path: root/otherlibs/labltk/example/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/example/')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a330a9ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* A simple calculator demonstrating OO programming with O'Labl
+ and LablTk.
+ LablTk itself is not OO, but it is good to wrap complex
+ structures in objects. Even if the absence of initializers
+ makes things a little bit awkward.
+open Tk
+let mem_string elt:c s =
+ try
+ for i = 0 to String.length s -1 do
+ if s.[i] = c then raise Exit
+ done; false
+ with Exit -> true
+let ops = ['+',(+.); '-',(-.); '*',( *.); '/',(/.)]
+(* The abstract calculator class.
+ Does not use Tk (only Textvariable) *)
+class calc () = object (calc)
+ val variable = Textvariable.create ()
+ val mutable x = 0.0
+ val mutable op = None
+ val mutable displaying = true
+ method set = Textvariable.set variable
+ method get = Textvariable.get variable
+ method insert s = calc#set to:(calc#get ^ s)
+ method get_float = float_of_string (calc#get)
+ method command s =
+ if s <> "" then match s.[0] with
+ '0'..'9' ->
+ if displaying then (calc#set to:""; displaying <- false);
+ calc#insert s
+ | '.' ->
+ if displaying then
+ (calc#set to:"0."; displaying <- false)
+ else
+ if not (mem_string elt:'.' calc#get) then calc#insert s
+ | '+'|'-'|'*'|'/' as c ->
+ displaying <- true;
+ begin match op with
+ None ->
+ x <- calc#get_float;
+ op <- Some (List.assoc key:c ops)
+ | Some f ->
+ x <- f x (calc#get_float);
+ op <- Some (List.assoc key:c ops);
+ calc#set to:(string_of_float x)
+ end
+ | '='|'\n'|'\r' ->
+ displaying <- true;
+ begin match op with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ x <- f x (calc#get_float);
+ op <- None;
+ calc#set to:(string_of_float x)
+ end
+ | 'q' -> closeTk (); exit 0
+ | _ -> ()
+(* Buttons for the calculator *)
+let m =
+ [|["7";"8";"9";"+"];
+ ["4";"5";"6";"-"];
+ ["1";"2";"3";"*"];
+ ["0";".";"=";"/"]|]
+(* The physical calculator. Inherits from the abstract one *)
+class calculator :parent = object
+ inherit calc () as calc
+ val label = Label.create :parent anchor:`E relief:`Sunken padx:(`Pix 10) ()
+ val frame = Frame.create :parent ()
+ initializer
+ let buttons =
+ fun:
+ ( fun:
+ (fun text ->
+ Button.create parent:frame :text
+ command:(fun () -> calc#command text) ()))
+ m
+ in
+ Label.configure textvariable:variable label;
+ calc#set to:"0";
+ bind parent events:[[],`KeyPress]
+ action:(`Set([`Char],fun ev -> calc#command ev.ev_Char));
+ for i = 0 to Array.length m - 1 do
+ Grid.configure row:i buttons.(i)
+ done;
+ pack side:`Top fill:`X [label];
+ pack side:`Bottom fill:`Both expand:true [frame];
+(* Finally start everything *)
+let top = openTk ()
+let applet = new calculator parent:top
+let _ = mainLoop ()