path: root/debugger
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debugger')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 6c43f4339..995168648 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -20,23 +20,8 @@ open Source;;
let get_desc ev =
let loc = ev.ev_loc in
- if loc.loc_start.pos_fname <> ""
- then Printf.sprintf "file %s, line %d, characters %d-%d"
- loc.loc_start.pos_fname loc.loc_start.pos_lnum
- (loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol + 1)
- (loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol + 1)
- else begin
- let filename = source_of_module ev.ev_loc.loc_start ev.ev_module in
- try
- let (start, line) = line_of_pos (get_buffer loc.loc_start ev.ev_module)
- loc.loc_start.pos_cnum
- in
- Printf.sprintf "file %s, line %d, characters %d-%d"
- filename line (loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - start + 1)
- (loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - start + 1)
- with Not_found | Out_of_range ->
- Printf.sprintf "file %s, characters %d-%d"
- filename (loc.loc_start.pos_cnum + 1)
- (loc.loc_end.pos_cnum + 1)
- end
+ Printf.sprintf "file %s, line %d, characters %d-%d"
+ loc.loc_start.pos_fname loc.loc_start.pos_lnum
+ (loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol + 1)
+ (loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol + 1)
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index 0314cfacb..372b8be37 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -39,20 +39,7 @@ let source_of_module pos mdle =
!Config.load_path in
let fname = pos.Lexing.pos_fname in
- if fname = "" then
- let innermost_module =
- try
- let dot_index = String.rindex mdle '.' in
- String.sub mdle (succ dot_index) (pred ((String.length mdle) - dot_index))
- with Not_found -> mdle in
- let rec loop =
- function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | ext :: exts ->
- try find_in_path_uncap path (innermost_module ^ ext)
- with Not_found -> loop exts
- in loop source_extensions
- else if Filename.is_implicit fname then
+ if Filename.is_implicit fname then
find_in_path path fname