path: root/stdlib/
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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 030075ba3..a0a49c061 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -217,7 +217,11 @@ let from_function = create "function input";;
(* Perform bufferized input to improve efficiency. *)
let file_buffer_size = ref 1024;;
-let from_file_channel fname ic =
+(* To close a channel at end of input. *)
+let scan_close_at_end ic = close_in ic; raise End_of_file;;
+(* Scan from an input channel. *)
+let from_ic scan_close_ic fname ic =
let len = !file_buffer_size in
let buf = String.create len in
let i = ref 0 in
@@ -225,29 +229,90 @@ let from_file_channel fname ic =
let next () =
if !i < !lim then begin let c = buf.[!i] in incr i; c end else begin
lim := input ic buf 0 len;
- if !lim = 0 then raise End_of_file else begin
+ if !lim = 0 then scan_close_ic ic else begin
i := 1;
end in
create fname next;;
-let from_file fname = from_file_channel fname (open_in fname);;
-let from_file_bin fname = from_file_channel fname (open_in_bin fname);;
+let from_ic_close_at_end = from_ic scan_close_at_end;;
-let from_input_channel fname ic =
- let next () = input_char ic in
- create fname next;;
+let from_file fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in fname);;
+let from_file_bin fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in_bin fname);;
+(* Input channel [ic] is not allocated here, hence it may be shared (two
+ functions of the program may successively read from it). Furthermore, the
+ user may define more than one scanning buffer reading from the same [ic]
+ channel.
+ However, we cannot prevent scanf to use one lookahead character if needed;
+ this implies that multiple functions alternatively scanning the same [ic]
+ channel will miss characters from time to time, due to unnoticed look ahead
+ characters, silently read from [ic] (hence no more available for reading)
+ and retained inside the scanning buffer for correct scanning from the same
+ scanning buffer. This phenomenon is even worse in case of multiple
+ definition of scanning buffers from the same [ic].
+ Hence, we do bufferize characters to create a scnning buffer from an input
+ channel in order to preserve the same semantics as other from_* functions
+ above: two successive calls to the scanner will work appropriately, since
+ the bufferized character (if any) will be retained inside the scanning
+ buffer from a call to the next one.
-let from_channel = from_input_channel "input channel";;
+ Otherwise, if we do not bufferize characters, we will loose the clearly
+ correct scanning behaviour even for the simple regular case, when we scan
+ the (possibly shared) channel [ic] using a unique function, while not
+ gaining anything for multiple functions reading from [ic] or multiple
+ allocation of scanning buffers reading from the same [ic].
-(* The scanning buffer reading from [stdin].*)
-let stdib = from_input_channel "stdin" stdin;;
+ A more ambitious fix could be to have a memo scanning buffer allocation
+ for reading from input channel not allocated from within Scanf. *)
+let scan_at_end ic = raise End_of_file;;
+let from_channel = from_ic scan_at_end "input channel";;
+(* The scanning buffer reading from [stdin].
+ One could try to define stdib as from_channel stdin,
+ but unfortunately the toplevel interaction would be wrong.
+ This is due to some kind of ``race condition'' when reading from stdin,
+ since the interactive compiler and scanf will simultaneously read the
+ material they need from stdin; then, confusion will result from what should
+ be read by the toplevel and what should be read by scanf.
+ This is even more complicated by the one character lookahead that scanf
+ is sometimes obliged to maintain: the lookahead character will be available
+ for the next (scanf) entry, seamingly coming from nowhere.
+ Also no End_of_file is raised when reading from stdin: if not enough
+ characters have been read, we simply ask to read more. *)
+(*let stdib =
+ let buf = ref ""
+ and len = ref 0 in
+ let mk_buff l =
+ buf := String.create l;
+ len := l in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ let rec next () =
+ if !i < !len then begin let c = !buf.[!i] in incr i; c end else
+ let s = input_line stdin in
+ let ls = String.length s in
+ if ls > !len then mk_buff ls;
+ String.blit s 0 !buf 0 ls;
+ i := 0;
+ next () in
+ create "stdin" next;;
+let stdib = from_ic scan_at_end "stdin" stdin;;
(* Formatted input functions. *)
+module Sformat = Printf.Sformat;;
+external string_to_format :
+ string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = "%identity";;
(* Reporting errors. *)
exception Scan_failure of string;;
@@ -267,11 +332,12 @@ let bad_conversion fmt i c =
"scanf: bad conversion %%%c, at char number %i \
- in format string ``%s''" c i fmt);;
+ in format string ``%s''" c i (Sformat.to_string fmt));;
let incomplete_format fmt =
- (Printf.sprintf "scanf: premature end of format string ``%s''" fmt);;
+ (Printf.sprintf "scanf: premature end of format string ``%s''"
+ (Sformat.to_string fmt));;
let bad_float () = bad_input "no dot or exponent part found in float token";;
@@ -283,7 +349,8 @@ let format_mismatch fmt1 fmt2 ib =
(* Checking that 2 format string are type compatible. *)
let compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt2 =
- Printf.summarize_format_type fmt1 = Printf.summarize_format_type fmt2;;
+ Printf.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt1) =
+ Printf.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt2);;
(* Checking that [c] is indeed in the input, then skips it.
In this case, the character c has been explicitely specified in the
@@ -347,9 +414,12 @@ let token_float ib = float_of_string (Scanning.token ib);;
since those modules are not available to Scanf.
However, we can bind and use the corresponding primitives that are
available in the runtime. *)
-external nativeint_of_string: string -> nativeint = "caml_nativeint_of_string";;
-external int32_of_string : string -> int32 = "caml_int32_of_string";;
-external int64_of_string : string -> int64 = "caml_int64_of_string";;
+external nativeint_of_string : string -> nativeint
+ = "caml_nativeint_of_string";;
+external int32_of_string : string -> int32
+ = "caml_int32_of_string";;
+external int64_of_string : string -> int64
+ = "caml_int64_of_string";;
let token_nativeint conv ib = nativeint_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);;
let token_int32 conv ib = int32_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);;
@@ -648,29 +718,29 @@ type char_set =
(* Char sets are read as sub-strings in the format string. *)
let read_char_set fmt i =
- let lim = String.length fmt - 1 in
+ let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in
let rec find_in_set j =
if j > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match fmt.[j] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt j with
| ']' -> j
| c -> find_in_set (j + 1)
and find_set i =
if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| ']' -> find_in_set (i + 1)
| c -> find_in_set i in
if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| '^' ->
let i = i + 1 in
let j = find_set i in
- j, Neg_set (String.sub fmt i (j - i))
+ j, Neg_set (Sformat.sub fmt i (j - i))
| _ ->
let j = find_set i in
- j, Pos_set (String.sub fmt i (j - i));;
+ j, Pos_set (Sformat.sub fmt i (j - i));;
(* Char sets are now represented as bitvects that are represented as
byte strings. *)
@@ -874,11 +944,6 @@ let rec skip_whites ib =
| _ -> ()
-external format_to_string :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 -> string = "%identity";;
-external string_to_format :
- string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = "%identity";;
(* The [kscanf] main scanning function.
It takes as arguments:
- an input buffer [ib] from which to read characters,
@@ -899,8 +964,8 @@ external string_to_format :
aborts and applies the scanning buffer and a string that explains
the error to the error handling function [ef] (the error continuation). *)
let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
- let fmt = format_to_string fmt in
- let lim = String.length fmt - 1 in
+ let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in
let return v = Obj.magic v () in
let delay f x () = f x in
@@ -909,7 +974,7 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
let rec scan_fmt f i =
if i > lim then f else
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| ' ' -> skip_whites ib; scan_fmt f (i + 1)
| '%' ->
if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
@@ -917,13 +982,13 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
| '@' ->
let i = i + 1 in
if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else begin
- check_char ib fmt.[i];
+ check_char ib (Sformat.get fmt i);
scan_fmt f (i + 1) end
| c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt f (i + 1)
and scan_conversion skip max f i =
let stack = if skip then no_stack else stack in
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| '%' as conv ->
check_char ib conv; scan_fmt f (i + 1)
| 'c' when max = 0 ->
@@ -961,14 +1026,14 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
| 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
let i = i + 1 in
if i > lim then scan_fmt (stack f (get_count conv ib)) i else begin
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
(* This is in fact an integer conversion (e.g. %ld, %ni, or %Lo). *)
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv ->
let _x = scan_int_conv conv max ib in
(* Look back to the character that triggered the integer conversion
(this character is either 'l', 'n' or 'L'), to find the
conversion to apply to the integer token read. *)
- begin match fmt.[i - 1] with
+ begin match Sformat.get fmt (i - 1) with
| 'l' -> scan_fmt (stack f (token_int32 conv ib)) (i + 1)
| 'n' -> scan_fmt (stack f (token_nativeint conv ib)) (i + 1)
| _ -> scan_fmt (stack f (token_int64 conv ib)) (i + 1) end
@@ -985,14 +1050,14 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
| '0' .. '9' as conv ->
let rec read_width accu i =
if i > lim then accu, i else
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| '0' .. '9' as c ->
let accu = 10 * accu + int_value_of_char c in
read_width accu (i + 1)
| _ -> accu, i in
let max, i = read_width (int_value_of_char conv) (i + 1) in
if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else begin
- match fmt.[i] with
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
| '.' ->
let p, i = read_width 0 (i + 1) in
scan_conversion skip (max + p + 1) f i
@@ -1001,7 +1066,7 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
let i = succ i in
let j =
Printf.sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion conv fmt i + 1 in
- let mf = String.sub fmt i (j - i - 2) in
+ let mf = Sformat.sub fmt i (j - i - 2) in
let _x = scan_String max ib in
let rf = token_string ib in
if not (compatible_format_type mf rf)
@@ -1013,8 +1078,8 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
and scan_fmt_stoppers i =
if i > lim then i - 1, [] else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | '@' when i < lim -> let i = i + 1 in i, [fmt.[i]]
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '@' when i < lim -> let i = i + 1 in i, [Sformat.get fmt i]
| '@' when i = lim -> incomplete_format fmt
| _ -> i - 1, [] in
@@ -1035,7 +1100,7 @@ let sscanf s = bscanf (Scanning.from_string s);;
let scanf fmt = bscanf Scanning.stdib fmt;;
let bscanf_format ib fmt f =
- let fmt = format_to_string fmt in
+ let fmt = Sformat.unsafe_to_string fmt in
let fmt1 = ignore (scan_String max_int ib); token_string ib in
if not (compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt) then
format_mismatch fmt1 fmt ib else
@@ -1044,4 +1109,4 @@ let bscanf_format ib fmt f =
let sscanf_format s fmt f = bscanf_format (Scanning.from_string s) fmt f;;
-let scan_format s fmt = sscanf_format s fmt (fun x -> x);;
+let format_from_string s fmt = sscanf_format s fmt (fun x -> x);;