path: root/otherlibs/win32unix/
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/win32unix/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
index cf45e1b74..ee8e36f74 100644
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/
+++ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ type error =
+ | EUNKNOWNERR of int
exception Unix_error of error * string * string
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ external getpid : unit -> int = "unix_getpid"
let wait () = invalid_arg("Unix.wait not implemented")
+let getppid () = invalid_arg("Unix.getppid not implemented")
+(* Basic file input/output *)
type standard_handle = STD_INPUT | STD_OUTPUT | STD_ERROR
external stdhandle : standard_handle -> file_descr = "win_stdhandle"
@@ -154,8 +158,6 @@ type open_flag =
- | O_TEXT
type file_perm = int
@@ -176,23 +178,34 @@ let write fd buf ofs len =
then invalid_arg "Unix.write"
else unsafe_write fd buf ofs len
+(* Interfacing with the standard input/output library *)
external open_read_descriptor : int -> in_channel = "caml_open_descriptor"
external open_write_descriptor : int -> out_channel = "caml_open_descriptor"
external fd_of_in_channel : in_channel -> int = "channel_descriptor"
external fd_of_out_channel : out_channel -> int = "channel_descriptor"
-external open_handle : file_descr -> open_flag list -> int = "win_fd_handle"
+type descr_flag =
+ | D_TEXT
+external open_handle : file_descr -> descr_flag list -> int = "win_fd_handle"
external filedescr_of_fd : int -> file_descr = "win_handle_fd"
let in_channel_of_descr_gen flags handle =
open_read_descriptor(open_handle handle flags)
let in_channel_of_descr handle =
- in_channel_of_descr_gen [O_BINARY] handle
+ in_channel_of_descr_gen [D_TEXT] handle
+let in_channel_of_descr_bin handle =
+ in_channel_of_descr_gen [D_BINARY] handle
let out_channel_of_descr_gen flags handle =
open_write_descriptor(open_handle handle flags)
let out_channel_of_descr handle =
- out_channel_of_descr_gen [O_BINARY] handle
+ out_channel_of_descr_gen [D_TEXT] handle
+let out_channel_of_descr_bin handle =
+ out_channel_of_descr_gen [D_BINARY] handle
let descr_of_in_channel inchan =
filedescr_of_fd(fd_of_in_channel inchan)
@@ -200,6 +213,8 @@ let descr_of_in_channel inchan =
let descr_of_out_channel outchan =
filedescr_of_fd(fd_of_out_channel outchan)
+(* Seeking and truncating *)
type seek_command =
@@ -207,6 +222,11 @@ type seek_command =
external lseek : file_descr -> int -> seek_command -> int = "unix_lseek"
+let truncate name len = invalid_arg "Unix.truncate not implemented"
+let ftruncate fd len = invalid_arg "Unix.ftruncate not implemented"
+(* File statistics *)
type file_kind =
@@ -231,9 +251,16 @@ type stats =
st_ctime : int }
external stat : string -> stats = "unix_stat"
+let lstat = stat
+let fstat fd = invalid_arg "Unix.fstat not implemented"
+(* Operations on file names *)
external unlink : string -> unit = "unix_unlink"
external rename : string -> string -> unit = "unix_rename"
+let link f1 f2 = invalid_arg " not implemented"
+(* File permissions and ownership *)
type access_permission =
@@ -241,14 +268,27 @@ type access_permission =
| X_OK
| F_OK
+let chmod file perm = invalid_arg "Unix.chmod not implemented"
+let fchmod fd perm = invalid_arg "Unix.fchmod not implemented"
+let chown file perm = invalid_arg "Unix.chown not implemented"
+let fchown fd perm = invalid_arg "Unix.fchown not implemented"
+let umask msk = invalid_arg "Unix.umask not implemented"
external access : string -> access_permission list -> unit = "unix_access"
+(* Operations on file descriptors *)
external dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
external dup2 : file_descr -> file_descr -> unit = "unix_dup2"
+let set_nonblock fd = ()
+let clear_nonblock fd = ()
external set_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit = "win_set_close_on_exec"
external clear_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit = "win_clear_close_on_exec"
+(* Directories *)
external mkdir : string -> file_perm -> unit = "unix_mkdir"
external rmdir : string -> unit = "unix_rmdir"
external chdir : string -> unit = "unix_chdir"
@@ -259,7 +299,8 @@ type dir_entry =
| Dir_read of string
| Dir_toread
-type dir_handle = { handle: int; mutable entry_read: dir_entry }
+type dir_handle =
+ { dirname: string; mutable handle: int; mutable entry_read: dir_entry }
external findfirst : string -> string * int = "win_findfirst"
external findnext : int -> string= "win_findnext"
@@ -267,9 +308,9 @@ external findnext : int -> string= "win_findnext"
let opendir dirname =
let (first_entry, handle) = findfirst (dirname ^ "\\*.*") in
- { handle = handle; entry_read = Dir_read first_entry }
+ { dirname = dirname; handle = handle; entry_read = Dir_read first_entry }
with End_of_file ->
- { handle = 0; entry_read = Dir_empty }
+ { dirname = dirname; handle = 0; entry_read = Dir_empty }
let readdir d =
match d.entry_read with
@@ -284,8 +325,28 @@ let closedir d =
Dir_empty -> ()
| _ -> win_findclose d.handle
+let rewinddir d =
+ closedir d;
+ try
+ let (first_entry, handle) = findfirst (d.dirname ^ "\\*.*") in
+ d.handle <- handle; d.entry_read <- Dir_read first_entry }
+ with End_of_file ->
+ d.handle <- 0; d.entry_read <- Dir_empty
+(* Pipes and directories *)
external pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
+let mkfifo name perm = invalid_arg "Unix.mkfifo not implemented"
+(* Time functions *)
+type process_times =
+ { tms_utime : float;
+ tms_stime : float;
+ tms_cutime : float;
+ tms_cstime : float }
type tm =
{ tm_sec : int;
tm_min : int;
@@ -302,11 +363,59 @@ external gettimeofday : unit -> float = "unix_gettimeofday"
external gmtime : int -> tm = "unix_gmtime"
external localtime : int -> tm = "unix_localtime"
external mktime : tm -> int * tm = "unix_mktime"
+let alarm n = invalid_arg "Unix.alarm not implemented"
external sleep : int -> unit = "unix_sleep"
+let times () =
+ { tms_utime = Sys.time(); tms_stime = 0.0;
+ tms_cutime = 0.0; tms_cstime = 0.0 }
external utimes : string -> int -> int -> unit = "unix_utimes"
-let getlogin () =
- try Sys.getenv "USERNAME" with Not_found -> ""
+type interval_timer =
+type interval_timer_status =
+ { it_interval: float;
+ it_value: float }
+let getitimer it = invalid_arg "Unix.getitimer not implemented"
+let setitimer it tm = invalid_arg "Unix.setitimer not implemented"
+(* User id, group id *)
+let getuid () = 1
+let geteuid = getuid
+let setuid id = invalid_arg "Unix.setuid not implemented"
+let getgid () = 1
+let getegid () = getgid
+let setgid id = invalid_arg "Unix.setgid not implemented"
+let getgroups () = [|1|]
+type passwd_entry =
+ { pw_name : string;
+ pw_passwd : string;
+ pw_uid : int;
+ pw_gid : int;
+ pw_gecos : string;
+ pw_dir : string;
+ pw_shell : string }
+type group_entry =
+ { gr_name : string;
+ gr_passwd : string;
+ gr_gid : int;
+ gr_mem : string array }
+let getlogin () = try Sys.getenv "USERNAME" with Not_found -> ""
+let getpwnam x = raise Not_found
+let getgrnam = getpwnam
+let getpwuid = getpwnam
+let getgrgid = getpwnam
+(* Internet addresses *)
type inet_addr
@@ -317,6 +426,8 @@ external string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
let inet_addr_any = inet_addr_of_string ""
+(* Sockets *)
type socket_domain =
@@ -393,7 +504,7 @@ let sendto fd buf ofs len flags addr =
external getsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool = "unix_getsockopt"
external setsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool -> unit
= "unix_setsockopt"
+(* Host and protocol databases *)
type host_entry =
{ h_name : string;
@@ -520,35 +631,66 @@ let open_connection sockaddr =
let sock =
socket domain SOCK_STREAM 0 in
connect sock sockaddr;
- (in_channel_of_descr sock, out_channel_of_descr sock)
+ (in_channel_of_descr_bin sock, out_channel_of_descr_bin sock)
let shutdown_connection inchan =
shutdown (descr_of_in_channel inchan) SHUTDOWN_SEND
-(* Dummy functions *)
-let set_nonblock fd = ()
-let clear_nonblock fd = ()
-type passwd_entry =
- { pw_name : string;
- pw_passwd : string;
- pw_uid : int;
- pw_gid : int;
- pw_gecos : string;
- pw_dir : string;
- pw_shell : string }
-type group_entry =
- { gr_name : string;
- gr_passwd : string;
- gr_gid : int;
- gr_mem : string array }
-let getpwnam x = raise Not_found
-let getgrnam = getpwnam
-let getpwuid = getpwnam
-let getgrgid = getpwnam
-let getuid () = 1
-let getgid () = 1
+let establish_server server_fun sockaddr =
+ invalid_arg "Unix.establish_server not implmented"
+(* Terminal interface *)
+type terminal_io = {
+ mutable c_ignbrk: bool;
+ mutable c_brkint: bool;
+ mutable c_ignpar: bool;
+ mutable c_parmrk: bool;
+ mutable c_inpck: bool;
+ mutable c_istrip: bool;
+ mutable c_inlcr: bool;
+ mutable c_igncr: bool;
+ mutable c_icrnl: bool;
+ mutable c_ixon: bool;
+ mutable c_ixoff: bool;
+ mutable c_opost: bool;
+ mutable c_obaud: int;
+ mutable c_ibaud: int;
+ mutable c_csize: int;
+ mutable c_cstopb: int;
+ mutable c_cread: bool;
+ mutable c_parenb: bool;
+ mutable c_parodd: bool;
+ mutable c_hupcl: bool;
+ mutable c_clocal: bool;
+ mutable c_isig: bool;
+ mutable c_icanon: bool;
+ mutable c_noflsh: bool;
+ mutable c_echo: bool;
+ mutable c_echoe: bool;
+ mutable c_echok: bool;
+ mutable c_echonl: bool;
+ mutable c_vintr: char;
+ mutable c_vquit: char;
+ mutable c_verase: char;
+ mutable c_vkill: char;
+ mutable c_veof: char;
+ mutable c_veol: char;
+ mutable c_vmin: int;
+ mutable c_vtime: int;
+ mutable c_vstart: char;
+ mutable c_vstop: char
+ }
+type setattr_when = TCSANOW | TCSADRAIN | TCSAFLUSH
+let tcgetattr fd = invalid_arg "Unix.tcgetattr not implemented"
+let tcsetattr fd wh = invalid_arg "Unix.tcsetattr not implemented"
+let tcsendbreak fd n = invalid_arg "Unix.tcsendbreak not implemented"
+let tcdrain fd = invalid_arg "Unix.tcdrain not implemented"
+type flush_queue = TCIFLUSH | TCOFLUSH | TCIOFLUSH
+let tcflush fd q = invalid_arg "Unix.tcflush not implemented"
+type flow_action = TCOOFF | TCOON | TCIOFF | TCION
+let tcflow fd fl = invalid_arg "Unix.tcflow not implemented"
+let setsid () = invalid_arg "Unix.setsid not implemented"