path: root/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/compiler/')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a606014d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Internal compiler errors *)
+exception Compiler_Error of string
+let fatal_error s = raise (Compiler_Error s)
+(* Types of the description language *)
+type mltype =
+ Unit
+ | Int
+ | Float
+ | Bool
+ | Char
+ | String
+ | List of mltype
+ | Product of mltype list
+ | Record of (string * mltype) list
+ | UserDefined of string
+ | Subtype of string * string
+ | Function of mltype (* arg type only *)
+ | As of mltype * string
+type template =
+ StringArg of string
+ | TypeArg of string * mltype
+ | ListArg of template list
+ | OptionalArgs of string * template list * template list
+(* Sorts of components *)
+type component_type =
+ Constructor
+ | Command
+ | External
+(* Full definition of a component *)
+type fullcomponent = {
+ component : component_type;
+ ml_name : string; (* may be no longer useful *)
+ var_name : string;
+ template : template;
+ result : mltype;
+ safe : bool
+ }
+let sort_components =
+ Sort.list order:(fun c1 c2 -> c1.ml_name < c2.ml_name)
+(* components are given either in full or abbreviated *)
+type component =
+ Full of fullcomponent
+ | Abbrev of string
+(* A type definition *)
+ requires_widget_context: the converter of the type MUST be passed
+ an additional argument of type Widget.
+type parser_arity =
+ OneToken
+| MultipleToken
+type type_def = {
+ parser_arity : parser_arity;
+ mutable constructors : fullcomponent list;
+ mutable subtypes : (string * fullcomponent list) list;
+ mutable requires_widget_context : bool;
+ mutable variant : bool
+type module_type =
+ Widget
+ | Family
+type module_def = {
+ module_type : module_type;
+ commands : fullcomponent list;
+ externals : fullcomponent list
+(******************** The tables ********************)
+(* the table of all explicitly defined types *)
+let types_table = (Hashtbl.create 37 : (string, type_def) Hashtbl.t)
+(* "builtin" types *)
+let types_external = ref ([] : (string * parser_arity) list)
+(* dependancy order *)
+let types_order = (Tsort.create () : string Tsort.porder)
+(* Types of atomic values returned by Tk functions *)
+let types_returned = ref ([] : string list)
+(* Function table *)
+let function_table = ref ([] : fullcomponent list)
+(* Widget/Module table *)
+let module_table = (Hashtbl.create 37 : (string, module_def) Hashtbl.t)
+(* variant name *)
+let rec getvarname ml_name temp =
+ let offhypben s =
+ let s = String.copy s in
+ if (try String.sub s pos:0 len:1 with _ -> "") = "-" then
+ String.sub s pos:1 len:(String.length s - 1)
+ else s
+ and makecapital s =
+ begin
+ try
+ let cd = s.[0] in
+ if cd >= 'a' && cd <= 'z' then
+ s.[0] <- Char.chr (Char.code cd + (Char.code 'A' - Char.code 'a'))
+ with
+ _ -> ()
+ end;
+ s
+ in
+ let head = makecapital (offhypben begin
+ match temp with
+ StringArg s -> s
+ | TypeArg (s,t) -> s
+ | ListArg (h::_) -> getvarname ml_name h
+ | OptionalArgs (s,_,_) -> s
+ | ListArg [] -> ""
+ end)
+ in
+ let varname = if head = "" then ml_name
+ else if head.[0] >= 'A' && head.[0] <= 'Z' then head
+ else ml_name
+ in varname
+(***** Some utilities on the various tables *****)
+(* Enter a new empty type *)
+let new_type typname arity =
+ Tsort.add_element types_order typname;
+ let typdef = {parser_arity = arity;
+ constructors = [];
+ subtypes = [];
+ requires_widget_context = false;
+ variant = false} in
+ Hashtbl.add types_table key:typname data:typdef;
+ typdef
+(* Assume that types not yet defined are not subtyped *)
+(* Widget is builtin and implicitly subtyped *)
+let is_subtyped s =
+ s = "widget" or
+ try
+ let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table key:s in
+ typdef.subtypes <> []
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let requires_widget_context s =
+ try
+ (Hashtbl.find types_table key:s).requires_widget_context
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let declared_type_parser_arity s =
+ try
+ (Hashtbl.find types_table key:s).parser_arity
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ try List.assoc key:s !types_external
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ prerr_string "Type "; prerr_string s;
+ prerr_string " is undeclared external or undefined\n";
+ prerr_string ("Assuming cTKtoCAML"^s^" : string -> "^s^"\n");
+ OneToken
+let rec type_parser_arity = function
+ Unit -> OneToken
+ | Int -> OneToken
+ | Float -> OneToken
+ | Bool -> OneToken
+ | Char -> OneToken
+ | String -> OneToken
+ | List _ -> MultipleToken
+ | Product _ -> MultipleToken
+ | Record _ -> MultipleToken
+ | UserDefined s -> declared_type_parser_arity s
+ | Subtype (s,_) -> declared_type_parser_arity s
+ | Function _ -> OneToken
+ | As (ty, _) -> type_parser_arity ty
+let enter_external_type s v =
+ types_external := (s,v)::!types_external
+(*** Stuff for topological Sort.list of types ***)
+(* Make sure all types used in commands and functions are in *)
+(* the table *)
+let rec enter_argtype = function
+ Unit | Int | Float | Bool | Char | String -> ()
+ | List ty -> enter_argtype ty
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:enter_argtype tyl
+ | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl fun:(fun (l,t) -> enter_argtype t)
+ | UserDefined s -> Tsort.add_element types_order s
+ | Subtype (s,_) -> Tsort.add_element types_order s
+ | Function ty -> enter_argtype ty
+ | As (ty, _) -> enter_argtype ty
+let rec enter_template_types = function
+ StringArg _ -> ()
+ | TypeArg (l,t) -> enter_argtype t
+ | ListArg l -> List.iter fun:enter_template_types l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter fun:enter_template_types tl
+(* Find type dependancies on s *)
+let rec add_dependancies s =
+ function
+ List ty -> add_dependancies s ty
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:(add_dependancies s) tyl
+ | Subtype(s',_) -> if s <> s' then Tsort.add_relation types_order (s', s)
+ | UserDefined s' -> if s <> s' then Tsort.add_relation types_order (s', s)
+ | Function ty -> add_dependancies s ty
+ | As (ty, _) -> add_dependancies s ty
+ | _ -> ()
+let rec add_template_dependancies s = function
+ StringArg _ -> ()
+ | TypeArg (l,t) -> add_dependancies s t
+ | ListArg l -> List.iter fun:(add_template_dependancies s) l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter fun:(add_template_dependancies s) tl
+(* Assumes functions are not nested in products, which is reasonable due to syntax*)
+let rec has_callback = function
+ StringArg _ -> false
+ | TypeArg (l,Function _ ) -> true
+ | TypeArg _ -> false
+ | ListArg l -> List.exists pred:has_callback l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.exists pred:has_callback tl
+(*** Returned types ***)
+let really_add ty =
+ if List.mem elt:ty !types_returned then ()
+ else types_returned := ty :: !types_returned
+let rec add_return_type = function
+ Unit -> ()
+ | Int -> ()
+ | Float -> ()
+ | Bool -> ()
+ | Char -> ()
+ | String -> ()
+ | List ty -> add_return_type ty
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:add_return_type tyl
+ | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl fun:(fun (l,t) -> add_return_type t)
+ | UserDefined s -> really_add s
+ | Subtype (s,_) -> really_add s
+ | Function _ -> fatal_error "unexpected return type (function)" (* whoah *)
+ | As (ty, _) -> add_return_type ty
+(*** Update tables for a component ***)
+let enter_component_types {template = t; result = r} =
+ add_return_type r;
+ enter_argtype r;
+ enter_template_types t
+(******************** Types and subtypes ********************)
+exception Duplicate_Definition of string * string
+exception Invalid_implicit_constructor of string
+(* Checking duplicate definition of constructor in subtypes *)
+let rec check_duplicate_constr allowed c =
+ function
+ [] -> false (* not defined *)
+ | c'::rest ->
+ if c.ml_name = c'.ml_name then (* defined *)
+ if allowed then
+ if c.template = c'.template then true (* same arg *)
+ else raise (Duplicate_Definition ("constructor",c.ml_name))
+ else raise (Duplicate_Definition ("constructor", c.ml_name))
+ else check_duplicate_constr allowed c rest
+(* Retrieve constructor *)
+let rec find_constructor cname = function
+ [] -> raise (Invalid_implicit_constructor cname)
+ | c::l -> if c.ml_name = cname then c
+ else find_constructor cname l
+(* Enter a type, must not be previously defined *)
+let enter_type typname ?:variant{=false} arity constructors =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find types_table key:typname;
+ raise (Duplicate_Definition ("type", typname))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let typdef = new_type typname arity in
+ if variant then typdef.variant <- true;
+ List.iter constructors fun:
+ begin fun c ->
+ if not (check_duplicate_constr false c typdef.constructors)
+ then begin
+ typdef.constructors <- c :: typdef.constructors;
+ add_template_dependancies typname c.template
+ end;
+ (* Callbacks require widget context *)
+ typdef.requires_widget_context <-
+ typdef.requires_widget_context or
+ has_callback c.template
+ end
+(* Enter a subtype *)
+let enter_subtype typ arity subtyp constructors =
+ (* Retrieve the type if already defined, else add a new one *)
+ let typdef =
+ try Hashtbl.find types_table key:typ
+ with Not_found -> new_type typ arity
+ in
+ if List.mem_assoc key:subtyp typdef.subtypes
+ then raise (Duplicate_Definition ("subtype", typ ^" "^subtyp))
+ else begin
+ let real_constructors =
+ constructors fun:
+ begin function
+ Full c ->
+ if not (check_duplicate_constr true c typdef.constructors)
+ then begin
+ add_template_dependancies typ c.template;
+ typdef.constructors <- c :: typdef.constructors
+ end;
+ typdef.requires_widget_context <-
+ typdef.requires_widget_context or
+ has_callback c.template;
+ c
+ | Abbrev name -> find_constructor name typdef.constructors
+ end
+ in
+ (* TODO: duplicate def in subtype are not checked *)
+ typdef.subtypes <-
+ (subtyp , Sort.list real_constructors
+ order:(fun c1 c2 -> c1.var_name <= c2.var_name)) ::
+ typdef.subtypes
+ end
+(******************** Widgets ********************)
+(* used by the parser; when enter_widget is called,
+ all components are assumed to be in Full form *)
+let retrieve_option optname =
+ let optiontyp =
+ try Hashtbl.find types_table key:"options"
+ with
+ Not_found -> raise (Invalid_implicit_constructor optname)
+ in find_constructor optname optiontyp.constructors
+(* Sort components by type *)
+let rec add_sort acc:l obj =
+ match l with
+ [] -> [obj.component ,[obj]]
+ | (s',l)::rest ->
+ if obj.component = s' then
+ (s',obj::l)::rest
+ else
+ (s',l)::(add_sort acc:rest obj)
+let separate_components = List.fold_left fun:add_sort acc:[]
+let enter_widget name components =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find module_table key:name;
+ raise (Duplicate_Definition ("widget/module", name))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let sorted_components = separate_components components in
+ List.iter sorted_components fun:
+ begin function
+ Constructor, l ->
+ enter_subtype "options" MultipleToken
+ name ( fun:(fun c -> Full c) l)
+ | Command, l ->
+ List.iter fun:enter_component_types l
+ | External, _ -> ()
+ end;
+ let commands =
+ try List.assoc key:Command sorted_components
+ with Not_found -> []
+ and externals =
+ try List.assoc key:External sorted_components
+ with Not_found -> []
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add module_table key:name
+ data:{module_type = Widget; commands = commands; externals = externals}
+(******************** Functions ********************)
+let enter_function comp =
+ enter_component_types comp;
+ function_table := comp :: !function_table
+(******************** Modules ********************)
+let enter_module name components =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find module_table key:name;
+ raise (Duplicate_Definition ("widget/module", name))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let sorted_components = separate_components components in
+ List.iter sorted_components fun:
+ begin function
+ Constructor, l -> fatal_error "unexpected Constructor"
+ | Command, l -> List.iter fun:enter_component_types l
+ | External, _ -> ()
+ end;
+ let commands =
+ try List.assoc key:Command sorted_components
+ with Not_found -> []
+ and externals =
+ try List.assoc key:External sorted_components
+ with Not_found -> []
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add module_table key:name
+ data:{module_type = Family; commands = commands; externals = externals}