path: root/stdlib
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2 files changed, 41 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index ac950e4cb..ba04244ef 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -482,18 +482,18 @@ let compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt2 =
Tformat.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt2);;
(* Checking that [c] is indeed in the input, then skips it.
- In this case, the character c has been explicitly specified in the
+ In this case, the character [c] has been explicitly specified in the
format as being mandatory in the input; hence we should fail with
End_of_file in case of end_of_input. (Remember that Scan_failure is raised
only when (we can prove by evidence) that the input does not match the
format string given. We must thus differentiate End_of_file as an error
due to lack of input, and Scan_failure which is due to provably wrong
- input. I am not sure this is worth to burden: it is complex and somehow
+ input. I am not sure this is worth the burden: it is complex and somehow
subliminal; should be clearer to fail with Scan_failure "Not enough input
to complete scanning"!)
That's why, waiting for a better solution, we use checked_peek_char here.
- We are also careful to treat "\r\n" in the input as a end of line marker: it
+ We are also careful to treat "\r\n" in the input as an end of line marker: it
always matches a '\n' specification in the input format string. *)
let rec check_char ib c =
let ci = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
@@ -1451,20 +1451,34 @@ let scan_format ib ef fmt rv f =
| _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv0 ib)) i end
| '(' | '{' as conv (* ')' '}' *) ->
let i = succ i in
- (* Find the static specification for the format to read. *)
+ (* Find [mf], the static specification for the format to read. *)
let j =
incomplete_format bad_conversion conv fmt i in
let mf = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - 2 - i) in
- (* Read the specified format string in the input buffer,
- and check its correctness. *)
+ (* Read [rf], the specified format string in the input buffer,
+ and check its correctness w.r.t. [mf]. *)
let _x = scan_String width ib in
let rf = token_string ib in
if not (compatible_format_type rf mf) then format_mismatch rf mf else
+ (* Proceed according to the kind of metaformat found:
+ - %{ mf %} simply returns [rf] as the token read,
+ - %( mf %) returns [rf] as the first token read, then
+ returns a second token obtained by scanning the input with
+ format string [rf].
+ Behaviour for %( mf %) is mandatory for sake of format string
+ typechecking specification. To get pure format string
+ substitution behaviour, you should use %_( mf %) that skips the
+ first (format string) token and hence properly substitutes [mf] by
+ [rf] in the format string argument.
+ *)
(* For conversion %{%}, just return this format string as the token
- read. *)
+ read and go on with the rest of the format string argument. *)
if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then scan_fmt ir (stack f rf) j else
- (* Or else, read according to the format string just read. *)
+ (* Or else, return this format string as the first token read;
+ then continue scanning using this format string to get
+ the following token read;
+ finally go on with the rest of the format string argument. *)
let ir, nf = scan (string_to_format rf) ir (stack f rf) 0 in
(* Return the format string read and the value just read,
then go on with the rest of the format. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/scanf.mli b/stdlib/scanf.mli
index 1026ba6fe..113826fd6 100644
--- a/stdlib/scanf.mli
+++ b/stdlib/scanf.mli
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ type file_name = string;;
val open_in : file_name -> in_channel;;
(** [Scanning.open_in fname] returns a formatted input channel for bufferized
- reading in text mode of file [fname].
+ reading in text mode from file [fname].
[open_in] returns a formatted input channel that efficiently reads
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ val open_in : file_name -> in_channel;;
val open_in_bin : file_name -> in_channel;;
(** [Scanning.open_in_bin fname] returns a formatted input channel for
- bufferized reading in binary mode of file [fname].
+ bufferized reading in binary mode from file [fname].
@since 3.12.0
@@ -339,30 +339,33 @@ val bscanf : Scanning.in_channel -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner;;
function and applies it to the scanning buffer [ib] to read the
next argument. The input function [ri] must therefore have type
[Scanning.in_channel -> 'a] and the argument read has type ['a].
- - [\{ fmt %\}]: reads a format string argument. The format string
+ - [\{ fmt %\}]: reads a format string argument. The format string
read must have the same type as the format string specification
- [fmt]. For instance, ["%{ %i %}"] reads any format string that
+ [fmt]. For instance, ["%{ %i %}"] reads any format string that
can read a value of type [int]; hence, if [s] is the string
["fmt:\"number is %u\""], then [Scanf.sscanf s "fmt: %{%i%}"]
succeeds and returns the format string ["number is %u"].
- - [\( fmt %\)]: scanning format substitution.
- Reads a format string and then goes on scanning with the format string
- read, instead of using [fmt].
- The format string read must have the same type as the format string
+ - [\( fmt %\)]: scanning sub-format substitution.
+ Reads a format string [rf] in the input, then goes on scanning with
+ [rf] instead of scanning with [fmt].
+ The format string [rf] must have the same type as the format string
specification [fmt] that it replaces.
For instance, ["%( %i %)"] reads any format string that can read a value
of type [int].
- Returns the format string read, and the value read using the format
- string read.
+ The conversion returns the format string read [rf], and then a value
+ read using [rf].
Hence, if [s] is the string ["\"%4d\"1234.00"], then
[Scanf.sscanf s "%(%i%)" (fun fmt i -> fmt, i)] evaluates to
[("%4d", 1234)].
- If the special flag [_] is used, the conversion discards the
- format string read and only returns the value read with the format
- string read.
- Hence, if [s] is the string ["\"%4d\"1234.00"], then
- [Scanf.sscanf s "%_(%i%)"] is simply equivalent to
- [Scanf.sscanf "1234.00" "%4d"].
+ This behaviour is not mere format substitution, since the conversion
+ returns the format string read as additional argument. If you need
+ pure format substitution, use special flag [_] to discard the
+ extraneous argument: conversion [%_\( fmt %\)] reads a format string
+ [rf] and then behaves the same as format string [rf]. Hence, if [s] is
+ the string ["\"%4d\"1234.00"], then [Scanf.sscanf s "%_(%i%)"] is
+ simply equivalent to [Scanf.sscanf "1234.00" "%4d"].
- [l]: returns the number of lines read so far.
- [n]: returns the number of characters read so far.
- [N] or [L]: returns the number of tokens read so far.