path: root/stdlib/
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1 files changed, 38 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 5c704fb8a..c915e0329 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -107,41 +107,39 @@ external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string
(* Type of extensible character buffers. *)
type buffer = {
mutable ind : int;
- mutable str : string;
+ mutable bytes : bytes;
(* Create a fresh buffer. *)
-let buffer_create init_size = { ind = 0; str = String.create init_size }
+let buffer_create init_size = { ind = 0; bytes = Bytes.create init_size }
(* Check size of the buffer and grow it if needed. *)
let buffer_check_size buf overhead =
- let len = String.length buf.str in
+ let len = Bytes.length buf.bytes in
let min_len = buf.ind + overhead in
if min_len > len then (
let new_len = max (len * 2) min_len in
- let new_str = String.create new_len in
- String.blit buf.str 0 new_str 0 len;
- buf.str <- new_str;
+ let new_str = Bytes.create new_len in
+ Bytes.blit buf.bytes 0 new_str 0 len;
+ buf.bytes <- new_str;
(* Add the character `c' to the buffer `buf'. *)
let buffer_add_char buf c =
buffer_check_size buf 1;
- buf.str.[buf.ind] <- c;
+ Bytes.set buf.bytes buf.ind c;
buf.ind <- buf.ind + 1
(* Add the string `s' to the buffer `buf'. *)
let buffer_add_string buf s =
let str_len = String.length s in
buffer_check_size buf str_len;
- String.blit s 0 buf.str buf.ind str_len;
+ String.blit s 0 buf.bytes buf.ind str_len;
buf.ind <- buf.ind + str_len
(* Get the content of the buffer. *)
let buffer_contents buf =
- let str = String.create buf.ind in
- String.blit buf.str 0 str 0 buf.ind;
- str
+ Bytes.sub_string buf.bytes 0 buf.ind
@@ -327,10 +325,7 @@ let string_of_formatting formatting = match formatting with
| Magic_size (str, _) -> str
| Escaped_at -> "@@"
| Escaped_percent -> "@%"
- | Scan_indic c ->
- let str = String.create 2 in
- str.[0] <- '@'; str.[1] <- c;
- str
+ | Scan_indic c -> "@" ^ (String.make 1 c)
@@ -814,47 +809,43 @@ fun sub_fmtty fmt fmtty -> match sub_fmtty, fmtty with
let fix_padding padty width str =
let len = String.length str in
if width <= len then str else
- let res = String.make width (if padty = Zeros then '0' else ' ') in
+ let res = Bytes.make width (if padty = Zeros then '0' else ' ') in
begin match padty with
| Left -> String.blit str 0 res 0 len
| Right -> String.blit str 0 res (width - len) len
| Zeros when len > 0 && (str.[0] = '+' || str.[0] = '-') ->
- res.[0] <- str.[0];
+ Bytes.set res 0 str.[0];
String.blit str 1 res (width - len + 1) (len - 1)
| Zeros when len > 1 && str.[0] = '0' && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
- res.[1] <- str.[1];
+ Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
String.blit str 2 res (width - len + 2) (len - 2)
| Zeros ->
String.blit str 0 res (width - len) len
- res
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
(* Add '0' padding to int, int32, nativeint or int64 string representation. *)
let fix_int_precision prec str =
let len = String.length str in
if prec <= len then str else
- let res = String.make prec '0' in
+ let res = Bytes.make prec '0' in
begin match str.[0] with
| ('+' | '-' | ' ') as c ->
- res.[0] <- c;
+ Bytes.set res 0 c;
String.blit str 1 res (prec - len + 1) (len - 1);
| '0' when len > 1 && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
- res.[1] <- str.[1];
+ Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
String.blit str 2 res (prec - len + 2) (len - 2);
| '0' .. '9' ->
String.blit str 0 res (prec - len) len;
| _ ->
assert false
- res
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
(* Escape a string according to the OCaml lexing convention. *)
let string_to_caml_string str =
- let esc = String.escaped str in
- let len = String.length esc in
- let res = String.create (len + 2) in
- res.[0] <- '"'; String.blit esc 0 res 1 len; res.[len + 1] <- '"';
- res
+ String.concat (String.escaped str) ["\""; "\""]
(* Generate the format_int first argument from an int_conv. *)
let format_of_iconv iconv = match iconv with
@@ -865,17 +856,17 @@ let format_of_iconv iconv = match iconv with
| Int_o -> "%o" | Int_Co -> "%#o"
| Int_u -> "%u"
-(* Generate the format_int32, format_nativeint and format_int64 first argument
- from an int_conv. *)
+(* Generate the format_int32, format_nativeint and format_int64 first
+ argument from an int_conv. *)
let format_of_aconv iconv c =
- let fix i fmt = fmt.[i] <- c; fmt in
- match iconv with
- | Int_d -> fix 1 "% d" | Int_pd -> fix 2 "%+ d" | Int_sd -> fix 2 "% d"
- | Int_i -> fix 1 "% i" | Int_pi -> fix 2 "%+ i" | Int_si -> fix 2 "% i"
- | Int_x -> fix 1 "% x" | Int_Cx -> fix 2 "%# x"
- | Int_X -> fix 1 "% X" | Int_CX -> fix 2 "%# X"
- | Int_o -> fix 1 "% o" | Int_Co -> fix 2 "%# o"
- | Int_u -> fix 1 "% u"
+ let seps = match iconv with
+ | Int_d -> ["%";"d"] | Int_pd -> ["%+";"d"] | Int_sd -> ["% ";"d"]
+ | Int_i -> ["%";"i"] | Int_pi -> ["%+";"i"] | Int_si -> ["% ";"i"]
+ | Int_x -> ["%";"x"] | Int_Cx -> ["%#";"x"]
+ | Int_X -> ["%";"X"] | Int_CX -> ["%#";"X"]
+ | Int_o -> ["%";"o"] | Int_Co -> ["%#";"o"]
+ | Int_u -> ["%";"u"]
+ in String.concat (String.make 1 c) seps
(* Generate the format_float first argument form a float_conv. *)
let format_of_fconv fconv prec =
@@ -912,11 +903,7 @@ let convert_float fconv prec x =
(* Convert a char to a string according to the OCaml lexical convention. *)
let format_caml_char c =
- let esc = Char.escaped c in
- let len = String.length esc in
- let res = String.create (len + 2) in
- res.[0] <- '\''; String.blit esc 0 res 1 len; res.[len+1] <- '\'';
- res
+ String.concat (Char.escaped c) ["'"; "'"]
(* Convert a format type to string *)
let string_of_fmtty fmtty =
@@ -1807,12 +1794,14 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
(* Parse and construct a char set. *)
and parse_char_set str_ind end_ind =
if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
- let char_set = create_char_set () in
- match str.[str_ind] with
- | '^' ->
- let next_ind = parse_char_set_start (str_ind + 1) end_ind char_set in
- next_ind, rev_char_set char_set
- | _ -> parse_char_set_start str_ind end_ind char_set, char_set
+ let mut_char_set = create_char_set () in
+ let str_ind, reverse =
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '^' -> str_ind + 1, true
+ | _ -> str_ind, false in
+ let next_ind = parse_char_set_start str_ind end_ind mut_char_set in
+ let char_set = freeze_char_set mut_char_set in
+ next_ind, (if reverse then rev_char_set char_set else char_set)
(* Parse the first character of a char set. *)
and parse_char_set_start str_ind end_ind char_set =