path: root/stdlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 0e9090780..d83c6419b 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* Pierre Weis, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ type pp_scan_elem = Scan_elem of int * pp_queue_elem;;
The formatting stack contains the description of
the currently active blocks. *)
type pp_format_elem = Format_elem of block_type * int;;
(* General purpose queues, used in the formatter *)
type 'a queue_elem = | Nil | Cons of 'a queue_cell
and 'a queue_cell = {mutable head : 'a; mutable tail : 'a queue_elem};;
@@ -104,7 +105,6 @@ let clear_queue q = q.insert <- Nil; q.body <- Nil;;
let add_queue x q =
let c = Cons {head = x; tail = Nil} in
match q with
- (* Was {insert = Cons cell; _ *)
| {insert = Cons cell} -> q.insert <- c; cell.tail <- c
(* Invariant: when insert is Nil body should be Nil *)
| _ -> q.insert <- c; q.body <- c;;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let take_queue = function
let pp_infinity = 999999999;;
(* Output functions for the formatter *)
- let pp_output_string state s = state.pp_output_function s 0 (String.length s)
+let pp_output_string state s = state.pp_output_function s 0 (String.length s)
and pp_output_newline state = state.pp_output_function "\n" 0 1;;
let pp_clear_queue state =
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ let break_same_line state width =
by simulating a break. *)
let pp_force_break_line state =
match state.pp_format_stack with
- Format_elem (bl_ty, width) :: _ ->
+ | Format_elem (bl_ty, width) :: _ ->
if width > state.pp_space_left then
(match bl_ty with
- Pp_fits -> () | Pp_hbox -> () | _ -> break_line state width)
+ | Pp_fits -> () | Pp_hbox -> () | _ -> break_line state width)
| _ -> pp_output_newline state;;
(* To skip a token, if the previous line has been broken *)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ let pp_skip_token state =
(* To format a token *)
let format_pp_token state size = function
- Pp_text s ->
+ | Pp_text s ->
state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_space_left - size;
pp_output_string state s
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ let format_pp_token state size = function
let offset = state.pp_space_left - off in
let bl_type =
begin match ty with
- Pp_vbox -> Pp_vbox
+ | Pp_vbox -> Pp_vbox
| _ -> if size > state.pp_space_left then ty else Pp_fits
end in
state.pp_format_stack <-
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ let format_pp_token state size = function
| Pp_end ->
begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- x :: (y :: l as ls) -> state.pp_format_stack <- ls
+ | x :: (y :: l as ls) -> state.pp_format_stack <- ls
| _ -> () (* No more block to close *)
@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@ let format_pp_token state size = function
| Pp_tend ->
begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- x :: ls -> state.pp_tbox_stack <- ls
+ | x :: ls -> state.pp_tbox_stack <- ls
| _ -> () (* No more tabulation block to close *)
| Pp_stab ->
begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
+ | Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
let rec add_tab n = function
- [] -> [n]
+ | [] -> [n]
| x :: l as ls -> if n < x then n :: ls else x :: add_tab n l in
tabs := add_tab (state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left) !tabs
| _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block *)
@@ -233,24 +233,24 @@ let format_pp_token state size = function
| Pp_tbreak (n, off) ->
let insertion_point = state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left in
begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
- let rec find n = function
- x :: l -> if x >= n then x else find n l
- | [] -> raise Not_found in
- let tab =
- match !tabs with
- x :: l ->
- begin try find insertion_point !tabs with Not_found -> x end
- | _ -> insertion_point in
- let offset = tab - insertion_point in
- if offset >= 0 then break_same_line state (offset + n) else
- break_new_line state (tab + off) state.pp_margin
- | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block *)
+ | Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
+ let rec find n = function
+ | x :: l -> if x >= n then x else find n l
+ | [] -> raise Not_found in
+ let tab =
+ match !tabs with
+ | x :: l ->
+ begin try find insertion_point !tabs with Not_found -> x end
+ | _ -> insertion_point in
+ let offset = tab - insertion_point in
+ if offset >= 0 then break_same_line state (offset + n) else
+ break_new_line state (tab + off) state.pp_margin
+ | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block *)
| Pp_newline ->
begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- Format_elem (_,width) :: _ -> break_line state width
+ | Format_elem (_,width) :: _ -> break_line state width
| _ -> pp_output_newline state
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ let format_pp_token state size = function
| Pp_break (n, off) ->
begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- Format_elem (ty,width) :: _ ->
+ | Format_elem (ty,width) :: _ ->
begin match ty with
- Pp_hovbox ->
+ | Pp_hovbox ->
if size > state.pp_space_left
then break_new_line state off width
else break_same_line state n
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let rec advance_left state =
match peek_queue state.pp_queue with
{elem_size = size; token = tok; length = len} ->
if not
- (size < 0 &
+ (size < 0 &&
(state.pp_right_total - state.pp_left_total < state.pp_space_left))
then begin
take_queue state.pp_queue;
@@ -325,24 +325,24 @@ let clear_scan_stack state = state.pp_scan_stack <- scan_stack_bottom;;
since scan_push is used on breaks and opening of boxes *)
let set_size state ty =
match state.pp_scan_stack with
- Scan_elem (left_tot,
+ | Scan_elem (left_tot,
({elem_size = size; token = tok} as queue_elem)) :: t ->
(* test if scan stack contains any data that is not obsolete *)
if left_tot < state.pp_left_total then clear_scan_stack state else
begin match tok with
- Pp_break (_, _) | Pp_tbreak (_, _) ->
- if ty then
- begin
- queue_elem.elem_size <- state.pp_right_total + size;
- state.pp_scan_stack <- t
- end
- | Pp_begin (_, _) ->
- if not ty then
- begin
- queue_elem.elem_size <- state.pp_right_total + size;
- state.pp_scan_stack <- t
- end
- | _ -> () (* scan_push is only used for breaks and boxes *)
+ | Pp_break (_, _) | Pp_tbreak (_, _) ->
+ if ty then
+ begin
+ queue_elem.elem_size <- state.pp_right_total + size;
+ state.pp_scan_stack <- t
+ end
+ | Pp_begin (_, _) ->
+ if not ty then
+ begin
+ queue_elem.elem_size <- state.pp_right_total + size;
+ state.pp_scan_stack <- t
+ end
+ | _ -> () (* scan_push is only used for breaks and boxes *)
| _ -> () (* scan_stack is never empty *);;
@@ -480,9 +480,9 @@ let pp_open_tbox state () =
(* Close a tabulation block *)
let pp_close_tbox state () =
if state.pp_curr_depth > 1 then begin
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- enqueue_advance state {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_tend; length = 0};
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1 end;;
+ if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
+ enqueue_advance state {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_tend; length = 0};
+ state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1 end;;
(* Print a tabulation break *)
let pp_print_tbreak state width offset =
@@ -623,6 +623,5 @@ and set_formatter_output_functions =
and get_formatter_output_functions =
pp_get_formatter_output_functions std_formatter;;
-(* Initialize the formatter *)
let _ = at_exit print_flush;;