path: root/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/unix/unix.mli')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
index b54a93706..ce92951d4 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
@@ -16,41 +16,45 @@
(*** Error report *)
type error =
- | EPERM (* Not owner *)
- | ENOENT (* No such file or directory *)
- | ESRCH (* No such process *)
- | EINTR (* Interrupted system call *)
- | EIO (* I/O error *)
- | ENXIO (* No such device or address *)
- | E2BIG (* Arg list too long *)
- | ENOEXEC (* Exec format error *)
- | EBADF (* Bad file number *)
- | ECHILD (* No children *)
- | EAGAIN (* No more processes *)
- | ENOMEM (* Not enough core *)
- | EACCES (* Permission denied *)
- | EFAULT (* Bad address *)
- | ENOTBLK (* Block device required *)
- | EBUSY (* Mount device busy *)
+ (* Errors defined in the POSIX standard *)
+ E2BIG (* Argument list too long *)
+ | EACCESS (* Permission denied *)
+ | EAGAIN (* Resource temporarily unavailable; try again *)
+ | EBADF (* Bad file descriptor *)
+ | EBUSY (* Resource unavailable *)
+ | ECHILD (* No child process *)
+ | EDEADLK (* Resource deadlock would occur *)
+ | EDOM (* Domain error for math functions, etc. *)
| EEXIST (* File exists *)
- | EXDEV (* Cross-device link *)
- | ENODEV (* No such device *)
- | ENOTDIR (* Not a directory*)
- | EISDIR (* Is a directory *)
- | EINVAL (* Invalid argument *)
- | ENFILE (* File table overflow *)
- | EMFILE (* Too many open files *)
- | ENOTTY (* Not a typewriter *)
- | ETXTBSY (* Text file busy *)
+ | EFAULT (* Bad address *)
| EFBIG (* File too large *)
- | ENOSPC (* No space left on device *)
- | ESPIPE (* Illegal seek *)
- | EROFS (* Read-only file system *)
+ | EINTR (* Function interrupted by signal *)
+ | EINVAL (* Invalid argument *)
+ | EIO (* Hardware I/O error *)
+ | EISDIR (* Is a directory *)
+ | EMFILE (* Too many open files by the process *)
| EMLINK (* Too many links *)
+ | ENAMETOOLONG (* Filename too long *)
+ | ENFILE (* Too many open files in the system *)
+ | ENODEV (* No such device *)
+ | ENOENT (* No such file or directory *)
+ | ENOEXEC (* Not an executable file *)
+ | ENOLCK (* No locks available *)
+ | ENOMEM (* Not enough memory *)
+ | ENOSPC (* No space left on device *)
+ | ENOSYS (* Function not supported *)
+ | ENOTDIR (* Not a directory *)
+ | ENOTEMPTY (* Directory not empty *)
+ | ENOTTY (* Inappropriate I/O control operation *)
+ | ENXIO (* No such device or address *)
+ | EPERM (* Operation not permitted *)
| EPIPE (* Broken pipe *)
- | EDOM (* Argument too large *)
| ERANGE (* Result too large *)
+ | EROFS (* Read-only file system *)
+ | ESPIPE (* Invalid seek e.g. on a pipe *)
+ | ESRCH (* No such process *)
+ | EXDEV (* Invalid link *)
+ (* Additional errors, mostly BSD *)
| EWOULDBLOCK (* Operation would block *)
| EINPROGRESS (* Operation now in progress *)
| EALREADY (* Operation already in progress *)
@@ -78,21 +82,11 @@ type error =
| ETOOMANYREFS (* Too many references: can't splice *)
| ETIMEDOUT (* Connection timed out *)
| ECONNREFUSED (* Connection refused *)
- | ELOOP (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
- | ENAMETOOLONG (* File name too long *)
| EHOSTDOWN (* Host is down *)
| EHOSTUNREACH (* No route to host *)
- | ENOTEMPTY (* Directory not empty *)
- | EPROCLIM (* Too many processes *)
- | EUSERS (* Too many users *)
- | EDQUOT (* Disc quota exceeded *)
- | ESTALE (* Stale NFS file handle *)
- | EREMOTE (* Too many levels of remote in path *)
- | EIDRM (* Identifier removed *)
- | EDEADLK (* Deadlock condition. *)
- | ENOLCK (* No record locks available. *)
- | ENOSYS (* Function not implemented *)
+ | ELOOP (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
+ (* All other errors are mapped to EUNKNOWNERR *)
+ | EUNKNOWNERR (* Unknown error *)
(* The type of error codes. *)
@@ -121,14 +115,13 @@ external environment : unit -> string array = "unix_environment"
type process_status =
WEXITED of int
- | WSIGNALED of int * bool
+ | WSIGNALED of int
| WSTOPPED of int
(* The termination status of a process. [WEXITED] means that the
process terminated normally by [exit]; the argument is the return
code. [WSIGNALED] means that the process was killed by a signal;
- the first argument is the signal number, the second argument
- indicates whether a ``core dump'' was performed. [WSTOPPED] means
+ the argument is the signal number. [WSTOPPED] means
that the process was stopped by a signal; the argument is the
signal number. *)
@@ -159,7 +152,9 @@ external wait : unit -> int * process_status = "unix_wait"
external waitpid : wait_flag list -> int -> int * process_status
= "unix_waitpid"
(* Same as [wait], but waits for the process whose pid is given.
- A pid of [0] means wait for any child.
+ A pid of [-1] means wait for any child.
+ A pid of [0] means wait for any child in the same process group
+ as the current process.
Negative pid arguments represent process groups.
The list of options indicates whether [waitpid] should return
immediately without waiting, or also report stopped children. *)
@@ -195,7 +190,7 @@ type open_flag =
O_RDONLY (* Open for reading *)
| O_WRONLY (* Open for writing *)
| O_RDWR (* Open for reading and writing *)
- | O_NDELAY (* Open in non-blocking mode *)
+ | O_NONBLOCK (* Open in non-blocking mode *)
| O_APPEND (* Open for append *)
| O_CREAT (* Create if nonexistent *)
| O_TRUNC (* Truncate to 0 length if existing *)
@@ -330,16 +325,27 @@ external access : string -> access_permission list -> unit = "unix_access"
file. Raise [Unix_error] otherwise. *)
-(*** File descriptor hacking *)
+(*** Operations on file descriptors *)
-external fcntl_int : file_descr -> int -> int -> int = "unix_fcntl_int"
- (* Interface to [fcntl] in the case where the argument is an
- integer. The first integer argument is the command code;
- the second is the integer parameter. *)
-external fcntl_ptr : file_descr -> int -> string -> int = "unix_fcntl_ptr"
- (* Interface to [fcntl] in the case where the argument is a pointer.
- The integer argument is the command code. A pointer to the string
- argument is passed as argument to the command. *)
+external dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
+ (* Duplicate a descriptor. *)
+external dup2 : file_descr -> file_descr -> unit = "unix_dup2"
+ (* [dup2 fd1 fd2] duplicates [fd1] to [fd2], closing [fd2] if already
+ opened. *)
+external set_nonblock : file_descr -> unit = "unix_set_nonblock"
+external clear_nonblock : file_descr -> unit = "unix_clear_nonblock"
+ (* Set or clear the ``non-blocking'' flag on the given descriptor.
+ When the non-blocking flag is set, reading on a descriptor
+ on which there is temporarily no data available raises the
+ [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK] error instead of blocking;
+ writing on a descriptor on which there is temporarily no room
+ for writing also raises [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK]. *)
+external set_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit = "unix_set_close_on_exec"
+external clear_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit = "unix_clear_close_on_exec"
+ (* Set or clear the ``close-on-exec'' flag on the given descriptor.
+ A descriptor with the close-on-exec flag is automatically
+ closed when the current process starts another program with
+ one of the [exec] functions. *)
(*** Directories *)
@@ -376,12 +382,6 @@ external pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
(* Create a pipe. The first component of the result is opened
for reading, that's the exit to the pipe. The second component is
opened for writing, that's the entrace to the pipe. *)
-external dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
- (* Duplicate a descriptor. *)
-external dup2 : file_descr -> file_descr -> unit = "unix_dup2"
- (* [dup2 fd1 fd2] duplicates [fd1] to [fd2], closing [fd2] if already
- opened. *)
val open_process_in: string -> in_channel
val open_process_out: string -> out_channel
@@ -518,6 +518,37 @@ external utimes : string -> int -> int -> unit = "unix_utimes"
(third arg) for a file. Times are expressed in seconds from
00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970. *)
+type interval_timer =
+ (* The three kinds of interval timers.
+ [ITIMER_REAL] decrements in real time, and sends the signal
+ [SIGALRM] when expired.
+ [ITIMER_VIRTUAL] decrements in process virtual time, and sends
+ [SIGVTALRM] when expired.
+ [ITIMER_PROF] (for profiling) decrements both when the process
+ is running and when the system is running on behalf of the
+ process; it sends [SIGPROF] when expired. *)
+type interval_timer_status =
+ { it_interval: float; (* Period *)
+ it_value: float } (* Current value of the timer *)
+ (* The type describing the status of an interval timer *)
+external getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status = "unix_getitimer"
+ (* Return the current status of the given interval timer. *)
+external setitimer:
+ interval_timer -> interval_timer_status -> interval_timer_status
+ = "unix_setitimer"
+ (* [setitimer t s] set the interval timer [t] and return its previous
+ status. The [s] argument is interpreted as follows:
+ [s.it_value], if nonzero, is the time to the next timer expiration;
+ [s.it_interval], if nonzero, specifies a value to
+ be used in reloading it_value when the timer expires.
+ Setting [s.it_value] to zero disable the timer.
+ Setting [s.it_interval] to zero causes the timer to be disabled
+ after its next expiration. *)
(*** User id, group id *)
@@ -584,6 +615,9 @@ external string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
and Internet addresses. [inet_addr_of_string] raises [Failure]
when given a string that does not match this format. *)
+val inet_addr_any : inet_addr
+ (* A special Internet address, for use only with [bind], representing
+ all the Internet addresses that the host machine possesses. *)
(*** Sockets *)
@@ -612,20 +646,6 @@ type sockaddr =
domain; [addr] is the Internet address of the machine, and
[port] is the port number. *)
-type shutdown_command =
- SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE (* Close for receiving *)
- | SHUTDOWN_SEND (* Close for sending *)
- | SHUTDOWN_ALL (* Close both *)
- (* The type of commands for [shutdown]. *)
-type msg_flag =
- (* The flags for [recv], [recvfrom], [send] and [sendto]. *)
external socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
= "unix_socket"
(* Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the
@@ -646,16 +666,31 @@ external connect : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit = "unix_connect"
external listen : file_descr -> int -> unit = "unix_listen"
(* Set up a socket for receiving connection requests. The integer
argument is the maximal number of pending requests. *)
+type shutdown_command =
+ SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE (* Close for receiving *)
+ | SHUTDOWN_SEND (* Close for sending *)
+ | SHUTDOWN_ALL (* Close both *)
+ (* The type of commands for [shutdown]. *)
external shutdown : file_descr -> shutdown_command -> unit = "unix_shutdown"
(* Shutdown a socket connection. [SHUTDOWN_SEND] as second argument
causes reads on the other end of the connection to return
an end-of-file condition.
[SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE] causes writes on the other end of the connection
to return a closed pipe condition ([SIGPIPE] signal). *)
external getsockname : file_descr -> sockaddr = "unix_getsockname"
(* Return the address of the given socket. *)
external getpeername : file_descr -> sockaddr = "unix_getpeername"
(* Return the address of the host connected to the given socket. *)
+type msg_flag =
+ (* The flags for [recv], [recvfrom], [send] and [sendto]. *)
val recv : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
val recvfrom :
file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
@@ -665,6 +700,20 @@ val sendto :
file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> sockaddr -> int
(* Send data over an unconnected socket. *)
+type socket_option =
+ SO_DEBUG (* Record debugging information *)
+ | SO_BROADCAST (* Permit sending of broadcast messages *)
+ | SO_REUSEADDR (* Allow reuse of local addresses for bind *)
+ | SO_KEEPALIVE (* Keep connection active *)
+ | SO_DONTROUTE (* Bypass the standard routing algorithms *)
+ | SO_OOBINLINE (* Leave out-of-band data in line *)
+ (* The socket options settable with [setsockopt]. *)
+external getsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool = "unix_getsockopt"
+ (* Return the current status of an option in the given socket. *)
+external setsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool -> unit
+ = "unix_setsockopt"
+ (* Set or clear an option in the given socket. *)
(*** High-level network connection functions *)