path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 3b066eb7a..2613e5669 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -981,6 +981,23 @@ class html =
self#html_of_described_parameter_list module_name m.met_value.val_parameters
+ (** Return HTML code to print the type of the given parameter,
+ and eventually its label. Note that we must remove
+ the option constructor if we print an optional argument.*)
+ method html_of_parameter m p =
+ let (pi,label) = p in
+ let (slabel, t) =
+ let t = Parameter.typ p in
+ match label with
+ "" -> ("", t)
+ | s ->
+ if s.[0] = '?' then
+ (s^":", Odoc_info.remove_option t)
+ else
+ (s^":", t)
+ in
+ slabel^(self#html_of_type_expr m t)
(** Return html code for the description of a function parameter. *)
method html_of_parameter_description p =
match Parameter.names p with
@@ -1224,15 +1241,13 @@ class html =
(** Return html code for the given [class_kind].*)
- method html_of_class_kind father ?(with_def_syntax=true) ckind =
+ method html_of_class_kind father ckind =
print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class_kind";
match ckind with
Class_structure _ ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
(self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end)
| Class_apply capp ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
match capp.capp_class with
None -> capp.capp_name
@@ -1247,7 +1262,6 @@ class html =
| Class_constr cco ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
match cco.cco_type_parameters with
[] -> ""
@@ -1256,24 +1270,23 @@ class html =
match cco.cco_class with
None -> cco.cco_name
- | Some cl ->
+ | Some (Cl cl) ->
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in
"<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a> "
+ | Some (Cltype (clt,_)) ->
+ let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in
+ "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^clt.clt_name^"</a> "
| Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- "( "^(self#html_of_class_kind father ~with_def_syntax: false ck)^
+ "( "^(self#html_of_class_kind father ck)^
" : "^
(self#html_of_class_type_kind father ctk)^
" )"
(** Return html code for the given [class_type_kind].*)
- method html_of_class_type_kind father ?def_syntax ctkind =
+ method html_of_class_type_kind father ctkind =
match ctkind with
Class_type cta ->
- (match def_syntax with
- None -> ""
- | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
match cta.cta_type_parameters with
[] -> ""
@@ -1294,73 +1307,88 @@ class html =
"<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^cl.cl_name^"</a>"
| Class_signature _ ->
- (match def_syntax with
- None -> ""
- | Some s -> " "^s^" ")^
- (self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end)
+ self#html_of_code ~with_pre: false Odoc_messages.object_end
(** Return html code for a class. *)
method html_of_class ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) c =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files c.cl_name in
- "<pre>"^(self#keyword "class")^" "^
+ let p = Printf.bprintf in
+ p buf "<pre>%s " (self#keyword "class");
(* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can
go directly here when the class name is used as a type name *)
- "<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target
- { ty_name = c.cl_name ;
- ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
- ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
- ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc })^
- "\"></a>"^
- (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : virtual or not" ; "")^
- (if c.cl_virtual then (self#keyword "virtual")^" " else "")^
+ p buf "<a name=\"%s\"></a>"
+ (Naming.type_target
+ { ty_name = c.cl_name ;
+ ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
+ ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
+ ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc });
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : virtual or not" ;
+ if c.cl_virtual then p buf "%s " (self#keyword "virtual") else ();
match c.cl_type_parameters with
- [] -> ""
- | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father c.cl_name) ", " l)^"] "
- )^
- (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : with link or not" ; "")^
+ [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ p buf "[%s] "
+ (self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father c.cl_name) ", " l)
+ );
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : with link or not" ;
if with_link then
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple c.cl_name)^"</a>"
+ p buf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" html_file (Name.simple c.cl_name)
- Name.simple c.cl_name
- )^
- (match c.cl_parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> " ... ")^
- (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : class kind" ; "")^
- (self#html_of_class_kind (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_kind)^
- "</pre>"^
- (print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : info" ; "")^
- ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) c.cl_info)
+ p buf "%s" (Name.simple c.cl_name)
+ );
+ Buffer.add_string buf " : " ;
+ List.iter
+ (fun param ->
+ p buf "%s -> " (self#html_of_parameter (Name.father c.cl_name) param))
+ c.cl_parameters;
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : class kind" ;
+ Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_kind (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_kind);
+ Buffer.add_string buf "</pre>" ;
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : info" ;
+ Buffer.add_string buf
+ ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) c.cl_info);
+ Buffer.contents buf
(** Return html code for a class type. *)
method html_of_class_type ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
+ let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
+ let p = Printf.bprintf in
let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files ct.clt_name in
- "<pre>"^(self#keyword "class type")^" "^
+ p buf "<pre>%s " (self#keyword "class type");
(* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can
go directly here when the class type name is used as a type name *)
- "<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target
- { ty_name = ct.clt_name ;
- ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
- ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
- ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc })^
- "\"></a>"^
- (if ct.clt_virtual then (self#keyword "virtual")^" " else "")^
+ p buf "<a name=\"%s\"></a>"
+ (Naming.type_target
+ { ty_name = ct.clt_name ;
+ ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
+ ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
+ ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc });
+ if ct.clt_virtual then p buf "%s "(self#keyword "virtual") else ();
match ct.clt_type_parameters with
- [] -> ""
- | l -> "["^(self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father ct.clt_name) ", " l)^"] "
- )^
- (
- if with_link then
- "<a href=\""^html_file^"\">"^(Name.simple ct.clt_name)^"</a>"
- else
- Name.simple ct.clt_name
- )^
- (self#html_of_class_type_kind (Name.father ct.clt_name) ~def_syntax: ":" ct.clt_kind)^
- "</pre>"^
- ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) ct.clt_info)
+ [] -> ()
+ | l -> p buf "[%s] " (self#html_of_type_expr_list (Name.father ct.clt_name) ", " l)
+ );
+ if with_link then
+ p buf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" html_file (Name.simple ct.clt_name)
+ else
+ p buf "%s" (Name.simple ct.clt_name);
+ Buffer.add_string buf " = ";
+ Buffer.add_string buf (self#html_of_class_type_kind (Name.father ct.clt_name) ct.clt_kind);
+ Buffer.add_string buf "</pre>";
+ Buffer.add_string buf ((if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence) ct.clt_info);
+ Buffer.contents buf
(** Return html code to represent a dag, represented as in Odoc_dag2html. *)
method html_of_dag dag =
@@ -1505,7 +1533,7 @@ class html =
| Class_comment t ->
output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_comment t)
- (Class.class_elements cl);
+ (Class.class_elements ~trans:false cl);
output_string chanout "</html>";
close_out chanout;
@@ -1557,7 +1585,7 @@ class html =
| Class_comment t ->
output_string chanout (self#html_of_class_comment t)
- (Class.class_type_elements clt);
+ (Class.class_type_elements ~trans: false clt);
output_string chanout "</html>";
close_out chanout;