path: root/stdlib
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index a0a49c061..44d4949ce 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ let from_file_bin fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in_bin fname);;
scanning buffer. This phenomenon is even worse in case of multiple
definition of scanning buffers from the same [ic].
- Hence, we do bufferize characters to create a scnning buffer from an input
+ Hence, we do bufferize characters to create a scanning buffer from an input
channel in order to preserve the same semantics as other from_* functions
above: two successive calls to the scanner will work appropriately, since
the bufferized character (if any) will be retained inside the scanning
@@ -267,15 +267,17 @@ let from_file_bin fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in_bin fname);;
allocation of scanning buffers reading from the same [ic].
A more ambitious fix could be to have a memo scanning buffer allocation
- for reading from input channel not allocated from within Scanf. *)
+ for reading from input channel not allocated from within Scanf's input
+ buffer creation functions. *)
-let scan_at_end ic = raise End_of_file;;
+let scan_raise_at_end ic = raise End_of_file;;
-let from_channel = from_ic scan_at_end "input channel";;
+let from_channel = from_ic scan_raise_at_end "input channel";;
(* The scanning buffer reading from [stdin].
- One could try to define stdib as from_channel stdin,
- but unfortunately the toplevel interaction would be wrong.
+ One could try to define stdib as a scanning buffer reading a character at a
+ time (no bufferization at all), but unfortunately the toplevel
+ interaction would be wrong.
This is due to some kind of ``race condition'' when reading from stdin,
since the interactive compiler and scanf will simultaneously read the
material they need from stdin; then, confusion will result from what should
@@ -285,24 +287,7 @@ let from_channel = from_ic scan_at_end "input channel";;
for the next (scanf) entry, seamingly coming from nowhere.
Also no End_of_file is raised when reading from stdin: if not enough
characters have been read, we simply ask to read more. *)
-(*let stdib =
- let buf = ref ""
- and len = ref 0 in
- let mk_buff l =
- buf := String.create l;
- len := l in
- let i = ref 0 in
- let rec next () =
- if !i < !len then begin let c = !buf.[!i] in incr i; c end else
- let s = input_line stdin in
- let ls = String.length s in
- if ls > !len then mk_buff ls;
- String.blit s 0 !buf 0 ls;
- i := 0;
- next () in
- create "stdin" next;;
-let stdib = from_ic scan_at_end "stdin" stdin;;
+let stdib = from_ic scan_raise_at_end "stdin" stdin;;