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ module Remote_value =
header land 0xFF
let size = function
- Local obj -> Obj.size obj
+ | Local obj -> Obj.size obj
| Remote v ->
output_char !conn.io_out 'H';
output_remote_value !conn.io_out v;
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ module Remote_value =
let field v n =
match v with
- Local obj -> Local(Obj.field obj n)
+ | Local obj -> Local(Obj.field obj n)
| Remote v ->
output_char !conn.io_out 'F';
output_remote_value !conn.io_out v;
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ module Remote_value =
Remote(input_remote_value !conn.io_in)
let closure_code = function
- Local obj -> assert false
+ | Local obj -> assert false
| Remote v ->
output_char !conn.io_out 'C';
output_remote_value !conn.io_out v;
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 352ea4909..ba8d6dff5 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -76,12 +76,8 @@ let env_of_event =
(* Error report *)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
-let report_error error =
- open_box 0;
- begin match error with
- Module_not_found p ->
- print_string "Cannot find module "; Printtyp.path p
- end;
- close_box(); print_newline()
+let report_error ppf = function
+ | Module_not_found p ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[Cannot find module %a@].@." Printtyp.path p
diff --git a/debugger/envaux.mli b/debugger/envaux.mli
index 7cd206643..8b122cc34 100644
--- a/debugger/envaux.mli
+++ b/debugger/envaux.mli
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
(* $Id$ *)
+open Format
(* Convert environment summaries to environments *)
val env_of_event: Instruct.debug_event option -> Env.t
@@ -28,4 +30,4 @@ type error =
exception Error of error
-val report_error: error -> unit
+val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index dfa1557f5..5024cf5af 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -160,44 +160,48 @@ and find_label lbl env ty path tydesc pos = function
(* Error report *)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
-let report_error error =
- open_box 0;
- begin match error with
- Unbound_identifier id ->
- printf "Unbound identifier %s" ( id)
+let report_error ppf = function
+ | Unbound_identifier id ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unbound identifier %s@]@." ( id)
| Not_initialized_yet path ->
- print_string "The module path "; Printtyp.path path;
- printf " is not yet initialized.@ ";
- print_string "Please run program forward until its initialization code is executed."
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The module path %a is not yet initialized.@ \
+ Please run program forward@ \
+ until its initialization code is executed.@]@."
+ Printtyp.path path
| Unbound_long_identifier lid ->
- print_string "Unbound identifier "; Printtyp.longident lid
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unbound identifier %a@]@." Printtyp.longident lid
| Unknown_name n ->
- printf "Unknown value name $%i" n
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unknown value name $%i@]@." n
| Tuple_index(ty, len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract field number %i from a %i" pos len;
- print_string "-components tuple of type ";
- Printtyp.reset (); Printtyp.mark_loops ty;
- print_space(); Printtyp.type_expr ty
+ Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract field number %i from a %i-components \
+ tuple of type@ %a@]@."
+ pos len Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Array_index(len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract element number %i from array of length %i" pos len
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract element number %i from array of length %i@]@." pos len
| List_index(len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract element number %i from list of length %i" pos len
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract element number %i from list of length %i@]@." pos len
| String_index(s, len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract character number %i" pos;
- printf " from the following string of length %i:@ \"%s\""
- len (String.escaped s)
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract character number %i@ \
+ from the following string of length %i:@ \"%s\"@]@."
+ pos len (String.escaped s)
| Wrong_item_type(ty, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract item number %i from a value of type@ " pos;
- Printtyp.type_expr ty
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract item number %i from a value of type@ %a@]@."
+ pos Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Wrong_label(ty, lbl) ->
- printf "The record type@ "; Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- printf "@ has no label named %s" lbl
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The record type@ %a@ has no label named %s@]@."
+ Printtyp.type_expr ty lbl
| Not_a_record ty ->
- printf "The type@ "; Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- print_string "@ is not a record type"
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The type@ %a@ is not a record type@]@." Printtyp.type_expr ty
| No_result ->
- print_string "No result available at current program event"
- end;
- close_box(); print_newline()
+ fprintf ppf "@[No result available at current program event@]@."
diff --git a/debugger/eval.mli b/debugger/eval.mli
index 6565ebc0e..b2a2998f1 100644
--- a/debugger/eval.mli
+++ b/debugger/eval.mli
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
open Types
open Parser_aux
+open Format
val expression :
Instruct.debug_event option -> Env.t -> expression ->
Debugcom.Remote_value.t * type_expr
type error =
- Unbound_identifier of Ident.t
+ | Unbound_identifier of Ident.t
| Not_initialized_yet of Path.t
| Unbound_long_identifier of Longident.t
| Unknown_name of int
@@ -36,4 +37,4 @@ type error =
exception Error of error
-val report_error: error -> unit
+val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 4968ccdc0..e516380da 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open Types
(* Error report *)
type error =
- Load_failure of Dynlink.error
+ | Load_failure of Dynlink.error
| Unbound_identifier of Longident.t
| Unavailable_module of string * Longident.t
| Wrong_type of Longident.t
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ let debugger_symtable = ref (None: Symtable.global_map option)
let use_debugger_symtable fn arg =
let old_symtable = Symtable.current_state() in
begin match !debugger_symtable with
- None ->
+ | None ->
debugger_symtable := Some(Symtable.current_state())
| Some st ->
@@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ let use_debugger_symtable fn arg =
(* Load a .cmo or .cma file *)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
-let rec loadfiles name =
+let rec loadfiles ppf name =
let filename = find_in_path !Config.load_path name in
use_debugger_symtable Dynlink.loadfile filename;
- printf "File %s loaded@." filename;
+ fprintf ppf "File %s loaded@." filename;
- Dynlink.Error (Dynlink.Unavailable_unit unit) ->
+ | Dynlink.Error (Dynlink.Unavailable_unit unit) ->
loadfiles (String.uncapitalize unit ^ ".cmo")
loadfiles name
| Not_found ->
- printf "Cannot find file %s@." name;
+ fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s@." name;
| Dynlink.Error e ->
raise(Error(Load_failure e))
@@ -106,17 +106,17 @@ let find_printer_type lid =
Ctype.generalize ty_arg;
(ty_arg, path)
- Not_found -> raise(Error(Unbound_identifier lid))
+ | Not_found -> raise(Error(Unbound_identifier lid))
| Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(Wrong_type lid))
-let install_printer lid =
+let install_printer ppf lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type lid in
let v =
use_debugger_symtable eval_path path
with Symtable.Error(Symtable.Undefined_global s) ->
raise(Error(Unavailable_module(s, lid))) in
- Printval.install_printer path ty_arg (Obj.magic v : Obj.t -> unit)
+ Printval.install_printer path ty_arg ppf (Obj.magic v : Obj.t -> unit)
let remove_printer lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type lid in
@@ -127,27 +127,25 @@ let remove_printer lid =
(* Error report *)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
-let report_error error =
- open_box 0;
- begin match error with
- Load_failure e ->
- printf "Error during code loading: %s" (Dynlink.error_message e)
+let report_error ppf = function
+ | Load_failure e ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[Error during code loading: %s@]@."
+ (Dynlink.error_message e)
| Unbound_identifier lid ->
- print_string "Unbound identifier ";
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unbound identifier %a@]@."
Printtyp.longident lid
| Unavailable_module(md, lid) ->
- printf "The debugger does not contain the code for@ ";
- Printtyp.longident lid; printf ".@ ";
- printf "Please load an implementation of %s first." md
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The debugger does not contain the code for@ %a.@ \
+ Please load an implementation of %s first.@]@."
+ Printtyp.longident lid md
| Wrong_type lid ->
- Printtyp.longident lid;
- print_string " has the wrong type for a printing function."
+ fprintf ppf "@[%a has the wrong type for a printing function.@]@."
+ Printtyp.longident lid
| No_active_printer lid ->
- Printtyp.longident lid;
- print_string " is not currently active as a printing function."
- end;
- close_box(); print_newline()
+ fprintf ppf "@[%a is not currently active as a printing function.@]@."
+ Printtyp.longident lid
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index fd620358e..cb8117a42 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
open Misc
open Obj
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
open Parser_aux
open Path
open Types
@@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ let name_value v ty =
let find_named_value name =
Hashtbl.find named_values name
-let check_depth depth obj ty =
+let check_depth ppf depth obj ty =
if depth <= 0 then begin
let n = name_value obj ty in
- print_char '$'; print_int n;
+ fprintf ppf "$%i" n;
end else true
module Printer = Genprintval.Make(Debugcom.Remote_value)
-let install_printer path ty fn =
+let install_printer path ty ppf fn =
Printer.install_printer path ty
(function remote_val ->
fn (Obj.repr (Debugcom.Remote_value.obj remote_val))
Debugcom.Marshalling_error ->
- print_string "<cannot fetch remote object>")
+ fprintf ppf "<cannot fetch remote object>")
let remove_printer = Printer.remove_printer
@@ -66,23 +66,22 @@ let max_printer_steps = ref 300
let print_exception = Printer.print_exception
-let print_value max_depth obj ty env =
+let print_value max_depth env obj (ppf : Format.formatter) ty =
Printer.print_value !max_printer_steps max_depth
- check_depth env obj ty
+ (check_depth ppf) env obj ppf ty
-let print_named_value max_depth exp obj ty env =
- printf "@[<2>";
- begin match exp with
- E_ident lid ->
- Printtyp.longident lid
+let print_named_value max_depth exp env obj ppf ty =
+ let print_value_name ppf = function
+ | E_ident lid ->
+ Printtyp.longident ppf lid
| E_name n ->
- print_char '$'; print_int n
+ fprintf ppf "$%i" n
| _ ->
let n = name_value obj ty in
- print_char '$'; print_int n
- end;
- Printtyp.reset (); Printtyp.mark_loops ty;
- printf " :@ "; Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- printf "@ =@ ";
- print_value max_depth obj ty env;
- printf "@]@."
+ fprintf ppf "$%i" n in
+ Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a :@ %a@ =@ %a@]@."
+ print_value_name exp
+ Printtyp.type_expr ty
+ (print_value max_depth env obj) ty
diff --git a/debugger/printval.mli b/debugger/printval.mli
index 2df6779a1..f34a9e71d 100644
--- a/debugger/printval.mli
+++ b/debugger/printval.mli
@@ -13,17 +13,20 @@
(* $Id$ *)
+open Format
val max_printer_depth : int ref
val max_printer_steps : int ref
-val print_exception: Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> unit
+val print_exception: formatter -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> unit
val print_named_value :
- int -> Parser_aux.expression ->
- Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> Types.type_expr -> Env.t ->
+ int -> Parser_aux.expression -> Env.t ->
+ Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> formatter -> Types.type_expr ->
val reset_named_values : unit -> unit
val find_named_value : int -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t * Types.type_expr
-val install_printer : Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> (Obj.t -> unit) -> unit
+val install_printer :
+ Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> formatter -> (Obj.t -> unit) -> unit
val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 65a6b7649..b2d89eddf 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
open Instruct
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
open Primitives
open Debugcom
open Checkpoints
@@ -25,44 +25,41 @@ open Show_source
open Breakpoints
(* Display information about the current event. *)
-let show_current_event () =
- print_string "Time : "; print_int (current_time ());
+let show_current_event ppf =
+ fprintf ppf "Time : %i" (current_time ());
(match current_pc () with
- Some pc ->
- print_string " - pc : "; print_int pc
+ | Some pc ->
+ fprintf ppf " - pc : %i" pc
| _ -> ());
update_current_event ();
reset_frame ();
match current_report () with
- None ->
- print_newline ();
- print_string "Beginning of program."; print_newline ();
+ | None ->
+ fprintf ppf "@.Beginning of program.@.";
show_no_point ()
| Some {rep_type = (Event | Breakpoint); rep_program_pointer = pc} ->
let (mdle, point) = current_point () in
- print_string (" - module " ^ mdle);
- print_newline ();
+ fprintf ppf " - module %s@." mdle;
(match breakpoints_at_pc pc with
- [] ->
+ | [] ->
| [breakpoint] ->
- print_string "Breakpoint : "; print_int breakpoint;
- print_newline ()
+ fprintf ppf "Breakpoint : %i@." breakpoint
| breakpoints ->
- print_string "Breakpoints : ";
- List.iter
- (function x -> print_int x; print_string " ")
- (Sort.list (<) breakpoints);
- print_newline ());
+ fprintf ppf "Breakpoints : %a@."
+ (fun ppf l ->
+ List.iter
+ (function x -> fprintf ppf "%i " x) l)
+ (Sort.list (<) breakpoints));
show_point mdle point (current_event_is_before ()) true
| Some {rep_type = Exited} ->
- print_newline (); print_string "Program exit."; print_newline ();
+ fprintf ppf "@.Program exit.@.";
show_no_point ()
| Some {rep_type = Uncaught_exc} ->
- printf "@.Program end.@.";
- printf "@[Uncaught exception:@ ";
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@.Program end.@.\
+ @[Uncaught exception:@ %a@]@."
Printval.print_exception (Debugcom.Remote_value.accu ());
- printf"@]@.";
show_no_point ()
| Some {rep_type = Trap_barrier} ->
(* Trap_barrier not visible outside *)
@@ -71,27 +68,27 @@ let show_current_event () =
(* Display short information about one frame. *)
-let show_one_frame framenum event =
- printf "#%i Pc : %i %s char %i@."
+let show_one_frame framenum ppf event =
+ fprintf ppf "#%i Pc : %i %s char %i@."
framenum event.ev_pos event.ev_module event.ev_char
(* Display information about the current frame. *)
(* --- `select frame' must have succeded before calling this function. *)
-let show_current_frame selected =
+let show_current_frame ppf selected =
match !selected_event with
- None ->
- printf "@.No frame selected.@."
+ | None ->
+ fprintf ppf "@.No frame selected.@."
| Some sel_ev ->
- show_one_frame !current_frame sel_ev;
+ show_one_frame !current_frame ppf sel_ev;
begin match breakpoints_at_pc sel_ev.ev_pos with
- [] ->
- ()
+ | [] -> ()
| [breakpoint] ->
- printf "Breakpoint : %i@." breakpoint
+ fprintf ppf "Breakpoint : %i@." breakpoint
| breakpoints ->
- printf "Breakpoints : ";
- List.iter (function x -> printf "%i " x) (Sort.list (<) breakpoints);
- print_newline ()
+ fprintf ppf "Breakpoints : %a@."
+ (fun ppf l ->
+ List.iter (function x -> fprintf ppf "%i " x) l)
+ (Sort.list (<) breakpoints);
show_point sel_ev.ev_module sel_ev.ev_char
(selected_event_is_before ()) selected
diff --git a/debugger/show_information.mli b/debugger/show_information.mli
index 68d099da2..3069f9332 100644
--- a/debugger/show_information.mli
+++ b/debugger/show_information.mli
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
(* $Id$ *)
+open Format;;
(* Display information about the current event. *)
-val show_current_event : unit -> unit;;
+val show_current_event : formatter -> unit;;
(* Display information about the current frame. *)
(* --- `select frame' must have succeded before calling this function. *)
-val show_current_frame : bool -> unit;;
+val show_current_frame : formatter -> bool -> unit;;
(* Display short information about one frame. *)
-val show_one_frame : int -> Instruct.debug_event -> unit
+val show_one_frame : int -> formatter -> Instruct.debug_event -> unit
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index ec4f4079c..9de33ca5b 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let convert_address address =
(*** Report an unix error. ***)
let report_error = function
- Unix_error (err, fun_name, arg) ->
+ | Unix_error (err, fun_name, arg) ->
prerr_string "Unix error : '";
prerr_string fun_name;
prerr_string "' failed";