path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 5bdd068bc..617d40bb8 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -216,18 +216,17 @@ let search_symbol () =
(* Display the contents of a module *)
+let ident_of_decl ~modlid = function
+ Tsig_value (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pvalue
+ | Tsig_type (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Ptype
+ | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, id), Pconstructor
+ | Tsig_module (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodule
+ | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodtype
+ | Tsig_class (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pclass
+ | Tsig_cltype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pcltype
let view_defined modlid ~env =
- try match lookup_module modlid env with
- path, Tmty_signature sign ->
- let ident_of_decl = function
- Tsig_value (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pvalue
- | Tsig_type (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Ptype
- | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, id), Pconstructor
- | Tsig_module (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodule
- | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodtype
- | Tsig_class (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pclass
- | Tsig_cltype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pcltype
- in
+ try match lookup_module modlid env with path, Tmty_signature sign ->
let rec iter_sign sign idents =
match sign with
[] -> List.rev idents
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ let view_defined modlid ~env =
Tsig_class _, cty :: ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
| Tsig_cltype _, ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
| _, rem -> rem
- in iter_sign rem (ident_of_decl decl :: idents)
+ in iter_sign rem (ident_of_decl ~modlid decl :: idents)
let l = iter_sign sign [] in
!choose_symbol_ref l ~title:(string_of_path path) ~signature:sign
@@ -451,6 +450,7 @@ object (self)
Searchpos.default_frame := Some
{ mw_frame = view; mw_title = Some label;
mw_detach = detach; mw_edit = edit; mw_intf = intf };
+ Searchpos.set_path := self#set_path;
(* Buttons *)
pack [close] ~side:`Right ~fill:`X ~expand:true;
@@ -530,6 +530,57 @@ object (self)
self#hide_after 2;
shown_paths <- [path];
+ method set_path path ~sign =
+ prerr_endline ("* " ^ string_of_path path);
+ let rec path_elems l path =
+ match path with
+ Path.Pdot (path, _, _) -> path_elems (path::l) path
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ let path_elems path =
+ match path with
+ | Path.Pident _ -> [path]
+ | _ -> path_elems [] path
+ in
+ let see_path ~box:n ?(sign=[]) path =
+ let (_, box) = List.nth boxes n in
+ let texts = Listbox.get_range box ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End in
+ let rec index s = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | a :: l -> if a = s then 0 else 1 + index s l
+ in
+ try
+ let modlid, s =
+ match path with
+ Path.Pdot (p, s, _) -> longident_of_path p, s
+ | Path.Pident i -> Longident.Lident "M", i
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let li, k =
+ if sign = [] then Longident.Lident s, Pmodule else
+ ident_of_decl ~modlid (List.hd sign) in
+ let s =
+ if n = 0 then string_of_longident li else
+ string_of_longident li ^ " (" ^ string_of_kind k ^ ")" in
+ prerr_endline s;
+ let n = index s texts in
+ Listbox.see box (`Num n);
+ Listbox.activate box (`Num n)
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ in
+ let l = path_elems path in
+ if l <> [] then begin
+ List.iter l ~f:
+ begin fun path ->
+ if not (List.mem path shown_paths) then
+ view_symbol (longident_of_path path) ~kind:Pmodule
+ ~env:Env.initial ~path;
+ let n = self#get_box path - 1 in
+ see_path path ~box:n
+ end;
+ see_path path ~box:(self#get_box path) ~sign
+ end
method choose_symbol ~title ~env ?signature ?path l =
let n =