path: root/testlabl/marshal_objects.diffs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testlabl/marshal_objects.diffs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 800 deletions
diff --git a/testlabl/marshal_objects.diffs b/testlabl/marshal_objects.diffs
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9b4dd71..000000000
--- a/testlabl/marshal_objects.diffs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
-? bytecomp/
-Index: bytecomp/
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/,v
-retrieving revision 1.44
-diff -u -r1.44
---- bytecomp/ 25 Aug 2005 15:35:16 -0000 1.44
-+++ bytecomp/ 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -287,9 +287,10 @@
- let compare = compare
- end)
--let free_ids get l =
-+let free_ids get used l =
- let fv = ref IdentSet.empty in
- let rec free l =
-+ let old = !fv in
- iter free l;
- fv := List.fold_right IdentSet.add (get l) !fv;
- match l with
-@@ -307,17 +308,20 @@
- fv := IdentSet.remove v !fv
- | Lassign(id, e) ->
- fv := IdentSet.add id !fv
-+ | Lifused(id, e) ->
-+ if used && not (IdentSet.mem id old) then fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv
- | Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _
- | Lprim _ | Lswitch _ | Lstaticraise _
- | Lifthenelse _ | Lsequence _ | Lwhile _
-- | Lsend _ | Levent _ | Lifused _ -> ()
-+ | Lsend _ | Levent _ -> ()
- in free l; !fv
--let free_variables l =
-- free_ids (function Lvar id -> [id] | _ -> []) l
-+let free_variables ?(ifused=false) l =
-+ free_ids (function Lvar id -> [id] | _ -> []) ifused l
- let free_methods l =
-- free_ids (function Lsend(Self, Lvar meth, obj, _) -> [meth] | _ -> []) l
-+ free_ids (function Lsend(Self, Lvar meth, obj, _) -> [meth] | _ -> [])
-+ false l
- (* Check if an action has a "when" guard *)
- let raise_count = ref 0
-Index: bytecomp/lambda.mli
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/lambda.mli,v
-retrieving revision 1.42
-diff -u -r1.42 lambda.mli
---- bytecomp/lambda.mli 25 Aug 2005 15:35:16 -0000 1.42
-+++ bytecomp/lambda.mli 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
- val iter: (lambda -> unit) -> lambda -> unit
- module IdentSet: Set.S with type elt = Ident.t
--val free_variables: lambda -> IdentSet.t
-+val free_variables: ?ifused:bool -> lambda -> IdentSet.t
- val free_methods: lambda -> IdentSet.t
- val transl_path: Path.t -> lambda
-Index: bytecomp/
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/,v
-retrieving revision 1.38
-diff -u -r1.38
---- bytecomp/ 13 Aug 2005 20:59:37 -0000 1.38
-+++ bytecomp/ 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
- let lfield v i = Lprim(Pfield i, [Lvar v])
-+let ltuple l = Lprim(Pmakeblock(0,Immutable), l)
-+let lprim name args = Lapply(oo_prim name, args)
- let transl_label l = share (Const_immstring l)
- let rec transl_meth_list lst =
-@@ -68,8 +72,8 @@
- Lvar offset])])]))
- let transl_val tbl create name =
-- Lapply (oo_prim (if create then "new_variable" else "get_variable"),
-- [Lvar tbl; transl_label name])
-+ lprim (if create then "new_variable" else "get_variable")
-+ [Lvar tbl; transl_label name]
- let transl_vals tbl create vals rem =
- List.fold_right
-@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@
- (fun (nm, id) rem ->
- try
- (nm, id,
-- Lapply(oo_prim "get_method", [Lvar tbl; Lvar (Meths.find nm meths)]))
-+ lprim "get_method" [Lvar tbl; Lvar (Meths.find nm meths)])
- :: rem
- with Not_found -> rem)
- inh_meths []
-@@ -97,17 +101,15 @@
- let (inh_init, obj_init, has_init) = init obj' in
- if obj_init = lambda_unit then
- (inh_init,
-- Lapply (oo_prim (if has_init then "create_object_and_run_initializers"
-- else"create_object_opt"),
-- [obj; Lvar cl]))
-+ lprim (if has_init then "create_object_and_run_initializers"
-+ else"create_object_opt")
-+ [obj; Lvar cl])
- else begin
- (inh_init,
-- Llet(Strict, obj',
-- Lapply (oo_prim "create_object_opt", [obj; Lvar cl]),
-+ Llet(Strict, obj', lprim "create_object_opt" [obj; Lvar cl],
- Lsequence(obj_init,
- if not has_init then Lvar obj' else
-- Lapply (oo_prim "run_initializers_opt",
-- [obj; Lvar obj'; Lvar cl]))))
-+ lprim "run_initializers_opt" [obj; Lvar obj'; Lvar cl])))
- end
- let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl =
-@@ -203,14 +205,13 @@
- let bind_method tbl lab id cl_init =
-- Llet(StrictOpt, id, Lapply (oo_prim "get_method_label",
-- [Lvar tbl; transl_label lab]),
-+ Llet(StrictOpt, id, lprim "get_method_label" [Lvar tbl; transl_label lab],
- cl_init)
--let bind_methods tbl meths vals cl_init =
-- let methl = Meths.fold (fun lab id tl -> (lab,id) :: tl) meths [] in
-+let bind_methods tbl methl vals cl_init =
- let len = List.length methl and nvals = List.length vals in
-- if len < 2 && nvals = 0 then Meths.fold (bind_method tbl) meths cl_init else
-+ if len < 2 && nvals = 0 then
-+ List.fold_right (fun (n,i) -> bind_method tbl n i) methl cl_init else
- if len = 0 && nvals < 2 then transl_vals tbl true vals cl_init else
- let ids = Ident.create "ids" in
- let i = ref len in
-@@ -229,21 +230,19 @@
- vals' cl_init)
- in
- Llet(StrictOpt, ids,
-- Lapply (oo_prim getter,
-- [Lvar tbl; transl_meth_list ( fst methl)] @ names),
-+ lprim getter
-+ ([Lvar tbl; transl_meth_list ( fst methl)] @ names),
- List.fold_right
-- (fun (lab,id) lam -> decr i; Llet(StrictOpt, id, lfield ids !i, lam))
-+ (fun (lab,id) lam -> decr i; Llet(Alias, id, lfield ids !i, lam))
- methl cl_init)
- let output_methods tbl methods lam =
- match methods with
- [] -> lam
- | [lab; code] ->
-- lsequence (Lapply(oo_prim "set_method", [Lvar tbl; lab; code])) lam
-+ lsequence (lprim "set_method" [Lvar tbl; lab; code]) lam
- | _ ->
-- lsequence (Lapply(oo_prim "set_methods",
-- [Lvar tbl; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0,Immutable), methods)]))
-- lam
-+ lsequence (lprim "set_methods" [Lvar tbl; ltuple methods]) lam
- let rec ignore_cstrs cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
-@@ -266,7 +265,8 @@
- Llet (Strict, obj_init,
- Lapply(Lprim(Pfield 1, [lpath]), Lvar cla ::
- if top then [Lprim(Pfield 3, [lpath])] else []),
-- bind_super cla super cl_init))
-+ bind_super cla super cl_init),
-+ [], [])
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
-@@ -278,10 +278,11 @@
- match field with
- Cf_inher (cl, vals, meths) ->
- let cl_init = output_methods cla methods cl_init in
-- let inh_init, cl_init =
-+ let (inh_init, cl_init, meths', vals') =
- build_class_init cla false
- (vals, meths_super cla str.cl_meths meths)
- inh_init cl_init msubst top cl in
-+ let cl_init = bind_methods cla meths' vals' cl_init in
- (inh_init, cl_init, [], values)
- | Cf_val (name, id, exp) ->
- (inh_init, cl_init, methods, (name, id)::values)
-@@ -304,29 +305,37 @@
- (inh_init, cl_init, methods, vals @ values)
- | Cf_init exp ->
- (inh_init,
-- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "add_initializer",
-- Lvar cla :: msubst false (transl_exp exp)),
-+ Lsequence(lprim "add_initializer"
-+ (Lvar cla :: msubst false (transl_exp exp)),
- cl_init),
- methods, values))
- str.cl_field
- (inh_init, cl_init, [], [])
- in
- let cl_init = output_methods cla methods cl_init in
-- (inh_init, bind_methods cla str.cl_meths values cl_init)
-+ (* inh_init, bind_methods cla str.cl_meths values cl_init *)
-+ let methods = Meths.fold (fun n i l -> (n,i)::l) str.cl_meths [] in
-+ (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values)
- | Tclass_fun (pat, vals, cl, _) ->
-- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
-+ let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
-+ let fv = free_variables ~ifused:true cl_init in
-+ let vals = List.filter (fun (id,_) -> IdentSet.mem id fv) vals in
- let vals = (function (id, _) -> ( id, id)) vals in
-- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init)
-+ (* inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init *)
-+ (inh_init, cl_init, methods, vals @ values)
- | Tclass_apply (cl, exprs) ->
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- | Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
-- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
-+ let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
-+ let fv = free_variables ~ifused:true cl_init in
-+ let vals = List.filter (fun (id,_) -> IdentSet.mem id fv) vals in
- let vals = (function (id, _) -> ( id, id)) vals in
-- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init)
-+ (* inh_init, transl_vals cla true vals cl_init *)
-+ (inh_init, cl_init, methods, vals @ values)
- | Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concr_meths) ->
- let virt_meths =
- List.filter (fun lab -> not (Concr.mem lab concr_meths)) meths in
-@@ -358,23 +367,34 @@
- cl_init valids in
- (inh_init,
- Llet (Strict, inh,
-- Lapply(oo_prim "inherits", narrow_args @
-- [lpath; Lconst(Const_pointer(if top then 1 else 0))]),
-+ lprim "inherits"
-+ (narrow_args @
-+ [lpath; Lconst(Const_pointer(if top then 1 else 0))]),
- Llet(StrictOpt, obj_init, lfield inh 0,
- Llet(Alias, inh_vals, lfield inh 1,
-- Llet(Alias, inh_meths, lfield inh 2, cl_init)))))
-+ Llet(Alias, inh_meths, lfield inh 2, cl_init)))),
-+ [], [])
- | _ ->
- let core cl_init =
- build_class_init cla true super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
- if cstr then core cl_init else
-- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
-- core (Lsequence (Lapply (oo_prim "widen", [Lvar cla]), cl_init))
-+ let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
-+ core (Lsequence (lprim "widen" [Lvar cla], cl_init))
- in
-- (inh_init,
-- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "narrow", narrow_args), cl_init))
-+ let cl_init = bind_methods cla methods values cl_init in
-+ (inh_init, Lsequence(lprim "narrow" narrow_args, cl_init), [], [])
- end
-+let build_class_init cla env inh_init obj_init msubst top cl =
-+ let inh_init = List.rev inh_init in
-+ let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
-+ build_class_init cla true ([],[]) inh_init obj_init msubst top cl in
-+ assert (inh_init = []);
-+ if IdentSet.mem env (free_variables ~ifused:true cl_init)
-+ then bind_methods cla methods (("", env) :: values) cl_init
-+ else Llet(Alias, env, lambda_unit, bind_methods cla methods values cl_init)
- let rec build_class_lets cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
-@@ -459,16 +479,16 @@
- Strict, new_init, lfunction [obj_init] obj_init',
- Llet(
- Alias, cla, transl_path path,
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- [Lapply(Lvar new_init, [lfield cla 0]);
-- lfunction [table]
-- (Llet(Strict, env_init,
-- Lapply(lfield cla 1, [Lvar table]),
-- lfunction [envs]
-- (Lapply(Lvar new_init,
-- [Lapply(Lvar env_init, [Lvar envs])]))));
-- lfield cla 2;
-- lfield cla 3])))
-+ ltuple
-+ [Lapply(Lvar new_init, [lfield cla 0]);
-+ lfunction [table]
-+ (Llet(Strict, env_init,
-+ Lapply(lfield cla 1, [Lvar table]),
-+ lfunction [envs]
-+ (Lapply(Lvar new_init,
-+ [Lapply(Lvar env_init, [Lvar envs])]))));
-+ lfield cla 2;
-+ lfield cla 3]))
- with Exit ->
- lambda_unit
-@@ -541,7 +561,7 @@
- open CamlinternalOO
- let builtin_meths arr self env env2 body =
- let builtin, args = builtin_meths self env env2 body in
-- if not arr then [Lapply(oo_prim builtin, args)] else
-+ if not arr then [lprim builtin args] else
- let tag = match builtin with
- "get_const" -> GetConst
- | "get_var" -> GetVar
-@@ -599,7 +619,8 @@
- (* Prepare for heavy environment handling *)
- let tables = Ident.create ( cl_id ^ "_tables") in
-- let (top_env, req) = oo_add_class tables in
-+ let table_init = ref None in
-+ let (top_env, req) = oo_add_class tables table_init in
- let top = not req in
- let cl_env, llets = build_class_lets cl in
- let new_ids = if top then [] else Env.diff top_env cl_env in
-@@ -633,6 +654,7 @@
- begin try
- (* Doesn't seem to improve size for bytecode *)
- (* if not !Clflags.native_code then raise Not_found; *)
-+ if !Clflags.debug then raise Not_found;
- builtin_meths arr [self] env env2 (lfunction args body')
- with Not_found ->
- [lfunction (self :: args)
-@@ -665,15 +687,8 @@
- build_object_init_0 cla [] cl copy_env subst_env top ids in
- if not (Translcore.check_recursive_lambda ids obj_init) then
- raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Illegal_class_expr));
-- let inh_init' = List.rev inh_init in
-- let (inh_init', cl_init) =
-- build_class_init cla true ([],[]) inh_init' obj_init msubst top cl
-- in
-- assert (inh_init' = []);
-- let table = Ident.create "table"
-- and class_init = Ident.create ( cl_id ^ "_init")
-- and env_init = Ident.create "env_init"
-- and obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init" in
-+ let cl_init = build_class_init cla env2 inh_init obj_init msubst top cl in
-+ let obj_init = Ident.create "obj_init" in
- let pub_meths =
- List.sort
- (fun s s' -> compare (Btype.hash_variant s) (Btype.hash_variant s'))
-@@ -685,42 +700,44 @@
- let name' = List.assoc tag rev_map in
- if name' <> name then raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Tags(name, name'))))
- tags pub_meths;
-+ let pos = cl.cl_loc.Location.loc_end in
-+ let filepos = [transl_label pos.Lexing.pos_fname;
-+ Lconst(Const_base(Const_int pos.Lexing.pos_cnum))] in
- let ltable table lam =
-- Llet(Strict, table,
-- Lapply (oo_prim "create_table", [transl_meth_list pub_meths]), lam)
-+ Llet(Strict, table, lprim "create_table" [transl_meth_list pub_meths], lam)
- and ldirect obj_init =
- Llet(Strict, obj_init, cl_init,
-- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
-+ Lsequence(lprim "init_class_shared" (Lvar cla :: filepos),
- Lapply(Lvar obj_init, [lambda_unit])))
- in
- (* Simplest case: an object defined at toplevel (ids=[]) *)
- if top && ids = [] then llets (ltable cla (ldirect obj_init)) else
-+ let table = Ident.create "table"
-+ and class_init = Ident.create ( cl_id ^ "_init")
-+ and env_init = Ident.create ( cl_id ^ "_env_init") in
-+ let cl_init_fun = Lfunction(Curried, [cla], cl_init) in
- let concrete =
- ids = [] ||
- Typeclass.virtual_methods (Ctype.signature_of_class_type cl.cl_type) = []
-- and lclass lam =
-- let cl_init = llets (Lfunction(Curried, [cla], cl_init)) in
-+ and lclass cl_init lam =
- Llet(Strict, class_init, cl_init, lam (free_variables cl_init))
- and lbody fv =
- if List.for_all (fun id -> not (IdentSet.mem id fv)) ids then
-- Lapply (oo_prim "make_class",[transl_meth_list pub_meths;
-- Lvar class_init])
-+ lprim "make_class"
-+ (transl_meth_list pub_meths :: Lvar class_init :: filepos)
- else
- ltable table (
- Llet(
- Strict, env_init, Lapply(Lvar class_init, [Lvar table]),
-- Lsequence(
-- Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar table]),
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- [Lapply(Lvar env_init, [lambda_unit]);
-- Lvar class_init; Lvar env_init; lambda_unit]))))
-+ Lsequence(lprim "init_class_shared" (Lvar table :: filepos),
-+ ltuple [Lapply(Lvar env_init, [lambda_unit]);
-+ Lvar class_init; Lvar env_init; lambda_unit])))
- and lbody_virt lenvs =
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- [lambda_unit; Lfunction(Curried,[cla], cl_init); lambda_unit; lenvs])
-+ ltuple [lambda_unit; cl_init_fun; lambda_unit; lenvs]
- in
- (* Still easy: a class defined at toplevel *)
-- if top && concrete then lclass lbody else
-+ if top && concrete then lclass (llets cl_init_fun) lbody else
- if top then llets (lbody_virt lambda_unit) else
- (* Now for the hard stuff: prepare for table cacheing *)
-@@ -733,23 +750,16 @@
- let lenv =
- let menv =
- if !new_ids_meths = [] then lambda_unit else
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_meths) in
-+ ltuple ( (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_meths) in
- if !new_ids_init = [] then menv else
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- menv :: (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_init)
-+ ltuple (menv :: (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_init)
- and linh_envs =
- (fun (_, p) -> Lprim(Pfield 3, [transl_path p]))
- (List.rev inh_init)
- in
- let make_envs lam =
- Llet(StrictOpt, envs,
-- (if linh_envs = [] then lenv else
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), lenv :: linh_envs)),
-- lam)
-- and def_ids cla lam =
-- Llet(StrictOpt, env2,
-- Lapply (oo_prim "new_variable", [Lvar cla; transl_label ""]),
-+ (if linh_envs = [] then lenv else ltuple (lenv :: linh_envs)),
- lam)
- in
- let inh_paths =
-@@ -757,46 +767,53 @@
- (fun (_,path) -> List.mem (Path.head path) new_ids) inh_init in
- let inh_keys =
- (fun (_,p) -> Lprim(Pfield 1, [transl_path p])) inh_paths in
-- let lclass lam =
-- Llet(Strict, class_init,
-- Lfunction(Curried, [cla], def_ids cla cl_init), lam)
-+ let lclass_init lam =
-+ Llet(Strict, class_init, cl_init_fun, lam)
- and lcache lam =
- if inh_keys = [] then Llet(Alias, cached, Lvar tables, lam) else
-- Llet(Strict, cached,
-- Lapply(oo_prim "lookup_tables",
-- [Lvar tables; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), inh_keys)]),
-+ Llet(Strict, cached, lprim "lookup_tables" [Lvar tables; ltuple inh_keys],
- lam)
- and lset cached i lam =
- Lprim(Psetfield(i, true), [Lvar cached; lam])
- in
-- let ldirect () =
-- ltable cla
-- (Llet(Strict, env_init, def_ids cla cl_init,
-- Lsequence(Lapply (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
-- lset cached 0 (Lvar env_init))))
-- and lclass_virt () =
-- lset cached 0 (Lfunction(Curried, [cla], def_ids cla cl_init))
-+ let ldirect prim pos =
-+ ltable cla (
-+ Llet(Strict, env_init, cl_init,
-+ Lsequence(lprim prim (Lvar cla :: pos), Lvar env_init)))
-+ and lclass_concrete cached =
-+ ltuple [Lapply (lfield cached 0, [lenvs]);
-+ lfield cached 1; lfield cached 0; lenvs]
- in
- llets (
-- lcache (
-- Lsequence(
-- Lifthenelse(lfield cached 0, lambda_unit,
-- if ids = [] then ldirect () else
-- if not concrete then lclass_virt () else
-- lclass (
-- Lapply (oo_prim "make_class_store",
-- [transl_meth_list pub_meths;
-- Lvar class_init; Lvar cached]))),
- make_envs (
-- if ids = [] then Lapply(lfield cached 0, [lenvs]) else
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
-- if concrete then
-- [Lapply(lfield cached 0, [lenvs]);
-- lfield cached 1;
-- lfield cached 0;
-- lenvs]
-- else [lambda_unit; lfield cached 0; lambda_unit; lenvs]
-- )))))
-+ if inh_paths = [] && concrete then
-+ if ids = [] then begin
-+ table_init := Some (ldirect "init_class_shared" filepos);
-+ Lapply (Lvar tables, [lenvs])
-+ end else begin
-+ let init =
-+ lclass cl_init_fun (fun _ ->
-+ lprim "make_class_env"
-+ (transl_meth_list pub_meths :: Lvar class_init :: filepos))
-+ in table_init := Some init;
-+ lclass_concrete tables
-+ end
-+ else begin
-+ lcache (
-+ Lsequence(
-+ Lifthenelse(lfield cached 0, lambda_unit,
-+ if ids = [] then lset cached 0 (ldirect "init_class" []) else
-+ if not concrete then lset cached 0 cl_init_fun else
-+ lclass_init (
-+ lprim "make_class_store"
-+ [transl_meth_list pub_meths; Lvar class_init; Lvar cached])),
-+ llets (
-+ make_envs (
-+ if ids = [] then Lapply(lfield cached 0, [lenvs]) else
-+ if concrete then lclass_concrete cached else
-+ ltuple [lambda_unit; lfield cached 0; lambda_unit; lenvs]))))
-+ end))
- (* Wrapper for class compilation *)
-Index: bytecomp/
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/,v
-retrieving revision 1.9
-diff -u -r1.9
---- bytecomp/ 26 May 2004 11:10:51 -0000 1.9
-+++ bytecomp/ 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
- (* Insert labels *)
--let string s = Lconst (Const_base (Const_string s))
- let int n = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int n))
- let prim_makearray =
-@@ -124,8 +123,8 @@
- let top_env = ref Env.empty
- let classes = ref []
--let oo_add_class id =
-- classes := id :: !classes;
-+let oo_add_class id init =
-+ classes := (id, init) :: !classes;
- (!top_env, !cache_required)
- let oo_wrap env req f x =
-@@ -141,10 +140,12 @@
- let lambda = f x in
- let lambda =
- List.fold_left
-- (fun lambda id ->
-+ (fun lambda (id, init) ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, id,
-- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable),
-- [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit]),
-+ (match !init with
-+ Some lam -> lam
-+ | None -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable),
-+ [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit])),
- lambda))
- lambda !classes
- in
-Index: bytecomp/translobj.mli
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/translobj.mli,v
-retrieving revision 1.6
-diff -u -r1.6 translobj.mli
---- bytecomp/translobj.mli 26 May 2004 11:10:51 -0000 1.6
-+++ bytecomp/translobj.mli 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
- Ident.t -> int -> ('a -> lambda) -> 'a -> int * lambda
- val oo_wrap: Env.t -> bool -> ('a -> lambda) -> 'a -> lambda
--val oo_add_class: Ident.t -> Env.t * bool
-+val oo_add_class: Ident.t -> Lambda.lambda option ref -> Env.t * bool
-Index: byterun/compare.h
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/byterun/compare.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.2 compare.h
---- byterun/compare.h 31 Dec 2003 14:20:35 -0000 1.2
-+++ byterun/compare.h 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
- #define CAML_COMPARE_H
- CAMLextern int caml_compare_unordered;
-+CAMLextern value caml_compare(value, value);
- #endif /* CAML_COMPARE_H */
-Index: byterun/extern.c
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/byterun/extern.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.59
-diff -u -r1.59 extern.c
---- byterun/extern.c 4 Jan 2006 16:55:49 -0000 1.59
-+++ byterun/extern.c 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -411,6 +411,22 @@
- extern_record_location(v);
- break;
- }
-+ case Object_tag: {
-+ value field0;
-+ mlsize_t i;
-+ i = Wosize_val(Field(v, 0)) - 1;
-+ field0 = Field(Field(v, 0),i);
-+ if (Wosize_val(field0) > 0) {
-+ writecode32(CODE_OBJECT, Wosize_hd (hd));
-+ extern_record_location(v);
-+ extern_rec(field0);
-+ for (i = 1; i < sz - 1; i++) extern_rec(Field(v, i));
-+ v = Field(v, i);
-+ goto tailcall;
-+ }
-+ if (!extern_closures)
-+ extern_invalid_argument("output_value: dynamic class");
-+ } /* may fall through */
- default: {
- value field0;
- mlsize_t i;
-Index: byterun/intern.c
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/byterun/intern.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.60
-diff -u -r1.60 intern.c
---- byterun/intern.c 22 Sep 2005 14:21:50 -0000 1.60
-+++ byterun/intern.c 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
- #include "mlvalues.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "reverse.h"
-+#include "callback.h"
-+#include "compare.h"
- static unsigned char * intern_src;
- /* Reading pointer in block holding input data. */
-@@ -98,6 +100,25 @@
- #define readblock(dest,len) \
- (memmove((dest), intern_src, (len)), intern_src += (len))
-+static value get_method_table (value key)
-+ static value *classes = NULL;
-+ value current;
-+ if (classes == NULL) {
-+ classes = caml_named_value("caml_oo_classes");
-+ if (classes == NULL) return 0;
-+ caml_register_global_root(classes);
-+ }
-+ for (current = Field(*classes, 0); Is_block(current);
-+ current = Field(current, 1))
-+ {
-+ value head = Field(current, 0);
-+ if (caml_compare(key, Field(head, 0)) == Val_int(0))
-+ return Field(head, 1);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- static void intern_cleanup(void)
- {
- if (intern_input_malloced) caml_stat_free(intern_input);
-@@ -315,6 +336,24 @@
- Custom_ops_val(v) = ops;
- intern_dest += 1 + size;
- break;
-+ case CODE_OBJECT:
-+ size = read32u();
-+ v = Val_hp(intern_dest);
-+ *dest = v;
-+ if (intern_obj_table != NULL) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v;
-+ dest = (value *) (intern_dest + 1);
-+ *intern_dest = Make_header(size, Object_tag, intern_color);
-+ intern_dest += 1 + size;
-+ intern_rec(dest);
-+ *dest = get_method_table(*dest);
-+ if (*dest == 0) {
-+ intern_cleanup();
-+ caml_failwith("input_value: unknown class");
-+ }
-+ for(size--, dest++; size > 1; size--, dest++)
-+ intern_rec(dest);
-+ goto tailcall;
- default:
- intern_cleanup();
- caml_failwith("input_value: ill-formed message");
-Index: byterun/intext.h
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/byterun/intext.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.32
-diff -u -r1.32 intext.h
---- byterun/intext.h 22 Sep 2005 14:21:50 -0000 1.32
-+++ byterun/intext.h 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
- #define CODE_CODEPOINTER 0x10
- #define CODE_INFIXPOINTER 0x11
- #define CODE_CUSTOM 0x12
-+#define CODE_OBJECT 0x14
- #if ARCH_FLOAT_ENDIANNESS == 0x76543210
-Index: stdlib/
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/stdlib/,v
-retrieving revision 1.14
-diff -u -r1.14
---- stdlib/ 25 Oct 2005 18:34:07 -0000 1.14
-+++ stdlib/ 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -305,10 +305,38 @@
- public_methods;
- table
-+let create_table_variables pub_meths priv_meths vars =
-+ let tbl = create_table pub_meths in
-+ let pub_meths = to_array pub_meths
-+ and priv_meths = to_array priv_meths
-+ and vars = to_array vars in
-+ let len = 2 + Array.length pub_meths + Array.length priv_meths in
-+ let res = Array.create len tbl in
-+ let mv = new_methods_variables tbl pub_meths vars in
-+ Array.blit mv 0 res 1;
-+ res
- let init_class table =
- inst_var_count := !inst_var_count + table.size - 1;
- table.initializers <- List.rev table.initializers;
-- resize table (3 + magic table.methods.(1) * 16 / Sys.word_size)
-+ let len = 3 + magic table.methods.(1) * 16 / Sys.word_size in
-+ (* keep 1 more for extra info *)
-+ let len = if len > Array.length table.methods then len else len+1 in
-+ resize table len
-+let classes = ref []
-+let () = Callback.register "caml_oo_classes" classes
-+let init_class_shared table (file : string) (pos : int) =
-+ init_class table;
-+ let rec unique_pos pos =
-+ if List.mem_assoc (file, pos) !classes then unique_pos (pos + 0x100000)
-+ else pos in
-+ let pos = unique_pos pos in
-+ table.methods.(Array.length table.methods - 1) <- Obj.magic (file, pos);
-+ classes := ((file, pos), table.methods) :: !classes
- let inherits cla vals virt_meths concr_meths (_, super, _, env) top =
- narrow cla vals virt_meths concr_meths;
-@@ -319,12 +347,18 @@
- (fun nm -> get_method cla (get_method_label cla nm))
- (to_array concr_meths))
--let make_class pub_meths class_init =
-+let make_class pub_meths class_init file pos =
- let table = create_table pub_meths in
- let env_init = class_init table in
-- init_class table;
-+ init_class_shared table file pos;
- (env_init (Obj.repr 0), class_init, env_init, Obj.repr 0)
-+let make_class_env pub_meths class_init file pos =
-+ let table = create_table pub_meths in
-+ let env_init = class_init table in
-+ init_class_shared table file pos;
-+ (env_init, class_init)
- type init_table = { mutable env_init: t; mutable class_init: table -> t }
- let make_class_store pub_meths class_init init_table =
-Index: stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
-RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli,v
-retrieving revision 1.9
-diff -u -r1.9 camlinternalOO.mli
---- stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli 25 Oct 2005 18:34:07 -0000 1.9
-+++ stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli 2 Feb 2006 05:08:56 -0000
-@@ -43,14 +43,20 @@
- val add_initializer : table -> (obj -> unit) -> unit
- val dummy_table : table
- val create_table : string array -> table
-+(* val create_table_variables :
-+ string array -> string array -> string array -> table *)
- val init_class : table -> unit
-+val init_class_shared : table -> string -> int -> unit
- val inherits :
- table -> string array -> string array -> string array ->
- (t * (table -> obj -> Obj.t) * t * obj) -> bool ->
- (Obj.t * int array * closure array)
- val make_class :
-- string array -> (table -> Obj.t -> t) ->
-+ string array -> (table -> Obj.t -> t) -> string -> int ->
- (t * (table -> Obj.t -> t) * (Obj.t -> t) * Obj.t)
-+val make_class_env :
-+ string array -> (table -> Obj.t -> t) -> string -> int ->
-+ (Obj.t -> t) * (table -> Obj.t -> t)
- type init_table
- val make_class_store :
- string array -> (table -> t) -> init_table -> unit