path: root/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/unix/unix.mli')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
index 100d85c6b..5e59c8163 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
@@ -105,11 +105,20 @@ val handle_unix_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
describing the error and exits with code 2. *)
-(*** Interface with the parent process *)
+(*** Access to the process environment *)
external environment : unit -> string array = "unix_environment"
(* Return the process environment, as an array of strings
- with the format ``variable=value''. See also [Sys.getenv]. *)
+ with the format ``variable=value''. *)
+external getenv: string -> string = "sys_getenv"
+ (* Return the value associated to a variable in the process
+ environment. Raise [Not_found] if the variable is unbound.
+ (This function is identical to [Sys.getenv].) *)
+external putenv: string -> string -> unit = "unix_putenv"
+ (* [Unix.putenv name value] sets the value associated to a
+ variable in the process environment.
+ [name] is the name of the environment variable,
+ and [value] its new associated value. *)
(*** Process handling *)
@@ -519,15 +528,16 @@ external gettimeofday : unit -> float = "unix_gettimeofday"
(* Same as [time], but with resolution better than 1 second. *)
external gmtime : int -> tm = "unix_gmtime"
(* Convert a time in seconds, as returned by [time], into a date and
- a time. Assumes Greenwich meridian time zone. *)
+ a time. Assumes Greenwich meridian time zone, also known as UTC. *)
external localtime : int -> tm = "unix_localtime"
(* Convert a time in seconds, as returned by [time], into a date and
a time. Assumes the local time zone. *)
external mktime : tm -> int * tm = "unix_mktime"
(* Convert a date and time, specified by the [tm] argument, into
a time in seconds, as returned by [time]. Also return a normalized
- copy of the given [tm] record, with the [tm_wday] and [tm_yday]
- recomputed from the other fields. *)
+ copy of the given [tm] record, with the [tm_wday], [tm_yday],
+ and [tm_isdst] fields recomputed from the other fields.
+ The [tm] argument is interpreted in the local time zone. *)
external alarm : int -> int = "unix_alarm"
(* Schedule a [SIGALRM] signals after the given number of seconds. *)
external sleep : int -> unit = "unix_sleep"