path: root/parsing/parser.mly
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/parser.mly')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index d4ae24e3e..7b56d7f2f 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -810,19 +810,15 @@ class_fields:
| INHERIT override_flag class_expr parent_binder
- { mkcf (Pcf_inher ($2, $3, $4)) }
- | VAL virtual_value
- { mkcf (Pcf_valvirt $2) }
+ { mkcf (Pcf_inherit ($2, $3, $4)) }
| VAL value
{ mkcf (Pcf_val $2) }
- | virtual_method
- { mkcf (Pcf_virt $1) }
- | concrete_method
- { mkcf (Pcf_meth $1) }
+ | METHOD method_
+ { mkcf (Pcf_method $2) }
| CONSTRAINT constrain_field
- { mkcf (Pcf_constr $2) }
+ { mkcf (Pcf_constraint $2) }
| INITIALIZER seq_expr
- { mkcf (Pcf_init $2) }
+ { mkcf (Pcf_initializer $2) }
| class_field post_item_attribute
{ Cf.attr $1 $2 }
@@ -832,36 +828,38 @@ parent_binder:
| /* empty */
{ None }
+/* TODO: factorize these rules (also with method): */
override_flag MUTABLE VIRTUAL label COLON core_type
{ if $1 = Override then syntax_error ();
- mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), Mutable, $6 }
+ mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), Mutable, Cfk_virtual $6 }
| VIRTUAL mutable_flag label COLON core_type
- { mkrhs $3 3, $2, $5 }
- override_flag mutable_flag label EQUAL seq_expr
- { mkrhs $3 3, $2, $1, $5 }
+ { mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_virtual $5 }
+ | override_flag mutable_flag label EQUAL seq_expr
+ { mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, $5) }
| override_flag mutable_flag label type_constraint EQUAL seq_expr
- { mkrhs $3 3, $2, $1, (let (t, t') = $4 in ghexp(Pexp_constraint($6, t, t'))) }
- METHOD override_flag PRIVATE VIRTUAL label COLON poly_type
- { if $2 = Override then syntax_error ();
- mkloc $5 (rhs_loc 5), Private, $7 }
- | METHOD override_flag VIRTUAL private_flag label COLON poly_type
- { if $2 = Override then syntax_error ();
- mkloc $5 (rhs_loc 5), $4, $7 }
- METHOD override_flag private_flag label strict_binding
- { mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $3, $2, ghexp(Pexp_poly ($5, None)) }
- | METHOD override_flag private_flag label COLON poly_type EQUAL seq_expr
- { mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $3, $2, ghexp(Pexp_poly($8,Some $6)) }
- | METHOD override_flag private_flag label COLON TYPE lident_list
+ {
+ let (t, t') = $4 in
+ let e = ghexp(Pexp_constraint($6, t, t')) in
+ mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, e)
+ }
+/* TODO: factorize those rules... */
+ override_flag PRIVATE VIRTUAL label COLON poly_type
+ { if $1 = Override then syntax_error ();
+ mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), Private, Cfk_virtual $6 }
+ | override_flag VIRTUAL private_flag label COLON poly_type
+ { if $1 = Override then syntax_error ();
+ mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $3, Cfk_virtual $6 }
+ | override_flag private_flag label strict_binding
+ { mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly ($4, None))) }
+ | override_flag private_flag label COLON poly_type EQUAL seq_expr
+ { mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly($7, Some $5))) }
+ | override_flag private_flag label COLON TYPE lident_list
DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr
- { let exp, poly = wrap_type_annotation $7 $9 $11 in
- mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $3, $2, ghexp(Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly)) }
+ { let exp, poly = wrap_type_annotation $6 $8 $10 in
+ mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly))) }
/* Class types */
@@ -904,11 +902,14 @@ class_sig_fields:
| class_sig_fields class_sig_field { $2 :: $1 }
- INHERIT class_signature { mkctf (Pctf_inher $2) }
+ INHERIT class_signature { mkctf (Pctf_inherit $2) }
| VAL value_type { mkctf (Pctf_val $2) }
- | virtual_method_type { mkctf (Pctf_virt $1) }
- | method_type { mkctf (Pctf_meth $1) }
- | CONSTRAINT constrain_field { mkctf (Pctf_cstr $2) }
+ | METHOD private_virtual_flags label COLON poly_type
+ {
+ let (p, v) = $2 in
+ mkctf (Pctf_method ($3, p, v, $5))
+ }
+ | CONSTRAINT constrain_field { mkctf (Pctf_constraint $2) }
| class_sig_field post_item_attribute { Ctf.attr $1 $2 }
@@ -919,16 +920,6 @@ value_type:
| label COLON core_type
{ $1, Immutable, Concrete, $3 }
- METHOD private_flag label COLON poly_type
- { $3, $2, $5 }
- { $4, Private, $6 }
- | METHOD VIRTUAL private_flag label COLON poly_type
- { $4, $3, $6 }
core_type EQUAL core_type { $1, $3, symbol_rloc() }
@@ -1877,6 +1868,13 @@ virtual_flag:
/* empty */ { Concrete }
| VIRTUAL { Virtual }
+ /* empty */ { Public, Concrete }
+ | PRIVATE { Private, Concrete }
+ | VIRTUAL { Public, Virtual }
+ | PRIVATE VIRTUAL { Private, Virtual }
+ | VIRTUAL PRIVATE { Private, Virtual }
/* empty */ { Fresh }
| BANG { Override }