path: root/otherlibs/labltk/support/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/support/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
deleted file mode 100644
index ffebc909b..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Unix
-open Protocol
-external add_file_input : file_descr -> cbid -> unit
- = "camltk_add_file_input"
-external rem_file_input : file_descr -> unit
- = "camltk_rem_file_input"
-external add_file_output : file_descr -> cbid -> unit
- = "camltk_add_file_output"
-external rem_file_output : file_descr -> unit
- = "camltk_rem_file_output"
-(* File input handlers *)
-let fd_table = Hashtbl.create 37 (* Avoid space leak in callback table *)
-let add_fileinput :fd callback:f =
- let id = new_function_id () in
- Hashtbl.add callback_naming_table key:id data:(fun _ -> f());
- Hashtbl.add fd_table key:(fd, 'r') data:id;
- if !Protocol.debug then begin
- Protocol.prerr_cbid id; prerr_endline " for fileinput"
- end;
- add_file_input fd id
-let remove_fileinput :fd =
- try
- let id = Hashtbl.find fd_table key:(fd, 'r') in
- clear_callback id;
- Hashtbl.remove fd_table key:(fd, 'r');
- if !Protocol.debug then begin
- prerr_string "clear ";
- Protocol.prerr_cbid id;
- prerr_endline " for fileinput"
- end;
- rem_file_input fd
- with
- Not_found -> ()
-let add_fileoutput :fd callback:f =
- let id = new_function_id () in
- Hashtbl.add callback_naming_table key:id data:(fun _ -> f());
- Hashtbl.add fd_table key:(fd, 'w') data:id;
- if !Protocol.debug then begin
- Protocol.prerr_cbid id; prerr_endline " for fileoutput"
- end;
- add_file_output fd id
-let remove_fileoutput :fd =
- try
- let id = Hashtbl.find fd_table key:(fd, 'w') in
- clear_callback id;
- Hashtbl.remove fd_table key:(fd, 'w');
- if !Protocol.debug then begin
- prerr_string "clear ";
- Protocol.prerr_cbid id;
- prerr_endline " for fileoutput"
- end;
- rem_file_output fd
- with
- Not_found -> ()