path: root/parsing
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
7 files changed, 57 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index d87353e13..e5720bbf3 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -162,14 +162,21 @@ module Str = struct
module Cl = struct
- let mk ?(loc = Location.none) d = {pcl_desc = d; pcl_loc = loc}
- let constr ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pcl_constr (a, b))
- let structure ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcl_structure a)
- let fun_ ?loc a b c d = mk ?loc (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
- let apply ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pcl_apply (a, b))
- let let_ ?loc a b c = mk ?loc (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
- let constraint_ ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
+ let mk ?(loc = Location.none) ?(attrs = []) d =
+ {
+ pcl_desc = d;
+ pcl_loc = loc;
+ pcl_attributes = attrs;
+ }
+ let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
+ let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
+ let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
+ let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
+ let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
+ let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
+ let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
+ let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
module Cty = struct
diff --git a/parsing/ast_helper.mli b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
index 4e134982b..5dc4714f3 100644
--- a/parsing/ast_helper.mli
+++ b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
@@ -160,14 +160,16 @@ module Str:
module Cl:
- val mk: ?loc:Location.t -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
- val constr: ?loc:Location.t -> Longident.t loc -> core_type list -> class_expr
- val structure: ?loc:Location.t -> class_structure -> class_expr
- val fun_: ?loc:Location.t -> label -> expression option -> pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
- val apply: ?loc:Location.t -> class_expr -> (label * expression) list -> class_expr
- val let_: ?loc:Location.t -> rec_flag -> (pattern * expression) list -> class_expr -> class_expr
- val constraint_: ?loc:Location.t -> class_expr -> class_type -> class_expr
+ val mk: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
+ val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
+ val constr: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> Longident.t loc -> core_type list -> class_expr
+ val structure: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> class_structure -> class_expr
+ val fun_: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> label -> expression option -> pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
+ val apply: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> class_expr -> (label * expression) list -> class_expr
+ val let_: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> rec_flag -> (pattern * expression) list -> class_expr -> class_expr
+ val constraint_: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> class_expr -> class_type -> class_expr
+ val extension: ?loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:attribute list -> extension -> class_expr
module Cty:
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 5656fec9a..36773b802 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ module CT = struct
(sub # typ t)
(sub # class_type ct)
- let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc} =
+ let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs} =
let open Ctf in
let loc = sub # location loc in
match desc with
- | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc (sub # class_type ct)
- | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc s m v (sub # typ t)
- | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc s p v (sub # typ t)
- | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) -> constraint_ ~loc (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
+ | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_type ct)
+ | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub # typ t)
+ | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub # typ t)
+ | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) -> constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields; pcsig_loc} =
@@ -257,40 +257,41 @@ end
module CE = struct
(* Value expressions for the class language *)
- let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc} =
+ let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
let open Cl in
let loc = sub # location loc in
match desc with
- | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) -> constr ~loc (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub # typ) tys)
+ | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) -> constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub # typ) tys)
| Pcl_structure s ->
- structure ~loc (sub # class_structure s)
+ structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure s)
| Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
- fun_ ~loc lab
+ fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
(map_opt (sub # expr) e)
(sub # pat p)
(sub # class_expr ce)
| Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
- apply ~loc (sub # class_expr ce) ( (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
+ apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) ( (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
| Pcl_let (r, pel, ce) ->
- let_ ~loc r
+ let_ ~loc ~attrs r
( (map_tuple (sub # pat) (sub # expr)) pel)
(sub # class_expr ce)
| Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
- constraint_ ~loc (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
+ constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
+ | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
let map_kind sub = function
| Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub # expr e)
| Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub # typ t)
- let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc} =
+ let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
let open Cf in
let loc = sub # location loc in
match desc with
- | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc o (sub # class_expr ce) s
- | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
- | Pcf_method (s, p, k) -> method_ ~loc (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
- | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) -> constraint_ ~loc (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
- | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc (sub # expr e)
+ | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub # class_expr ce) s
+ | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
+ | Pcf_method (s, p, k) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
+ | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) -> constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
+ | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index 7b56d7f2f..ff62117e8 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -771,6 +771,8 @@ class_expr:
{ mkclass(Pcl_apply($1, List.rev $2)) }
| LET rec_flag let_bindings IN class_expr
{ mkclass(Pcl_let ($2, List.rev $3, $5)) }
+ | class_expr attribute
+ { Cl.attr $1 $2 }
LBRACKET core_type_comma_list RBRACKET class_longident
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index 7f6e2c1bb..2abc78dcd 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -209,8 +209,11 @@ and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
(* Value expressions for the class language *)
and class_expr =
- { pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
- pcl_loc: Location.t }
+ {
+ pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+ pcl_loc: Location.t;
+ pcl_attributes: attribute list;
+ }
and class_expr_desc =
Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
@@ -219,6 +222,7 @@ and class_expr_desc =
| Pcl_apply of class_expr * (label * expression) list
| Pcl_let of rec_flag * (pattern * expression) list * class_expr
| Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
+ | Pcl_extension of extension
and class_structure = {
pcstr_self: pattern;
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index aa812542e..b7c2e5cbd 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -818,8 +818,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f "(%a@ :@ %a)"
self#class_expr ce
self#class_type ct
+ | Pcl_extension _ -> assert false
method module_type f x =
match x.pmty_desc with
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 731fa48d9..87d9ee23d 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ and class_type_declaration i ppf x =
and class_expr i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pcl_loc;
+ attributes i ppf x.pcl_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.pcl_desc with
| Pcl_constr (li, l) ->
@@ -489,6 +490,9 @@ and class_expr i ppf x =
line i ppf "Pcl_constraint\n";
class_expr i ppf ce;
class_type i ppf ct;
+ | Pcl_extension (s, arg) ->
+ line i ppf "Pcl_extension \"%s\"\n" s;
+ expression i ppf arg
and class_structure i ppf { pcstr_self = p; pcstr_fields = l } =
line i ppf "class_structure\n";