path: root/stdlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index d1592c20a..7fb919d40 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ val end_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
(** [Scanning.end_of_input scanbuf] tests the end of input condition
of the given buffer. *)
-val begin_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
-(** [Scanning.begin_of_input scanbuf] tests the begin of input condition
- of the given buffer. *)
+val beginning_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
+(** [Scanning.beginning_of_input scanbuf] tests the beginning of input
+ condition of the given buffer. *)
val from_string : string -> scanbuf;;
val from_channel : in_channel -> scanbuf;;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ type scanbuf = {
(* Reads a new character from input buffer, sets the end of file
- condition is necessary. *)
+ condition if necessary. *)
let next_char ib =
ib.cur_char <- ib.get_next_char ();
@@ -104,23 +104,23 @@ let next_char ib =
ib.cur_char <- '\000';
ib.eof <- true;;
-(* Returns a valid current char for the input buffer.
- In particular no irrelevant null character (as set by [next_char] in
- case of end of input) is returned since [End_of_file] is raised if
- [next_char] set the end of file condition while trying to read a new
- character. *)
-let checked_peek_char ib =
- if ib.bof then begin next_char ib; ib.bof <- false end;
- if ib.eof then raise End_of_file;
- ib.cur_char;;
let cautious_peek_char ib =
if ib.bof then begin next_char ib; ib.bof <- false end;
+(* Returns a valid current char for the input buffer. In particular
+ no irrelevant null character (as set by [next_char] in case of end
+ of input) is returned, since [End_of_file] is raised when
+ [next_char] sets the end of file condition while trying to read a
+ new character. *)
+let checked_peek_char ib =
+ let c = cautious_peek_char ib in
+ if ib.eof then raise End_of_file;
+ c;;
let peek_char ib = ib.cur_char;;
let end_of_input ib = ib.eof;;
-let begin_of_input ib = ib.bof;;
+let beginning_of_input ib = ib.bof;;
let char_count ib = ib.char_count;;
let reset_token ib = Buffer.reset ib.tokbuf;;
@@ -486,21 +486,21 @@ let scan_String max ib =
| '"', false (* '"' helping Emacs *) ->
Scanning.next_char ib; max - 1
| '\\', false ->
- Scanning.next_char ib;
- skip_spaces true (max - 1)
+ Scanning.next_char ib; skip_spaces true (max - 1)
| c, false -> loop false (Scanning.store_char ib c max)
| c, _ -> bad_input_char c
and skip_spaces s max =
if max = 0 || Scanning.end_of_input ib then bad_input "a string" else
let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
match c, s with
- | '\n', true ->
- Scanning.next_char ib;
- skip_spaces false (max - 1)
- | ' ', false -> skip_spaces false (max - 1)
- | '\\', false -> loop true max
+ | '\n', true
+ | ' ', false ->
+ Scanning.next_char ib; skip_spaces false (max - 1)
+ | '\\', false -> loop false max
+(* | '\\', true*)
| c, false -> loop false (Scanning.store_char ib c max)
- | _ -> loop false (scan_backslash_char (max - 1) ib) in
+(* | ' ', _ -> bad_input_char c*)
+ | _, _ -> loop false (scan_backslash_char (max - 1) ib) in
loop true max;;
let scan_bool max ib =
@@ -577,8 +577,7 @@ let scan_chars_in_char_set stp char_set max ib =
max in
let max = loop max in
if stp <> [] then check_char_in ib stp;
- max
+ max;;
let skip_whites ib =
let rec loop = function
@@ -653,9 +652,12 @@ let kscanf ib ef fmt f =
match fmt.[i] with
| '%' as c ->
check_input c f i
+ | 'c' when max = 0 ->
+ let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
+ scan_fmt (stack f c) (i + 1)
| 'c' | 'C' as conv ->
let x =
- if conv = 'c' then scan_char max ib else scan_Char max ib in
+ if conv = 'c' then scan_char max ib else scan_Char max ib in
scan_fmt (stack f (token_char ib)) (i + 1)
| 'b' | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv ->
let x = scan_int conv max ib in
diff --git a/stdlib/scanf.mli b/stdlib/scanf.mli
index e8639e7c4..c9f359d94 100644
--- a/stdlib/scanf.mli
+++ b/stdlib/scanf.mli
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ val from_channel : in_channel -> scanbuf;;
val end_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
(** [Scanning.end_of_input scanbuf] tests the end of input condition
of the given buffer. *)
-val begin_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
-(** [Scanning.begin_of_input scanbuf] tests the begin of input condition
- of the given buffer. *)
+val beginning_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;;
+(** [Scanning.beginning_of_input scanbuf] tests the beginning of input
+ condition of the given buffer. *)