path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 2ce0d1674..6f427c235 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -106,38 +106,38 @@ let rec equal ~prefix t1 t2 =
and fields2 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields fields1 fields2 in
- row1.row_closed = row2.row_closed & r1 = [] & r2 = [] &
+ row1.row_closed = row2.row_closed && r1 = [] && r2 = [] &&
List.for_all pairs ~f:
begin fun (_,f1,f2) ->
match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> true
| Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent (Some t2) -> equal t1 t2 ~prefix
| Reither(c1, tl1, _), Reither(c2, tl2, _) ->
- c1 = c2 & List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &
+ c1 = c2 && List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &&
List.for_all2 tl1 tl2 ~f:(equal ~prefix)
| _ -> false
| Tarrow _, Tarrow _ ->
let l1, t1 = all_args t1 and l2, t2 = all_args t2 in
- equal t1 t2 ~prefix &
- List.length l1 = List.length l2 &
+ equal t1 t2 ~prefix &&
+ List.length l1 = List.length l2 &&
List.exists (permutations l1) ~f:
begin fun l1 ->
List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:
begin fun (p1,t1) (p2,t2) ->
- (p1 = "" or p1 = p2) & equal t1 t2 ~prefix
+ (p1 = "" || p1 = p2) && equal t1 t2 ~prefix
| Ttuple l1, Ttuple l2 ->
- List.length l1 = List.length l2 &
+ List.length l1 = List.length l2 &&
List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(equal ~prefix)
| Tconstr (p1, l1, _), Tconstr (p2, l2, _) ->
remove_prefix ~prefix (longident_of_path p1) = (longident_of_path p2)
- & List.length l1 = List.length l2
- & List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(equal ~prefix)
+ && List.length l1 = List.length l2
+ && List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(equal ~prefix)
| _ -> false
-let is_opt s = s <> "" & s.[0] = '?'
+let is_opt s = s <> "" && s.[0] = '?'
let get_options = List.filter ~f:is_opt
let rec included ~prefix t1 t2 =
@@ -149,37 +149,37 @@ let rec included ~prefix t1 t2 =
and fields2 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields fields1 fields2 in
- r1 = [] &
+ r1 = [] &&
List.for_all pairs ~f:
begin fun (_,f1,f2) ->
match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> true
| Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent (Some t2) -> included t1 t2 ~prefix
| Reither(c1, tl1, _), Reither(c2, tl2, _) ->
- c1 = c2 & List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &
+ c1 = c2 && List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &&
List.for_all2 tl1 tl2 ~f:(included ~prefix)
| _ -> false
| Tarrow _, Tarrow _ ->
let l1, t1 = all_args t1 and l2, t2 = all_args t2 in
- included t1 t2 ~prefix &
+ included t1 t2 ~prefix &&
let len1 = List.length l1 and len2 = List.length l2 in
let l2 = if arr len1 ~card:len2 < 100 then l2 else
let ll1 = get_options (fst (List.split l1)) in
List.filter l2
- ~f:(fun (l,_) -> not (is_opt l) or List.mem l ll1)
+ ~f:(fun (l,_) -> not (is_opt l) || List.mem l ll1)
- len1 <= len2 &
+ len1 <= len2 &&
List.exists (List2.flat_map ~f:permutations (choose len1 ~card:l2)) ~f:
begin fun l2 ->
List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:
begin fun (p1,t1) (p2,t2) ->
- (p1 = "" or p1 = p2) & included t1 t2 ~prefix
+ (p1 = "" || p1 = p2) && included t1 t2 ~prefix
| Ttuple l1, Ttuple l2 ->
let len1 = List.length l1 in
- len1 <= List.length l2 &
+ len1 <= List.length l2 &&
List.exists (List2.flat_map ~f:permutations (choose len1 ~card:l2)) ~f:
begin fun l2 ->
List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(included ~prefix)
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ let rec included ~prefix t1 t2 =
| _, Ttuple _ -> included (newty (Ttuple [t1])) t2 ~prefix
| Tconstr (p1, l1, _), Tconstr (p2, l2, _) ->
remove_prefix ~prefix (longident_of_path p1) = (longident_of_path p2)
- & List.length l1 = List.length l2
- & List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(included ~prefix)
+ && List.length l1 = List.length l2
+ && List.for_all2 l1 l2 ~f:(included ~prefix)
| _ -> false
let mklid = function
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ let rec search_type_in_signature t ~sign ~prefix ~mode =
begin match td.type_manifest with
None -> false
| Some t -> matches t
- end or
+ end ||
begin match td.type_kind with
Type_abstract -> false
| Type_variant l ->
@@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ let rec search_type_in_signature t ~sign ~prefix ~mode =
| Tsig_class (id, cl) ->
let self = self_type cl.cty_type in
if matches self
- or (match cl.cty_new with None -> false | Some ty -> matches ty)
- (* or List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
+ || (match cl.cty_new with None -> false | Some ty -> matches ty)
+ (* || List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
~f:(fun (_,_,ty_field) -> matches ty_field) *)
then [lid_of_id id, Pclass] else []
| Tsig_cltype (id, cl) ->
let self = self_type cl.clty_type in
if matches self
- (* or List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
+ (* || List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
~f:(fun (_,_,ty_field) -> matches ty_field) *)
then [lid_of_id id, Pclass] else []
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ let rec check_match ~pattern s =
match pattern, s with
[], [] -> true
| '*'::l, l' -> check_match ~pattern:l l'
- or check_match ~pattern:('?'::'*'::l) l'
+ || check_match ~pattern:('?'::'*'::l) l'
| '?'::l, _::l' -> check_match ~pattern:l l'
| x::l, y::l' when x == y -> check_match ~pattern:l l'
| _ -> false
@@ -344,12 +344,12 @@ let search_pattern_symbol text =
| Tsig_module (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodule]
| Tsig_modtype (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodtype]
| Tsig_class (i, cl) when check i
- or List.exists
+ || List.exists
(get_fields ~prefix:[modname] ~sign (self_type cl.cty_type))
~f:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match ~pattern (explode name))
-> [i, Pclass]
| Tsig_cltype (i, cl) when check i
- or List.exists
+ || List.exists
(get_fields ~prefix:[modname] ~sign (self_type cl.clty_type))
~f:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match ~pattern (explode name))
-> [i, Pcltype]
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ let search_pattern_symbol text =
let is_pattern s =
try for i = 0 to String.length s -1 do
- if s.[i] = '?' or s.[i] = '*' then raise Exit
+ if s.[i] = '?' || s.[i] = '*' then raise Exit
done; false
with Exit -> true
@@ -446,13 +446,13 @@ let search_structure str ~name ~kind ~prefix =
| Pstr_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
| Pstr_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
| Pstr_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
- | Pstr_class l when kind = Pclass or kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
+ | Pstr_class l when kind = Pclass || kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- | Pstr_class_type l when kind = Pcltype or kind = Ptype ->
+ | Pstr_class_type l when kind = Pcltype || kind = Ptype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ let search_signature sign ~name ~kind ~prefix =
| Psig_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
| Psig_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
| Psig_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
- | Psig_class l when kind = Pclass or kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
+ | Psig_class l when kind = Pclass || kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- | Psig_class_type l when kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
+ | Psig_class_type l when kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start