path: root/otherlibs
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3 files changed, 67 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
index 5afe864df..5b49b19f0 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ end
module Protocol = struct
open Widget
include Protocol
let opentk () = coe (opentk ())
let opentk_with_args args = coe (opentk_with_args args)
let openTk ?display ?clas () = coe (openTk ?display ?clas ())
- let cCAMLtoTKwidget table w =
+ let cCAMLtoTKwidget table w =
Widget.check_class w table; (* we need run time type check of widgets *)
TkToken ( w)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module Timer = struct
let remove = remove
Not compiled in support
-module Tkwait = Tkwait
+module Tkwait = Tkwait
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/camltkwrap.mli b/otherlibs/labltk/support/camltkwrap.mli
index 9c9321c21..1af566d2c 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/camltkwrap.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/camltkwrap.mli
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
module Widget : sig
type widget = Widget.any Widget.widget
(* widget is an abstract type *)
val default_toplevel : widget
(* [default_toplevel] is "." in Tk, the toplevel widget that is
always existing during a Tk session. Destroying [default_toplevel]
ends the main loop
val atom : parent: widget -> name: string -> widget
(* [atom parent name] returns the widget []. The widget is
not created. Only its name is returned. In a given parent, there may
@@ -31,35 +31,35 @@ module Widget : sig
with a known name. It doesn't add the widget to the internal tables
of CamlTk.
val name : widget -> string
(* [name w] returns the name (tk "path") of a widget *)
(* The following functions are used internally.
There is normally no need for them in users programs
val known_class : widget -> string
(* [known_class w] returns the class of a widget (e.g. toplevel, frame),
as known by the CamlTk interface.
Not equivalent to "winfo w" in Tk.
val dummy : widget
(* [dummy] is a widget used as context when we don't have any.
It is *not* a real widget.
val new_atom : parent: widget -> ?name: string -> string -> widget
(* incompatible with the classic camltk *)
val get_atom : string -> widget
(* [get_atom path] returns the widget with Tk path [path] *)
val remove : widget -> unit
(* [remove w] removes widget from the internal tables *)
(* Subtypes tables *)
val widget_any_table : string list
val widget_button_table : string list
@@ -77,95 +77,95 @@ module Widget : sig
val widget_scrollbar_table : string list
val widget_text_table : string list
val widget_toplevel_table : string list
val chk_sub : string -> 'a list -> 'a -> unit
val check_class : widget -> string list -> unit
(* Widget subtyping *)
exception IllegalWidgetType of string
(* Raised when widget command applied illegally*)
(* this function is not used, but introduced for the compatibility
with labltk. useless for camltk users *)
- val coe : 'a Widget.widget -> Widget.any Widget.widget
+ val coe : 'a Widget.widget -> Widget.any Widget.widget
module Protocol : sig
open Widget
(* Lower level interface *)
exception TkError of string
(* Raised by the communication functions *)
- val debug : bool ref
+ val debug : bool ref
(* When set to true, displays approximation of intermediate Tcl code *)
type tkArgs =
TkToken of string
| TkTokenList of tkArgs list (* to be expanded *)
| TkQuote of tkArgs (* mapped to Tcl list *)
(* Misc *)
external splitlist : string -> string list
= "camltk_splitlist"
val add_destroy_hook : (widget -> unit) -> unit
(* Opening, closing, and mainloop *)
val default_display : unit -> string
val opentk : unit -> widget
(* The basic initialization function. [opentk ()] parses automatically
the command line options and use the tk related options in them
- such as "-display localhost:0" to initialize Tk applications.
+ such as "-display localhost:0" to initialize Tk applications.
Consult wish manpage about the supported options. *)
val keywords : (string * Arg.spec * string) list
(* Command line parsing specification for Arg.parse, which contains
the standard Tcl/Tk command line options such as "-display" and "-name".
These Tk command line options are used by opentk *)
val opentk_with_args : string list -> widget
- (* [opentk_with_args argv] invokes [opentk] with the tk related
- command line options given by [argv] to the executable program. *)
+ (* [opentk_with_args argv] invokes [opentk] with the tk related
+ command line options given by [argv] to the executable program. *)
val openTk : ?display:string -> ?clas:string -> unit -> widget
(* [openTk ~display:display ~clas:clas ()] is equivalent to
[opentk ["-display"; display; "-name"; clas]] *)
(* Legacy opentk functions *)
val openTkClass: string -> widget
(* [openTkClass class] is equivalent to [opentk ["-name"; class]] *)
val openTkDisplayClass: string -> string -> widget
- (* [openTkDisplayClass disp class] is equivalent to
+ (* [openTkDisplayClass disp class] is equivalent to
[opentk ["-display"; disp; "-name"; class]] *)
val closeTk : unit -> unit
- val finalizeTk : unit -> unit
- (* Finalize tcl/tk before exiting. This function will be automatically
+ val finalizeTk : unit -> unit
+ (* Finalize tcl/tk before exiting. This function will be automatically
called when you call [Pervasives.exit ()] *)
val mainLoop : unit -> unit
(* Direct evaluation of tcl code *)
val tkEval : tkArgs array -> string
val tkCommand : tkArgs array -> unit
(* Returning a value from a Tcl callback *)
val tkreturn: string -> unit
(* Callbacks: this is private *)
type cbid = Protocol.cbid
type callback_buffer = string list
(* Buffer for reading callback arguments *)
val callback_naming_table : (cbid, callback_buffer -> unit) Hashtbl.t
(* CAMLTK val callback_memo_table : (widget, cbid) Hashtbl.t *)
val callback_memo_table : (widget, cbid) Hashtbl.t
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@ module Protocol : sig
(* Clean up callbacks associated to widget. Must be used only when
the Destroy event is bind by the user and masks the default
Destroy event binding *)
val cTKtoCAMLwidget : string -> widget
val cCAMLtoTKwidget : string list -> widget -> tkArgs
val register : string -> callback:(callback_buffer -> unit) -> unit
val prerr_cbid : cbid -> unit
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ end
module Textvariable : sig
open Widget
open Protocol
type textVariable = Textvariable.textVariable
(* TextVariable is an abstract type *)
val create : ?on: widget -> unit -> textVariable
- (* Allocation of a textVariable with lifetime associated to widget
+ (* Allocation of a textVariable with lifetime associated to widget
if a widget is specified *)
val create_temporary : widget -> textVariable
(* for backward compatibility
@@ -211,22 +211,22 @@ module Textvariable : sig
(* Reading the val of a textVariable *)
val name : textVariable -> string
(* Its tcl name *)
val cCAMLtoTKtextVariable : textVariable -> tkArgs
(* Internal conversion function *)
val handle : textVariable -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
(* Callbacks on variable modifications *)
val coerce : string -> textVariable
val free : textVariable -> unit
module Fileevent : sig
open Unix
val add_fileinput : file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val remove_fileinput: file_descr -> unit
val add_fileoutput : file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
@@ -236,16 +236,16 @@ end
module Timer : sig
type t = Timer.t
val add : int -> (unit -> unit) -> t
val set : int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val remove : t -> unit
Tkwait exists, but is not used in support
module Tkwait : sig
- val internal_tracevis : string -> string -> unit
- val internal_tracedestroy : string -> string -> unit
+ val internal_tracevis : string -> Protocol.cbid -> unit
+ val internal_tracedestroy : string -> Protocol.cbid -> unit
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
index 2574928c0..97a0b0eb8 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-external internal_tracevis : string -> string -> unit
+external internal_tracevis : string -> Protocol.cbid -> unit
= "camltk_wait_vis"
-external internal_tracedestroy : string -> string -> unit
+external internal_tracedestroy : string -> Protocol.cbid -> unit
= "camltk_wait_des"