path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser')
45 files changed, 0 insertions, 4108 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/Makefile b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b11d80c..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-include ../Makefile.config
-OLABLINCLUDES=-I $(OCAMLDIR)/parsing -I $(OCAMLDIR)/utils -I $(OCAMLDIR)/typing
-OBJ = list2.cmo useunix.cmo setpath.cmo lexical.cmo \
- fileselect.cmo searchid.cmo searchpos.cmo shell.cmo \
- viewer.cmo typecheck.cmo editor.cmo main.cmo
-JG = jg_tk.cmo jg_config.cmo jg_bind.cmo jg_completion.cmo \
- jg_box.cmo \
- jg_button.cmo jg_toplevel.cmo jg_text.cmo jg_message.cmo \
- jg_menu.cmo jg_entry.cmo jg_multibox.cmo jg_memo.cmo
-# Default rules
-.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
-all: lablbrowser
-lablbrowser: jglib.cma $(OBJ)
- $(LINKER) -o lablbrowser $(LABLTKLIB) toplevellib.cma \
- unix.cma str.cma tk41.cma jglib.cma $(OBJ) \
- -cclib -lstr -cclib -lunix $(SYSLIBS)
-jglib.cma: $(JG)
- $(LABLCOMP) -a -o jglib.cma $(JG)
- if test -f lablbrowser; then : ; cp lablbrowser $(INSTALLBINDIR); fi
- rm -f *.cm? lablbrowser *~ *.orig
- $(LABLDEP) *.ml *.mli > .depend
-include .depend
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/README b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ca28b5132..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- Installing and Using LablBrowser
- If you installed it with LablTk, nothing to do.
- Otherwise, the source is in labltk41/browser.
- After installing LablTk, simply do "make" and "make install".
- The name of the command is `lablbrowser'.
- LablBrowser is composed of three tools, the Editor, which allows
- one to edit/typecheck/analyse .mli and .ml files, the Viewer, to
- walk around compiled modules, and the Shell, to run an O'Labl
- subshell. You may only have one instance of Editor and Viewer, but
- you may use several subshells.
- As with the compiler, you may specify a different path for the
- standard library by setting OLABLDIR. You may also extend the
- initial load path (only standard library by default) by using the
- -I command line option.
-a) Viewer
- It displays the list of modules in the load path. Click on one to
- start your trip.
- The entry line at the bottom allows one to search for an identifier
- in all modules, either by its name (? and * patterns allowed) or by
- its type (if there is an arrow in the input). When search by type
- is used, it is done in inclusion mode (cf. Modules - search symbol)
- The Close all button is there to dismiss the windows created
- during your trip (every click creates one...) By double-clicking on
- it you will quit the browser.
- File - Open and File - Editor give access to the editor.
- File - Shell opens an O'Labl shell.
- Modules - Path editor changes the load path.
- Pressing [Add to path] or Insert key adds selected directories
- to the load path.
- Pressing [Remove from path] or Delete key removes selected
- paths from the load path.
- Modules - Reset cache rescans the load path and resets the module
- cache. Do it if you recompile some interface, or change the load
- path in a conflictual way.
- Modules - Search symbol allows to search a symbol either by its
- name, like the bottom line of the viewer, or, more interestingly,
- by its type. Exact type searches for a type with exactly the same
- information as the pattern (variables match only variables),
- included type allows to give only partial information: the actual
- type may take more arguments and return more results, and variables
- in the pattern match anything. In both cases, argument and tuple
- order is irrelevant (*), and unlabeled arguments in the pattern
- match any label.
- (*) To avoid combinatorial explosion of the search space, optional
- arguments in the actual type are ignored if (1) there are to many
- of them, and (2) they do not appear explicitly in the pattern.
-b) Module walking
- Each module is displayed in its own window.
- At the top, a scrollable list of the defined identifiers. If you
- click on one, this will either create a new window (if this is a
- sub-module) or display the signature for this identifier below.
- Signatures are clickable. Double clicking with the left mouse
- button on an identifier in a signature brings you to its signature,
- inside its module box.
- A single click on the right button pops up a menu displaying the
- type declaration for the selected identifier. Its title, when
- selectable, also brings you to its signature.
- At the bottom, a series of buttons, depending on the context.
- * Show all displays the signature of the whole module.
- * Detach copies the currently displayed signature in a new window,
- to keep it.
- * Impl and Intf bring you to the implementation or interface of
- the currently displayed signature, if it is available.
- C-s opens a text search dialog for the displayed signature.
-c) File editor
- You can edit files with it, but there is no auto-save nor undo at
- the moment. Otherwise you can use it as a browser, making
- occasional corrections.
- The Edit menu contains commands for jump (C-g), search (C-s), and
- sending the current selection to a sub-shell (M-x). For this last
- option, you may choose the shell via a dialog.
- Essential function are in the Compiler menu.
- Preferences opens a dialog to set internals of the editor and
- type checker.
- Lex (M-l) adds colors according to lexical categories.
- Typecheck (M-t) verifies typing, and memorizes it to let one see an
- expression's type by double-clicking on it. This is also valid for
- interfaces. If an error occurs, the part of the interface preceding
- the error is computed.
- After typechecking, pressing the right button pops up a menu giving
- the type of the pointed expression, and eventually allowing to
- follow some links.
- Clear errors dismisses type checker error messages and warnings.
- Signature shows the signature of the current file.
-d) Shell
- When you create a shell, a dialog is presented to you, letting you
- choose which command you want to run, and the title of the shell
- (to choose it in the Editor).
- You may change the default command by setting the OLABL environment
- variable.
- The executed subshell is given the current load path.
- File: use a source file or load a bytecode file.
- You may also import the browser's path into the subprocess.
- History: M-p and M-n browse up and down.
- Signal: C-c interrupts and you can kill the subprocess.
-* This not really a bug, but LablBrowser is a huge memory consumer.
- Go and buy some.
-* When you quit the editor and some file was modified, a dialogue is
- displayed asking wether you want to really quit or not. But 1) if
- you quit directly from the viewer, there is no dialogue at all, and
- 2) if you close from the window manager, the dialogue is displayed,
- but you cannot cancel the destruction... Beware.
-* When you run it through xon, the shell hangs at the first error. But
- its ok if you start lablbrowser from a remote shell...
-* Complete cross-references.
-* Power up editor.
-* Add support for the debugger.
-* Make this a real programming environment, both for beginners an
- experimented users.
-Bug reports and comments to <> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c662f01..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Parsetree
-open Location
-open Jg_tk
-open Mytypes
-let lex_on_load = ref true
-and type_on_load = ref false
-let compiler_preferences () =
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Compiler" in
- Wm.transient_set tl master:Widget.default_toplevel;
- let mk_chkbutton :text :ref =
- let variable = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
- if !ref then Textvariable.set variable to:"1";
- Checkbutton.create parent:tl :text :variable (),
- (fun () -> ref := Textvariable.get variable = "1")
- in
- let chkbuttons, setflags = List.split
- ( fun:(fun (text, ref) -> mk_chkbutton :text :ref)
- ["No pervasives", Clflags.nopervasives;
- "No warnings", Typecheck.nowarnings;
- "Classic", Clflags.classic;
- "Lex on load", lex_on_load;
- "Type on load", type_on_load])
- in
- let buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let ok = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Ok" padx:(`Pix 20) () command:
- begin fun () ->
- List.iter fun:(fun f -> f ()) setflags;
- destroy tl
- end
- and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons text:"Cancel"
- in
- pack chkbuttons side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [ok;cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [buttons] side:`Bottom fill:`X
-let rec exclude elt:txt = function
- [] -> []
- | x :: l -> if txt.number = x.number then l else x :: exclude elt:txt l
-let goto_line tw =
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Go to" in
- Wm.transient_set tl master:Widget.default_toplevel;
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- let ef = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let fl = Frame.create parent:ef ()
- and fi = Frame.create parent:ef () in
- let ll = Label.create parent:fl text:"Line number:" ()
- and il = Entry.create parent:fi width:10 ()
- and lc = Label.create parent:fl text:"Col number:" ()
- and ic = Entry.create parent:fi width:10 ()
- and get_int ew =
- try int_of_string (Entry.get ew)
- with Failure "int_of_string" -> 0
- in
- let buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let ok = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Ok" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- let l = get_int il
- and c = get_int ic in
- Text.mark_set tw mark:"insert" index:(`Linechar (l,0), [`Char c]);
- Text.see tw index:(`Mark "insert", []);
- destroy tl
- end
- and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons text:"Cancel" in
- Focus.set il;
- List.iter [il; ic] fun:
- begin fun w ->
- Jg_bind.enter_focus w;
- Jg_bind.return_invoke w button:ok
- end;
- pack [ll; lc] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [il; ic] side:`Top fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [fl; fi] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [ok; cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [ef; buttons] side:`Top fill:`X expand:true
-let select_shell txt =
- let shells = Shell.get_all () in
- let shells = Sort.list shells order:(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x <= y) in
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Select Shell" in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- Wm.transient_set tl master:(Winfo.toplevel;
- let label = Label.create parent:tl text:"Send to:" ()
- and box = Listbox.create parent:tl ()
- and frame = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- Jg_bind.enter_focus box;
- let cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:frame text:"Cancel"
- and ok = Button.create parent:frame text:"Ok" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- try
- let name = Listbox.get box index:`Active in
- <- Some (name, List.assoc key:name shells);
- destroy tl
- with Not_found -> <- None; destroy tl
- end
- in
- Listbox.insert box index:`End texts:( fun:fst shells);
- Listbox.configure box height:(List.length shells);
- bind box events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Setbreakable([], fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ()));
- bind box events:[[`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- Listbox.activate box index:(`Atxy (ev.ev_MouseX, ev.ev_MouseY));
- Button.invoke ok; break ()));
- pack [label] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [box] side:`Top fill:`Both;
- pack [frame] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [ok;cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true
-let send_region txt =
- if = None then begin
- match Shell.get_all () with [] -> ()
- | [sh] -> <- Some sh
- | l -> select_shell txt
- end;
- match with None -> ()
- | Some (_,sh) ->
- try
- let i1,i2 = Text.tag_nextrange tag:"sel" start:tstart in
- sh#send (Text.get start:(i1,[]) end:(i2,[]));
- sh#send";;\n"
- with _ -> ()
-let search_pos_window txt :x :y =
- if txt.structure = [] & txt.psignature = [] then () else
- let `Linechar (l, c) = Text.index index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in
- let text = Jg_text.get_all in
- let pos = Searchpos.lines_to_chars l in:text + c in
- try if txt.structure <> [] then
- try Searchpos.search_pos_structure txt.structure :pos
- with Searchpos.Found_str (kind, env) ->
- Searchpos.view_type kind :env
- else
- try Searchpos.search_pos_signature
- txt.psignature :pos env:!Searchid.start_env;
- ()
- with Searchpos.Found_sig (kind, lid, env) ->
- Searchpos.view_decl lid :kind :env
- with Not_found -> ()
-let search_pos_menu txt :x :y =
- if txt.structure = [] & txt.psignature = [] then () else
- let `Linechar (l, c) = Text.index index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in
- let text = Jg_text.get_all in
- let pos = Searchpos.lines_to_chars l in:text + c in
- try if txt.structure <> [] then
- try Searchpos.search_pos_structure txt.structure :pos
- with Searchpos.Found_str (kind, env) ->
- let menu = Searchpos.view_type_menu kind :env in
- let x = x + Winfo.rootx and y = y + Winfo.rooty - 10 in
- Menu.popup menu :x :y
- else
- try Searchpos.search_pos_signature
- txt.psignature :pos env:!Searchid.start_env;
- ()
- with Searchpos.Found_sig (kind, lid, env) ->
- let menu = Searchpos.view_decl_menu lid :kind :env in
- let x = x + Winfo.rootx and y = y + Winfo.rooty - 10 in
- Menu.popup menu :x :y
- with Not_found -> ()
-let string_width s =
- let width = ref 0 in
- for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
- if s.[i] = '\t' then width := (!width / 8 + 1) * 8
- else incr width
- done;
- !width
-let indent_line =
- let ins = `Mark"insert" and reg = Str.regexp "[ \t]*" in
- fun tw ->
- let `Linechar(l,c) = Text.index tw index:(ins,[])
- and line = Text.get tw start:(ins,[`Linestart]) end:(ins,[]) in
- Str.string_match reg line pos:0;
- if Str.match_end () < c then
- Text.insert tw index:(ins,[]) text:"\t"
- else let indent =
- if l <= 1 then 2 else
- let previous =
- Text.get tw start:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Linestart])
- end:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Lineend]) in
- Str.string_match reg previous pos:0;
- let previous = Str.matched_string previous in
- let width = string_width line
- and width_previous = string_width previous in
- if width_previous <= width then 2 else width_previous - width
- in
- Text.insert tw index:(ins,[]) text:(String.make len:indent ' ')
-(* The editor class *)
-class editor :top :menus = object (self)
- val file_menu = new Jg_menu.c "File" parent:menus
- val edit_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Edit" parent:menus
- val compiler_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Compiler" parent:menus
- val module_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Modules" parent:menus
- val window_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Windows" parent:menus
- val label =
- Checkbutton.create parent:menus state:`Disabled
- onvalue:"modified" offvalue:"unchanged" ()
- val mutable current_dir = Unix.getcwd ()
- val mutable error_messages = []
- val mutable windows = []
- val mutable current_tw = Text.create parent:top ()
- val vwindow = Textvariable.create on:top ()
- val mutable window_counter = 0
- method reset_window_menu =
- Menu.delete window_menu#menu first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- List.iter
- (Sort.list windows order:
- (fun w1 w2 -> Filename.basename < Filename.basename
- fun:
- begin fun txt ->
- Menu.add_radiobutton window_menu#menu
- label:(Filename.basename
- variable:vwindow value:txt.number
- command:(fun () -> self#set_edit txt)
- end
- method set_edit txt =
- if windows <> [] then
- Pack.forget [(List.hd windows).frame];
- windows <- txt :: exclude elt:txt windows;
- self#reset_window_menu;
- current_tw <-;
- Checkbutton.configure label text:(Filename.basename
- variable:txt.modified;
- Textvariable.set vwindow to:txt.number;
- Text.yview scroll:(`Page 0);
- pack [txt.frame] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Bottom
- method new_window name =
- let tl, tw, sb = Jg_text.create_with_scrollbar parent:top in
- Text.configure tw background:`White;
- Jg_bind.enter_focus tw;
- window_counter <- window_counter + 1;
- let txt =
- { name = name; tw = tw; frame = tl;
- number = string_of_int window_counter;
- modified = Textvariable.create on:tw ();
- shell = None;
- structure = []; signature = []; psignature = [] }
- in
- let control c = Char.chr (Char.code c - 96) in
- bind tw events:[[`Alt], `KeyPress] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> ()));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
- if ev.ev_Char <> "" &
- (ev.ev_Char.[0] >= ' ' or
- List.mem elt:ev.ev_Char.[0]
- ( fun:control ['d'; 'h'; 'i'; 'k'; 'o'; 't'; 'w'; 'y']))
- then Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified"));
- bind tw events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Tab"]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ ->
- indent_line tw;
- Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
- break ()));
- bind tw events:[[`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
- let text =
- Text.get tw start:(`Mark"insert",[]) end:(`Mark"insert",[`Lineend])
- in Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[ \t]*") text pos:0;
- if Str.match_end () <> String.length text then begin
- Clipboard.clear ();
- Clipboard.append data:text ()
- end));
- bind tw events:[[], `KeyRelease]
- action:(`Set ([`Char], fun ev ->
- if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
- Lexical.tag tw start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[], `Motion] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set tw));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 2]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
- Textvariable.set txt.modified to:"modified";
- Lexical.tag start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart])
- end:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])));
- bind tw events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_window txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- search_pos_menu txt x:ev.ev_MouseX y:ev.ev_MouseY));
- pack [sb] fill:`Y side:`Right;
- pack [tw] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Left;
- self#set_edit txt;
- Checkbutton.deselect label;
- Lexical.init_tags
- method clear_errors () =
- Text.tag_remove current_tw tag:"error" start:tstart end:tend;
- List.iter error_messages
- fun:(fun tl -> try destroy tl with Protocol.TkError _ -> ());
- error_messages <- []
- method typecheck () =
- self#clear_errors ();
- error_messages <- Typecheck.f (List.hd windows)
- method lex () =
- Text.tag_remove current_tw tag:"error" start:tstart end:tend;
- Lexical.tag current_tw
- method save_text ?name:l txt =
- let l = match l with None -> [] | Some l -> l in
- if l = [] then () else
- let name = List.hd l in
- if <> name then current_dir <- Filename.dirname name;
- try
- if Sys.file_exists name then
- if = name then
- Sys.rename old:name new:(name ^ "~")
- else begin match
- Jg_message.ask master:top title:"Save"
- ("File `" ^ name ^ "' exists. Overwrite it?")
- with `yes -> () | `no | `cancel -> raise Exit
- end;
- let file = open_out name in
- let text = Text.get start:tstart end:(tposend 1) in
- output_string text to:file;
- close_out file;
- Checkbutton.configure label text:(Filename.basename name);
- Checkbutton.deselect label;
- <- name
- with
- Sys_error _ | Exit -> ()
- method load_text l =
- if l = [] then () else
- let name = List.hd l in
- try
- let index =
- try
- self#set_edit (List.find windows pred:(fun x -> = name));
- let txt = List.hd windows in
- if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then
- begin match Jg_message.ask master:top title:"Open"
- ("`" ^ Filename.basename ^ "' modified. Save it?")
- with `yes -> self#save_text txt
- | `no -> ()
- | `cancel -> raise Exit
- end;
- Checkbutton.deselect label;
- (Text.index current_tw index:(`Mark"insert", []), [])
- with Not_found -> self#new_window name; tstart
- in
- current_dir <- Filename.dirname name;
- let file = open_in name
- and tw = current_tw
- and len = ref 0
- and buffer = String.create len:4096 in
- Text.delete tw start:tstart end:tend;
- while
- len := input file :buffer pos:0 len:4096;
- !len > 0
- do
- Jg_text.output tw :buffer pos:0 len:!len
- done;
- close_in file;
- Text.mark_set tw mark:"insert" :index;
- Text.see tw :index;
- if Filename.check_suffix name suff:".ml" or
- Filename.check_suffix name suff:".mli"
- then begin
- if !lex_on_load then self#lex ();
- if !type_on_load then self#typecheck ()
- end
- with
- Sys_error _ | Exit -> ()
- method close_window txt =
- try
- if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then
- begin match Jg_message.ask master:top title:"Close"
- ("`" ^ Filename.basename ^ "' modified. Save it?")
- with `yes -> self#save_text txt
- | `no -> ()
- | `cancel -> raise Exit
- end;
- windows <- exclude elt:txt windows;
- if windows = [] then
- self#new_window (current_dir ^ "/untitled")
- else self#set_edit (List.hd windows);
- destroy txt.frame
- with Exit -> ()
- method open_file () =
- Fileselect.f title:"Open File" action:self#load_text
- dir:current_dir filter:("*.{ml,mli}") sync:true ()
- method save_file () = self#save_text (List.hd windows)
- method close_file () = self#close_window (List.hd windows)
- method quit () =
- try List.iter windows
- fun:(fun txt ->
- if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then
- match Jg_message.ask master:top title:"Quit"
- ("`" ^ Filename.basename ^ "' modified. Save it?")
- with `yes -> self#save_text txt
- | `no -> ()
- | `cancel -> raise Exit);
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy] action:`Remove;
- destroy top; break ()
- with Exit -> break ()
- method reopen :file :pos =
- if not (Winfo.ismapped top) then Wm.deiconify top;
- match file with None -> ()
- | Some file ->
- self#load_text [file];
- Text.mark_set current_tw mark:"insert" index:(tpos pos);
- Text.yview_index current_tw
- index:(`Linechar(1,0),[`Char pos; `Line (-2)])
- initializer
- (* Create a first window *)
- self#new_window (current_dir ^ "/untitled");
- (* Bindings for the main window *)
- List.iter
- [ [`Control], "s", (fun () -> Jg_text.search_string current_tw);
- [`Control], "g", (fun () -> goto_line current_tw);
- [`Alt], "x", (fun () -> send_region (List.hd windows));
- [`Alt], "l", self#lex;
- [`Alt], "t", self#typecheck ]
- fun:begin fun (modi,key,act) ->
- bind top events:[modi, `KeyPressDetail key]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([], fun _ -> act (); break ()))
- end;
- bind top events:[[],`Destroy]
- action:(`Setbreakable
- ([`Widget], fun ev ->
- if ev.ev_Widget = top
- then self#quit ()));
- (* File menu *)
- file_menu#add_command "Open File..." command:self#open_file;
- file_menu#add_command "Reopen"
- command:(fun () -> self#load_text [(List.hd windows).name]);
- file_menu#add_command "Save File" command:self#save_file;
- file_menu#add_command "Save As..." underline:5
- command:begin fun () ->
- let txt = List.hd windows in
- Fileselect.f title:"Save as File"
- action:(fun name -> self#save_text txt :name)
- dir:(Filename.dirname
- filter:"*.{ml,mli}"
- file:(Filename.basename
- sync:true usepath:false ()
- end;
- file_menu#add_command "Close File" command:self#close_file;
- file_menu#add_command "Close Window" command:self#quit underline:6;
- (* Edit menu *)
- edit_menu#add_command "Paste selection" command:
- begin fun () ->
- Text.insert current_tw index:(`Mark"insert",[])
- text:(Selection.get displayof:top ())
- end;
- edit_menu#add_command "Goto..." accelerator:"C-g"
- command:(fun () -> goto_line current_tw);
- edit_menu#add_command "Search..." accelerator:"C-s"
- command:(fun () -> Jg_text.search_string current_tw);
- edit_menu#add_command "To shell" accelerator:"M-x"
- command:(fun () -> send_region (List.hd windows));
- edit_menu#add_command "Select shell..."
- command:(fun () -> select_shell (List.hd windows));
- (* Compiler menu *)
- compiler_menu#add_command "Preferences..."
- command:compiler_preferences;
- compiler_menu#add_command "Lex" accelerator:"M-l"
- command:self#lex;
- compiler_menu#add_command "Typecheck" accelerator:"M-t"
- command:self#typecheck;
- compiler_menu#add_command "Clear errors"
- command:self#clear_errors;
- compiler_menu#add_command "Signature..." command:
- begin fun () ->
- let txt = List.hd windows in if txt.signature <> [] then
- let basename = Filename.basename in
- let modname = String.capitalize
- (try Filename.chop_extension basename with _ -> basename) in
- let env =
- Env.add_module (Ident.create modname)
- (Types.Tmty_signature txt.signature)
- Env.initial
- in Viewer.view_defined (Longident.Lident modname) :env
- end;
- (* Modules *)
- module_menu#add_command "Path editor..."
- command:(fun () -> Setpath.f dir:current_dir; ());
- module_menu#add_command "Reset cache"
- command:(fun () -> Setpath.exec_update_hooks (); Env.reset_cache ());
- module_menu#add_command "Search symbol..."
- command:Viewer.search_symbol;
- module_menu#add_command "Close all"
- command:Viewer.close_all_views;
- (* pack everything *)
- pack ( fun:(fun m -> coe m#button)
- [file_menu; edit_menu; compiler_menu; module_menu; window_menu]
- @ [coe label])
- side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
- pack [menus] before:(List.hd windows).frame side:`Top fill:`X
-(* The main function starts here ! *)
-let already_open : editor option ref = ref None
-let editor ?:file ?:pos{= 0} () =
- if match !already_open with None -> false
- | Some ed ->
- try ed#reopen :file :pos; true
- with Protocol.TkError _ -> already_open := None; false
- then () else
- let top = Jg_toplevel.titled "Editor" in
- let menus = Frame.create parent:top name:"menubar" () in
- let ed = new editor :top :menus in
- already_open := Some ed;
- if file <> None then ed#reopen :file :pos
-let f ?:file ?:pos ?:opendialog{=false} () =
- if opendialog then
- Fileselect.f title:"Open File"
- action:(function [file] -> editor :file () | _ -> ())
- filter:("*.{ml,mli}") sync:true ()
- else editor ?:file ?:pos ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d186e4874..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val f : ?file:string -> ?pos:int -> ?opendialog:bool -> unit -> unit
- (* open the file editor *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d0e7c33..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* file selection box *)
-open Useunix
-open Str
-open Filename
-open Tk
-(**** Memoized rexgexp *)
-let regexp = (new Jg_memo.c fun:Str.regexp)#get
-(************************************************************ Path name *)
-let parse_filter src =
- (* replace // by / *)
- let s = global_replace (regexp "/+") with:"/" src in
- (* replace /./ by / *)
- let s = global_replace (regexp "/\./") with:"/" s in
- (* replace hoge/../ by "" *)
- let s = global_replace
- (regexp "\([^/]\|[^\./][^/]\|[^/][^\./]\|[^/][^/]+\)/\.\./") with:"" s in
- (* replace hoge/..$ by *)
- let s = global_replace
- (regexp "\([^/]\|[^\./][^/]\|[^/][^\./]\|[^/][^/]+\)/\.\.$") with:"" s in
- (* replace ^/../../ by / *)
- let s = global_replace (regexp "^\(/\.\.\)+/") with:"/" s in
- if string_match (regexp "^\([^\*?[]*/\)\(.*\)") s pos:0 then
- let dirs = matched_group 1 s
- and ptrn = matched_group 2 s
- in
- dirs, ptrn
- else "", s
-let fixpoint fun:f v =
- let v1 = ref v and v2 = ref (f v) in
- while !v1 <> !v2 do v1 := !v2; v2 := f !v2 done;
- !v1
-let unix_regexp s =
- let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "[$^.+]") with:"\\\\\\0" s in
- let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "\\*") with:".*" s in
- let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "\\?") with:".?" s in
- let s =
- fixpoint s fun:(fun s ->
- Str.global_replace (regexp "\\({.*\\),\\(.*}\\)") s
- with:"\\1\\|\\2") in
- let s =
- Str.global_replace (regexp "{\\(.*\\)}") with:"\\(\\1\\)" s in
- Str.regexp s
-let exact_match s :regexp =
- Str.string_match regexp s pos:0 & Str.match_end () = String.length s
-let ls :dir :pattern =
- let files = get_files_in_directory dir in
- let regexp = unix_regexp pattern in
- List.filter files pred:(exact_match :regexp)
-let ls :dir :pattern =
- subshell cmd:("cd " ^ dir ^ ";/bin/ls -ad " ^ pattern ^" 2>/dev/null")
-(********************************************* Creation *)
-let load_in_path = ref false
-let search_in_path :name = Misc.find_in_path !Config.load_path name
-let f :title action:proc ?:dir{=Unix.getcwd ()}
- ?filter:deffilter{="*"} ?file:deffile{=""}
- ?:multi{=false} ?:sync{=false} ?:usepath{=true} () =
- let current_pattern = ref ""
- and current_dir = ref dir in
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
- Focus.set tl;
- let new_var () = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
- let filter_var = new_var ()
- and selection_var = new_var ()
- and sync_var = new_var () in
- Textvariable.set filter_var to:deffilter;
- let frm = Frame.create parent:tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised () in
- let df = Frame.create parent:frm () in
- let dfl = Frame.create parent:df () in
- let dfll = Label.create parent:dfl text:"Directories" () in
- let dflf, directory_listbox, directory_scrollbar =
- Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar parent:dfl () in
- let dfr = Frame.create parent:df () in
- let dfrl = Label.create parent:dfr text:"Files" () in
- let dfrf, filter_listbox, filter_scrollbar =
- Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar parent:dfr () in
- let cfrm = Frame.create parent:tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised () in
- let configure :filter =
- let filter =
- if string_match (regexp "^/.*") filter pos:0
- then filter
- else !current_dir ^ "/" ^ filter
- in
- let dir, pattern = parse_filter filter in
- let dir = if !load_in_path & usepath then "" else
- (current_dir := Filename.dirname dir; dir)
- and pattern = if pattern = "" then "*" else pattern in
- current_pattern := pattern;
- let filter =
- if !load_in_path & usepath then pattern else dir ^ pattern in
- let directories = get_directories_in_files path:dir
- (get_files_in_directory dir) in
- let matched_files = (* get matched file by subshell call. *)
- if !load_in_path & usepath then
- List.fold_left !Config.load_path acc:[] fun:
- begin fun :acc dir ->
- let files = ls :dir :pattern in
- Sort.merge order:(<) files
- (List.fold_left files :acc
- fun:(fun :acc name -> List2.exclude elt:name acc))
- end
- else
- List.fold_left directories acc:(ls :dir :pattern)
- fun:(fun :acc dir -> List2.exclude elt:dir acc)
- in
- Textvariable.set filter_var to:filter;
- Textvariable.set selection_var to:(dir ^ deffile);
- Listbox.delete filter_listbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- Listbox.insert filter_listbox index:`End texts:matched_files;
- Jg_box.recenter filter_listbox index:(`Num 0);
- if !load_in_path & usepath then
- Listbox.configure directory_listbox takefocus:false
- else
- begin
- Listbox.configure directory_listbox takefocus:true;
- Listbox.delete directory_listbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- Listbox.insert directory_listbox index:`End texts:directories;
- Jg_box.recenter directory_listbox index:(`Num 0)
- end
- in
- let selected_files = ref [] in (* used for synchronous mode *)
- let activate l =
- Grab.release tl;
- destroy tl;
- let l =
- if !load_in_path & usepath then
- List.fold_right l acc:[] fun:
- begin fun name :acc ->
- if name <> "" & name.[0] = '/' then name :: acc else
- try search_in_path :name :: acc with Not_found -> acc
- end
- else
- l fun:
- begin fun x ->
- if x <> "" & x.[0] = '/' then x
- else !current_dir ^ "/" ^ x
- end
- in
- if sync then
- begin
- selected_files := l;
- Textvariable.set sync_var to:"1"
- end
- else proc l
- in
- (* entries *)
- let fl = Label.create parent:frm text:"Filter" () in
- let sl = Label.create parent:frm text:"Selection" () in
- let filter_entry = Jg_entry.create parent:frm textvariable:filter_var ()
- command:(fun filter -> configure :filter) in
- let selection_entry = Jg_entry.create parent:frm textvariable:selection_var
- command:(fun file -> activate [file]) () in
- (* and buttons *)
- let set_path = Button.create parent:dfl text:"Path editor" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- Setpath.add_update_hook (fun () -> configure filter:!current_pattern);
- let w = Setpath.f dir:!current_dir in
- Grab.set w;
- bind w events:[[], `Destroy]
- action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> Grab.set tl))
- end in
- let toggle_in_path = Checkbutton.create parent:dfl text:"Use load path" ()
- command:
- begin fun () ->
- load_in_path := not !load_in_path;
- if !load_in_path then
- pack [set_path] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true
- else
- Pack.forget [set_path];
- configure filter:(Textvariable.get filter_var)
- end
- and okb = Button.create parent:cfrm text:"Ok" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- let files =
- (Listbox.curselection filter_listbox) fun:
- begin fun x ->
- !current_dir ^ Listbox.get filter_listbox index:x
- end
- in
- let files = if files = [] then [Textvariable.get selection_var]
- else files in
- activate [Textvariable.get selection_var]
- end
- and flb = Button.create parent:cfrm text:"Filter" ()
- command:(fun () -> configure filter:(Textvariable.get filter_var))
- and ccb = Button.create parent:cfrm text:"Cancel" ()
- command:(fun () -> activate []) in
- (* binding *)
- bind tl events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> activate []));
- Jg_box.add_completion filter_listbox
- action:(fun index -> activate [Listbox.get filter_listbox :index]);
- if multi then Listbox.configure filter_listbox selectmode:`Multiple else
- bind filter_listbox events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([`MouseY], fun ev ->
- let name = Listbox.get filter_listbox
- index:(Listbox.nearest filter_listbox y:ev.ev_MouseY) in
- if !load_in_path & usepath then
- try Textvariable.set selection_var to:(search_in_path :name)
- with Not_found -> ()
- else Textvariable.set selection_var to:(!current_dir ^ "/" ^ name)));
- Jg_box.add_completion directory_listbox action:
- begin fun index ->
- let filter =
- !current_dir ^ "/" ^
- (Listbox.get directory_listbox :index) ^
- "/" ^ !current_pattern
- in configure :filter
- end;
- pack [frm] fill:`Both expand:true;
- (* filter *)
- pack [fl] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [filter_entry] side:`Top fill:`X;
- (* directory + files *)
- pack [df] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
- (* directory *)
- pack [dfl] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dfll] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- if usepath then pack [toggle_in_path] side:`Bottom anchor:`W;
- pack [dflf] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [directory_scrollbar] side:`Right fill:`Y;
- pack [directory_listbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- (* files *)
- pack [dfr] side:`Right fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dfrl] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [dfrf] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [filter_scrollbar] side:`Right fill:`Y;
- pack [filter_listbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- (* selection *)
- pack [sl] before:df side:`Bottom anchor:`W;
- pack [selection_entry] before:sl side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- (* create OK, Filter and Cancel buttons *)
- pack [okb; flb; ccb] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [cfrm] before:frm side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- if !load_in_path & usepath then begin
- load_in_path := false;
- Checkbutton.invoke toggle_in_path;
- toggle_in_path
- end
- else configure filter:deffilter;
- Tkwait.visibility tl;
- Grab.set tl;
- if sync then
- begin
- Tkwait.variable sync_var;
- proc !selected_files
- end;
- ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/fileselect.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/fileselect.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 789cd17e2..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/fileselect.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-val f :
- title:string ->
- action:(string list -> unit) ->
- ?dir:string ->
- ?filter:string ->
- ?file:string ->
- ?multi:bool -> ?sync:bool -> ?usepath:bool -> unit -> unit
-(* action
- [] means canceled
- if multi select is false, then the list is null or a singleton *)
-(* multi
- If true then more than one file are selectable *)
-(* sync
- If true then synchronous mode *)
-(* usepath
- Enables/disables load path search. Defaults to true *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d30f5793..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let enter_focus w =
- bind w events:[[], `Enter] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Focus.set w))
-let escape_destroy ?destroy:tl w =
- let tl = match tl with Some w -> w | None -> w in
- bind w events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> destroy tl))
-let return_invoke w :button =
- bind w events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Button.invoke button))
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_bind.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_bind.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 3889f20fd..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_bind.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val enter_focus : 'a widget -> unit
-val escape_destroy : ?destroy:'a widget -> 'a widget ->unit
-val return_invoke : 'a widget -> button:button widget -> unit
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index f71bd0e7f..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let add_scrollbar lb =
- let sb =
- Scrollbar.create parent:(Winfo.parent lb) command:(Listbox.yview lb) () in
- Listbox.configure lb yscrollcommand:(Scrollbar.set sb); sb
-let create_with_scrollbar :parent ?:selectmode () =
- let frame = Frame.create :parent () in
- let lb = Listbox.create parent:frame ?:selectmode () in
- frame, lb, add_scrollbar lb
-(* from frx_listbox,adapted *)
-let recenter lb :index =
- Listbox.selection_clear lb first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- (* Activate it, to keep consistent with Up/Down.
- You have to be in Extended or Browse mode *)
- Listbox.activate lb :index;
- Listbox.selection_anchor lb :index;
- Listbox.yview_index lb :index
-class timed ?:wait ?:nocase get_texts = object
- val get_texts = get_texts
- inherit Jg_completion.timed [] ?:wait ?:nocase as super
- method reset =
- texts <- get_texts ();
- super#reset
-let add_completion ?:action ?:wait ?:nocase lb =
- let comp =
- new timed ?:wait ?:nocase
- (fun () -> Listbox.get_range lb first:(`Num 0) last:`End) in
- Jg_bind.enter_focus lb;
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(`Set([`Char], fun ev ->
- (* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
- even if you press Shift. *)
- if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
- recenter lb index:(`Num (comp#add ev.ev_Char))));
- begin match action with
- Some action ->
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> action `Active));
- bind lb events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseY], fun ev ->
- action (Listbox.nearest lb y:ev.ev_MouseY); break ()))
- | None -> ()
- end;
- recenter lb index:(`Num 0) (* so that first item is active *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index db56374aa..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let create_destroyer :parent ?:text{="Ok"} tl =
- Button.create :parent :text command:(fun () -> destroy tl) ()
-let add_destroyer ?:text tl =
- let b = create_destroyer tl parent:tl ?:text in
- pack [b] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- b
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8836af09f..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-let lt_string ?:nocase{=false} s1 s2 =
- if nocase then String.lowercase s1 < String.lowercase s2 else s1 < s2
-class completion ?:nocase texts = object
- val mutable texts = texts
- val nocase = nocase
- val mutable prefix = ""
- val mutable current = 0
- method add c =
- prefix <- prefix ^ c;
- while current < List.length texts - 1 &
- lt_string (List.nth texts pos:current) prefix ?:nocase
- do
- current <- current + 1
- done;
- current
- method current = current
- method get_current = List.nth texts pos:current
- method reset =
- prefix <- "";
- current <- 0
-class timed ?:nocase ?:wait texts = object (self)
- inherit completion texts ?:nocase as super
- val wait = match wait with None -> 500 | Some n -> n
- val mutable timer = None
- method add c =
- begin match timer with
- None -> self#reset
- | Some t -> Timer.remove t
- end;
- timer <- Some (Timer.add ms:wait callback:(fun () -> self#reset));
- super#add c
- method reset =
- timer <- None; super#reset
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_completion.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_completion.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 427e74455..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_completion.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-class timed : ?nocase:bool -> ?wait:int -> string list -> object
- val mutable texts : string list
- method add : string -> int
- method current : int
- method get_current : string
- method reset : unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index 330efa7e5..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-let init () =
- let font =
- let font =
- Option.get Widget.default_toplevel name:"variableFont" class:"Font" in
- if font = "" then "variable" else font
- in
- List.iter ["Button"; "Label"; "Menu"; "Menubutton"; "Radiobutton"]
- fun:(fun cl -> Option.add ("*" ^ cl ^ ".font") value:font);
- Option.add "*Button.padY" value:"0" priority:`StartupFile;
- Option.add "*Text.highlightThickness" value:"0" priority:`StartupFile;
- Option.add "*interface.background" value:"gray85" priority:`StartupFile;
- let foreground =
- Option.get Widget.default_toplevel
- name:"disabledForeground" class:"Foreground" in
- if foreground = "" then
- Option.add "*disabledForeground" value:"black"
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_config.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_config.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 183035108..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_config.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-val init: unit -> unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index d9109d83a..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let create :parent ?:command ?:width ?:textvariable () =
- let ew = Entry.create :parent ?:width ?:textvariable () in
- Jg_bind.enter_focus ew;
- begin match command with Some command ->
- bind ew events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> command (Entry.get ew)))
- | None -> ()
- end;
- ew
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deleted file mode 100644
index 43a5eb15b..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-class ['a,'b] c fun:(f : 'a -> 'b) = object
- val hash = Hashtbl.create 7
- method get key =
- try Hashtbl.find hash :key
- with Not_found ->
- let data = f key in
- Hashtbl.add hash :key :data;
- data
- method clear = Hashtbl.clear hash
- method reget key =
- Hashtbl.remove :key hash;
- let data = f key in
- Hashtbl.add hash :key :data;
- data
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_memo.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_memo.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d08111b1..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_memo.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-class ['a, 'b] c : fun:('a -> 'b) -> object
- val hash : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t
- method clear : unit
- method get : 'a -> 'b
- method reget : 'a -> 'b
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deleted file mode 100644
index 21295f3d6..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-class c :parent ?underline:n{=0} text = object (self)
- val pair =
- let button =
- Menubutton.create :parent :text underline:n () in
- let menu = Menu.create parent:button () in
- Menubutton.configure button :menu;
- button, menu
- method button = fst pair
- method menu = snd pair
- method virtual add_command :
- ?underline:int ->
- ?accelerator:string -> ?activebackground:color ->
- ?activeforeground:color -> ?background:color ->
- ?bitmap:bitmap -> ?command:(unit -> unit) ->
- ?font:string -> ?foreground:color ->
- ?image:image -> ?state:state ->
- string -> unit
- method add_command ?underline:n{=0} ?:accelerator ?:activebackground
- ?:activeforeground ?:background ?:bitmap ?:command ?:font ?:foreground
- ?:image ?:state label =
- Menu.add_command (self#menu) :label underline:n ?:accelerator
- ?:activebackground ?:activeforeground ?:background ?:bitmap
- ?:command ?:font ?:foreground ?:image ?:state
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9385f37d0..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-class formatted :parent :width :maxheight :minheight =
- val parent = (parent : Widget.any Widget.widget)
- val width = width
- val maxheight = maxheight
- val minheight = minheight
- val tw = Text.create :parent :width wrap:`Word
- val fof = Format.get_formatter_output_functions ()
- method parent = parent
- method init =
- pack [tw] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_margin (width - 2);
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:(Jg_text.output tw)
- flush:(fun () -> ())
- method finish =
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:(fst fof) flush:(snd fof);
- let `Linechar (l, _) = Text.index tw index:(tposend 1) in
- Text.configure tw height:(max minheight (min l maxheight));
- if l > 5 then
- pack [Jg_text.add_scrollbar tw] before:tw side:`Right fill:`Y
-let formatted :title ?:on ?:width{=60} ?:maxheight{=10} ?:minheight{=0} () =
- let tl, frame =
- match on with
- Some frame -> coe frame, frame
- | None ->
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- let frame = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- pack [frame] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
- coe tl, frame
- in
- let tw = Text.create parent:frame :width wrap:`Word () in
- pack [tw] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_margin (width - 2);
- let fof,fff = Format.get_formatter_output_functions () in
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions
- out:(Jg_text.output tw) flush:(fun () -> ());
- tl, tw,
- begin fun () ->
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:fof flush:fff;
- let `Linechar (l, _) = Text.index tw index:(tposend 1) in
- Text.configure tw height:(max minheight (min l maxheight));
- if l > 5 then
- pack [Jg_text.add_scrollbar tw] before:tw side:`Right fill:`Y
- end
-let ask :title ?:master text =
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
- begin match master with None -> ()
- | Some master -> Wm.transient_set tl :master
- end;
- let mw = Message.create parent:tl :text padx:(`Pix 20) pady:(`Pix 10)
- width:(`Pix 250) justify:`Left aspect:400 anchor:`W ()
- and fw = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and sync = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
- and r = ref (`cancel : [`yes|`no|`cancel]) in
- let accept = Button.create parent:fw text:"Yes" ()
- command:(fun () -> r := `yes; destroy tl)
- and refuse = Button.create parent:fw text:"No" ()
- command:(fun () -> r := `no; destroy tl)
- and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:fw text:"Cancel"
- in
- bind tl events:[[],`Destroy]
- action:(`Extend([],fun _ -> Textvariable.set sync to:"1"));
- pack [accept; refuse; cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [mw] side:`Top fill:`Both;
- pack [fw] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true;
- Grab.set tl;
- Tkwait.variable sync;
- !r
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_message.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_message.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8862702c6..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_message.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-val formatted :
- title:string ->
- ?on:Widget.frame Widget.widget ->
- ?width:int ->
- ?maxheight:int ->
- ?minheight:int ->
- unit -> Widget.any Widget.widget * Widget.text Widget.widget * (unit -> unit)
-val ask :
- title:string -> ?master:Widget.toplevel Widget.widget ->
- string -> [`cancel|`no|`yes]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 161e21534..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-let rec gen_list fun:f :len =
- if len = 0 then [] else f () :: gen_list fun:f len:(len - 1)
-let rec make_list :len :fill =
- if len = 0 then [] else fill :: make_list len:(len - 1) :fill
-(* By column version
-let rec firsts :len l =
- if len = 0 then ([],l) else
- match l with
- a::l ->
- let (f,l) = firsts l len:(len - 1) in
- (a::f,l)
- | [] ->
- (l,[])
-let rec split :len = function
- [] -> []
- | l ->
- let (f,r) = firsts l :len in
- let ret = split :len r in
- f :: ret
-let extend l :len :fill =
- if List.length l >= len then l
- else l @ make_list :fill len:(len - List.length l)
-(* By row version *)
-let rec first l :len =
- if len = 0 then [], l else
- match l with
- [] -> make_list :len fill:"", []
- | a::l ->
- let (l',r) = first len:(len - 1) l in a::l',r
-let rec split l :len =
- if l = [] then make_list :len fill:[] else
- let (cars,r) = first l :len in
- let cdrs = split r :len in
- List.map2 cars cdrs fun:(fun a l -> a::l)
-open Tk
-class c :parent :cols :texts ?:maxheight ?:width () = object (self)
- val parent' = coe parent
- val length = List.length texts
- val boxes =
- let height = (List.length texts - 1) / cols + 1 in
- let height =
- match maxheight with None -> height
- | Some max -> min max height
- in
- gen_list len:cols fun:
- begin fun () ->
- Listbox.create :parent :height ?:width
- highlightthickness:(`Pix 0)
- borderwidth:(`Pix 1) ()
- end
- val mutable current = 0
- method cols = cols
- method texts = texts
- method parent = parent'
- method boxes = boxes
- method current = current
- method recenter?:aligntop{=false} n =
- current <-
- if n < 0 then 0 else
- if n < length then n else length - 1;
- (* Activate it, to keep consistent with Up/Down.
- You have to be in Extended or Browse mode *)
- let box = List.nth boxes pos:(current mod cols)
- and index = `Num (current / cols) in
- List.iter boxes fun:
- begin fun box ->
- Listbox.selection_clear box first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- Listbox.selection_anchor box :index;
- Listbox.activate box :index
- end;
- Focus.set box;
- if aligntop then Listbox.yview_index box :index
- else Listbox.see box :index;
- let (first,last) = Listbox.yview_get box in
- List.iter boxes fun:(Listbox.yview scroll:(`Moveto first))
- method init =
- let textl = split len:cols texts in
- List.iter2 boxes textl fun:
- begin fun box texts ->
- Jg_bind.enter_focus box;
- Listbox.insert box :texts index:`End
- end;
- pack boxes side:`Left expand:true fill:`Both;
- self#bind_mouse events:[[],`ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(fun _ index:n -> self#recenter n; break ());
- let current_height () =
- let (top,bottom) = Listbox.yview_get (List.hd boxes) in
- truncate ((bottom -. top) *. float (Listbox.size (List.hd boxes))
- +. 0.99)
- in
- List.iter
- [ "Right", (fun n -> n+1);
- "Left", (fun n -> n-1);
- "Up", (fun n -> n-cols);
- "Down", (fun n -> n+cols);
- "Prior", (fun n -> n - current_height () * cols);
- "Next", (fun n -> n + current_height () * cols);
- "Home", (fun _ -> 0);
- "End", (fun _ -> List.length texts) ]
- fun:begin fun (key,f) ->
- self#bind_kbd events:[[],`KeyPressDetail key]
- action:(fun _ index:n -> self#recenter (f n); break ())
- end;
- self#recenter 0
- method bind_mouse :events :action =
- let i = ref 0 in
- List.iter boxes fun:
- begin fun box ->
- let b = !i in
- bind box :events
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- let `Num n = Listbox.nearest box y:ev.ev_MouseY
- in action ev index:(n * cols + b)));
- incr i
- end
- method bind_kbd :events :action =
- let i = ref 0 in
- List.iter boxes fun:
- begin fun box ->
- let b = !i in
- bind box :events
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`Char], fun ev ->
- let `Num n = Listbox.index box index:`Active in
- action ev index:(n * cols + b)));
- incr i
- end
-let add_scrollbar (box : c) =
- let boxes = box#boxes in
- let sb =
- Scrollbar.create parent:(box#parent) ()
- command:(fun :scroll -> List.iter boxes fun:(Listbox.yview :scroll)) in
- List.iter boxes
- fun:(fun lb -> Listbox.configure lb yscrollcommand:(Scrollbar.set sb));
- pack [sb] before:(List.hd boxes) side:`Right fill:`Y;
- sb
-let add_completion ?:action ?:wait (box : c) =
- let comp = new Jg_completion.timed (box#texts) ?:wait in
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPress]
- action:(fun ev :index ->
- (* consider only keys producing characters. The callback is called
- * even if you press Shift. *)
- if ev.ev_Char <> "" then
- box#recenter (comp#add ev.ev_Char) aligntop:true);
- match action with
- Some action ->
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "space"]
- action:(fun ev :index -> action (box#current));
- box#bind_kbd events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Return"]
- action:(fun ev :index -> action (box#current));
- box#bind_mouse events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(fun ev :index ->
- box#recenter index; action (box#current); break ())
- | None -> ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd1ab13a..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_multibox.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-class c :
- parent:'a Widget.widget -> cols:int ->
- texts:string list -> ?maxheight:int -> ?width:int -> unit ->
- method cols : int
- method texts : string list
- method parent : Widget.any Widget.widget
- method boxes : Widget.listbox Widget.widget list
- method current : int
- method init : unit
- method recenter : ?aligntop:bool -> int -> unit
- method bind_mouse :
- events:(Tk.modifier list * Tk.xEvent) list ->
- action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
- method bind_kbd :
- events:(Tk.modifier list * Tk.xEvent) list ->
- action:(Tk.eventInfo -> index:int -> unit) -> unit
-val add_scrollbar : c -> Widget.scrollbar Widget.widget
-val add_completion : ?action:(int -> unit) -> ?wait:int -> c -> unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2477e9acc..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-let get_all tw = Text.get tw start:tstart end:(tposend 1)
-let tag_and_see tw :tag :start end:e =
- Text.tag_remove tw start:(tpos 0) end:tend :tag;
- Text.tag_add tw :start end:e :tag;
- try
- Text.see tw index:(`Tagfirst tag, []);
- Text.mark_set tw mark:"insert" index:(`Tagfirst tag, [])
- with Protocol.TkError _ -> ()
-let output tw :buffer :pos :len =
- Text.insert tw index:tend text:(String.sub buffer :pos :len)
-let add_scrollbar tw =
- let sb = Scrollbar.create parent:(Winfo.parent tw) command:(Text.yview tw) ()
- in Text.configure tw yscrollcommand:(Scrollbar.set sb); sb
-let create_with_scrollbar :parent =
- let frame = Frame.create :parent () in
- let tw = Text.create parent:frame () in
- frame, tw, add_scrollbar tw
-let goto_tag tw :tag =
- let index = (`Tagfirst tag, []) in
- try Text.see tw :index;
- Text.mark_set tw :index mark:"insert"
- with Protocol.TkError _ -> ()
-let search_string tw =
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Search" in
- Wm.transient_set tl master:Widget.default_toplevel;
- let fi = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and fd = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and fm = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and buttons = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and direction = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
- and mode = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
- and count = Textvariable.create on:tl ()
- in
- let label = Label.create parent:fi text:"Pattern:" ()
- and text = Entry.create parent:fi width:20 ()
- and back = Radiobutton.create parent:fd variable:direction
- text:"Backwards" value:"backward" ()
- and forw = Radiobutton.create parent:fd variable:direction
- text:"Forwards" value:"forward" ()
- and exact = Radiobutton.create parent:fm variable:mode
- text:"Exact" value:"exact" ()
- and nocase = Radiobutton.create parent:fm variable:mode
- text:"No case" value:"nocase" ()
- and regexp = Radiobutton.create parent:fm variable:mode
- text:"Regexp" value:"regexp" ()
- in
- let search = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Search" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- try
- let pattern = Entry.get text in
- let dir, ofs = match Textvariable.get direction with
- "forward" -> `Forwards, 1
- | "backward" -> `Backwards, -1
- and mode = match Textvariable.get mode with "exact" -> [`Exact]
- | "nocase" -> [`Nocase] | "regexp" -> [`Regexp] | _ -> []
- in
- let ndx =
- tw :pattern switches:([dir;`Count count] @ mode)
- start:(`Mark "insert", [`Char ofs])
- in
- tag_and_see tw tag:"sel" start:(ndx,[])
- end:(ndx,[`Char(int_of_string (Textvariable.get count))])
- with Invalid_argument _ -> ()
- end
- and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons text:"Cancel" in
- Focus.set text;
- Jg_bind.return_invoke text button:search;
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- Textvariable.set direction to:"forward";
- Textvariable.set mode to:"nocase";
- pack [label] side:`Left;
- pack [text] side:`Right fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [back; forw] side:`Left;
- pack [exact; nocase; regexp] side:`Left;
- pack [search; ok] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [fi; fd; fm; buttons] side:`Top fill:`X
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_text.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_text.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b3880eef..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/jg_text.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val get_all : text widget -> string
-val tag_and_see :
- text widget ->
- tag:Tk.textTag -> start:Tk.textIndex -> end:Tk.textIndex -> unit
-val output : text widget -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> unit
-val add_scrollbar : text widget -> scrollbar widget
-val create_with_scrollbar :
- parent:'a widget -> frame widget * text widget * scrollbar widget
-val goto_tag : text widget -> tag:string -> unit
-val search_string : text widget -> unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index da5f4930c..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let tpos x : textIndex = `Linechar (1,0), [`Char x]
-and tposend x : textIndex = `End, [`Char (-x)]
-let tstart : textIndex = `Linechar (1,0), []
-and tend : textIndex = `End, []
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deleted file mode 100644
index c36a215ef..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let titled ?:iconname title =
- let iconname = match iconname with None -> title | Some s -> s in
- let tl = Toplevel.create parent:Widget.default_toplevel () in
- Wm.title_set tl :title;
- Wm.iconname_set tl name:iconname;
- tl
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deleted file mode 100644
index e98096c2e..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-open Parser
-let tags =
- ["control"; "define"; "structure"; "char";
- "infix"; "label"; "uident"]
-and colors =
- ["blue"; "forestgreen"; "purple"; "gray40";
- "indianred4"; "brown"; "midnightblue"]
-let init_tags tw =
- List.iter2 tags colors fun:
- begin fun tag col ->
- Text.tag_configure tw :tag foreground:(`Color col)
- end;
- Text.tag_configure tw tag:"error" foreground:`Red;
- Text.tag_configure tw tag:"error" relief:`Raised;
- Text.tag_raise tw tag:"error"
-let tag ?:start{=tstart} ?end:pend{=tend} tw =
- let tpos c = (Text.index tw index:start, [`Char c]) in
- let text = Text.get tw :start end:pend in
- let buffer = Lexing.from_string text in
- List.iter tags
- fun:(fun tag -> Text.tag_remove tw :start end:pend :tag);
- try
- while true do
- let tag =
- match Lexer.token buffer with
- | DO | DONE
- | ELSE
- | FOR
- | IF
- | LAZY
- | OR
- | THEN
- | TO
- | TRY
- | WHEN
- | WITH
- -> "control"
- | AND
- | AS
- | BAR
- | FUN
- | IN
- | LET
- | NEW
- | OF
- | REC
- | TYPE
- | VAL
- -> "define"
- | END
- | OPEN
- | SIG
- -> "structure"
- | CHAR _
- | STRING _
- -> "char"
- | INFIXOP1 _
- | INFIXOP2 _
- | INFIXOP3 _
- | INFIXOP4 _
- -> "infix"
- | LABEL _
- -> "label"
- | UIDENT _ -> "uident"
- | EOF -> raise End_of_file
- | _ -> ""
- in
- if tag <> "" then
- Text.tag_add tw :tag
- start:(tpos (Lexing.lexeme_start buffer))
- end:(tpos (Lexing.lexeme_end buffer))
- done
- with
- End_of_file -> ()
- | Lexer.Error (err, s, e) -> ()
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/lexical.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/lexical.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d9711f5fc..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/lexical.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val init_tags : text widget -> unit
-val tag : ?start:Tk.textIndex -> ?end:Tk.textIndex -> text widget -> unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6ab8b7863..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-let exclude elt:x l = List.filter l pred:((<>) x)
-let rec flat_map fun:f = function
- [] -> []
- | x :: l -> f x @ flat_map fun:f l
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deleted file mode 100644
index 681342cff..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-let _ =
- let path = ref [] in
- Arg.parse
- keywords:[ "-I", Arg.String (fun s -> path := s :: !path),
- "<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories" ]
- others:(fun name -> raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name)))
- errmsg:"lablbrowser :";
- Config.load_path := List.rev !path @ [Config.standard_library];
- begin
- try Searchid.start_env := Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial
- with Env.Error _ -> ()
- end;
- Searchpos.view_defined_ref := Viewer.view_defined;
- Searchpos.editor_ref.contents <- Editor.f;
- let top = openTkClass "LablBrowser" in
- Jg_config.init ();
- bind top events:[[], `Destroy] action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> exit 0));
- at_exit Shell.kill_all;
- Viewer.f on:top ();
- while true do
- try
- Printexc.print mainLoop ()
- with Protocol.TkError _ -> ()
- done
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/mytypes.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/mytypes.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 582295c39..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/mytypes.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-type edit_window =
- { mutable name: string;
- tw: text widget;
- frame: frame widget;
- modified: Textvariable.textVariable;
- mutable shell: (string * option;
- mutable structure: Typedtree.structure;
- mutable signature: Types.signature;
- mutable psignature: Parsetree.signature;
- number: string }
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deleted file mode 100644
index a43085752..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Location
-open Longident
-open Path
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Env
-open Btype
-open Ctype
-(* only initial here, but replaced by Pervasives later *)
-let start_env = ref initial
-let module_list = ref []
-type pkind =
- Pvalue
- | Ptype
- | Plabel
- | Pconstructor
- | Pmodule
- | Pmodtype
- | Pclass
- | Pcltype
-let string_of_kind = function
- Pvalue -> "v"
- | Ptype -> "t"
- | Plabel -> "l"
- | Pconstructor -> "cn"
- | Pmodule -> "m"
- | Pmodtype -> "s"
- | Pclass -> "c"
- | Pcltype -> "ct"
-let rec longident_of_path = function
- Pident id -> Lident ( id)
- | Pdot (path, s, _) -> Ldot (longident_of_path path, s)
- | Papply (p1, p2) -> Lapply (longident_of_path p1, longident_of_path p2)
-let rec remove_prefix lid :prefix =
- let rec remove_hd lid :name =
- match lid with
- Ldot (Lident s1, s2) when s1 = name -> Lident s2
- | Ldot (l, s) -> Ldot (remove_hd :name l, s)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in
- match prefix with
- [] -> lid
- | name :: prefix ->
- try remove_prefix :prefix (remove_hd :name lid)
- with Not_found -> lid
-let rec permutations l = match l with
- [] | [_] -> [l]
- | [a;b] -> [l; [b;a]]
- | _ ->
- let _, perms =
- List.fold_left l acc:(l,[]) fun:
- begin fun acc:(l, perms) a ->
- let l = l in
- l @ [a],
- (permutations l) fun:(fun l -> a :: l) @ perms
- end
- in perms
-let rec choose n in:l =
- let len = List.length l in
- if n = len then [l] else
- if n = 1 then l fun:(fun x -> [x]) else
- if n = 0 then [[]] else
- if n > len then [] else
- match l with [] -> []
- | a :: l ->
- (choose (n-1) in:l) fun:(fun l -> a :: l)
- @ choose n in:l
-let rec arr p in:n =
- if p = 0 then 1 else n * arr (p-1) in:(n-1)
-let rec all_args ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2) -> let (tl,ty) = all_args ty2 in ((l,ty1)::tl, ty)
- | _ -> ([], ty)
-let rec equal :prefix t1 t2 =
- match (repr t1).desc, (repr t2).desc with
- Tvar, Tvar -> true
- | Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 ->
- let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in
- let fields1 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
- and fields2 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
- in
- let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields fields1 fields2 in
- row1.row_closed = row2.row_closed & r1 = [] & r2 = [] &
- List.for_all pairs pred:
- begin fun (_,f1,f2) ->
- match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
- Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> true
- | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent (Some t2) -> equal t1 t2 :prefix
- | Reither(c1, tl1, _), Reither(c2, tl2, _) ->
- c1 = c2 & List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &
- List.for_all2 tl1 tl2 pred:(equal :prefix)
- | _ -> false
- end
- | Tarrow _, Tarrow _ ->
- let l1, t1 = all_args t1 and l2, t2 = all_args t2 in
- equal t1 t2 :prefix &
- List.length l1 = List.length l2 &
- List.exists (permutations l1) pred:
- begin fun l1 ->
- List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:
- begin fun (p1,t1) (p2,t2) ->
- (p1 = "" or p1 = p2) & equal t1 t2 :prefix
- end
- end
- | Ttuple l1, Ttuple l2 ->
- List.length l1 = List.length l2 &
- List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:(equal :prefix)
- | Tconstr (p1, l1, _), Tconstr (p2, l2, _) ->
- remove_prefix :prefix (longident_of_path p1) = (longident_of_path p2)
- & List.length l1 = List.length l2
- & List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:(equal :prefix)
- | _ -> false
-let is_opt s = s <> "" & s.[0] = '?'
-let get_options = List.filter pred:is_opt
-let rec included :prefix t1 t2 =
- match (repr t1).desc, (repr t2).desc with
- Tvar, _ -> true
- | Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 ->
- let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in
- let fields1 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
- and fields2 = filter_row_fields false row1.row_fields
- in
- let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields fields1 fields2 in
- r1 = [] &
- List.for_all pairs pred:
- begin fun (_,f1,f2) ->
- match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
- Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> true
- | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent (Some t2) -> included t1 t2 :prefix
- | Reither(c1, tl1, _), Reither(c2, tl2, _) ->
- c1 = c2 & List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 &
- List.for_all2 tl1 tl2 pred:(included :prefix)
- | _ -> false
- end
- | Tarrow _, Tarrow _ ->
- let l1, t1 = all_args t1 and l2, t2 = all_args t2 in
- included t1 t2 :prefix &
- let len1 = List.length l1 and len2 = List.length l2 in
- let l2 = if arr len1 in:len2 < 100 then l2 else
- let ll1 = get_options (fst (List.split l1)) in
- List.filter l2
- pred:(fun (l,_) -> not (is_opt l) or List.mem elt:l ll1)
- in
- len1 <= len2 &
- List.exists (List2.flat_map fun:permutations (choose len1 in:l2)) pred:
- begin fun l2 ->
- List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:
- begin fun (p1,t1) (p2,t2) ->
- (p1 = "" or p1 = p2) & included t1 t2 :prefix
- end
- end
- | Ttuple l1, Ttuple l2 ->
- let len1 = List.length l1 in
- len1 <= List.length l2 &
- List.exists (List2.flat_map fun:permutations (choose len1 in:l2)) pred:
- begin fun l2 ->
- List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:(included :prefix)
- end
- | _, Ttuple _ -> included (newty (Ttuple [t1])) t2 :prefix
- | Tconstr (p1, l1, _), Tconstr (p2, l2, _) ->
- remove_prefix :prefix (longident_of_path p1) = (longident_of_path p2)
- & List.length l1 = List.length l2
- & List.for_all2 l1 l2 pred:(included :prefix)
- | _ -> false
-let mklid = function
- [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Searchid.mklid")
- | x :: l ->
- List.fold_left l acc:(Lident x) fun:(fun :acc x -> Ldot (acc, x))
-let mkpath = function
- [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Searchid.mklid")
- | x :: l ->
- List.fold_left l acc:(Pident (Ident.create x))
- fun:(fun :acc x -> Pdot (acc, x, 0))
-let get_fields :prefix :sign self =
- let env = open_signature (mkpath prefix) sign initial in
- match (expand_head env self).desc with
- Tobject (ty_obj, _) ->
- let l,_ = flatten_fields ty_obj in l
- | _ -> []
-let rec search_type_in_signature t in:sign :prefix :mode =
- let matches = match mode with
- `included -> included t :prefix
- | `exact -> equal t :prefix
- and lid_of_id id = mklid (prefix @ [ id]) in
- List2.flat_map sign fun:
- begin fun item -> match item with
- Tsig_value (id, vd) ->
- if matches vd.val_type then [lid_of_id id, Pvalue] else []
- | Tsig_type (id, td) ->
- if
- begin match td.type_manifest with
- None -> false
- | Some t -> matches t
- end or
- begin match td.type_kind with
- Type_abstract -> false
- | Type_variant l ->
- List.exists l pred:(fun (_, l) -> List.exists l pred:matches)
- | Type_record l ->
- List.exists l pred:(fun (_, _, t) -> matches t)
- end
- then [lid_of_id id, Ptype] else []
- | Tsig_exception (id, l) ->
- if List.exists l pred:matches
- then [lid_of_id id, Pconstructor]
- else []
- | Tsig_module (id, Tmty_signature sign) ->
- search_type_in_signature t in:sign :mode
- prefix:(prefix @ [ id])
- | Tsig_module _ -> []
- | Tsig_modtype _ -> []
- | Tsig_class (id, cl) ->
- let self = self_type cl.cty_type in
- if matches self
- or (match cl.cty_new with None -> false | Some ty -> matches ty)
- (* or List.exists (get_fields :prefix :sign self)
- pred:(fun (_,_,ty_field) -> matches ty_field) *)
- then [lid_of_id id, Pclass] else []
- | Tsig_cltype (id, cl) ->
- let self = self_type cl.clty_type in
- if matches self
- (* or List.exists (get_fields :prefix :sign self)
- pred:(fun (_,_,ty_field) -> matches ty_field) *)
- then [lid_of_id id, Pclass] else []
- end
-let search_all_types t :mode =
- let tl = match mode, t.desc with
- `exact, _ -> [t]
- | `included, Tarrow _ -> [t]
- | `included, _ ->
- [t; newty(Tarrow("",t,newvar())); newty(Tarrow("",newvar(),t))]
- in List2.flat_map !module_list fun:
- begin fun modname ->
- let mlid = Lident modname in
- try match lookup_module mlid initial with
- _, Tmty_signature sign ->
- List2.flat_map tl
- fun:(search_type_in_signature in:sign prefix:[modname] :mode)
- | _ -> []
- with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> []
- end
-exception Error of int * int
-let search_string_type text :mode =
- try
- let sexp = Parse.interface (Lexing.from_string ("val z : " ^ text)) in
- let sign =
- try Typemod.transl_signature !start_env sexp with _ ->
- let env = List.fold_left !module_list acc:initial fun:
- begin fun :acc m ->
- try open_pers_signature m acc with Env.Error _ -> acc
- end in
- try Typemod.transl_signature env sexp
- with Env.Error err -> []
- | Typemod.Error (l,_) -> raise (Error (l.loc_start - 8, l.loc_end - 8))
- | Typetexp.Error (l,_) -> raise (Error (l.loc_start - 8, l.loc_end - 8))
- in match sign with
- [Tsig_value (_, vd)] ->
- search_all_types vd.val_type :mode
- | _ -> []
- with
- Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Unclosed(l,_,_,_)) ->
- raise (Error (l.loc_start - 8, l.loc_end - 8))
- | Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Other l) ->
- raise (Error (l.loc_start - 8, l.loc_end - 8))
- | Lexer.Error (_, s, e) -> raise (Error (s - 8, e - 8))
-let longident_of_string text =
- let exploded = ref [] and l = ref 0 in
- for i = 0 to String.length text - 2 do
- if text.[i] ='.' then
- (exploded := String.sub text pos:!l len:(i - !l) :: !exploded; l := i+1)
- done;
- let sym = String.sub text pos:!l len:(String.length text - !l) in
- let rec mklid = function [s] -> Lident s | s :: l -> Ldot (mklid l, s) in
- sym, fun l -> mklid (sym :: !exploded @ l)
-let explode s =
- let l = ref [] in
- for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do
- l := s.[i] :: !l
- done; !l
-let rec check_match :pattern s =
- match pattern, s with
- [], [] -> true
- | '*'::l, l' -> check_match pattern:l l'
- or check_match pattern:('?'::'*'::l) l'
- | '?'::l, _::l' -> check_match pattern:l l'
- | x::l, y::l' when x == y -> check_match pattern:l l'
- | _ -> false
-let search_pattern_symbol text =
- if text = "" then [] else
- let pattern = explode text in
- let check i = check_match :pattern (explode ( i)) in
- let l = !module_list fun:
- begin fun modname -> Lident modname,
- try match lookup_module (Lident modname) initial with
- _, Tmty_signature sign ->
- List2.flat_map sign fun:
- begin function
- Tsig_value (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pvalue]
- | Tsig_type (i, _) when check i -> [i, Ptype]
- | Tsig_exception (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pconstructor]
- | Tsig_module (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodule]
- | Tsig_modtype (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodtype]
- | Tsig_class (i, cl) when check i
- or List.exists
- (get_fields prefix:[modname] :sign (self_type cl.cty_type))
- pred:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match :pattern (explode name))
- -> [i, Pclass]
- | Tsig_cltype (i, cl) when check i
- or List.exists
- (get_fields prefix:[modname] :sign (self_type cl.clty_type))
- pred:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match :pattern (explode name))
- -> [i, Pcltype]
- | _ -> []
- end
- | _ -> []
- with Env.Error _ -> []
- end
- in
- List2.flat_map l fun:
- begin fun (m, l) ->
- l fun:(fun (i, p) -> Ldot (m, i), p)
- end
-let is_pattern s =
- try for i = 0 to String.length s -1 do
- if s.[i] = '?' or s.[i] = '*' then raise Exit
- done; false
- with Exit -> true
-let search_string_symbol text =
- if text = "" then [] else
- let lid = snd (longident_of_string text) [] in
- let try_lookup f k =
- try let _ = f lid Env.initial in [lid, k]
- with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> []
- in
- try_lookup lookup_constructor Pconstructor @
- try_lookup lookup_module Pmodule @
- try_lookup lookup_modtype Pmodtype @
- try_lookup lookup_value Pvalue @
- try_lookup lookup_type Ptype @
- try_lookup lookup_label Plabel @
- try_lookup lookup_class Pclass
-open Parsetree
-let rec bound_variables pat =
- match pat.ppat_desc with
- Ppat_any | Ppat_constant _ -> []
- | Ppat_var s -> [s]
- | Ppat_alias (pat,s) -> s :: bound_variables pat
- | Ppat_tuple l -> List2.flat_map l fun:bound_variables
- | Ppat_construct (_,None,_) -> []
- | Ppat_construct (_,Some pat,_) -> bound_variables pat
- | Ppat_variant (_,None) -> []
- | Ppat_variant (_,Some pat) -> bound_variables pat
- | Ppat_record l ->
- List2.flat_map l fun:(fun (_,pat) -> bound_variables pat)
- | Ppat_array l ->
- List2.flat_map l fun:bound_variables
- | Ppat_or (pat1,pat2) ->
- bound_variables pat1 @ bound_variables pat2
- | Ppat_constraint (pat,_) -> bound_variables pat
-let search_structure str :name :kind :prefix =
- let loc = ref 0 in
- let rec search_module str :prefix =
- match prefix with [] -> str
- | modu::prefix ->
- let str =
- List.fold_left acc:[] str fun:
- begin fun :acc item ->
- match item.pstr_desc with
- Pstr_module (s, mexp) when s = modu ->
- loc := mexp.pmod_loc.loc_start;
- begin match mexp.pmod_desc with
- Pmod_structure str -> str
- | _ -> []
- end
- | _ -> acc
- end
- in search_module str :prefix
- in
- List.iter (search_module str :prefix) fun:
- begin fun item ->
- if match item.pstr_desc with
- Pstr_value (_, l) when kind = Pvalue ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (pat,_) ->
- if List.mem elt:name (bound_variables pat)
- then loc := pat.ppat_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | Pstr_primitive (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s
- | Pstr_type l when kind = Ptype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (s, td) ->
- if s = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | Pstr_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
- | Pstr_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
- | Pstr_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
- | Pstr_class l when kind = Pclass or kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | Pstr_class_type l when kind = Pcltype or kind = Ptype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | _ -> false
- then loc := item.pstr_loc.loc_start
- end;
- !loc
-let search_signature sign :name :kind :prefix =
- let loc = ref 0 in
- let rec search_module_type sign :prefix =
- match prefix with [] -> sign
- | modu::prefix ->
- let sign =
- List.fold_left acc:[] sign fun:
- begin fun :acc item ->
- match item.psig_desc with
- Psig_module (s, mtyp) when s = modu ->
- loc := mtyp.pmty_loc.loc_start;
- begin match mtyp.pmty_desc with
- Pmty_signature sign -> sign
- | _ -> []
- end
- | _ -> acc
- end
- in search_module_type sign :prefix
- in
- List.iter (search_module_type sign :prefix) fun:
- begin fun item ->
- if match item.psig_desc with
- Psig_value (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s
- | Psig_type l when kind = Ptype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (s, td) ->
- if s = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | Psig_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
- | Psig_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
- | Psig_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
- | Psig_class l when kind = Pclass or kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | Psig_class_type l when kind = Ptype or kind = Pcltype ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start
- end;
- false
- | _ -> false
- then loc := item.psig_loc.loc_start
- end;
- !loc
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchid.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchid.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7458e70..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchid.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-val start_env : Env.t ref
-val module_list : string list ref
-val longident_of_path : Path.t ->Longident.t
-type pkind =
- Pvalue
- | Ptype
- | Plabel
- | Pconstructor
- | Pmodule
- | Pmodtype
- | Pclass
- | Pcltype
-val string_of_kind : pkind -> string
-exception Error of int * int
-val search_string_type :
- string -> mode:[`exact|`included] -> (Longident.t * pkind) list
-val search_pattern_symbol : string -> (Longident.t * pkind) list
-val search_string_symbol : string -> (Longident.t * pkind) list
-val search_structure :
- Parsetree.structure ->
- name:string -> kind:pkind -> prefix:string list -> int
-val search_signature :
- Parsetree.signature ->
- name:string -> kind:pkind -> prefix:string list -> int
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9883ea50c..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-open Parsetree
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Location
-open Longident
-open Path
-open Env
-open Searchid
-(* auxiliary functions *)
-let lines_to_chars n in:s =
- let l = String.length s in
- let rec ltc n :pos =
- if n = 1 or pos >= l then pos else
- if s.[pos] = '\n' then ltc (n-1) pos:(pos+1) else ltc n pos:(pos+1)
- in ltc n pos:0
-let in_loc loc :pos =
- pos >= loc.loc_start & pos < loc.loc_end
-let rec string_of_longident = function
- Lident s -> s
- | Ldot (id,s) -> string_of_longident id ^ "." ^ s
- | Lapply (id1, id2) ->
- string_of_longident id1 ^ "(" ^ string_of_longident id2 ^ ")"
-let string_of_path p = string_of_longident (Searchid.longident_of_path p)
-let parent_path = function
- Pdot (path, _, _) -> Some path
- | Pident _ | Papply _ -> None
-let ident_of_path :default = function
- Pident i -> i
- | Pdot (_, s, _) -> Ident.create s
- | Papply _ -> Ident.create default
-let rec head_id = function
- Pident id -> id
- | Pdot (path,_,_) -> head_id path
- | Papply (path,_) -> head_id path (* wrong, but ... *)
-let rec list_of_path = function
- Pident id -> [ id]
- | Pdot (path, s, _) -> list_of_path path @ [s]
- | Papply (path, _) -> list_of_path path (* wrong, but ... *)
-(* a standard (diposable) buffer class *)
-class buffer :len = object
- val mutable buffer = String.create :len
- val mutable length = len
- val mutable current = 0
- method out buffer:b :pos :len =
- while len + current > length do
- let newbuf = String.create len:(length * 2) in
- String.blit buffer pos:0 len:current to:newbuf to_pos:0;
- buffer <- newbuf;
- length <- 2 * length
- done;
- String.blit b :pos to:buffer to_pos:current :len;
- current <- current + len
- method get = String.sub buffer pos:0 len:current
-(* Search in a signature *)
-type skind = [`Type|`Class|`Module|`Modtype]
-exception Found_sig of skind * Longident.t * Env.t
-let rec search_pos_type t :pos :env =
- if in_loc :pos t.ptyp_loc then
- begin (match t.ptyp_desc with
- Ptyp_any
- | Ptyp_var _ -> ()
- | Ptyp_variant(tl, _, _) ->
- List.iter tl
- fun:(fun (_,_,tl) -> List.iter tl fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env))
- | Ptyp_arrow (_, t1, t2) ->
- search_pos_type t1 :pos :env;
- search_pos_type t2 :pos :env
- | Ptyp_tuple tl ->
- List.iter tl fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env)
- | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
- List.iter tl fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env);
- raise (Found_sig (`Type, lid, env))
- | Ptyp_object fl ->
- List.iter fl fun:
- begin function
- | {pfield_desc = Pfield (_, ty)} -> search_pos_type ty :pos :env
- | _ -> ()
- end
- | Ptyp_class (lid, tl, _) ->
- List.iter tl fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env);
- raise (Found_sig (`Type, lid, env))
- | Ptyp_alias (t, _) -> search_pos_type :pos :env t);
- raise Not_found
- end
-let rec search_pos_class_type cl :pos :env =
- if in_loc cl.pcty_loc :pos then begin
- begin match cl.pcty_desc with
- Pcty_constr (lid, _) ->
- raise (Found_sig (`Class, lid, env))
- | Pcty_signature (_, cfl) ->
- List.iter cfl fun:
- begin function
- Pctf_inher cty -> search_pos_class_type cty :pos :env
- | Pctf_val (_, _, Some ty, loc) ->
- if in_loc loc :pos then search_pos_type ty :pos :env
- | Pctf_val _ -> ()
- | Pctf_virt (_, _, ty, loc) ->
- if in_loc loc :pos then search_pos_type ty :pos :env
- | Pctf_meth (_, _, ty, loc) ->
- if in_loc loc :pos then search_pos_type ty :pos :env
- | Pctf_cstr (ty1, ty2, loc) ->
- if in_loc loc :pos then begin
- search_pos_type ty1 :pos :env;
- search_pos_type ty2 :pos :env
- end
- end
- | Pcty_fun (_, ty, cty) ->
- search_pos_type ty :pos :env;
- search_pos_class_type cty :pos :env
- end;
- raise Not_found
- end
-let search_pos_type_decl td :pos :env =
- if in_loc :pos td.ptype_loc then begin
- begin match td.ptype_manifest with
- Some t -> search_pos_type t :pos :env
- | None -> ()
- end;
- begin match td.ptype_kind with
- Ptype_abstract -> ()
- | Ptype_variant dl ->
- List.iter dl
- fun:(fun (_, tl) -> List.iter tl fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env))
- | Ptype_record dl ->
- List.iter dl fun:(fun (_, _, t) -> search_pos_type t :pos :env)
- end;
- raise Not_found
- end
-let rec search_pos_signature l :pos :env =
- List.fold_left l acc:env fun:
- begin fun acc:env pt ->
- let env = match pt.psig_desc with
- Psig_open id ->
- let path, mt = lookup_module id env in
- begin match mt with
- Tmty_signature sign -> open_signature path sign env
- | _ -> env
- end
- | sign_item ->
- try add_signature (Typemod.transl_signature env [pt]) env
- with Typemod.Error _ | Typeclass.Error _
- | Typetexp.Error _ | Typedecl.Error _ -> env
- in
- if in_loc :pos pt.psig_loc then begin
- begin match pt.psig_desc with
- Psig_value (_, desc) -> search_pos_type desc.pval_type :pos :env
- | Psig_type l ->
- List.iter l fun:(fun (_,desc) -> search_pos_type_decl :pos desc :env)
- | Psig_exception (_, l) ->
- List.iter l fun:(search_pos_type :pos :env);
- raise (Found_sig (`Type, Lident "exn", env))
- | Psig_module (_, t) ->
- search_pos_module t :pos :env
- | Psig_modtype (_, Pmodtype_manifest t) ->
- search_pos_module t :pos :env
- | Psig_modtype _ -> ()
- | Psig_class l ->
- List.iter l
- fun:(fun ci -> search_pos_class_type ci.pci_expr :pos :env)
- | Psig_class_type l ->
- List.iter l
- fun:(fun ci -> search_pos_class_type ci.pci_expr :pos :env)
- (* The last cases should not happen in generated interfaces *)
- | Psig_open lid -> raise (Found_sig (`Module, lid, env))
- | Psig_include t -> search_pos_module t :pos :env
- end;
- raise Not_found
- end;
- env
- end
-and search_pos_module m :pos :env =
- if in_loc m.pmty_loc :pos then begin
- begin match m.pmty_desc with
- Pmty_ident lid -> raise (Found_sig (`Modtype, lid, env))
- | Pmty_signature sg -> let _ = search_pos_signature sg :pos :env in ()
- | Pmty_functor (_ , m1, m2) ->
- search_pos_module m1 :pos :env;
- search_pos_module m2 :pos :env
- | Pmty_with (m, l) ->
- search_pos_module m :pos :env;
- List.iter l fun:
- begin function
- _, Pwith_type t -> search_pos_type_decl t :pos :env
- | _ -> ()
- end
- end;
- raise Not_found
- end
-(* the module display machinery *)
-type module_widgets =
- { mw_frame: Widget.frame Widget.widget;
- mw_detach: Widget.button Widget.widget;
- mw_edit: Widget.button Widget.widget;
- mw_intf: Widget.button Widget.widget }
-let shown_modules = Hashtbl.create 17
-let filter_modules () =
- Hashtbl.iter shown_modules fun:
- begin fun :key :data ->
- if not (Winfo.exists data.mw_frame) then
- Hashtbl.remove :key shown_modules
- end
-let add_shown_module path :widgets =
- Hashtbl.add shown_modules key:path data:widgets
-and find_shown_module path =
- filter_modules ();
- Hashtbl.find shown_modules key:path
-(* Viewing a signature *)
-(* Forward definitions of Viewer.view_defined and Editor.editor *)
-let view_defined_ref = ref (fun lid :env -> ())
-let editor_ref = ref (fun ?:file ?:pos ?:opendialog () -> ())
-let edit_source :file :path :sign =
- match sign with
- [item] ->
- let id, kind =
- match item with
- Tsig_value (id, _) -> id, Pvalue
- | Tsig_type (id, _) -> id, Ptype
- | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> id, Pconstructor
- | Tsig_module (id, _) -> id, Pmodule
- | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> id, Pmodtype
- | Tsig_class (id, _) -> id, Pclass
- | Tsig_cltype (id, _) -> id, Pcltype
- in
- let prefix = (list_of_path path) and name = id in
- let pos =
- try
- let chan = open_in file in
- if Filename.check_suffix file suff:".ml" then
- let parsed = Parse.implementation (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
- close_in chan;
- Searchid.search_structure parsed :name :kind :prefix
- else
- let parsed = Parse.interface (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
- close_in chan;
- Searchid.search_signature parsed :name :kind :prefix
- with _ -> 0
- in !editor_ref :file :pos ()
- | _ -> !editor_ref :file ()
-(* List of windows to destroy by Close All *)
-let top_widgets = ref []
-let rec view_signature ?:title ?:path ?:env{= !start_env} sign =
- let env =
- match path with None -> env
- | Some path -> Env.open_signature path sign env in
- let title =
- match title, path with Some title, _ -> title
- | None, Some path -> string_of_path path
- | None, None -> "Signature"
- in
- let tl, tw, finish =
- try match path with
- None -> raise Not_found
- | Some path ->
- let widgets =
- try find_shown_module path
- with Not_found ->
- view_module path :env;
- find_shown_module path
- in
- Button.configure widgets.mw_detach
- command:(fun () -> view_signature sign :title :env);
- pack [widgets.mw_detach] side:`Left;
- Pack.forget [widgets.mw_edit; widgets.mw_intf];
- List.iter2 [widgets.mw_edit; widgets.mw_intf] [".ml"; ".mli"] fun:
- begin fun button ext ->
- try
- let id = head_id path in
- let file =
- Misc.find_in_path !Config.load_path
- (String.uncapitalize ( id) ^ ext) in
- Button.configure button
- command:(fun () -> edit_source :file :path :sign);
- pack [button] side:`Left
- with Not_found -> ()
- end;
- let top = Winfo.toplevel widgets.mw_frame in
- if not (Winfo.ismapped top) then Wm.deiconify top;
- Focus.set top;
- List.iter fun:destroy (Winfo.children widgets.mw_frame);
- Jg_message.formatted :title on:widgets.mw_frame maxheight:15 ()
- with Not_found ->
- let tl, tw, finish = Jg_message.formatted :title maxheight:15 () in
- top_widgets := tl :: !top_widgets;
- tl, tw, finish
- in
- Format.set_max_boxes 100;
- Printtyp.signature sign;
- finish ();
- Lexical.init_tags tw;
- Lexical.tag tw;
- Text.configure tw state:`Disabled;
- let text = Jg_text.get_all tw in
- let pt =
- try Parse.interface (Lexing.from_string text)
- with Syntaxerr.Error e ->
- let l =
- match e with
- Syntaxerr.Unclosed(l,_,_,_) -> l
- | Syntaxerr.Other l -> l
- in
- Jg_text.tag_and_see tw start:(tpos l.loc_start)
- end:(tpos l.loc_end) tag:"error"; []
- | Lexer.Error (_, s, e) ->
- Jg_text.tag_and_see tw start:(tpos s) end:(tpos e) tag:"error"; []
- in
- Jg_bind.enter_focus tw;
- bind tw events:[[`Control], `KeyPressDetail"s"]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> Jg_text.search_string tw));
- bind tw events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- let `Linechar (l, c) =
- Text.index tw index:(`Atxy(ev.ev_MouseX,ev.ev_MouseY), []) in
- try try
- search_pos_signature pt pos:(lines_to_chars l in:text + c) :env;
- break ()
- with Found_sig (kind, lid, env) -> view_decl lid :kind :env
- with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> ()));
- bind tw events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 3]
- action:(`Setbreakable ([`MouseX;`MouseY], fun ev ->
- let x = ev.ev_MouseX and y = ev.ev_MouseY in
- let `Linechar (l, c) =
- Text.index tw index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in
- try try
- search_pos_signature pt pos:(lines_to_chars l in:text + c) :env;
- break ()
- with Found_sig (kind, lid, env) ->
- let menu = view_decl_menu lid :kind :env parent:tw in
- let x = x + Winfo.rootx tw and y = y + Winfo.rooty tw - 10 in
- Menu.popup menu :x :y
- with Not_found -> ()))
-and view_signature_item sign :path :env =
- view_signature sign title:(string_of_path path) ?path:(parent_path path) :env
-and view_module path :env =
- match find_module path env with
- Tmty_signature sign ->
- !view_defined_ref (Searchid.longident_of_path path) :env
- | modtype ->
- let id = ident_of_path path default:"M" in
- view_signature_item [Tsig_module (id, modtype)] :path :env
-and view_module_id id :env =
- let path, _ = lookup_module id env in
- view_module path :env
-and view_type_decl path :env =
- let td = find_type path env in
- try match td.type_manifest with None -> raise Not_found
- | Some ty -> match Ctype.repr ty with
- {desc = Tobject _} ->
- let clt = find_cltype path env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_cltype(ident_of_path path default:"ct", clt)]
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found ->
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_type(ident_of_path path default:"t", td)]
-and view_type_id li :env =
- let path, decl = lookup_type li env in
- view_type_decl path :env
-and view_class_id li :env =
- let path, cl = lookup_class li env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_class(ident_of_path path default:"c", cl)]
-and view_cltype_id li :env =
- let path, clt = lookup_cltype li env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_cltype(ident_of_path path default:"ct", clt)]
-and view_modtype_id li :env =
- let path, td = lookup_modtype li env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_modtype(ident_of_path path default:"S", td)]
-and view_expr_type ?:title ?:path ?:env ?:name{="noname"} t =
- let title =
- match title, path with Some title, _ -> title
- | None, Some path -> string_of_path path
- | None, None -> "Expression type"
- and path, id =
- match path with None -> None, Ident.create name
- | Some path -> parent_path path, ident_of_path path default:name
- in
- view_signature :title ?:path ?:env
- [Tsig_value (id, {val_type = t; val_kind = Val_reg})]
-and view_decl lid :kind :env =
- match kind with
- `Type -> view_type_id lid :env
- | `Class -> view_class_id lid :env
- | `Module -> view_module_id lid :env
- | `Modtype -> view_modtype_id lid :env
-and view_decl_menu lid :kind :env :parent =
- let path, kname =
- try match kind with
- `Type -> fst (lookup_type lid env), "Type"
- | `Class -> fst (lookup_class lid env), "Class"
- | `Module -> fst (lookup_module lid env), "Module"
- | `Modtype -> fst (lookup_modtype lid env), "Module type"
- with Env.Error _ -> raise Not_found
- in
- let menu = Menu.create :parent tearoff:false () in
- let label = kname ^ " " ^ string_of_path path in
- begin match path with
- Pident _ ->
- Menu.add_command menu :label state:`Disabled
- | _ ->
- Menu.add_command menu :label
- command:(fun () -> view_decl lid :kind :env);
- end;
- if kind = `Type or kind = `Modtype then begin
- let buf = new buffer len:60 in
- let (fo,ff) = Format.get_formatter_output_functions ()
- and margin = Format.get_margin () in
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:buf#out flush:(fun () -> ());
- Format.set_margin 60;
- Format.open_hbox ();
- if kind = `Type then
- Printtyp.type_declaration
- (ident_of_path path default:"t")
- (find_type path env)
- else
- Printtyp.modtype_declaration
- (ident_of_path path default:"S")
- (find_modtype path env);
- Format.close_box (); Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:fo flush:ff;
- Format.set_margin margin;
- let l = Str.split sep:(Str.regexp "\n") buf#get in
- let font =
- let font =
- Option.get Widget.default_toplevel name:"font" class:"Font" in
- if font = "" then "7x14" else font
- in
- (* Menu.add_separator menu; *)
- List.iter l
- fun:(fun label -> Menu.add_command menu :label :font state:`Disabled)
- end;
- menu
-(* search and view in a structure *)
-type fkind =
- [ `Exp [`Expr|`Pat|`Const|`Val Path.t|`Var Path.t|`New Path.t]
- * Types.type_expr
- | `Class Path.t * Types.class_type
- | `Module Path.t * Types.module_type ]
-exception Found_str of fkind * Env.t
-let view_type kind :env =
- match kind with
- `Exp (k, ty) ->
- begin match k with
- `Expr -> view_expr_type ty title:"Expression type" :env
- | `Pat -> view_expr_type ty title:"Pattern type" :env
- | `Const -> view_expr_type ty title:"Constant type" :env
- | `Val path ->
- begin try
- let vd = find_value path env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_value(ident_of_path path default:"v", vd)]
- with Not_found ->
- view_expr_type ty :path :env
- end
- | `Var path ->
- let vd = find_value path env in
- view_expr_type vd.val_type :env :path title:"Variable type"
- | `New path ->
- let cl = find_class path env in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_class(ident_of_path path default:"c", cl)]
- end
- | `Class (path, cty) ->
- let cld = { cty_params = []; cty_type = cty;
- cty_path = path; cty_new = None } in
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_class(ident_of_path path default:"c", cld)]
- | `Module (path, mty) ->
- match mty with
- Tmty_signature sign -> view_signature sign :path :env
- | modtype ->
- view_signature_item :path :env
- [Tsig_module(ident_of_path path default:"M", mty)]
-let view_type_menu kind :env :parent =
- let title =
- match kind with
- `Exp (`Expr,_) -> "Expression :"
- | `Exp (`Pat, _) -> "Pattern :"
- | `Exp (`Const, _) -> "Constant :"
- | `Exp (`Val path, _) -> "Value " ^ string_of_path path ^ " :"
- | `Exp (`Var path, _) ->
- "Variable " ^ (ident_of_path path default:"noname") ^ " :"
- | `Exp (`New path, _) -> "Class " ^ string_of_path path ^ " :"
- | `Class (path, _) -> "Class " ^ string_of_path path ^ " :"
- | `Module (path,_) -> "Module " ^ string_of_path path in
- let menu = Menu.create :parent tearoff:false () in
- begin match kind with
- `Exp((`Expr | `Pat | `Const | `Val (Pident _)),_) ->
- Menu.add_command menu label:title state:`Disabled
- | `Exp _ | `Class _ | `Module _ ->
- Menu.add_command menu label:title
- command:(fun () -> view_type kind :env)
- end;
- begin match kind with `Module _ | `Class _ -> ()
- | `Exp(_, ty) ->
- let buf = new buffer len:60 in
- let (fo,ff) = Format.get_formatter_output_functions ()
- and margin = Format.get_margin () in
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:buf#out flush:(fun () -> ());
- Format.set_margin 60;
- Format.open_hbox ();
- Printtyp.reset ();
- Printtyp.mark_loops ty;
- Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- Format.close_box (); Format.print_flush ();
- Format.set_formatter_output_functions out:fo flush:ff;
- Format.set_margin margin;
- let l = Str.split sep:(Str.regexp "\n") buf#get in
- let font =
- let font =
- Option.get Widget.default_toplevel name:"font" class:"Font" in
- if font = "" then "7x14" else font
- in
- (* Menu.add_separator menu; *)
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun label -> match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with
- Tconstr (path,_,_) ->
- Menu.add_command menu :label :font
- command:(fun () -> view_type_decl path :env)
- | Tvariant {row_name = Some (path, _)} ->
- Menu.add_command menu :label :font
- command:(fun () -> view_type_decl path :env)
- | _ ->
- Menu.add_command menu :label :font state:`Disabled
- end
- end;
- menu
-let rec search_pos_structure :pos str =
- List.iter str fun:
- begin function
- Tstr_eval exp -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Tstr_value (rec_flag, l) ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- let env =
- if rec_flag = Asttypes.Recursive then exp.exp_env else Env.empty in
- search_pos_pat pat :pos :env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Tstr_primitive (_, vd) ->()
- | Tstr_type _ -> ()
- | Tstr_exception _ -> ()
- | Tstr_module (_, m) -> search_pos_module_expr m :pos
- | Tstr_modtype _ -> ()
- | Tstr_open _ -> ()
- | Tstr_class l ->
- List.iter l fun:(fun (id, _, _, cl) -> search_pos_class_expr cl :pos)
- | Tstr_cltype _ -> ()
- end
-and search_pos_class_expr :pos cl =
- if in_loc cl.cl_loc :pos then begin
- begin match cl.cl_desc with
- Tclass_ident path ->
- raise (Found_str (`Class (path, cl.cl_type), !start_env))
- | Tclass_structure cls ->
- List.iter cls.cl_field fun:
- begin function
- Cf_inher (cl, _, _) ->
- search_pos_class_expr cl :pos
- | Cf_val (_, _, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Cf_meth (_, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Cf_let (_, pel, iel) ->
- List.iter pel fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end;
- List.iter iel fun:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos)
- | Cf_init exp -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Tclass_fun (pat, iel, cl, _) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:pat.pat_env;
- List.iter iel fun:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos);
- search_pos_class_expr cl :pos
- | Tclass_apply (cl, el) ->
- search_pos_class_expr cl :pos;
- List.iter el fun:(Misc.may (search_pos_expr :pos))
- | Tclass_let (_, pel, iel, cl) ->
- List.iter pel fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end;
- List.iter iel fun:(fun (_,exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos);
- search_pos_class_expr cl :pos
- | Tclass_constraint (cl, _, _, _) ->
- search_pos_class_expr cl :pos
- end;
- raise (Found_str
- (`Class (Pident (Ident.create "c"), cl.cl_type), !start_env))
- end
-and search_pos_expr :pos exp =
- if in_loc exp.exp_loc :pos then begin
- begin match exp.exp_desc with
- Texp_ident (path, _) ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Val path, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- | Texp_constant v ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Const, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- | Texp_let (_, expl, exp) ->
- List.iter expl fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp') ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp' :pos
- end;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Texp_function (l, _) ->
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Texp_apply (exp, l) ->
- List.iter l fun:(Misc.may (search_pos_expr :pos));
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Texp_match (exp, l, _) ->
- search_pos_expr exp :pos;
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Texp_try (exp, l) ->
- search_pos_expr exp :pos;
- List.iter l fun:
- begin fun (pat, exp) ->
- search_pos_pat pat :pos env:exp.exp_env;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Texp_tuple l -> List.iter l fun:(search_pos_expr :pos)
- | Texp_construct (_, l) -> List.iter l fun:(search_pos_expr :pos)
- | Texp_variant (_, None) -> ()
- | Texp_variant (_, Some exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Texp_record (l, opt) ->
- List.iter l fun:(fun (_, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos);
- (match opt with None -> () | Some exp -> search_pos_expr exp :pos)
- | Texp_field (exp, _) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Texp_setfield (a, _, b) ->
- search_pos_expr a :pos; search_pos_expr b :pos
- | Texp_array l -> List.iter l fun:(search_pos_expr :pos)
- | Texp_ifthenelse (a, b, c) ->
- search_pos_expr a :pos; search_pos_expr b :pos;
- begin match c with None -> ()
- | Some exp -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end
- | Texp_sequence (a,b) ->
- search_pos_expr a :pos; search_pos_expr b :pos
- | Texp_while (a,b) ->
- search_pos_expr a :pos; search_pos_expr b :pos
- | Texp_for (_, a, b, _, c) ->
- List.iter [a;b;c] fun:(search_pos_expr :pos)
- | Texp_when (a, b) ->
- search_pos_expr a :pos; search_pos_expr b :pos
- | Texp_send (exp, _) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos
- | Texp_new (path, _) ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`New path, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- | Texp_instvar (_,path) ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Var path, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- | Texp_setinstvar (_, path, exp) ->
- search_pos_expr exp :pos;
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Var path, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- | Texp_override (_, l) ->
- List.iter l fun:(fun (_, exp) -> search_pos_expr exp :pos)
- | Texp_letmodule (id, modexp, exp) ->
- search_pos_module_expr modexp :pos;
- search_pos_expr exp :pos
- end;
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Expr, exp.exp_type), exp.exp_env))
- end
-and search_pos_pat :pos :env pat =
- if in_loc pat.pat_loc :pos then begin
- begin match pat.pat_desc with
- Tpat_any -> ()
- | Tpat_var id ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Val (Pident id), pat.pat_type), env))
- | Tpat_alias (pat, _) -> search_pos_pat pat :pos :env
- | Tpat_constant _ ->
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Const, pat.pat_type), env))
- | Tpat_tuple l ->
- List.iter l fun:(search_pos_pat :pos :env)
- | Tpat_construct (_, l) ->
- List.iter l fun:(search_pos_pat :pos :env)
- | Tpat_variant (_, None, _) -> ()
- | Tpat_variant (_, Some pat, _) -> search_pos_pat pat :pos :env
- | Tpat_record l ->
- List.iter l fun:(fun (_, pat) -> search_pos_pat pat :pos :env)
- | Tpat_array l ->
- List.iter l fun:(search_pos_pat :pos :env)
- | Tpat_or (a, b) ->
- search_pos_pat a :pos :env; search_pos_pat b :pos :env
- end;
- raise (Found_str (`Exp(`Pat, pat.pat_type), env))
- end
-and search_pos_module_expr :pos m =
- if in_loc m.mod_loc :pos then begin
- begin match m.mod_desc with
- Tmod_ident path ->
- raise
- (Found_str (`Module (path, m.mod_type), m.mod_env))
- | Tmod_structure str -> search_pos_structure str :pos
- | Tmod_functor (_, _, m) -> search_pos_module_expr m :pos
- | Tmod_apply (a, b, _) ->
- search_pos_module_expr a :pos; search_pos_module_expr b :pos
- | Tmod_constraint (m, _, _) -> search_pos_module_expr m :pos
- end;
- raise (Found_str (`Module (Pident (Ident.create "M"), m.mod_type),
- m.mod_env))
- end
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchpos.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchpos.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index eeae7f32c..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/searchpos.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val top_widgets : any widget list ref
-type module_widgets =
- { mw_frame: frame widget;
- mw_detach: button widget;
- mw_edit: button widget;
- mw_intf: button widget }
-val add_shown_module : Path.t -> widgets:module_widgets -> unit
-val find_shown_module : Path.t -> module_widgets
-val view_defined_ref : (Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit) ref
-val editor_ref :
- (?file:string -> ?pos:int -> ?opendialog:bool -> unit -> unit) ref
-val view_signature :
- ?title:string -> ?path:Path.t -> ?env:Env.t -> Types.signature -> unit
-val view_signature_item :
- Types.signature -> path:Path.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_module_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_type_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_class_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_cltype_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_modtype_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_type_decl : Path.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
-type skind = [`Type|`Class|`Module|`Modtype]
-exception Found_sig of skind * Longident.t * Env.t
-val search_pos_signature :
- Parsetree.signature -> pos:int -> env:Env.t -> Env.t
- (* raises Found_sig to return its result, or Not_found *)
-val view_decl : Longident.t -> kind:skind -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_decl_menu :
- Longident.t ->
- kind:skind -> env:Env.t -> parent:text widget -> menu widget
-type fkind =
- [ `Exp [`Expr|`Pat|`Const|`Val Path.t|`Var Path.t|`New Path.t]
- * Types.type_expr
- | `Class Path.t * Types.class_type
- | `Module Path.t * Types.module_type ]
-exception Found_str of fkind * Env.t
-val search_pos_structure :
- pos:int -> Typedtree.structure_item list -> unit
- (* raises Found_str to return its result *)
-val view_type : fkind -> env:Env.t -> unit
-val view_type_menu : fkind -> env:Env.t -> parent:'a widget -> menu widget
-val parent_path : Path.t -> Path.t option
-val string_of_path : Path.t -> string
-val string_of_longident : Longident.t -> string
-val lines_to_chars : int -> in:string -> int
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c045d97..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-(* Listboxes *)
-let update_hooks = ref []
-let add_update_hook f = update_hooks := f :: !update_hooks
-let exec_update_hooks () =
- update_hooks := List.filter !update_hooks pred:
- begin fun f ->
- try f (); true
- with Protocol.TkError _ -> false
- end
-let set_load_path l =
- Config.load_path := l;
- exec_update_hooks ()
-let get_load_path () = !Config.load_path
-let renew_dirs box :var :dir =
- Textvariable.set var to:dir;
- Listbox.delete box first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- Listbox.insert box index:`End
- texts:(Useunix.get_directories_in_files path:dir
- (Useunix.get_files_in_directory dir));
- Jg_box.recenter box index:(`Num 0)
-let renew_path box =
- Listbox.delete box first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- Listbox.insert box index:`End texts:!Config.load_path;
- Jg_box.recenter box index:(`Num 0)
-let add_to_path :dirs ?:base{=""} box =
- let dirs =
- if base = "" then dirs else
- if dirs = [] then [base] else
- dirs fun:
- begin function
- "." -> base
- | ".." -> Filename.dirname base
- | x -> base ^ "/" ^ x
- end
- in
- set_load_path
- (dirs @ List.fold_left dirs acc:(get_load_path ())
- fun:(fun :acc x -> List2.exclude elt:x acc))
-let remove_path box :dirs =
- set_load_path
- (List.fold_left dirs acc:(get_load_path ())
- fun:(fun :acc x -> List2.exclude elt:x acc))
-(* main function *)
-let f :dir =
- let current_dir = ref dir in
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Edit Load Path" in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- let var_dir = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
- let caplab = Label.create parent:tl text:"Path" ()
- and dir_name =
- Entry.create parent:tl textvariable:var_dir ()
- and browse = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let dirs = Frame.create parent:browse ()
- and path = Frame.create parent:browse () in
- let dirframe, dirbox, dirsb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar parent:dirs ()
- and pathframe, pathbox, pathsb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar parent:path ()
- in
- add_update_hook (fun () -> renew_path pathbox);
- Listbox.configure pathbox width:40 selectmode:`Multiple;
- Listbox.configure dirbox selectmode:`Multiple;
- Jg_box.add_completion dirbox action:
- begin fun index ->
- begin match Listbox.get dirbox :index with
- "." -> ()
- | ".." -> current_dir := Filename.dirname !current_dir
- | x -> current_dir := !current_dir ^ "/" ^ x
- end;
- renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir dir:!current_dir;
- Listbox.selection_clear dirbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End
- end;
- Jg_box.add_completion pathbox action:
- begin fun index ->
- current_dir := Listbox.get pathbox :index;
- renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir dir:!current_dir
- end;
- bind dir_name events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"]
- action:(`Set([], fun _ ->
- let dir = Textvariable.get var_dir in
- if Useunix.is_directory dir then begin
- current_dir := dir;
- renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir :dir
- end));
- let bind_space_toggle lb =
- bind lb events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "space"]
- action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> ()))
- in bind_space_toggle dirbox; bind_space_toggle pathbox;
- let add_paths _ =
- add_to_path pathbox base:!current_dir
- dirs:( (Listbox.curselection dirbox)
- fun:(fun x -> Listbox.get dirbox index:x));
- Listbox.selection_clear dirbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End
- and remove_paths _ =
- remove_path pathbox
- dirs:( (Listbox.curselection pathbox)
- fun:(fun x -> Listbox.get pathbox index:x))
- in
- bind dirbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Insert"]
- action:(`Set ([], add_paths));
- bind pathbox events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Delete"]
- action:(`Set ([], remove_paths));
- let dirlab = Label.create parent:dirs text:"Directories" ()
- and pathlab = Label.create parent:path text:"Load path" ()
- and addbutton =
- Button.create parent:dirs text:"Add to path" command:add_paths ()
- and pathbuttons = Frame.create parent:path () in
- let removebutton =
- Button.create parent:pathbuttons text:"Remove from path"
- command:remove_paths ()
- and ok =
- Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:pathbuttons
- in
- renew_dirs dirbox var:var_dir dir:!current_dir;
- renew_path pathbox;
- pack [dirsb] side:`Right fill:`Y;
- pack [dirbox] side:`Left fill:`Y expand:true;
- pack [pathsb] side:`Right fill:`Y;
- pack [pathbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dirlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
- pack [addbutton] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- pack [dirframe] fill:`Y expand:true;
- pack [pathlab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
- pack [removebutton; ok] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [pathbuttons] fill:`X side:`Bottom;
- pack [pathframe] fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [dirs] side:`Left fill:`Y;
- pack [path] side:`Right fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [caplab] side:`Top anchor:`W padx:(`Pix 10);
- pack [dir_name] side:`Top anchor:`W fill:`X;
- pack [browse] side:`Bottom expand:true fill:`Both;
- tl
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 9801f83e7..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-val add_update_hook : (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val exec_update_hooks : unit -> unit
- (* things to do when Config.load_path changes *)
-val f : dir:string -> toplevel widget
- (* edit the load path *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af22d1b4..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-(* Nice history class. May reuse *)
-class ['a] history () = object
- val mutable history = ([] : 'a list)
- val mutable count = 0
- method empty = history = []
- method add s = count <- 0; history <- s :: history
- method previous =
- let s = List.nth pos:count history in
- count <- (count + 1) mod List.length history;
- s
- method next =
- let l = List.length history in
- count <- (l + count - 1) mod l;
- List.nth history pos:((l + count - 1) mod l)
-(* The shell class. Now encapsulated *)
-let protect f x = try f x with _ -> ()
-class shell :textw :prog :args :env =
- let (in2,out1) = Unix.pipe ()
- and (in1,out2) = Unix.pipe ()
- and (err1,err2) = Unix.pipe () in
-object (self)
- val pid = Unix.create_process_env :prog :args :env in:in2 out:out2 err:err2
- val out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr out1
- val h = new history ()
- val mutable alive = true
- val mutable reading = false
- method alive = alive
- method kill =
- if Winfo.exists textw then Text.configure textw state:`Disabled;
- if alive then begin
- alive <- false;
- protect close_out out;
- List.iter fun:(protect Unix.close) [in1; err1; in2; out2; err2];
- try
- Fileevent.remove_fileinput fd:in1;
- Fileevent.remove_fileinput fd:err1;
- Unix.kill :pid signal:Sys.sigkill;
- Unix.waitpid flags:[] pid; ()
- with _ -> ()
- end
- method interrupt =
- if alive then try
- reading <- false;
- Unix.kill :pid signal:Sys.sigint
- with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
- method send s =
- if alive then try
- output_string s to:out;
- flush out
- with Sys_error _ -> ()
- method private read :fd :len =
- try
- let buffer = String.create :len in
- let len = fd :buffer pos:0 :len in
- self#insert (String.sub buffer pos:0 :len);
- Text.mark_set textw mark:"input" index:(`Mark"insert",[`Char(-1)])
- with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
- method history (dir : [`next|`previous]) =
- if not h#empty then begin
- if reading then begin
- Text.delete textw start:(`Mark"input",[`Char 1])
- end:(`Mark"insert",[])
- end else begin
- reading <- true;
- Text.mark_set textw mark:"input"
- index:(`Mark"insert",[`Char(-1)])
- end;
- self#insert (if dir = `previous then h#previous else h#next)
- end
- method private lex ?:start{= `Mark"insert",[`Linestart]}
- ?end:endx{= `Mark"insert",[`Lineend]} () =
- Lexical.tag textw :start end:endx
- method insert text =
- let idx = Text.index textw
- index:(`Mark"insert",[`Char(-1);`Linestart]) in
- Text.insert textw :text index:(`Mark"insert",[]);
- self#lex start:(idx,[`Linestart]) ();
- Text.see textw index:(`Mark"insert",[])
- method private keypress c =
- if not reading & c > " " then begin
- reading <- true;
- Text.mark_set textw mark:"input" index:(`Mark"insert",[`Char(-1)])
- end
- method private keyrelease c = if c <> "" then self#lex ()
- method private return =
- if reading then reading <- false
- else Text.mark_set textw mark:"input"
- index:(`Mark"insert",[`Linestart;`Char 1]);
- self#lex start:(`Mark"input",[`Linestart]) ();
- let s =
- (* input is one character before real input *)
- Text.get textw start:(`Mark"input",[`Char 1])
- end:(`Mark"insert",[]) in
- h#add s;
- self#send s;
- self#send "\n"
- method private paste ev =
- if not reading then begin
- reading <- true;
- Text.mark_set textw mark:"input"
- index:(`Atxy(ev.ev_MouseX, ev.ev_MouseY),[`Char(-1)])
- end
- initializer
- Lexical.init_tags textw;
- let rec bindings =
- [ ([[],`KeyPress],[`Char],fun ev -> self#keypress ev.ev_Char);
- ([[],`KeyRelease],[`Char],fun ev -> self#keyrelease ev.ev_Char);
- ([[],`KeyPressDetail"Return"],[],fun _ -> self#return);
- ([[],`ButtonPressDetail 2], [`MouseX; `MouseY], self#paste);
- ([[`Alt],`KeyPressDetail"p"],[],fun _ -> self#history `previous);
- ([[`Alt],`KeyPressDetail"n"],[],fun _ -> self#history `next);
- ([[`Meta],`KeyPressDetail"p"],[],fun _ -> self#history `previous);
- ([[`Meta],`KeyPressDetail"n"],[],fun _ -> self#history `next);
- ([[`Control],`KeyPressDetail"c"],[],fun _ -> self#interrupt);
- ([[],`Destroy],[],fun _ -> self#kill) ]
- in
- List.iter bindings
- fun:(fun (events,fields,f) ->
- bind textw :events action:(`Set(fields,f)));
- begin try
- List.iter [in1;err1] fun:
- begin fun fd ->
- Fileevent.add_fileinput :fd
- callback:(fun () -> self#read :fd len:1024)
- end
- with _ -> ()
- end
-(* Specific use of shell, for LablBrowser *)
-let shells : (string * shell) list ref = ref []
-(* Called before exiting *)
-let kill_all () =
- List.iter !shells fun:(fun (_,sh) -> if sh#alive then sh#kill);
- shells := []
-let get_all () =
- let all = List.filter !shells pred:(fun (_,sh) -> sh#alive) in
- shells := all;
- all
-let may_exec prog =
- try
- let stats = Unix.stat prog in
- stats.Unix.st_perm land 1 <> 0 or
- stats.Unix.st_perm land 8 <> 0
- & List.mem elt:stats.Unix.st_gid (Array.to_list (Unix.getgroups ())) or
- stats.Unix.st_perm land 64 <> 0 & stats.Unix.st_uid = Unix.getuid ()
- with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
-let f :prog :title =
- let progargs =
- List.filter pred:((<>) "") (Str.split sep:(Str.regexp " ") prog) in
- if progargs = [] then () else
- let prog = List.hd progargs in
- let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with Not_found -> "/bin:/usr/bin" in
- let exec_path = Str.split sep:(Str.regexp":") path in
- let exists =
- if not (Filename.is_implicit prog) then may_exec prog else
- List.exists exec_path
- pred:(fun dir -> may_exec (Filename.concat dir prog)) in
- if not exists then () else
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
- let menus = Frame.create parent:tl name:"menubar" () in
- let file_menu = new Jg_menu.c "File" parent:menus
- and history_menu = new Jg_menu.c "History" parent:menus
- and signal_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Signal" parent:menus in
- pack [menus] side:`Top fill:`X;
- pack [file_menu#button; history_menu#button; signal_menu#button]
- side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
- let frame, tw, sb = Jg_text.create_with_scrollbar parent:tl in
- Text.configure tw background:`White;
- pack [sb] fill:`Y side:`Right;
- pack [tw] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Left;
- pack [frame] fill:`Both expand:true;
- let reg = Str.regexp "TERM=" in
- let env = (Unix.environment ()) fun:
- begin fun s ->
- if Str.string_match reg s pos:0 then "TERM=dumb" else s
- end in
- let load_path =
- List2.flat_map !Config.load_path fun:(fun dir -> ["-I"; dir]) in
- let args = Array.of_list (progargs @ load_path) in
- let sh = new shell textw:tw :prog :env :args in
- let current_dir = ref (Unix.getcwd ()) in
- file_menu#add_command "Use..." command:
- begin fun () ->
- Fileselect.f title:"Use File" filter:"*.ml" sync:true dir:!current_dir ()
- action:(fun l ->
- if l = [] then () else
- let name = List.hd l in
- current_dir := Filename.dirname name;
- if Filename.check_suffix name suff:".ml"
- then
- let cmd = "#use \"" ^ name ^ "\";;\n" in
- sh#insert cmd; sh#send cmd)
- end;
- file_menu#add_command "Load..." command:
- begin fun () ->
- Fileselect.f title:"Load File" filter:"*.cm[oa]" sync:true ()
- dir:!current_dir
- action:(fun l ->
- if l = [] then () else
- let name = List.hd l in
- current_dir := Filename.dirname name;
- if Filename.check_suffix name suff:".cmo" or
- Filename.check_suffix name suff:".cma"
- then
- let cmd = "#load \"" ^ name ^ "\";;\n" in
- sh#insert cmd; sh#send cmd)
- end;
- file_menu#add_command "Import path" command:
- begin fun () ->
- List.iter (List.rev !Config.load_path)
- fun:(fun dir -> sh#send ("#directory \"" ^ dir ^ "\";;\n"))
- end;
- file_menu#add_command "Close" command:(fun () -> destroy tl);
- history_menu#add_command "Previous " accelerator:"M-p"
- command:(fun () -> sh#history `previous);
- history_menu#add_command "Next" accelerator:"M-n"
- command:(fun () -> sh#history `next);
- signal_menu#add_command "Interrupt " accelerator:"C-c"
- command:(fun () -> sh#interrupt);
- signal_menu#add_command "Kill" command:(fun () -> sh#kill);
- shells := (title, sh) :: !shells
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/shell.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/shell.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index adea44551..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/shell.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* toplevel shell *)
-class shell :
- textw:Widget.text Widget.widget -> prog:string ->
- args:string array -> env:string array ->
- object
- method alive : bool
- method kill : unit
- method interrupt : unit
- method insert : string -> unit
- method send : string -> unit
- method history : [`next|`previous] -> unit
- end
-val kill_all : unit -> unit
-val get_all : unit -> (string * shell) list
-val f : prog:string -> title:string -> unit
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1e29deb..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Parsetree
-open Location
-open Jg_tk
-open Mytypes
-let nowarnings = ref false
-let f txt =
- let error_messages = ref [] in
- let text = Jg_text.get_all
- and env = ref (Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial) in
- let tl, ew, end_message = Jg_message.formatted title:"Warnings" () in
- Text.tag_remove tag:"error" start:tstart end:tend;
- begin
- txt.structure <- [];
- txt.signature <- [];
- txt.psignature <- [];
- try
- if Filename.check_suffix suff:".mli" then
- let psign = Parse.interface (Lexing.from_string text) in
- txt.psignature <- psign;
- txt.signature <- Typemod.transl_signature !env psign
- else (* others are interpreted as .ml *)
- let psl = Parse.use_file (Lexing.from_string text) in
- List.iter psl fun:
- begin function
- Ptop_def pstr ->
- let str, sign, env' = Typemod.type_structure !env pstr in
- txt.structure <- txt.structure @ str;
- txt.signature <- txt.signature @ sign;
- env := env'
- | Ptop_dir _ -> ()
- end
- with
- Lexer.Error _ | Syntaxerr.Error _
- | Typecore.Error _ | Typemod.Error _
- | Typeclass.Error _ | Typedecl.Error _
- | Typetexp.Error _ | Includemod.Error _
- | Env.Error _ | Ctype.Tags _ as exn ->
- let et, ew, end_message = Jg_message.formatted title:"Error !" () in
- error_messages := et :: !error_messages;
- let s, e = match exn with
- Lexer.Error (err, s, e) ->
- Lexer.report_error err; s,e
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error err;
- let l =
- match err with
- Syntaxerr.Unclosed(l,_,_,_) -> l
- | Syntaxerr.Other l -> l
- in l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Typecore.Error (l,err) ->
- Typecore.report_error err; l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Typeclass.Error (l,err) ->
- Typeclass.report_error err; l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Typedecl.Error (l, err) ->
- Typedecl.report_error err; l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Typemod.Error (l,err) ->
- Typemod.report_error err; l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Typetexp.Error (l,err) ->
- Typetexp.report_error err; l.loc_start, l.loc_end
- | Includemod.Error errl ->
- Includemod.report_error errl; 0, 0
- | Env.Error err ->
- Env.report_error err; 0, 0
- | Ctype.Tags(l, l') ->
- Format.printf "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ have same hash value." l l'; 0, 0
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- end_message ();
- if s < e then
- Jg_text.tag_and_see start:(tpos s) end:(tpos e) tag:"error"
- end;
- end_message ();
- if !nowarnings or Text.index ew index:tend = `Linechar (2,0)
- then destroy tl
- else begin
- error_messages := tl :: !error_messages;
- Text.configure ew state:`Disabled;
- bind ew events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ ->
- let s =
- Text.get ew start:(`Mark "insert", [`Wordstart])
- end:(`Mark "insert", [`Wordend]) in
- try
- let n = int_of_string s in
- Text.mark_set index:(tpos n) mark:"insert";
- Text.see index:(`Mark "insert", [])
- with Failure "int_of_string" -> ()))
- end;
- !error_messages
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/typecheck.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/typecheck.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9970495..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/typecheck.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Widget
-open Mytypes
-val nowarnings : bool ref
-val f : edit_window -> any widget list
- (* Typechecks the window as much as possible *)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 33dd20f2b..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Unix
-let get_files_in_directory dir =
- try
- let dirh = opendir dir in
- let rec get_them () =
- try
- let x = readdir dirh in
- x :: get_them ()
- with
- _ -> closedir dirh; []
- in
- Sort.list order:(<) (get_them ())
- with Unix_error _ -> []
-let is_directory name =
- try
- (stat name).st_kind = S_DIR
- with _ -> false
-let get_directories_in_files :path =
- List.filter pred:(fun x -> is_directory (path ^ "/" ^ x))
-(************************************************** Subshell call *)
-let subshell :cmd =
- let rc = open_process_in cmd in
- let rec it () =
- try
- let x = input_line rc in x :: it ()
- with _ -> []
- in
- let answer = it () in
- ignore (close_process_in rc);
- answer
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/useunix.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/useunix.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 23699155a..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/useunix.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* Unix utilities *)
-val get_files_in_directory : string -> string list
-val is_directory : string -> bool
-val get_directories_in_files : path:string -> string list -> string list
-val subshell : cmd:string -> string list
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9d7228b..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Tk
-open Jg_tk
-open Mytypes
-open Longident
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Env
-open Searchpos
-open Searchid
-let list_modules :path =
- List.fold_left path acc:[] fun:
- begin fun :acc dir ->
- let l =
- List.filter (Useunix.get_files_in_directory dir)
- pred:(fun x -> Filename.check_suffix x suff:".cmi") in
- let l = l fun:
- begin fun x ->
- String.capitalize (Filename.chop_suffix x suff:".cmi")
- end in
- List.fold_left l :acc
- fun:(fun :acc elt -> if List.mem acc :elt then acc else elt :: acc)
- end
-let reset_modules box =
- Listbox.delete box first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
- module_list := Sort.list order:(<) (list_modules path:!Config.load_path);
- Listbox.insert box index:`End texts:!module_list;
- Jg_box.recenter box index:(`Num 0)
-let view_symbol :kind :env ?:path id =
- let name = match id with
- Lident x -> x
- | Ldot (_, x) -> x
- | _ -> match kind with Pvalue | Ptype | Plabel -> "z" | _ -> "Z"
- in
- match kind with
- Pvalue ->
- let path, vd = lookup_value id env in
- view_signature_item :path :env [Tsig_value (Ident.create name, vd)]
- | Ptype -> view_type_id id :env
- | Plabel -> let ld = lookup_label id env in
- begin match ld.lbl_res.desc with
- Tconstr (path, _, _) -> view_type_decl path :env
- | _ -> ()
- end
- | Pconstructor ->
- let cd = lookup_constructor id env in
- begin match cd.cstr_res.desc with
- Tconstr (cpath, _, _) ->
- if Path.same cpath Predef.path_exn then
- view_signature title:(string_of_longident id) :env ?:path
- [Tsig_exception (Ident.create name, cd.cstr_args)]
- else
- view_type_decl cpath :env
- | _ -> ()
- end
- | Pmodule -> view_module_id id :env
- | Pmodtype -> view_modtype_id id :env
- | Pclass -> view_class_id id :env
- | Pcltype -> view_cltype_id id :env
-let choose_symbol :title :env ?:signature ?:path l =
- if match path with
- None -> false
- | Some path ->
- try find_shown_module path; true with Not_found -> false
- then () else
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- top_widgets := coe tl :: !top_widgets;
- let buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let all = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Show all" padx:(`Pix 20) ()
- and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons
- and detach = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Detach" ()
- and edit = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Impl" ()
- and intf = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Intf" () in
- let l = Sort.list l order:
- (fun (li1, _) (li2,_) ->
- string_of_longident li1 < string_of_longident li2)
- in
- let nl = l fun:
- begin fun (li, k) ->
- string_of_longident li ^ " (" ^ string_of_kind k ^ ")"
- end in
- let fb = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let box =
- new Jg_multibox.c parent:fb cols:3 texts:nl maxheight:3 width:21 () in
- box#init;
- box#bind_kbd events:[[],`KeyPressDetail"Escape"]
- action:(fun _ :index -> destroy tl; break ());
- if List.length nl > 9 then (Jg_multibox.add_scrollbar box; ());
- Jg_multibox.add_completion box action:
- begin fun pos ->
- let li, k = List.nth l :pos in
- let path =
- match path, li with
- None, Ldot (lip, _) ->
- begin try
- Some (fst (lookup_module lip env))
- with Not_found -> None
- end
- | _ -> path
- in view_symbol li kind:k :env ?:path
- end;
- pack [buttons] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- pack [fb] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
- begin match signature with
- None -> pack [ok] fill:`X expand:true
- | Some signature ->
- Button.configure all command:
- begin fun () ->
- view_signature signature :title :env ?:path
- end;
- pack [ok; all] side:`Right fill:`X expand:true
- end;
- begin match path with None -> ()
- | Some path ->
- let frame = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- pack [frame] side:`Bottom fill:`X;
- add_shown_module path
- widgets:{ mw_frame = frame; mw_detach = detach;
- mw_edit = edit; mw_intf = intf }
- end
-let search_which = ref "itself"
-let search_symbol () =
- if !module_list = [] then
- module_list := Sort.list order:(<) (list_modules path:!Config.load_path);
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Search symbol" in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl;
- let ew = Entry.create parent:tl width:30 () in
- let choice = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and which = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
- let itself = Radiobutton.create parent:choice text:"Itself"
- variable:which value:"itself" ()
- and extype = Radiobutton.create parent:choice text:"Exact type"
- variable:which value:"exact" ()
- and iotype = Radiobutton.create parent:choice text:"Included type"
- variable:which value:"iotype" ()
- and buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let search = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Search" () command:
- begin fun () ->
- search_which := Textvariable.get which;
- let text = Entry.get ew in
- try if text = "" then () else
- let l = match !search_which with
- "itself" -> search_string_symbol text
- | "iotype" -> search_string_type text mode:`included
- | "exact" -> search_string_type text mode:`exact
- in
- if l <> [] then
- choose_symbol title:"Choose symbol" env:!start_env l
- with Searchid.Error (s,e) ->
- Entry.selection_clear ew;
- Entry.selection_range ew start:(`Num s) end:(`Num e);
- Entry.xview_index ew index:(`Num s)
- end
- and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons text:"Cancel" in
- Focus.set ew;
- Jg_bind.return_invoke ew button:search;
- Textvariable.set which to:!search_which;
- pack [itself; extype; iotype] side:`Left anchor:`W;
- pack [search; ok] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [coe ew; coe choice; coe buttons]
- side:`Top fill:`X expand:true
-let view_defined modlid :env =
- try match lookup_module modlid env with
- path, Tmty_signature sign ->
- let ident_of_decl = function
- Tsig_value (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pvalue
- | Tsig_type (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Ptype
- | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, id), Pconstructor
- | Tsig_module (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodule
- | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pmodtype
- | Tsig_class (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pclass
- | Tsig_cltype (id, _) -> Lident ( id), Pcltype
- in
- let rec iter_sign sign idents =
- match sign with
- [] -> List.rev idents
- | decl :: rem ->
- let rem = match decl, rem with
- Tsig_class _, cty :: ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
- | Tsig_cltype _, ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem
- | _, rem -> rem
- in iter_sign rem (ident_of_decl decl :: idents)
- in
- let l = iter_sign sign [] in
- choose_symbol l title:(string_of_path path) signature:sign
- env:(open_signature path sign env) :path
- | _ -> ()
- with Not_found -> ()
- | Env.Error err ->
- let tl, tw, finish = Jg_message.formatted title:"Error!" () in
- Env.report_error err;
- finish ()
-let close_all_views () =
- List.iter !top_widgets
- fun:(fun tl -> try destroy tl with Protocol.TkError _ -> ());
- top_widgets := []
-let shell_counter = ref 1
-let default_shell = ref "ocaml"
-let start_shell () =
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Start New Shell" in
- Wm.transient_set tl master:Widget.default_toplevel;
- let input = Frame.create parent:tl ()
- and buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let ok = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Ok" ()
- and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl parent:buttons text:"Cancel"
- and labels = Frame.create parent:input ()
- and entries = Frame.create parent:input () in
- let l1 = Label.create parent:labels text:"Command:" ()
- and l2 = Label.create parent:labels text:"Title:" ()
- and e1 =
- Jg_entry.create parent:entries command:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok) ()
- and e2 =
- Jg_entry.create parent:entries command:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok) ()
- and names = fun:fst (Shell.get_all ()) in
- Entry.insert e1 index:`End text:!default_shell;
- while List.mem names elt:("Shell #" ^ string_of_int !shell_counter) do
- incr shell_counter
- done;
- Entry.insert e2 index:`End text:("Shell #" ^ string_of_int !shell_counter);
- Button.configure ok command:(fun () ->
- if not (List.mem names elt:(Entry.get e2)) then begin
- default_shell := Entry.get e1;
- Shell.f prog:!default_shell title:(Entry.get e2);
- destroy tl
- end);
- pack [l1;l2] side:`Top anchor:`W;
- pack [e1;e2] side:`Top fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [labels;entries] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [ok;cancel] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
- pack [input;buttons] side:`Top fill:`X expand:true
-let f ?:dir{= Unix.getcwd()} ?:on () =
- let tl = match on with
- None ->
- let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Module viewer" in
- Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; coe tl
- | Some top ->
- Wm.title_set top title:"LablBrowser";
- Wm.iconname_set top name:"LablBrowser";
- let tl = Frame.create parent:top () in
- pack [tl] expand:true fill:`Both;
- coe tl
- in
- let menus = Frame.create parent:tl name:"menubar" () in
- let filemenu = new Jg_menu.c "File" parent:menus
- and modmenu = new Jg_menu.c "Modules" parent:menus in
- let fmbox, mbox, msb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar parent:tl () in
- Jg_box.add_completion mbox nocase:true action:
- begin fun index ->
- view_defined (Lident (Listbox.get mbox :index)) env:!start_env
- end;
- Setpath.add_update_hook (fun () -> reset_modules mbox);
- let ew = Entry.create parent:tl () in
- let buttons = Frame.create parent:tl () in
- let search = Button.create parent:buttons text:"Search" pady:(`Pix 1) ()
- command:
- begin fun () ->
- let s = Entry.get ew in
- let is_type = ref false and is_long = ref false in
- for i = 0 to String.length s - 2 do
- if s.[i] = '-' & s.[i+1] = '>' then is_type := true;
- if s.[i] = '.' then is_long := true
- done;
- let l =
- if !is_type then try
- search_string_type mode:`included s
- with Searchid.Error (start,stop) ->
- Entry.icursor ew index:(`Num start); []
- else if !is_long then
- search_string_symbol s
- else
- search_pattern_symbol s in
- match l with [] -> ()
- | [lid,kind] when !is_long -> view_symbol lid :kind env:!start_env
- | _ -> choose_symbol title:"Choose symbol" env:!start_env l
- end
- and close =
- Button.create parent:buttons text:"Close all" pady:(`Pix 1) ()
- command:close_all_views
- in
- (* bindings *)
- Jg_bind.enter_focus ew;
- Jg_bind.return_invoke ew button:search;
- bind close events:[[`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
- action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> destroy tl));
- (* File menu *)
- filemenu#add_command "Open..."
- command:(fun () -> !editor_ref opendialog:true ());
- filemenu#add_command "Editor..." command:(fun () -> !editor_ref ());
- filemenu#add_command "Shell..." command:start_shell;
- filemenu#add_command "Quit" command:(fun () -> destroy tl);
- (* modules menu *)
- modmenu#add_command "Path editor..." command:(fun () -> Setpath.f :dir; ());
- modmenu#add_command "Reset cache"
- command:(fun () -> reset_modules mbox; Env.reset_cache ());
- modmenu#add_command "Search symbol..." command:search_symbol;
- pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] side:`Left ipadx:(`Pix 5) anchor:`W;
- pack [menus] side:`Top fill:`X;
- pack [close; search] fill:`X side:`Right expand:true;
- pack [coe buttons; coe ew] fill:`X side:`Bottom;
- pack [msb] side:`Right fill:`Y;
- pack [mbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
- pack [fmbox] fill:`Both expand:true side:`Top;
- reset_modules mbox
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/viewer.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/viewer.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 798afeb08..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/viewer.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* Module viewer *)
-open Widget
-val search_symbol : unit -> unit
- (* search a symbol in all modules in the path *)
-val f : ?dir:string -> ?on:toplevel widget -> unit -> unit
- (* open then module viewer *)
-val view_defined : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
- (* displays a signature, found in environment *)
-val close_all_views : unit -> unit