path: root/parsing
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
7 files changed, 31 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index ed49f65a3..6657d5349 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ module Mty = struct
let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
+ let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
diff --git a/parsing/ast_helper.mli b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
index 441e420d1..331b33b52 100644
--- a/parsing/ast_helper.mli
+++ b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ module Mty:
val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
+ val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index dac9cbe28..4cf8b84d6 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ module MT = struct
let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
match desc with
| Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+ | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
| Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
| Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
@@ -427,15 +428,18 @@ let default_mapper =
signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
module_type =;
with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
- class_declaration = (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
+ class_declaration =
+ (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
class_expr =;
class_field = CE.map_field;
class_structure = CE.map_structure;
class_type =;
class_type_field = CT.map_field;
class_signature = CT.map_signature;
- class_type_declaration = (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
- class_description = (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+ class_type_declaration =
+ (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+ class_description =
+ (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
typ =;
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index 7f23730f3..19d1fd6db 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -676,6 +676,8 @@ module_type:
{ mkmty(Pmty_with($1, List.rev $3)) }
| MODULE TYPE OF module_expr %prec below_LBRACKETAT
{ mkmty(Pmty_typeof $4) }
+ | LPAREN MODULE mod_longident RPAREN
+ { mkmty (Pmty_alias (mkrhs $3 3)) }
| LPAREN module_type RPAREN
{ $2 }
| LPAREN module_type error
@@ -701,7 +703,8 @@ signature_item:
VAL val_ident COLON core_type post_item_attributes
{ mksig(Psig_value
( (mkrhs $2 2) $4 ~attrs:$5 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()))) }
- | EXTERNAL val_ident COLON core_type EQUAL primitive_declaration post_item_attributes
+ | EXTERNAL val_ident COLON core_type EQUAL primitive_declaration
+ post_item_attributes
{ mksig(Psig_value
( (mkrhs $2 2) $4 ~prim:$6 ~attrs:$7
~loc:(symbol_rloc()))) }
@@ -711,6 +714,10 @@ signature_item:
{ mksig(Psig_exception $2) }
| MODULE UIDENT module_declaration post_item_attributes
{ mksig(Psig_module ( (mkrhs $2 2) $3 ~attrs:$4)) }
+ | MODULE UIDENT EQUAL mod_longident post_item_attributes
+ { mksig(Psig_module ( (mkrhs $2 2)
+ (Mty.alias ~loc:(rhs_loc 4) (mkrhs $4 4))
+ ~attrs:$5)) }
| MODULE REC module_rec_declarations
{ mksig(Psig_recmodule (List.rev $3)) }
| MODULE TYPE ident post_item_attributes
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index 57f4ae7f3..410d6657a 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -551,6 +551,8 @@ and module_type_desc =
(* module type of ME *)
| Pmty_extension of extension
(* [%id] *)
+ | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
+ (* (module M) *)
and signature = signature_item list
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 050c9fe1c..12b8fce6c 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -831,6 +831,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
match x.pmty_desc with
| Pmty_ident li ->
pp f "%a" self#longident_loc li;
+ | Pmty_alias li ->
+ pp f "(module %a)" self#longident_loc li;
| Pmty_signature (s) ->
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" (* "@[<hov>sig@ %a@ end@]" *)
(self#list self#signature_item ) s (* FIXME wrong indentation*)
@@ -875,7 +877,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f "@[<2>%a@]"
(fun f vd ->
let intro = if vd.pval_prim = [] then "val" else "external" in
- if (is_infix (fixity_of_string vd.pval_name.txt)) || List.mem vd.pval_name.txt.[0] prefix_symbols then
+ if (is_infix (fixity_of_string vd.pval_name.txt))
+ || List.mem vd.pval_name.txt.[0] prefix_symbols then
pp f "%s@ (@ %s@ )@ :@ " intro vd.pval_name.txt
pp f "%s@ %s@ :@ " intro vd.pval_name.txt;
@@ -893,8 +896,13 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
(fun f l -> match l with
|[] ->()
|[x] -> pp f "@[<2>class %a@]" class_description x
- |_ -> self#list ~first:"@[<v0>class @[<2>" ~sep:"@]@;and @[" ~last:"@]@]"
- class_description f l) l
+ |_ ->
+ self#list ~first:"@[<v0>class @[<2>" ~sep:"@]@;and @["
+ ~last:"@]@]" class_description f l)
+ l
+ | Psig_module {pmd_name; pmd_type={pmty_desc=Pmty_alias alias}} ->
+ pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ =@ %a@]"
+ pmd_name.txt self#longident_loc alias
| Psig_module pmd ->
pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :@ %a@]"
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 5f396e784..48bfe9f5b 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -572,6 +572,7 @@ and module_type i ppf x =
let i = i+1 in
match x.pmty_desc with
| Pmty_ident li -> line i ppf "Pmty_ident %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+ | Pmty_alias li -> line i ppf "Pmty_alias %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
| Pmty_signature (s) ->
line i ppf "Pmty_signature\n";
signature i ppf s;