path: root/otherlibs/threads/
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/threads/')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/threads/ b/otherlibs/threads/
index 2f02d7c4e..beec810aa 100644
--- a/otherlibs/threads/
+++ b/otherlibs/threads/
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ external getgrnam : string -> group_entry = "unix_getgrnam"
external getpwuid : int -> passwd_entry = "unix_getpwuid"
external getgrgid : int -> group_entry = "unix_getgrgid"
-type inet_addr
+type inet_addr = string
external inet_addr_of_string : string -> inet_addr
= "unix_inet_addr_of_string"
@@ -492,10 +492,18 @@ external string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
= "unix_string_of_inet_addr"
let inet_addr_any = inet_addr_of_string ""
+let inet_addr_loopback = inet_addr_of_string ""
+let inet6_addr_any =
+ try inet_addr_of_string "::" with Failure _ -> inet_addr_any
+let inet6_addr_loopback =
+ try inet_addr_of_string "::1" with Failure _ -> inet_addr_loopback
+let is_inet6_addr s = String.length s = 16
type socket_domain =
+ | PF_INET6
type socket_type =
@@ -507,6 +515,10 @@ type sockaddr =
ADDR_UNIX of string
| ADDR_INET of inet_addr * int
+let domain_of_sockaddr = function
+ | ADDR_INET(a, _) -> if is_inet6_addr a then PF_INET6 else PF_INET
type shutdown_command =
@@ -675,6 +687,135 @@ external getservbyname : string -> string -> service_entry
= "unix_getservbyname"
external getservbyport : int -> string -> service_entry
= "unix_getservbyport"
+type addr_info =
+ { ai_family : socket_domain;
+ ai_socktype : socket_type;
+ ai_protocol : int;
+ ai_addr : sockaddr;
+ ai_canonname : string }
+type getaddrinfo_option =
+ AI_FAMILY of socket_domain
+ | AI_SOCKTYPE of socket_type
+ | AI_PROTOCOL of int
+external getaddrinfo_system
+ : string -> string -> getaddrinfo_option list -> addr_info list
+ = "unix_getaddrinfo"
+let getaddrinfo_emulation node service opts =
+ (* Parse options *)
+ let opt_socktype = ref None
+ and opt_protocol = ref 0
+ and opt_passive = ref false in
+ List.iter
+ (function AI_SOCKTYPE s -> opt_socktype := Some s
+ | AI_PROTOCOL p -> opt_protocol := p
+ | AI_PASSIVE -> opt_passive := true
+ | _ -> ())
+ opts;
+ (* Determine socket types and port numbers *)
+ let get_port ty kind =
+ if service = "" then [ty, 0] else
+ try
+ [ty, int_of_string service]
+ with Failure _ ->
+ try
+ [ty, (getservbyname service kind).s_port]
+ with Not_found -> []
+ in
+ let ports =
+ match !opt_socktype with
+ | None ->
+ get_port SOCK_STREAM "tcp" @ get_port SOCK_DGRAM "udp"
+ | Some SOCK_STREAM ->
+ get_port SOCK_STREAM "tcp"
+ | Some SOCK_DGRAM ->
+ get_port SOCK_DGRAM "udp"
+ | Some ty ->
+ if service = "" then [ty, 0] else [] in
+ (* Determine IP addresses *)
+ let addresses =
+ if node = "" then
+ if List.mem AI_PASSIVE opts
+ then [inet_addr_any, ""]
+ else [inet_addr_loopback, ""]
+ else
+ try
+ [inet_addr_of_string node, node]
+ with Failure _ ->
+ try
+ let he = gethostbyname node in
+ (fun a -> (a, he.h_name))
+ (Array.to_list he.h_addr_list)
+ with Not_found ->
+ [] in
+ (* Cross-product of addresses and ports *)
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun (ty, port) ->
+ (fun (addr, name) ->
+ { ai_family = PF_INET;
+ ai_socktype = ty;
+ ai_protocol = !opt_protocol;
+ ai_addr = ADDR_INET(addr, port);
+ ai_canonname = name })
+ addresses)
+ ports)
+let getaddrinfo node service opts =
+ try
+ List.rev(getaddrinfo_system node service opts)
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ getaddrinfo_emulation node service opts
+type name_info =
+ { ni_hostname : string;
+ ni_service : string }
+type getnameinfo_option =
+external getnameinfo_system
+ : sockaddr -> getnameinfo_option list -> name_info
+ = "unix_getnameinfo"
+let getnameinfo_emulation addr opts =
+ match addr with
+ | ADDR_UNIX f ->
+ { ni_hostname = ""; ni_service = f } (* why not? *)
+ | ADDR_INET(a, p) ->
+ let hostname =
+ try
+ if List.mem NI_NUMERICHOST opts then raise Not_found;
+ (gethostbyaddr a).h_name
+ with Not_found ->
+ if List.mem NI_NAMEREQD opts then raise Not_found;
+ string_of_inet_addr a in
+ let service =
+ try
+ if List.mem NI_NUMERICSERV opts then raise Not_found;
+ let kind = if List.mem NI_DGRAM opts then "udp" else "tcp" in
+ (getservbyport p kind).s_name
+ with Not_found ->
+ string_of_int p in
+ { ni_hostname = hostname; ni_service = service }
+let getnameinfo addr opts =
+ try
+ getnameinfo_system addr opts
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ getnameinfo_emulation addr opts
type terminal_io = {
mutable c_ignbrk: bool;
mutable c_brkint: bool;
@@ -894,10 +1035,8 @@ let close_process_full (inchan, outchan, errchan) =
(* High-level network functions *)
let open_connection sockaddr =
- let domain =
- match sockaddr with ADDR_UNIX _ -> PF_UNIX | ADDR_INET(_,_) -> PF_INET in
let sock =
- socket domain SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ socket (domain_of_sockaddr sockaddr) SOCK_STREAM 0 in
connect sock sockaddr;
(in_channel_of_descr sock, out_channel_of_descr sock)
@@ -908,10 +1047,8 @@ let shutdown_connection inchan =
shutdown (descr_of_in_channel inchan) SHUTDOWN_SEND
let establish_server server_fun sockaddr =
- let domain =
- match sockaddr with ADDR_UNIX _ -> PF_UNIX | ADDR_INET(_,_) -> PF_INET in
let sock =
- socket domain SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ socket (domain_of_sockaddr sockaddr) SOCK_STREAM 0 in
setsockopt sock SO_REUSEADDR true;
bind sock sockaddr;
listen sock 5;