path: root/stdlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 7f9b959a2..55674d179 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -1058,6 +1058,17 @@ and set_tags =
pp_set_tags std_formatter
+ (**************************************************************)
+let compute_tag output tag_acc =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let ppf = formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ let () = output ppf tag_acc in
+ let () = pp_print_flush ppf () in
+ let len = Buffer.length buf in
+ if len < 2 then Buffer.contents buf
+ else Buffer.sub buf 1 (len - 2)
Defining continuations to be passed as arguments of
@@ -1070,7 +1081,6 @@ open CamlinternalFormat
(* Interpret a formatting entity on a formatter. *)
let output_formatting_lit ppf fmting_lit = match fmting_lit with
- | Open_box (_, bty, indent) -> pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
| Close_box -> pp_close_box ppf ()
| Close_tag -> pp_close_tag ppf ()
| Break (_, width, offset) -> pp_print_break ppf width offset
@@ -1098,11 +1108,11 @@ let rec output_acc ppf acc = match acc with
output_formatting_lit ppf f;
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
output_acc ppf p;
- let buf' = Buffer.create 16 in
- let ppf' = formatter_of_buffer buf' in
- output_acc ppf' acc';
- pp_print_flush ppf' ();
- pp_open_tag ppf (Buffer.contents buf');
+ pp_open_tag ppf (compute_tag output_acc acc')
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ let () = output_acc ppf p in
+ let (indent, bty) = open_box_of_string (compute_tag output_acc acc') in
+ pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
| Acc_string (p, s) -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
| Acc_char (p, c) -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> output_acc ppf p; f ppf;
@@ -1129,11 +1139,11 @@ let rec strput_acc ppf acc = match acc with
output_formatting_lit ppf f;
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
strput_acc ppf p;
- let buf' = Buffer.create 16 in
- let ppf' = formatter_of_buffer buf' in
- strput_acc ppf' acc';
- pp_print_flush ppf' ();
- pp_open_tag ppf (Buffer.contents buf');
+ pp_open_tag ppf (compute_tag strput_acc acc')
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ let () = strput_acc ppf p in
+ let (indent, bty) = open_box_of_string (compute_tag strput_acc acc') in
+ pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
| Acc_string (p, s) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
| Acc_char (p, c) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf (f ());