path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 72b9c1d66..34ccfd7a2 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ let view_symbol ~kind ~env ?path id =
match kind with
Pvalue ->
let path, vd = lookup_value id env in
- view_signature_item ~path ~env [Tsig_value (Ident.create name, vd)]
+ view_signature_item ~path ~env [Sig_value (Ident.create name, vd)]
| Ptype -> view_type_id id ~env
- | Plabel -> let ld = lookup_label id env in
+ | Plabel -> let _,ld = lookup_label id env in
begin match ld.lbl_res.desc with
Tconstr (path, _, _) -> view_type_decl path ~env
| _ -> ()
| Pconstructor ->
- let cd = lookup_constructor id env in
+ let _,cd = lookup_constructor id env in
begin match cd.cstr_res.desc with
Tconstr (cpath, _, _) ->
if Path.same cpath Predef.path_exn then
view_signature ~title:(string_of_longident id) ~env ?path
- [Tsig_exception (Ident.create name, {exn_loc = Location.none; exn_args = cd.cstr_args})]
+ [Sig_exception (Ident.create name, {Types.exn_loc = Location.none; exn_args = cd.cstr_args})]
view_type_decl cpath ~env
| _ -> ()
@@ -217,23 +217,23 @@ let search_symbol () =
(* Display the contents of a module *)
let ident_of_decl ~modlid = function
- Tsig_value (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pvalue
- | Tsig_type (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Ptype
- | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, id), Pconstructor
- | Tsig_module (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodule
- | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodtype
- | Tsig_class (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pclass
- | Tsig_cltype (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pcltype
+ Sig_value (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pvalue
+ | Sig_type (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Ptype
+ | Sig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, id), Pconstructor
+ | Sig_module (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodule
+ | Sig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodtype
+ | Sig_class (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pclass
+ | Sig_class_type (id, _, _) -> Lident ( id), Pcltype
let view_defined ~env ?(show_all=false) modlid =
- try match lookup_module modlid env with path, Tmty_signature sign ->
+ try match lookup_module modlid env with path, Mty_signature sign ->
let rec iter_sign sign idents =
match sign with
[] -> List.rev idents
| decl :: rem ->
let rem = match decl, rem with
- Tsig_class _, cty :: ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
- | Tsig_cltype _, ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
+ Sig_class _, cty :: ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
+ | Sig_class_type _, ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
| _, rem -> rem
in iter_sign rem (ident_of_decl ~modlid decl :: idents)
@@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ let view_defined ~env ?(show_all=false) modlid =
let tl, tw, finish = Jg_message.formatted ~title:"Error!" () in
Env.report_error Format.std_formatter err;
finish ()
+ | Cmi_format.Error err ->
+ let tl, tw, finish = Jg_message.formatted ~title:"Error!" () in
+ Cmi_format.report_error Format.std_formatter err;
+ finish ()
(* Manage toplevel windows *)