path: root/stdlib
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diff --git a/stdlib/hashtbl.mli b/stdlib/hashtbl.mli
index a5eb7d97e..470faca80 100644
--- a/stdlib/hashtbl.mli
+++ b/stdlib/hashtbl.mli
@@ -73,18 +73,22 @@ val replace : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
val iter : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
(** [Hashtbl.iter f tbl] applies [f] to all bindings in table [tbl].
[f] receives the key as first argument, and the associated value
- as second argument. The order in which the bindings are passed to
- [f] is unspecified. Each binding is presented exactly once
- to [f]. *)
+ as second argument. Each binding is presented exactly once to [f].
+ The order in which the bindings are passed to [f] is unspecified.
+ However, if the table contains several bindings for the same key,
+ they are passed to [f] in reverse order of introduction, that is,
+ the most recent binding is passed first. *)
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) t -> 'c -> 'c
(** [Hashtbl.fold f tbl init] computes
[(f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 init)...)],
where [k1 ... kN] are the keys of all bindings in [tbl],
and [d1 ... dN] are the associated values.
- The order in which the bindings are passed to
- [f] is unspecified. Each binding is presented exactly once
- to [f]. *)
+ Each binding is presented exactly once to [f].
+ The order in which the bindings are passed to [f] is unspecified.
+ However, if the table contains several bindings for the same key,
+ they are passed to [f] in reverse order of introduction, that is,
+ the most recent binding is passed first. *)
(** {6 Functorial interface} *)