path: root/stdlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index c9975c4a0..aa6a2a2ab 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ and 'a data =
| Scons of 'a * 'a data
| Sapp of 'a data * 'a data
- | Slazy of (unit -> 'a data)
+ | Slazy of 'a data Lazy.t
| Sgen of 'a gen
| Sbuffio of buffio
and 'a gen = { mutable curr : 'a option option; func : int -> 'a option }
@@ -42,44 +42,54 @@ let fill_buff b =
b.len <- input b.ic b.buff 0 (String.length b.buff); b.ind <- 0
-let rec get_data =
- function
- Sempty -> None
- | Scons (a, d) -> Some (a, d)
- | Sapp (d1, d2) ->
- begin match get_data d1 with
- Some (a, d1) -> Some (a, Sapp (d1, d2))
- | None -> get_data d2
- end
- | Slazy f ->
- begin match f () with
- Sgen _ | Sbuffio _ -> failwith "illegal stream concatenation"
- | x -> get_data x
- end
- | Sgen _ | Sbuffio _ ->
- failwith "illegal stream concatenation"
+let rec get_data count d = match d with
+ (* Returns either Sempty or Scons(a, _) even when d is a generator
+ or a buffer. In those cases, the item a is seen as extracted from
+ the generator/buffer.
+ The count parameter is used for calling `Sgen-functions'. *)
+ Sempty | Scons (_, _) -> d
+ | Sapp (d1, d2) ->
+ begin match get_data count d1 with
+ Scons (a, d11) -> Scons (a, Sapp (d11, d2))
+ | Sempty -> get_data count d2
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | Sgen {curr = Some None; func = _ } -> Sempty
+ | Sgen ({curr = Some(Some a); func = f} as g) ->
+ g.curr <- None; Scons(a, d)
+ | Sgen g ->
+ begin match g.func count with
+ None -> g.curr <- Some(None); Sempty
+ | Some a -> Scons(a, d)
+ (* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *)
+ end
+ | Sbuffio b ->
+ if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b;
+ if b.len == 0 then Sempty else
+ let r = Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind) in
+ (* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *)
+ b.ind <- succ b.ind; Scons(r, d)
+ | Slazy f -> get_data count (Lazy.force f)
let rec peek s =
- match with
- Sempty -> None
- | Scons (a, _) -> Some a
- | Sapp (_, _) ->
- begin match get_data with
- Some (a, d) -> set_data s (Scons (a, d)); Some a
- | None -> None
- end
- | Slazy f ->
- begin match f () with
- Sgen _ | Sbuffio _ -> failwith "illegal stream concatenation"
- | d -> set_data s d; peek s
- end
- | Sgen {curr = Some a} -> a
- | Sgen g -> let x = g.func s.count in g.curr <- Some x; x
- | Sbuffio b ->
- if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b;
- if b.len == 0 then begin set_data s Sempty; None end
- else Some (Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind))
+ (* consult the first item of s *)
+ match with
+ Sempty -> None
+ | Scons (a, _) -> Some a
+ | Sapp (_, _) ->
+ begin match get_data s.count with
+ Scons(a, _) as d -> set_data s d; Some a
+ | Sempty -> None
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | Slazy f -> set_data s (Lazy.force f); peek s
+ | Sgen {curr = Some a} -> a
+ | Sgen g -> let x = g.func s.count in g.curr <- Some x; x
+ | Sbuffio b ->
+ if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b;
+ if b.len == 0 then begin set_data s Sempty; None end
+ else Some (Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind))
let rec junk s =
@@ -152,13 +162,13 @@ let icons i s = {count = 0; data = Scons (i,};;
let ising i = {count = 0; data = Scons (i, Sempty)};;
let lapp f s =
- {count = 0; data = Slazy (fun _ -> Sapp ((f ()).data,}
+ {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Sapp ((f ()).data,}
-let lcons f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (fun _ -> Scons (f (),};;
-let lsing f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (fun _ -> Scons (f (), Sempty))};;
+let lcons f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Scons (f (),};;
+let lsing f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Scons (f (), Sempty)))};;
let sempty = {count = 0; data = Sempty};;
-let slazy f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (fun _ -> (f ()).data)};;
+let slazy f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(f ()).data)};;
(* For debugging use *)
@@ -184,7 +194,7 @@ and dump_data f =
print_string ", ";
dump_data f d2;
print_string ")"
- | Slazy f -> print_string "Slazy"
+ | Slazy _ -> print_string "Slazy"
| Sgen _ -> print_string "Sgen"
| Sbuffio b -> print_string "Sbuffio"