path: root/stdlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
9 files changed, 26 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/.depend b/stdlib/.depend
index 4619dc539..8bc43feca 100644
--- a/stdlib/.depend
+++ b/stdlib/.depend
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ digest.cmo: string.cmi digest.cmi
digest.cmx: string.cmx digest.cmi
filename.cmo: string.cmi sys.cmi filename.cmi
filename.cmx: string.cmx sys.cmx filename.cmi
-format.cmo: string.cmi format.cmi
-format.cmx: string.cmx format.cmi
+format.cmo: obj.cmi string.cmi format.cmi
+format.cmx: obj.cmx string.cmx format.cmi
gc.cmo: printf.cmi gc.cmi
gc.cmx: printf.cmx gc.cmi
genlex.cmo: char.cmi hashtbl.cmi list.cmi stream.cmi string.cmi genlex.cmi
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index c6cb42ed3..8bbb56ffd 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
type spec =
- | Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with no argument *)
+ | Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *)
| Set of bool ref (* Set the reference to true *)
| Clear of bool ref (* Set the reference to false *)
| String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
diff --git a/stdlib/arg.mli b/stdlib/arg.mli
index f09a7790d..599524ad6 100644
--- a/stdlib/arg.mli
+++ b/stdlib/arg.mli
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
type spec =
- | Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with no argument *)
+ | Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *)
| Set of bool ref (* Set the reference to true *)
| Clear of bool ref (* Set the reference to false *)
| String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 901004de9..7a103f4ea 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -18,15 +18,18 @@ external get: 'a array -> int -> 'a = "%array_safe_get"
external set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_safe_set"
external unsafe_get: 'a array -> int -> 'a = "%array_unsafe_get"
external unsafe_set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_unsafe_set"
+external make: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
external create: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
-let create_matrix sx sy init =
+let make_matrix sx sy init =
let res = create sx [||] in
for x = 0 to pred sx do
unsafe_set res x (create sy init)
+let create_matrix = make_matrix
let copy a =
let l = length a in
if l = 0 then [||] else begin
diff --git a/stdlib/array.mli b/stdlib/array.mli
index 343565f5a..3815161f7 100644
--- a/stdlib/array.mli
+++ b/stdlib/array.mli
@@ -28,16 +28,18 @@ external set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_safe_set"
Raise [Invalid_argument "Array.set"] if [n] is outside the range
0 to [Array.length a - 1].
You can also write [a.(n) <- x] instead of [Array.set a n x]. *)
+external make: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
external create: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
- (* [Array.create n x] returns a fresh array of length [n],
+ (* [Array.make n x] returns a fresh array of length [n],
initialized with [x].
All the elements of this new array are initially
physically equal to [x] (in the sense of the [==] predicate).
Consequently, if [x] is mutable, it is shared among all elements
of the array, and modifying [x] through one of the array entries
will modify all other entries at the same time. *)
+val make_matrix: int -> int -> 'a -> 'a array array
val create_matrix: int -> int -> 'a -> 'a array array
- (* [Array.create_matrix dimx dimy e] returns a two-dimensional array
+ (* [Array.make_matrix dimx dimy e] returns a two-dimensional array
(an array of arrays) with first dimension [dimx] and
second dimension [dimy]. All the elements of this new matrix
are initially physically equal to [e].
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 57b687b3d..33851b9b1 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let rec sumsq v i0 i1 =
let chisquare g n r =
if n <= 10 * r then invalid_arg "chisquare";
- let f = Array.create r 0 in
+ let f = Array.make r 0 in
for i = 1 to n do
let t = g r in
f.(t) <- f.(t) + 1
diff --git a/stdlib/string.mli b/stdlib/string.mli
index 4ac2bca81..d12b52180 100644
--- a/stdlib/string.mli
+++ b/stdlib/string.mli
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ val fill : string -> int -> int -> char -> unit
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [start] and [len] do not
designate a valid substring of [s]. *)
val blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
- (* [String.blit s1 o1 s2 o2 len] copies [len] characters
- from string [s1], starting at character number [o1], to string [s2],
- starting at character number [o2]. It works correctly even if
- [s1] and [s2] are the same string,
+ (* [String.blit src srcoff dst dstoff len] copies [len] characters
+ from string [src], starting at character number [srcoff], to
+ string [dst], starting at character number [dstoff]. It works
+ correctly even if [src] and [dst] are the same string,
and the source and destination chunks overlap.
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [o1] and [len] do not
- designate a valid substring of [s1], or if [o2] and [len] do not
- designate a valid substring of [s2]. *)
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [srcoff] and [len] do not
+ designate a valid substring of [src], or if [dstoff] and [len]
+ do not designate a valid substring of [dst]. *)
val concat : string -> string list -> string
(* [String.concat sep sl] catenates the list of strings [sl],
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 0a117bc40..475bacadb 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ external get_argv: unit -> string array = "sys_get_argv"
let argv = get_argv()
let (os_type, word_size) = get_config()
+let max_array_length = (1 lsl (word_size - 10)) - 1;;
+let max_string_length = word_size / 8 * max_array_length - 1;;
external file_exists: string -> bool = "sys_file_exists"
external remove: string -> unit = "sys_remove"
diff --git a/stdlib/sys.mli b/stdlib/sys.mli
index e10319ba8..9e081a684 100644
--- a/stdlib/sys.mli
+++ b/stdlib/sys.mli
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ val os_type: string
val word_size: int
(* Size of one word on the machine currently executing the Caml
program, in bits: 32 or 64. *)
+val max_string_length: int
+ (* Maximum length of a string. *)
+val max_array_length: int
+ (* Maximum length of an array. *)
(*** Signal handling *)